When is it time to remove garlic from the garden. When and how to harvest garlic: the optimal time for digging winter and spring varieties

Garlic is one of the most valuable and favorite vegetable crops. Moreover, its presence is useful not only for our health, but also for many garden crops. Therefore, almost every gardener grows it on his site. It is quite easy to do this, since, knowing some of the nuances of cultivation, you can get a good harvest of this garden crop. In addition to planting and grooming, one of the important stages of the cultivation process garlic is timely cleaning.

Approximate dates

In the definition harvesting time of garlic you need take into account the landing time. The harvesting period for garlic planted for the winter begins in mid-late July and lasts until early August. Spring garlic fully ripens and is harvested two weeks later than winter garlic, in late August - mid September. However, if the summer is cold and rainy, these periods may be pushed back by one to two weeks.

So, the approximate dates when you need to remove garlic from the garden:

  • winter (winter) garlic is time to harvest in late July - early August.
  • spring garlic is harvested two weeks later, at the end of August.

In each region, the harvest time may vary slightly.

How to tell if the garlic is ripe?

By the cloves and feathers, you can easily determine that it's time to harvest the garlic:

  • The signs of maturity and readiness for harvesting garlic are the left arrows with a seed capsule. If the folded rings with arrows straighten, the boxes with the bulbs open and crack at the same time, then the bulbs are ready to be dug up.
  • In addition, if the lower leaves of the plant have turned yellow, and the upper ones have died, then this is also a sign of the maturity of the garlic.
  • If you still have doubts, you will have to dig up a couple of garlic bulbs and check by touch. The finished garlic will be hard, its cloves are easily separated, and the outer film is dry, comes off well and has a characteristic color for the planted species.

The timing of ripening and readiness of garlic is influenced by many factors:

  • the quality of the planting crop,
  • care,
  • soil condition,
  • top dressing in spring and summer,
  • weather.

But anyway, his need to clean up in time. When dug up prematurely, the cloves of garlic will be unripe, begin to dry out early, losing their nutrients. A when the garlic too long "sits" in the ground, the bulb can overripe, begin to crack and disintegrate into separate cloves. Such a crop will not be stored for long.

It is important to remember that it is better to remove garlic from the garden unripe than overripe.

Moon calendar

Some gardeners start harvesting garlic according to the Lunar calendar. According to him, in 2017, the following days of July are considered favorable dates for harvesting winter garlic:

  • 5 to 7, 15 to 16, 19 to 20, 23 to 34.

Spring garlic will be harvested in August, the best days will be:

  • from 1 to 3, from 11 to 12, from 15 to 16, from 29 to 30.

Cleaning nuances

You need to dig out garlic only in sunny weather, preferably before the rains. Then the bulbs will dry well and will not lose their beneficial properties. It is undesirable to roughly pull the plants out of the ground, in order to avoid the destruction of the bulbs and the scattering of the cloves. This should be done carefully, with a special shovel or small pitchfork. Small heads should be used first, as they are less well stored. Given the simple rules for harvesting garlic, you can extend its winter storage and get the maximum benefit from this crop.

Personal experience

Just the other day, on July 26, we decided to check whether it was necessary to remove our garlic, planted before winter, from the garden. It is worth noting that this is not winter garlic, but ordinary, simply planted before winter. By this time, the tips of the feathers had dried up and turned yellow.

They pulled out a couple of heads. They turned out to be not too large, with a thin skin. The verdict was pronounced: it is too early to harvest the garlic.

According to the approximate dates, the garlic planted before winter comes to be harvested at the end of July. And here (Srednaya lane, Yaroslavl region) on July 26 it was too early to do this. Probably, the climatic features of this summer influenced: it turned out to be damp and cold in our area. Everything keeps pace with a noticeable delay.

Baba Tanya tied the feathers so that there were no arrows and left the garlic to grow further.

When do you remove garlic from the garden? Share your experience in the comments 😉 We'll be glad!

Say what you like, but you can't do without garlic in the kitchen, after all, it is a plus for any dish, except for compote. That is why it is so important to always have it on hand and in reserve. As you know, it is the winter variety of garlic that is immediately used for food and for conservation, and spring garlic, although it is much smaller and more delicate in taste, is used for storage. It is quite clear that it is more expedient to grow both varieties, because while one, more precisely the winter one, is already ready for use, the other, of course, the spring one is only gaining strength. Naturally, the timing of harvesting winter and spring garlic is different. As a rule, they largely depend on the weather conditions of the current season: how quickly the earth warmed up, what the temperature was. However, if you dig up garlic too sooner or later, then various negative processes will begin to occur with it, which will negatively affect its storage in winter, so you need to correctly select the timing of harvesting a spicy crop from the garden. All these dacha problems will be discussed in our article.

When to harvest winter garlic and how to dig it up to store it

The decision of the summer resident to start harvesting garlic should be quite ripe and well thought out. It will be necessary to correctly take into account not only the signs of the readiness of the crop, but also to correctly determine the time and methods of harvesting.

Harvest time: signs of readiness

The timing of harvesting winter garlic, as a rule, falls on at the beginning-second half of July and continue until early August.

However, there are different varieties of winter garlic, which differ in terms of ripening - early (ready 3 months after germination) and late (a little less than 4 months).

Also, the timing of harvesting winter garlic may depend on what kind of garlic was planted in the fall, in other words, on the number of its fractions. So, single-toothed heads ripen much earlier, and even faster than early-maturing varieties. Next, the garlic ripens, which were planted with small cloves, then with medium and larger ones.

  • In the last month, significantly reduce watering, and stop altogether 1-2 weeks before collection. This is done in order to prevent rotting processes in the soil.

It is possible to determine whether winter garlic is ripe and whether it is necessary to harvest by its appearance:

Advice! If you have planted the same variety (of the same ripening period), then you can always dig up one head to check.

Note! Winter garlic is available as shooting and non-shooting.

Thus, when you notice that the leaves of the garlic have noticeably turned yellow, and the arrows have straightened, the scales have begun to crack slightly and bulbs appear, then it's time to start harvesting, and it is advisable to do this within a week.

If you do not rush or delay the harvesting of the spicy vegetable, then it will overripe, the bulb will crack and begin to disintegrate into separate slices. It is extremely important here that the shelf life in this case will decrease (although not fatally).

Video: harvesting garlic on time

How to dig up crops correctly

Advice! Like many other garden manipulations, it is better to harvest garlic in the early morning or late afternoon, in dry, clear and warm weather.

Direct cleaning, or rather, digging out the garlic must also be done correctly:

Video: when and how to harvest garlic

Harvest preparation for long storage

Once you have dug up all of the garlic, you will need to properly prepare it for storage. Here are some rules and tips, in other words, what you need to do before putting the heads in storage:

By the way! After you harvest the crop, you will have free space in the garden, which would be nice to take something up. If you are still undecided, then read our article on how to free the bed.

Video: how to properly prepare garlic for storage

When to harvest spring garlic

It is easy to guess that the harvest of garlic planted in spring (spring) is harvested later than that planted in autumn before winter (winter). As a rule, the period for digging out the heads of spring is in mid-August and ends somewhere in mid-September.

It is also not difficult to determine that spring garlic is ripe and ready to harvest, since the signs are the same (with one exception):

By the way! If you are guided by the lunar calendar, then you need to choose a dry sign, preferably on the waning moon.

If you give the spring garlic to overripe, then because of the autumn rains, its young roots may begin to grow, which will definitely negatively affect its keeping quality and the usefulness of the spicy heads.

Video: when and how to harvest spring garlic

How to store garlic at home in winter

It is important not only to determine the timing of collection, to properly dig up the plants from the garden, but also to be able to store the garlic heads for a long time.

Thus, the algorithm of action is clear, and now a lot depends on knowing the correct harvest time for garlic, on the methods you have chosen to carry out direct harvesting and competent preparation of the harvest for storage. In short, get to work!

Video: how to dig up and store garlic

In contact with

The most common type of garlic on Russian sites is winter garlic. Its name is attributed to the planting time before the onset of winter. It is not difficult to care for a vegetable, the main thing is to water and weed the beds in time during the growth period. And how and when is it necessary to harvest winter garlic in 2018 and is there an exact date for harvesting winter garlic by region?

The ripening period lasts about 100 days after seed germination. Before digging out the garlic, you need to take a closer look at them.

The main signs of maturity:

  • young roots appear at the bottom of the head;
  • ripe teeth are purple-colored, have a strong shell and easily break off from each other;
  • in the absence of arrows, the leaves dry out from below, above - turn yellow;
  • on top of the arrows, seeds are formed, and their shell bursts.

To check whether it is possible to harvest, you need to dig 2 or 3 garlic in different places and see what color they are.

If the vegetable is not removed from the garden in time, it can rot in the soil. Overripe slices will crack and dry out, the bulk of such cloves will not survive until winter.

How long does it take to harvest garlic in 2018

In the Moscow region and other central regions of Russia, bulbs of a sharp plant are dug up in mid-July.

In Siberia, the Urals and other regions of the North - in late July or early August.

In the Leningrad region, the culture is harvested in late August - early September.

In the south, for example, in Krasnodar, warming begins in early spring, so winter garlic is planted just at this time, and harvested in early July.

The ripening rate of a vegetable also depends on weather conditions. If in the summer (spring) heat and drought, the garlic is dug out with a delay of 14 days. But precipitation and intensive watering lead to the rapid development of cloves, so they start harvesting earlier.

What the lunar calendar says

Gardeners often organize sowing, planting, harvesting and other work on the site, focusing on astrology. Regarding when to harvest winter garlic in 2018, the lunar calendar gives the following recommendations:

  1. In July, the numbers are suitable: 5-8, 15-30.
  2. In August: 1, 3, 10, 11, 15-17, 26, 30.
  3. In September: 2, 3, 8-12, 15, 20-22, 26-29.

But you don't need to blindly trust the calendar, not paying attention to the weather.

How to dig up garlic correctly

  1. Harvest in dry weather. The soil in the beds must be dry. In order for the bulbs to dry out, there should be no precipitation for several days after harvesting.
  2. It is best to use a pitchfork to avoid damaging the garlic. They carefully pry the bulbs and pull them to the surface.
  3. The dug vegetable cannot be thrown. It must be carefully distributed over the bed, otherwise the heads will be deformed and will not be stored for a long time.
  4. In the absence of precipitation, dry the onions in the sun. It is better to bring it home at night so that excess moisture does not get on them.
  5. Peel and sort the garlic removed from the garden. Small deformed heads are not stored for a long time, they must be immediately added to dishes or preservation.
  6. Trim the roots and stems of the dry bulbs and leave a 1 to 2 cm section of the stem. This is done when the garlic is dry. But if it will be stored like a braid, the stems do not need to be touched.

How to prepare garlic for storage

After harvesting, as already mentioned, the onions are dried for about 5 days, either in the open sun or in a shelter, and then the roots are cut off. This is the first step in preparing a vegetable for wintering.

The dried heads are tied in bundles.

Bunches of garlic are hung in an unlit, ventilated place for at least a month.

The better the garlic is dried, the longer it will last.

Vegetable storage rules

Garlic can deteriorate in different ways: dry out, sprout, rot. Therefore, you must comply with all the conditions for its storage. It is advisable to place the bulbs in a cellar, where the temperature is maintained from +2 to +4. There it can be hung in bunches. There are several more storage options:

  1. At home, braid and hang in a cool room.
  2. Place in a basket or box with ventilation holes and store in an unlit place.
  3. Pack in a cheesecloth or cloth bag and place in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.
  4. Store in a cloth bag with onion husks to prevent drying out.
  5. If the storage area is too humid, the material is treated with a concentrated salt solution, which absorbs water and prevents diseases.

Timely harvested garlic will not lose its presentation for a long time and will remain until spring, or even until the next harvest.

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Frequent guest at the table, especially in the autumn-winter period. Having a pungent taste and strong smell, it is a must-have addition to meat dishes, sauces and salads. happens and.

It is very easy to distinguish these varieties from each other - there are 5-6 cloves in the head of winter garlic, and in the center there is a false stem, in the head of spring garlic there are many cloves (10-20 pieces), there is no false stem.

Another major difference is the planting time of these. winter is planted in late autumn, closer to winter, and spring - no later than mid-spring. Let's talk in more detail about when to harvest, planted in the fall.

When to clean up

It has been proven that the moon is an assistant in agricultural affairs, listening to the biorhythms of nature, you can harvest garlic without delay, while maintaining its quality for a long time.

So, ahead of us is the harvesting of garlic, let's find out when to pick winter garlic according to the lunar calendar:

  • In July 2018, the best days to collect from will be: 5-7, 15-16, 19-20, 23-24.
  • In August 2018, it is best to collect 1-3, 11-12, 15-16, 29-30.

However, it is not enough just to dig up winter garlic. It is necessary to carry out some manipulations with him, again using the lunar calendar, namely:

Important!To remove excess moisture in the place where the garlic is stored, it is necessary to pour coarse table salt into the container with it. It will remove excess moisture.

How to dig correctly

If you determined that yours is ripe, and the lunar calendar prompted the day when to dig out winter garlic, pay attention to the weather outside the window. It should be dry and sunny.

Dig up the garlic with a shovel or pitchfork. The latter help to do this more accurately and avoid injury to the heads. The garlic is dripped in and left to dry on. You do not need to trim the foliage. During drying, the garlic will take nutrients from the tops. Drying time is approximately 5 days. However, if the weather is bad outside, this is not a reason to postpone digging out the garlic.

In this case, it is dug up, but dried in a dry room with good ventilation. Drying time is 7-10 days.

Proper storage after harvest

After digging up the garlic, followed by drying in the sun, it should be carefully shaken off the clods of earth and the roots should be cut off, leaving a length of 3-5 mm. The tops and leaves are trimmed to a length of about 10 mm.

Growing garlic is not difficult, but it has its own peculiarities. They should be known and taken into account so that your garlic grows and tastes good. Today we will talk about when garlic is harvested for storage.

First of all, you need to distinguish garlic by planting time. It is planted both in spring and autumn. Moreover, in the spring you can plant only, and in the fall - both spring and winter (arrow). So let's figure out how to know when to harvest garlic.

When to harvest winter (winter) garlic?

The arrowhead garlic is harvested approximately 100-110 days after the first shoots appear. Depending on the climatic conditions in the region, this happens at the beginning or at the end of July. For example, in Ukraine and in central Russia there is an unspoken rule among the people: winter garlic is harvested on July 12, on the Orthodox holiday of the apostles Peter and Paul. By this time, it will be fully formed and will be ready for storage. You should not delay harvesting garlic, otherwise it will "sit out" in the ground and will be poorly stored. However, you should not remove it ahead of time. Collect any garlic in dry weather. Otherwise, the heads of garlic dug out of the moist soil will rot and the entire crop will quickly deteriorate.

Remove garlic from the soil carefully, taking care not to damage its roots. It is advisable to use a small garden shovel or pitchfork for this. Shake the soil from the roots, and then spread the garlic in the garden to dry. If your nights are damp or cool, then it is better to move the garlic indoors at night. It takes 2-3 days. Or you can bring the harvested crop under a canopy and hang it there.

Wait until the garlic is completely dry before trimming the roots and stems. The fact is that useful substances from them continue to "flow" into the bulb until the plant dries up. The roots are cut almost completely, and a stalk 10-15 cm long is left from the stem. However, this measure is not necessary: ​​if you store the garlic tied in pigtails, the stems can not be shortened.

Store winter garlic in a cool, dark and dry place. You can hang it or fold it into a box. Watch the temperature in the room: it should not be allowed to be too high. Then the garlic bulbs will begin to sprout, and such a plant will no longer be suitable for food. However, keep in mind: garlic will not sit for a long time. The harvest of winter garlic is recommended to be eaten or used for conservation until the beginning of autumn, when it begins to deteriorate. Then spring garlic is used for food, which will be stored all winter.

When to harvest spring garlic planted in autumn?

The rules for collecting such garlic are similar to those listed in the previous section. But the timing will be different. Spring garlic is harvested when the winter garlic is already harvested, 3-4 weeks later. This usually happens in August.

However, the weather is changeable, and sometimes the plant itself signals that it is time to dig it up. If its leaves turn yellow or completely lie down, and the arrow (inflorescence with small cloves) is cracked, then the garlic is already ready for harvesting. Strong dry scales will also signal its ripening - you will see them if you carefully dig out one of the bulbs to check.

If this year's harvest is stored for a long time and does not deteriorate, and its taste remains at its best, it means that you collected the garlic on time and store it correctly. Remember under what conditions it was done, and next year you will not have any problems with it.

As you can see, growing and harvesting garlic is a snap. If you have a summer cottage, be sure to plant garlic on it. It will make your meals tastier and healthier.