Clogged toilet pipe what to do. The toilet is clogged: how to clean it yourself with different types of blockages

It's hard to imagine comfortable home without proper plumbing. One of the most frustrating situations associated with plumbing fixtures is sewer blockage. What to do if the toilet is clogged? You can, of course, call the master, but sometimes it is necessary to clear the blockage urgently and independently. This can be done in several ways, which are described below.

chemical method

This method helps with a blockage caused by a large amount of organic matter entering the toilet. Chemical deblockers usually contain alkali, which dissolves organic waste, forming a loose sediment. This work must be done carefully, avoiding contact with alkali on the skin and in the eyes. Liquid products are poured into the toilet bowl, dry products are poured out and, if there is no water in the toilet bowl, add it in the amount indicated on the package. After a while, the blockage dissolves and the water leaves. Alkali is not dangerous for cast iron and plastic pipes if the pipes are steel - it must be used carefully. There are also acid-based products, they can only be used for plastic pipes. A single cleaning with special means does not always help, after a while it can be repeated, or combined chemical method with mechanical.

Mechanical method - plumbing cable

This method is more effective when it is necessary to get sanitary napkins, rags, ropes accidentally or intentionally thrown into it from the toilet. Organic waste can get caught on them, resulting in a blockage that cannot be removed by chemical means alone.

To remove the blockage, a plumbing cable with a spiral at the end is used. The thickness of the cable must be at least 5 mm, and the length must be such that it is enough to reach the sewer riser. The cable is carefully inserted into the drain hole and begins to be pushed inward, while turning the handle on its other end. It is more convenient to do this work together. As soon as the cable hits a blockage, you need to rotate it for a while and carefully pull it out. It is likely that a rag or tissue paper will catch on the spiral at the end of the cable, and you can pull it out.

If this does not help, you need to continue to push the cable further, trying to push the plug to the riser. The sewer riser has a large diameter, it is straight, so the blockage will pass through it without problems. If you manage to push through the plug, flush the toilet and pipes big amount water to avoid clogging the riser. After cleaning with a cable, you can pour a chemical cleaning agent into the toilet for prevention - during a blockage, organic matter settles on pipes much faster, and plaque, in turn, traps small debris and toilet paper, forming a new cork.

Folk method - the "rag" method

Helps in severe cases when the blockage cannot be dissolved by chemical means, the cable does not pass through it, and the water does not leave at all or leaves very slowly. This indicates that the pipe is clogged with a dense cork from a lump of paper, hardly soluble food debris, cat litter, sand, or other small particles. The method is quite messy, so stock up on rubber gloves in advance.

You need to take an old unnecessary towel, twist it and fold it in half. The towel will twist, forming a dense thick tourniquet. Its ends must be tied with a rope. This tourniquet is inserted into the drain hole by hand and continues to be pushed into the pipe. Filling the lumen of the pipe, the tourniquet acts like a plunger, which in this case is ineffective, since it does not cover the entire pipe and does not create pressure. Performing translational movements with a tourniquet, they try to push through the cork. Most often, this can be done quite quickly, after which the water abruptly goes into the pipe. Wash the toilet bowl and flush the pipes with plenty of water.

hydraulic method

It can be used if the blockage is quite deep, and the water, although slowly, but goes away. This method helps from organic blockages and from the ingress of small particles such as cat litter or sand. A hose is inserted into the toilet bowl, the other end of which is connected to a tap, after which water is turned on, preferably hot. By adjusting the pressure, they achieve the erosion of the blockage, up to its complete dissolution. This method cannot be used if the toilet is completely filled with water - you risk splashing.

When You Need an Urgent Plumber Call

By itself, clogging of pipes to the riser is not dangerous if you do not flush the water. If you do not want to mess with it yourself, you can wait for the arrival of plumbers. But there are situations when delay can threaten you with flooding the apartment with sewage. If there is water in the toilet, and its level rises on its own, a blockage has occurred in the riser below your floor. When water is drained into the sewer on the upper floors, its level in the riser will rise until, according to the principle of communicating vessels, it reaches the level of the toilet bowl. Thereafter sewer drains from the riser can not only fill the toilet, but also overflow. It will not be possible to solve the problem with improvised methods - you need to call plumbers who will clean the riser through the inspection hatches with the help of a long cable and eliminate the blockage.

To avoid blockages, you must remember: the toilet is not cesspool. In addition to natural waste, you can only throw toilet paper into it - it is made specifically for this purpose, it soaks in water, breaks up into fibers and contributes to the deposition of organic matter on it, after which everything flows safely into the riser. Other types of paper, including paper towels, behave differently when they enter the toilet and can cause blockage. Also, you can not throw hygiene products, filler from the tray, leftover food and other waste into the toilet. This will extend the life of the plumbing, and your comfort will not be overshadowed by blockages.

If the toilet is clogged, then such a problem, as a rule, requires an urgent solution. In most cases, when the toilet is clogged, it is not necessary to call a plumber, since you can clean the sewer pipe at home using improvised means.

What to do when the toilet is clogged

Typical signs of a problem:

  • there was a sewer smell
  • water drains slowly and for a long time
  • the drain is completely blocked (this means that the toilet is completely clogged)

When the toilet is clogged, you can fix the problem yourself using the following tools:

  • "folk" if the toilet is clogged from food, fat, etc.
  • chemical, if the toilet is clogged with serious organic deposits
  • mechanical, if the toilet is clogged with hygiene items, toys, etc.

If a foreign object did not have time to penetrate deep into the sewer line, then you should not do anything with a plunger, you should try to pull out the garbage with your hands, carefully examining the outlet and siphon.

Using the tools available in any apartment, you can try to get rid of the traffic jam:

  • A bucket of boiling water will provide a powerful physical impact and will work successfully if the toilet is clogged with fatty deposits. Water hammer with boiling water, if the toilet bowl is clogged with fat, should be done at a right angle and from a great height, repeating the procedure several times to consolidate the effect
  • Baking soda and vinegar will corrode the debris, leading to resolving the blockage if the toilet is not heavily clogged.

If these methods cannot remove the blockage, a more powerful chemical effect on the plug, due to which the toilet bowl is clogged, will have special means to eliminate it. These include:

  • hydrochloric acid
  • "Mole"
  • oxalic acid
  • abrasive preparations and others

Special care and safety precautions should be taken when using harsh chemicals for cleaning pipes, since alkalis and acids can destroy not only the debris in the sewer line, due to which the toilet is clogged, but also the sealing material along with the cleaned communications. In addition, strong reagents can threaten human health, so when working with them, you need to protect your eyes, skin and respiratory organs.

The mechanical means of dealing with the causes that led to the fact that the toilet is clogged include:

  • flexible sewer cable (if the toilet is clogged deep and thorough)
  • plunger, the bowl of which covers the drain hole
  • regular plastic bottle

Before using any of them, do not forget to prepare wiping materials, lay something on the floor - newspapers, oilcloth, rags (so as not to stain it with what can pop out of the drain hole).

If the toilet is clogged near the outlet, a plumbing plunger will help clear the blockage. You need to act in sequence:

  • place a rubber cap over the drain hole
  • slowly move up and down without lifting it from the surface
  • abruptly tear off the plunger, which will lead to an increase in pressure and a breakdown of the blockage that clogged the toilet

If there is no toilet plunger at hand, then a two-liter bottle of mineral or soda water with a cut off bottom can create a water hammer, similar to that arising from the action of a plunger.

If, after the above actions, a blockage in the toilet remains, what should I do then?

A flexible sewer cable should be used, having:

  • Convenient handle that allows you to safely remove what clogged the toilet
  • metal braid
  • Possibility to insert special hook if the toilet is clogged

The tool must be gradually introduced into the toilet with rotational movements, allowing the maximum collection of deposits on the walls of the sewer pipes. The cable can simply pierce the blockage without completely removing it, so a hook is provided for such situations.

The choice of method that will return the toilet to working condition is determined after clarifying the location of the plug. She may be:

  • in a branch pipe or corrugated pipe - i.e. the toilet is deeply clogged
  • in the lounger of apartment wiring
  • in the riser between apartments, practically inaccessible from the toilet

If the toilet is seriously clogged, and none of the described methods work, then this means that the blockage is located in hard to reach place, for example, between floors on sharp turns, and requires the call of specialists.

The main causes of blockage. Why is the toilet clogged

Blockages are usually caused by a violation of the rules:

  • installation (to eliminate such flaws, the toilet will have to be dismantled and reinstalled, observing all the necessary requirements)
  • operation of the sanitary appliance
  • lack of preventive work to prevent the formation of traffic jams in the toilet bowl and pipes leading to it

What to do to prevent and prevent the formation of traffic jams in the sewer system

During the operation of sanitary and hygienic devices, in no case should the toilet bowl be allowed to clog:

  • leftovers food products especially fatty
  • Construction waste
  • Wet wipes, pads, paper towels
  • old medicines, tablets
  • Cigarette butts
  • baby diapers
  • Cat litter, etc.

It is impossible to wash the floor without draining the dirty water, but it is advisable to pass it through special filters, as it contains sand, earth and other inorganic parts.

Outdated pipes (cast iron or metal), installed back in the Soviet Union and rusted for a long time, can also be the cause if the toilet has been clogged repeatedly.

If the toilet is clogged, you should not wait for the moment when the sewer line becomes clogged with a cork, but you must use special cleaning products for prevention, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Remember, young children may unconsciously throw foreign objects (toys, food, etc.), so you must definitely spend time with them educational work explaining that this cannot be done.

The worst thing that can happen in an apartment is a clogged sewer, or rather a toilet. The only thing worse is the collapse of the ceilings. If this happens, your first helper is calmness. Assess the degree and nature of the blockage. There may be several external signs of blockage assessment: without your participation, the toilet is filled with anything, and all this also pours out through the top. The reason is the drain stop on the riser below the drain hole from your apartment. What to do? Read more about this in our article.

Warn the neighbors upstairs not to use the toilet, bathroom, washbasin. Make a quach or chop and plug the drain hole in your toilet. The simplest chop can be made as follows:

  • take any wooden block 0.5 m long, which in cross section is 1 cm smaller than the toilet drain;
  • wrap it around sheet foam 1 cm thick in several (3-4) layers;
  • put on a "balda" plastic bag (preferably several) and tie with twine in 1-2 places;
  • hard to install "bastard" into the toilet flush.

Now you can take a break and, with the help of your neighbors, clarify the situation with the blockage site, and possibly the cause. The most correct thing in this situation is to call the housing office plumber, who will make a more or less accurate “diagnosis” and either fix the problem himself or call an emergency gang.

If the water from the toilet goes at least a little, and the neighbors are all right, it means that the blockage has occurred no further exit of your highway into the sewer pipe, i.e. all the troubles you have nearby, in the apartment. Such a blockage is called local - you can call a plumber, or you can try it yourself.

Water slowly leaves the toilet, but everything shows that she will soon get tired of it. The main reason is the "overgrowth" of pipes. After that, any rag thrown into the toilet will put the entrance "on the ears."

Causes of blockages

The main causes of blockages are "overgrowth" of pipes, improper operation and errors in the installation and installation of the toilet. "Overgrowth" of the runoff occurs in cast iron and metal pipes, on the walls of which roughness appears during operation, for which hair, threads, toilet paper, small objects such as buttons, pins cling to when draining a bath or sink. Even a small piece of soap can become the center of a blockage - it sticks to the pipe wall, accumulates small particles of everything in the world that happens in domestic wastewater - fish scales, vegetable peelings, food leftovers on plates ... and off we go.

The clearance of the sewer pipe decreases and if the blockage is not immediately eliminated, then the drain is rammed and "paralysis" of the sewer system. Rags, ropes, children's toys and other items that are not at all intended for disposal through the sewerage of a residential building “help” blockages especially well.

Installation errors occur when a particular toilet is chosen incorrectly - it is not structurally compatible with the installation site. This is expressed in wrong slope of the highway drain from the toilet to the riser. And finally, often the design of the toilet bowl itself contributes to the formation of blockages. Therefore, not everything that looks beautiful is suitable for use without a headache - before buying a toilet, consult knowledgeable people. But a certain "sewer technical minimum" you need to know yourself.

Clogged riser- the problem is "public": you and any apartment above you can be its initiators, and collective creativity is not excluded. A blockage along the liquid waste route within the apartment is your personal achievement, and it is better to fix it yourself. Construction garbage, rags, diapers, cat toilet- do not belong to the category of liquid waste at all, therefore blockages from them are eliminated, sometimes, extremely difficult.

How is sewerage arranged in our apartments?

Sewerage in our apartments performs the noble task of removing liquid waste. To do this, from each point where such waste is generated - a sink, a bathtub, a toilet - there is waste outlet line to the sewer riser, to which all apartments located one above the other are connected.

A riser is a pipe of large diameter, up to 100 mm, located in the bathroom. Before the onset plastic technologies cast-iron pipes were used, and now they are predominantly plastic, for which the problem of blockages is less likely, because their walls do not have burrs and surface defects, due to which "Overgrowing" of the section of the riser almost excluded.

To facilitate cleaning of the riser in the "skyscrapers", auxiliary holes are made in it on each floor - sewer revisions. The standard configuration of a plumbing fixture - a bathtub, a washbasin, a toilet bowl - looks simple:

  • drainer;
  • siphon (curved elbow included in the waste disposal route);
  • pipe supply to the riser;
  • riser.

A blockage can occur in any area, but you should know that its cause is man-made - when using plumbing according to intended purpose no problems are observed.

Dealing with clogged toilets

It is best to deal with blockages when they are not there - to properly operate the plumbing, carry out prevention at least once every 3-4 months and respond in time to the first sign of an impending disaster - a slow drain of water. Best and correct option- invite a plumber, but they rarely pamper us, and the toilet in the house is in demand all 24 hours a day. There are a lot of ways to eliminate blockages, which one will help for sure - you can’t say in advance, but by consistently applying a set of measures, you can succeed to the delight of your home.

If you have a simple blockage or it has just begun to appear, proceed in sequence:

Did not help?

This means that your blockage qualifies as dense and a professional is used to eliminate it. technical means for mechanical cleaning of pipes and risers - plumbing cable. Its design is simple and its efficiency is maximum. In addition, after applying any of the above cleaning methods, it is still recommended to additionally “cut off” with a cable sediment residues from the walls of the pipes.

They work with the cable, as a rule, together: one rotates the handle, and the second pushes the cable into the main. The alternation of rotation and reciprocating motion allows you to either push the cause of the blockage down or pull it out.

Another way - chemical, is associated with the use of substances that dissolve blockage in the truest sense of the word, but it is used less frequently than others because of the complexity and danger of working with chemicals.

It is very easy to check the result of your work - two or three tank drains will establish the status quo of your increased skill. After removing the blockage, it is not out of place flush the toilet at least hot water- This will be the first preventive maintenance. If during the work you had to dismantle the toilet, then when reassembling, renew the gaskets, seals, connecting nodes and you can expect that the next emergency will not be soon.

Preventive measures during the operation of the toilet

Helping you avoid toilet problems preventive measures. Their set is not so big, but it's sad that not everything depends only on the residents of a particular apartment - anyone in the riser can send a diaper down the drain. Fat deposits and “overgrowth” of pipes is a “working environment” for sewers and the main cause of blockages. How to deal with them is described above, but you can only warn them when strict observance simple rules , which are hard to take root:

  1. Use the toilet only for its intended purpose - the bathroom is not a trash can.
  2. If you had to eliminate the blockage, then you need to do this carefully, and not just before the elimination of standing water: process rope several times the site of blockage, accompanying cleaning by rinsing with hot water.
  3. Once a month or two, to destroy deposits on the walls of pipes, drain 2-3 buckets of hot water.
  4. Siphon cleaning chemical agents should become a mandatory preventive measure - 2-3 minutes of monthly maintenance will save you from stressful situations. The simplest option such cleaning - soda, vinegar in equal amounts (2-3 tablespoons) are poured into the siphon, after 20-30 minutes they are washed off with hot water.

To combat blockages, a primitive, but still, tool is used. If your household is always on the alert gloves, plunger, chop, find a place for them in the bathroom or behind the bath screen, and they will help you out. And if a cable a couple of meters long is added to this, then you are not afraid of any emergency situations.

As old as the world is a warning-wish - your comfort is in your hands, so use this life wisdom so that you and your neighbors can live without problems with "sewer" overtones.

Cleaning the toilet with improvised means

If the toilet is clogged, apartment owners prefer to call a plumber. But sometimes this service is temporarily unavailable or too expensive. How to proceed in this case? After all, you can do without water, gas, electricity. But without a toilet to withstand the day will not work. In this case, you have to take on cleaning the toilet yourself. There are several ways to deal with this task.

There are many reasons that can lead to sewer clogging. This may be improper use of the toilet: throwing garbage into it, waste after repairs or cat litter. But sometimes the sewer is clogged even without the "help" of the owners. Neighbors can also contribute. And sometimes a blockage occurs due to poor-quality, too hard water, which ensures the gradual deposition of plaque on the pipes. Then there is an urgent need to figure out how to clean the toilet yourself if it is clogged. Before analyzing effective methods for cleaning sewers, it is necessary to dwell on four tips from the masters.

  1. Find out the cause of the blockage. Solving the problem must begin with asking all family members about the possible source of the problem. For example, a child may accidentally drop a toy into the toilet. In this case, half of effective methods will be ineffective. To cope with such a congestion, if the object is far enough away, only a cable will help.
  2. Determine the location of the plug. If the water does not go well in the toilet, what do the newcomers immediately decide? They assume that the blockage arose precisely in the toilet pipe and use all available methods to clean it. This approach is not entirely correct. After all, the congestion could have arisen much further, in the sewer pipe. To approximately determine the location of the cork, it is necessary to open the taps in the bathroom and in the kitchen. If the water drains normally and does not linger in the pipe, then the problem is really in the toilet plexus. But if the water quickly filled the pipe and leaves the sink very slowly, then the problem is quite serious, and it is better to use the services of a plumber.
  3. Do not use a tank. To check how the water is leaving or to clean the pipes "under pressure" do not use cistern. If the blockage in the toilet is too strong, then all the water mixed with sewage can pour out through the toilet directly onto the floor. Another unpleasant phenomenon is also possible. Bath and toilet are two communicating vessels. Therefore, dirty water, which is unable to eliminate the congestion, has only one thing left - to flood the bath. It is better to drain the water from the basin, strictly controlling the process of its outflow.
  4. Urgently call a plumber. In some situations, even knowing how to clean the toilet if it is clogged, it will not be possible to achieve a positive result. If, upon opening the toilet, you notice that the water level is gradually rising, this means that a blockage has formed in the common riser. In this case, the communicating vessels will be your toilet and sewer riser. Do I need to say that very soon all the sewage will overflow and fill the toilet? No cleansing measures will help solve the problem. Only a plumber can handle this plug, using special inspection hatches and a plumbing cable.

If the blockage occurs too often, then you need to pay attention to the toilet itself. Modern models, harmoniously complementing the design of the toilet, are not always suitable for mounting to old sewer systems. Therefore, when purchasing plumbing, it is important to pay attention not only to its combination with the overall interior, but also to specifications selected model.

Folk remedies to help. toilet cleaning

How to clear a blockage in the toilet? If no one threw any foreign objects into the toilet, then ordinary home remedies can come to the rescue. They will be of inestimable benefit in the formation of congestion from rust, urinary stone, fatty deposits and plaque. The most common and effective such folk remedies.

  • Lemon acid. It eliminates quality urinary stone and plaque on the pipes. It is recommended to pour three tablespoons into the toilet citric acid. In this state, the plumbing is left for three to four hours. Then the closet is cleaned with a brush and the water is drained. A nice bonus of such an event will be the freshness in the toilet room.
  • Soda. If possible, flush water from the toilet. Then soda is poured into it. It will take about 250 g (half a pack). In this form, the plumbing is left all night (no less than eight hours). Then carefully drain the water, if necessary, help with a brush. Cleansing with soda will help not only eliminate plaque, but also whiten the toilet bowl with high quality.
  • Vinegar. To get rid of congestion, you need a 9% product. A liter of vinegar must be heated. Warm liquid is poured into the toilet, with previously scooped up water, and left for three to four hours. With a rough sponge or brush, carefully clean the accessible surface. Then carefully wash off with water.
  • Vinegar soda. If individually these products did not bring desired result, then you can try to eliminate the congestion with a combination of baking soda and vinegar. Water from the toilet must be scooped out. Pour 250 g of soda into the drain. Then pour a glass of vinegar into it. Get ready to sizzle. After 15 minutes, when the “perturbations” of soda are over, pour half a liter of very hot water into the toilet. But remember that you can not use boiling water, otherwise the porcelain toilet may not withstand temperature changes. This remedy will get rid of plaque and eliminate the fatty plug if food residues are often poured into the toilet bowl.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It acts very aggressively, so it is used only in extreme cases. But it is hydrochloric acid that is able to dissolve the congestion formed cat litter. It is necessary to pour some liquid into the toilet bowl and leave it for one hour. Then you can try to wash off the water. But if sewer pipes are made of plastic, then hydrochloric acid should not be used. She'll eat the pipes.

There are tips to use such improvised means as whiteness, Coca-Cola, bleach. They are ineffective and can only deal with small traffic jams. But as a bleach for the toilet is very useful.

Chemical reagents from congestion

Manufacturers have developed many chemical compositions capable of dissolving plugs formed in pipes. Their main advantage over folk methods- impact speed. Typically, effective cleaning occurs 15-20 minutes after using the selected reagent. The following products can be used to clear a clogged toilet.

  • "Mole". budget tool, which is able to effectively clean the pipes. It contains caustic soda and surfactant components. This combination ensures the dissolution of fats, solid waste, such as fish scales, hair. Produce "Mole" in the form of powder and gel. The agent can be used for steel and cast iron pipes. But for plastic counterparts, some varieties of "Mole" are strictly prohibited.
  • Vortex Draft. This cleaner is available in liquid form. Effective dissolution of congestion is provided by active chlorine, caustic soda and surfactant components. The drug is able to cope with heavy biowaste and fat accumulation. Can be applied to any pipes.
  • "Bagi Pothan". This is an expensive option that ensures that even the most serious blockages are cleared. But the reagent has negative quality. This substance contains alkali, therefore it can worsen the condition of the pipes. Given such an aggressive impact, it is not recommended to use "Bagi Potkhan" for worn-out plumbing. And you should not resort to his help too often.
  • "Mister Muscle". This product is available in powder or gel form. It has a mild effect, and you should not count on the elimination of serious congestion with its help. With minor traffic jams, "Mr. Muscle" will cope in just a couple of minutes. But if the congestion is more serious, then it is recommended to pour the product into the toilet and leave it overnight.
  • "Tiret". The preparation is based on chlorine-containing bleach, surfactant and sodium hypochlorite. The tool can be used for both metal and plastic pipes. Effectively clears congestion, eliminates bad smell and has disinfectant properties.

If plastic pipes are to be cleaned, it is best to use a gel or liquid reagent. Powdered household chemicals can get stuck at the connection sites. In this case, such components will gradually corrode the rubber seals.

Mechanical cleaning methods

If it is not possible to clean the blockage in the toilet with the help of folk or chemical means, then you can resort to mechanical cleaning. The procedure is carried out manually or using such "assistants" as a plunger and a plumbing cable.


What to do if the toilet is clogged with foreign objects: toys, rags, large food cleaners? Before removing the blockage in the toilet, it is necessary to examine the emergency area manually. Putting gloves on your hands, follow four steps in sequence.

  1. Scooping water out of the toilet.
  2. They lower their hand into the drain and try to feel for a foreign object.
  3. Grab soft clogs with your fingers and gently pull them out of the toilet.
  4. Further and denser objects are pulled out with a wire with a hook at the end.

Sometimes, after unsuccessful attempts to pull an object out of the toilet, the owners decide to push it. Such actions drive the cork much deeper and only exacerbate the problem.


When the cause of the blockage has not been identified, and water is still able to seep, it is recommended to use a plunger to clean the toilet. The effectiveness of cleansing depends on the right "helper". On sale you can find several varieties of plungers.

  • Cup-shaped. This simple model. It is designed to eliminate small congestion. A bowl-shaped plunger will help clean the sink. But in the case of congestion in the toilet, this remedy is ineffective.
  • Taper. This model is able to eliminate the blockage in the toilet. A dense rubber nozzle with a conical shape ensures the correct entry into the drain hole.
  • Pneumatic. The most advanced model with great power. The plunger is equipped with a nozzle that can "maneuver" inside the pipe.

The procedure for cleaning the toilet with a plunger is quite simple and includes the following three steps.

  1. A rubber nozzle is placed on the drain hole so that the plunger completely covers it.
  2. To pump out, make a few light pressures (the rubber suction cup should “adhere” to the hole).
  3. At this moment, they sharply pull the handle, and tear off the nozzle from the drain hole.

Water hammer with this technique provides cleaning from the cork formed by newsprint, fine cleanings or other rubbish.

plastic bottle

How can you pierce the toilet without a plunger at home? If the right fixture not on the farm, you can try to create hydraulics using the usual plastic bottle. The purification process is carried out in four stages.

  1. The bottom of the bottle is carefully cut off.
  2. Screw the lid on tightly for the rest.
  3. A plastic bottle with the cut side is placed on the drain hole.
  4. Holding on to the top with the cover, try to create a water hammer as if using a plunger.

Plumbing cable

Such an event is used in the most extreme cases, when none of the above methods can remove the cork. The help of a plumbing cable is resorted to in case of clogging of the sewer with construction waste (sand, clay, putty), cat litter. The auger (cable) is a flexible steel "snake", with which you can reach the most inaccessible sections of the sewer. It is equipped with a special handle that provides rotation of the cable. To clean the toilet, seven steps are sequentially performed.

  1. The plumbing cable is lowered into the drain hole.
  2. Slowly advance the cable along the bends of the toilet.
  3. The cable is carefully turned so that it passes freely through the pipes.
  4. When the auger rests, they begin to rotate it, winding up the garbage.
  5. The cable with the hooked "weight" is carefully pulled out of the toilet.
  6. After cleaning the auger, it is re-launched into the sewer pipe.
  7. Repeat until the blockage is completely eliminated.

Cleaning the toilet at home is easy. But it is hardly possible to call this procedure pleasant. In order not to resort to the need to clean the toilet, experienced owners recommend prophylaxis. To do this, from time to time it is necessary to clean the toilet with baking soda and vinegar. In this case, plaque and dirt will not accumulate, and the toilet will always be snow-white and fresh.

Plumbing fixtures tend to get clogged over time. This is facilitated by deposits of salts of too hard water, urea and other sediment that enters the pipes and narrows the inner hole. And the owners have to choose: either call a professional plumber, or look for ways to help clean the toilet on their own. We will analyze better ways cleaning plumbing.

How to determine the causes and degree of blockage

Sewerage may not work for two main reasons:

  • the drain system is incorrectly made;
  • misuse, misuse.

If the drain pipe is not installed according to technology, for example, with a violation of the angle of inclination, then over time deposits will accumulate in the pipe and blockage will occur.

The lack of sufficient fan ventilation also leads to clogging of the sewer. This is due to a decrease in the rate of water draining if no air enters the riser pipe.

Violation of the conditions for the use of sewerage drains often occurs through the fault of residents.

After all, they do not hesitate to pour leftover food into it, fermented home-made preparations, like pickled tomatoes. And sometimes, after cleaning the apartment, along with the drained dirty water, a rag accidentally “runs away”. After such a “feeding”, the toilet refuses to work, blocking the passage of water into the pipes.

The clogging of the toilet bowl with cat litter and large pieces leads to the same consequences. toilet paper. Clay, which forms the basis of the clumping filler, settles in the pipe.

Insoluble materials, objects, toys that accidentally fall into the drain form a plug in the pipe. The same happens with sand, cement, and other building materials.

Without preventive filling with chemicals, your pipes will gradually overgrow with salt sediment and stop letting water through even without additional blockages.

When choosing products for cleaning the toilet, first find out the degree of blockage and, if possible, its cause. Water may flow in a slow trickle or not pass at all. It's easy to find out: you need to pour about a liter of water into the toilet and see if it's gone in half an hour. You should not use a tank to check, because when you press the button, all the available liquid will flow into the toilet bowl (and it is at least three liters!). If the channel is clogged tightly, then the water will begin to overflow out onto the floor of the toilet.

Next, check how local the blockage is. Turn on the faucet in the bathroom and in the kitchen and see how the drain is. If the water leaves both points in the usual way, then the pipe at the outlet of the toilet is clogged. It drains the liquid into a common sewer pipe. If the flow is weak in all places, then the problem is precisely in common pipes and more drastic measures will have to be taken.

To prevent sewer pipes from becoming overgrown with salt sediment, prophylaxis should be carried out at least once every three months. For this, any chemicals for cleaning pipes. Pour the liquid according to the instructions at night when plumbing fixtures are not in use. And then no sediment will have time to settle on the walls of the pipes and turn into a stone, which is very difficult to deal with.

What to do if the toilet is clogged

If prevention has not been carried out, and the pipes are still clogged, try to corrode the blockage by flooding it with special compounds.

Folk remedies

Most simple means, which are in every kitchen - soda and vinegar.

They operate like this:

  1. Scoop out excess water, leaving a little at the drain.
  2. Pour in 1/2 pack of soda and push it as deep as possible.
  3. Pour in a glass of vinegar.
  4. Wait for the end of the reaction (about 15-20 minutes).
  5. Pour boiling water into the toilet bowl.

Soda ash, diluted in water, instantly gives out a chemical reaction if vinegar is splashed on it.

If the owners prefer not to use aggressive chemicals, then you can resort to folk remedies that have been tested for years and are safe.

If the problem concerns only the toilet bowl, then most often they use the mechanical method, chemistry and punching with a plunger.


A more expensive option for chemical washing is store-bought special products, such as Mole, Tiret, Flup. They corrode everything that has accumulated inside the pipes (hair, lime scale, salts, grease, etc.). These potent agents should be used with caution, they have a pungent odor, corrode the skin, they should not be allowed to get into the eyes, so it is advisable to work with gloves. Read the instructions carefully before cleaning. After removing the plug from the deposits, flush the sewer with water.

You can't mix multiple various means or use them at the same time. As a result chemical reaction toxic substances can be formed and the situation will only worsen.

But maximum effect it is worth waiting if the pipes are not too “overgrown”, and the deposits are in their initial stages. If the sediment has time to petrify, then no chemistry is capable of penetrating it. That is why it is recommended to regularly flush the sewer with special products.

mechanical cleaning

If some object (a rag, an apple, etc.) got into the toilet bowl, and the owners guess the cause of the plug, then the first thing to do is to examine the place of release and the siphon. To do this, you have to scoop out all the water standing in the bowl, pull it over your hand rubber glove and, if possible, cover the nose with a gauze bandage, because the smell will not be pleasant. The hand is thrust as deep as possible into the drain hole and by touch they find out if there are any objects in the pipe. A rag or sponge can be easily pulled out with your fingers, and if some vegetable or fruit has got in, you can pry it off with a wire with a hook bent at the end.

If an object or a rag gets into the toilet, you should not blow it with air, otherwise you will drive the cork even further, from where you can’t remove it yourself

Using a plunger

If the cause of the blockage is not exactly known, but the water continues to drain slowly, then you can use it. Almost everyone has this device, so it will not be difficult to find. The main thing is that the diameter of the rubber suction cup should be larger than the diameter of the drain hole. Traditional models have wooden handle, but more are produced modern designs. In this way, it is possible to eliminate the blockage that has formed in the siphon or a local pipe that discharges wastewater into the general sewer. Under the pressure of air and water, the garbage plug will move deeper and exit into a pipe of a larger diameter, after which it will float away from the house without hindrance.

The size of the rubber suction cup in the plunger should be larger than the toilet drain hole in order to tightly seal the area that you will punch

In order for the punching to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to close the hole for the lower and upper drains in the bathroom, kitchen and pump water in the toilet bowl with sharp jerks. With a slow drain, not only in the toilet, but in all sinks, this procedure should be repeated in each plumbing fixture, closing the holes of the rest.

How to get rid of blockage with a "doll"

Another makeshift fixture, which plumbers call a "doll", is used to clear pipe blockages. Sand is poured into a small bag and tightly tied, forming a punching "doll". It is attached to the end of a bent thick wire and abruptly lowered into the drain hole, breaking through the blockage, pushing objects or a lump of toilet paper further into the pipe, from where it goes down the riser. After this procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly flush the toilet.

"Doll" is a tightly tied bag of sand

Cleaning with a plastic bottle

From improvised means that can always be found at home, an ordinary plastic water bottle with a volume of 1.5 - 2.5 liters is suitable. The lid is left twisted, the bottom is cut off with a sharp knife and immersed in the toilet so that the cut edge touches the bowl deeper. Make a sharp push down, repeat several times. With such actions, we push through the blockage, causing a small water hammer and freeing the drain.

Not less than effective tool in some cases it will become a regular plastic bottle

Video: Using a plastic bottle to clear blockages

Using a rubber hose

This method acts on the blockage not only mechanically, but also hydrodynamically, with the help of pressure and high temperature. It works great in combination with by chemical means. We attach one end of the rubber hose to a hot water tap, and lower the other end into the toilet bowl as far as possible. Open the faucet all the way and let hot water strong pressure.

Corrugation cleaning

It often happens that the toilet is attached to the riser using corrugated pipe. In the event of a blockage, such design feature will help clear the blockage. The water in the drain must be drawn out as far as possible, then the pipe must be removed, cleaned and replaced.

How to eliminate the complete coking of the system

Now let's figure out what to do if the toilet is completely clogged, blocking the flow of water. In this case, they buy or look for from neighbors special devices. Of all the things that can be used to clean the toilet, the most effective and convenient is the special one. It is quite flexible, has a metal braid and a handle at the end.

The flexible sewer cable is able to pass through the bends of the drain hole and pipes, but it needs to be assisted by the rotational movements of the handle

It is better to clean the pipes together, as the cable is advanced gradually and at the same time they make rotational movements with the handle. It is necessary to rotate so that the cable can pass the pipe bend, which is made for. Having advanced the device to the maximum depth, it is necessary to move it back and forth several times in order to stir up deposits on the pipe walls.

When you get the cable after the end of the procedure, put an old rag on the floor and immediately wipe the removed part with a rag soaked in dishwashing detergent. Otherwise, you yourself will be smeared, and the floor will suffer. And the smell on the hands will be felt for a very long time.

Video: flexible sewer cleaning hose

Where to go if the toilet is clogged, but it was not possible to clean it

If you tried, as best you could, to clean the clogged toilet, but there was no improvement, then the problem may be with the common riser, through which sewage is removed from all apartments on the floors above. In this case, urgently call the organization servicing the house, and let the specialists deal with the problem.

In this case, water can not only stand in the toilet, but also arrive at a considerable speed and, after a short time, flow over the edge of the bowl and end up in the apartment.

In this case, immediately call emergency service, a team that is in each management company, HOA, or call the organization serving the house, and let the specialists deal with the problem. You can call any plumbing service or master plumber. They eliminate the traffic jam quickly with the help of professional equipment.

The problem of toilet blockage has been solved, and in order for it not to occur again, it is necessary to monitor the condition of your plumbing and use it without violations. Regular preventive maintenance special means and then the atmosphere of cleanliness and comfort will reign in the house.