Rating of the best fillers for cat litter. Tips for choosing cat litter

Together with a fluffy pet, a small kitten, a lot of things come to our house for the implementation of its normal life: bowls, toys, sleeping place, feline . The filler of the latter must be carefully selected so as not to leave odors, absorb reliably and please both you and the animal. Often a kitten will show which cat litter he prefers by simply refusing to go to the toilet with a different litter.

How to choose a litter for a kitten?

Cat litter can be made from various materials. A high-quality filler should carefully absorb moisture and lock in odor, be easy to clean and be quite economical, which is especially important if you have several kittens and adult cats at once, in addition, it should not emit any harmful substances. The following types of cat litter are currently the most popular:

  1. wood fillers for kittens are made from sawdust compressed into granules. When wet, such a granule disintegrates, and sawdust reliably absorbs odor and moisture. Such fillers are quite cheap, but at the same time, they are very effective. Wood pellets are non-allergenic and can therefore be used on even the smallest kittens. In addition, fillers with a special granule size are produced for them - smaller than for adult cats. The only downside is that some of the bags get large wood chips that can injure the kitten. But they are usually clearly visible to the naked eye and easy to remove when pouring filler.
  2. Clumping fillers from minerals and clays. Fillers are very convenient to use, since their granules swell and stick together when exposed to moisture, forming a lump, which is then easy to remove with a special scoop or simply by sifting the contents of the toilet. Most often, special minerals are used as raw materials for such fillers - opalcristoballites and several varieties of clays. The disadvantage of such a filler may be that it can stick to the kitten's fur and spread around the house, and also not always completely eliminate the smell.
  3. Silica gel fillers are synthetic crystals, which are superior in their absorbent properties to other types of fillers described above. In addition, other substances are often added to such fillers, which increase the reliability of odor absorption and even freshen the air in the room themselves. However, silica gel litters are more suitable for adult cats and are not recommended for kittens because synthetic materials contained in them can cause allergic reactions.

Types of fillers for kittens

The following brands of cat litter are the most popular on the market.

Cats are now very popular as pets both in city apartments and in private homes. Someone prefers long-haired beauties, someone likes the owners of short fur, others cannot live without their favorite of a bright exotic appearance. But whatever the kitten, he needs to provide comfortable conditions existence.

Cats are known to be tidy and very picky about their own litter box. That is why the owner will need to make every effort to find the right filler. Consider the most popular types of fillers for cat trays.

About purpose

filler for cat litter is a special composition that absorbs animal urine and helps get rid of an unpleasant odor. Its use is very convenient: the cat's pot is always in order, the filler absorbs moisture, remaining dry and without causing discomfort. It will not be unpleasant for the animal to go to the tray again, and bad smell ammonia will not be distributed throughout the dwelling.

Now manufacturers offer several types of cat litter, so each owner will be able to pick up the most suitable option. Interestingly, the first use of special materials to improve cat pots began in 1948. Then the absorbent properties of clay were revealed, which began to be used as the basis of the filler. But earlier, ordinary sand was used for similar purposes. Modern owners can choose from a number of higher quality materials.

Most often sawdust, shavings and minerals are used to make the filler. It is possible to use such a composition in closed or closed trays. open type. To choose the right product for your murka, you should consider a combination of such factors:

  • operating principle;
  • composition;
  • the size of the granules;
  • price.


The peculiarity of such a filler for cat litter is that when wet, it does not change its structure. It needs a complete replacement every 7-14 days. If there are several cats in the house, the frequency of replacements increases. Filler divided into two types - woody and mineral.

Wood litter for cat litter

The choice of those who prefer to use only natural products. Recycled paper, compressed wood shavings (mainly pine) are used for production. Perfectly absorbs smell and filler from cedar or aspen sawdust. Also in the composition can be used and several unusual materials: corn cobs, dried orange peels or wheat bran. Sawdust, when exposed to moisture, swells, holding the smell. Among the advantages of wood filler refers price is the most cheap option filler for cats, but due to its low weight, sawdust will quickly spread throughout the apartment.

Replacement will be required twice a week, but shavings or sawdust are completely safe for cats and people. This product can be used for both adult animals and kittens.


It is very convenient because it needs to be replaced every 14 days. For its manufacture, minerals with a porous structure are used. Due to the granules it is possible eliminate the smell, the tray and paws of the animals will always remain dry, however, there will be a lot of dust from this type of filler. The used composition should not be flushed down the toilet.


Clumping cat litter was first used in England in the 1950s. The principle of its operation is simple: when wet, its granules combine and stick together, forming a dense lump. By removing such a lump from the tray, a complete replacement of the contents could be avoided. The composition of such fillers is different:

  • clay (light types are most often used);
  • quartz, quartz sand;
  • aluminum silicates;
  • minerals;
  • bentonite.

Approximately 60% of manufactured products in the world belong to the group of clumping cat litter. Due to the natural composition, these fillers are environmentally friendly, they very effectively absorb moisture and odor.

Important! If this type is chosen, then you need to remember - once every two to three weeks, the contents of the tray should be completely replaced, the pot itself should be thoroughly rinsed.

Owners of kittens should monitor their pets very carefully: crumbs can swallow crumpled filler, which will be very harmful to them. Experts also warn- Do not flush used material down the toilet. The approximate thickness of the layer of granules for reliable protection from odor and moisture - at least 8 cm.

silica gel

This filler is a granular sodium silicate with a high absorbency rate, it very well eliminates moisture and neutralizes unpleasant odors. The average size of one granule is from 0.5 mm to 3.5 mm. For production, polysilicic acids are used, which make it possible to obtain small granules with colored inclusions. When using such a filler, solid waste should be removed from the tray and the granules should be distributed so that the moisture spreads evenly.

Benefits include long term use - the contents of the tray can not be changed for a month (if the cat is alone). If a characteristic smell of ammonia appears and the gel crystals become darker in color, then it is time to change the filler. The product is one of the most economical options, despite the fact that the package costs about 180-200 rubles, it will last for a long time.

Japanese stamps

For the manufacture of these compounds, natural natural ingredients are used, while their consumption is very small, so such products are very economical. Can be distinguished several options for such fillers:

  • from starch and paper, interesting in that it changes color when wet;
  • from cellulose interspersed with coal, clumping;
  • Tofu is made from compressed soy fibers.

Any of the Japanese formulations can be flushed down the drain.

Choosing the best option

When choosing a filler, the size of the animal should also be taken into account. Granules are divided into three types:

  • large;
  • medium;
  • small.

The larger the cat, the larger pellets it will need. So, for kittens, only small options are purchased. And for large muroks, you should choose a filler with larger granules, otherwise small lumps will get stuck in the animal between the fingers, causing discomfort.

It is also very important to take into account that cats have a strong sense of smell, therefore, a composition with a pronounced citrus aroma for cats will not work, but with a delicate smell of lavender it will be more pleasant for them.

The manufacturer of the product has not left the leading position for many years, which, of course, speaks of the quality and prevalence of the filler. It is best to purchase this option for owners of kittens: small granules will be very convenient for crumbs and will help to quickly get used to the potty. The product allows you to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment: urine, falling on the granules, induces them to curl up into neat lumps that will reliably retain the smell. Such lumps do not spread throughout the house, it is enough to remove them with a special spatula and pour a little more money into the vacated area.

"Barsik" will not cause allergic reactions in cats, and it will help the owners save money - this is one of the cheapest options. The only downside is that you can't flush it down the toilet.

Barsik is an economical product made using improved technology, so that the used filler can be flushed down the toilet. It does not get stuck between the fingers of the animal, quickly and effectively neutralizes odor and moisture, and has a pleasant aroma. The product is great for owners of long-haired muroks, since its granules will not get tangled in wool.


Among the advantages of products include low cost and quality. Ideal for large cats. But not for kittens. This filler can be flushed in the toilet, it is completely safe for animals and people, does not cause allergies, quickly and effectively helps to get rid of unpleasant odors.

Product released and with large granules that are suitable for a large animal. It is distinguished by an affordable price, the ability to quickly absorb odor and moisture, but it cannot be flushed down the toilet. Packing volumes - 3.5 or 4.5 kg.

Wood filler Kuzya will help to teach the most capricious pet how to use the tray. Due to the natural smell, it becomes attractive to the cat, making him want to go to the potty. This option is not carried around the apartment and is spent quite economically.

pretty cat

Wood biodegradable filler, popular in Russia, masks an unpleasant smell very well, helping to keep the apartment clean and comfortable. Many owners note that cats use the litter with great pleasure. This all-natural product will help spread a light pine aroma around the apartment, while perfectly absorbing the unpleasant smell of ammonia and moisture. With antibacterial properties this option is good for the health of pets.

Other popular options

The choice of cat litter is an important and responsible matter, which the owner must approach carefully and meaningfully. Among the existing variety you can choose the most suitable options that will suit both the owner and the animal.

Cat litter is absorbent and clumping, based on sawdust, minerals and silica gel granules.

The choice depends on the nature and age of the cat, the preferences of the owners, financial possibilities, the frequency of cleaning the cat tray will depend on this decision.

The presence of a cat in the house is a mass positive emotions, especially when the owners have chosen the right cat litter.

It prevents the spread of unpleasant odors and absorbs moisture.

Pet stores offer a wide range of formulations.

Therefore, it is important to understand their pros and cons and choose the best filler for your pet.

Why you should use filler

The filler is special compound, which fills the cat's tray.

It is used for both open and .

To date, such mixtures are made on the basis of sawdust, minerals.

They differ in the size and shape of the granules. An important factor when choosing is the price, which has a large spread.

Previously, the cat tray was filled with scraps of newspapers or sawdust.

But such funds are unlikely to be useful for her health, and they need to be replaced much more often.

It is preferable to use cat litter for both the pets themselves and their owners.

  1. When there is enough litter in the tray, the cat always knows where she needs to go to the toilet. Also in view small size pellets, it's easy for pussies to bury their waste.
  2. Special composition absorbs unpleasant odors and moisture, so the owner will be comfortable, and the tray will not have to be washed daily.

Important! The best filler is chosen according to the following characteristics: composition, principle of action, granule size, cost.

How fillers are classified according to the principle of action

If you pay attention to the structure of the filler, two groups can be distinguished:

  • absorbent;
  • clumping.

The absorbent composition does not change its structure after getting wet.

As you use it, liquid accumulates in the lower layers, and this affects how you use it.

Such cat litter requires a complete replacement approximately 2 times a week.

If this is not done in a timely manner, an unpleasant odor begins to emanate from the tray.

More frequent replacement of the layer of granules will be required if the house contains several cats.

The composition can be purchased relatively cheaply at pet stores.

Mineral filler consists of small granules

Clumping cat litter is different in that when liquid gets on it, it rolls into hard lumps.

To keep it clean, it is enough to remove these lumps from the tray daily and add a fresh layer of granules.

In order for the clumping filler to live up to its name, it should be poured with a layer of at least 8 cm.

However, it is unlikely that it will be possible to purchase a cheap high-quality composition.

The main types of fillers for trays

Before choosing a cat litter, you should pay attention to its composition.

The following varieties are presented:

  • woody;
  • mineral absorbent;
  • clumping;
  • silica gel.

Wood filler is quite widespread due to its low price.

It is compressed wood shavings in the form of granules.

It is made from natural ingredients, absorbs liquid well and does not dust, it can be bought cheaply at any pet store.

Wood filler inhibits the spread of bacteria and unpleasant odors.

Wood filler in the form of granules

The disadvantages include the fact that granules from pressed chips swell greatly.

As a result, they fall apart, and the animal can pull them away on wool and paws throughout the house.

In this case, cleaning around the house with pets will have to be done more often.

However, due to its characteristics, it is suitable for both kittens and adult cats.

Features of mineral fillers

On the shelf in the pet store you can see another filler - mineral absorbent.

It is made on the basis of minerals with a porous structure.

From the instructions on how to use it, it can be seen that it is replaced a little less often than wood - once a week is enough.

The granules absorb liquid well and prevent the spread of an unpleasant odor.

They do not stick to the paws and do not spread around the house.

As for the cons, the mineral absorbent filler is dusty.

Important! When cleaning, mineral fillers should not be flushed down the toilet to avoid clogging.

Absorbent filler neutralizes odors

Its second variety is clumping filler.

For its production, quartz sand, chalk, bentonite are used.

It perfectly absorbs moisture and absorbs unpleasant odors.

The difference between clumping compositions is that when liquid enters, they form a dense lump that is easy to remove from the tray.

The remaining granules will be clean, a complete replacement is carried out as lumps accumulate.

Particles of granules do not stick to the pet's paws and do not get stuck between the pads.

It should be noted that the price of a clumping filler is 3-4 times higher than the cost of an absorbent one.

Granules are also characterized by dusting, which is important to consider when pouring the mixture into the tray.

It is suitable primarily for owners of one cat.

If the house contains several fluffy pets, the owners will have to constantly choose the resulting lumps.

Therefore, if the cat has recently had, the choice of filler will have to be reconsidered.

Important! The optimal layer for the formation of lumps is 8 cm.

The most modern compositions

The most modern of those presented in pet stores can be called silica gel filler, the best in terms of moisture absorption.

It is produced on the basis of polysilicic acid and is a white cloudy balls with colored patches.

The substance has the same chemical composition, like sand, but differs in structure and is a dried gel.

It does not swell and does not form a viscous mass. You only need to completely replace the contents of the tray 2-4 times a month.

Silica gel filler granules

Important! To keep the tray clean, you need to remove solid waste from it daily and mix the gel fill so that the moisture is evenly distributed.

As in other cases, there is a minus here - you can buy it only at a high price.

And although at first glance, the gel filler is not affordable for many cat owners, it is economically consumed.

Another point is a specific crunch. It is not easy for some animals (or their owners) to get used to it.

However, as the reviews show, it is not expressed in all brands. And all cats are very individual.

When choosing a cat litter, you can notice another variety - corn.

It is not often found in pet stores, but it has good characteristics.

For its manufacture, corn cobs are taken.

This type of composition perfectly absorbs moisture, it also saves the finances of the owners, it can be bought cheaply in comparison with other varieties.

The downside is the lightness of the granules, which is why the filler spreads throughout the house.

It also has a specific smell, so not all pussies will like it.

Yes, and to buy it, you have to go around a lot of pet stores.

Corn filler (top) is not often found in stores

What is known about Japanese tray fillers

In search of an answer to the question of what should be the best filler, some owners pay attention to Japanese brands.

They are made of environmentally friendly materials and, according to manufacturers, are economically consumed.

  1. Clumping, made from starch and paper, color changing indicator added.
  2. Clumping on the basis of crushed wood and starch.
  3. Clumping from cellulose and coal inclusions.
  4. Tofu is made from pressed soy fibers.

These are just some of the items from the range of Japanese fillers.

Due to the characteristics of the composition, they can be removed through the sewer.

A variety of fillers - which one to choose?

Given the variety of products available in pet stores, it's not easy to decide which cat litter is best.

Before you buy a package, you should consider three factors:

  • the character and characteristics of a fluffy pet (after all, for , And different compositions are required);
  • own preferences;
  • financial opportunities.

Important! Speaking of arranging the comfort of a cat, it will also be useful to choose with for your pet.

In fact, these compositions cannot be called universal.

It is necessary to select a mixture for each specific case.

  1. When several cats live in a house or apartment, it is worth buying an absorbent filler. Clumping in this situation, it is not advisable to acquire.
  2. Wood litter is considered the safest for cats. It is recommended for animals with skin problems and allergies.
  3. The size of the granules is selected according to the age and length of the coat. Small granules are suitable for kittens and with skin sensitivity. Large are recommended for long-haired cats.
  4. Some manufacturers offer scented fillers as they mask odors better. When buying them, it is worth considering that the preferences of the owner and the pet may not coincide here. If the aroma of citrus fruits seems pleasant to a person, then he can simply push away a cat. A light scent of lavender would be more appropriate.
  5. For apartments that contain several cats, silica gel filler is recommended. However, it is not suitable for small kittens.

Interesting! Ultimately, it will be the cat who will choose which cat litter is best to use. By her behavior, it will immediately become clear whether she approved the choice of the owners.

Rating of popular brands

To decide which cat litter is best for the owners and for the pet, it is worth considering the rating of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

  1. "Katsan" is one of the most common Russian brands. The manufacturer offers an absorbent filler, for the manufacture of which processed chalk, quartz sand and mineral components are used. You can hear different reviews about the quality of this composition. According to the packaging, it should be replaced every 5-6 days.

One of the most famous brands

  1. For a long time in the Russian market there is a filler "Clean paws". Lines of clumping bentonite and wood compositions in the form of granules are presented.
  2. For those who prefer gel fillers, the composition of the Russian brand Kotyara Magic Balls is suitable. It perfectly retains unpleasant odors and will cope with its task for a long time, even if several cats use the tray. But, like other silica gels, it is not recommended if there are small kittens in the house.
  3. Of the Russian brands, it is worth noting Pi-Pi-Bent. For the production of this clumping filler, high-quality bentonite clay is used. Individual lines with flavors are presented.

Care must be taken when choosing filler with flavoring

What foreign brands are on the market

  1. According to reviews, Ever Clean is the best of the fillers on the Russian market. The manufacturer offers a clumping clay composition. Although it is more expensive than mixtures of other brands, it is economically consumed. In addition, the composition has antibacterial properties.

Filler High Quality with antibacterial properties

  1. Another American brand is Fresh Step from Clorox. Clay clumping and silica gel mixtures are presented. The brand can be called one of the most popular around the world.

One of the world's most popular formulations

  1. The Canadian Extreme Classic is more affordable. In terms of quality, it has almost the same indicators as Ever Clean, it differs from the best filler in the rating only by more modest packaging.
  2. The German manufacturer presents the composition of Cat`s Best, made on the basis of sawdust from fir. Perhaps this is the only clumping wood filler.

Clumping wood filler

  1. The next brand is Cat`s Choice. Compositions based on bentonite with the addition of flavors and wood are presented.

Choosing the best litter that will please your furry pet and your owners can be tricky.

In the end, it is the cat who will make the final choice and decide what her tray will be covered with.

The number of cats in the house also plays a big role.

Given the characteristics of absorbent and clumping compounds, as well as feedback from other owners, you can make the best choice.

Cat litter for the toilet: Rating of the best manufacturers

Cat litter is absorbent and clumping, based on sawdust, minerals and silica gel granules. The choice depends on the nature and age of the cat, the preferences of the owners, financial possibilities, the frequency of cleaning the cat tray will depend on this decision.

Choosing a cat litter is not an easy task, as it would seem. The main thing is that your kitty likes everything, and she goes to this place with pleasure. It is necessary to consider which tray the cat has. If an option is selected closed type or with a grate, you can use betonite, silica gel or sawdust from wood. If the tray is deep enough, it is recommended to use a clumping backfill. No less important is such an indicator as the price, since not everyone will be able to afford to purchase expensive materials.

Good advice: so that the pet does not carry filler particles around the apartment on its paws, it is better for him to lay a rubber mat.

A cat is a member of the family, and she understands everything, except that she can’t talk, you can determine what she wants by her actions, and if she doesn’t like it, she will definitely point it out. Therefore, the choice of filler should be approached thoroughly. To begin with, it is proposed to analyze what fillers exist and what is better to choose in terms of quality and price characteristics.

Clumping filler

It is produced in the form of sand or granules consisting of fine fractions of the material. The composition can contain various ingredients. In principle, its work is the formation of a lump when wet. If the pussy went to the toilet, then dense balls are obtained from the powder, and it is easy to remove them with a scoop. Odors are adsorbed, the granules do not stick to the pet's paws, so garbage is not taken out of the tray, and it does not matter what the height of the sides is.

Even if there is no net in the cat litter, the use of such a composition will definitely be appropriate. When choosing this type of product, it is worth considering that it does not absorb moisture well enough, which simply settles to the bottom of the tray and sticks to the walls. According to the information from the instructions, the layer should be 8-10 cm thick, only then will ideal absorption be ensured and at the same time all harmful odors will be retained.


  • It is quite enough to fall asleep for a whole week;
  • The smell is neutralized without exception;
  • Cleaning is simple: throw out lumps once a day;
  • Not toxic;
  • Can be used for kittens if they have allergic manifestations;
  • In general, the filler fractions resemble sand, and therefore it is pleasant for a pet to use such a toilet.


  • If several pets use the tray, then such a filler is not suitable when falling asleep in a thin layer;
  • Cleaning is recommended daily, as the pussy will not use its toilet;
  • Do not flush down the drain.

Average price: 600 rubles per 10 kg.

Absorbent filler

The action of this filler is carried out according to a different principle. It perfectly absorbs moisture, odors are concentrated in the contents, while the structure does not change. Liquid eventually builds up at the bottom and this is the first signal to replace the backfill. This option is suitable for various trays, but it is better to choose trays with sufficiently high sides, this is necessary so that the cat does not scatter filler particles.

It is quite enough to use one serving once a week, but, of course, it all depends on the most furry friend, and if he is especially clean, then replacement should be done more often. This filler is best replaced in its entirety.


  • Can be used simultaneously by multiple cats or small kittens;
  • Especially like cats that love to dig with their paws;
  • It is not necessary to clean every day;
  • Inexpensive price.


  • Small granules are easy to pour out of the tray if the cat begins to actively dig in with its paws;
  • In exceptional cases, cats do not like to go to the litter box if the litter is used;
  • If the contents need to be replaced, the tray must be thoroughly rinsed;
  • Unpleasant odors come from the filler when it is replaced.

Average price: 500 rubles per 10 kg.

Types of fillers by composition

Mineral backfill

This is the most common type of backfill for the tray. According to experts, these fillers are the most common, as they are preferred by the majority of four-legged pets. The composition may contain different components, but the most common of them is clay. These include absorbent and clumping fillers. The quality of the manufactured product depends on the size of the granule fractions.

When purchasing a filler, you need to make sure that the granules are large and have a rounded shape. The granules should not be allowed to be small and sharp, because the main thing is that the kitty does not damage its paws when visiting the toilet. According to the price characteristic, it can be noted that this indicator depends on the volume, size of the granules themselves and other parameters. It usually costs more than absorbent.


  • This product is natural and environmentally friendly, so there are no allergic reactions from it;
  • In such granules, it is a pleasure for pussies to dig with their paws, and it is impossible to pour filler over the sides of the tray;
  • Can be used in different toilets;
  • For kittens, the choice of this type of filler is ideal.


  • The filler is clumped, so it cannot be washed off in the sewer;
  • There may be sticking to the wool, after which it is possible that the pet will lick everything, and then everything will be in the stomach;
  • It has a lot of weight, so it is not always possible to purchase it, and then successfully dispose of it;
  • It is sold only in separate containers, but it is not possible to buy it by weight.

Average price of products: about 400 rubles per 10 kg.

The best clumping mineral fillers

  1. Zoonic - a clay-based composition, in addition to protecting against odor, it has antibacterial properties, a 5 liter package will cost 150 rubles;
  2. Ever Clean Multi-Crystals - another clay filler, price per 10 liters. 630 rubles;
  3. Pussy-Cat - this composition can be purchased for 150 rubles (packing -10 l).

The best absorbent mineral fillers

  1. Fresh Step Extreme - a pack weighing 6.35 kg with clay filler costs 770 rubles;
  2. Pussy-Cat Oceanic — mineral composition, costing 140 rubles per 10 liters.

wood fillers

They are made from coniferous sawdust from the corresponding types of wood, and this is - natural material and not artificial. They look like solid, small cylinders, after getting wet they swell, then their size increases and breaks up into small particles. Such materials are suitable for use in trays with high sides, with a grate inserted at the bottom. After the soaking has occurred, the sawdust falls off through the grate, and the cats do not get their paws dirty.


  • Low price;
  • It is possible to buy by weight in almost all pharmacies and veterinary stores, which definitely helps to save money;
  • The aroma comes out quite pleasant, reminiscent of pine needles;
  • Environmental friendliness and absence of harmful emissions;
  • Can be used for adult pets, as well as for small kittens;
  • If you throw it into the sewer, then nothing terrible will happen, but in front of the pipe you can even clean it.


  • If the backfill is used, then it crumbles on the floor, and then it can contribute to the pollution of the apartment;
  • It is necessary to make frequent changes, otherwise the cats will not go to the toilet.
    Average price of products: about 600 rubles per 10 kg.

The best wood fillers

  1. Homecat Woody (9 l) - price 120 rubles;
  2. Woody zoonik (5 l) - price 110 rubles;
  3. Clean paws (37 l) - price from 400 rubles.

Corn fillers

This option is used quite rarely, but is made from corn cobs. As is customary, this type of filler is used for trays that rodents go to, but there are other variations on the market that are suitable for cat litter. They are similar to wood fillers, only they smell like popcorn, not pine needles. This type of filler is best used with trays that have high sides with a plastic grid. If the waste is solid, then it is easy to remove it with a scoop, and if the sawdust gets wet, then from the bottom you can replace them 2 times every week. This is the cheapest product.


  • Very low cost;
  • In the manufacture of environmentally friendly material;
  • A high percentage of adsorption, that is, cat feces are absorbed quite quickly;
  • When using, convenience is noted;
  • Recycled quite easily;
  • The small pellets definitely attract little kittens, as they love to dig in and play in the litter box.


  • IN retail are not common;
  • They are not for sale by weight;
  • Cats stick to their paws, and they carry them all over the living space;
  • Can't be used by multiple kittens at the same time.

The best corn fillers

  1. Natural corn (4.5 l) 470 rubles;
  2. Golden cat Ecoline, price for 6 liters. - 305 rubles;
  3. Barsik corn for 108 rubles (packing - 4.54 liters).

silica gel

The most recent and modern proposal for filling cat litter is silica gel. The granules are relatively large in size, and their shape can be not only round, but also angular. They are made from dried polysilicic acid gel. They do not smell at all, and the effect of absorption is exceptional.
If liquid enters the gel, the latter is absorbed completely, without residue. At the same time, the granules themselves change color, and this will allow you to easily recognize whether the tray is dirty and whether it should be cleaned. If the cat goes to his toilet, then the feces dry up quickly, and this circumstance is very pleasant for the pet. It turns out that the pet can use the tray several times in a row.

The most ideal litter for a cat litter box is silica gel, especially when there are several cats and they are forced to use one litter box. Of course, when purchasing, you should first check the size and shape of the material. The safest option is pellets that have rounded shapes, since the paws are not damaged. If the crystals are sharp, they can hurt the paws. A very small fraction of the filler does not absorb moisture enough.


  • Provides maximum cost savings;
  • Very convenient for pussies who love to dig with their paws;
  • If the hair of the pussy is long, then there is no need to fear that the material will stick to it;
  • It is impossible to spread it over the living area, and if the granule suddenly fell out of the tray, then removing it is not particularly difficult.
  • The smell is absorbed perfectly;
  • It will not be difficult to replace;
  • It does not stick to the walls of the tray at all;
  • Can be thrown into the sewer.


  • Very high price compared to other materials;
  • There are also animals that are afraid if there is a noise from rustling granules, and after that they may even refuse such a toilet.

Average price of products: about 500 rubles per 10 kg.

The best silica gel fillers

  1. Siberian cat (4 l) - 430 rubles;
  2. Silica gel cat litter pink, price for 12 l. 1200 rubles;
  3. Matryoshka cats for 480 rubles (packing - 5.0 l).

Filler from Japan

To date, a new Japanese filler has appeared in retail sales. The products are ideal for cats and kittens that have hypersensitivity, as well as allergic reactions to the constituent components of the fillers. Manufacturer - Japan.

It also attracts by the fact that it is very cheap, and the product lasts for a long time. Products are classified as absorbent, and on sale there are such options as:

  1. Small granules made from potato starch and paper. Moreover, pigment is added to this mixture, only with its presence it is possible to find out whether it is necessary to change the toilet for the kitty.
  2. Small cylinders made of rice starch and cypress are also made from environmentally friendly raw materials.
  3. Activated carbon in the composition with cellulose perfectly perform the specified function.
  4. The pressed soy fibers perfectly collect moisture and smells.


  • The products are environmentally friendly;
  • Using the filler will not be any difficulty;
  • Can be used on kittens and adult cats of all breeds.


  • The price is high and therefore not everyone can afford the products;
  • Cannot be purchased at retail;
  • Offered in online stores.

Average price: about 1000 rubles per 10 kg.

Filler from Japan NeoSuna - clumping with a color indicator 6 liters - price 480 rubles

The choice of cat litter should be done taking into account the tastes and preferences of your pet, as well as the breed of the cat, the length of its coat and age.

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