What does the name Dmitry from the Greek mean. The meaning of Dima for the boy: character and fate, the origin of the male name Dmitry

Dmitry name - meaning and origin:

demmere (Greek). Demeter is one of the most revered deities of the Olympic Pantheon. Literal importance is the mother earth, the personification of fertility.

Energy and karma:

In this name, Dmitry energy of the spring, which seems to be able to shrink as much as if suddenly suddenly does not shoot. Alas, it is often happening at the most inopportune moment. On the one hand, the Name Energy inclines Dmitry to patience, and it often happens so unnoticed that those surrounding, and sometimes Dima himself, perceive it as almost absolute calm, but this battery should be discharged. And here the other side of the energy is coming to the fore, the impulsivity and explosion of character.

Secrets of communication:

Dmitry is often increpanied in a conversation, but after the conflict usually quickly leaves and calms down. It is hardly for a long time to hone an evil. Often in joint affairs, he does not benefit at first, and confidence and friendly relations, however, starting with him the next project, try to discuss it less, otherwise Dima may be so seizing the process of discussion that the matter does not have time. However, when the discussion is completed and the deadlines are stipulated, it will rather work for three, which will bring partner.

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • Planet: Pluto.
  • Colors named after Dmitry: yellowish brown, steel.
  • Stone-talisman: black and fiery opal, silver jewelry.

Value name Dmitry Option 2

The meaning of Dmitry - the name comes from the ancient Greek word "Demetriss - belonging to Demeter. (In the ancient mythology of Demeter - the goddess of the Earth and fertility). Externally detects similarity with the mother.

Dmitry has quite frequent respiratory diseases, angina, influenza, bronchitis make Dima painful child. In childhood, the instability of the nervous system, capriciousness, increased demanding to others are noticeable.

With age, the health of Dima is strengthened, and the capriciousness is reborn into stubbornness. Very volitional, may explode, it's hard to communicate with it. The smart, persistent, is inventive, not afraid of labor. Colleagues appreciate in it, the ability to easily experience failures. As a result, Dmitry is progressing, especially succeeded in those professions where it is necessary to communicate with people.

Adorable comfort, comfort, beautiful women and a variety of pleasures. It is difficult for them to limit themselves in anything. To create Dmitry the necessary level of life comfort, his wife will have a lot to break her head.

With the name of Dmitry, many associatively connected the word "impoverished". Dmitry Dmitry, charming and cruel. Rushing into battle, he rarely thinks about the consequences, for which it happens often punished.

In love. A new feeling captures it so much and undivided that without special remorse, he changes his sympathies. Despite the frequent marriages for Dmitry, they retain touching attachment to children from previous marriages and continue to take care of them throughout their lives. Wife will have to come to terms with the grip of her husband. Large authority in Dmitriev uses mother. Moderately jealous. They do not mind drink, but there are no addiction to alcoholic drinks. Romantic attitude towards women persists until the oldest.

Dmitry will find happiness in marriage with Anna, Elena, Forests, Lily, Love, Lyudmila, Natalia, Jana. Unfortunately, with Agnes, Angela, Victoria, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Marina, Nina, Rimma, Sofia, Yulia Dima should not be inpetting fate.

Name name Dmitry Option 3

Male Name Dmitry - In honor of Demetra - Goddess Fertility and agriculture (Greek)

Externally, Dima discovers the similarity with the mother. Frequent respiratory diseases, angina, influenza, bronchitis make it a painful child.

As a childhood, capricious, places an increased demanding to others. With age, health is strengthened, and the capriciousness is reborn into stubbornness. A very volitional man can explode, it's hard to compete with it. The cleaner is inventive, not afraid of labor. Colleagues appreciate in it, the ability to easily experience failures. As a result, Dmitry is achieved by success, most successful in those professions that are associated with communication.

Dmitry loves comfort, comfort, beautiful women and a variety of pleasures. There is nothing worse for him how to limit yourself in anything. To create it the necessary level of life comfort, my wife will have a lot to break her head.

For Dmitry is characteristic of love. A new feeling captures him so much and undivided that he changes his sympathies without much remorse. Despite his repeated marriages for him, he retains touching attachment to children from previous marriages and continues to take care of them throughout his life.

The spouse will have to come to terms with the griffness of Dima. His mother enjoys great authority. Moderately jealous. From the reception of alcoholic beverages does not refuse, addiction is rarely developed. Romantic attitude towards a woman is preserved until old age.

"Winter" Dmitry must necessarily be the leader. Has fighting qualities.

"Autumn" - too practical, knows the price of money. May be the leader, a SanEpidemist doctor, a dentist. The name is suitable for the patches: Borisovich, Leonidovich, Mikhailovich, Sergeevich, Viktorovich, Andreevich.

"Summer" - in love, jealous, proud.

"Spring" Dmitry - stubborn, unpredictable. It can become a decorator artist, sculptor, writer. Suitable for patches: Maksimovich, Petrovich, Artyomovich, Denisovich, Olegovich.

Meaning name Dmitry option 4

In early childhood, all Dmitry is sick with laryngitis and tonsillites. Very charming in early childhood: small, round. Adults are becoming early, then they are sick.

Before any business, Dmitry, as a rule, calculates possible options. It is focused on family and joint actions with business partners, work. Ready to help comrade. It has logical thinking. Dmitry can use people in their own interests. Sociable, quite like to teach.

Sadness volition, explosive. It is well cooperating with them and difficult to compete. Writeness and flexibility, speed and accuracy will be allowed to Dmitry to make an error-free choice in sex, although the romantic attraction to other women does not leave them to old age. Maximum potency never fills.

Meaning name Dmitry option 5

Dmitry Mystery of the name - from Greek: relating to Demeter, in the ancient mythology of Demeter - the goddess of fertility and agriculture; Spoken Mitrine; in the surprise of Mitrey; Star. Dimitri.

Derivatives: Dima, Dimaha, Dimasha, Dimuha, Dimush, Dimuly, Dimuya, Mitya, Mitya, Mitulya, Mituja, Mityuha, Mityusha, Mityaja, Mityasha, Mitry, Mitry, Mitryuha, Mitryusha.

Name Day Dmitry: February 24, May 28, June 16, August 22, September 24, October 4, 8, 10, 28 November.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Dmitra Girl Schitra, and after Dmitra still hectare. Sly Mitrine, and Ivan is not a fool.

Dimitriev day - winter climbs on the woven. If November 8th cold and snow, then spring is late and cold, and if the thaw - winter and spring warm.

Dimitrievskaya Saturday - Parental, on this day in Russia commemorated the dead.


Dmitry - Nature with mighty deposits, but extremely inconsistent with each other, non-harmonic, with sharp corners and all sorts of surprises. Dima Gord. This pride entails directivity and truthfulness.

It is not indifferent to food and drink, luxurious atmosphere. It is inclined to appreciate the external honor. Therefore, he so wants money, giving and power, and various pleasures. Sometimes the sensuality is struggling in it with greed, and ragged with misfortune. Pride forces Dmitry to demand from herself more than he can, but, understanding his inconsistency, he is ready to refuse from what is capable of.

Usually he has complex relationships with parents. Father Dima is not subsequent. With his mother, he is closer - partly because the mother always makes life for his disobedience and after the conflict, Dmitry comes to her, as if nothing had happened.

Meaning name Dmitry option 6

The origin of Dmitry - belonging to Demeter (Greek).

Name Day: October 4 - Saint Dmitry Tuttalo, Metropolitan Rostovsky, wrote a lot of disbelief books (Con. XVII - beginning. XVIII centuries).

On November 8 - the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry Solunsky, underwent great torments for Christ and in the dungeon was punched with spears in 306.

  • Zodiac sign - Scorpio.
  • Planet Dmitry - Saturn.
  • Color - magenta.
  • Favorable tree - Rowan.
  • Covenate plant - chrysanthemum.
  • Patter named after Dmitry - Morzha.
  • Stone-talisman - lapis.


Dima is a stubborn, volitional, explosive. Very sociable, faithful friendship, but it's hard with him. The smart, persistent, is ingenious.

But Dmitry will not succeed in life, if he will give up his passion to boltology and empty abuse.

Meaning name Dmitry option 7

In early childhood, Dima is subject to frequent colds; Increased temperature suffers badly. Dmitry looks like a mother. He loves to spilt the topics for distracted topics; A desperate debater who does not know how to listen to others.

The disappointment is always on its own. It is difficult to communicate with him, but not careful. Loves the company, he has many friends; They only conjugately laughing on his harmless stubbornness. At work, he is usually a lot of goodwires and even patrons. Most often achieves success in service, becomes a good specialist in a wide variety of areas.

Being very in love, Dmitry easily changes sympathy and extremely rarely indulgence of memories of the past. He is completely deprived of a sense of responsibility to his wife, but she is gently tied to children, touchingly cares about them even after a possible divorce; Never allow his child to be adopted by stepfather. In everyday life, Dima - Sibarrit, adores comfort, comfort, appreciates care of himself. It is meaningless to invite him to a tour with a tent and tea drinking by the fire.

Dmitry prefers travel, stops in fashionable hotels and feed on expensive restaurants.

Meaning name Dmitry option 8

The name Dmitry means - relating to Demeter, the Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility. Name Day on June 16.

In this name, the energy of the spring, which seems to be able to compress how long, until suddenly suddenly hesitate.

And here it comes to the fore, impulsiveness and explosion hazard character. Often, Dmitry is incorporated in a conversation, but after the conflict, it usually goes away and calms down. It is hardly for a long time to hone an evil.

Often, in joint affairs of Dmitry, the first place will not benefit, and confidence and friendly relations, however, starting with him another project, try less discussing it, otherwise Dima may be so seizing the discussion process that the matter does not have time.

However, when the discussion is completed and the deadlines are stipulated, Dmitry will rather work for three, which will bring partner.

Forms named Dmitry

Brief form named Dmitry. Dima, Dimuly, Dirm, Mitya, Demi, Deda, Deme, Mija, Dimsho, Mitya, Mityuha, Mityusha, Mityaja, Mityasha, Mitryuha, Mitryusha, Dimaha, Dimuha, Dimusha, Mitulya, Mityun.Synonyms named after Dmitry. Dimitri, Dimitrio, Demetrius, Demetrio, Demetri, Demeter, Dmitro.Brief and diminishing options: Dima, Mitya, Mitya, Mityusha, Mityaja, Mitryuha, Mitryusha.

Passion: Dmitrievich, Dmitrievna.

Name Dmitry in different languages

Consider writing and sounding a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write hieroglyphs): 梅德 (Méi Dé). Japanese: ドミトリー (Domitorī). Armenian: դմիտրի (Dmitri). Nepali: दिमित्री (dimitrī). Ukrainian: Dmitro. Greek: ντμίτρι (ntmítri). English: Dmitry (Dmitry).

Origin of the name Dmitry.

The name Dmitry is common, meaning "dedicated to the goddess Demetra." Demeter is an ancient Greek Goddess of Earth and fertility, so the name Dmitry often give the value of the "farmer".

Folk forms named after Dmitry in Russian: Mitria, Mitrey. The dimensional-cavement of Micah is also used to appeal to Mikhail.

Every time you learn that your new acquaintance is named Dmitry, know that in front of you is unusually kind, active and having the will to the life of a person.

Greek names in Russian culture definitely a lot, and Dmitry is one of them. Literally, this name means a man belonging to Demeter, one of the most revered goddesses in ancient Greek mythology. This resident of Olympa essentially personifies the fertility and the love of Mother Earth to their children. It is she who is responsible for yields and flowering, for the resurrection of life in the spring and falling asleep in winter.

Dmitry character

Although in the life of Dmitry it is difficult to break, he can block into himself under the cargo of popular problems. He is unable to enter the position of another person and may be overlooked. Dmitry looks at all the events of Dmitry "from his bell tower", and in the event that he does not like what is happening, Dmitry's reaction can be too explosive.

Dmitry is faithful to friendship, but it is not easy to live with him. You can communicate with him for a long time, but strong will and stubbornness will not give rest in the home atmosphere. Dmitry can be very talented, smart and smart, but it will not be able to achieve anything in life until the spectacle characteristic of him is. For Mothers, Dmitry - the embodiment of their dreams and an object for balobiness.

Dmitry also quickly falls in love, as cooling. In a relationship, he boldly goes to the target target and often achieves success. But for the successes in the life of this man, as a rule, there are failures, after the takeoffs - fall. Stability is not peculiar to men with this name.

Mystery named after Dmitry.

Finding a common language with Dmitry is quite difficult. It has a volitional character, but it can easily explode on any trivia. Dmitry is not afraid of labor, he is persistent and ingenious, with each person he can easily make friends and become a good friend. Dmitry should pick up the profession where it is necessary to communicate with many people. In addition, such men love a variety of pleasures, beautiful women, comfort and comfort.
Dima can easily rush into battle without thinking about the consequences. He is love, gives him a new novel with all the passion. This is exactly what allows him to change the partner without remorse. Often, Dima marries repeatedly, but to all his children he retains attachment and love. In the family, Dmitry Grålly, loves to drink, a little jealous, romantic. A reputable person for him is his mother.

Astrological characteristics name:

Color name: yellowish brown, silver
Radiation: 93%
Planet: Pluto
A rock-Talisman: black and fiery opal
Plant: Chrysanthemum
Totemny Animal: Morzha
Maintenance Dmitry character traits: explosive, stubborn, volitional

Additional feature name:

Vibration: 113 000 kenc / s.
Self-realization (character): 95%
Psychic: very stubborn, it's hard to prove something
Health Dmitriy: laryngitis and tonsillites

Numerology named after Dmitry.

Earth, Nature Mother, her and grave:

What gave rise to, it also shores.

William Shakespeare

The name of Dimitri is derived from the name of the Greek Goddess Demetra.

Mounting Days, including 04.01, 09.02, 17.02, 24.02, 14.08, 13.09,24.09,, 14.12.

Personality. Fertile Niva.

Characteristic named after Dmitry spelled:

D - sense of duty;

And - love for art;

M - peacefulness, peacemaking;

And - repeat;

T - sacrifice;

V- professionalism;

And - repeat;

Th - impulsiveness.

What does the name Dmitry in Numerology:

Dimitri \u003d 51512912 \u003d 8 (uranium).

The purpose of life determine the vibrations of uranium, the planet of the Great Transformation through the outbreak, impulse, ingenious insight.

What does the name Dmitry on astrology mean:

5-1 (Jupiter - Sun), the aspect is strengthened - an exaggerated opinion about himself, the need to develop patience;

1-2 (Sun - Moon) - successful marriage, excellent relationship with others, excellent health;

9-1 (Neptune - the Sun) - the evolution of personality development;

8-2 (uranium - moon), white magician line, activities in the present.

Karmic lessons name:

3 (Mars) - severe self-criticism, pessimism, sometimes - inappropriate seriousness;

4 (Mercury) - chaos in affairs, lack of methods and discipline;

6 (Venus) - lack of heat in relations with people;

7 (Saturn) is a lack of will to implement the best qualities of the person.

Characteristic named after Dmitry, taking into account analysis

Dimitri is endowed with the "imperial" data from nature. Inclined to rebuild, taking contradictory decisions, but it is not a blame - it is karmically dependent on the higher forces. Often it is that they allow you to show the best qualities.

May succeed literally in everything. Areas of activity: Theatrical director, filmography, film business, dramaturgy, writing, in general - creativity, jurisprudence, military, sports, religion. It's a shame, but excellent Dimitria data is often not used.

The sexuality of the middle level. Raper husband, caring father. Women's names: Daria, Maria, Marina. No matter the names do not have.

Positive features name

Lifebye, optimism, sociability, friendliness, impairment, erudition, creative imagination. Adult Dmitry smart, patient, persistent, does not lower his hands with failures, easily focuses in a new setting, knows how to tie relations with people they need.

Negative features name

Impulsiveness, timewise, egoism. In childhood, Dmitry Caprisen, having hesitating, needs to be protected, but at the same time a tough in relation to those who do not like. Dmitry will not miss anything. Wishes to get everything from life and immediately. Communication turns into his monologue, he does not know how to listen to the interlocutor, verminated, seeks to say about everything immediately, confused in thoughts. Location to adventures and risk often leads to luck, but for the failure of Dmitry is cruelly punishable.

Choice of profession by name

Dmitry often visits creative inspiration and illuminating the great idea. He can be a talented writer, artist, composer, scientist. If necessary, it exhibits amazing endurance and efficiency. But monotonous work is not for Dmitry. It can realize himself in public and political activities due to the mind and eloquence, the originality of ideas. Capable to jerk in the desire to get a quick result. These qualities have Dmitry to entrepreneurship, organizational activities, leadership in social movements.

Influence on business

Dmitry is ready to risk money. The ups and downs usually alternate, money is melting in the hands of Dmitry. It can manifest an outstanding business ability if he does not take to captivate himself with unreserved dreams and scams.

Impact name on health

As a child, it often suffers from colds and viral nature, laryngitis and tonsillitis. Adult Dmitry Mnitelin in relation to his health, loves to be treated. It does not refuse to eat alcohol, but there is no strong addiction to it.

Psychology named

In childhood, Dmitry needs to be accustomed to the plannedness in studies and other activities, it is necessary to direct its energy into the constructive channel - more things and less words. Recommended sports. Dmitry-Partner is a generator of ideas, but you need to stop it on time, otherwise he will waste his energy.

Sexuality named Dmitry.

Dmitry quickly knows his first woman. It is a bit impracticious, delicate (especially the "summer"), a married betrayal, if he does, having lived with his wife for many years. It happens that only for forty years, he begins to fully understand his sexual opportunities and comprehend that other men were also known in his youth. Having discovered all the completeness of the sensations that sex can give, he gets rid of the idealization of intimate relations inherent for him before and starts to conduct an intense sex life. However, it may also occur that its uncommon temperament will remain unrealized.

Dmitry often turns out to be unable to free themselves from prejudice and incorrect ideas about sex life. In this case, it is awaited by disappointing and regretful of the lost years of youth. Such Dmitry in the marriage becomes a good and faithful husband. "The September" Dmitry loves his wife, helps her, but internal closure and inconsistency never leave him until the oldest. With his cold restraint, he is trying to make a disregard for sex, but romantic dreams have been occupied for a long time.

Dmitry has no natural instinct to take anything. He will not go to risk, the unknown and uncertainty are afraid of him. He tries to die their passion, suppress them with reason. Dmitry's own sexual behavior seeks to bring in line with generally accepted moral norms. Many Dmitry do not get married, remaining old bachelors. Dmitry's personal life, as a rule, tries to organize himself, and in adulthood feels comfortable. It treats sex carefully if he has a mistress, it is very consistent in this area.

Dmitry - a man of moderate temperament, but speaks a lot about sex and listens about him with undisguised pleasure. For the "Winter" Dmitry love and sex are inseparable. The more sensitive to his partner, the frank it in his erotic caresses. He is familiar with stormy hobbies, he does not tolerate the infidelity of the girlfriend, jealous and suspicious. It takes out his strength in sex, trying to avoid complex situations.

Mystery named after Dmitry according to the theory of Father Paul (P.A. Florensky)

His character and the whole appearance is significant, it is a natural with mighty deposit, but extremely inconsistent with each other. Dmitry Straysten, and his passion is not superficial attractions and hobbies, but deep feelings. Dmitry Gord, and this pride entails directivity and truthfulness. It is tied to food and drink, to a luxurious atmosphere, inclined to appreciate the external honor, then he wants money, giving and power, and various pleasures. This is a severe start of Dmitry. Such severity makes it generally difficult in everyday relations and, together with its inner intensity, serves an obstacle to the full disclosure and the implementation of its abilities. Dmitry is apparent significantly above average, but pride makes him demand from herself more than he is capable of, and, understanding his insufficiency for this, he prefers to refrain even from what he is capable of.

Characteristic named after Dmitry, according to P. Most

Character: 98%

Radiation: 97%

Vibration: 114,000 speakers / s

Color: Red.

Maintenance Features: Will - Activity - Sexuality - Health.

A type: Men wearing the name Dmitry, are very inclined to close in themselves and sternly look at others. Overly subjective, rarely try to put themselves in place of another person.

Psychic: Guided by logic, they are somewhat lacking diplomatic. Favorite saying: "Either Pan, or disappeared." Pride is their vulnerable trait, and it is quite possible to play on their desire always and everywhere to be the best and unsurpassed.

Will: Very strong, even despotic.

Excitability: Weak, but gives them some warmth.

Speed reactions: It is choleric, but fully controlling their reactions. They carefully choose smart and intelligent buddies who remain true, but do not imagine friendship without complete submission of friends of their will. Very sensitive to defeats and failures.

Activity: Comments Excess!

Intuition: More or less listened to her voice.

Intelligence: Possess alive, cold analytical mind. Without examining the situation thoroughly, do not draw conclusions.

Susceptibility: Strong, although trying to hide your sensitivity. Possess merciless memory, never forgetting about her good, nor about evil.

Moral: High morality is one of their main features; Do not recognize jokes on this topic.

Health: possess a huge survivability! Healthy, resistant to diseases, but must follow the blood circulation system and heart.

Sexuality: Very sensual. Early reach sexual maturity, but do not know and do not understand feminine psychology. Instead of trying to seduce a woman, behave like cavemen ...

Field activities: Easily achieve success. Accustomed from childhood to discipline and require the same from others. Work to achieve a certain and clearly set goal, and not for the sake of unexpected discoveries. They like medicine, achieve great success in trading.

Sociability: This is their weak side. The lack of a beat leads to the fact that those surrounding begin to experience antipathy to them.

Additionally: No need to make "evil wolves" from them, as it gives them great pleasure, while those surrounding the complex of inferiority. Do not forget that from the children's years they need to put in place, later it will be much harder ... if not completely impossible!

Compatibility named after Dmitry and the middle name

Dmitry Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Valentinovich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhayovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich Calculary, knows the price of money, knows how to earn. However, you won't call it, it does not finish, loves to make gifts. In the family caring, values \u200b\u200bgood relations, loves children. Hidden, rarely shares with his wife with his problems at work. He loves unexpected travel, business trips, easy to ideas, always achieves positive results, so it is sent more often than others. Jealous, especially in a drunk. In such a state, there is a sharp, unnewned, it is impossible to object, it is unsafe. Freedoming, does not allow the spouse to control it, reserves the right to have a personal life. In marriage has sons.

Dmitry Aleksandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Makitirovich, Matveyevich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Panteleevich, Romanovich, Tarasovich, Timofeevich, Timurovich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich Impulsten, is unreasonable. Very in love, highly sexy. Often changes the partner, does not seek to other relations with women, easily eludes responsibility, avoids complications. Beloved to himself can not be close, hidden, it is impossible to look into the soul. Chiter, calculating and careful. Long does not marry or happens married several times.

In the circle of women feels more confident than among men. Family relations are complicated, outstacious, selfish, although very tied to children. The spouse chooses energetic, independent, cheerful, witty. Reliable in matters relating to family well-being, home improvement.

Dmitry Bogdanovich, Veliaminovich, Vilenovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadyevich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich, usually gifted, musical, has a subtle sense of humor, a wonderful narrator, a valet. Much of time pays for its appearance, selfish, selflessly. Located to overpriced self-esteem and very too. Does not tolerate monotonous life, loves funny companies, often suits holidays in their home. He marries late and never decides on a divorce on its own initiative, no matter how difficult, relations with the spouse. It is difficult to get used to new circumstances, the conditions of existence. Tied to the family, although rarely is at home. Often spends time with friends behind the preference, it happens on the racetrack, fond of fishing, hunting. Wife often changes. He has all-choice children.

Dmitry Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerevich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Igorevich, Iosifovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich has a strong and solid character. Does not be someone else's influence, it is capable of influence others. This is a good diplomat and psychologist. Enjoy the high attention of women. Charming, knows how to impress, extremely sexy. Always leaves only good memories about himself, although, not wanting to complicate life, never gets long-term love relationships. It is not in a hurry to get a family. The spouse chooses a sexy, externally attractive, intellectually developed woman and becomes a good family man: can provide a comfortable existence of homemade, helps in the economy. Most often has daughters whom just adores. But the old age becomes grilling, capricious, annoying.

Dmitry Alanovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Dmitrievich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich has a complex, uncompromising. Hot-tempered, does not tolerate objections. Jealous, emotionally unnewned. He has fun in the company, but until that time, until he canoky. Drinking, endlessly arguing, can arrange a scandal. His first marriage is rarely successful, the second time marries not soon. Among such Dmitriev a lot of convinced bachelors. He loves women very much, although relations with them are not long.

Dmitry does not like to associate himself promises. In the family the undisputed leader, a good father. Even if he divorces his wife, he never forgets about children. He is born boys.

Famous people named Dmitry

Dmitry Solunsky (Christian Holy III-IV century)
Dmitry Donskoy ((1350 - 1389) Great Prince Moscow and Vladimirsky)
Dmitry Shostakovich ((1906 - 1975) Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. People's Artist of the USSR (1954), Hero of Socialist Labor (1966). Laureate of the five Stalinist premiums and one State Prize of the USSR.)
Dmitry Pozharsky ((1578 - 1642) Prince, Russian National hero, Military and politician, Head of the second national militia, who freed Moscow from Polish-Lithuanian occupiers)
Dmitry Laptev ((1701 - 1767) The navigator, a member of the Great Northern Expedition, is called his name, the strait is called Dmitry Laptev)
Dmitry Mendeleev ((1834 - 1907) Russian Academic and Encyclopedist: Chemist, Physicochemistry, Physicist, Metrologist, Economist, Technologist, Geologist, Meteorologist, Teacher, Airpowder, Instrument Worker. Professor of the University of St. Petersburg; Corresponding Member on the category of "Physical" Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Among the most famous discoveries are the periodic law of chemical elements, one of the fundamental laws of the universe, an integral for all natural science.)
Demetriy I polyorquet ((336 - 283 BC) King of Asia, King of Macedonia)
Demetrius I Soter ((OK.187 - 150 BC) King of Syria)
Demetriya II Natila ((161 - 125 BC) King of Syria)
Dmitry Sautin ((Row.1974) Soviet and Russian jumper into the water, two-time Olympic champion, the only holder of 8 Olympic Awards in the jumps in the water. Honored Master of Sport of Russia (2000).)
Dmitry Sychev ((Row.1983) Russian football player. Bronze medalist of the 2008 European Championship, Champion of Russia of 2004, in the same year recognized by the player's football player in Russia, both to survey players and to survey journalists. Honored Master of Sports of Russia (2008) . According to the survey, the VTsIOM twice became the most popular football player of Russia (2005, 2006).)
Dmitry Kabalevsky ((1904 - 1987) Outstanding Soviet composer, conductor and pianist, teacher. People's Artist of the USSR (1963). Hero of Socialist Labor (1974). Laureate Leninsky (1972), Trey Stalinist (1946, 1949, 1951) and State Prize USSR (1980). Doctor of Art History (1965). Valid Member of the USSR APU (1971).)
Dmitry Malikov ((Row.1970) Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, singer, producer and TV presenter. People's Artist of Russia (2010).)
Dmitry Kharatyan ((Ry.1960) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2000), People's Artist of Russia (2007), also awarded the Medal of "Professional Russia".)
Dmitry Bibikov (1792 - 1870) Russian State Affairs, Member of the State Council, Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire (1852 - 1855), Member of the Russian-Turkish and Patriotic War of 1812, Governor-General, Mason)
Dmitry Merezhkovsky ((1866 - 1941) Russian writer, poet, critic, translator, historian, religious philosopher, public figure. Husband poetess Zinaida Hippius. D.S. Melezhkovsky, a bright representative of the Silver Century, entered the story as one of the founders of Russian symbolism , the founder is new for Russian literature genre of the historical and philosophical novel, one of the pioneers of the religious and philosophical approach to the analysis of literature, an outstanding essuraist and literary critic. Meriazhkovsky (since 1914, when his candidacy was put forward by Academician N.A. Kotleyevsky) repeatedly claimed The discussion of the Nobel Prize; I was close to it in 1933 (when I.A. Bunin became the laureate). The controversial philosophical ideas and the radical political views of DS Memerzhkovsky caused sharply ambiguous responses; however, even opponents were recognized in it outstanding writer, genre innovator and one of the most original thinkers of the 20th century.)
Dmitry Nelyubin (1971 - 2005) Famous Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion)
Dmitry Alenichev (football player, midfielder)
Dmitry Likhachev ((1906 - 1999) Russian philologist, art historian, Writer, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (until 1991 - Academy of Sciences of the USSR). The author of the fundamental works devoted to the history of Russian literature (mainly Old Russian) and Russian culture. Author of work (including more than forty Books) In a wide range of problems of the theory and history of the Old Russian literature, many of which were translated into different languages. Author 500 scientific and about 600 journalistic works. Likhachev made a significant contribution to the development of the study of Old Russian literature and art. The circle of scientific interests of Likhachev is very extensive: from studying Iconopius before analyzing the prison life of prisoners. For all years of their activities, there was an active defender of culture, a propagandist of morality and spirituality. He was directly involved in the preservation and restoration of various cultural facilities of St. Petersburg and suburbs.)
Dmitry Astrakhan (director of theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia)
Dmitry Mamin-Sibiryak (1852 - 1912) True Last Name - Momin; Russian Prosaik and Dramaturgome)
Dmitry Kryukov (1960 - 2009) Creator of the first Russian search engine Rambler)
Dmitry Ustinov ((1908 - 1984) Soviet political and military leader, USSR Defense Minister, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union)
Dmitry Ilovaysky (historian, author of the popular pre-revolutionary textbook on the history of Russia)
Demetrio Aguilera Malta ((1909 - 1981) Ecuadorian writer and film director)
Standing (real name - Dimitrie Stakovich, Hungarian politician of Serbian origin, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Hungary (1944))
Dimitrio Calergis (1803 - 1867) Greek military and politician, general)
Dmitry Medvedev ((Row.1965) Russian State and Political Affairs, Tenth Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (from May 8, 2012), the third President of the Russian Federation (2008 - 2012). Candidate of Legal Sciences.)
Dmitry Karbyshev (Lieutenant-General of Engineering Forces, Sacrifice of the Mauthausen concentration camp)
Dmitry Ushakov ((1873 - 1942) Russian philologist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939), editor and co-author of one of the main intelligent dictionaries of the Russian language - "The intelligent dictionary of the Russian language.")
Dmitry Pevtsov (actor of the theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia)
Dmitry Kholodov (Soviet and Russian journalist)
Dmitry Furmanov (Russian Prose, author of the novel "Chapaev")
Dmitry Senavin ((1763 - 1831) Flotodets, Admiral)
Demetrio Pairnio ((1851 - 1912) Italian sculptor)
Demetrio Albertini (Italian footballer)
Demetrio Alonso Castrillo (1841 - 1916) Spanish politician)
Dimitar Dimov (1909 - 1966) Bulgarian writer)
Dumitru-Dorin Pruunario (Romanian Cosmonaut)
Dumitru Bugish (Moldavian political figure)

Dmitry's name belongs to strong men seeking to achieve all the best. It is most popular in Slavic countries, and came to us from ancient Greece.

The origin of the name Dmitry is associated with the goddess Dememetra. From Greek translates as "dedicated to Demeter." This, in turn, means the name of the name with the concept of the mother, thus, the name Dmitry becomes a symbol of life, eternity, heat. The meaning of Dmitry and his influence on a man is fully revealed through the analysis of the energy of sounds and the culture in which it originated.

Culture, sounds and identity

The name of the name allows you to say about the energy prisoner in it, because each culture in its names invest part of its uniqueness, identity. So, the culture of the ancient Greeks was associated with trade, creativity, sciences, philosophy and art. Dmitry can easily manifest itself in these areas. The likelihood is high that it will be inherent in the features that are highly valued among the ancient Greeks:

  • Curiosity.
  • Talent Speaker.
  • Commercial veil.
  • Wit.
  • Sociability.

At least, partly emotions are formed by sounds, it is emotions that our behavior is determined. This means that the inner state largely depends on the energy of words that is hidden in sounds. Each sound has its own energy, and their combination forms the individual sound of words. The secret named after Dmitry is hidden in this energy.

The effect of sounds affects many character traits, some of them enhance each other, others, on the contrary, weaken. Characteristic of the name Dmitry on sound content reveals the name of the name with such features of the personality, as:

  • Help and support to other people.
  • The desire to live in harmony with nature.
  • Intelligence.
  • Creative potential.
  • Insight.
  • Confidence and bravery.

The full name has the greatest weight in an adult life period, and in childhood it affects the child with respect to it to reduce-last form or abbreviations. Yes, and in maturity to a person often turns, without using the full name. The most common ones are: Dima and Mitya.

The interpretation of the values \u200b\u200bof these forms is concentrated on the effect of additional letters "A" and "I". So, Dima is energetic and seeks to create a new one, and Mitya is very quiet, knows the price, confident. In general, the names of Dima, Mitya, Dmitry have the same meaning, so it makes no sense to look for cardinal differences.

Future and opportunity

Depending on the age, the description of the features of the personality of Dima can vary greatly. For example, the child is distinguished by calm and friendliness. If the child has whims, it quickly passes, already to kindergarten.

A little later, the boy is not so easy to desonant, he strives for independence and independence. It is worthy to give Dime a chance to show yourself, then the parents hardly have doubts that he is responsible and intelligence. Boy respect adults for his sequence. People's peers admire Dima, trying to equal to the courage and responsiveness of the boy.

In a transitional age, someone else's influence may be crucial in the development of Dmitry. This means that parents need to be taken care of the environment in which Dima is growing.

Thanks to the curiosity and the ability to get involved in Dmitry can learn perfectly. At the same time, the young man should be engaged in creative activities, however, it is necessary to make a clear designation of the borders, otherwise Dima can leave with his head in creativity. He can grab after one thing, then for another - and he needs to give time to choose.

With age, Dmitry often chooses the sphere of activity in which it is necessary to quickly make decisions and promptly implement them. His enthusiasm flares up in complex, ambiguous circumstances when it is required completely.

A realistic look at things, hard work, sociability and ability to cooperate with the benefits for themselves, courage and desire for a new one lead to Dima for senior positions. The fate of Dima is often associated with public activities, creativity and help to other people.

Dmitry is a solid and purposeful person. The beauty of the girl is often considerable to him. Choosing, Dmitry is unlikely to ever deceive his chosen.

The temperamental and passionate man is looking for confirmation of its value and love from the beloved, otherwise it will not be able to show himself openly. Dmitry knows how to say one word in time and this improves the mood of the spouse for a whole day, he is very careful about her, always trying to fulfill the wishes of his wife and often makes extensive gestures.

Romantic relationship

When people's psychotypes do not conflict among themselves or even complement each other, we can say that their compatibility is high. In other cases, compatibility is low.

At typical representatives of their names there are certain psychotypes, this explains how the meaning of the name of the name affects the success of the relationship. Dmitry will almost certainly be happy with those girls who wear names: Olga, Anna, Elena, Natalia, Maria, Svetlana.

  • . Partners listen against each other and are able to make compromises. Dmitry and Olga are building a wonderful union, full of harmony and love.
  • . Calm Anna discharges Dmitry and surrounds care. Dima, in turn, inspires the girl and leads.
  • Elena. High compatibility of two names - Dmitry and Elena - is due to the fact that they look in one direction. The fate of their union is very favorable.
  • . Dima and Natasha are creative people, and this means that they are not bored with each other, they will always find something to do. Their relationship is full of fun, tenderness and love.
  • . The lack of crazy passion does not prevent partners to build a wonderful relationship. Maria and Dima very appreciate each other, in many respects it contributes similar interests, and their characters are also combined perfectly.
  • Svetlana. Almost the ideal compatibility of names. The purposeful Dmitry and Svetlana form one whole. Pillar relations men and women are loyalty and partnership.

If the partners are hard to go to mutual concessions, there are great difficulties, such pairs are able to overcome difficulties only through work on themselves. Low compatibility is observed between Dmitry and girls who wear names: Anastasia, Tatiana, Ekaterina, Irina, Victoria, Julia.

  • Anastasia. The strength and independence, which are full of both Anastasia, and Dmitry, lead to conflicts, reproach and misunderstanding. To keep your feelings, they need to be kinder to each other.
  • . Excellent relations are supported until Tatyana agrees to meet the requirements of Dmitry. But if Tanya refuses such a behavior model, the union can break.
  • Catherine. Low compatibility is explained by the fact that the freedom of the girl enters into the fight against the independence of the man. For a positive forecast, partners need to humble their egoism and the desire for independence.
  • Irina. Relationships develop for a long time and can end with a break due to too slow rapprochement of both. In addition, if Ira and Dima will not cope with jealousy, they also face parting.
  • Victoria. The similarity of characters is hampered by partners. Victoria is independent and stubborn, like Dmitry, their pride prevents them from restoring the world after the quarrel.
  • Yulia. It would seem that fate favors their union, they can build a wonderful relationship, but their compatibility is low. Julia and Dmitry are pronounced leaders, and if they do not learn to give up each other, it is unlikely that they will be together for a long time.

Landmarks in religion

Name Day (or Angel Day) is a very honored holiday in Christianity. In the Orthodox tradition, everyone has their own patron at Heaven, determined by the baptism of the child, and the protection of the angel helps a person to pass his way, focusing on the lives of the Saint Saint.

Usually, the day of Angel is known to man if he lives in the Orthodox family. In cases where the date of the name is unknown, the Angel Day is simply determined: it is enough to choose from the church calendar the nearest date of memory of the co-saint after a day of birth.

Angel's Day spend, rethinking his life, their values. The name day of Dmitry comes along the Orthodox calendar to one of the following days of memory:

  • January - 4, 8, 21, 31.
  • February - 7, 8, 9, 11, 17, 19, 24.
  • March - 4, 22, 23, 25, 31.
  • April - 1, 23, 26.
  • May - 5, 16, 22.
  • June - 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 26.
  • July - 3.
  • August - 1, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 30.
  • September - 8, 9, 13, 19, 24, 28.
  • October - 9, 10, 15, 17, 21, 28.
  • November - 3, 8, 14, 25, 27, 28, 29.
  • December - 2, 10, 14, 15, 17.

It seems that the fate of a man with this name is to help others and be a defender of weak, but it is not deprived of and desire to express themselves, focus on their desires and purposes, however, its goals are very often associated with family or even the whole world. The interpretation of the name allows you to say that Dmitry can file himself and easily tying friendship, but at some points he is inclined to remove from the company, to be alone.

When a child is born, he gives a name that gives the baby by special abilities. It forms character, attitude towards people and to itself. Often, when the name predetermines fate.

Name name Dmitry.

The origin and history of Dmitry began in ancient Greece. Then people worshiped many gods and goddesses, among them the one was allocated for the fertility and wore the name of Demeter. The one who devoted himself to the ministry of the Great Goddess called Demetrios, which means "dedicated to Demetra." Gradually, the name was simplified and a sonorous and convenient - Dmitry came to this day.

There is also the second version of the origin of the name. Some argue that for the name Dmitry became the basis of the word Meter - Mother, Divine Mother. And in this value of the name Dmitry corresponds to the version. He is tied to the family, especially to mom. Therefore, it is not easy to travel and travel.

It is worth noting that Dima is not worth trusting secrets, as a person loves to talk and save something hard and sometimes impracticable. But at the same time at work - it is always leadership positions, high posts.

Character and Fate Dmitry

Like every person, the owner of the name of Dima is characterized by both positive and negative features of character, which is reflected in his life.

Consider that the name of Dmitry is positive. First of all, this company is a focus, an incorrigible optimist. People friendly, although it is offended, but quickly leaves. It is noted that Dim has a good creative imagination and can shine erudition. The guy is quickly mastered in someone else's place, knows how to build relationships with other people, can make useful links.

What is bad can be found in Dmitry. It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that impulsiveness may prevent the right decision, but will add negative egoism and a leadership. The child of Dima often caprizes, is very offended and needs to protect. But the enemies do not envy him. If Dima has unloved someone, his cruelty will manifest itself in all towards this person. At the same time, already adult Dima, will not miss the benefit and will use every chance to fall into his way. He seeks to get everything immediately. During communication, he likes to listen to himself, because the dialogue will grow quickly into a monologue. The interlocutor is unlikely to have the opportunity to speak, since Dmitry is chosen, trying to say everything immediately and as a result it is lost in his own thoughts. Often climbs into the adventures. Loves risk, but successfully. However, every failure cruelly punishes Mitya.

Dima, when it takes about the case, then he brings him to perfection. It is distinguished by a strong will, persistence. Always strives to become a leader, may be defending his opinion. However, his chatter often interferes to achieve heights. Also prevents laziness. Mama Dmitry is often found, it is due to the fact that women see their dreams that did not come true. Mitya does not like and sees borders. About his courage can be given back legends, as well as his cruelty. At the same time charming and incredibly loving, but quickly moves away.

As a rule, the origin and history of Dmitry says that at all times Dima possessed and has a sanguine type of character. The smart, it will be able to insist on its own, if necessary, will turn on the fantasy and thinks something. The new environment is not a hindrance, the Mitya is quickly oriented and make friends with the right people. At the same time, he will not give up, will remain with his opinion. Although stubbornness does not interfere with finding a lot of friends, because Dmitry is benevolen, and can even act as a patron.

Dmitry - name compatibility

The personal life of the owner of the name is an eternal holiday. Dima is easily falling in love, it is not indifferent to the female floor. Does not build a goat against former girls, wives. It's not afraid to make marriage. Adores children.

If you manage to tame Dima, then the family will be able to work with the following representatives of the female half of the population: Anna, Love, Lyudmila, Elena, Marina, Elvira, Natalia.

But it is not even worth thinking about marriage and build plans for the following female names: Christine, Kate, Joan, Sofier, Polina and Julia.

Despite the fact that Dmitry is a very in love man, his sex life behaves as accepted in society. A partner chooses carefully with experience. Mitya does not share love and sex, for him it is inseparable concepts. Therefore, problems may arise, but the cause of the quarrel will not be understood for Dmitry. He does not feel responsible before his wife. However, Dmitry's children love sincerely, strongly binds and is ready to help in everything. He also will not allow the adoption of his own child to another man, even if he is the husband of the ex-wife. Not fond of alcohol. Mother will always stand in the first place.

Mitya quickly becomes sexually active male, but the habit of talking a lot, the desire to say everything and immediately and unrestrained energy, prevent the girl to attract the girl. At the same time, there is a sense of morality in it, will not tolerate jokes from the side of love and sex. The first girl and the woman appears not immediately, but causes only the most reverent feelings, attentiveness and care. Therefore, sex for him is in a special place and is of particular importance. In love accompanies Dima all her life and even in old age, repeated marriages are not excluded.

Dmitry - Relationship to Health

Since childhood, the boy has people around. He's kind, come out, calm. Studying at school, existences, if initially pay attention to the formation of Mitya, then in the future he will show success in the scientific direction. But it is subject to someone else's influence, especially older comrades, with whom prefers to have friendship.

As Dmitry is growing, charming appears, courage and at the same time the cruelty is growing. When there is injustice towards him or directed next to him, the resentment is growing, which leads to Mitu in rabies. Immediately rushes into battle, at this point about the consequences of thoughts does not arise, which is punishable. To be friends with Dima need to be patient. In particular, the boy, and then the man is very proud of, trying to always be better, above, inaccessible. Nevertheless, if a friend appears, the loyalty of each of them is not questioned.

It is active, temperamental, stubborn, has a volitional character that a lot contributes to success in the field of show - business, ballet. Even in Dmitry's politics, success awaits. He attracts people to himself, in the very name, the spirit of the Magician magic is felt. The person is practical, money for him is important, he knows the price. Dmitriev has good dentists, trade workers, often in leadership positions.

When they look at the name of Dmitry, they say that it is disciplined that as a result requires from others. Able to work, has a cold analytical mind. Does not make hasty decisions, first a thorough study of the problem, and then makes conclusions and offers a solution.

For Dima, the house is important to be comfortable. At the same time, he needs a variety of pleasures and beautiful women. He will be happy to drink in a good company, but it is impossible to call him an alcoholic. He knows the measure and age does not overcame.

Character and Fate Dmitry

What does Dmitry name mean, if you look at his future career work. When they talk about the career growth of Dmitry, then it should be immediately said that the owner of the name will always strive to the top of the career Olympus. In man there is a creative beginning and when inspiration comes, light and great ideas are born into light. He opened the way for professions such as writer, artist, scientist or composer. When circumstances are forced in Mita, incredible performance, endurance is waking up. But it is worth noting that monotonous and routine work will quickly bother Dima. He needs a permanent movement, events to beat the key to the key. Therefore, he will strive for political Olympus or will try to become a public figure. For such a classes, he has an eye, eloquence and a generator of excellent and unusual ideas.

Often, Dima is common among entrepreneurs, organizers of movements, leaders.

Regarding the business of Mitya, a risky guy who is ready to go Wa-Bank. At the same time, things will go with variable success, and the money will quickly end. His unusual business abilities can develop and help achieve more, if there are no stops on intact dreams and dubious scams.

Working at the enterprise is able to rise from the bottom, thanks to its communicability and incredible hard work. Therefore, the movement up the career ladder will go smoothly, without sharp jumps, but stable. At the same time, any sphere of human livelihoods is available. It is worth noting that Dima will not work, which he does not like, but if the project is hobble, you can be sure that it will be brought to the end. Does not like sharp changes, trying to make life stably. He has a tendency to accurate sciences, loves research projects.

Famous Dmitry in the history of Russia

Russian Earth has always been rich in talents, many of which were worn and worn by Dmitry.

Dmitry Pozharshai. Great Russian Prince, who lived in the 16th century. He took part in the liberation of Moscow from the invaders who came from the Polish-Lithuanian principality. He was a political and military leader.

Dmitry Shostakovich. Composer, pianist, taught and led actively social activities. Laureate of many premiums, work hero, people's artist.

Dmitry Mendeleev. Great Russian scientist. Creator of the periodic table. Engaged in chemistry, physics, metrology, economy and many other sciences.

Dmitry Kharatyan.. Actor of the Soviet Union and Russia. Honored and People's Artist, has a medal "Professional Russia".

Dmitry Likhachev. Scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Writer.

Dmitry is a very common Russian name having a Greek origin. This name is popular in all Western Europe, since antique roots wears. Ancient Greeks believed that dmitry name means "dedicated to the goddess of Demeter". As you know, the beauty of Demeter is an ancient Greek goddess of land and fertility. Concerning another popular value of the name Dmitry is considered the value "farmer".

Meaning name Dmitry for a child

Little Dima is usually more like a mother, but with age it becomes not so noticeable. He is a good baby and easily lights with peers. The boy grows sociable and not conflict completely. Dislike for conflict situations will be noticeable throughout the life of Dmitry. You can still say that Dima is an active and movable child who loves to run and jump. Remember that choosing the name of the child, it is not necessary to rely only on the full name. Rarely who will call the little boy Dmitry. Think in advance how you will call him at home. See the phosphemantic analysis named after Dmitry in a separate article.

Dima is usually good, but not in all directions. Usually it is interesting for a couple of subjects in which he becomes the best. The remaining items are often studied by the residual principle, although he has a worthy assessment. The boy has an excellent analytical mindset, which is noticeable already in early school age. Supports usually technical sciences, as well as love to design. This may later become his profession.

Many dimists have problems with breathing paths and often sick respiratory diseases. There is a capricious over measure and with an unstable mood that however, it is easily leveled by the care of the closest and correct day regime. With age, when a small Dima becomes an adult, health problems usually leave it, and character tempered.

Abbreviated name Dmitry

Dima, Dimka, Dimon, Mitya, Mitya.

Dmitry's diminutive names

Dimochka, Dimushka, Dimer, Dimonchik, Dimuly, Dimulka, Damuya, Dimyka.

Patronymic of children Dmitry

Dmitrievna and Dmitrievich. Some people say Mithrich and Mithrivna, but it depends on socio-cultural habits.

Name Dmitry in English

Demetrius - so writes the name in English.

Dmitry name for passport - Dmitrii, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation and writing named after Dmitry to other languages

in Belorussky - Dzzіtry and Zmіtrok
on Bulgarian - Dimitar
on Hungarian - Dumitru
On Greek - Δημήτριος
on Georgian - დიმიტრი
in Spanish - Dmitrio
in Italian - Demetrio
on chinese - 德米特里
on Korean - Demetriu
On Polish - Demetriusz and Dymitr
on Romanian - dumitru
in Slovak - Demeter
In Ukrainian - Dmitro, Mitko
on Finnish - Metri, Dmitri (Drimtry)
In French - Dimitri
on Czech - Dimitrij (Dimitri)
In Chuvash - Metri
on Estonian - Dimitri
On Japanese - ドミトリー

Name Dmitry for Church It remains unchanged or Dimitri. Saints in the Holnes are with a different form of the name. Like most popular names, the name Dmitry got into the Russian language along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristic named after Dmitry.

The man who is the name of Dmitry will hit you with his perseverance, ingenuity and the original mind warehouse. At the same time, his thrust on freedom leads to the fact that Dmitry will hardly transfer any restrictions. These character combinations make Dmitry interesting and attractive for other people. Its perseverance is easily transmitted to others, and the originality of solutions makes it even more popular. Dmitry reliable and good friend. He love spending time in a good company and do not mind drink. But Dmitry does not suffer from addiction to alcohol.

Dmitry is an excellent worker, and his analytical mind and an incistent often make it simply indispensable. Perhaps it is this that helps Dmitry quickly quickly in service. At the same time, Dmitry himself does not particularly strive for career promotion, and rather various circumstances pushed him to this. Dmitry can produce a good impression that he gives him another competitive advantage in life.

He is unusually challenging than to attract fair sex representatives. His reliability and foundation make a good husband and a loving father from it. At the same time, his love may interfere with keeping a marriage, although Dmitry becomes, especially since it is very desire to be cooled.

Mystery named after Dmitry.

If little Dima hurts the surrounding a lot of hassle with his capriciousness, then becoming an adult, it turns into an extremely stubborn and volitional person. Despite the visible calm, it is difficult to communicate with him - it can explode easily and unexpectedly.

Dmitry simply adores beautiful women, comfort and comfort. He tries to get the most pleasure from life, which can make it in fairly difficult situations. He often experiences the state of love and is inclined to change its partner often. At the same time, with extraordinary warmth and attention continues to take care of children from the first marriages.

Planet - Saturn.

Zodiac sign - Scorpio.

Patron name - walrus.

Color - Purple.

Wood - Rowan.

Plant - Chrysanthemum.

A rock - lazuli.