How to make a house from a metal frame. Turnkey metal frame house projects

"What will not come up with!" - perhaps this is the first thought of most readers who first encountered such a concept as frame houses from a metal profile. The use of metal as supporting structures seems to be a rather strange decision, but do not rush to conclusions - study all sides of the issue.

Metal houses - is there any experience?

Metal products have been used as load-bearing structures for a very long time; numerous shopping centers, skyscrapers are vivid examples of this. True, the technologies and materials used in the construction of such large objects do not at all justify themselves in private housing construction - the rolled metal products are very heavy, cumbersome, special welding and riveting technologies are used to connect individual elements, you cannot build such a house with your own hands.

Everything changed when light steel thin-walled structures were invented - hereinafter referred to as LSTK. For such structures, only thin steel sheets are suitable, formed into a Z-shaped profile with through grooves or perforations, which are to retain cold. This type of LSTK is also called a thermoprofile, and if we talk about private construction, then it is advisable to use only it.

Of course, no matter what tricks manufacturers come up with, metal remains a material with high thermal conductivity. This fact, in most cases, scares off people who are sorting out options for frame houses. The problem is solved by high-quality thermal insulation, which is a multi-layer cake. The calculation of insulation, the determination of the dew point should be carried out only by specialists with extensive experience, otherwise you risk getting many problems when using the house.

The second point that scares off consumers is metal corrosion. Without going into the details of chemical reactions, we all know that metal rusts, including steel. The formation of rust directly affects the strength of the metal structure, in our case, the strength of the "skeleton" of the house. This problem was solved with the help of hot galvanic treatment, due to which metal structures receive a protective shell with a thickness of 20 microns. With proper installation and reliable protection from moisture, it can extend the life of the metal up to 100 years!

Benefits of a metal frame - is the tree resting?

Metal frame houses are a technology that is unlikely to displace wood from. The maximum that is destined for them is to develop in parallel. And this is completely justified - both metal and wooden frames have disadvantages and advantages. Perhaps, it is in this comparison that it is best to consider metal-frame houses - why are they better and worse than wooden ones?

Metal, as mentioned above, has a high thermal conductivity - wood is much better in this regard, it itself is a heat-insulating material, participating in the general scheme of house insulation. In a metal-frame structure, there is no hope for the frame - all tasks for thermal protection fall on the insulation and cladding.

It is more comfortable to live in a completely wooden house, built with your own hands. The tree breathes, filling the air with aromas. However, this living material has a lot of enemies - wood-boring bugs, moisture, fungus. Of course, today there are many ways to protect yourself from all these factors, but this translates into high costs. These enemies are not terrible for metal, except perhaps for moisture, although the processes in both cases will proceed at different rates in favor of the metal.

True, there is another side to the issue - in a modern house there are too many household appliances that affect the frame, magnetizing it. This can affect the well-being of particularly sensitive residents. The light weight of LSTK (up to 50 kg per m2) allows you to build a house with your own hands on the lightest foundation. Even on heaving soils that do not allow the use of buried foundations, you can build a large, spacious house. The metal frame is devoid of such wood disadvantages as drying out and shrinkage.

The accuracy of the installation of the elements of the metal frame is always at its best. Thanks to this, time, labor and, as a result, finances are saved - construction from LSTK is cheaper. The cost of the elements themselves is also cheaper.

Disadvantages of a metal frame - forewarned is forearmed!

Oddly enough, but a metal frame during a fire behaves much worse than a wooden one. Do not think that by using metal in construction, you will protect yourself more than in the case of a wooden bar - fires in most cases start outside (set on fire) or inside the house (malfunction of household appliances), where there are many materials that will catch fire and burn out - furniture, things, decoration.

The main thing is that during a fire all residents can successfully evacuate - the more time they have before the collapse of the house, the higher the chances! So, a metal frame significantly reduces the evacuation time - at high temperatures, the skeleton of the house loses its rigidity, which is why the house coils in a spiral, falls off, warps... In the process of burning, the tree keeps the house from destruction for much longer - the timber is charred, but inside it keeps its shape.

Another drawback that is revealed almost immediately in the process of design and operation is the difficulty in installing built-in furniture and appliances. By default, the metal frame does not have a rigid, reliable base to which you could fix the shelves with your own hands, or install massive cabinets and pencil cases on top. So the builders, together with the owners of the house, must determine in advance the places that will need to be reinforced with additional profiles and platforms from the boards.

The load-bearing capacity of LSTK significantly limits the number of storeys and the use of heavy building materials. Do not use heavy ceramic tiles or install a fireplace on the upper floors. In the latter case, it is generally difficult to combine steel profiles with structural materials (brick, cement).

An important point is the protection of the house structure from industrial currents and atmospheric discharges. Metal profiles are excellent conductors of electricity, and therefore can be dangerous for the inhabitants of the house. This problem is solved by the potential equalization system, the calculation and installation of which is the lot of professionals.

Installation of LSTK - assembling a constructor!

Building a house from LSTK is really like assembling a construction set for children. Before installation, a project of the future house is created - all the little things are thought out in the project, right down to where the furniture and household appliances will be installed. It is highly desirable that, in addition to the drawing, a 3D project of the house was also developed - this way the customer will see the house with his own eyes.

After the design documentation is completed, the drawings are transferred to the production line. The frame parts are manufactured individually, numbered, packaged and sent to the construction site. The finished profiles already have holes for fasteners and utilities. Connecting elements are also included in the complex.

It is more difficult with a thermal profile - in most cases, builders are offered ready-made sizes and shapes that should be taken into account when designing. It is best not to change the existing length, cut or shorten anything. In any case, every detail is packed and labeled according to the house project drawings. Builders do not have to select parts - they just need to fasten the profiles with their own hands, according to the marking of individual parts. This approach significantly speeds up the construction process.

Construction from LSTK is arousing more and more interest among modern consumers, due to one important advantage - the possibility of free planning. Lightweight trusses allow spans up to 14 meters in length without additional support elements. The rooms inside the house are very spacious, free, and filled with air.

It should be remembered that the larger the room, the more difficult it will be to heat them, respectively, the better it is to insulate the walls with your own hands. Non-combustible mineral wool slabs, as well as moisture-resistant expanded polystyrene, ecowool, have proven themselves best of all. LSTK, although not too friendly with other construction materials, is easy to finish, be it a block house imitating a rounded log, or porcelain stoneware, which will give the building the appearance of a solid structure.

  • Best price
    from 2000 rub / m2
  • Warranty for work
    5 years
  • Project development
    up to 15 days
  • Project documentation
    not paid
  • The solution of your
    turnkey tasks
  • Manufacturing
    designs up to 15 days

Swedish technology for the construction of prefabricated houses from metal structures has become very popular, since such houses and cottages have many advantages over houses built of brick or concrete.

The StalProfilGroup Group of Companies manufactures the load-bearing frames of houses and buildings from a turnkey galvanized profile. As walls, interfloor ceilings, lightweight building profiles, post and guides are used. At the construction site, the installation of the metal frame is able to be carried out by a small team of middle-skilled workers, without the need for the use of heavy equipment.

Prefabricated houses made of metal structures are lightweight, so they do not need a deeply buried heavy foundation. As a result, inexpensive prefabricated houses from metal structures can significantly save on metal and concrete.

Prefabricated frame-panel houses are built much faster than houses from other building materials. LSTK technology - the construction of houses from a metal frame without the use of liquids, solutions, mixtures - allows you to build low-rise houses from a thermoprofile in any weather. Interior wall finishing can be started as soon as the main walls are finished. Houses made of metal frames do not require shrinkage and are able to withstand heavy loads. All internal communications are located within the walls of the building.


  • tape shallow - monolithic reinforced concrete
Exterior walls:
  • supporting frame - galvanized steel thermal profile 150 / 200-2.0 mm
  • sheathing - siding
Internal walls:
  • load-bearing - galvanized steel thermoprofile 150 / 200-2.0 mm
  • partitions - galvanized steel thermal profile "100 / 150-1.0 / 1.2 mm
  • sheathing - LSU boards or drywall
  • insulation - mineral wool slab based on basalt fibers (at the request of the customer - monolithic foam concrete)
Slabs with subfloor:
  • light beams - galvanized steel thermoprofile 200 / 250-2.0 mm
  • moisture resistant plywood or OSB-3
  • insulation - mineral wool slab based on basalt fibers (at the request of the customer - monolithic foam concrete)
  • light beams - galvanized steel thermal profile 200-2.0 mm + lathing
  • sheathing - waterproof plywood FSF
  • insulation - mineral wool board based on basalt fibers + wind insulation
  • covering (finishing) - bituminous shingles

Mineral wool is usually used as a heater in prefabricated frame houses made of metal profiles, and for wind protection, frame houses from LSTK are sheathed with glass-magnesium sheets (LSU) or cement-bonded particle boards (CSP). All other finishing of prefabricated houses from is carried out taking into account the tastes and wishes of the Customer. The choice on the building materials market is huge. By connecting imagination and common sense, you can build for yourself a unique prefabricated prefabricated house from LSTK - warm, versatile, spacious, and most importantly, inexpensive!

Buy a prefabricated house from a turnkey metal frame

The brick and wood walls are familiar. They are reliable, durable and require large material and physical costs. We remember about the frame construction method when it is necessary to quickly build a refrigerator warehouse from sandwich panels or a change house for a team of builders. The metal frame of the house is assembled and sheathed in a matter of days. In terms of its ability to retain heat and other characteristics, the structure of profile and drywall is superior to brick structure.

Metal frame structure

Advantages of metal frame structures of houses

House using a metal frame structure

The construction of a brick house with its foundation shrinkage, mortar hardening and materials drying takes 2-3 years. It is necessary to make a strip foundation and wait several months after pouring for the deformation to stop and internal stresses to be relieved. Acceleration leads to distortions, cracks, and a reduction in the life of the walls.

The positive aspect of a brick and wooden house is its familiarity and predictability. Everyone knows what the house consists of, how to lay out the walls and fix the roof. The frame house seems light, unreliable. It can be blown away like Ellie's house. Indeed, in America, the destruction of houses during a cyclone is often reported.

In fact, a metal frame house is able to withstand the pressure of the elements and has advantages over classic buildings.

  1. It retains heat better than brick or stone.
  2. The metal frame and sheathing are stronger than a wooden frame.
  3. Manufacturing a 2-storey building takes a couple of weeks, and is carried out in any weather, even frost. The exception is heavy rain. It makes the insulation damp and it is unpleasant for the workers to work. Do not use power tools.
  4. The cost of materials and installation work is much cheaper.
  5. In a house from a profile, it is easy to make redevelopment and an extension.
  6. Work at height is carried out without cranes.
  7. The light weight of the walls allows you to put the building on a light pile or support-column foundation, to place the house on a slope and any soil.
  8. Dismantling and installation of the frame can be done in a few days. If desired, it is easy to transport the building to another location.
  9. If a hurricane destroys the structure, then the house from the profile is much easier to restore. The frame can withstand loads. It is enough to make a new skin. No need to dismantle.

The first frame houses began to be built in America. Some survived in cold Alaska from the Gold Rush to the present day. In Australia, sparse on the rains, they appreciated the ease of construction, the quick installation of a frame made of rolled metal and the possibility of using simple materials available nearby for cladding. During the dry season, the profile house keeps the inside cool.

Complex calculations and fast construction

Building a house

For those who like to make a budget house on their own, a metal frame can surprise you. Complex calculations can only be done by specialists. The very calculation of the loads of the beams corresponds to the level of the first semester of the strength of materials. But in construction there is a concept of safety. All nodes have a certain margin of safety. Should be considered:

  • the specific gravity of the metal frame itself;
  • sheathing is laid on it, the weight of the floors presses;
  • furniture and various equipment;
  • external loads from snow on the roof, wind;
  • you need to know the coefficient of resistance to statistical and dynamic loads;
  • permissible force for twisting and stretching of a metal profile of a given section;
  • aging and fluidity of the metal;
  • seismic vibrations in a given area.

The list of data for the calculation is not complete. My friend, a scientist mathematician, set out to calculate a metal frame from a square profile. This was not easy to do. He abandoned existing programs and wrote his own. I constantly help him with the construction and renovation of his house and apartment. He gave me this program in gratitude.

Fitting starts with a sturdy sole

Metal frame structure of a private house

The main load-bearing and supporting elements of the frame are the lower harness - platform and racks. Depending on their location, there are types of frames:

  • with continuous racks;
  • frame with overlap;
  • rack-and-beam;
  • frame-rack;
  • mixed.

A common element is a strapping made of a metal profile of a larger section of the lower part of the frame. Basically, it is she who lies on the foundation. An exception is the frame-post construction, when the bearing vertical posts at the bottom pass into the piles or rest on them. They try to make such a frame on swampy and flooded soils. There is a gap between the soil and the floor for ventilation. Water flows freely between the metal supports without flooding the house.

A simple-to-perform metal construction, when the frame is made with uprights that are solid in height, not cut. At the level of the floor, vertical beams are cut into it. Making such a frame for a house yourself is easier than the rest. But it has a number of limitations:

  • the structure has only a rectangular shape;
  • the height of the house can be "one and a half floors", or rather a full-fledged first level in height and a residential attic.

Canadian technology for assembling houses from ready-made pallets has become widespread. It is convenient to make and sew up metal frames separately, then lift and connect them. Bearing is not only the frame, but also the outer wall cladding. It is often made of durable LSP, MDF, gypsum board and plywood. Immediately after assembling the house, you can start decorating the walls. The installation time of the metal frame from the profile and its sheathing is reduced to 4 - 6 days. Inside, lining is most often used for cladding.

The lack of all structures in the absence of a basement. A basement under the house can be made if the metal frame of the frame is attached to a strip foundation. The walls of the premises are laid out separately, and the basement masonry is not used.

The frame made of a metal profile is connected:

  • welding;
  • bolts and crabs under them;
  • rivets.

Welding can only be done by an experienced welder who has passed certification for this type of work. Otherwise, next to the seam, the connection may soon collapse. In this way, load-bearing metal beams are more often fastened. The rest of the frame can be attached to them with crabs and bolted.

Rivets hold the structure firmly in seismic areas. They allow the frame to deform slightly under varying loads and thus remain intact during earthquakes and vibrations.

Internal partitions and soundproofing

Metal frame of the house

The metal frame made of profiles and pipes is convenient for creating an internal layout of any kind and quickly changing it. Partitions are placed in the right place, filled with expanded polystyrene, less often with mineral wool. It is possible to sheathe plasterboard in one layer, on load-bearing walls it is better to do gypsum plasterboard twice. For slopes, moisture resistant materials are chosen.

The thickness of the metal profile and insulation is small, 40 - 60 mm. This is enough for soundproofing and installing the frame of interior doors.

Thermal insulation

The metal frame has a high coefficient of thermal conductivity and in the structure of the house the profile represents cold bridges. During the construction of a frame house, metal parts are insulated with penoizol. It is cut into strips or filled with foam of voids and the surface of the metal during installation. Additional insulation is wall decoration with plaster or siding.

Waterproofing is placed between the insulation and the inner lining. They use vapor barrier films that allow air to pass through and allow the walls to breathe.

Houses on a frame made of metal profiles are a new word in the development of frame construction technologies. Let's figure out how to build such a house with our own hands quickly and at the lowest cost.

The construction of a private house has changed a lot today thanks to the emergence of new technologies. The wooden frame allows the building to be erected very quickly and to ensure good performance. Using a frame made of a metal profile for building houses with your own hands is a further development of frame technology. Let's figure out what are the advantages of this method and how to build such a house with our own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technology of building buildings on a metal profile frame assumes that all frame elements of walls, floors, roofs are made of metal. The thickness and shape of the profile for each section is calculated separately, based on the tested load. This construction method allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Reducing the weight of the finished building.
  • The speed of construction.
  • Reduction of the tools required for construction: since the profile is made in the factory, a drill, a plumb angle, etc. become unnecessary.

The frame is filled with panels of insulation, which is selected for the conditions of each region. Thus, it is possible to achieve the required performance for frost protection. Frame houses are warm and economical: since there is no heat loss, it is possible to significantly save on heating.

Other advantages of houses built using this technology are:

  • Ease of disposal. An unnecessary structure does not need to be broken. You can disassemble the house, like a constructor, by letting the metal of the frame melt down. The environment does not suffer either.
  • Durability: the metal does not burn, does not rot, practically does not deform from temperature extremes.
  • Construction can be carried out at any time of the year, without interruption for the cold period.

Usually frame construction is used for the construction of small buildings one or two stories high. The height of the walls of such an object is usually no more than 6 m, and the length of the span is about 12 m. The limiter is the bearing capacity of the rafters. Roof trusses with a length of 24 m and more require the use of a special profile, they are difficult to manufacture and install.

There are also several features to consider when choosing a frame house:

  • Good thermal protection is required for a good ventilation system. The house is essentially a thermos, and without an efficient ventilation system it will be humid in it. And these are suitable conditions for the development of molds.
  • The walls of a frame house will not be able to support a lot of weight. It will not be possible to hang shelves on them or drive a dowel for a picture.
  • Although the metal frame is made of corrosion-resistant alloys, care must be taken that it does not come into contact with moisture. Otherwise, corrosive processes can cause destruction of structural elements.

Given these features, you can live in a frame house with great comfort, and it is not very difficult to build it yourself. But careful adherence to technology and the purchase of quality materials for construction are required.

Assembly technology

The production of a frame house is carried out in several stages.

The design phase involves the preparation of documentation for the plant that will manufacture profiles for the assembly of the frame. Even if you plan to build a house yourself, at this stage you need to seek the help of a specialist. Incorrectly manufactured frame parts can make construction an impossible task. Therefore, it is worth choosing and implementing one of three options:

  • Choose a finished home project. The cheapest option. In the variety of options developed by designers, there is almost certainly a solution that combines an acceptable price and a fairly high quality.
  • Having chosen a ready-made project, order its modification for your own needs. This may include changing the interior layout, adding new elements (bay window, attic, etc.), or vice versa, eliminating complicating details in order to reduce the cost of construction.
  • Order the development of a project "from scratch". This is the most expensive and time consuming option. But on the other hand, he guarantees that the house will turn out to be unique in design and truly convenient for your family.

When the project is ready, the frame elements and insulation panels are made, and at this time, work is underway to create a reliable foundation for the future home. Low weight allows using a pile foundation or technology based on the use of SHS supports. Both methods allow you to make a foundation quite quickly.

Next, the frame is assembled. In fact, this procedure resembles a game with a children's construction set, only the parts are very large. Since all the elements are made in advance, there is no need to waste time taking measurements and drilling holes. You can completely assemble the frame in a few days.

At the next stage, the frame is sheathed with insulation panels. In general, this stage is similar to the work carried out during the construction of timber-framed houses.

When this stage is over, communications are brought into the house and the interior and facade are finished.

Required materials and tools

All types of metal profiles (also referred to as LSTK) for house frames are made of structural steel using cold stamps. Each sheet is coated with a protective zinc coating to resist corrosion. The coating thickness varies from 18 to 40 microns. The thicker the coating, the more expensive the profile, but also the higher its durability. The most expensive profiles are hot-dip galvanized.

The thickness of the sheet from which the profile is made is also different. The thinnest is 0.7 mm, the thickest is 2 mm. The thicker the steel, the higher the load-bearing capacity of LSTK. However, weight and cost also increase with thickness. Therefore, the thickness of the metal and the type of profile are calculated by specialists based on the loads that the frame will bear.

Today LSTK enter the market from dozens of sources: foreign and domestic, small factories and large steel enterprises. It is difficult to recommend a specific manufacturer here. It is worth looking at the quality of the metal (no traces of rust, coating chips, etc.)

There are several types of profiles:

They are also subdivided into subspecies depending on specific tasks:

It is impossible to determine which profile to put on each site without special knowledge. That is why it is better to entrust the drafting of a frame house project to a specialist.

The set of tools may differ slightly, depending on which manufacturer the LSTK was ordered from. But almost always the profile kit comes with a screwdriver assembly: everything is numbered, laid out in the appropriate order, equipped with the appropriate fasteners.

Do-it-yourself frame house from a metal profile. Step-by-step instruction

The process of constructing a frame building is almost the same, although a metal frame is used, even a wooden one. Here are the basic steps for building a house on a finished foundation:

  1. The bottom harness is assembled on the base. This is a very crucial stage, since it is here that the foundation for the future building is laid.
  2. The main support posts are placed in the corners. It is very important to set them strictly vertically. When using a metal frame, such a verticality is easier to achieve, but it still does not hurt to check the correct installation using a plumb line.
  3. Additional posts are attached between the main support posts, they are tied into a single wall frame using crossbars and jibs.
  4. The uprights are tied together with a top harness. The frame of the ceiling slabs is being mounted.
  5. The roof frame is being assembled.
  6. The roof is waterproofed and insulated, the lathing under the roofing material is assembled on the rafters.

If you plan to build a multi-storey structure, two frame options can be used. In the first case, the support legs go through the entire frame. Then the two floors of the house are like a single whole. In this case, the strength of the structure is higher, but it is more difficult to build, since a longer and heavier profile will be needed. In the second case, the frame of the first and second floors are separate things, which are then connected to each other.

On this, the frame of the house is ready. In principle, assembling such a structure is no more difficult than assembling a constructor. It is only important not to mix up the details and carefully carry out each operation.

Here are some tips from builders who professionally assemble frame houses:

  • In work, you will need an assistant, or rather several. One can only assemble some small structure, like a garden gazebo, and even then hands will be greatly missed.
  • Since metal conducts temperature much better than wood, a metal frame can create a so-called. "Cold bridges". So that a house on a frame made of LSTK does not lose heat, you should take care of high-quality insulation of the external and internal walls of the building. Modern insulation materials are well suited for this: polystyrene, mineral wool.

It is quite possible to build a building on a frame made of a metal profile with your own hands. Modern technologies make it possible to make such construction fast and not too laborious. But the frame needs to be properly designed and made of high quality metal. Then your home will be warm, durable and cozy.

frame house from a metal profile

Time does not stand still and the path to beauty and originality in modern construction pushes back into the past building materials that have been used for a long time, paving the way for the development of new and often unexpected options for housing construction. We are accustomed to the fact that the main and familiar building materials for the construction of houses are wood and brick. In the 21st century, a metal profile has replaced it, from which you can build a durable and comfortable house for permanent residence. Frame houses made of metal profiles are one of the fastest ways to get comfortable housing. The construction procedure remains the same. First of all, they are engaged in the construction of the foundation, then the walls are installed, and after which all the necessary communications are brought in. Everything is very simple and standard.

Advantages of a frame house made of metal profiles

The technology of building houses from a metal profile has the following advantages:

  • the low weight of the structure allows you to use the available types of foundations: support-columnar or pile, also when erecting all the elements, the involvement of heavy special equipment is not required;
  • high accuracy of installation - all elements of the frame are manufactured at the factory using high-precision and modern equipment, which facilitates the construction process;
  • guarantee of the integrity of the house structure, absence of shrinkage and deformation, which allows finishing the facade and interior immediately after the completion of construction work;
  • has full compatibility with other building materials;
  • the operational characteristics of the metal profile make it possible to bring to life the most original architectural fantasies;
  • frame houses made of metal profiles have a long service life;
  • all surfaces are resistant to decay, fungi and mold;
  • with proper insulation, the house can be lived all year round with minimal heating costs.

Cons of using a metal profile

  • a short period of time for evacuation in the event of a fire (the structure loses its rigidity and may collapse);
  • the metal profile is not suitable for the construction of massive structures.

Development of a project for a house from a metal profile

Before starting the construction of the frame, you need to develop a project. Even if the work is planned, which will be done by hand, you still need the help and advice of a specialist for the correct development of the project.

Gololobovskiy brick factory -, contact information, address, telephone.

The cheapest way would be to select a standard design and order the parts that will be needed at the factory. In this case, at the request of the customer, the project can be corrected in the layout, the type of exterior and interior decoration, and another type of foundation can also be selected.

Important: An individual project is much more expensive, but here all the requirements and wishes of the client are taken into account, the client, directly with the architect, work out all the details of the drawings of the future house.

Basically, the project provides floor plans, roofs, facades, drawings of frame elements and a 3D model of the house.

Types of construction of a frame house from a metal profile

  1. The metal frame will be assembled on the ground where the construction is being carried out. The weight of the parts of the structure is small, even one worker can handle them. After installing the frame, wall cladding is carried out on two sides: inner and outer, and then doors and windows are installed.
  2. Using larger elements, construction will also take place at the construction site. The plus is that in this case much less time will be spent on work.
  3. It differs from the previous two in its speed. And the fact is that the frame of the house is assembled at the factory and subsequently installed in the right place using a crane.

Thus, careful preparation for design and construction will allow you to build a reliable house from a metal profile, which will serve the owner for more than one year.