Lighting for seedlings at home. Manufacturing and installation of LED lamps

- this is a top priority question for both beginners and experienced ones. Light is one of the most important components of active growth and healthy cultural development. When providing backlighting for seedlings, it is advisable to have an idea of ​​what kind of light spectrum is needed and as close to sunlight as possible.

The simplest backlight

Today, gardeners prefer to make phyto-lamps on their own: firstly, this is a significant savings for the family budget, and secondly, having studied the characteristics of various artificial light sources, you can choose the most useful combination.

The simplest provision of light for the seedlings is to place them on the windowsill. In order for the plants to receive maximum light, use the simplest device. In an ordinary cardboard box, the upper and lower sides are cut off, leaving only the side ones. The sides of the box are covered with foil. Containers with seedlings are placed inside the box, it is desirable that its sides are higher than containers with vegetation. This whole structure is located on the windowsill.

Sunlight, falling on the foil, is refracted and reflects on the seedlings. This method is economical and simple, but absolutely useless in cloudy weather. Foil by itself will not provide illumination for plants.

Growing under artificial light

The main condition for artificial lighting is the maximum similarity with the spectrum of radiation of sunlight.

Red and blue colors are necessary for the growth, development of cells and tissues in the natural spectrum. Before making a phytolamp with your own hands, this fact should be taken into account.

What should be the rack

The rack on which the seedlings will be located, and structures with lamps must meet the following criteria:

  • strength and stability;
  • invulnerability to moisture;
  • ease of access to all shelves;
  • correspondence of the distances between light and landings;
  • durability.

Lamp selection

To make a phytolamp for plants with your own hands, you need to purchase a lamp that matches its characteristics. Unscrupulous manufacturers call ordinary incandescent lamps phyto lamps to increase sales.

When choosing a light source, carefully inspect the packaging, it always indicates the color temperature value:

  • warm with a red spectrum have an indicator from 2000 K;
  • cold with blue - closer to 8000 K.

For example, a lamp with a value of 2700 K helps to strengthen shoots, form peduncles; the value 6500 has a greater effect on root system, its development and strengthening.

Most popular backlight lamps:

  • luminescent;
  • sodium;
  • metal halide;
  • LED.

Did you know? The impetus for the appearance of LEDs was the discovery of luminescence by the Soviet physicist Oleg Losev in 1923. Scientific journals in Germany, where the scientist's articles were often published, called this discovery Losev Licht. Later in the early 70s, thanks to the discovery of Losev, red, yellow and green LEDs appeared. Light-emitting diode of blue color created by Suji Nakamura in 1990.

The advantages of illumination are undeniable, most plants at the beginning need light for at least 12 hours a day, and daylight does not always provide such an opportunity.
Without light, the seedlings will stretch out, all the efforts of the plant will be spent on growth, and not on the development of future fruits. Therefore, for a normal stage-by-stage development, as in the natural environment, the seedlings are illuminated at home.

We make a rack

Do-it-yourself shelving is convenient in all respects: right size, material, appearance... The construction itself does not take much time.
So, we buy bars, thick plywood for shelves, fasteners at a hardware store. You can fasten the parts together with self-tapping screws. The length and width of the shelves are made based on the length and number of their seedling boxes. For convenience, a drawing is made with the necessary measurements.

To work you need tools:

  • hand or circular saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • simple pencil.
Having measured the required values, cut the parts and start assembling. It is advisable to glue the places where the parts are inserted (shelves into the edges of the support) in addition to fastening with self-tapping screws for greater reliability.

Since the rack you will not need all year round giving it the maximum aesthetic appearance, at other times it can be used as a piece of furniture, for example, for books or decorative knick-knacks.
In order to be able to move it from place to place, you can give it mobility using special wheels for furniture.

Today, among gardeners, LED lamps are considered the most popular illumination for seedlings, they are easy to make with your own hands, in addition, to combine a different spectrum of glow.

Benefits of LEDs:
  • as close to sunlight as possible;
  • work without interruptions and defects;
  • economical - consume little energy;
  • do not burn foliage even at close enough distance.

To make an LED lamp for seedlings with your own hands you will need:
  • blue and red diodes;
  • thermal paste;
  • aluminum or any other profile for fastening;
  • power supply, cord and plug;
  • soldering iron and solder;
  • bolts.
Desired sequence in led strip: two red, one blue. The diode strips are connected to each other by soldering and attached to the profile with thermal paste. The wires are brought out and connected in one circuit with the power supply, cord and plug. Using bolts, the structure is attached to the shelves of the rack.

Every gardener, when growing seedlings, asks the question - how to highlight the plants, how to highlight and highlight them at all.

Seedling illumination is imperative so that the plants grow well and produce crops.

Let's consider in detail: which lamps are better suited for illuminating plants, how to illuminate seedlings at home, with your own hands.

Usually, seeds for seedlings are sown in late January, early February, when daylight hours are very short and young seedlings need additional illumination in the morning and evening hours.

If the seedlings do not receive sufficient light, photosynthesis will be slow, the plants grow poorly and get sick. Each type of plant requires its own spectrum of light; daylight has all the ingredients.

Today, technologies, creating phytolamps, have already approached the required illumination parameters for plants.

Sunshine has the most complete spectrum: different color and wavelength.

Plants need violet and blue light to regulate cell growth, and the sprouts will be strong and healthy.
Red light affects seed germination, stimulates flowering.
Green and yellow light is needed for many important processes, but most of it is reflected off the leaves.

Many people say that ordinary fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps are suitable for backlighting. But all of these lamps are not very suitable for plants.

After all, plants need white, blue and red light for normal growth and development. Such a luminous flux is emitted by the so-called phytolamp - designed specifically for plant illumination. The light from this lamp is pink-lilac, and not white like that of an ordinary lamp.

Video - Phytolamps. Which phytolamp is better

Illumination options for seedlings at home

There are two options for backlighting: with sunlight - without lamps, and backlighting with various lamps.

To increase the illumination, it is necessary to make a screen for the plants. For this, ordinary foil (or a foil underlay for linoleum) is suitable and cardboard box... In the box, cut off the top sides and one wide, side. Fix the foil in the middle of the cut box. Put a box with seedlings in the middle of the structure.

Video - seedling screen

Thus, there will be enough lighting for the distant plants in the boxes, the seedlings will not be pulled out. Or, the second option, build up the boards from a foil backing, on back wall boxes with seedlings. Economical and affordable way, suitable for those with few seedlings.

But when the windows of the apartment are located on the north side or in cloudy weather, additional lighting is still needed.

Phytolamp- the most popular for highlighting seedlings. They are efficient, durable, economical and safe lamps. These lamps do not heat up or heat up the seedlings.

Sodium lamps economical and effective, but they do not have enough blue spectrum for plants.

Conventional incandescent bulbs- not effective for seedlings and not economical. From such lamps, the seedlings are pulled out and get burned.

Fluorescent lamps(LB, LBT)- fluorescent lamps. They have a small proportion of the red spectrum, and they are low-power, you will have to install several pieces at once. The light of the lamps is cold.

LED lamp- economical, durable, you can choose a different spectrum and intensity of the luminous flux. Good for highlighting plants.

They use LED strips and ice lamps to illuminate the seedlings. Using LED bulbs, you can select the right spectrum of light for your plants.

Decide which lamps to choose for illuminating seedlings.

Video - Compare fluorescent and LED lamps

Today, LEDs are used in everyday life and in production, they are affordable and practical. An excellent option for creating additional lighting for seedlings: they do not heat the air and illuminate large area.

Materials for a homemade lamp

LEDs of red and blue light spectrum;
Thermal paste or hot melt glue;
Lamp base - wooden lath, profile, any other subject;
Power supply unit of the required voltage;
Power cord and plug.

To grow seedlings, alternate the LEDs on the lamp in this way: 2 red - 1 blue. We connect the LEDs to each other, solder the connections with a soldering iron, connect to the power supply and the outlet plug. The LED backlight is ready.

General recommendations for using lamps to illuminate seedlings:

1. Until the emergence of shoots, the light should be as close as possible, after the appearance of shoots, the lamps are raised by 40-60 cm.
2. To accurately determine the distance, check by bringing your hand to the top of the lamp, if it does not heat, then the plants are comfortable.
3. It is advisable to make adjustable shelves for seedlings, with the ability to adjust the backlight.
4. Use a screen when growing seedlings, the light will be concentrated on the seedlings, will not be scattered.
5. Seedlings need lighting for 13-15 hours, so turn on additional lighting when needed.
6. Seedlings on southern windowsills do not need illumination.
7. Observe the schedule for highlighting plants, plants do not need an excess, this will have a bad effect on the seedlings.
8. Optimal illumination of seedlings is 6-8 thousand lux. In winter, 2-3 thousand lux is enough. On cloudy days, you need 500 lux.

Video - Illuminated seedling rack

Thanks to modern technologies different kinds lamps are available to create a backlight for the seedlings. In the future, the highlighting of seedlings will bear fruit in the form high harvest, healthy and strong plants.

Don't forget, plants need lighting!

The health of the seedlings directly depends on the daylight hours. Lack of light threatens with poor development and wilting of seedlings. Normal light sources cannot affect seedling growth. Special lamps for illumination have a beneficial effect on the process of cell division and elongation at seedlings.

Sunlight affects important chemical processes. In plants, under its influence, the process of photosynthesis occurs, the transformation carbon dioxide into oxygen and water. Without sunlight or with insufficient long-term illumination, the green mass will be deprived of vital nutrients. The result is stagnation in development and faded foliage. The stem is very elongated and becomes brittle, and the leaves do not develop. Therefore, the illumination of seedlings is an important component of their cultivation.

Effect of light on plants

Sunlight consists of rays with different wavelengths. Each type has a different effect on seedlings and indoor flowers. Phytolamps are designed to artificially extend the daylight hours to plants.

Each color in the illumination of seedlings has certain effects on plants that affect their development in different ways:

  • An important role in chemical processes plays the red and orange spectrum. Thanks to them, photosynthesis is carried out. In addition, red light stimulates seed germination and flowering of potted plants. Under their influence, the sprout straightens and begins its growth upward.

Red light

  • The blue-violet spectrum speeds up the developmental period. The rays suppress the growth of the stem itself, thereby preventing it from stretching. At the same time, the blue color starts the process of cell division. Due to this, the stem becomes thicker. If we are talking about natural nature, in the short day zone, the blue spectrum activates flowering. This is very important for a developing plant, since artificial light, with all its positive qualities, cannot fully replace solar lighting, and the seedlings are prone to elongation. Another of the features of the influence of blue on growing seedlings is the reaction of phototropism, in which the growth of plant cells from the side of the incoming blue light slows down and causes the shoot to bend in its direction.

Purple light

  • Green and yellow rays practically do not participate in the development of the plant; they are reflected from the plants and are not absorbed by the foliage.

DIY lighting lamps

To save money on professional equipment, you can make your own LED seedling lamp. The easiest way is to use LED strip. Thanks to its flexibility and conductive paths, the material will follow any contours. For work you will need:

  • 2 m of red spectrum LED strip and 30 cm of blue;
  • PVC sheet, size 20 by 20;
  • power supply connector;
  • power unit.

Sections of 20 cm are cut from the LED base. The order on the sheet is: three red, one blue, two red, one blue, two red, one blue and three red stripes. The base for the phytolamp is attached heat-resistant glue, be sure to observe the polarity during installation. At the final stage, a connector is attached to the structure. Homemade device hung over a shelf with plants and connected to a power supply. On seedling racks, this tape can be attached to the reinforcing ribs of the shelf from above.

LED Strip Light

It will be even easier to create a structure from two wooden blocks and a pair of fluorescent lamps. Such illumination must be done on racks of at least 30 cm; it is better to make racks with the ability to move sources to different heights... Although they do not have a heating effect, as the plants grow, it may be necessary to place the lighting fixtures higher up.

Energy saving

When making homemade lamps it is possible to use energy-saving incandescent lamps. With minimal power consumption, they have a high light output, and the spectrum is close to natural. The device practically does not heat up. The service life is several years. During this time, you can leave it on for 12 hours daily. Distinguish between cold, warm and daytime light sources. They can be alternated as the seedlings grow.

Backlight lamps

When choosing methods of illumination using lamps, pay attention to the power of the luminous flux, the possible color spectrum and the stability of operation throughout the entire operation.

Give preference to mirror lamps with a reflector, their light performance remains unchanged throughout the entire service life.

Modern seedling lighting lamps provide your plants with additional illumination with the desired spectrum. Each of them has its own advantages, but you also need to be aware of the disadvantages.

Fluorescent lamps LB and LBT (daylight)

Many companies are engaged in the manufacture and sale of lamps. Thanks to spraying on the surface, the spectrum is gently scattered, allowing the seedlings to grow and develop. Fluorescent devices are suitable for lighting large rooms... The elongated tubes fit into the window opening. They can be hung on hooks to adjust the distance from the source to the plant.

Fluorescent lamps


The most inexpensive and common type of backlight. During operation, the lamps do not heat up and have a long service life.


There are no less drawbacks at the source. There is mercury inside the tube, which makes it chemically hazardous. The light spectrum contains a low proportion of red light. During operation, structural elements fade away, the length of the spectrum decreases. On large areas, you cannot do without an additional ballast.

Believe me, once having grown a flower, it is already impossible to stop. This process is slow, rather complicated, but from this ...

Phytoluminescent (phytolamps)

The unit of measure for luminous flux is called lumen. The value indicates how much light can be received from the device. Illumination is measured in lux. 8 thousand suites are considered optimal for germination. Lamp wattage is measured in watts.

In order to select a lighting device, it is necessary to calculate the surface area on which containers with plants will stand. This figure is multiplied by the illumination, 8 thousand lux. The resulting product is the minimum number of lumens required to illuminate a surface.


Economy and efficiency. They are compact, durable and safe to use. The Enrich mirror lamp emits light that is the least irritating to human eyes, Fitosvet-D does not cause overheating of plants, Paulmann phytolamps do not cause overheating, and have an unlimited service life.

Phytoluminescent lamp Enrich


The radiation is lilac-pink in color, which is unnatural and can cause headaches. There is a limitation in their use in a residential area without a reflector.


There are high and low pressure... They differ from each other in the number of lumens. It is sodium lamps that have a spectrum similar to sunlight. Sodium sources are best used in the late stages of plant growth.

Reflax sodium lamps are produced in several varieties, which differ in power and radiation spectrum.

- DNaZ is capable of amplifying the luminous flux and selectively directing it with the help of a mirror reflector.

Sodium lamp "Reflax" DNaZ

- DNaT - arc without a mirror reflector.


They consume little energy, while the light output remains high. The service life, unlike other phytolamps, is very high. The ability to create a luminous flux that has a beneficial effect on photosynthesis.


Among the shortcomings, one can note the high heating of the elements; you will have to install a regulating device. After switching on, the source heats up for several minutes. The range of sodium appliances attracts insect pests.


Luminaires of the latest generation with a lot of advantages. The main one is significant energy savings (3 times less than that of fluorescent ones). You can combine several sources with different spectra in order to increase or decrease the beam flux at a certain moment. LEDs do not contain harmful substances, therefore, are absolutely safe for humans. The lamps do not heat up during operation.

LED lamp

The LEDs used in these lamps emit a bright and even stream of light. And most importantly, they are able to provide plants with their favorite color radiation - red and blue, which are so necessary for successful photosynthesis throughout the growing season.


Miniature. On a small plane, it will be possible to place several dozen such lamps or combine several flat lamps with LEDs into one structure. Connected to a single power source, they are able to provide plants with even bright light around the clock, without spending a lot of energy.


The big disadvantage is the high price. Due to the directional effect, you will have to buy more lamps than originally planned.

Every owner dreams of seeing his garden well-groomed not only in blooming season... When the sunny day is shrinking and the heat ...

Lighting nuances

Light position and distance

The distance from the plant to the lamps should not be less than fifteen centimeters. The faster the sprout is stretched, the higher the lamp should be raised. Seedling illumination is horizontal. If you need to highlight climbing plant, then the artificial source is installed vertically. Its incorrect location will ruin the seedlings.

When buying a lamp, keep in mind that the height of its rise should not be limited and be at least 35 centimeters.

Time required

The time for additional lighting depends on the weather and the length of the day. Indoor flowers usually require fourteen hours of light. Seedlings need an average of 12 hours. The lamps are turned on in the morning and turned off in the evening. In the first days after germination, seedlings are illuminated around the clock, but illumination cannot be used at night, this will disrupt the biorhythm of plants. On an industrial scale, the use of illumination for growing flower seedlings is also used around the clock.

Without reflectors, most of the spectrum is wasted. Such a reflector is designed to keep the rays above the plantings, and you can make it from a mirror or foil, and fix it on the window frame with an inclination that allows you to direct the flow of light towards the plants. Reflection of sunlight can also be used successfully for this.

Errors in using conventional lamps

Some people think that you can prolong the day of seedlings by using conventional lamps incandescent. In fact, this light source is a miniature heater: it actively generates heat. Only 4% of the radiation is spent on the luminous flux. The incandescent spectrum does not match the needs of the plants.

If you place the light source close to the seedlings, it will burn the foliage. Simple incandescent bulbs wreak havoc on the household budget due to their power consumption. High temperatures during operation may cause a fire.

A lamp for illuminating flower seedlings should not perform simple lighting functions, it should influence the growth processes with the help of its color radiation.

Lighting is essential for plant life and growth. Without enough light, the seedlings turn pale and wither.

What kind of lighting should be, prices for various types of lamps and how to make a device for supplementary lighting yourself from inexpensive materials and LED strip we will tell in this article.

Lighting for seedlings

The most popular plants grown as seedlings are tomatoes, cucumbers, Bell pepper and cabbage. Many decorative flowering annuals are also sown first in small containers and only after reaching a certain size are transplanted into open ground.

This need is associated with the discrepancy between climatic zones and the duration of the growing season. certain types, or the need to pick the main root to improve the development of the root system.

Seedling illumination with LEDs

There is a fairly significant difference between lighting for mature plants and seedlings. Seedlings capture light not only with chlorophyll for photosynthesis. Phytochrome and cryptochrome also absorb light and are responsible for the division, elongation and specialization of the cells of the future plant.

Light, its intensity, color temperature, spectrum and duration of illumination are very important for germinating seeds and growing viable seedlings. With a lack of light, the plants stretch out, become pale or turn yellow, their development slows down, the timing of flowering and fruiting is postponed.

In conditions when the seedlings are on the windowsill, passive illumination can be arranged for them. A reflective screen (white paper or cloth, foil on a substrate) is installed between the seedlings and the room. Light coming from the window bounces off the screen and illuminates the plants from the other side. But all these are half measures, since natural light is completely insufficient.

Backlighting with old incandescent lamps, despite the brightness, gave a very low result, since the plants need a certain spectrum, and the necessary blue and red remains in the total luminous flux much less. Incandescent bulbs get very hot, requiring additional ventilation and watering.

Artificial plant lighting options

For artificial lighting of plants (in particular, seedlings), the following types of lamps are recommended:

  1. Luminescent. The time-tested option is still used by most greenhouse farms. It is inferior in other types of lighting for seedlings.
  2. Metal halide. Economical, but they do not give enough light in the blue spectrum.
  3. Sodium. Quite an expensive type of lamp that requires the installation of additional control equipment. Luminescence predominantly in the orange and yellow spectra.
  4. LED. Of all types of artificial lighting, the future belongs to LED plant lamps. They deserve a separate listing of numerous advantages. For plants located on racks, it is convenient to use, for example, such as in.


The advantages of supplementary lighting of seedlings are:

  1. Economical- use 8 times less electricity than standard lamps.
  2. Durable- in the presence of heat dissipation, they can work up to 50,000 hours.
  3. Repaired - a LED that has stopped working can be easily replaced. Agree, this is much cheaper than buying a new lamp.
  4. LED installation of different power and spectrum allows you to get exactly the lighting that the best way will satisfy the need for a specific seedling at a specific time. If you need to change the spectrum, just replace one with another in the same lamp.
  5. Turns on instantly and gives an even glow without flicker.
  6. Heat very little, which makes it possible to place them lower above the plants without the risk of causing burns on the leaf plate.
  7. Low voltage operation improves security parameters.
  8. Environmentally friendly- do not contain harmful chemical substances and do not need special conditions for disposal.

It can be assumed that the ever-increasing consumer interest will affect production volumes and prices will begin to fall.

Consider in more detail.

Popular models

The choice of a specific model depends on where exactly the lighting will be installed, for which crops, at what distance from the tops of the plants.

Professional LED Plant Light 75W (10 Spectra)

Where phytolamps for LED seedlings can be used:

  • in greenhouses and farms;
  • in private homes;
  • apartments;
  • in summer cottages.

Depending on the types of shelving and the number of seedlings, LED lamps can be of different shapes:

  1. Pipe- suitable for supplementary lighting of seedlings in narrow long rows, often used on window sills.
  2. Tablet or phytopanel- the shape of the lamp is in the form of a rather large square. This is a professional luminaire designed to illuminate wide shelving units.
  3. Single lamp- supplementary lighting in this form is used when growing a small amount of seedlings for personal needs.
  4. - illuminate from a greater distance and a larger area than single luminaires.
  5. LED strips- can be configured in any order. They are more often used for making phyto-lighting with their own hands.

When choosing a phytolamp, read the instructions carefully. Good manufacturer necessarily indicates from what distance what area can be effectively illuminated by a specific phytolamp model. This information will be very useful when planning the number and power of purchased lamps.

Example: "Topaz", the parameters and the price of which are given in table 2, depending on the distance to the plants, gives the indicators indicated in table 1.

As you can see from the table, prices are not encouraging. This is the main reason that LED lights not so popular, despite the obvious benefits. But you can significantly reduce the cost of the lighting device if you make it yourself.

How to assemble an LED seedling light

The simplest version of LED phytolamps is made of LED strip.

Materials for work:

  1. Panel, the size and shape of which coincide with the area on which the seedlings will grow. You can use a lamp from a damaged fluorescent lamp.
  2. Aluminum profile.
  3. Red and blue LED strip with Velcro. Do not forget to correctly calculate the proportions of blue and red spectra recommended for your plants before buying. Most often it is 1 length of the blue spectrum for 8 lengths of red.
  4. Power supply or driver.

Diy phyto tape assembly diagram

When choosing between a driver and a simple power supply, keep in mind that the first not only transforms the standard 220 volts into the required 12 or 24 volts, but also stabilizes the voltage. Drivers are available for specific LED wattage.

Luminaire assembly consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. We clean and degrease the panel surface.
  2. Attaching to the panel aluminum profile- it is needed to dissipate heat and extend the life of the LEDs.
  3. We cut the tape into the required lengths. You need to cut between the soldering - it is visible on the tape.
  4. We connect the segments with a connector or with a soldering iron.
  5. We shoot protective covering from the inside of the tape and glue it with slight pressure on the aluminum profile. Avoid kinking the tape too much to avoid damaging the tracks that power the diodes.
  6. We install the panel on a stand-legs that will hold the lamp above the seedlings at the required height.
  7. We place the power supply at the required distance from the outlet and connect it to the LED strip. It is important to observe the polarity.
  8. You can use it.

The price of an LED seedling lamp shouldn't force you to refuse such high-quality lighting. If you have hard-working hands, you can make a completely high-quality lamp with your own hands.


This video will tell you how to make a DIY LED seedling lamp.

Growing seedlings at home is not an easy task. Plants often lack natural daylight and sunlight for full and normal growth, especially in winter period... The first task that needs to be solved is to take care of additional effective lighting.

What lamps are needed for seedlings

It is possible to illuminate areas, shelves or window sills where plants are grown using different types of lamps. An excellent solution phytolamp or phyto-lamp is considered. Infrared, fluorescent, sodium or LED seedling lamps are widely used. These devices, unlike conventional incandescent lamps, do not emit excessive heat and do not damage the plant stem. They save energy while minimizing costs.


Such devices have an important advantage - they create radiation as close as possible to sunlight. At the same time, they provide a certain length of daylight hours. This guarantees the maintenance of the normal functioning of the seedlings in the autumn-winter period. The phyto-light emitted by phyto-lamps restores the natural process of photosynthesis, increases the amount of produced carbohydrates, oxygen and energy. This accelerates nutrition, growth, and supports the development and health of plants.

LED lamp

Unlike other phyto-luminaires, LED or LED plant lamps have minimal power consumption, providing a high intensity of artificial light. They can shine in red and blue emission spectra, which guarantees fast development plants do not develop a spectrum not used by seedlings, significantly activating the process of photosynthesis.

LED phytolamps for plants have the following advantages:

  • Profitability. Devices consume at least 8 times less electrical energy than standard seedling lamps.
  • Durability, high efficiency work. In the presence of heat dissipation, the lamps can function properly for 50 thousand hours.
  • The ability to install LEDs of different spectrum and power. This guarantees the receipt of lighting that ensures the full and rapid development of seedlings at any time of the year.
  • The ability to change the spectrum. To get blue, green, red or yellow light, which activates growth, nutrition and improves plant synthesis, you just need to replace the diode in the device with a suitable one.
  • Minimal heating. This allows you to install lamps for seedlings above the plants, eliminating the risk of burns to their leaves.

LED lighting fixtures have one drawback - high cost. But if you wish, you can make them yourself, significantly reducing the cost of purchasing a finished device. Provided self-creation lamps for seedlings need to take into account the level of natural lighting in the room, the expected intensity of use, the type of plants grown and a number of other factors.


Lighting devices of this type for growing seedlings are preferred by 70% of gardeners. Lamps have a tubular shape, they create both the main lighting and are used for supplementary lighting, they give a diffused uniform light over the entire surface of the seedling box or cassettes. Ultraviolet light emitted by devices is absolutely safe for plants, it does not cause burns to leaves and stems. Fluorescent lamps should be installed 15 cm above the seedlings. In this case, their lighting will be absolutely safe.

Fluorescent lamps for plants have the following advantages:

  • the whole range of colors necessary for the full growth and normal development of plants;
  • generation of a small amount of heat by radiation;
  • an economically profitable device designed for different financial capabilities.

Sodium lamps for greenhouses

Lighting for seedlings at home using lamps of this type is of no less quality than lighting with similar devices. Luminaires with sodium lamps can be installed on windows, placed above and below the seedlings without the threat of leaf burns. The advantages of such devices:

  • minimum power consumption;
  • development of a spectrum of rays necessary for the full development of seedlings;
  • high radiation power;
  • creating a warm climate in large and small rooms;
  • availability of service and repair;
  • relatively low price;
  • high power;
  • ergonomic and practical design.

When buying sodium lamps for seedlings, study them in detail specifications... Pay special attention to the power of the device, it should not exceed 100W, otherwise the seedlings may burn out. If the window sills in the house are up to 1.5 meters wide, then to create normal level artificial lighting only one lamp is enough.

Illumination of seedlings with energy-saving lamps

The advantage of LED luminaires is that the user has the ability to choose the desired spectrum. Distinguish between lamps with "warm", "daytime" and "cold" spectrum. The latter is used for additional illumination of plants during germination and vegetative growth. The warm spectrum is indispensable for the flowering phase. The daytime spectrum is applied throughout the plant cycle.

LED lamps as lighting for seedlings are placed taking into account the following criteria:

  • if burn marks appear on the leaves, lighting equipment you need to raise, otherwise the seedlings will die;
  • elongated stems and pale color of leaves indicate that the lighting device is located too far, in which case it must be lowered;
  • If the lamp is mounted to the side, the seedlings can grow with a crooked stem, so it is best to place lighting equipment above the plants from above.

DIY lighting for seedlings

If the budget for organizing lighting for seedlings is limited, it is quite possible to make the necessary lighting devices yourself, available and inexpensive ways there are many. The main thing is to follow all the instructions from the instructions and take into account the peculiarities of the plants. The best option for home use- phytolamps. The materials required to make them are inexpensive and the equipment is not time-consuming to maintain.

How to make a phytolamp

Step-by-step instruction:

  • drawing up a diagram (a drawing is being developed taking into account all technical parameters, each diode must overlap each other, in this case, the entire area under the lamp will be illuminated evenly);
  • preparation necessary materials(you will need an old lamp body, diodes - 20 white, 30 red, 10 simulating midday lighting, 20 blue, led drive);
  • assembly of equipment (using hot glue, the diodes are attached to the aluminum plate, installed circuit breaker, the device connects to the network).

DIY LED lamp

This kind equipment that organizes effective lighting for seedlings at home is made in this way:

  1. The necessary consumables are prepared in advance:
  • old energy saving light bulb;
  • a piece of one-sided fiberglass;
  • a set of radio components;
  • LEDs - red, white and blue;
  • capacitor, resistance.
  1. A diagram is being prepared:
  • a circle with a diameter of 30 mm must be cut out of PCB or foil;
  • draw paths on it with nail polish;
  • make a solvent for copper and place a board there to clean the tracks;
  • drill small holes in the board and solder all the parts.
  1. Assembling the lamp:
  • need to disassemble old lamp and remove all insides, except for the wires that go from the base;
  • solder the manufactured circuit to the wires coming from the base.

Video: which light is better for seedlings