How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling. How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands, video

I wonder how many people are wondering how to glue wallpaper on the ceiling on their own? It seems to me enough to write an article about it. The fact is that no matter how accommodating a person’s character is, such work together with a partner still unbalances - swearing, scandals begin, as a result of which the work does not move one iota. In this article, on the pages of the website, we will try to reveal all the secrets of masters who can single-handedly wallpaper a ceiling of any size. We will study this technology in detail, disassembling it to the smallest detail.

What wallpaper can be glued to the ceiling alone and what is needed for this

First you need to figure out the properties that wallpaper should have for their easiest and most convenient gluing.

  1. Firstly, the wallpaper should slide easily over the surface of the ceiling - without this, it will not be possible to join the canvases with each other in a quality manner alone.
  2. Secondly, it should be convenient to hold the wallpaper under the ceiling on your own. Agree, it’s quite difficult to keep a strip of wallpaper unwound and smeared with glue alone. And in this case, what else can be said about working with her? It is much more convenient to hold wallpaper rolled into a roll in your hands - and, as you understand, you cannot smear it with glue.
  3. Thirdly, in this situation, the wallpaper simply must adhere to the ceiling surface almost instantly - a minimum of time should be given to this step in the work. We need wallpapers that stick and subsequently do not fall off even when not straightened.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling with your own hands photo

It is non-woven wallpaper that fits perfectly under these three requirements - they glide perfectly on almost any surface, they do not need to be smeared with glue (only the wall is covered with glue) and they immediately stick and do not fall off when they come into contact with the ceiling. This is exactly what is needed in this situation.

With the question of what kind of wallpaper to glue on the ceiling, we figured out, it remains to clarify the situation with additional requirements, under which independent wallpapering on the ceiling will be easy and relaxed.

An important role in this matter is played by properly prepared workplace, which allows you to move freely under the ceiling throughout the entire glued canvas. To do this, you will have to lay racks - the task is to be able to just walk and not look at your feet, and even more so not jump from one table to another. I think everything is clear here, and everyone will solve this issue in their own way - some will put two or even three tables side by side, others will assemble construction scaffolds from boards. In general, as they say, go ahead and do not forget that the height of these racks should correspond to your height - or rather, they should be so raised from the floor that it is convenient for you to work.

What wallpaper to glue on the ceiling

Do-it-yourself wallpapering the ceiling: technology

Despite the apparent complexity, pasting the ceiling with non-woven wallpaper actually looks quite simple and at the same time has enough big amount subtleties and nuances. And the first one is the glue itself. We'll have to forget about all the recipes for its preparation, which are written on the pack and cook it differently.

Glue for non-woven wallpaper should be thick enough - based on the proportions, then the full package will have to be dissolved in a twelve-liter bucket.

We are talking about the standard packaging of Kelid glue - it is he who is best suited in such a situation. Although Metilan is also quite good - I can’t say anything about other adhesives, since I work with these. In general, at the end of cooking, the glue should look like thick sour cream. We apply such glue to the ceiling with a roller and do not forget to prime the surface, otherwise the glue will quickly be absorbed and in the process of work you will have to be distracted and smear the ceiling again.

Do-it-yourself wallpapering the ceiling photo

There should be no problems with the first wallpaper - you don’t need to join it with anything, and if you are worried about the junction of wallpaper with baguettes, then just make a small overlap and, after completely gluing the wallpaper, cut it to fit the ruler. It is very important not to distort the first strip - if it goes to the side somewhere, then it will not work to glue the wallpaper butt. To prevent this from happening, you need to set the direction of gluing with the help of laces.

The gluing technology itself is quite simple - we take a roll and, without unwinding it, apply one end of it to the plastered ceiling, and then, slowly unwinding it with one hand, smooth the canvas with a spatula with the other. When you reach the end, the roll can be cut off first with a small margin, and then clearly under a ruler or a metal spatula.

How to cut a roll of wallpaper photo

The process of gluing all subsequent wallpaper paintings looks almost exactly the same. The difference lies only in working with the junction of the canvases - they not only need to be qualitatively connected to each other, but also rolled so that subsequently they do not disperse and do not peel off.

In the process of gluing the canvases, it is not necessary to completely dock them - if a gap occurs somewhere within 1 mm, then it can always be eliminated after gluing the entire canvas. Non-woven wallpaper allows you to carry out such an operation - they glide perfectly over the surface and you just need to pull them together with a plastic spatula. To do this, you just need to expel the remaining glue towards the seam - do not overdo it, the result can be disastrous. If you get even a small overlap, then to eliminate it, the wallpaper canvas will have to be torn off.

How to trim the joints of wallpaper on the ceiling photo

To prevent the edges of the wallpaper from peeling off over time, the joint must be thoroughly rolled with a special plastic roller - it is somewhat reminiscent of a wheel with a tread in miniature. It is this protector that helps to qualitatively roll the junction of individual canvases.

Sticking wallpaper on the ceiling together photo

I don’t know how difficult this technology of wallpapering the ceiling with wallpaper will seem to you, you decide for yourself here. I can only say one thing, if you wondered, on the ceiling, then you will not find anything better than this method. Gluing other wallpapers, and even together with a partner, is much more troublesome and longer. The fact is that wallpapering together requires complete coherence and mutual understanding.

Wallpapering in the absence of at least some experience is a very complicated matter. Even experienced craftsmen front ceiling work prepare to overcome some difficulties. Therefore, those who decide to do self-registration premises, you should know the main stages and nuances of such work. This will help you avoid mistakes and quality finish.

Preparatory process

A professional can stick wallpaper on the ceiling on his own, folding them with an "accordion", but it is better for a novice specialist to find an assistant. He will support the hanging end of the paper web and evaluate the quality of the work. This makes the task much easier.
If the ceilings are high, the matter is complicated by the need for a stable two-tiered pedestal, which will be easy to climb. For low rooms, a comfortable table or high stool will suffice. A platform should be prepared on which wallpaper will be spread and coated with glue. The optimal solution will make room along the wall and thoroughly scrub the floor.

The surface of the ceiling should be cleaned of lime or paint, leveled, cracks should be repaired with putty. Before eliminating irregularities and flaws, the entire treated area must be covered with a deep penetration primer. Before starting work, you will need to tightly close the doors and windows, turn off the electricity.

Stages of work on pasting the ceiling with wallpaper

1. A brush, a roller, a clean rag, a container with glue are being prepared.
2. A roll is spread along the wall and cut into canvases of the same length, following the pattern.
3. Glue is applied to the middle of the first canvas and distributed to the edges with gentle movements. The adhesive should not get on the front side of the wallpaper.
4. The canvas is folded in half so that the coated sides are in contact.
5. Depending on the structure of the selected wallpaper, they will need different times for the paper to soak. Usually 1 minute is enough.
6. Next, you need to climb onto the pedestal and ask an assistant to submit one of the edges of the canvas. At this time, its second side is supported below.
7. Having distributed the wallpaper in the right direction along the wall, it should be rolled out with a roller, squeezing out the air and achieving a smooth, even surface.
8. After a part of the canvas is glued, the pedestal is moved and the process continues.
9. The second piece of wallpaper is pasted end-to-end in the same way.

Professionals recommend smearing glue on the ceiling as well, so that the work moves faster and is of better quality. Much depends on the type of paper chosen: if it is too thick, then it needs to be given more time to impregnate. Such webs should be supported more carefully, since the weight of the wet web is significant, and it can tear.

When it comes to finishing the ceiling surface, people in most cases consider only three options: stretch ceiling, installation suspended structure and painting. It would seem that you don’t really have to choose, but there is a fourth option that has been used for decades, but today for some reason is becoming a thing of the past. We are now talking about wallpapering. Ceiling wallpaper was not always glued, mainly because it is rather difficult and inconvenient to glue them. This article is written so that even a beginner can figure out how to hang wallpaper on the ceiling.

You should start with the fact that this finish has always been original, because it gave wide design possibilities. Wallpaper allows you to create unique interiors, which you will not find in other houses or apartments.

As for other benefits this method, then they include:

  • no need for frequent painting of the ceiling if it fades over time;
  • no need for significant cash costs associated with the arrangement of tension / suspension structures.

In other words, wallpapers are the best option according to several criteria. However, it should be remembered that the choice of material must be approached with all responsibility (this is especially true for rooms with high humidity).

Now consider the process of gluing. This procedure, as noted above, is extremely inconvenient: it is not easy to glue wallpaper and walls, but here all the work is done overhead.

Which rooms are suitable for wallpapering?

It is not suitable for every room. Embossed colored ceilings are known to visually reduce the room, so this method is suitable for large rooms - say, for the living room, where you can not only experiment using different textures, but also hide the imperfections of the finish. The point is that the last large rooms less noticeable than in small ones.

Even the ceiling, pasted over with wallpaper, has a large set of visual effects. With it, for example, you can both make a room more comfortable and divide it into several zones. It is quite obvious that the ability to delimit rooms is especially important in one-room apartments, where one room serves as an office, a living room, and a bedroom. Finally, the porosity of the wallpaper also provides additional sound insulation.

Wallpaper prices

photo wallpaper

Stage one. Decide on the type of wallpaper

First you need to familiarize yourself with the features of some types of wallpaper, as well as find out which option is more suitable for finishing the ceiling.

  1. Paper. The most common type of material, characterized by low cost. A good choice for cosmetic repairs.
  2. Liquid. Who does not know, such wallpapers are a special liquid mixture, which after application gives a seamless and perfectly flat surface.
  3. Vinyl. Very popular today, they are distinguished by durability, strength and moisture resistance.
  4. non-woven. Such wallpapers are especially durable, elastic, and resistant to abrasion.
  5. Textile. They consist of two layers - a paper (or non-woven) base and a textile fabric.

We have not considered all types of wallpapers on the current market, and this is useless. Instead, let's return to the main topic, namely, do-it-yourself wallpapering the ceiling.

GOST 30834-2002. Wallpaper. Definitions and graphic symbols. Download file.

Stage two. We prepare everything you need

As for the wallpaper itself, there are no restrictions in terms of their choice - you can use any of the options listed above. For example, the starry sky is a very original method of decorating the ceiling surface.

On a note! Special attention deserves wallpapering for painting. Modern models materials can be painted up to 15 times, which means that if the color is tired, then it is not at all necessary to remove the previous finish - instead, you can simply repaint it.

If the ceiling in the room is low, then it is preferable to use wallpaper light colors, and necessarily with small and dim drawings. So the ceiling will visually rise, and the light wallpapers themselves are suitable for almost any interior. In order to reduce the height of the ceiling, on the contrary, you need to use dark tones. However, this is a matter of taste, so no one will interfere with using the option that you personally like for gluing.

Prices for non-woven wallpaper

non-woven wallpaper

You will also need the following tools:

  • stepladder (or sturdy table, goats);
  • brushes;
  • bucket;
  • rags;
  • construction mixer (in a pinch, you can use a regular wooden stick) to stir the glue;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • roller (the handle should be long, and the length of the pile should be medium);
  • a special tray for the roller (thanks to it, the glue will be distributed evenly).

On a note! The strips must be laid parallel to the window. With natural light coming from the window, the joints will be less noticeable. For this reason, cutting wallpaper should be done taking into account the longitudinal size of the room.

And one more thing: it is better to stick together. One will glue the wallpaper, and the other will hold the edges of the strips and make sure that the installation is done correctly. Although this can be done independently (by folding the canvas into an "accordion"), but only if you have a lot of experience.

Stage three. We prepare the ceiling

One of the main advantages of wallpapering is that it is not necessary to remove the old coating from the ceiling. But if there is whitewash, then it is advisable to remove it, and then putty the surface twice. If before that there were already wallpapers on the ceiling, they also need to be torn off.

If working surface uneven or has significant slopes, then it needs to be leveled (in especially serious cases, drywall is used for leveling). However, this, again, depends on the budget, as well as on what kind of repair you will be doing.

putty prices


If wallpapering will be done on a puttied surface, then it must be properly processed before starting work. You can use an acrylic primer for this purpose by applying it to the ceiling with a regular brush.

When the primer dries (and this will happen quite quickly), you can start directly wallpapering. We also note that priming the ceiling is an optional procedure, but wallpaper on a primed surface, which has been repeatedly proven, holds, sticks and dries much better.

Be sure to sand the dried primer. Also, the treated surface must be marked in such a way that the strips of material are glued at an angle of 90 degrees relative to one of the walls of the room. Tape the place where the chandelier will be hung with masking tape. Remember to turn off the electricity before sticking.

Stage four. We cut the wallpaper correctly

It's no secret that for wallpapering, they must first be cut according to the required dimensions. For this reason, you should definitely know how to cut without damaging the material. The algorithm of necessary actions is given below.

First, we take the roll and put it in such a way that the front side “looks” down.

Using a tape measure, we measure the appropriate length, after which we mark the place with a pencil.

Wallpaper glue prices

wallpaper glue

Where we put a mark, we bend the material (the front part should be on top) and smooth the resulting kink.

At the end, we take a clerical knife and cut the strip along the bend (to be more precise, then along inside the latter).

Stage five. Draw a line for the first strip

When the ceiling is properly prepared, and the wallpaper is cut into strips of the required length, we need to outline the line according to which we will glue the first wallpaper sheet.

To make the line as even as possible, we hammer in a couple of nails in width next to the ceiling on opposite walls. We tie and tightly pull the rope between these nails, after rubbing it with chalk. Next, we pull and sharply lower the rope - as a result, a white line will remain on the ceiling, along which we will glue the first strip.

Note! The marking of the line must be made even before the actual wallpapering begins.

Stage six. Starting wallpapering

Much here depends on the type of wallpaper chosen for the room. If we are talking, say, about vinyl or paper, then the glue should be applied directly to the wallpaper sheets themselves. In the case of non-woven wallpaper, the adhesive mixture must be applied to the surface of the ceiling. The glue that was applied to the non-woven wallpaper must be kept for several minutes, while for paper it is unacceptable - the material should be laid on the ceiling immediately after applying the adhesive.

We add that the strips of material must be laid parallel to the window opening, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article. Thanks to this, the joints will be almost invisible. When everything is ready, we get to work. For the convenience of visitors, the instructions are given in the form of a table.

Table. Ceiling wallpaper gluing.

Steps, no.Short description

We stir the glue. It must be very thick to securely fix the wallpaper.

We take the first strip and apply an adhesive mixture on it, smearing it from the center to the edges. In this case, it is important that the glue in no case gets on the front of the wallpaper.

It all depends on how many people are engaged in pasting. If you are doing this alone, then fold the glued strip with an accordion, then glue along the line marked earlier, gradually straightening the material. In the course of gluing, smooth the material with a roller or a special smoothing brush. If two people work, then one must climb the goats, holding the edge of the strip. The second at this time should hold the second edge and follow the process.

Now we squeeze out the remnants of the adhesive solution and air from under the wallpaper strip. For this purpose, we take a clean roller and roll it, heading from the center to the edges. To remove excess glue, use a sponge or cloth.

We perform similar actions with the rest of the wallpaper strips. Difficulties here can only arise with fitting the adjacent strip to the already glued one. We do it end-to-end, without overlap. If there is some kind of pattern on the wallpaper, then we need to combine adjacent stripes (you need to take care of this even at the stage of cutting the material).

Note! During gluing, there should be no drafts in the room. It is recommended not to open windows and doors for several more days after completion of work.

If you work alone, you can make yourself convenient fixture, designed to support strips, from a drywall profile, connecting it with the letter "T". The video below shows how to wallpaper the ceiling yourself.

Video - Pasting the ceiling with wallpaper with your own hands

To seal the joints, you can use a ceiling plinth.

Common gluing mistakes

The most common defect is material lagging. This can happen after sticking to old and peeling plaster. To avoid this defect, first remove a layer of plaster or paint. This is especially true in the case of lime or chalk whitewash. After removing the dilapidated coating, the surface must be treated with a fixing paint.

When gluing, it is desirable to apply glue both to the ceiling and to the wallpaper. As a rule, special adhesive solutions for heavy types of this material are used for this. Moreover, it is recommended to dilute the adhesive somewhat thicker than indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. The ceiling surface itself should be processed, and the smaller the thickness of the wallpaper sheets, the more carefully the alignment should be. If thick textured wallpapers are used, then you can not align so carefully, because minor defects will be invisible. Sanding and priming, as noted earlier, will help increase grip.

Stretch ceiling prices

stretch ceiling

Pay special attention to air bubbles under the material, because they will be especially noticeable when the lights are on.

Finally, in order to avoid wetting through, do not soak the wallpaper for too long, and the glue layer should not be too thick.

Care rules

To prolong the life of the wallpaper, you can varnish it. Most paintable wallpaper easily withstands at least a few stains, so this finish option is extremely economical. And if the wallpaper peels off, smear the fallen edges with glue and press them to the surface with a clean roller.

As for embossed wallpapers, they differ in that they absorb dust well and unpleasant odors. For this reason, such material needs periodic cleaning, for which you can use a vacuum cleaner, dry cloth or brush. Moisture resistant wallpaper can be wiped with damp cloths.

Video - Sticking non-woven wallpaper on the ceiling

Summing up

Actually, this can be the end. We found out that sticking ceiling wallpaper is a rather difficult task, but if you wish, you can handle everything on your own. The main difficulty of the process is that you need to complete all the steps listed and described above. If you strictly follow the instructions, then there should be no problems.

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

As an alternative to banal painting and whitewashing, many people prefer to wallpaper the ceiling. They hide minor flaws. base surface- cracks, small bumps, - allowing less money and effort to spend on preparing the ceiling. A variety of textures, colors and designs at a moderate cost allows you to expand the wings of fantasy. In addition, you can glue wallpaper on the ceiling yourself, without involving professionals for this.

Choosing a wallpaper

The selected type of wallpaper affects the pasting technology and some other features of the process. Experts recommend stopping at one of the following varieties:

  • paper;
  • vinyl on paper basis;
  • non-woven vinyl;
  • non-woven.

The choice will be influenced by the condition of the base ceiling, the requirements for the material and pattern, and financial possibilities. By the way, paper version will cost you the least amount, and vinyl and non-woven wallpaper will cost more, but will also last longer.

Important! For the ceiling, a material with a minimum weight is selected. It should not exceed 110 g/sq. m. This parameter is usually indicated on the label of the roll.

The nuances of working with paper wallpaper

The surface and colors of canvases of this type may vary; in the simplest, the lower layer has a rough texture, and the upper one is smooth. It is on him that the drawing is applied. Due to the small thickness, paper sheets are quite difficult to stick correctly, besides, they will repeat all the existing flaws in the ceiling. If it is uneven, it is better to give preference to another type of finishing material.

True, hardware stores also offer thicker versions of paper wallpaper - embossed. Such canvases are already less demanding on the surface.

Vinyl on different substrates: which one is easier to glue?

Vinyl wallpapers differ in the type of base (paper or non-woven). It is she who affects the technique of gluing and the choice of wallpaper glue:

  • the material on the paper backing is impregnated with glue and then applied to the surface, so gluing them to the ceiling is not very convenient, although it is still easier than conventional paper wallpaper;
  • canvases on a fiseline basis do not need to be lubricated with glue, the composition is applied only to the ceiling, so it is easier to work with them.

Interlining - the perfect choice for the ceiling?

Non-woven wallpaper - nonwoven fabric from cellulose fibers - a popular solution for the ceiling, give it an original appearance and soft glow. In this case, it is permissible to perform up to 12 repaints.

Non-woven wallpaper is different:

  • high strength - it is very difficult to break them accidentally;
  • lack of shrinkage - do not stretch when wet, do not shrink after drying;
  • compatibility with any surfaces;
  • the ability to level the ceiling with small defects.

Advice. If you want to paste over the ceiling with minimal effort, choose wide wallpaper from interlining or based on it. Unlike canvases on a paper backing, they do not need to be smeared with glue, the composition is applied only to the surface to be glued. This greatly facilitates work in uncomfortable conditions. Large strip widths will speed up the process and reduce the number of seams.

We select wallpaper glue

When choosing an adhesive composition, be sure to take into account the selected type of wallpaper. For the ceiling, this axiom is especially relevant, because under its own weight, heavy canvases glued to the wrong glue can simply fall off.

Wallpaper glue is chosen according to the following principle:

  • For paper wallpaper, a starch-based adhesive composition is suitable, to which special components have been added that prevent the development of fungus.
  • When using vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, you should choose starch glue with the addition of methylcellulose, which has high adhesion to the base and plasticity.
  • If heavy vinyl finishes are chosen, the adhesive for them must contain polymer additives and a biocide in addition to starch and methylcellulose.

There are universal adhesive options that are suitable for any type of wallpaper. Their parameters are adjusted depending on the amount of added water.

When buying, carefully select the adhesive composition, read the instructions.

We prepare the base

The ceiling can be concrete, plasterboard, you can also paste wallpaper on chipboard and plywood. Before starting the final finishing, the base should be prepared. To do this, it is cleaned, leveled, cracks and other shortcomings are repaired. All previous coating must be completely removed. After completion of these works, the base is primed.

Wallpaper at proper preparation can be glued even on difficult surfaces:

  • on the ceiling, insulated with foam or polystyrene;
  • old PVC panels that you don’t want to remove due to defects on the draft ceiling that will have to be fixed;
  • a surface painted with oil paint, which is very difficult to remove and from which the wallpaper may lag behind.

Stages of preparation concrete base described in detail.

Read about the processing of drywall before wallpapering.

Ceiling markings

First of all, you need to decide whether the wallpaper will be glued along or across the long wall. You can choose the direction of the strips according to several principles:

  • Focusing on the location of the windows. The wallpaper should go perpendicular to them, in the direction of the incident light, then the joints will not be so noticeable.
  • Minimizing the number of seams. In this case, the stripes are located along the long wall. Please note that the gluing process will become more complicated: long canvases are more difficult to manage both in terms of lifting to the ceiling and in terms of matching the joints.
  • Emphasizing the maximum ease of gluing. It is much easier to work with short strips than with long ones, especially when finishing the ceiling alone. From this point of view, it makes sense to glue the canvases along a short wall, along the width of the room.

First, we outline the guide line for the first strip. The easiest way to do this is with laser level or pull a string from one of the walls, along which to set marks.

Important! If the ceiling plinth has not yet been installed, it is necessary to make markings so that the outer canvases go onto the wall with an overlap of 2–3 cm.

We cut the wallpaper

You can make your work easier if you pre-cut required amount stripes. It is considered, taking into account the parameters of the room, the width and length of the roll.

If customization of the pattern is required, this should also be taken care of at the cutting stage.

Glue paper wallpaper or paper-based vinyl

These two types of material are glued according to the same principle, with one difference: paper sheets, especially thin ones, require much more careful handling. After impregnation with glue, they can tear and crumple.

Work order:

  1. Apply an even layer adhesive solution right on the canvas.
  2. We fold a piece of wallpaper, but not like for walls, in half or with an “envelope”, but with an “accordion”, leave it for 5-10 minutes. It is important to ensure that the glue does not get on the front side.
  3. We also apply glue to the base, using a medium pile roller for this.
  4. We apply a strip of material to the marking line in any convenient corner with a slight overlap on the wall, smooth it with our hands from the center to the edges, gradually fixing the entire canvas.
  5. Excess glue and air bubbles are driven out with a brush or a plastic spatula, moving from the center to the edge at an angle of 45 °.

One person is unlikely to be able to qualitatively perform these actions, it is better to find an assistant.

Advice. You can cope with sticking paper wallpaper alone with the help of which will support the canvas, and several tables or building goats arranged in a row to move around them.

We glue non-woven wallpaper or vinyl on non-woven base alone

We also combined these types of wallpaper into one group: they have a common gluing technology. Its use will help to finish the ceiling on your own, without assistants.

  1. We apply glue directly to the base in a uniform thick layer, using a long-haired roller for this purpose. It is not necessary to cover the entire ceiling with the composition at once, it is enough to lubricate the surface for the width of the strip with a small margin.
  2. The edge of the cut off wallpaper, previously rolled into a tube, is applied to the mark.
  3. The last step is the same for all types of wallpapers:

  • The surplus of material ceiling plinth cut with a sharp knife, which is supported by a wide metal spatula used as a ruler, as in the next photo.
  • If the fillet has not yet been installed, an overlap of several centimeters is left, which, after drying, is cut off in the same way.

Wallpaper on the ceiling is a great alternative to whitewashing and painting, because they allow you to hide defects and irregularities, are highly decorative and, moreover, are inexpensive. A huge selection of textures and colors practically does not limit your imagination: with the help of wallpaper, you can give the ceiling any desired look, and you can do it yourself, without resorting to expensive professional services.

How to choose wallpaper for the ceiling

Wallpaper selection available in stores finishing materials, is simply huge, they differ in the type of base and front cover, as well as in purpose. The technology of their gluing to the ceiling depends on the type of wallpaper.

The following types of wallpaper are best suited for the ceiling:

  • paper;
  • vinyl;
  • non-woven.

The choice of wallpaper type depends on several factors: the type of room, the condition of the rough ceiling, the requirements for surface texture and color, as well as financial capabilities. The cheapest ones are simple paper wallpapers, vinyl and non-woven wallpapers are more expensive, but more durable and practical.

Can have different surface and coloring. The simplest samples have a rough bottom layer and a smooth front surface with a printed pattern. The thickness of such wallpaper is small, so they completely repeat the surface topography and reveal all the irregularities. They can only be glued to a perfectly flat ceiling.

Embossed or structural paper wallpapers are thicker, they are able to hide microcracks and small irregularities. Strips of embossed wallpaper are glued end-to-end, with the observance of technology, the seams become invisible.

Paper wallpapers are used for decoration multi-level ceiling and decoration of niches and arches. Ceiling wallpapers can imitate the daytime or starry sky or have a large original pattern. The technology of their gluing is the same as that of ordinary paper wallpaper, but it is necessary to clearly combine the pattern.

Vinyl wallpapers may have a different base, paper or non-woven. The choice of glue and the convenience of gluing depend on the type of base.

The external, decorative side of vinyl wallpaper is also different, according to the texture they distinguish:

  • flat vinyl - paper-based vinyl coating, has a slight relief;
  • screen printing - a type of flat vinyl, in front layer silk threads are used, which creates the effect of finishing with an expensive fabric;
  • foamy vinyl - a relief layer obtained by cold stamping, imitating almost any texture, from ceramics to wood;
  • hard vinyl - the surface of heat-treated evaporated vinyl has a hard and dense structure;
  • Polyplain is a type of hard vinyl with a water-repellent, washable surface.

Vinyl wallpaper differs from paper wallpaper in increased wear resistance and durability, as well as the ability to hide defects in the draft ceiling due to the dense and embossed structure. Washable types of vinyl wallpaper can be safely used to finish the ceiling in the bathroom.

Non-woven wallpaper are of two types: embossed plain wallpaper designed for further painting, and two-layer vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper, they can have any texture, color and pattern.

Wallpaper for painting usually imitate decorative plaster and are used to give the ceiling relief and a soft glow. They can be repainted several times, while they retain their texture and properties.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting on the ceiling

Vinyl-coated non-woven wallpaper has a decorative effect and is used for original finish in any, including wet areas. Non-woven base is stronger than paper, so these wallpapers are more resistant to external influences.

Note! Interlining is a transparent material, so it can shine through on a ceiling with a non-uniform color. Before pasting such a ceiling, you need to attach a piece of dry wallpaper to areas with color differences. The surface may need to be sanded first.

In some cases, other types of wallpaper are also used to finish the ceiling, which have certain disadvantages, due to which their use is not widespread.

– fabric coating on a paper or synthetic layer. Stick them on conventional technology, while creating a feeling of deep structure and expensive finishes. Flaw textile wallpaper- high price.

- cellulose colored crumb, which, when soaked in water, turns into a plastic mass. It is applied to the ceiling with a thin layer like plaster, after drying it forms decorative coating reminiscent of structural wallpaper. The disadvantage is the difficulty of applying and removing from the ceiling.

Glass fiberpolymer coating applied to fiberglass. Due to the increased resistance to moisture, they can be used in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The lack of material is a rather large weight and a small selection of colors.

For each type of wallpaper, you must use the right glue. This is especially important when finishing the ceiling, because under the influence of gravity, heavy wallpapers pasted on insufficiently strong glue will simply begin to fall off and your work will go down the drain.

Types of wallpaper adhesives:

  • glue for paper wallpaper, consists of a starch base with the addition of antifungal components;
  • glue for vinyl and non-woven wallpaper based on starch and methylcellulose, which has a more pronounced adhesion to the base and plasticity;
  • glue for heavy types of vinyl wallpaper based on starch, methylcellulose, biocide and polymer additives;
  • glue based on PVA for glass.

There are also a number universal adhesives, suitable for any type of wallpaper on a paper or non-woven basis. Their properties depend on the degree of dilution with water.

How to choose the right wallpaper paste?

  1. Carefully read the wallpaper manufacturer's recommendations on the label. As a rule, the type of wallpaper glue is indicated there, and sometimes the recommended manufacturer. If there are no instructions on the label, check the type and composition of the wallpaper and select the glue based on this.
  2. Some types of adhesive formulations include a component that gives the wet adhesive light shade. When applying such glue on a sheet of wallpaper, uncovered areas are clearly visible, which facilitates the work. After the glue dries, the shade disappears.
  3. When gluing paper and paper-based vinyl wallpapers, the adhesive is applied both to the ceiling in the form of a primer and to the wallpaper strips. In this case, you can use universal glue diluted in different concentrations to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  4. Non-woven wallpaper is glued differently: the glue is applied only to the prepared ceiling, and the wallpaper sheets are left dry. For a reliable sticker, it is recommended to choose a quality adhesive designed for non-woven wallpaper.

Note! Glue must be diluted strictly according to the instructions, only in this case its adhesive ability is guaranteed. You can store the diluted composition for no longer than a few days.

Wallpaper glue "Metilan"

Ceiling preparation for wallpapering

You can glue wallpaper on concrete surfaces as well as drywall. In some cases, it is permissible to glue wallpaper on other types of sheathing: plywood, OSB. The main thing is that the surface is smooth, even and without peeling remnants of the old coating.

concrete ceiling

Training concrete ceiling to the wallpaper sticker includes several steps.

Step 1. First you need to remove the old coating from the ceiling. If it has already been covered with wallpaper, they are moistened, allowed to swell and carefully removed in strips. Remove loose putty and clean with sandpaper or paint mesh.

Chalk-based or lime-based whitewashing must also be removed. To do this, it is moistened with water or one of the washing compounds, kept for several minutes and removed with a spatula or washed off with a sponge. Paint on water based also needs to be washed off. If the ceiling is painted with waterproof paint and it is firmly attached, it can not be washed off.

Step 2 Next, you need to close up all the cracks and cracks and level the surface of the ceiling. Seams between ceiling tiles puttied with a gypsum composition using a sickle tape. Cracks and joints of the ceiling and walls are also rubbed with starting putty. Dry it and sand it with fine sandpaper.

If you plan to stick thick, non-translucent, dark-colored wallpapers on the ceiling, finishing putty is optional. For non-woven light wallpaper it is necessary to apply a layer of finishing light putty on the entire surface of the ceiling in order to even out the tone and avoid dark spots on the plastered ceiling.

The finishing putty is applied in a layer up to 2 mm using a wide spatula. After application, it is dried for at least a day, rubbed with a fine mesh or trowel and swept from dust.

Step 3 The ceiling under the wallpaper sticker must be primed in order to bind the smallest dust particles and ensure good adhesion adhesive compound. As a primer, you can use wallpaper glue, diluted in a weaker concentration than for sticking canvases.

The primer is applied with a roller or a wide brush until the ceiling is completely wetted. After complete drying, for the best result, you can apply another layer, placing the brush strokes perpendicular to the first layer.

Plasterboard ceiling

Preparing a plasterboard ceiling is generally no different from preparing a concrete ceiling, except that it eliminates the need to level the ceiling. Seams between sheets of drywall close up special composition based on gypsum (for example, Knauf Fugenfüller), they also align the sheets at the points of attachment of self-tapping screws.

If the sheets have a light shade, finishing putty under the wallpaper can be omitted. Before wallpapering, a primer layer is applied, making sure that the sheets do not get too wet, otherwise they may delaminate.

OSB or plywood ceiling

Ceiling decoration with these materials is quite rare, more often in wooden houses. Such surfaces are quite suitable for wallpapering, if they are leveled and good adhesion is ensured. To do this, the OSB ceiling surface is puttied first with a starting putty, then with a finishing putty and primed. Plywood can not be completely puttied, it is enough to seal the joints, dry and apply a primer layer.

Wallpapering technology

Example of calculating the number of rolls

It is customary to place wallpaper strips perpendicular to the window, so the joints will be less noticeable in daylight. For the length of one strip, take the size of the room in this direction, plus a small margin for trimming 10-15 cm. For example, with a room length of 4.6 m, the length of the strip will be 4.6 + 0.15 = 4.75 m.

Next, you need to calculate the number of lanes. To do this, divide the length of the wall along the window by the width of the wallpaper you like and round the result up to an integer. For example, with a room width of 3.2 meters and a wallpaper width of 53 cm, you will need 3.2 / 0.53 = 6.37 strips. When rounded up to a higher integer, you get 7 bands.

After that, the number of strips in one roll is calculated. To do this, the length of the roll is divided by the length of the strip and rounded down to a whole number. In the example above, a strip length of 4.75 meters and a roll length of 10.05 m will result in 10.05 / 4.75 = 2.11, when rounded down, 2 strips will come out of the roll.

To determine the required number of rolls, it is necessary to divide the required number of strips by the number of strips per roll. Example: 7/2=3.5. Round up to a higher whole number and get 4 rolls. They should be enough for pasting the ceiling in a room of the given dimensions.

Note! Wallpaper can be different widths and length! This must be taken into account when calculating.

Wallpaper sticker on the ceiling: step by step instructions

After preparing the ceiling and choosing suitable wallpaper you can start putting them on. It is more convenient to glue any wallpaper on the ceiling together.

For work you will need such devices and tools:

  • stable ladder or table;
  • a bucket or basin for diluting glue;
  • foam roller or wide brush for applying glue;
  • a wide spatula and a construction knife for trimming wallpaper;
  • rubber roller and plastic spatula for smoothing wallpaper;
  • tape measure, pencil and square;
  • a soft cloth to wipe up glue stains.

Step 1. Roll out the wallpaper on a dry and clean surface face down and cut it into strips of the desired length, not forgetting a margin of 10-15 cm. Wallpaper with a large expressive pattern, in addition, needs to be adjusted so that the pattern is aligned. It is more convenient to cut them face up, placing the strips side by side.

Step 2 Mark the ceiling in order to place the wallpaper strips strictly perpendicular to the window. To do this, using a tape measure, measure the distance from the side wall, equal to the width of the wallpaper roll, for example, 50 cm. Set a perpendicular with a square and draw a strip directly on the ceiling. You can also mark the ceiling with a chalk line.

Continue it to the opposite wall and measure the distance to the side wall. If it matches the original, then the angles in the room are close to 90 degrees, and no adjustment is required. If the measurement results are very different, you need to draw another guide line so that the wallpaper strip covers the entire space up to the wall. You may have to cut it after the sticker, but in this case, the next strips will lie flat and without distortion.

Step 3 Dilute the glue according to the instructions on the package. Usually they do it this way: they pour it into a basin right amount cool or warm water, actively stir it, creating a whirlpool, and pour a pack of dry adhesive composition. Mix it well and leave to swell, after which it is stirred again.

Step 4 Apply glue to wallpaper strips or the ceiling, depending on their type. Paper-based wallpaper is smeared with glue and left for impregnation. The impregnation time of the wallpaper is given in the table.

Table. The time of impregnation of wallpaper with glue.

Apply glue to the wallpaper as follows: a roller or brush is dipped into the glue, slightly squeezed on the edge of the bucket, and then applied to a strip of wallpaper laid face down, from the center to the edges. Special attention give to the edges of the strips.

After spreading the glue, the wallpaper is folded according to the scheme shown in the figure in the form of an accordion - it is more convenient to glue them to the wallpaper.

The non-woven base does not need to be impregnated, so the glue is applied to the ceiling, after which a dry strip of wallpaper, cut to size with a small margin, is applied to it.

Step 5 After impregnating the wallpaper, apply the first strip to the line previously drawn on the ceiling and press it against it. soft cloth. The length of the wallpaper is evenly placed on opposite walls.

Align the strip with the wall and the reference line, smooth the wallpaper with a soft plastic spatula or brush and rubber roller, removing bubbles and wrinkles. It is more convenient if one master aligns and smoothes the wallpaper, and the second one supports the rest of the strip with his hands or with a long-handled bar.

Step 6 Without waiting for the wallpaper to dry, cut off the stock of wallpaper near the walls. To do this, apply a wide metal spatula to the junction of the wall and ceiling and cut off the excess part of the strip with a sharp mounting knife. Press the edge of the wallpaper against the wall and smooth it out.

Step 7 The next strip of wallpaper is glued in the same way, while thin paper wallpapers are glued with an overlap with a small margin, and embossed and vinyl wallpapers are glued end-to-end. The joints between the strips are carefully rolled with a rubber roller, if necessary, additionally smeared with glue with a brush. In the same way, all strips are glued to the end of the ceiling.

Thin paper wallpapers are glued with an overlap with a small margin, and embossed and vinyl wallpapers are butted

Step 8 When sticking the strip on which the lamp is located, it is necessary to turn off the switch and circuit breaker and remove the lamp, disconnecting it from the wiring. The wiring is insulated and tucked into a hole in the ceiling. The strip is glued as usual, and after smoothing to the touch, they find a hole or a hook, cut the wallpaper in this place with a mounting knife crosswise and bend the corners. Cut off excess wallpaper and press the edges with a brush or soft spatula.

Note! When trimming, it is necessary to take into account the diameter of the decorative bowl of the lamp - it must completely cover the hole in the wallpaper.

Dry the ceiling, covered with wallpaper, in natural conditions, avoiding drafts. With active flows of cold or warm air canvases dry unevenly, which can lead to their partial delamination. For this reason, it is impossible to open the windows, and the radiators in winter time It is recommended to cover with a slightly damp cloth.

Video - Wallpaper sticker on the ceiling

Wallpapered ceilings look original and fresh, besides, with the help of different colors and textures, you can create a unique interior. special care ceiling wallpaper do not require, it is enough to sweep them sometimes with a soft brush to remove dust. The ceiling covered with wallpaper is beautiful, convenient and comfortable.