Lengthen tulle options. How to lengthen the curtains correctly

On the Internet, on women's forums, questions often arise regarding how to fit new curtains to the desired size. It often happens that people just move, naturally, take their favorite curtains and curtains with them, but in length they do not correspond to the new window opening. Also, everyone in life has probably had a situation when the sizes of new curtains were simply incorrectly calculated. But it happens that washing has a negative effect on the fabric - it shrinks a lot. If you are thinking about how to lengthen the curtains from below with your own hands, then you will certainly need the following simple methods that you can implement even at home.

The most popular ways to shorten curtains with your own hands

What can you do if the curtains are short? Work a little and do the work with your own hands, which will allow your interior to radically change and sparkle with new colors, acquire new accents and trends. There are many options for how to do this, the main thing is to choose the appropriate method in a particular case. Everything here will depend on your individual preferences, interior design and curtain style. As you change the size of the curtains, you can unleash your creativity and gain new knowledge.

Now let's get acquainted with the most common and already proven in practice methods of changing the length of curtains:

  • Ripping seams.
  • Sewing on loops.
  • Lambrequins.
  • Frill.
  • Transverse inserts.
  • Pendants.

We unpick and iron

Are you wondering how to lengthen the curtains beautifully when only 10-15 cm are missing? Everything is very simple here, you can simply add the missing centimeters by steaming the bottom hem of the product. As a result, you will get the desired length, and all that remains is to iron them well.

Extension with loops

This method involves a minimum of time, physical and mental strength. The main thing is to correctly determine the size of the loops. And we do it as follows:

  • You need to attach a curtain to the cornice and measure how many centimeters are missing.
  • Your folded stitches should be as long as this segment.
  • Add 1.5-2 cm to this figure for a seam allowance.
  • If you intend to still use fasteners, then add another 5 cm to the length of the loops.
  • Now select the fabric from which the buttonholes will be sewn. It is better if in its structure it is close to the fabric from which the curtains are sewn. They need to be attached to the top of the curtains by sewing on, joining with strings, bows or buttons. Then the loops are simply put on the curtain rod and your curtain is lengthened by 10-12 cm.

Important! The materials of the hinges and curtains in color, in principle, can both harmonize and contrast. You can sew loops from a decorative cord or dense braid. They can also be varied in shape - strings, straps, bows. They can be either one-piece or hold on beautiful buttons.

How to create lambrequins to lengthen the curtains

Have you bought curtains that are too short? How to lengthen them beautifully to hide visually missing millimeters. Lambrequin can be called a fairly popular modern decorative element. It is very easy to make it yourself by following this algorithm:

  1. Buy a lightweight but dense lambrequin fabric and lining fabric.
  2. Measure your curtain length and window height carefully.
  3. Create a template for the drapery at life size.
  4. Attach the finished template to the cornice and measure where the center of the window is.
  5. Make a pattern for the lambrequin and lining.
  6. Make allowances of 1.5-2 cm for the allowances.
  7. Put the details on a flat surface with the wrong side, sew the lambrequin and the lining together, while leaving one side not closed.
  8. Iron all seams well.
  9. Turn the drape inside out.

Sew on the original frill

The frill can be sewn on so neatly that the overall design of the curtains will not even change at all. If the room is decorated in the style of Minimalism, then it is not recommended to lengthen the curtains with too voluminous ruffles and flounces. Better to create something more weightless and light.

It is better to make ruffles from a material that will best match the texture and color with the main material. The main thing is that the frills are not too large, otherwise the curtains will not become flirty.

Elongation with transverse inserts

This option is considered the most painstaking of all previously listed, since you will have to completely redo the seams in order to refine the short curtains. How to lengthen beautifully products:

  • Cut the fabric where the inserts will be. To make the curtains more stylish, it is better to make inserts not in the center, but slightly to the right or to the left.
  • It is better to make inserts from materials that are contrasting in color, as close as possible in type, style and texture. So that they do not look aloof, you should sew hooks from the same fabric.
  • Sew piping from the same fabric to finish.

Important! The inserts do not have to be transverse, you can even make them oblique. It is recommended to do all the work as carefully as possible so that the finished products do not look too cheap.

Special hangers for curtains

It will be most appropriate to apply this method if the curtains are short. What can you do in order to use this trick to add some zest, splendor and charm to the design of the premises?

  • Buy strings of pearls, beads, pendants with crystals and stones.
  • At the bottom of the curtain, attach them at a certain distance in the form of hanging threads or waves.

Such curtains will look incredibly solemn, and their length will be as needed.

The question of how to properly and beautifully lengthen the curtains can arise from any housewife. There are different reasons for such a decision: after washing, the fabric of the village, there was a desire to make changes to the design of the curtains, in the new apartment the ceilings are higher and the windows are larger, etc. Let's find out how to beautifully lengthen the curtains at the bottom.


Today there is an opportunity for many people to turn to professionals for help. To correct your curtains, a specialist comes to your home, who will discuss with you the style and color of the product, and will also take all the measurements. However, not everyone has the opportunity to call a designer at home, or they want to create a masterpiece for decorating a window with their own hands. In this case, this article will help you do your own curtain lengthening.

It's another matter if the curtains are very short. In this case, you will need to find a way to lengthen the curtains so that they look original and beautiful. The main thing is that the new curtains bring complete harmony into the overall solution of the interior. To accomplish this problem with your own hands, you can use several methods.

Other fabric

You can lengthen the curtains from the bottom with another fabric. At the same time, they try to use the curtain fabric in the same style as the main material from which the curtains are created. If you need to lengthen the curtains by 10-15 cm, just peel off the hem at the bottom and carefully iron the edge. However, this option is suitable if the hem was made of sufficient length when sewing the curtain. Pulling back the seams, releasing the remaining fabric and ironing the fabric well, changes in the product will be invisible, as in the photo.

If the material from which the curtains are sewn has been serving for more than one year, it may lose its original color. Therefore, from above, between the main canvas and the released hem, a clear contrast will be noticeable. In this case, you can completely shorten the curtains and apply them to the kitchen or bathroom, where they will fit more successfully.


If you do not want to part with the length of these curtains, you can cut off the problematic lower part of the curtains and lengthen the curtains from the bottom: the photo shows how to do this beautifully. Women who know how to do this will make the new seam invisible. Of course, it is difficult to choose the pattern and color of the fabric that would successfully match the main canvas. But you can choose a contrasting fabric that will match the curtains and look stylish. So, you can add a red hem to the bottom of light curtains, and fabric with a golden or silver sheen is suitable for dark curtains, as shown in the video.


Sometimes the curtains are missing only a couple of centimeters. This problem can be solved in this way: lower the cornice a little lower.


A very beautiful lengthening of curtains is performed using original pendants, which can be found in specialized stores. Such pendants can be made in the form of tassels from bright silk threads, from Swarovski glass, beads and pearls. This method can lengthen the curtains if it is short and achieve the length you need. In addition, beautiful pendants can add special charm and elegance to the interior of your room. You can also make your own pendant that will perfectly fit into the style of your particular interior. For lengthening fabric or tulle curtains, you can find the right solution yourself. It remains only to attach these products to the lower edge of the canvas and your curtain will acquire the length you need. This method is not suitable if the curtains are very short. But even in this case, the pendants are able to perfectly decorate the window opening.


Ruffles on the curtains look very nice, especially on the kitchen window. This method must be approached carefully so as not to disrupt the overall appearance of the product. If you have designed your room in a minimalist style, then you should not lengthen the curtains with the help of flounces and lush ruffles below. Better to create something airy and light:

  • It is advisable to choose the fabric for frills so that it is maximally combined not only in color, but also in texture with the main fabric;
  • Ruffles are strips of fabric that can be of different widths;

  • In order to lengthen the curtain, we cut off strips of fabric of the required length in a straight line, plus for a hemming and for stitching with the main fabric. At the same time, the length of the fabric strip should be almost one and a half times longer than the width of the curtain;
  • Be aware to use a longer piece of fabric for ruffles in thin, soft fabrics than with regular fabrics. This is so that you can collect a tighter frill to preserve the beautiful appearance of the folds. For pleated frills, cut the fabric to three times the length of the stitching section.


There are many other ways to beautifully lengthen short curtains with your own hands: using fabric loops, lambrequins, transverse inserts, etc. You can practice any methods on your own, and your curtains will acquire the desired format, and the interior of the room will sparkle in a new way.
It is worth noting that if your curtains are chic and very expensive curtains, you should not lengthen them yourself. It is better to give such expensive things to professionals for restoration.

You can use any method to lengthen your curtain. The main thing is that you fantasize and try to do the job accurately. All the methods described above can be used not only in extreme cases when you need to lengthen the curtains. They are also suitable for the case when you just want to change the design of the curtains that you have already looked at. Moreover, an elongated curtain with your own hands will always look more elegant and prettier.

No room with window openings will complete the interior design without the right curtains. Their choice must be taken very carefully and carefully. If, for any reason, the curtains you have purchased are not of sufficient length, then there is a risk of disrupting the entire style in the room. But do not immediately despair and go to buy new curtains. There is a great alternative. You can change the length of the canvases yourself with your own hands. Further, it is worth considering some recommendations, thanks to which, you can easily lengthen the curtains at home, without the help of professional workshops.

Correct curtain length

Before you start cutting new curtains, you need to decide what kind of role they will play in the room.

Typically, curtains should be used in the following variations:

  • Long curtains. In this case, the curtains do not reach the floor literally 5-6 cm. This type of curtain is most popular, but there is one significant drawback: the use of such canvases in rooms with low ceilings is impractical. The process of sewing such products with your own hands should be taken very carefully, since any, even not significant, mistake will reduce all your efforts to zero.
  • Curtains that run down to the floor. Such models are able to visually lengthen the premises, complementing it with notes of luxury and celebration. If the floors in the room are uneven, then the composition will not be perfect. In the case of uneven flooring, it would be better to use curtains with additional overlap.
  • Curtains, the length of which reaches the windowsill. This type of canvases is most often used when decorating kitchen or dining rooms. It is very important here not to be mistaken with measurements of the height of the window opening.

Pay attention to the purchased curtains, if they do not fit the options described above, then you can safely take up the tool and lengthen them.

Since you are striving to lengthen the curtains, this process should avoid any mistakes, because work will be done to rework the previously purchased canvases.

For this, it is advisable to take into account some important points, namely:

  • The required height should be measured directly near the window opening, otherwise, there is a risk of taking inaccurate readings.
  • In addition, do not forget that 2-3 cm of fabrics must be left below and above the canvases, which will later be used as allowances and seams.
  • It is also advisable to add a couple more centimeters of material, which, subsequently, will go to the cornice.

Given these moments, you can breathe new life into old or poorly sewn curtains. Now, it is worth paying attention to what will be required for further work.

Required materials and tools

Finished canvases can be lengthened in several different ways, namely: using fabric loops, adding decorative pendants, as well as inserting additional fabric, or a lambrequin.

You will need:

  • Sharp enough cutting tool for cutting fabrics.
  • Material from which inserts, loops, or additional decorations will be made.
  • You can use a pencil or chalk for marking.
  • Needles and thread and a sewing machine.
  • Fabric for patterns and additional decorative accessories for creating jewelry.
  • Iron. It is desirable that it has the function of steam.

This list of materials and tools is standard, without which you will not be able to lengthen 3855 with your own hands.

Lengthening curtains

As described earlier, there are several ways to enlarge the curtains.

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the method of lengthening curtains using fabric loops. In this case, the purchased canvases will remain intact. You will need to carefully make graceful fabric loops with your own hands, with the help of which the curtains will lower to the floor. Using this method, you will be able to lower the curtains by a maximum of 12 cm, since the larger loops will not fit into the harmonious design of the window opening. In addition, it must be borne in mind that this method assumes the presence of a cornice in the form of a pipe.
  • Visually enlarging the curtains with an additional decorative element such as a lambrequin. This method is suitable only when it is necessary to extend the curtains by a small number of centimeters. Do not forget that a do-it-yourself lambrequin creates only a visual lengthening of the curtains. Also, do not forget about the cornice, as it should assume the presence of an additional section where such an ornament will be attached. In addition, it is worth noting that in order to create a beautiful and harmonious product, you will need some sewing skills. There is a misconception that lambrequins collect too much dust. In practice, this is not the case, because you can remove the accessory at any time and send it to the wash, after which it will take its place in a clean state.
  • In the case when it is required to lengthen the curtain to a significant length, the use of loops or additional decorations is not possible. In this case, do not despair, as you can extend the canvases. First of all, you need to choose a fabric that will be in harmony with the color of the curtains. Then, you need to cut out the required length with your own hands and add it to the bottom of the curtains. Thus, your curtains will have a more pleasant appearance. The solution is quite simple, but it requires care and accuracy when measuring.
  • Next, it is worth considering a more sophisticated method of lengthening curtains. In this case, fabric inserts will be used, with the help of which it will be possible to extend the curtain to the required length. From the bottom edge of the canvases, you will need to cut a strip.

It is desirable that its length be no more than 50 cm. Next, an insert of the required length is attached to the remaining part of the canvas, after which the previously cut strip of curtain is attached to the insert. This method is rather painstaking, so it will be appropriate only if you have enough free time and desire to sew.

Beauty, comfort, functionality - these are the criteria for choosing tulle for windows. The question of the length of the curtains is at the discretion of the owners, because any options are acceptable. This method is suitable if you need to increase the curtains by a few centimeters. Using this method of increasing the length of the curtain in practice, it is recommended to carry out the work with a high degree of accuracy - so that the result obtained does not look cheap and patchy. The modern design allows the use of cropped curtains for any room. It should be borne in mind that they are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings, since they visually make the room lower. Such curtains are the most difficult to sew. It is better that in structure it is similar to the material of curtains. If you are making hinges in a new shade, then think about how they will be combined with the rest of the design of the room. There are many varieties of short curtains to suit any space. In most cases, a curtain lengthened on its own at home looks much more graceful and elegant than before making its transformation. When choosing a curtain for this room, you need to pay attention to its density, especially if curtains are not used. They can be used when there is simply a desire to make changes to the appearance of boring curtains. There are many ways to lengthen the curtains to a certain size, you just need to decide on the most suitable option.

Cells and stripes are not common in interiors. And if there are, then basically their use is determined by the design in the traditional style of the country style. A small apartment, as a rule, is associated with the first step to an independent life or the desire to live closer to the center with limited financial resources. Since this process involves reworking an existing product, it is important to get it right. You can solve the issue with compatibility, as in the second method. Only at first glance it seems that choosing a picture as a gift is a simple procedure. It is very easy and simple to create with your own hands.

15 wide). And then they tied the whole thing with the help of a beautiful cord. You can attach special pendants at certain distances, in the form of waves or hanging threads, in general, as your imagination allows you.

The maximum is to cut off the bottom with a scalloped edge and insert the finishing fabric there. But this is not possible with every drawing. Next, you need to throw the tape over the curtain pipe to take a measurement. In addition, you should provide 1.5 cm for the seams and another 4-5 cm for fastening buttons or ties.

When folded, the loops should be of the same length as the missing length.

Shabby chic and tulle - the perfect combination

There are fabrics from which it is almost impossible to achieve smooth, beautiful folds. If the fabric does not stretch very much, then you need to make a top, preferably from the same fabric with curtains (if any). If you could not find buttons in the desired shade, then try to sheathe them with fabric. One kind of fabric is needed for the outside, and the other for the lining. In other words, the top layer of curtains should be dense enough so that the bottom layer of curtains does not show through. The most stylish will look like curtains that have an insert material not directly in the center of the fabric, but somewhat to the left or to the right. In this case, the consumption of fabric will be higher, and the drapery, touching the floor, will accumulate dust. In addition, pets can either stain or damage the product.

If the curtains are too short, look under the curtain tape. As a rule, a supply of fabric is hidden there in the sewing workshop. It is better to leave the hem wide enough at the bottom. Extending curtains with a lambrequin requires some sewing skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, then contact the professionals in the studio. I didn't even know that there are so many ways to lengthen the curtains. It will be necessary to get any of your curtains out of the closet and increase their length with one of the proposed options. Ties can be made from the same fabric or a different fabric to give the curtains a playful look. If the connection is made by stitching, you can decorate the junction of the curtains and loops by making edging. The material for the combination must be selected carefully, in accordance with the texture and color of the main curtain. You can complement the curtain with additional fabric edging or by creating flirty ruffles. If you want to give the room a charm or a new look, then lengthen the curtain from below by attaching pendants. Curtain to the floor. This length of the curtain has the opposite effect - it visually makes the ceilings higher. This option is considered classic and looks very sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing.

If you are saving on the curtain assembly factor, then do it so that the curtains look natural. But do not forget that, unlike clothes, we observe curtains all day under the influence of back light, to the light. It is necessary to use short curtains in the interior of any room, based on its purpose and size.

If the curtain is made of an arch or does not reach the windowsill, then the short tulle for the kitchen is decorated with braid, frills, fringes. So that the sewn-in inserts do not look aloof, we recommend that you sew curtain hooks or any other decorative elements (for example, pillowcases or tablecloths) from the same material.

A curtain in the form of a lambrequin - a very short tulle or a beautiful lambrequin is located under the cornice, and the skylight is closed with horizontal or roller blinds.

Next, it remains to turn out the lambrequin and iron it. You can try it on to the curtain. A short tulle curtain looks harmonious with long curtains. Examples of edging curtains and a decorative patchwork tie.

Also on this topic:

Beauty, comfort, functionality - these are the criteria for choosing tulle for windows. The question of the length of the curtains is at the discretion of the owners, because any options are acceptable. This method is suitable if you need to increase the curtains by a few centimeters. Using this method of increasing the length of the curtain in practice, it is recommended to carry out the work with a high degree of accuracy - so that the result obtained does not look cheap and patchy. The modern design allows the use of cropped curtains for any room. It should be borne in mind that they are not suitable for rooms with low ceilings, since they visually make the room lower.

Such curtains are the most difficult to sew. It is better that in structure it is similar to the material of curtains. If you are making hinges in a new shade, then think about how they will be combined with the rest of the design of the room. There are many varieties of short curtains to suit any space. In most cases, a curtain lengthened on its own at home looks much more graceful and elegant than before making its transformation. When choosing a curtain for this room, you need to pay attention to its density, especially if curtains are not used. They can be used when there is simply a desire to make changes to the appearance of boring curtains. There are many ways to lengthen the curtains to a certain size, you just need to decide on the most suitable option.

Cells and stripes are not common in interiors. And if there are, then basically their use is determined by the design in the traditional style of the country style. A small apartment, as a rule, is associated with the first step to an independent life or the desire to live closer to the center with limited financial resources. Since this process involves reworking an existing product, it is important to get it right.

8 ways to lengthen curtains if they are short

You can solve the issue with compatibility, as in the second method. Only at first glance it seems that choosing a picture as a gift is a simple procedure. It is very easy and simple to create with your own hands.

15 wide). And then they tied the whole thing with the help of a beautiful cord. You can attach special pendants at certain distances, in the form of waves or hanging threads, in general, as your imagination allows you.

The maximum is to cut off the bottom with a scalloped edge and insert the finishing fabric there. But this is not possible with every drawing. Next, you need to throw the tape over the curtain pipe to take a measurement. In addition, you should provide 1.5 cm for the seams and another 4-5 cm for fastening buttons or ties.

When folded, the loops should be of the same length as the missing length.

There are fabrics from which it is almost impossible to achieve smooth, beautiful folds. If the fabric does not stretch very much, then you need to make a top, preferably from the same fabric with curtains (if any). If you could not find buttons in the desired shade, then try to sheathe them with fabric. One kind of fabric is needed for the outside, and the other for the lining. In other words, the top layer of curtains should be dense enough so that the bottom layer of curtains does not show through. The most stylish will look like curtains that have an insert material not directly in the center of the fabric, but somewhat to the left or to the right. In this case, the consumption of fabric will be higher, and the drapery, touching the floor, will accumulate dust. In addition, pets can either stain or damage the product.

If the curtains are too short, look under the curtain tape. As a rule, a supply of fabric is hidden there in the sewing workshop. It is better to leave the hem wide enough at the bottom. Extending curtains with a lambrequin requires some sewing skills. If you are not confident in your abilities, then contact the professionals in the studio. I didn't even know that there are so many ways to lengthen the curtains. It will be necessary to get any of your curtains out of the closet and increase their length with one of the proposed options. Ties can be made from the same fabric or a different fabric to give the curtains a playful look. If the connection is made by stitching, you can decorate the junction of the curtains and loops by making edging. The material for the combination must be selected carefully, in accordance with the texture and color of the main curtain. You can complement the curtain with additional fabric edging or by creating flirty ruffles. If you want to give the room a charm or a new look, then lengthen the curtain from below by attaching pendants. Curtain to the floor. This length of the curtain has the opposite effect - it visually makes the ceilings higher. This option is considered classic and looks very sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing.

If you are saving on the curtain assembly factor, then do it so that the curtains look natural. But do not forget that, unlike clothes, we observe curtains all day under the influence of back light, to the light. It is necessary to use short curtains in the interior of any room, based on its purpose and size.

If the curtain is made of an arch or does not reach the windowsill, then the short tulle for the kitchen is decorated with braid, frills, fringes. So that the sewn-in inserts do not look aloof, we recommend that you sew curtain hooks or any other decorative elements (for example, pillowcases or tablecloths) from the same material.

A curtain in the form of a lambrequin - a very short tulle or a beautiful lambrequin is located under the cornice, and the skylight is closed with horizontal or roller blinds.

Next, it remains to turn out the lambrequin and iron it. You can try it on to the curtain. A short tulle curtain looks harmonious with long curtains. Examples of edging curtains and a decorative patchwork tie.

Also on this topic:

Extend the curtains

Other fabric


Sometimes the curtains are missing only a couple of centimeters.

How beautiful it is to shorten the curtains without cutting them

This problem can be solved in this way: lower the cornice a little lower.


Ruffles on the curtains look very nice, especially on the kitchen window. This method must be approached carefully so as not to disrupt the overall appearance of the product. If you have designed your room in a minimalist style, then you should not lengthen the curtains with the help of flounces and lush ruffles below. Better to create something airy and light:


Curtains in the interior of the living room are an element that gives the room completeness and individuality. The window in the living room is a reflection of the atmosphere that fills the room, so it is very important to choose the right design for it. Curtains in the living room not only help to create coziness, but hide some defects in walls and corners, as well as visually change the size of the room. This is especially true for combined curtains of several colors. How to sew two-tone curtains with your own hands, choose the right fabric, we will discuss in this article.

We select the texture of the combined fabrics

Sewing curtains of two colors most often involves a combination of fabrics. In order for the fabrics to blend harmoniously with each other, you need to choose a material of the same or at least a similar texture. Firstly, outwardly, such a combination looks more attractive. And, secondly, from a practical point of view, fabrics of different texture can give different shrinkage after washing, which can ultimately lead to a distortion of the entire curtain.

In addition to the texture, you need to take into account the density of the material. A combination of medium-density fabrics, which flows and does not weigh down the window, will be especially successful for curtains. In addition, the density of the fabric will depend on which function of the curtains is emphasized. If the curtains are only for decorative purposes, then you can choose any fabric that is suitable in style and color, since by securing these curtains, you will not often move them later.

If the curtains are needed to shade the room during the day or hide the room in the evening and at night, then in this case a denser fabric with good opacity is required.

Having decided on the texture, you need to carefully choose the colors for the curtains. You can create a lot of combinations of two colors, but whether they will be appropriate in the living room is not an easy question. What do designers recommend about this? Here are some of their tips:

  • combining two colors of fabric for curtains, take as a basis those shades that are present in the design of the living room. Perhaps it will be some one shade - it will be the main one, and an additional one can be chosen already to this main one. In this case, two-tone curtains will overlap with the overall composition of the living room;
  • especially interesting are combinations of contrasting colors, for example, red and white, black and white, pistachio and chocolate, brown and turquoise. Such curtains will become an accent element in the interior, they are great for monochrome decoration of the living room, if the room seems boring to you;
  • you can combine colors on the curtains both vertically and horizontally. If the room has low ceilings, it is better to combine colors vertically. If it is necessary to stretch the room in width, the colors are combined horizontally;
  • it is better to connect fabrics of two colors with each other so that the darker color falls on the lower part of the curtain, and in the case of a vertical combination, on the extreme part.

What is needed to sew straight curtains?

Consider a simple example of how you can sew two-tone curtains with your own hands. Having the basic skills of cutting and sewing, it is not difficult to make two straight classic curtains.

How to lengthen a curtain or tulle without the help of a specialist

The first thing to do is measure the length of the cornice and the height of the ceilings from the floor to the hook on the cornice. These parameters will help determine the required amount of fabric.

For curtains, they usually take 1.5-2 lengths of the cornice, that is, for a three-meter cornice, taking into account the hemming of the side sections, 4.9-5.4 meters of fabric will be needed. The height of the fabric is calculated as follows: the fabric is added to the height of the ceiling by hemming the curtains from the bottom and from the top, for example, for a ceiling height of 2.5 m, a fabric of 2 m 66 cm is enough.In addition, if you combine fabric vertically, then you need to add more to the length 2 cm (4.9 + 4 = 4.92m), and if horizontally, then add the same value to the height of the curtains. Thus, we obtained that for curtains with a vertical combination of colors, a piece of fabric with a length of 4.92: 2 = 2.46 m and a height of 2.66 m of one color and the same piece of a different color is required.

In addition to fabric, you will also need:

  • threads;
  • needles;
  • curtain tape;
  • scissors;
  • pins.

We sew the curtains ourselves

Before you start sewing, take two cuts of the fabric you purchased and cut each of them vertically exactly in half. To sew a canvas from two parts of different colors, you need to fold them face-to-face to each other. Then sew with the sewing machine at a distance of 1 cm from the edge and overfold. Next, gently iron the seam with an iron. Wrap 2 cm on the sides and iron too, tuck 2 cm again and iron again. Now, carefully along the edge of the fold, we make an even stitch. The bottom edge of the curtain is sewn in the same way.

We proceed to sewing on the curtain tape. To do this, turn the curtain to the width of the tape and iron it with an iron. We attach the tape to the lapel with loops up and fasten it with pins. We make a line along the upper and lower edges of the curtain tape. The second curtain fabric is sewn in the same way.

Important! Before sewing, check the stitch quality on a separate piece of fabric and, if necessary, adjust the thread tension to avoid damaging the fabric.

Well, now you just have to thread the hooks into the loops of the tape at an equal distance from each other. And hang the curtains on the cornice. Such curtains are usually complemented with beautiful tulle or light transparent organza, in combination with which it looks elegant and attractive. Thanks to this, no one can see you day or night.

Thus, two-color curtains for the living room can not only be ordered from an experienced craftsman, but also sewn with your own hands. Combined curtains will help freshen up your interior, even if you're not planning on renovating. A little patience, a desire to work and you yourself will turn the room for receiving guests into a cozy and comfortable place where your relatives and friends will gather.

Photo of combined curtains in the interior of the living room

The question of how to properly and beautifully lengthen the curtains can arise from any housewife. There are different reasons for such a decision: after washing, the fabric of the village, there was a desire to make changes to the design of the curtains, in the new apartment the ceilings are higher and the windows are larger, etc. Let's find out how to beautifully lengthen the curtains at the bottom.

Extend the curtains

Today there is an opportunity for many people to turn to professionals for help. To correct your curtains, a specialist comes to your home, who will discuss with you the style and color of the product, and will also take all the measurements. However, not everyone has the opportunity to call a designer at home, or they want to create a masterpiece for decorating a window with their own hands. In this case, this article will help you do your own curtain lengthening.

It's another matter if the curtains are very short. In this case, you will need to find a way to lengthen the curtains so that they look original and beautiful. The main thing is that the new curtains bring complete harmony into the overall solution of the interior. To accomplish this problem with your own hands, you can use several methods.

Other fabric

You can lengthen the curtains from the bottom with another fabric. At the same time, they try to use the curtain fabric in the same style as the main material from which the curtains are created. If you need to lengthen the curtains by 10-15 cm, just peel off the hem at the bottom and carefully iron the edge. However, this option is suitable if the hem was made of sufficient length when sewing the curtain. Pulling back the seams, releasing the remaining fabric and ironing the fabric well, changes in the product will be invisible, as in the photo.


If you do not want to part with the length of these curtains, you can cut off the problematic lower part of the curtains and lengthen the curtains from the bottom: the photo shows how to do this beautifully. Women who know how to do this will make the new seam invisible. Of course, it is difficult to choose the pattern and color of the fabric that would successfully match the main canvas. But you can choose a contrasting fabric that will match the curtains and look stylish. So, you can add a red hem to the bottom of light curtains, and fabric with a golden or silver sheen is suitable for dark curtains, as shown in the video.

Sometimes the curtains are missing only a couple of centimeters. This problem can be solved in this way: lower the cornice a little lower.


A very beautiful lengthening of curtains is performed using original pendants, which can be found in specialized stores. Such pendants can be made in the form of tassels from bright silk threads, from Swarovski glass, beads and pearls. This method can lengthen the curtains if it is short and achieve the length you need. In addition, beautiful pendants can add special charm and elegance to the interior of your room. You can also make your own pendant that will perfectly fit into the style of your particular interior. For lengthening fabric or tulle curtains, you can find the right solution yourself. It remains only to attach these products to the lower edge of the canvas and your curtain will acquire the length you need. This method is not suitable if the curtains are very short. But even in this case, the pendants are able to perfectly decorate the window opening.

Ruffles on the curtains look very nice, especially on the kitchen window.

This method must be approached carefully so as not to disrupt the overall appearance of the product. If you have designed your room in a minimalist style, then you should not lengthen the curtains with the help of flounces and lush ruffles below. Better to create something airy and light:


There are many other ways to beautifully lengthen short curtains with your own hands: using fabric loops, lambrequins, transverse inserts, etc. You can practice any methods on your own, and your curtains will acquire the desired format, and the interior of the room will sparkle in a new way.
It is worth noting that if your curtains are chic and very expensive curtains, you should not lengthen them yourself. It is better to give such expensive things to professionals for restoration.

You can use any method to lengthen your curtain. The main thing is that you fantasize and try to do the job accurately. All the methods described above can be used not only in extreme cases when you need to lengthen the curtains. They are also suitable for the case when you just want to change the design of the curtains that you have already looked at. Moreover, an elongated curtain with your own hands will always look more elegant and prettier.

Overview Ways to lengthen the curtains beautifully from the bottom.

General issues

In everyday life, not everything and does not always go smoothly: every housewife is often trapped by different "tragedies". One of them is short curtains. The reasons for the misfortune are varied - fabric shrinkage, calculation errors, new "apartments" with high ceilings. It is clear who is to blame, but what to do? Some ladies solve the issue simply, but not practical: they put off the material until better times and go to the store for new curtains. However, many believe that "this is not our method." They start looking for ways to lengthen the curtains to save the thing they love. And they find it, because there are several options for saving the curtains, and they are all worthy of consideration.

How to keep the curtains?

The hostess will not have to figure out how to lengthen the curtains, since there are already several ways - both practical and witty, helping to "reanimate" the insidious curtains that have become shorter. Missing centimeters can always be found or added. The operation is performed either at the top of the products, or at the bottom. Another option is in several places at once.

The method largely depends on the material of the curtains, texture, and its colors. A sewing machine will greatly simplify the implementation of simple operations that usually do not require the involvement of designers or workers in sewing shops. The range of options for saving your favorite belongings includes:

  • ripping the allowances and lengthening at their expense (if the deficit of the necessary centimeters is not catastrophic);
  • sewing on ruffles, frills along the bottom edge of the curtains, this method allows you to increase the length much;
  • design with loops, their shape can be different (for example, a pigtail, woven from the same material);
  • sewing on ribbons with tassels, fringes to curtains, tulle or making pendants yourself, material - colorless fishing line, beads, beads;
  • the use of curtain inventions - lambrequins, eyelets.

If the curtains lack quite a bit of "growth", then the first thought that can come to mind will save you from "fiddling" with the material and the sewing machine. This ingenious way is to outweigh the cornice a couple of centimeters below.

Looking for a few centimeters

Often, after washing, the minimum distance from the floor is not counted, although there are also more "difficult" cases when a rather large piece of fabric disappears into nowhere (somewhere). If housewives are faced with the first problem, then more often complex manipulations are not needed. However, this method will not work with transparent materials.

  1. First, the bottom allowance is ripped off, since it is usually processed into a hem.
  2. Having straightened the hidden centimeters, the fabric is ironed with an iron so that the seam marks disappear.
  3. The cut is processed in a different way - with an overlock seam, facing or edging with a contrasting fabric.

This simple method has a "contraindication": if the curtains had time to fade, and the difference became noticeable, then it is better to refuse it. Fabrics of different shades, with sharp edges, will not look too pretty.

Ruffle decoration

This simple method will come in handy if the room is decorated in a romantic or country style. Before the elements are made, the width of the curtain is measured, and the result is multiplied by 2. Then a strip of this length is cut out, the width is 10 cm, but it depends on the number of ruffles and centimeters that the curtains are missing; seam allowances are added to this figure.

  1. Having stepped back from the edge of the strip 2 cm, the material is baked in one thread.
  2. The assembly is made the same length as the width of the curtain, the ends of the thread are fixed.
  3. Ruffles are sewn to the lower edge of the curtain, a machine seam is laid. If there is a desire or need, then the seam is hidden under lace ribbons.

This option is picky about the fabric for ruffles. In color and texture, it must be in harmony with the material of the curtain. If a bold - contrasting - solution is chosen, then some decorative element of the same color should be present in the upper part of the curtains.

Extending curtains with hinges

This ingenious method also allows you to achieve results with a minimum of effort. The most important task is to correctly determine the length of the loops. It should be similar to the distance that is missing. Allowances for seams must be added to it - from 1 to 2 cm. The loops should not be too narrow, otherwise the folds will turn out to be sloppy.

  1. After determining the size and shape, the products are cut and sewn. First, the decorations are sewn to the curtain with a thread, at equal distances from each other.
  2. A curtain with swept loops is tried on in its rightful place, if necessary, with their help, the length of the curtain is adjusted to the optimum.
  3. Sew on decorative elements, decorate as desired.

This is an option for pipe eaves only. The fabric can be of the same shade or contrasting. Its replacement is a dense braid. You can decorate the loops in different ways, the most popular are bows or buttons covered with the same fabric.

Sewing on additional fabric

This method is not easy, it is elementary, because a piece of fabric is sewn to the bottom of the curtains. However, in this case, accurate calculations and accurate processing of slices are important. The method will appeal to those housewives who do not have the same fabric left, since in this case combinations of different colors and textures are permissible, but harmony is important.

  1. Measure the width of the "shrunken" canvas, then the size of the piece that is needed. Add 3 cm to the first size on each side of the new part. Add 3-4 cm to the height - on the seam from above and for the hem from below.
  2. The sides and bottom are hemmed, the top edge is overcast by hand or on a zigzag machine.
  3. Both parts are swept away, tried on on the cornice. If everything is perfect, it is sewn on a typewriter.

They act in the same way if the curtain insert is selected in the middle or closer to the edges. The method with additional canvases has an advantage, as it allows you to achieve the transformation of even boring curtains with the help of fabrics of other colors. The uniform texture of the material will help to create the impression of the product's integrity.

Short tulle, fixed with suspenders

In this case, you won't have to cut the fabric, and the product will look quite original. This solution is suitable for classic interiors, will fit into rooms that are not alien to the romantic "mood". Contraindication - rooms made in ascetic styles. There, such decoration is inappropriate.

  1. In the store they buy transparent fishing line, the same beads, beads. Measure the required distance from the floor to the edge of the curtain.
  2. On a fishing line threaded into a needle, they collect the required number of decorative elements, thread it into the lower edge of the fabric, and fix it with a knot.
  3. The entire lower edge of the product is decorated in the same way.

An easier solution is to purchase a fringed tulle ribbon. In this case, it remains to sew them along the edge. However, this method is not suitable for those who have baleen-tailed researchers who try everything that is freely available with their teeth and claws. Small children naturalists can also make adjustments to the appearance of curtains. A worthy alternative for such “troubled families” is the addition of lace ribbons to the curtains.

Eyelets, lambrequin to help

Saving the position with eyelets is a slightly different option with sewing on an additional strip of fabric, but it is fully justified. This solution looks more natural on tulle curtains, because they require inserts of denser materials that can withstand the presence of the fittings. The combination of various textures in this case is not only a necessity, it also looks very impressive. However, eyelet curtain rods must have a circular cross-section. The fabric of the strip must be in harmony with the material of the curtains. The best option is to repeat one of the shades of the base material on the added strip.

Lambrequin camouflage. This option is more often recommended when the curtains "sat down" by only a few centimeters, since the drapery allows you to visually increase their length. However, it can be a salvation if there is no suitable fabric for the stripes, and there is not enough strength to part with the curtains. In this case, it is possible to sew the missing part of any color to the top of the curtains, because it will be reliably hidden behind the lambrequin. But this product requires a special cornice.

  1. They buy 2 cuts of fabric at once, a dense one is needed for the product itself, a thin one for its lining. Measure out the size of the window.
  2. They choose a model, make a full-size blank - from glued sheets of paper, newspapers, wallpaper, tracing paper.
  3. The workpiece is tried on on the window, along the way marking the center of the future product. Cut out 2 parts - for dense and lining fabric, do not forget to leave allowances (2 cm).
  4. Sweep the blanks from the inside out, leaving one side free, check on the window. Then they are stitched on a typewriter.

There is a way to solve the short curtain puzzle without having to sew on strips. If you outweigh the curtain rod for the curtains below, and the one that is intended for the lambrequin is slightly raised, then the goal will be achieved with "little blood".

There are other answers to the question of how to lengthen the curtains. For example, by sewing oblique strips of other fabric into the main fabric. However, this option is more demanding, since the material will have to be cut with almost surgical precision.

You can get hold of some useful ideas by watching this video: