How to dilute the solution for inhalation. What solutions are used for inhalation

An inhaler is a device used to treat diseases of the respiratory tract. There is a wide selection of devices on the market with different types of devices. Very convenient and compact nebulizers that convert the solution into an aerosol by means of a compressor. Before purchasing, you should carefully study which medicines can be used in a compressor inhaler.

Each device has its own characteristics, so first you should carefully read the instructions for the product. No need to self-medicate - a specialist consultation is required. All medications produced for inhalation are used in conjunction with saline, which acts as a moisturizer and solvent. There are certain dilution ratios for each drug. We list what solutions are used for various diseases. The list is limited to the most popular types, dosages are prescribed by the attending physician. They may also be prescribed other drugs.

Medicines for compressor inhalers (nebulizers)

It is worthwhile to separately familiarize yourself with which drugs for a compressor inhaler are prohibited:

  • containing various oils or suspended particles, homemade decoctions, herbal tinctures;
  • drugs that do not have an effect through the mucous membrane: diphenhydramine, papaverine and others;
  • the use of systemic hormones (hydrocortisone, prednisolone) by means of a nebulizer is ineffective and therefore not recommended.

For the treatment to be effective, some rules must be followed. Conduct a session 1.5 hours after a meal, then do not talk, do not go out into the cold. In the treatment of the nasopharynx, breathing is carried out through the nose. To treat the rest of the organs, inhale and exhale with the mouth; you can use a mouthpiece. You cannot store the finished medicine for more than a day, it should be in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature immediately before the start of inhalation with a compressor inhaler.

The benefits of inhalation are not in doubt either among doctors prescribing procedures, or among patients who want to recover as soon as possible. The determining factor in inhalation measures is the disease itself, its nature, and correctly prescribed medications for undergoing a therapeutic course.

Preparations for inhalation with a nebulizer


Mucolytics help to thin the viscous phlegm, which burdens the bronchi and complicates the course of the disease. Fluimucil, ACC, Ambroxol, Lazolvan have proven themselves. The usual saline solution, Essentuki water (No. 4 and No. 17) also give a good result, actively moisturizing the mucous surface of the oropharynx. Trisol is often prescribed.


Bronchodilator drugs can prevent or relieve an attack of bronchospasm. Such an unpleasant symptom accompanies bronchitis and bronchial asthma, and with its timely relief, the course of the disease is facilitated. The most popular medicine is Berodual. The proportions of dilution are given by the attending physician, who is guided by the picture of the disease. Also in appointments Berotek and Atrovent are found.


The combination of Fluimucil and an antibiotic gives tangible results in the fight against almost all respiratory diseases. The antibiotic Dioxidin is usually used, which has an antibacterial effect. Tonsillitis, sinusitis and otitis media, purulent diseases of the oropharynx are also well treated with the use of Dioxidin. For young children, this drug is not prescribed due to the lack of information about the possibility of use.

Another antibiotic is Ceftriaxone, which belongs to the class of the most powerful drugs in the fight against bacterial infections of the respiratory tract. The dosage is individual, the appointment can only be made by a doctor.


A popular antiseptic is Miramistin, which is prescribed for upper respiratory tract infections. Absolute safety even for a small child makes the drug very popular. Miramistin does not need to be pre-diluted, it gives a noticeable result after several applications.

In addition to therapy with Miramistin, doctors make an appointment with Furacilin and Chlorophyllipt.


Such drugs are actively used:

  • Derinat - copes with the task of preventing influenza and ARVI. The product does not need to be diluted, 2 ml is taken for one application.

  • Interferon (in powder form) - for dilution, you need to pour slightly cooled boiled water into a container with a medicine until a volume of 2 ml is reached. Interferon is used especially actively in children.


Herbal medicine works against inflammation. Herbal medicines are used - Rotokan, Tonsilgon N, Propolis and others. Sodium chloride is needed to prepare the solution.


The narrowing of blood vessels helps to weaken the unpleasant consequences of a stuffy nose. Doctors prescribe, the action of which is aimed at relieving laryngeal edema with laryngotracheitis and respiratory allergies. Epinephrine (Epinephrine) helps control bronchospasm but can cause an increase in heart rate. Therefore, it should be used with extreme caution.


Expectorant drugs represent a wider list of medicines, which includes mucolytics. A dry, unproductive cough does not contribute to the excretion of sputum from the patient's body, causing unpleasant and prolonged seizures. The local effect is achieved if the inhaler is filled with lidocaine. Another effective medicine is Bronchipret. Thyme extract, which forms the basis of Tussamag inhalation drops, is aimed at combating unproductive cough.


Hormonal spectrum medications should be used with extreme caution and only after a preliminary visit to the doctor. The main remedy is Pulmicort, which helps with obstructive syndrome and facilitates the course of bronchial asthma. In medical practice, it has been successfully used for false croup in children under three years of age. Pulmicort is diluted with sodium chloride solution strictly in the ratio selected by the therapist. In addition to him, Cromohexal and Dexamethasone are also prescribed.

Features of the use of drugs for diseases

The choice of one or another drug for inhalation is determined by the specific disease. Solutions prepared for nebulizers allow you to cope with:

  • runny nose;
  • sinusitis;
  • asthma;
  • severe cough, etc.

With a runny nose

A stuffy nose is unpleasant. To get rid of a symptom or to cure an allergic rhinitis, special inhalation solutions are used. These include: Naphtizin, Sinupret. Pinosol and Zvezdochka give tangible results. A number of models of nebulizers, which are designed for filling with essential oils, can be filled with a mixture of eucalyptus (fir) oil and saline solution. The proportion is as follows: saline solution with a total volume of 0.2 liters is mixed with 14 drops of oil. For each procedure, you will need to pour only 3 ml of the prepared solution. The frequency of inhalation is up to 3-4 times a day.

Another effective option for dealing with a runny nose is that saline is poured into the container of the inhaler, and the transition tube is processed with Chlorhexidine. The procedure lasts 5 minutes, the frequency is at least 3 times a day.

With sinusitis

Sinusitis in children is more severe than in adults, so it is better to take a course of inhalation therapy. Suitable drugs are those that constrict blood vessels, reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process and make it easier for the child to breathe. One of them is Dekasan - an antiseptic and disinfectant with a pronounced antiviral effect.

A feature of Dekasan is the fact that the agent is practically not absorbed into the mucous membranes, does not enter the bloodstream and almost completely eliminates side effects. For one procedure, take 3 ml of a mixture of the agent and saline solution, the frequency of use is three times a day.

Advice! "To enhance the therapeutic effect, doctors advise slightly warming up the drug before use (up to 38 ° C)."

With sinusitis, sea salt copes well, 3 g of which is diluted in 10 ml of sodium chloride solution. The resulting mixture is filled into a nebulizer in a volume of 3 ml and a 10-minute inhalation is carried out.

Essential oils also have a healing effect. Thyme, mint and rosemary oil is diluted with saline (one drop of oil goes to 2 ml). The inhalation itself should last 20 minutes and be repeated at least three times during the day.

At a temperature

It is better to interrupt inhalations carried out during the period of illness when the temperature rises. This is a general rule, but in medical practice situations arise when a greater healing effect can be achieved without interrupting the course. If the child's illness has taken on an acute phase and the maintenance of the results achieved by therapy is required, then one can not refuse. On this issue, only the attending physician makes a decision. The recommendation will be as follows: continue the inhalation course, monitor the temperature, if the indicator exceeds 37.5 ° C, stop using the inhaler.

With asthma

It is possible to treat asthma with the support of aerosol therapy, the emphasis is on drugs that dilate the bronchi. Often prescribed:

  • Salbutamol;
  • Euphyllin;
  • Flixotide of Nebula.

Also important will be the sputum-thinning means for inhalation - Lazolvan and Mukolvan. Antibiotic drugs (Miramistin, Gentamicin, Semptomirin) will reduce the number of pathogenic microbes. Hormonal, antihistamines and immunity-improving drugs (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone and Interferon, respectively) will speed up recovery.

When coughing

The cough, which accompanies most respiratory diseases, is treated with expectorant drugs, which are filled into the inhaler. Among the popular ones are Lazolvan and Mukaltin. With a strong, almost incessant cough, which interferes with falling asleep at night, antitussive medicines are used - Tussamag and Ledocaine.

You can cope with a cough with the help of Berodual, a drug aimed at treating obstructive respiratory diseases (chronic). Children from 6 to 12 years old need only 1 ml of the drug to make one inhalation. Viscous and thick phlegm is liquefied thanks to Lazolvan, diluted with sodium chloride in a one-to-one ratio. The inhaler is filled with 3 ml of the mixture, and the frequency of the process is up to 4 times a day. For acute respiratory infections and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, Pulmicort is also used.

With bronchitis

Bronchitis belongs to the class of protracted diseases, so it is important to diagnose it on time and prescribe adequate treatment. The sequence of therapeutic steps should be as follows:

  • First, bronchodilators are sprayed with a nebulizer. Thanks to them, the bronchi expand and prepare for the rejection of accumulated phlegm.
  • After 15 minutes, mucolytic drugs are used, which make the sputum more liquid and promote its excretion.
  • When the maximum amount of phlegm is excreted from the body, you can start anti-inflammatory inhalation. For these purposes, various antibiotics are used, it all depends on the specific prescription of the doctor.

Rules for inhalation in a nebulizer

Before proceeding with the inhalation procedure, it is necessary to check the cleanliness of the nebulizer. The instructions say that the device should be cleaned after each use. Do not forget to sterilize the device.

Only sodium chloride solution should be used to dissolve drugs. It is not worth taking distilled or mineral water. It is better to mix the components in a sterile syringe, then pouring its contents into a nebulizer container. The instrument will be ready for use after final assembly.

Advice! “In order to successfully breathe an inhaler with a small child, you can pick it up, distract it with something. It is better to start the procedure in a good mood. "

Depending on the type of inhaler, it is held only evenly or at an angle (mesh devices). The latter are more convenient because you can lie down during the procedure.

So much medicine for inhalation is poured into the container of the nebulizer so that it can breathe for 10 minutes. As soon as the steam stops coming out of the mask, the procedure is completed, there is no point in adding a new solution. If there is discomfort in the oropharynx, then it is better to end the session immediately.

If the inhalation was done to a child, then after it it is advisable to rinse the mouth with warm water (especially when using hormonal drugs). A greater therapeutic effect can be achieved if you do not talk and try not to cough within 30 minutes after the completion of the procedure. Smokers should not take up a cigarette for an hour.

A number of substances can cause gagging, so inhalation is carried out only an hour and a half after eating. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's prescription, not exceeding the dose.

Using the device is quite simple, as the developers strive to simplify the operation of the inhaler. With timely and high-quality care of the device, it will last a long time and bring the desired healing effect.

What can not be filled into the nebulizer

A number of medicines cannot be used in certain types and models of inhalers, otherwise the devices may simply fail. Oil solutions cause damage to ultrasonic nebulizers, since they settle on small parts of the device, disable filters. A compressor device with the function of adjusting the size of sprayed particles will be able to work with preparations based on eucalyptus, rosemary, fir oils.

Herbal teas can also damage the appliance as they contain large particles. In the best case, they will have to be thoroughly filtered before being poured into the appropriate container of the device.

Systemic hormonal drugs will not have a local effect if nebulized. The result will be general, so it makes no sense to change the method of reception.

Those medicines that do not affect the body through the respiratory tract - Papaverine, Eufillin and others - are not refueled either.

Contraindications for the procedure

There are several conditions under which inhalation is prohibited for both adults and children:

  • increased body temperature (the mercury column has overcome the 37.5 ° C mark);
  • pathological changes in blood vessels;
  • bleeding of the lungs;
  • cardiovascular disease and pulmonary failure;
  • suffered a stroke.

Ignoring these conditions and carrying out inhalation measures can lead to serious consequences, up to and including death.

What to do inhalation at home without a nebulizer

If there is no inhaler at hand, and its purchase is not included in the plans, then cough and runny nose can be treated in other ways. They use improvised means and products that are in almost every home - potatoes, garlic. In the pharmacy you can buy herbs - eucalyptus, sage. They are easy to brew in boiling water and breathe over a saucepan filled with steam.

The recipe for an inhalation liquid on garlic is as follows: you need to take 6 cloves, chop them finely and boil. You should breathe over a switched off and hovering pot until you feel the airway is emptying. If sage and eucalyptus are used, a tablet of validol and a quarter of a briquette of coniferous extract can be added to the broth.

It's even easier with potatoes. You need one large or a couple of small root crops. They are washed and boiled in their uniforms. Breathe over the pot with boiled potatoes until the water cools down. Folk methods that do not involve the use of technical devices also give good results.


Treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract with inhalation has proven to be effective. By strictly following the doctor's prescriptions regarding the prescribed drug and their dosage and correctly using modern inhalation equipment, you can count on a speedy recovery.

Since ancient times, one of the most effective and safe ways to overcome seasonal colds and flu has been inhalation, which traditionally consisted of inhaling hot vapors of herbal decoctions.

Today, doctors around the world highly appreciate the effect of nebulizer therapy - inhalation with the help of special devices - inhalers or nebulizers, this is primarily due to the effectiveness and safety of this method of treatment. The therapeutic effect of this procedure is achieved by transporting the drug in the form of an aerosol directly to the inflammation focus, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and other organs and systems.

Inhalation is used in the treatment (ARVI), chronic, and other respiratory diseases.

There is a fairly wide selection of inhalers in Ukrainian pharmacies. Operating principle such devices - transformation of a drug into an aerosol using a compressor or ultrasonic vibrations.

It should be noted that the possibility of reaching foci of inflammation, the depth of penetration of the drug into the upper or lower respiratory tract, directly depends on the size of the aerosol particles. A unique feature of some inhalers is that the device converts aerosol into very small (up to 5 microns) particles. This allows the drug to penetrate simultaneously into the upper and, which is important, reach the lower respiratory tract of the bronchiole, alveoli in the concentration required for the therapeutic effect.

Inhalers, as a rule, are equipped with a built-in timer, if not, then on average, the duration of the inhalation procedure is 10 minutes. Some devices are equipped with an automatic shutdown mode, which makes it easier to conduct a therapy session. Also, in some devices it is possible to regulate the rate of aerosol delivery into the respiratory tract: for adults it is higher, for children - lower.

Today in Ukraine there are not so many medical institutions that are equipped with a new generation of nebulizers. Basically, devices made in the USSR are used, which have passed more than one service cycle. Now everyone can take care of their health using their personal nebulizer inhaler, without leaving home and without visiting the clinic, especially in cold weather, when the effect of inhalation decreases.

What is the difference between a compressor and an ultrasonic nebulizer inhaler?

Compressor inhalers nebulizers

An electric compressor delivers a powerful stream of air into the spray chamber, where, upon contact with the drug, a polydisperse aerosol is formed containing particles less than 5 microns, which is optimal for the drug to enter the lungs.

The positive properties of a compressor inhaler are versatility in the use of drugs. The disadvantages of such a device are the noise factor, the compressor nebulizer is considered noisier than ultrasonic devices.

Ultrasonic inhalers nebulizers

An aerosol is formed by acting on a liquid by ultrasonic vibrations generated by a piezoelectric element. About 90% of aerosol particles are 2-3 microns in size, due to which they reach the small bronchi and bronchioles. Disadvantages - Limitations in the use of certain types of drugs. The advantages are noiselessness.

What determines the level of drug penetration into the respiratory tract?

The depth to which aerosol particles enter the respiratory tract depends on the size of the aerosol particles. It was found that particles 5-10 microns in size are deposited in the oropharynx, larynx and trachea, 2-5 microns - in the lower respiratory tract (middle and small bronchi), 0.5-2 microns - in the alveoli, less than 0.5 microns are not retained in the lungs and fizzled out. All this information is taken into account in the development of modern inhalers and the creation of drugs for inhalation treatment.

What are the benefits of inhalation therapy?

  • The ability to directly and quickly affect the inflammation zone
  • The inhalable substance is practically not absorbed into the bloodstream. No side effects on other organs
  • High penetrating power (up to the alveoli)
  • The use of drugs, the receipt of an aerosol of which is possible only in this way (antibiotics, sputum thinners)
  • The possibility of using inhalation therapy in patients of all ages, as well as during an exacerbation

Medicines for use in nebulizer inhalers

Natural and essential oils

Inhalation of essential oils is an effective aromatherapy method. Different oils should be used with caution; the selection of oils should be individualized. Always consult your doctor before using essential oils. When using essential oils, their concentration should not exceed 5%.

Alkaline solutions

Sodium bicarbonate. A 2% solution is used to liquefy mucus and create an alkaline environment in the focus of inflammation. Ten-minute inhalation increases the efficiency of removing mucopurulent discharge from the nasal cavity by more than 2 times.

Saline solutions

Sodium chloride. 0.9% solution does not irritate mucous membranes, it is used to soften them, to cleanse and rinse the nasal cavity in case of contact with caustic substances. 2% hypertonic solution helps to cleanse the nasal cavity from mucopurulent contents.


Atrovent - has both a direct bronchodilatory effect and a similar prophylactic effect, causes a decrease in the secretion of bronchial glands and prevents the development of bronchospasm. In a solution for inhalation through a nebulizer, 1 ml is used 3 to 5 times a day for adults.

Salbutamol - relieves bronchospasm, reduces bronchial resistance and increases lung capacity

Berotek (fenoterol) - for inhalation through a nebulizer is used in the form of a 0.1% solution of 2 ml 3-4 times a day in order to obtain a rapid bronchodilator effect.

Berodual is a fast-acting drug with a duration of up to 5-6 hours, which allows it to be used to relieve bronchospasm.


Acetylcysteine ​​- used for inhalation through a nebulizer in the form of a 20% solution, 2-4 ml 3-4 times a day.

Mukomist - an ampouled solution containing 0.2 g of active substance in 1 ml is used for inhalation.

Lazolvan - for inhalation therapy can be used for obstructive chronic bronchitis in the acute stage. Therefore, inhalation for obstructive bronchitis can pass with the use of lazolvan.

Pulmicort - a suspension of 0.25 mg is applied 2-3 times a day.


Dioxidine is an antimicrobial drug that also acts on bacterial strains that are resistant to various antibiotics, in the form of a 1% solution.

Furacilin (1: 5000) acts on gram-positive and gram-negative microbes; effective inhalation in the acute phases of upper respiratory tract diseases. Inhalation is recommended 2 times a day in the amount of 2-5 ml.

Malavit is a powerful antiseptic and antibacterial agent with antiviral and antifungal and analgesic properties.

Tubazid - used in the form of a 6% solution of 21 ml twice a day.

Streptomycin - for inhalation therapy, a freshly prepared solution of streptomycin in isotonic sodium chloride solution is used at the rate of 0.2 - 0.25 g of streptomycin in 3-5 ml of sodium chloride solution daily.

What drugs are used for inhalation?

Currently, a number of drugs for nebulization are registered in Ukraine (the information below is for review and is not a basis for recommending patients without a doctor's prescription). Some of them are presented below.

Cough inhalations: mucolytic agents (agents that thin phlegm)

Ambroxol hydrochloride (Lazolvan, Beringenr, Ingelheim) amp. 2 ml (15 mg)

Ambroxol hydrochloride (Ambrobene, Ratiopharm) solution for ing. fl. 100 ml

Rhinitis inhalation: Antibacterial agents

Amikacin (Lorikacin, Exir Pharmaceutical Co.) amp. 50 / 250mg / 2 ml

Lincomycin hydrochloride (Linkocin, Pharmacy N.V. / S.A.) vial. 300 mg / 2 ml

Inhalation for the treatment of throat and nose. Antiseptics

Dioxidine amp. 0.5% at 10 ml

Furacillin fl. 200, 400 ml

Miramistin fl. 0.01% 200 ml

Humidifiers: respiratory mucosa rehydrators

Physiological solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution) fl. 200, 400 ml

Mineral alkaline waters "Luzhanskaya", "Polyana Kvasova", "Borzhomi" and others.

Sodium bicarbonate (solution 0.5-2%) fl. 200, 400 ml

Nebulizer inhalation: preparation of nebulizer solutions

1. Drugs that dilate the bronchi (Bronchodilators)

Berodual, active substance: fenoterol and ipratropium bromide (solution for inhalation) - Prevention and treatment of suffocation in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases. The most effective bronchodilator drug, has the least side effects.

- Adults and children over 12 years old - 2 ml (40 drops) of the drug for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

- Children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 ml (20 drops) of the drug for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

- Children under 6 years old - 0.5 ml (10 drops) of the drug for 1 inhalation, up to 3 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

Berotek, active substance: fenoterol (0.1% solution for inhalation) -

To stop an attack of bronchial asthma:

- Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops), in severe cases - 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops)

- Children 6-12 years old (body weight 22-36 kg) - 0.25-0.5 ml (0.25-0.5 mg - 5-10 drops), in severe cases - 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops)

Prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:

- Adults and children over 6 years old - 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops) for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

- Children under 6 years old (body weight less than 22 kg) - 0.25-1 ml (0.25-1 mg - 5-20 drops), up to 3 times a day

Salgim, Ventolin Nebula , active substance: salbutamol (0.1% solution for inhalation) - Relief of asthma attacks, prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The effect is significantly inferior to Berotek

- Adults and children - 2.5 ml (2.5 mg) for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day with an interval between inhalations of at least 6 hours

Designed for undiluted use

Atrovent, active substance: ipratropium bromide (0.025% solution for inhalation) - Relief of asthma attacks, prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The effect is somewhat inferior to Berotek and salbutamol preparations, but the main advantage is the safety of use

- Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 mg (40 drops) for 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day

- Children 6-12 years old - 0.25 mg (20 drops) for 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day

- Children under 6 years old - 0.1-0.25 mg (8-20 drops) for 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day (under the supervision of a doctor).

2. Drugs that thin phlegm (Mucolytics) and remove phlegm (Secretolytics, expectorants)

Fluimucil, ACC Inject , active substance: acetylcysteine ​​(10% solution for injection) - Violation of sputum discharge from the lower respiratory tract, facilitating the discharge of mucous secretions in the upper respiratory tract

- Adults and children over 12 years old - 3 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

- Children from 6 to 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

- Children from 2 to 6 years old - 1-2 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

The course of treatment is no more than 10 days

Acetylcysteine ​​preparations should not be used concurrently with antibiotics, because they reduce the absorption of antibiotics. In cases where the simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine ​​and an antibiotic is required, either another form of the drug is used: "Fluimucil-antibiotic", or other mucolytic drugs compatible with antibiotics (for example, based on ambroxol) are used. It should be noted that the use of acetylcysteine ​​preparations reduces the toxic effect of paracetamol on the liver.

Lazolvan, Abmrobene, active substance: ambroxol (solution for inhalation and ingestion) - Acute and chronic respiratory diseases with the release of viscous sputum

- Adults and children over 6 years old - 2-3 ml of solution for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

- Children from 2 to 6 years old - 2 ml of solution for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

- Children under 2 years old - 1 ml of solution for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, the recommended dose of the drug should be diluted with saline in a 1: 1 ratio

The course of treatment is no more than 5 days

Ambroxol-based drugs should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs (for example: codeine, libexin, falimint, bronholitin, pectusin, sinecod, etc.). The use of ambroxol preparations promotes good absorption of antibiotics.

Narzan, Borjomi (slightly alkaline mineral waters) - Moisturizing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract

- For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of mineral water, 2-4 times a day.

Before inhalation, mineral water should be defended until degassing.

Sinupret, homeopathic herbal remedy (drops based on plant extracts: gentian root (gentian), sorrel, primrose, elderberry, verbena) - Restores protective properties and reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in acute and chronic sinusitis. Promotes the outflow of exudate from the paranasal sinuses

- For adults and children over 16 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (1 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug)

- For children from 2 to 6 years old - in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 1 ml of the drug, 3 ml of saline)

Gedelix, phytopreparation (drops based on ivy extract) - Diseases of the upper respiratory tract and bronchi with difficult sputum, cough (including dry)

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:

- For adults and children over 10 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

- For children under 10 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Cough medicine , phytopreparation (powder (for children and adults) for preparing a solution based on plant extracts: anise, licorice root, marshmallow root, thermopsis)

To prepare an inhalation solution, dissolve the contents of 1 package in 15 ml of saline until completely dissolved without sediment

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Mucaltin, phytopreparation (tablets based on the extract of marshmallow root) - Expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs

To prepare an inhalation solution, dissolve 1 tablet in 80 ml of saline until complete dissolution without sediment

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Pertusin, phytopreparation (solution based on plant extract: thyme, thyme) - Expectorant for tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:

- For adults and children over 12 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

- For children under 12 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

3. Anti-inflammatory drugs

Rotokan, phytopreparation (alcoholic infusion of plant extracts: calendula, chamomile, yarrow) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract

For 1 inhalation use 4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Propolis, phytopreparation (tincture) - Inflammatory processes, pain and injuries of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:20 (1 ml of the drug per 20 ml of saline)

Contraindications - allergy to bee products

Eucalyptus, phytopreparation (alcohol tincture) - Inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting 10-15 drops of the drug in 200 ml of saline

For 1 inhalation use 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3-4 times a day

Contraindications - bronchial asthma, bronchospasm (suffocation)

Malavit, dietary supplement (alcohol tincture based on minerals and plant extracts) - Acute inflammatory diseases and pain of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in the ratio of 1:30 (1 ml of the drug to 30 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Tonsilgon N, homeopathic herbal remedy (drops based on plant extracts: marshmallow root, walnut leaves, horsetail, chamomile, yarrow, oak bark, dandelion) - Acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis)

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:

- For adults and children over 7 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

- For children from 1 to 7 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

- For children under 1 year old - in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 1 ml of the drug, 3 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Calendula, phytopreparation (alcoholic extract of calendula extract) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:40 (1 ml of the drug to 40 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day

4. Anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs (Glucocorticosteroids) and antiallergic drugs (Antihistamines)

Pulmicort, active substance: budesonide (suspension for inhalation, produced in "children's" (0.25 mg / ml) and "adult" (0.5 mg / ml) dosages) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, chronic disease lungs) requiring treatment with hormonal drugs. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Adults / elderly and children over 12 years old - 1 mg per 1 inhalation, 1-3 times a day

- Children from 6 months. and up to 12 years old - 0.25 mg per 1 inhalation, 1-3 times a day

This drug is not used in ultrasonic nebulizers. If a single dose of the drug is less than 2 ml, then saline solution should be added to increase the volume of the inhaled solution to 2 ml. In other cases, the drug is inhaled in pure form (without dilution in saline).

Daily dose of the drug:

0.25 mg / ml - 1 ml at 0.25 mg / ml

0.5 mg / ml - 2 ml at 0.25 mg / ml

0.75 mg / ml - 3 ml at 0.25 mg / ml

1 mg / ml - 4 ml at 0.25 ml / mg or 2 ml at 0.5 mg / ml

1.5 mg / ml - 3 ml at 0.5 mg / ml

2 mg / ml - 4 ml at 0.5 mg / ml

Dexamethasone, (0.4% solution for injection, 4 mg / ml) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract requiring treatment with hormonal drugs

For 1 inhalation use 0.5 ml (2 mg) of the drug, up to 4 times a day.

The course of treatment is not more than 7 days

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

You can also pre-dilute ampoules with the drug in saline in a ratio of 1: 6 (6 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3-4 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

Cromohexal, active ingredient: cromoglycic acid (solution for inhalation, 20 mg / 2 ml) - Has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic effect.

For adults and children over 2 years of age, inhale the contents of 1 bottle (without dilution with saline) 4 times a day, if possible, at equal time intervals.

5. Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs (Antibiotics and Antiseptics)

Fluimucil antibiotic, active substance: acetylcysteine ​​and thiamphenicol (powder for injection and inhalation complete with a solvent) - The need for the simultaneous administration of an antibiotic and a drug that dilutes and removes sputum and mucus from the lower and upper respiratory tract

To prepare the drug, add 5 ml of solvent (1 ampoule) to a bottle of powder. The resulting drug should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, before use, warm to room temperature

- Adults and children over 12 years old - ½ bottle (250 mg) for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

- Children under 12 years old - ¼ bottle (125 mg) for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug

Furacilin, active substance: nitrofural (0.024% aqueous solution, 1: 5000) - Has disinfecting properties. ARVI treatment, prevention of infection penetration into deeper parts of the bronchial tree

For inhalation, use a ready-made solution of furacilin (in pure form, without dilution in saline), 4 ml per 1 inhalation 2 times a day. This solution must be ordered from the production department of the pharmacy.

You can prepare the solution yourself by dissolving 1 tablet of furacilin in 100 ml of saline solution until completely dissolved without sediment. Inhale 4 ml of the resulting solution 2 times a day.

Dioxidine, (0.5% or 1% solution for injection) - Possesses disinfecting properties of a wide spectrum of action.

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug should be diluted with saline in a 1: 4 ratio for a 1% drug or in a 1: 2 ratio for a 0.5% drug.

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.

Chlorophyllipt , phytopreparation (1% alcoholic infusion based on chlorophyll of eucalyptus leaves) - Staphylococcal respiratory tract infection

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:10 (1 ml of the drug per 10 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

The drug stains very strongly and is not washed off!

Gentamicin, (4% solution of gentamicin sulfate for injection, 40 mg / ml) - Respiratory tract infections

- Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 ml (20 mg) of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

- Children from 2 to 12 years old - 0.25 ml (10 mg) of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug. You can also pre-dilute ampoules with the drug in saline:

For adults and children over 12 years old - in a ratio of 1: 6 (6 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3-4 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

For children from 2 to 12 years old - in a ratio of 1:12 (12 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

Miramistin, (0.01% solution) - Broad-spectrum antiseptic. Treatment of respiratory tract infections, including those accompanied by purulent discharge

Adults and children over 12 years of age for inhalation use a ready-made 0.01% solution of miramistin (in pure form, without dilution in saline), 4 ml per 1 inhalation 3 times a day.

For children under 12 years of age, to prepare an inhalation solution, the drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 2 (2 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhaled 3-4 ml per inhalation 3 times a day.

Dekasan for inhalation

Dekasan- active against most gram-negative, gram-positive microorganisms - the causative agent of diphtheria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococci, staphylococci.

Children over 12 years old and adults,for inhalation with a nebulizer,Dekasan can not be diluted with saline, and use a solution of 0.2 mg / ml, 5-10ml per inhalation 1-2 times a day.

For inhalation for children, dekasan is used in a diluted form. For children under 12 years old, Dekasan is diluted with saline in a 1: 1 ratio. For one inhalation, you need to buy Dekasan 0.2 mg / ml. and with each inhalation mix 2 ml of decasan and 2 ml. saline. Inhalations are carried out 1-2 times a day.

6. Immunomodulators

Interferon, (powder for making nasal drops) - Prevention and treatment of influenza, as well as other acute respiratory viral infections.

To prepare the drug, open the ampoule with the powder, pour boiled or distilled water at room temperature into it to the 2 ml mark, shake gently.

For 1 inhalation use 2 ml of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.

To prepare an inhalation solution, 1 ml of saline should be added to the recommended dose of the drug

Derinat, active ingredient: sodium dysoribonucleate (0.25% solution for external use) - Prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI and other viral infections of the upper respiratory tract and their complications

For 1 inhalation use 2 ml of the drug, 2 times a day.

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

7. Vasoconstrictor (decongestant) drugs

Adrenalin(Epinephrine), active ingredient: epinephrine (0.1% adrenaline hydrochloride solution for external use or injection) - Bronchospasm (choking attack), allergic laryngeal edema, laryngeal edema with laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup

- Adults and children over 2 years old - 0.5 ml of the drug once, if necessary, repeat the procedure

- Children under 2 years old - 0.25 ml of the drug once, if necessary, repeat the procedure

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

You can also pre-dilute the drug in saline:

For adults and children over 2 years old - in a ratio of 1: 6 (6 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

For children under 2 years old - in a ratio of 1:12 (12 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

Use with caution, increases heart rate! Do not use without consulting a doctor!

Naftizin, active substance: naphazoline (nasal drops, 0.05% and 0.1% solution) - Allergic stenosis (edema) of the larynx, stenosis (edema) of the larynx with laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup

To prepare an inhalation solution, a 0.05% drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 5 (5 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) or a 0.1% drug should be diluted at a ratio of 1:10 (10 ml per 1 ml of the drug saline).

To relieve edema, 3 ml of the resulting solution is inhaled once, if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

8. Antitussives

Lidocaine(2% lidocaine hydrochloride solution) - Obsessive dry cough. Local anesthetic action

- Adults and children over 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

- Children from 2 to 12 years old - 1 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

Use with caution, there are very serious contraindications! Do not use without consulting a doctor!

Tussamag, phytopreparation (drops based on thyme extract) - Diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by an unproductive cough

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:

- For adults and children over 17 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

- For children from 6 to 16 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

- For children from 1 to 5 years old - in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 1 ml of the drug, 3 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Inhalation rules

1. Inhalation should be taken no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating, and you should not be distracted by conversation. After inhalation for 1 hour, it is not recommended to talk, eat, go outside (in cool weather).

2. In case of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx) inhalation and exhalation must be done through the nose using a mask. Breathe calmly, without stress.

3. For diseases of the middle respiratory tract (throat, larynx) inhalation and exhalation should be done through the mouth using a mask. Breathe calmly as usual.

4. In case of diseases of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, it is recommended to inhale the aerosol through the mouth using a mouthpiece. Breathe deeply and evenly.

5. Most solutions for inhalation are prepared with 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) saline as a solvent and humectant. The original drug is diluted with saline in certain proportions.

6. Store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before use, be sure to warm up to room temperature

7. When several drugs are prescribed at the same time, the order should be followed. The first is inhaled a bronchodilator, after 15-20 minutes - an agent that dilutes and removes sputum, then, after sputum has passed, an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory agent

8. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and the drug used (from 5 to 10 days)

9. Although nebulizer therapy does not belong to thermal physiotherapy procedures, nevertheless, it is not recommended to carry out inhalation at an elevated body temperature.

10. It is forbidden to use oil preparations in nebulizers. Various oils are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract only, for which exposure to coarse particles is sufficient, therefore steam inhalers are used for inhalation with oils. The nebulizer produces fine particles. When using oil solutions, fine oil particles get into the lungs, and this significantly increases the risk of developing so-called oil pneumonia. Also, the use of essential oils in nebulizers increases the risk of allergies due to the high concentration of active substances in the lungs.

11. In most nebulizers, the use of self-prepared decoctions and herbal infusions is not allowed, since they have a suspension that is much larger than aerosol particles and the nebulizer cannot pass them, which in turn can lead to damage to the device. For the same reason, suspensions and syrups are not used in nebulizers (with the exception of special suspensions for inhalation). Although there are nebulizers that are capable of working with herbal decoctions.

12. Medicines such as Euphyllin, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine and the like cannot also be used in nebulizers, since they do not have "points of application" on the mucous membrane.

Disinfection with a nebulizer and masks.

1. Lisetol AF ("Schalke and Mayer", Germany) 4% - 30 min

2. Septodor Forte (Dorvet LTD, Israel) 0.4% - 10 min

Acute respiratory diseases in children are a headache for all parents, since it is almost impossible to avoid them. From the first weeks of a child's visit to kindergarten, they replace each other with enviable constancy. And if there is an older brother or sister in the house, then the child begins to get sick even before he enters preschool. In addition, the number of children suffering from allergic diseases, one of which is bronchial asthma, is growing every year. The best assistant in the treatment of various diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract is an inhaler. What kind of device is this, what types of them are present on the pharmacy showcases and what to do if a child protests against inhalation? Details of this actual problem in a new article on the MedAboutMe portal.

Currently, 3 fundamentally different types of inhalers are produced, which are widely used in both children and adults. They differ in their mechanism of action and what drugs are allowed to be placed in them. There are steam, compression and ultrasonic inhalers.

The principle of operation of a steam inhaler is that the patient inhales warm or hot air containing drug vapors. However, this type of treatment has several disadvantages that limit its widespread use:

  • many drugs lose their medicinal properties when the temperature rises,
  • steam inhalation is contraindicated for fever over 37.5 degrees,
  • it is almost impossible to make a child breathe hot air,
  • the only substances that are not destroyed by temperature are essential oils, which are contraindicated in children.

For this reason, the steam inhaler is becoming a thing of the past, clearing the way for modern, effective and safe compression and ultrasonic versions of this device.

What is a nebulizer

Nebulizer is the general name for two types of inhalers: compression and ultrasonic. These devices are widely used for the treatment of various acute and chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. They have a common principle of action: unlike steam, they do not emit steam, but an aerosol cloud, which contains the smallest particles of the drug. It is their size that allows these substances to penetrate with the air flow to the deep parts of the lower respiratory tract - the smallest bronchi.

Compressor nebulizers form an aerosol cloud by forcing air through the medicine compartment under compressor pressure. This is the first type of inhaler to work in this manner. They are distinguished by their simplicity, their relatively low cost makes them available to most people in our country, any of the drugs released for inhalation can be used in it. The only disadvantage is that it is quite noisy. The sound it makes is capable of waking up anyone, even a very soundly sleeping baby. For correct use, it is necessary to take a sitting position so that the liquid from the container does not spill out. That is why many children are afraid of compressor inhalers, and each procedure turns into a little war between them and their parents.

There are many compression inhalers available on the market. Children's devices usually have a fancy look, they have drawings on it, some of them emit musical melodies.

Here are some models of children's compressor inhalers:

  • inhaler Little Doctor LD 212C. The cost is 2800 rubles.
  • children's compressor inhaler Mishka Med2000 Mishka P3. The cost is 2700 rubles.
  • children's compressor nebulizer in the form of a train B.Well WN-115K. The cost is 2500 rubles.

Universal inhalers, which are suitable for adults and children, have 2 types of masks, respectively, large and small.

Ultrasonic inhalers for children

An ultrasonic inhaler creates an aerosol cloud due to the vibration of a special metal plate. It allows you to make the particle size finer than when using a compressor inhaler. In addition, a serious plus is its quiet operation: the procedure can be carried out to a sleeping child, simply by attaching a mask to his face. In addition, many children who are afraid of a noisy compressor nebulizer tolerate ultrasound therapy. The device does not necessarily require a vertical position of the child's head; it can be placed in the immediate vicinity of his face.

This is a serious advantage over the previous type of device, so the procedure does not present such difficulties for parents. The disadvantage that seriously limits its use is the rather decent cost of an ultrasonic inhaler. In addition, there are restrictions on the drugs that can be used with it.

Some models of ultrasonic inhalers for children:

  • ultrasonic inhaler with rechargeable battery UN-231, AND. The cost is 4100 rubles.
  • an ultrasonic inhaler in the form of a penguin PENGUIN. The cost is 4200 rubles.
  • electronic nebulizer B.Well WN-114 child. The cost is 5500 rubles.

Naturally, the nebulizer itself has no therapeutic effect. In order for it to become an assistant in the treatment of respiratory ailments, a certain drug must be placed in it. For this, not any medicine is used, but only one that is specially released in the form of a solution for inhalation (this information can be obtained from a pharmacy employee or read in the instructions for medical use).

Here are the main groups of drugs that are used for nebulizer therapy.

  • Expectorant, mucolytic drugs (ambrohexal). They cause sputum to liquefy, increase its production, which makes it easier to cough up. Given the mechanism of action, they are not antitussive drugs, but, on the contrary, enhance it. Therefore, the indications for such treatment should be determined by the doctor.
  • Bronchodilator drugs (berotek, atrovent). They cause an expansion of the lumen of the bronchi, which makes it possible to stop an attack of suffocation during exacerbation of bronchial asthma or to facilitate the excretion of sputum in inflammatory diseases. In case of an overdose, they cause an increase in pressure and pulse, agitation, so the dosage must be taken into account.
  • Hormonal drugs (polcortolone, beclomethasone, etc.). These substances fight allergic inflammation in the bronchial wall. They are used in combination therapy of bronchial asthma, relief of acute laryngostenosis (false croup) in children. In large doses, they cause an attack of severe coughing and paradoxical bronchospasm (asthma attack).
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (fluimucil). It fights the infectious inflammatory process by increasing the strength of local immunity. Causes short-term deterioration (1-2 days) followed by accelerated recovery.
  • Alkaline solutions (saline, mineral water). They can be widely used to treat any respiratory infections, because they help moisturize the mucous membrane, reduce swelling. There are practically no contraindications for such therapy.

In no case should a drug be placed in a nebulizer medication container that is not specifically intended for this or does not have a point of application in the bronchi.

Children in the first 3 years of life are very often extremely negative about nebulizer treatment. Despite the fact that the procedure itself is completely painless and at the same time very effective, the first reaction to it is usually negative. Parents are in a panic, because they bought a device, medicines, and the baby is rebelling. In this case, there are a number of tricks that will make it easier to carry out.

  • You can wrap your baby in a thick blanket. After that, a mask is easily put on his head and inhalation is performed. If at the same time he screams and resists, you can apply the following methods.
  • Playing a robot or a space alien. Imagine, come up with a game for the kid where he can be an astronaut who went into open space and must breathe air through a nebulizer.
  • Put on an adult mask on yourself. If the baby sees that a mask is also on your face, then he will more willingly let him put on the nursery, as he will make sure that nothing terrible is happening to you.
  • Cartoons, constructor, interesting book. If you find an occupation for the baby for these 5-7 minutes, then inhalation can be carried out without much effort.

As practice shows, difficulties arise during the first 2-3 procedures. After that, the children get used to it and it does not cause any particular problems.

Nowadays, nebulizers are very popular among doctors and mothers in the treatment of respiratory diseases, diseases of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. Unlike steam generators, this device sprays medicine into small particles, visually it looks like steam, fog. Therefore, when using a nebulizer, there is no likelihood of getting a burn, and the medicine sprayed by the device is perfectly inhaled. Depending on the desired effect, completely different drug combinations can be used in the nebulizer. Before using them, ALWAYS consult your doctor. In this article we will tell you about the most popular and effective nebulizer solutions.

Drugs that dilate the bronchi (Bronchodilators)


Active ingredient: fenoterol and ipratropium bromide (solution for inhalation) - Prevention and treatment of suffocation in chronic obstructive respiratory diseases. The most effective bronchodilator drug, has the least side effects.


Adults and children over 12 years old - 2 ml (40 drops) of the drug for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

Children from 6 to 12 years old - 1 ml (20 drops) of the drug for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

Children under 6 years old - 0.5 ml (10 drops) of the drug for 1 inhalation, up to 3 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.


Active ingredient: fenoterol (0.1% solution for inhalation)

Dosage for relief of an attack of bronchial asthma:

Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops), in severe cases - 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops)

Children 6-12 years old (body weight 22-36 kg) - 0.25-0.5 ml (0.25-0.5 mg - 5-10 drops), in severe cases - 1 ml (1 mg - 20 drops )

Dosage for the prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease:

Adults and children over 6 years old - 0.5 ml (0.5 mg - 10 drops) for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day

Children under 6 years old (body weight less than 22 kg) - 0.25-1 ml (0.25-1 mg - 5-20 drops), up to 3 times a day


Active ingredient: salbutamol (0.1% solution for inhalation) - Relief of asthma attacks, prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The effect is significantly inferior to Berotek


Adults and children - 2.5 ml (2.5 mg) for 1 inhalation, up to 4 times a day with an interval between inhalations of at least 6 hours

Designed for undiluted use


Active ingredient: ipratropium bromide (0.025% solution for inhalation) - Relief of asthma attacks, prevention and symptomatic treatment of bronchial asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The effect is somewhat inferior to Berotek and salbutamol preparations, but the main advantage is the safety of use


Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 mg (40 drops) for 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day

Children 6-12 years old - 0.25 mg (20 drops) for 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day

Children under 6 years old - 0.1-0.25 mg (8-20 drops) for 1 inhalation, 3-4 times a day (under the supervision of a doctor).

Drugs that thin phlegm (Mucolytics) and remove phlegm (Secretolytics, expectorants)

Fluimucil, ACC Inject

Active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​(10% solution for injection) - Violation of sputum discharge from the lower respiratory tract, facilitating the discharge of mucous secretions in the upper respiratory tract


Adults and children over 12 years old - 3 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 6 to 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 6 years old - 1-2 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

The course of treatment is no more than 10 days

Acetylcysteine ​​preparations should not be used concurrently with antibiotics, because they reduce the absorption of antibiotics. In cases where the simultaneous administration of acetylcysteine ​​and an antibiotic is required, either another form of the drug is used: "Fluimucil-antibiotic", or other mucolytic drugs compatible with antibiotics (for example, based on ambroxol) are used. It should be noted that the use of acetylcysteine ​​preparations reduces the toxic effect of paracetamol on the liver.

Lazolvan, Abmrobene

Active ingredient: ambroxol (solution for inhalation and ingestion) - Acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract with the release of viscous sputum


Adults and children over 6 years old - 2-3 ml of solution for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 6 years old - 2 ml of solution for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

Children under 2 years old - 1 ml of solution for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, the recommended dose of the drug should be diluted with saline in a 1: 1 ratio

The course of treatment is no more than 5 days

Preparations based on amboxol should not be used concurrently with antitussive drugs (for example: codeine, libexin, falimint, bronholitin, pectussin, sinecod, etc.). The use of ambroxol preparations promotes good absorption of antibiotics.

Narzan, Borjomi (slightly alkaline mineral waters)

Moisturizing the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract


For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of mineral water, 2-4 times a day.

Before inhalation, mineral water should be defended until degassing.


Homeopathic herbal medicine (drops based on plant extracts: gentian root (gentian), sorrel, primrose, elderberry, verbena) - Restores protective properties and reduces swelling of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract in acute and chronic sinusitis. Promotes the outflow of exudate from the paranasal sinuses


For adults and children over 16 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

For children from 2 to 6 years old - in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 1 ml of the drug, 3 ml of saline)

Cough medicine, phytopreparation (powder (for children and adults)

For the preparation of a solution based on plant extracts: anise, licorice root, marshmallow root, thermopsis) - Diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough, especially with difficult sputum discharge

To prepare an inhalation solution, dissolve the contents of 1 package in 15 ml of saline until complete dissolution without sediment


For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Mukaltin, phytopreparation (tablets based on marshmallow root extract)

Expectorant for diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs

To prepare an inhalation solution, dissolve 1 tablet in 80 ml of saline until complete dissolution without sediment


For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Pertussin, phytopreparation (solution based on plant extract: thyme, thyme)

Expectorant for tracheitis, bronchitis, whooping cough

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:


For adults and children over 12 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

For children under 12 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Anti-inflammatory drugs


Phytopreparation (alcoholic extract of plant extracts: calendula, chamomile, yarrow) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract


For 1 inhalation use 4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Propolis, phytopreparation (tincture)

Inflammation, pain, and trauma of the upper and middle airways

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:20 (1 ml of the drug per 20 ml of saline)


Contraindications - allergy to bee products

Eucalyptus, phytopreparation (alcohol tincture)

Inflammatory diseases of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting 10-15 drops of the drug in 200 ml of saline


For 1 inhalation use 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3-4 times a day

Contraindications - bronchial asthma, bronchospasm (suffocation)


Dietary supplement (alcohol tincture based on minerals and plant extracts) - Acute inflammatory diseases and pain of the upper and middle respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in the ratio of 1:30 (1 ml of the drug to 30 ml of saline)


For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Tonsilgon N

Homeopathic herbal medicine (drops based on plant extracts: marshmallow root, walnut leaves, horsetail, chamomile, yarrow, oak bark, dandelion) Acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis)

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:


For adults and children over 7 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

For children from 1 to 7 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

For children under 1 year old - in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 1 ml of the drug, 3 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Calendula, phytopreparation (alcohol extract of calendula extaract)

Acute inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract

The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:40 (1 ml of the drug to 40 ml of saline)


For 1 inhalation use 4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day

Anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs(Glucocorticosteroids) and antiallergic drugs (antihistamines)


Active ingredient: budesonide (suspension for inhalation, produced in "child" (0.25 mg / ml) and "adult" (0.5 mg / ml) dosages) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, chronic lung disease ), requiring treatment with hormonal drugs. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.


Adults / elderly and children over 12 years old - 1 mg per 1 inhalation, 1-3 times a day

Children from 6 months and up to 12 years old - 0.25 mg per 1 inhalation, 1-3 times a day

This drug is not used in ultrasonic nebulizers. If a single dose of the drug is less than 2 ml, then saline solution should be added to increase the volume of the inhaled solution to 2 ml. In other cases, the drug is inhaled in pure form (without dilution in saline).

Daily dose of the drug:

0.25 mg / ml - 1 ml at 0.25 mg / ml

0.5 mg / ml - 2 ml at 0.25 mg / ml

0.75 mg / ml - 3 ml at 0.25 mg / ml

1 mg / ml - 4 ml at 0.25 ml / mg or 2 ml at 0.5 mg / ml

1.5 mg / ml - 3 ml at 0.5 mg / ml

2 mg / ml - 4 ml at 0.5 mg / ml


(0.4% solution for injection, 4 mg / ml) - Acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract requiring treatment with hormonal drugs


For 1 inhalation use 0.5 ml (2 mg) of the drug, up to 4 times a day.

The course of treatment is not more than 7 days

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

You can also pre-dilute ampoules with the drug in saline in a ratio of 1: 6 (6 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3-4 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.


Active ingredient: cromoglycic acid (solution for inhalation, 20 mg / 2 ml) - Has antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic effect.


For adults and children over 2 years of age, inhale the contents of 1 bottle (without dilution with saline) 4 times a day, if possible, at equal time intervals.

Antimicrobial and antibacterial drugs (Antibiotics and Antiseptics)


Antibiotic, active ingredient: acetylcysteine ​​and thiamphenicol (powder for injection and inhalation complete with a solvent) - The need for the simultaneous administration of an antibiotic and a drug that dilutes and removes sputum and mucus from the lower and upper respiratory tract

To prepare the drug, add 5 ml of solvent (1 ampoule) to a bottle of powder. The resulting drug should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day, before use, warm to room temperature


Adults and children over 12 years old - ½ bottle (250 mg) for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

Children under 12 years old - ¼ bottle (125 mg) for 1 inhalation 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug


Active ingredient: nitrofural (0.024% aqueous solution, 1: 5000) - Has disinfecting properties. ARVI treatment, prevention of infection penetration into deeper parts of the bronchial tree


For inhalation, use a ready-made solution of furacilin (in pure form, without dilution in saline), 4 ml per 1 inhalation 2 times a day. This solution must be ordered from the production department of the pharmacy.

You can prepare the solution yourself by dissolving 1 tablet of furacilin in 100 ml of saline solution until completely dissolved without sediment. Inhale 4 ml of the resulting solution 2 times a day.


(0.5% or 1% solution for injection) - Possesses disinfecting properties of a wide spectrum of action.


To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug should be diluted with saline in a 1: 4 ratio for a 1% drug or in a 1: 2 ratio for a 0.5% drug.

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.


Phytopreparation (1% alcoholic infusion based on chlorophyll of eucalyptus leaves) - Staphylococcal respiratory tract infection


The solution for inhalation is prepared by diluting the drug in saline in a ratio of 1:10 (1 ml of the drug per 10 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

The drug stains very strongly and is not washed off!


(4% solution of gentamicin sulfate for injection, 40 mg / ml)

Respiratory tract infections


Adults and children over 12 years old - 0.5 ml (20 mg) of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 12 years old - 0.25 ml (10 mg) of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug. You can also pre-dilute ampoules with the drug in saline:

For adults and children over 12 years old - in a ratio of 1: 6 (6 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3-4 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

For children from 2 to 12 years old - in a ratio of 1:12 (12 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

Miramistin (0.01% solution)

Antiseptic of a wide spectrum of action. Treatment of respiratory tract infections, including those accompanied by purulent discharge


Adults and children over 12 years of age for inhalation use a ready-made 0.01% solution of miramistin (in pure form, without dilution in saline), 4 ml per 1 inhalation 3 times a day.

For children under 12 years of age, to prepare an inhalation solution, the drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 2 (2 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhaled 3-4 ml per inhalation 3 times a day.


Interferon, (powder for preparation of nasal drops)

Prevention and treatment of influenza, as well as other acute respiratory viral infections.


To prepare the drug, open the ampoule with the powder, pour boiled or distilled water at room temperature into it to the 2 ml mark, shake gently.

For 1 inhalation use 2 ml of the resulting solution, 2 times a day.

To prepare an inhalation solution, 1 ml of saline should be added to the recommended dose of the drug


Active ingredient: sodium dysoribonucleate (0.25% solution for external use) - Prevention and treatment of influenza, ARVI and other viral infections of the upper respiratory tract and their complications


For 1 inhalation use 2 ml of the drug, 2 times a day.

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

Vasoconstrictor (decongestant) drugs

Adrenaline (Epinephrine)

Active ingredient: epinephrine (0.1% solution of epinephrine hydrochloride for external use or injection) - Bronchospasm (an attack of suffocation), allergic laryngeal edema, laryngeal edema with laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup


Adults and children over 2 years old - 0.5 ml of the drug once, if necessary, repeat the procedure

Children under 2 years old - 0.25 ml of the drug once, if necessary, repeat the procedure

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 3 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

You can also pre-dilute the drug in saline:

For adults and children over 2 years old - in a ratio of 1: 6 (6 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution for 1 inhalation.

For children under 2 years old - in a ratio of 1:12 (12 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) and inhale 3 ml of the resulting solution per 1 inhalation.

Use with caution, increases heart rate! Do not use without consulting a doctor!


Active ingredient: naphazoline (nasal drops, 0.05% and 0.1% solution) - Allergic stenosis (edema) of the larynx, stenosis (edema) of the larynx with laryngitis, laryngotracheitis and croup


To prepare an inhalation solution, a 0.05% drug should be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 5 (5 ml of saline per 1 ml of the drug) or a 0.1% drug should be diluted at a ratio of 1:10 (10 ml per 1 ml of the drug saline).

To relieve edema, 3 ml of the resulting solution is inhaled once, if necessary, the procedure is repeated.


Lidocaine (2% lidocaine hydrochloride solution)

Obsessive dry cough. Local anesthetic action


Adults and children over 12 years old - 2 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

Children from 2 to 12 years old - 1 ml of the drug for 1 inhalation, 1-2 times a day

To prepare an inhalation solution, add 2 ml of saline to the recommended dose of the drug.

Use with caution, there are very serious contraindications! Do not use without consulting a doctor!

Tussamag, phytopreparation (drops based on thyme extract)

Upper respiratory tract disease with unproductive cough

To prepare an inhalation solution, the drug must first be diluted in saline:


For adults and children over 17 years old - in a 1: 1 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 1 ml of saline)

For children from 6 to 16 years old - in a 1: 2 ratio (for 1 ml of the drug, 2 ml of saline)

For children from 1 to 5 years old - in a ratio of 1: 3 (for 1 ml of the drug, 3 ml of saline)

For 1 inhalation use 3-4 ml of the resulting solution, 3 times a day.

Nebulizer inhalation rules:

  1. Inhalation should be taken no earlier than 1-1.5 hours after eating, and you should not be distracted by conversation. After inhalation for 1 hour, it is not recommended to talk, eat, go outside (in cool weather).
  2. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract (nose, paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx), inhale and exhale through the nose using a mask. Breathe calmly, without stress.
  3. For diseases of the middle respiratory tract (throat, larynx) inhalation and exhalation should be done through the mouth using a mask. Breathe calmly as usual.
  4. For diseases of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, it is recommended to inhale the aerosol through the mouth using a mouthpiece. Breathe deeply and evenly.
  5. Most inhalation solutions are prepared with 0.9% sodium chloride (NaCl) saline as a solvent and humectant. The original drug is diluted with saline in certain proportions.
  6. You need to store the prepared solution in the refrigerator for no more than a day. Before use, be sure to warm up to room temperature
  7. When several drugs are prescribed at the same time, the sequence should be followed. The first is inhaled a bronchodilator, after 15-20 minutes - an agent that dilutes and removes sputum, then, after sputum has passed, an antibiotic or anti-inflammatory agent
  8. The course of treatment depends on the complexity of the disease and the drug used (from 5 to 10 days)
  9. Although nebulizer therapy is not a thermal physiotherapy procedure, it is nevertheless not recommended to inhale at an elevated body temperature.
  10. It is forbidden to use oil preparations in nebulizers. Various oils are used to treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract only, for which exposure to coarse particles is sufficient, therefore steam inhalers are used for inhalation with oils. The nebulizer produces fine particles. When using oil solutions, fine oil particles get into the lungs, and this significantly increases the risk of developing so-called oil pneumonia. Also, the use of essential oils in nebulizers increases the risk of allergies due to the high concentration of active substances in the lungs.
  11. In most nebulizers, the use of self-prepared decoctions and herbal infusions is not allowed, since they have a suspension that is much larger than aerosol particles and the nebulizer cannot pass them, which in turn can lead to damage to the device. For the same reason, suspensions and syrups are not used in nebulizers (with the exception of special suspensions for inhalation). Although there are nebulizers that are capable of working with herbal decoctions.
  12. Such drugs as Euphyllin, Papaverine, Diphenhydramine and the like, also cannot be used in nebulizers, since they do not have "points of application" on the mucous membrane.