Why does the indoor palm turn yellow. Why do palm leaves dry? Why do palm leaves dry at home

Domestic palm trees have long been in our homes from the southern latitudes, from hot countries. Today, these southern beauties are used with great success for landscaping a wide variety of premises. But sometimes you can see that the tips of the palm leaves turn yellow, or even the entire leaf dries up and falls off. Why this happens and whether it is possible to avoid such troubles when growing palm trees at home is a question that worries many lovers of this beautiful exotic plant.

The main reason for the drying of home palm leaves is improper care and improper maintenance. There are several possible reasons for this.

Proper watering

The most important condition for the formation of beautiful green leaves in a palm tree is proper watering. In addition, plants need regular spraying. Be sure to carefully monitor that when watering the earthen ball is sufficiently evenly saturated with moisture. This nuance is clarified by the usual tapping on the pot. If the sound is sonorous, then this means that the earth is dry. A dull sound is wet. It is also necessary to pour out excess water from the pan after watering the plant. Water for watering a palm tree should be used settled, and the plant should be watered only after the earth dries out, checking by tapping on the pot.

Air temperature in the room

It is necessary to monitor the air temperature in the room where the palm tree grows. It would be a mistake to assume that a palm tree needs heat in winter. Palm trees that are native to the tropics survive the winter in moderately warm conditions, but subtropical beauties need cooler conditions in winter.

For most plants, the optimum temperature in winter is 16-20 degrees. And do not put the plant in a draft, especially in winter. Plants do not tolerate drafts, especially in winter, they are too sensitive to cold. So that the root system of the palm tree does not suffer, you should not put the plant on the cold marble of the floor or window sill in winter. Having placed the plant in a safe place, it is still necessary to provide that the palm tree receives fresh air, otherwise its growth and development will slow down.


Humidification of the air during the heating season is a prerequisite for keeping a home palm tree. Dry air can greatly harm the plant. The leaves begin to dry, the tips quickly turn yellow, and then gradually die off. Therefore, certainly during the heating season, plants need to be sprayed and humidified in the apartment. Giving your palm tree a gentle shower every morning will give you wonderful results and will also improve the humidity in your home. (It is better to take boiled, settled water for this purpose and pour it into plastic bottles for storage).

You can purchase a special humidifier, today there are a great many of them on sale, with a variety of functions. They are able to spray water in the room, spray with a fan. It is very convenient to use a hygrometer to determine the humidity in the room. There are even digital versions of hygrometers - thermohygrometers - with an additional indication of air temperature and time. Although there is a folk method for determining humidity. You just need to put a pine cone in the room. If the room is dry, then the scales on it open, and if it is damp, they close tightly.

Feeding and transplanting

For palm trees today there are special liquid fertilizers. In summer, it is necessary to feed the plant twice a month, and in winter, once is enough. If the root system has grown, it is timely necessary to transplant the plant into a pot of a suitable size. But if this is done incorrectly, palm leaves may begin to turn yellow. It is impossible to transplant a young flower into a new pot more than once a year. An old palm tree can be transplanted every three years. A new pot for a plant is chosen not only by color. It needs to be a little higher and wider than the old one. In addition, when trimming the yellowed tips of yellowed leaves, care must be taken not to cut or damage the green part of the leaf. From this, the sheet will only begin to dry faster and soon fall off.

Diseases and pests

Sometimes insect pests are the cause of the drying of leaves on a palm tree. Most often, these are scale insects - small brown round-shaped insects, and females have small shields. These insects, having attached themselves to young shoots, suck the juices out of them. As a result, palm leaves turn yellow and the plant may die. There are many folk methods for the destruction of insects, as well as insecticides that are quite effective.

Care and proper care will make it possible to admire a beautiful ornamental plant in your home at any time of the year.

Many flower growers are wondering. Why do palm leaves dry? Let's try to figure it out.

In short, the drying of the tips of the leaves of palm trees most often occurs from too dry air, insufficient watering. And they die entirely, if they are very old, from rotting of the roots during overflows or from damage by various pests and pathogens.

Palm tree in a pot. © Alejandro Bayer Tamayo

Much depends on what light and temperature conditions your plants are in, how you care for them, because some fan palms need coolness in winter.

  • warm room palm trees- areca, coconut, cariota, hamedorea, acanthophenix, phoenix Robelini - require high room temperature and air humidity.
  • temperate indoor palms- hovei (Belmore, Forster), Bonneti coconut, geonoma, clinostigma, rapalostylis, rapis, sabal, etc.
  • Cool Room Palms- chamerops, brachea, washingtonia, trachycarpus, etc.

In room conditions, palm trees need regular spraying, proper watering, in which the earthen ball should be evenly moistened, which is determined by tapping the pot with clicks from the bottom up. A dull sound appears when the soil is wet, sharp when it is dry. After watering, water should be poured into the pan, which will soak into the ground within an hour. It must be drained or picked up with a clean rag. It should be watered with settled water after the soil on top of the pot dries.

Ravenea brook palm, or majestic (Ravenea rivularis). © wkfplants

Palms of tropical origin require maintenance of moderately warm or warm rooms in winter. Palm trees, which are native to the subtropics, are best kept in cool rooms in winter. All palm trees do not tolerate drafts, especially you need to be wary of cold air when ventilating a room in winter through a window. Palm roots are very sensitive to cold, so do not place palm pots on a cold window sill or marble floor slabs.

Plants need regular (twice a month in summer and once in winter) top dressing with a special liquid palm fertilizer. Examine the bottom of your palm trees: have their roots come out and are the roots pushing the soil out of the pot from above? Then they need to be transplanted into larger flowerpots with a fresh potting mix recommended specifically for palm trees.

The yellowed tips of the leaves must be cut off. However, this should be done without affecting the living green tissue of the leaf and leaving a thin strip of dry tissue, otherwise the drying will go even faster and the leaf can be lost. Only completely dry leaves are removed, otherwise others will begin to dry.

Large Licuala palm (Licuala grandis). © wkfplants
Elegant Hamedorea palm (Chamaedorea elegans). © wkfplants
Dypsis yellowish (Dypsis lutescens)
A few tips: how to humidify dry air

On a frosty day, do not open the windows wide open in a room with plants. Note also that in most cases, frosty air is dry. Therefore, ventilation does not increase the humidity in the room. It is best to ventilate more often, but little by little.

Advice: At a temperature of about 0°C, it is enough to open the windows for 10 minutes every 2-3 hours.

Optimal temperatures: 20°C in the living room, 16-18°C in the kitchen and bedroom.

Advice: If possible, regulate the temperature in the house not by ventilation, but by using a thermostat.

Natural evaporation of moisture

Hang wet towels on radiators or place bowls and other open containers filled with water next to them. Tropical aquatic plants in miniature vases and bowls will additionally humidify the air.

Advice: Wash glass vases frequently to prevent algae from growing on the walls.

An indoor fountain is more than just a decorative piece of furniture. The sound of gently splashing water calms the nervous system and relieves stress. At the same time, moving, slowly evaporating water has a positive effect on the state of the air. The smallest dust particles are moistened, become heavier and gradually fall to the floor.

Advice: There are fountains with containers for planting on sale. Essential oil can be added to the fountain water.

Make it pleasant for plants that need high humidity, for example arrowroot: put it on constantly moistened expanded clay or small pebbles. Evaporating moisture will rise directly to the leaves.

Advice: Place a water level indicator in the pot, then the roots will not suffer from dampness, and the aerial part of the plant will not suffer from dryness.

Green Humidifiers

Cyperus is unrivaled among indoor plants: depending on its size, it releases from 500 ml to 2 liters of moisture per day into the air. For such records, place a bowl filled with water next to it and spray its leaves daily.

Advice: It is even better to put several plants side by side.

Delicate, like velvet, light green leaves of room sticky, or sparmania, which grows to the ceiling in suitable conditions, evaporate moisture all year round. Spray the top and bottom of the sparmania daily with settled water. In winter, water very moderately, after making sure that the plant needs watering.

Advice: Be careful if you are allergic. In this case, try not to touch the Sparmannia leaves.

Electric Humidifier

There are a variety of models on sale with a wide range of prices. They evaporate, atomize and spray moisture or distribute it evenly throughout the room by ventilating.

Spraying plants

In a heated room, spray the leaves of green plants every morning. It does not take much time, but brings wonderful results. A gentle shower refreshes the plants, allowing their cells to work at full strength, and in addition increases the humidity in the room.

Advice: For spraying, boil water in a large saucepan and defend it in reserve in large plastic bottles.

Humidity measurement

A hygrometer installed in each room of the house will allow you to know exactly how humid or dry the air is there. Digital thermo-hygrometers also show air temperature and time.

Advice: It is very easy to check the degree of air humidity with a pine cone. With excessively dry air, its scales open, with excessively moist air, they close.

Many grow small indoor palms at home, because this exotic plant can bring a little summer mood to a city apartment throughout the year. But what to do if your pet starts to get sick? You can often see how the foliage begins to dry out on a palm tree. In this article, we will talk about why the tips of the leaves dry on a palm tree, and how to deal with this scourge.

Causes of drying palm leaves

  1. The main reason for drying foliage in a palm tree is most often a lack of moisture or too dry air. Indeed, in nature, this plant lives in regions with high humidity, so a certain amount of liquid is vital for a palm tree.
  2. However, there is another reason why palm leaves dry. So, for example, too frequent and abundant watering will also not have a good effect on the health of the palm tree. The roots may rot and the plant will die.
  3. In addition, do not forget about pests and diseases, which can also cause problems for the plant.

What to do if the palm leaves dry out?

Here's what to do if the tips of the leaves dry on a palm tree:

  1. First of all, dried leaves should be carefully removed. If the entire leaf is dry, then it must be removed entirely, but if only the tip has begun to dry out, then only the dried part should be carefully cut off.
  2. Then, if the palm leaves turn yellow and dry, you need to replenish the missing water as soon as possible. To do this, the plant must be regularly sprayed and watered properly. It is important that the earthen ball is moistened evenly. This can be checked by tapping on the pot in which the palm tree grows.
  3. You should also periodically fertilize the palm tree with special liquid.

If leaves are drying on a home palm, you may not comply with the conditions in which it must be kept. Tropical palms should be kept warm during the winter, while subtropical palms are better able to survive the winter in cooler conditions.

Why does the indoor palm turn yellow?

Today, a palm tree is in the collection of almost every amateur grower, and almost every beginner has a question: why does the palm tree turn yellow? There are many types of palm trees. There are reed, fan, pinnate, sago palms, etc. They are different in size, not all of them can grow in room conditions, but the vast majority of these plants are united by the shape of the leaf. As a rule, these are long and narrow "feathers". It is the tips of these "feathers" that give flower growers a lot of trouble. They turn yellow, after them the whole leaf turns yellow, and then the whole branch. We cut it, but the troubles do not end there, as the next sheet begins to turn yellow, and after it another one ... What are we doing wrong? Why, seemingly saving the plant, we only make it worse, and why does the palm tree turn yellow at all?

If the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, do not rush to take emergency measures, perhaps the reason is that you have chosen the wrong place for the palm tree. The leaves may turn yellow if the plant is uncomfortable, and placing it in a draft is an uncomfortable condition for a palm tree.

It is believed that the palm tree needs to provide a high temperature in the room, but just it can cause yellowing of the leaves. Depending on the type of palm, temperatures tend to be cool to moderate, but never hot. Most often, palm trees die in winter, that is, when the central heating is turned on. Dry air can be detrimental to some palm trees, so be sure to spray your pet regularly.

Palm trees are not recommended to be replanted often. It is better not to touch adult plants at all, but only to add fresh soil to replace the removed top layer, however, the leaves of a young palm tree may turn yellow if the roots become too crowded in a pot. Like many other plants, the palm tree does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Excessive watering is especially dangerous if the room is cold. When all the conditions are created, but the palm tree is sick, the answer to the question of why the palm tree turns yellow may be that pests have settled on it: ticks or scale insects. To combat them, either insecticides or folk remedies, such as tobacco infusion, are used.

The yellowed tips spoil the appearance of the palm tree and, even if you find the cause of such a nuisance, they will no longer become green. What to do with them? They should be cut, but so as not to affect the "living" tissue. We must wait until the tips become brown and dry, and only then proceed to bring the palm tree back to normal.

A palm tree, despite its exoticism, can hardly be called a capricious plant. She is very responsive to care, and requires very little: spraying, watering, fertilizing and the right place.

Why do the tips of the leaves dry on the date palm? Why do spots appear? Date palm ailments may be related both with diseases and with illiterate care.

Fungal and viral diseases

In the diseases of the date palm are guilty various pathogens:

  1. Fungi.
  2. Viruses.
  3. bacteria.

The most common fungal disease gray spot. Signs of the disease are gray spots on the leaves, more on older ones. As the disease develops, black blotches appear - these are spores of the fungus.

For treatment it is necessary to remove all infected parts until the disease has affected the entire plant. Next, the palm is treated with fungicides - special antifungal drugs. The same remedies are applicable for another, no less common fungal disease - pink rot.

Bacteria lead to putrefactive processes. They are characterized by the softness of the stem and leaves, which also discolor and fall off. The appearance of bacteria is facilitated by increased soil moisture and keeping in a cold room.

If a mosaic type pattern appears on the leaves, this indicates a viral infection. Most often the plant insects infect, which must be destroyed in time indoors. They may be:

  • flies;
  • mosquitoes;
  • moths.

And other insects that can enter the room. Mosquito nets should be placed on windows for protection.

Once every six months, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment of plants with special chemicals.

Reasons for the loss of decorative appearance

Soil oversaturated with moisture can lead to the appearance on the leaves brown spots. Watering with cold water leads to the same result.

Barrel softening, in combination with a putrid smell, also signals an excess of moisture that threatens the life of the plant.

To check, you need to remove it from the pot and examine it. If dead roots are found, separate them from the living ones and clean them thoroughly. Transplant into another pot and into drier soil.

Date palm leaves dry, what to do? If watering is insufficient, the leaves begin wither and turn yellow. It may also be due to poor-quality water - too hard or low in essential trace elements.

But the same symptoms can also indicate too dense soil, and associated moisture stagnation. The best solution in such a situation would be to transplant into looser soil.

Brown coloration of leaf tips is the result of insufficient air humidity. The same symptom is characteristic of hypothermia.

Diseases and pests

Red spider mite is one of the main enemies not only of the date palm, but also of many other indoor plants.

The size of the insect is only half a millimeter. It is bred in rooms with extremely low humidity and high temperature. Starts first in the stem, gradually spreading to the leaves.

Symptoms are gray or yellow spots and cracks. If you do not take action, the green pet will die, completely covered with cobwebs. Particular attention should be paid to the spring, this is the time of the most likely infection.

Shchitovka also feeds on plant sap and spreads very quickly. Insects gradually cover the entire palm tree, its surface becomes like the smallest scales. As a result of the loss of juice, the foliage withers and turns yellow, the shoots may dry out.

A photo

Date palm diseases: photos show how your plant can suffer from improper care or pests.

  • phosphamide;
  • fitoverm;
  • actellik;
  • pyrethrum.

The proportion of the chemical solution is 2 g per 1 liter. water. Spraying is advisable to carry out once a week.

Traditional disinfection is also suitable: wipe the infected areas with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol and spray the rest of the plant.

For health and freshness

How to rejuvenate a date palm? The renewal of the date palm consists in the constant renewal of leaves that appear from above and die from below. Must be deleted wilting or withered lower branches.

upper branches can't be cut! This can lead to the death of the plant. The drying of the upper branch is an unnatural process and signals a disease.

Proper care is a panacea for many diseases

The most susceptible to diseases are weakened plants, deprived of competent care (what are they like at home?). Compliance with all rules:

  • glaze;
  • top dressing;
  • temperature;
  • light mode;

can prevent many diseases.

It is necessary to regularly inspect the plant, and if pests are found, they should be destroyed immediately.

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