Wood concrete house - is there a future for the chip block. Arbolite blocks: pros and cons, making your own hands House of wood chips

Arbolite or cement-bonded blocks- material for the construction of buildings: it is lightweight concrete, which includes mineral binders and aggregates (sawmill and woodworking waste, or organic cellulose raw materials), as well as water.

Arbolit combines qualities cement stone and wood, it has excellent characteristics - not subject to decay, fire-resistant and easy to use, suitable for individual housing construction up to 3 floors inclusive. Wood-concrete blocks are 80-85% composed of wood filler (chips, crushed pieces or shavings from 2 to 25 mm long, 5 mm thick) and high-quality cement, not less than PC500.

Production technology

Today, in the manufacture of (CSB, CBPB), mainly pine chips are used, but according to GOST 19222–84, it is allowed to use other wood processing waste (from deciduous and coniferous species). Nevertheless, wood concrete actually comes out of pine or spruce shavings. best quality, since these rocks have the least amount of organic component (sucrose) that needs to be neutralized.

Chips for CSB are subject to drying and mineralization of the surface with a solution of chemical components that eliminate sucrose, which prevents rotting and fungus damage to wood during operation. When using any other additives and materials (sand, plasticizers, hardeners), the product cannot be considered a real wood concrete.

Wood concrete production has been put on a conveyor belt in many cities of Russia, but you can make blocks with your own hands if you strictly follow the technological process and acquire minimal set tools:

  • Special crusher.
  • Concrete mixer.
  • Forms for blocks.
  • Vibrating press or vibrating table.
  • Drying chamber or space under a canopy.

Types and form of release of CSB

By density, wood concrete blocks are of the following types:

1. heat-insulating or hollow (400-500 kg / m3);

2. structural (500-850 kg / m3).

In industrial production, wood-concrete blocks are produced:

  • wall or standard (500x300x200 mm);
  • partition walls (600x300x120 mm).

Dimensions (edit)

The dimensions of blocks made of cement and shavings for the construction of external walls are 300x200x500 mm (for 1 m3> - 33 pieces), and for internal partitions you can use 120x300x600 mm, 47 pieces per m3, respectively.

Arbolite houses in terms of their economic and operational characteristics are much better than structures made of other materials. So, a house made of CSB or CBPB is dry and warm, its walls are light, fire-resistant, keep heat well in winter and cool in summer, comfortable for decoration, durable and cheap.

Each building material has its own advantages and disadvantages, wood concrete is no exception, consider the pros and cons of such blocks.

Pros of wood concrete

1. 1 m2 of erected walls made of wood concrete is 3 times lighter than structures made of expanded clay concrete and 8 times lighter than brick. This makes it possible to unload the foundation.

2. The cost of building a residential building from CSB is 40% less than from other materials.

3. Products made of shavings and cement stone have a porous structure, which ensures natural circulation air and optimal humidity in room.

4. Strong bond with concrete and plaster without the need for reinforcement.

5. Arbolite products, more information about which in, are perfectly sawn and cut (you can make the most accurate fit), drill, cut, hold screws and nails.

6. Exceeding the maximum permissible loads on the wood concrete leads to its compression and subsequent restoration, and not cracking, which allows you to painlessly transfer the shrinkage of the house.

7. The tensile and flexural strength of cement-bonded particle materials (CSB and CBPB) allows the use of all types of floors (wood, reinforced concrete).


1. Limited number of storeys of the building.

2. Low prevalence of wood concrete and it is difficult to buy it in some parts of Russia.

3. Water permeability, but this drawback is eliminated by plastering the walls.

4. A large number of unscrupulous manufacturers producing blocks of low quality and different in composition.

As you can see, the positive qualities of this material more than compensate for its insignificant disadvantages.

In terms of thermal conductivity and fire resistance, CBPB and CSB surpass all traditional building materials. Properties of wood concrete, including cement particle boards, made it possible to use them for the construction of buildings even in the conditions of Antarctica. There are many good reviews abroad, it is widely used there and appreciated for its energy-saving, heat-accumulating and sound-insulating properties.

The given technical characteristics of the blocks clearly demonstrate the combination of the qualities of the material, which makes it possible to build warm and environmentally friendly two-three-storey buildings.

Home owner reviews

“I decided to calculate the cost, and it turned out that for 1 m3 of wood concrete, Portland cement is needed for approximately 1,200 rubles (already at new prices). Add more work and other materials, additives, then the cost will reach 2,500 - 3,000. Considering that a cube of wood in the region of six thousand is not very expensive. And the wood concrete performs a load-bearing and insulating function (a huge plus) and the reviews about it are good. "

Ivan Slepkov, Moscow.

“I really like CSB - construction is going much faster. There is only one thing, but in order to find a bona fide manufacturer of these very blocks and cement-bonded particle boards, I had to rummage through half the Internet and go through a lot of reviews. We were very pleased with the house, you can breathe in such a house as in a wooden one! "

Andrey, St. Petersburg.

"From personal experience I will say that next time I will not get involved with arbolite, and I also do not advise anyone. The material is undeniably good quality, just perfect, but, unfortunately, as often happens, the workmanship is absolutely disgusting. "

Elina, Kazan.

“When I come to visit a friend, he has a house from the Central Security Service, so envy takes that I don’t have such a thing. I, honestly, I do not know the minuses of wood concrete, everyone is good! ".

Mikhail Plotnikov, Yekaterinburg.

The cost of cement-bonded products

You can buy wood concrete from manufacturers or in construction supermarkets. Prices for this material are set depending on the composition of the product and its size. Usually on the market wood concrete is sold in cubic meters or sheets (DSP). So, the price of one block of 400x200x200 mm format will be 68 rubles, and the cost of 1 m3 - 4,300 rubles, respectively, excluding transportation.

Price, rub / m33700 3700 4300 4600 4500 5000 3200
Number of blocks per m3 / piece33 25 14 23 21 47 27
Length500 500 600 500 600 600 500
Width300 400 400 250 400 300 300
Height200 200 300 350 200 120 250

In accordance with the current legislation, concrete with organic aggregates can be used in low-rise construction in Russia

Arbolite material- lightweight concrete with organic aggregates (up to 80-90% of the volume). It was invented by the Dutch around the 30s of the last century. However, in fact, the idea of ​​using organic matter as filler in concrete - sawdust, wood chips, straw, and so on - has a longer history.

In Central Asia, houses were traditionally built from adobe - a mixture of clay and chopped straw. By the way, adobe is still produced in private farmsteads. Bricks were made from a mixture of clay and straw and dried in the sun. Were also popular wall blocks similar in shape to a melon called "guval". They were made from the same material. Such bricks and "blocks" did not have sufficient strength. But in the local climate with scarce rainfall, they served for a long time and reliably.

In the USSR, wood concrete became popular in the 60s. GOST was developed, copied from the technology of manufacturing the Dutch material under the DURISOL trademark. By this time, wood concrete had already won a place in the markets of Europe and America due to its environmental friendliness, good heat and sound insulating properties and small specific gravity finished wall structure... Abroad, this material is called differently: "dyurisol" - in Holland and Sweden, "woodstone" - in the USA and Canada, "sawn concrete" - in the Czech Republic, "centriboad" - in Japan, "duripanel" - in Germany, "velox " - in Austria. It is used in the construction of not only private houses, but also high-rise industrial buildings.

Types of wood concrete blocks

Composition and tenology of arbolite very simple - cement, special chips, air-permeating additive. Industrial production requires equipment - wood chip cutter, concrete mixer, molds.

The Soviet analogue of "Dyurisol" has passed all technical tests, was standardized and certified. More than a hundred wood concrete factories worked in the USSR. By the way, the material was used for the construction of buildings even in Antarctica. At the Molodezhnaya station, three service buildings and a canteen were built from wood concrete panels. The thickness of the walls was only 30 cm. There are practically no minuses of this material, but there are many pluses. Foundations for it are required the same as for aerated concrete.

Arbolite houses warm enough and durable, because such building blocks according to the technology. The price of such a house is comparable to the price of a foam-gas-concrete house. But in essence, these houses are more environmentally friendly.

However, in the Soviet Union, wood concrete did not become a material of mass use. A course was taken for the construction of large-scale concrete-block houses, for which arbolite was not suitable due to its characteristics. In the 90s, the wood concrete production industry in Russia fell into decay. But the condition of buildings built from wood concrete 60 years ago shows that the material is quite suitable for use in construction. Moreover, the technology does not stand still.

Wood concrete chip cutter Wood concrete chip equipment

Today, some foreign manufacturers produce wood concrete based on calibrated softwood chips using special grades of concrete. There is a technology for the removal of sugars from organic matter, which "encourage" wood decay, special methods of drying wood chips. Special additives are used that increase the strength and durability of wood concrete, improving it consumer properties... So the initial advantages of wood concrete - the availability of components and environmental friendliness - can be supplemented with new ones. It is difficult to make a high-quality wood concrete with your own hands, but it is quite likely. You can buy high-quality wood concrete at a price of 3000 - 3400 rubles / m3.

In our country, rich in forest, wood concrete can be an excellent material for low-rise individual construction.

Arbolit like construction material, was known back in the days of the USSR, factories worked, built houses. After the collapse of the country, the technology was forgotten for some time, and a few years ago it was remembered again. The material turns out to be warm, lightweight, durable, poorly conducts sounds, and its cost is also low. Therefore, wood concrete and wood concrete blocks (wood blocks) are increasingly of interest to private developers.

Let's immediately determine that arbolite and sawdust concrete are different materials with different characteristics... The wood concrete contains waste from the woodworking industry, but only of a strictly regulated size. There is no other placeholder anymore. Moreover, everything is spelled out in GOSTs and instructions. And the filler is not sawdust, but wood chips with the dimensions recommended by the standard no more than 40 * 10 * 5 mm.

Properties, advantages and disadvantages

For a private developer, when choosing a building material, the technical characteristics of the material are important. Let's look at wood concrete blocks from this side. So, the characteristics and their short decoding:

The properties are very good. Another thing is that they will only be subject to exact observance of proportions and technology. This is why arblite blocks are dangerous: you don't know how well they are made.

Performance characteristics

As you can see, the characteristics of the arboblock are not bad. To the pluses, you still need to add light weight, large size and good ability to absorb sounds. A very big plus - the blocks are easy to cut, it is easy to give them the desired shape... Another positive point is that nails and screws hold well in the arbolite. On this side, too, no problems.

  • Shrinkage - 0.5-0.6%. This parameter shows how much the geometric dimensions of the wall will change under load. The wood concrete has one of the lowest rates.
  • Water absorption 40-85%. This figure is very large. If you put a wood concrete block in water, it can absorb a lot of water. For the developer, this means that it is necessary to take care of a good shut-off waterproofing between the foundation and the first row of blocks. Also, an arbolite house needs exterior decoration, which will protect the material from moisture. Not so scary. It is much more important that the hygroscopicity of wood concrete is low (the ability to accumulate vaporous moisture). Even with very humid air it does not get damp, but allows vapors to pass through itself, regulating the humidity in the room.
  • Fire resistance - class G1. Arbolite refers to materials that do not support combustion. This is their undoubted plus.

If speak about technical characteristics, then there is essentially one serious minus - high water absorption. There is one more drawback, but it is from the field of exploitation. Arbolite is very fond of mice. The material is natural and warm. You can solve the problem by making a high base - at least 50 cm.

Arbolite blocks production technology

Arbolit refers to lightweight concrete, the technology is almost standard, with the exception of some nuances: the need for pressing and using not an ordinary gravity concrete mixer during mixing, but a forced one. It mixes chips better with the rest of the components.


The wood concrete contains four components:

  • high quality cement (M 400 or M 500);
  • wood chips;
  • water;
  • chemical additives.

The cement must be dry and fresh. Wood chips are of a certain size. The fewer the re-grading, the stronger the block will be. Chemical additives are calcium nitrate and calcium chloride (food additive E509), liquid glass, sulphate aluminum and some other substances. Please note that they are first diluted in water and only then added to the chips, mixed. Any drinking water is allowed, but not technical, without contamination. After the chips are evenly wet, add cement. Another sequence is not valid.

Types and sizes of blocks

Depending on the density, wood concrete blocks are divided into heat-insulating (up to 500 kg / m 3) and structural (from 500 kg / m 3 to 850 kg / m 3). For building one-story houses you can use the lightest of the constructional density of 500 kg / m 3. For detached houses of 1.5 and 2 floors, the minimum density is 600 kg / m 3 and above.

The sizes of wood concrete blocks can be different. The most common is 500 * 200 mm and different thickness- from 100 mm to 400-500 mm. But different factories and workshops produce blocks of different sizes. Molds for them can be welded from ordinary sheet iron, so this is not a problem. The photo shows an example of the assortment of one of the shops.

As you can see, blocks of 600 * 200 mm and 600 * 250 mm also have a thickness from 100 to 500 mm. It is possible for load-bearing walls and choose suitable ones for interior partitions. Also for self-made wood concrete blocks can be made suitable shape... This is if you decide to do them yourself.


Like any building material, wood concrete is divided into strength classes. For the construction of load-bearing walls of houses required class strength B 2.5.

Quantity necessary materials for one cubic meter of wood concrete solution is in the table (photo above).

Pressing technology

All these components are mixed, from which blocks are formed. There are several technologies:

  • just by pressing:
    • manual on the floor (great effort required);
    • manual rammer on a vibrating table.
  • pressing with vibration on a vibrating machine.

The easiest way is manual pressing. But it is difficult to control the density and strength of the resulting blocks in this way.

Normal production conditions

For the normal process of cement hydration, a temperature of at least + 12 ° C is required. There are no other conditions. The peculiarity of production is that after the block is formed, at least 2-3 weeks must pass before the start of its use. During this time, the cement will gain about 50-60% strength (depending on the temperature) and you can already work with the blocks. That is, the blocks must be made long before the start of construction. If we consider that the chips must be aged for at least 4 months before using them, then you can start a year before construction.

Another practical point: if you are going to make wood concrete blocks with your own hands, in addition to a platform for kneading and storing components, you need a platform for settling the blocks. The place should be covered, protected from rain and sun. There should be no drafts.

Wood concrete chips: how to get or where to buy

The best wood chips for wood concrete are obtained from pine and spruce. You can also use larch, but when mixing, you need to double the amount of chemical additives. From hardwoods GOST allows the use of aspen, beech, birch, poplar. The main requirements are:

The best wood chips are obtained from lumpy wood waste. It is first passed through chippers and then crushed in a hammer mill. The following mechanisms can be used for this:

  • Disc chippers with adjustable knives. Not all of them can be adjusted to obtain the required chip size, but the dimensions will be close.
  • Rotary knife crushers. Narrow and narrow chips come out of them, and the length is adjustable. That is, it is - a good option... There is only one "but": there are a lot of knives and with prolonged use they need to be changed or welded (they do not sharpen). On the plus side, we add that this type of crusher can be used to re-crush the process chips obtained during the first crushing (after reconfiguration).
  • Shredders or roller shredders. This is expensive equipment (about 1 million rubles), mostly imported, but it is excellent, as it is made for certain sizes of chips.

If you make wood chips yourself - not an option, you can buy it. If possible, you can agree at the plant where wood concrete is produced. Only check the parameters of the chips. If there is none nearby, you can take shavings from under the sizing machines. Some of them can be adjusted so that the chips are not thick.

Features of the manufacture of mortar for wood concrete blocks

Wood waste contain sugar. If fresh raw materials are used, the sugars can begin to ferment, which will destroy the integrity of the block. When mixing, chemical additives are added to the solution that neutralize their effect (water glass, calcium chloride, alumina sulfate, lime). They can be added in combinations: calcium chloride with water glass or sulphate alumina with lime. The total weight of the additives should not exceed 8%.

There are other ways to break down sugars. The simplest, but requiring a long period of time, is to keep the chips for at least 90 days in a heap in the air. If there is no way to wait, the chips are soaked for 3 days in lime milk stirring occasionally. Then they strain it off, do not dry it, in this form it is used for kneading. Only in this case it is necessary to take into account that much less water is required. This method works well, but it is very troublesome. It is easier to find an opportunity to purchase chemical additives.

The procedure and features of mixing the solution

For mixing the solution, a forced-type concrete mixer is used. You can also use an ordinary gravitational or "pear", but you have to knead in it for a long time, although you can adapt - tilt the pear as low as possible during kneading (when raised, it hardly mixes).

First, sawdust is poured, a certain amount of water is added. While the sawdust gets wet, chemical additives are diluted in a small amount of water, then they are unloaded into a concrete mixer. When all the wood is evenly wet, cement is poured. It is loaded in portions, waiting for uniform distribution throughout the volume. The cement should wrap around every chip on all sides. This is possible only if the sawdust is well wet, therefore we carefully monitor this stage.

Block molding

The solution is poured into molds. Most often they are made of metal, they represent a box with handles without a bottom. The form is placed on a flat surface (a board, for example). With manual ramming, the molds are filled with wood concrete solution, layer by layer, each of which is pressed with a metal platform with a handle. In order for the air to escape better, the thickness of the material is pierced several times with a metal rod, after which it is pressed again. This procedure can be repeated several times, until you reach the desired layer density, after which you can fill in the next one. Layers are poured to the upper edge of the block, after the final ramming, the top is leveled, cutting off the excess with a metal bar.

You can use a lever - mechanical or with a drive. In this case, the effort develops significant and the entire volume can be loaded at once, if necessary, supplementing to the edge. To achieve a high density, you can press several times, then increasing, then weakening the pressure. Experience shows that with this principle of manufacturing arbolite blocks, they are more durable, unpressing (restoration of the shape due to the elastic force of the chips) appears much less.

Blocks of better strength and with less effort are obtained if vibration is added to the pressing process. In this case, the efforts required to obtain the required strength are reduced significantly. For these purposes, vibrating tables are made. And the process is called vibration with a load.

The formed block on a support is transferred to the drying place. If the solution allows and the block keeps its shape, the frame can be removed. But sometimes homemade wood concrete blocks sin by the fact that the solution turns out to be too liquid - it's easier to ram it this way. In this case, the blocks are left in the mold for a day. Use and transportation of blocks is possible no earlier than 2-3 weeks after molding.

Features of the construction of their wood concrete blocks

The masonry of the blocks is carried out according to the type of brick - with bandaging of the seams, on cement-sand mortar... Of the features - the thickness of the seam is about 8-10 mm. Between the foundation and the first row of blocks, it is necessary to make a very high-quality shut-off waterproofing. This is to exclude the suction of moisture through the foundation from the soil. We make combined waterproofing - first we impregnate bituminous mastic or any other coating waterproofing, we lay on top roll waterproofing... Previously, roofing material was always used, but today it is of poor quality and will collapse in a couple of years. And it is important to exclude moisture leakage (due to the high water absorption of wood concrete), therefore use a waterproofing or something similar. It is possible, in two layers, also smeared with bituminous mastic.

The next nuance is masonry above the window and doorways... It is best to use special U-shaped blocks, in which to lay the reinforcing frame and 4 bars of reinforcement with a diameter of 10-12 mm. It is better to tie it so that there is less chance of corrosion. First, blocks with grooves are installed above the opening. They can be supported from below with a board and spacers. Then the frame is laid, everything is poured with concrete. Leave the structure for a day, after which the props can be removed and masonry can be continued.

There are many nuances of building a house from wood concrete blocks in the video.

Sawdust concrete and wood concrete blocks are lightweight building material with good thermal insulation characteristics... They are used for the construction of private houses, outbuildings and fences. Sawdust concrete and wood concrete can be bought ready-made or made by hand. For manufacturing, you will need the same components as for standard concrete blocks, but with the addition of sawdust or chips. They can be both structural and thermal insulation.

For sawdust concrete blocks, you will need cement, sawdust, sand, quicklime and water. Portland cement is taken at a grade not lower than M300. It is better to use sawdust of coniferous species, as they are less susceptible to decay. If they are old or obtained from other wood, then they need to be prepared. Treat with antiseptic agents such as calcium chloride solution and dry.

The density of sawdust and cement blocks depends on the proportions of the components. The more Portland cement, the stronger the material, but the worse thermal insulation properties... At the same time, resistance to low temperatures, moisture and reduces the likelihood of corrosion in reinforced blocks.

If you add more sawdust, wood concrete blocks will better retain heat, but use it for construction load-bearing structures it is forbidden. Due to the small amount of cement in the composition, it will have poor strength. Therefore, it can only be used as thermal insulation. finished building... At the same time, no additional foundation is required for masonry, since it is light in weight.

Blocks from a mixture of cement and sawdust used for the construction of load-bearing and interior walls buildings, enclosing structures, for the reconstruction of already rebuilt structures, as well as for the insulation of houses and basements.

Positive and negative characteristics

The advantages of block material made of sawdust (they are confirmed by numerous reviews given in the material about):

  • easy to process - sawdust concrete can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw and drilled, just like aerated concrete or foam concrete;
  • has good adhesion characteristics - during processing adhesives the topcoat is securely fixed to it;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • slightly flammable - at the right technology manufacture of sawdust concrete is able to withstand direct impact fire for about three hours (if the amount of sawdust does not exceed 50% of the total volume);
  • environmentally friendly;
  • soundproof;
  • simple masonry;
  • long service life.

Sawdust concrete acquires the property of fire resistance as a result of enveloping sawdust cement-sand mixture... Compared to concrete with expanded polystyrene granules, sawdust blocks are more fireproof.

The disadvantages include a long curing time. After manufacturing, building blocks with a thickness of 20 cm are left for 3 months to fully harden. Only after this period you can start laying them. Sawdust concrete has poor water resistance. Therefore, after the construction of the house, a vapor barrier should be installed to protect it both from the inside and outside of the building.

How to do it yourself?

There are many technologies for making blocks from sawdust. Not only cement, but also gypsum or clay can be selected as a binder. But if the block material will be used for the construction of loaded structures (walls), then Portland cement is taken. To prepare the mortar on your own, it is recommended to use a concrete mixer, since a completely homogeneous consistency is required.

According to the technology established in accordance with GOST, in order to make quality blocks, you will need to mix the components in following proportions- 1 part cement, 1 sawdust, 3 sand and 50% by volume of the binder water. Calcium chloride is taken 40 times less than the amount of cement powder. That is, 20 kg of M400 Portland cement will require 20 kg of sawdust, 59-60 kg of sand and 10 liters of water. Additionally, 0.5 kg of calcium chloride is poured. In percentage terms, sawdust should make up almost 55% of the total solution volume, sand - 26%, cement - about 12%, water - 7%.

Sand is used in medium or coarse size. At the same time, about 10% of fine fraction is added. Only clean water is poured in. Drinking or rainwater is best, the main thing is without impurities and dirt.

To make the blocks yourself, you will need forms in which the mixture will fit. It is recommended to make them collapsible to make it easier to pull out finished material... It can be built from boards with a thickness of 20 mm. Inside, they are covered with sheets of steel so that moisture from the solution is not absorbed into wooden case... In addition, thanks to the metal, the block material can be easily separated from the mold.

When assembling a box for sawdust concrete or wood concrete blocks, it should be borne in mind that after drying, they decrease in size. Therefore, the mold must be made 10% larger than the required size of the material. If there are blocks with voids, for example, round, then only rolled into a tube is placed in the box in advance.

Manufacturing technology: sawdust is sieved through a sieve and mixed with Portland cement and sand. Water is gradually poured in. To check the quality, the solution is squeezed in a fist. It should crumple into a lump, water should not flow out. If droplets are visible, then it is not mixed up correctly. After preparation, the composition must be wasted within an hour and a half. The mixture is placed in a mold. Every 20 cm, it is rammed to compact and remove air. After filling, everything is left for 4 days. After that, it can be disassembled and folded block building material in a dry and ventilated room for further hardening.


For wood concrete blocks, not sawdust with sand, but only chips are used; cement and various additives are also needed that improve other characteristics. Compared to sawdust concrete, this material has even better thermal insulation properties. It is just as lightweight, frost-resistant and non-combustible. The blocks are environmentally friendly, they are easy to cut and handle.

For self-production of such blocks, you will need forms. The solution is mixed in a concrete mixer. To make wood concrete blocks, the components are mixed in the following proportions: 3 parts of cement, 3 parts of wood chips and 4 parts of water. First, chips are poured into the concrete mixer and water is poured in (not all at once, only to a semi-liquid state). Liquid glass is added (1% of the total). After the consistency has become homogeneous, Portland cement M400 is poured in and the rest of the water is poured in.

Once the solution is thoroughly mixed, it is placed in a mold for wood concrete blocks. Every 15-20 cm the mixture is tamped. A day later, if the material has hardened, it is removed from the molds and left to cure. After 2-3 weeks, the blocks can be used.

Sawdust and cement blocks

Now you won't surprise anyone in construction composite materials... What only yesterday coexisted peacefully, today, with new technologies, complements each other, mixes up. And as a result, materials are obtained that have acquired the best quality characteristics from the components being mixed, or even new properties in general. These materials include wood-cement. After all, we know that when mixing solutions, fillers are needed. So why not wood waste as a filler? The benefit is twofold: both the waste will go to work, solving the problem of their disposal, and the concrete will become much lighter.

Types of wood-cement materials

Since wood materials of different size and structure can be added as a filler, and the addition of cement and other components can be in different proportions, there can be several wood-cement materials. Here are the main ones:

  • - wood concrete;
  • - fibrolite;
  • - sawdust concrete;
  • - DSP (cement-bonded particle boards);
  • - xylolite.

And since the difference in composition leads to a difference in properties, materials are obtained with different performance characteristics... This allows the use of wood-cement materials in construction quite widely.


This is a lightweight concrete made from wood chips, water, chemical additives and a mineral binder, most often Portland cement. Crushed is obtained from both deciduous and coniferous species, it is even possible to fill concrete with flax or hemp fire, chopped straw, and crushed cotton stalks.

Wood concrete production technology is as follows:

  1. 1. Wood waste is transported by conveyors to the chipper.
  2. 2. The resulting chips are sent to a hammer mill.
  3. 3. The pneumatic conveyor feeds the resultant to a vibrating screen, from where dust and fine crushed particles go to the waste bin, the coarse crushed material is sent for re-crushing.
  4. 4. The required crushed fraction enters the soaking bath, from there through the batcher to the mixer.
  5. 5. Through other different dispensers, cement, water and chemical additives are fed into the mixer.
  6. 6. The resulting mixture in molds is compacted by presses or vibropressing machines.
  7. 7. Molds with wood concrete are heat treated and dried.

The use of wood concrete: partitions, slabs for floors, ceilings and coverings, large-format wall panels, wall blocks, etc.


It is a board made from wood chips and mineral binder. Chips over 35 cm and width 5-10 mm is ground to a state of wool. Further, the technological process looks like this: the shavings are mineralized with potassium chloride, moistened and mixed with cement paste, plates are pressed at 0.4 MPa. This is followed by heat treatment in hardening chambers and drying.

Fibrolite is used both for the construction of walls and as a filler and insulating material in frame structures... It should be noted that when using fiberboard as wall material, it should be plastered, and where the humidity is high, it cannot be used at all.

Sawdust concrete

It is a lightweight concrete made from sand, Portland cement and sawdust. The technology is as follows: sawdust and small shavings are poured into the mixer, water with mineral additives and Portland cement are also fed there. All this is mixed, decomposed into forms and compacted. In order for sawdust concrete to harden faster, it is kept in thermal chambers at a temperature of 40-60 ° C for 24 hours.

Sawdust concrete is used for the production of panels and wall blocks, used for the manufacture of clean floors.

Cement particle boards

They are the most commonly used wood-cement materials. For their manufacturecomes wood shavings, then a cement-bonded mixture is prepared from it, by mixing the shavings with water, cement and mineral additives, followed by dosing, molding, pressing and heat treatment.

Cement particle boards are frost-resistant, fire-resistant and bio-resistant. this justifies their application in prefabricated housing construction. Moreover, they can be used for facade works and for interior decoration. They are not afraid high humidity, have proven themselves well in restoration work.

Cement particle boards also have disadvantages. High density (up to 1.4 t / m³) makes it difficult to lift the slabs for cladding last floors houses without winches andforests. Also, they have low bending strength, plates can break. At the same time, they are very resistant to longitudinal deformation, for this reason they are used to strengthen the frames of houses.


It consists of a magnesian binder, alkali-resistant pigments and sawdust, to which finely dispersed minerals are added: asbestos, marble flour, talc.

During production, sawdust is sieved through two sieves (the remaining on 1 sieve and sifted through the second in technological process does not participate). A binder is prepared in mixers: first magnesite is fed, then coloring pigments, then magnesium chloride (as a hardener). This mixture is fed into another mixer, where it is mixed with sawdust for about 5 minutes.

Further, the plates are formed under significant pressure (up to 10 MPa), at a high temperature (up to 95 ° C) they solidify in the curing chambers. Then, for full condition, the slabs are dried in warehouses for two weeks. In order to increase the water resistance, the slabs are impregnated with hydrophobic compounds. Most often, these boards are used for the production of floors.
