Interior wallpaper in two colors. How to hang two types of wallpaper (combination)

Combining wallpaper in the interior allows you to give the interior dynamism and originality. It should be noted that the wallpaper combination various colors and patterns have long since left the category of “curiosities” and novelties and moved into the category of a standard design solution for wallpapering indoors. Manufacturers encourage this desire from customers and follow trends, creating a collection of wallpaper from several matching patterns and even often accompanying them with examples of possible combinations in finished interiors. Despite this, many are interested in how to correctly combine wallpaper of different colors and with different patterns. Let's look at the basic techniques and methods of combination various wallpapers indoors.

Why combine wallpaper?

If you have a choice - to paste the whole room with one wallpaper or combine several, designers advise giving preference to the second option; wallpaper of several types in one room will help create different decorative effects in a room, visually change the geometry of the room, delimit it into functional zones, hide shortcomings and emphasize advantages.


We emphasize advantages and hide shortcomings. By highlighting one of the walls or part of it with wallpaper of a different pattern or shade, you will immediately make this place the exact focal point, riveting the eyes of guests or household members to it. At the same time, you can distract your eye from some flaw in the room - another uneven wall or a flaw in the ceiling. The brighter and more noticeable the wallpaper in the desired area, the less chance the flaw has of being noticed.

Room zoning. Sometimes in one room you have to combine the functions of several rooms at once. In this case, wallpaper will come to the rescue. different patterns or shades. In such rooms you can use quite bold and radical combinations, it all depends on how much you want to separate this or that zone, whether you use static partitions or only visual separation techniques using color and light. For example, you can divide the children's room into two parts with wallpaper in blue and Pink colour and use a static partition. Or combine plain wallpaper in the kitchen and patterned wallpaper in the dining table area.

Visual effects. Narrow rectangular room visually expands if you put light-colored wallpaper on long walls, and darker wallpaper on short walls. Square room It will look better if one wall is covered with wallpaper in a richer tone than the rest. The space of small rooms is expanded with wallpaper in light pastel colors.

Accent wall. An accent wall is one of the simplest wallpaper combination tricks. As a rule, there is only one accent wall in one room, but sometimes it happens that two adjacent or two opposite walls are accented. At the same time, of course, the accent wall is noticeably different from other walls. It may have a much richer shade of wallpaper than other walls. It may have wallpaper with a large pattern or pattern. The overlapping element with this method of combining wallpaper is often the overall shade. .

Focus point. Unlike accent wall, the focal point should not occupy the entire wall, but can be located only on one of its parts. So, with wallpaper of a different shade you can highlight an area with a fireplace or false fireplace, an antique chest of drawers, a gallery of paintings, bedside tables, a crib, a place to read and much more.

Wallpaper as a decorative element. By enclosing a section of wallpaper in a frame or moldings, you can create interesting wall decor using repeating patterns.

Ways to combine wallpaper

When choosing combinations of wallpaper in the interior, you should remember about a similar element - it can be different shades of the same color, the same style of ornament, overlapping geometry of the pattern, the same texture of the wallpaper.

Plain wallpaper in different shades of the same color. This technique is ideal for lovers plain interiors and discreet walls. With this approach, one or more walls have wallpaper more rich shade, than others. You can often see similar blues (sky blue and pervanche), beige (ecru, sand and Ivory), gray (slate gray and light gray) colors.






A combination of plain wallpaper with patterned wallpaper. If you want to decorate a room with large bright panels, it is better to balance them with plain wallpaper. The same technique can be used correctly if the wallpaper has a large floral drawing, geometric elements or wide stripe.






Combining wallpaper with different patterns. The combination is traditionally used striped wallpaper and wallpapers with floral pattern, which echo a similar shade. Floral patterns look good paired with wood patterns. Stripes, cubes and others geometric figures combined with abstractions. This is the most dangerous combination method, you should approach it carefully.

Combining wallpaper of different colors. Active colors should be combined with neutral ones. To create a bright, youthful interior, you can experiment with contrasting colors. This technique will look beneficial when zoning space.






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How to combine wallpapers: 7 non-standard solutions for a standard room

Nowadays, designers are showing creativity and elegance in interior design. That's why I'm so interested in them newest ideas combinations of wallpaper in the interior. After all, it is precisely this type of finishing that can originally change the look of a room without significant financial, time and labor costs. Let's see together what combining wallpaper can do?

And the combination options are simply innumerable, which means they guarantee individuality and uniqueness of design. Also captivating is the opportunity to get fantastic decor and balance the geometry of any room.

Wallpaper manufacturers also use the rules of combination and produce such products in collections, more often as “duets”.

Wallpaper combination ideas

To begin with, I found out design possibilities such finishing. They combine colors and shades, ornaments and patterns, or different textures of the same tone.

Solution 1: Spectral Harmony

It is interesting to use different shades of a common color in increasing intensity. I note that in modern styles the use of gray and purple options is popular.

In modern decoration they are used various materials. All we have to do is choose wallpaper that matches wood or stone.

Here's what to combine brick wallpaper with: peach is beautiful with coral, and beige is beautiful with a sand tint.

When wallpaper with a pattern and plain colors are combined, this is a balancing technique.

The main condition for combining patterns is that they should not drown out each other.

In youth rooms, variants of two colors are often used, even with their contrast. But some wallpapers are of a passive shade, while others are of an active bright shade, so as not to overload the teenager’s psyche.

Solution 2. Combination of textures

The combination of wallpaper in a room of the same color with different textures will create a unique imitation of architectural changes:

  • niches, columns;
  • ceiling frame - cornice;
  • window and door arches;
  • effectively indicate angles.

It is important to consider the features of the room:

  • It is reasonable to combine tiles in the kitchen with linens that have fire-resistant properties;
  • in the bathroom I would glue moisture-resistant non-woven fabrics.
  • For children's rooms, only non-toxic wallpaper paint and eco-friendly paper are suitable;

  • textile ones, like paper ones, tear and burn, but are warm and cozy in the bedroom, and in the living room they are successful in the form of unique decorative inserts;
  • vinyl - will protect you from stains and tears, so they will even improve the kitchen, hallway and, of course, the living room;
  • fiberglass wear-resistant texture wallpaper used in the living room, corridor;
  • liquid wallpaper is environmentally friendly, convenient: suitable for the living room, kitchen, and ideal for combined organic finishing of liquid wallpaper with regular wallpaper;
  • Photo wallpaper is an interesting option for any room.

Combining these types has several nuances:

  • combination textile wallpaper with liquid it is contradictory due to opposite textures;
  • non-woven fabrics and paper ones will create a cozy design;
  • embossed vinyl materials much more noticeable than others;
  • A glossy texture is justified on only one wall, if the other 3 are matte.

If you have decided on the choice of material, it’s time to familiarize yourself with spectacular options their combinations.

Solution 3. Effects of gluing different wallpapers

  • Let's hide the flaws. Bright wallpaper on the smooth side opposite the imperfect side, but in pastel colors, will distract attention from defects. So I “hid” communications in the kitchen - it helped out Brick wall from wallpaper.
  • We zone the room. In a large living room or studio, combining wallpaper will comfortably divide the space without curtains or. In a spacious kitchen, fashionable brick-like canvases with other wallpapers will divide it into a working part and a dining area.

  • Adjusting the scale. Visually, only with color (or maybe a pattern) can you expand an oblong room. So in the bedroom I would cover it with pastel canvases side walls, and dark - end ones.

  • We decorate with wallpaper. The designers' secret: a bright pattern on one wall is the highlight and center of the room's interior. I would also bring stylish items here.

And this is not all the possibilities of unique wall decoration with a combination of wallpaper. Go ahead!

Popular methods

The following techniques will simplify the selection of a visual union:

  • the stone is harmonious with textured vinyl samples;
  • let the thickness of the wallpaper be the same so that the joints are invisible;
  • different widths of wallpaper are less important if the joints are invisible;
  • the correct combination of wallpaper in the interior allows for 2 types of patterns or 3 colors of a single spectrum, and 4-5 for monochrome walls;

Classic style: from white to gray and black.

  • It is better to combine bright colors with pastel ones - then different wallpapers in one room look harmonious.

Solution 4. Patchwork technique

When combining patchwork (patchwork), pieces of wallpaper of any configuration are used to create panels in the nursery and near home theater. They are framed with decorative tape or wooden (or possibly polyurethane foam) moldings.

Solution 5: Combining stripes

Let's look at how to combine stripes correctly:

  • For low ceilings, we stick vertical stripes: they will elevate the space, adding a little formality to the interior.

  • For the top, anyone chooses a larger and lighter ornament to “raise” the ceiling.

  • We can decorate the border between the bottom and the top with a border, which is always below the middle of the wall (up to 1 m).

Design innovation is when a wide vertical stripe extends to the ceiling.

Solution 6. Bright accent

Textured or bright inserts attract attention if the entire wall is lighter and monochromatic. And the framing ones decorative moldings will enhance the effect.

More practical is a horizontal combination of wallpaper with photo wallpaper, which will ensure durability of the decoration and the ability to replace dilapidated places.

Today, the priority is to accent 1 wall with bright colors, and 3 with neutral colors.. It is justified to highlight the color of the wall opposite the door, which is so noticeable to those entering.

Solution 7. Introduction of ornaments

The manufacturer's catalogs contain samples with a single color palette, but with various geometric or floral patterns. Although the combination plant patterns with geometry advantageously balances the interior.

I think it would be advisable to summarize the rules listed here when combining wallpaper. Then the pasting will be successful, economical and fast:

  • It is rational to use exactly the same type of canvas, but different in design or color.
  • Wallpaper of different textures should be the same color to make it noticeable. This will enrich the architecture of the rooms, their style and functionality.


From the article you understood that there are many combinations of color, ornament or texture, and their possibilities are endless. You can visually change the architecture and size of the room, its lighting, mask defects and communications using the techniques described above.

If you already have interesting ideas, share them in the comments! And in addition to what has been said, watch the visual video in this article.

One of the latest trends in interior design is the use of different colors on the walls. This technique allows you to diversify the design and focus attention on some part of the room. To correct planning deficiencies, different patterns in the same color scheme are used. All these techniques work ideally with wallpaper: they have different textures, colors, patterns. Moreover, the result can be assessed in advance by rolling out two rolls side by side on the wall. That is why wallpapering of two types is increasingly popular: it is modern and gives the opportunity to make rooms interesting.

Rules for combining wallpaper and textures

In such a matter as design, one cannot do without rules, and even more so when combining colors, patterns and textures. In order for wallpapering of two types to look harmonious, it is necessary to take into account whole line parameters.

Ceiling height

It is this characteristic of the room that dictates the choice of the type of pattern, and also largely determines the texture and color. If the ceiling height is less than 2.5 m, use wallpaper in light colors, without a rough texture, with no large drawing. If the ceilings are very low, a combination of a light main background with a faint texture or pattern, vertical stripes (a pattern, or just canvases of a different color) that can be located on one wall, but it is better to distribute them over two or even three, can correct the situation.

Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling

High ceilings - from 3 m and above - require a radically different approach. Here, on the contrary, a large drawing, stretched in width, is needed. You can use horizontal wall divisions using different colors in the top and bottom halves (see more below). To make this design look modern - this is still a classic technique - you need to put a lot of effort into choosing colors and/or patterns.

Room dimensions

In addition to height and width, we pay attention to geometry. First, to the square. If the room is large, you can use more saturated or darker shades. This will visually reduce the dimensions. If plain dark walls do not please you, find dark-colored wallpaper with a light, large pattern. As a rule, these are plant motifs, abstraction or geometry are also found.

In small rooms, everything is definitely the opposite: use light colors. If it has a texture, then it is not large; the pattern is small, not very clearly expressed.

Secondly, we pay attention not to geometry. If the room is long and narrow. In this case, the situation will be saved by gluing two types of wallpaper: lighter ones are glued to short walls, and some of them “go around” the corner. This way the geometry is visually aligned.

There is another technique that is used if the entrance to narrow room is located on one of the long sides. Then it’s worth highlighting the middle of the opposite wall with a different color, pasting the corners with the same wallpaper that is intended for short ones. The perception of the room will change significantly: it will no longer seem so long.

Selecting a texture

In general, gluing two types of wallpaper requires careful selection of the texture and thickness of the canvas. When combining, it is advisable to use the same type of panels. If the joining occurs only in the corners, then the thickness and texture can be special attention Don't worry: you still won't see much in a place like this. But if the connection of the canvases is on a flat wall, then the difference in thickness will only emphasize the transition. It usually looks too exaggerated.

One more moment. If you decide to glue different types of canvases, you need to use the appropriate glue for them. For example, for wallpaper on a non-woven basis, you have your own - on paper - your own. The same applies to the coating - for vinyl and structured canvases there is a different type, for acrylic - another. Don't want to fool your head? Buy a universal one. There are such compositions.

Light or dark

If the room is too bright, or the interior turns out to be too monotonous, it is not necessary to use dark wallpaper on all the walls. You can cover the wall opposite the window dark, let the rest be light. As a result, the room will not be very bright, and you will get rid of the oppressive atmosphere that dark walls create.

This technique works the other way around: to brighten a room, just hang canvases light color on the wall opposite the window. It will become much lighter.

How to compose

There are several techniques for gluing two types of wallpaper, which can be used “in their pure” form or combined two or three at a time. It is important to have a good idea of ​​what exactly you want to achieve.

Vertical combination

Probably everyone knows that vertical stripes give visual increase ceiling height. Moreover, the stripes do not have to be regular. In a modern interpretation, one wall can have striped wallpaper, while the rest can be plain-colored or with a dim, barely noticeable pattern.

But this is not always the case. You can distribute vertical stripes on different walls. Moreover, they can be regular - repeated at regular intervals. As you can see in the photo, the interval is different walls may be different.

The stripes can be different - in color or pattern. The texture of this combination of wallpaper should be the same, otherwise you will get an incomprehensible jumble. For such a combination, it is easiest to work with one collection. The fact is that most campaigns release several designs that combine with each other. As a rule, they are available in several colors. One collection has two or three plain backgrounds and several options with patterns.

You can see an example of using three wallpapers from one collection in the photos below and above. The combination is almost perfect - they were tested for compatibility many times before starting production. By the way, in most of the other photographs, wallpapers are also combined from the same collection. It’s just that it’s very difficult to combine different textures normally.

When combining vertically, there is another interesting technique that allows you to make the ceiling higher. One of the stripes “extends” to the ceiling. At the same time, the transition boundary is blurred, which gives a feeling of greater volume.

To make the principle of the stripes a little clearer, we present several options in graphic representation. The drawings are made as if viewed from above.

These are win-win options that will always “play” when choosing paintings from one collection. If you need a guarantee that wallpapering two types will be effective, use one of these schemes. This wall design has been tested thousands of times, and every time the result is excellent.

Horizontal division

A technique that can be considered a design classic. It has been used for a long time, but with the current abundance of colors and textures it has acquired a completely new meaning. This technique is more often used in rooms with a small area but high ceilings. Horizontal division of the room helps to remove the “well” effect. It could just be a horizontal strip that encircles the room. It is often tied to the height of the window sills, but in general it is carried out when dividing the plane into three parts and can be located in the lower or upper third.

This rule is often violated: sometimes the strip is made at eye level and at this level they hang some decorative elements. It often looks very good. This technique is often found when

The division zone can also extend at the top. Traditionally Bottom part is decorated in darker colors, the top one is lighter. But this rule is also broken. An example is in the photo below.

Traditional options for combining two types of companion wallpaper with horizontal division:

  • bottom (1/3) - striped wallpaper. top - smoothly painted or with a small pattern;
  • bottom - 1/3 - in a small pattern, top - large monograms or plain ones;
  • 2/3 at the bottom is a large pattern - monochromatic at the top.

Traditional pasting with horizontal division is one of the options


Wallpaper of different colors in one room is also used if it is necessary to emphasize zoning. For example, in studio apartments, different functional areas are divided in this way: dining and relaxation.

The same principle can be applied in a nursery. In this case, gluing two types of wallpaper serves to separate the play area, bed, and table. The same applies if there are two children in the nursery. This is only possible if there is no competition between them, otherwise the number of conflict situations may increase.

With this combination, the use of different textures is allowed. But separating them with moldings is used very rarely. They try to either join in the corners, or choose wallpaper so that the joint does not look provocative.

Panel or decorative insert

Different wallpapers have been glued in one room for a long time, only once they were made of fabric, and they were decorated in “frames” because they were very expensive and were accessible only to the upper class. Since those times, it has become a custom: gluing two types of wallpaper in the form of a panel. And today they design it this way classic interiors, using silk-screen printing, embossed or textured options for insertion.

If the style allows, elements of a different color are framed from. This design option fits perfectly into classic interiors or Provence and country styles.

A similar panel is also possible in more modern styles - Art Nouveau, for example. But then the frame can be made from a border of the same color - from the same collection, or cut from the “body” of wallpaper.

Another option is to paste it into a niche. In this case, the design and texture are selected according to the style, as well as other designs.

And in this case, it is best to use wallpaper from the same collection. A professional decorator will select them based on experience or using instinct, but amateurs may not succeed. If you don't want to take risks, use one collection.

Color accents

There are two principles for using this technique. The first is to divert attention from some element that you consider unsightly. For example, uneven walls. In some apartments they may be sloping. To prevent the eye from clinging to this fact, the opposite wall is highlighted with wallpaper of a different color, with or without a pattern. It is important that they attract attention.

The second technique is gluing two types of wallpaper to attract attention to some object in the interior. In bedrooms this is often either the bed or the opposite wall. Here who wants to emphasize something (). In kitchens, a table is often allocated - thus forming dining area. This is partly zoning, partly accent. Still, attention is diverted from the kitchen area.

Accentuating a wall near a piece of furniture - interesting way hang wallpaper in two colors

The actual accent can be not only a vertically directed strip, although this option is more common: our rooms do not have high ceilings, so any means are good. In a tall room, the accent can be a wide horizontal stripe - or some part of the wall, as in the photo below.

Two techniques at once: different colors and different textures

Some rooms have ledges load-bearing walls or niches. Often they try to disguise them. There is absolutely no need to do this. By highlighting this area with wallpaper of a different color, it can be turned into an architectural highlight that will add individuality to the room.

Wallpapering two types: protruding “remnants” of load-bearing walls can be turned into an advantage

In general, the options for hanging wallpaper of different colors in one room are endless. Choose what you like best, and for more ideas, there is a whole section below with different photos.

Wallpapering two types: photo ideas

Stripes are combined not only with plain surfaces, but also with patterns. It is important that the interior is in the same colors

Bright heels in a monotonous interior - perfect option for gluing other types of wallpaper

In the photo, different wallpapers in one room were chosen well, the color is also repeated in textiles

Zoning using different colors is a proven method

Remove the “trailer” effect by breaking up a long wall with a partition and covering it with eye-catching wallpaper.

Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling

Arbitrary division of the wall is another interesting approach

The accent is a burgundy wall. Definitely attracts attention

Wallpapering is considered the most simple option decisions in case of room design. The most important thing is that it is fast and beautiful. Besides modern wallpaper enough for five years, or even more. Moreover, on construction market wallpaper you can find quite complex developments of this finishing material. They are found as simple paper wallpaper, as well as more complex options, such as silk-screen printing or vinyl wallpapers, For example. You can even hang washable wallpaper and then many problems can be solved.

It would seem that you can come up with something else: take wallpaper glue, especially since there is a very wide choice both in color, pattern, and texture. No, they made it up. In addition to the fact that they began to glue wallpaper of different colors on different walls, they also began to glue two types of wallpaper on each wall, differing in both color and texture. This is the so-called combined wallpapering, which belongs to the latest trend in interior design. This approach allows you to significantly diversify the design of the premises by highlighting some part or some objects separately. In this regard, gluing wallpaper of two types is increasingly relevant: nowadays it is fashionable, since decorating a room turns into a very interesting process.

The options for wallpapering walls in various combinations are almost limitless.

Any technology for decorating premises depends on certain rules. The same applies to wallpapering, especially with combined wall decoration. If the wallpaper is chosen correctly, the end result will definitely be harmonious and attractive. In any case, there will be an opportunity to surprise your loved ones and friends.

How ceiling height affects the choice of wallpaper

The height of the ceilings must be taken into account when choosing the pattern and type of wallpaper. If the ceiling height is below 2.5 meters, it is better to opt for wallpaper in light colors that does not have a rough texture or large patterns. For very low ceilings, wallpaper with light primary tones with a faint pattern or texture, as well as with vertically arranged patterns or stripes, will look harmonious. They can be placed on one wall, or on two or even three, which will visually raise the height of the ceilings.

Vertical stripes visually raise the ceilings.

The presence of high ceilings, from 3 meters and above, requires a completely different approach. Wallpaper with a large pattern stretched across the width will look great here. Alternatively, a very harmonious result can be obtained by dividing the walls horizontally, when different patterns are located not vertically, but horizontally: in the upper and lower half of the walls, or rather not half, but one third. Availability various models wallpaper allows you to choose exactly those wallpapers that will look modern and harmonious.

How does the size of the room affect

When choosing wallpaper, you need to take into account the width and length of the room, including geometry, if the room is not standard, which is very rare. Basically, there are rooms that do not have large dimensions, but if this large room, then you should opt for dark shades and rich tones. This approach allows you to visually reduce the size of the room. As a rule, wallpapers look harmonious dark shades with a large but light pattern, on the theme of nature, abstraction or geometry.

Horizontal stripes expand the room visually.

In small rooms, everything is quite the opposite: you have to use light colors, with fine texture and small patterns that do not stand out very much. Here you should also take into account the geometry of the room: if it is long and narrow, then it must be visually aligned. To do this, light wallpaper is glued to shorter walls, and so that they match the longer ones. This will visually align the room.

The far wall seems to be closer due to the fact that the wallpaper goes behind the wall.

In order to somehow, at least visually, correct the geometry of the living room, they resort to various options. For example, if the entrance to a narrow room is located on the side of a long wall, then the opposite wall, with the center in the middle, stands out. At the same time, those wallpapers that are intended for narrow walls are glued closer to the corners. This approach will allow you to visually expand the room on one narrow side, and narrow it on the wider side.

Selection of texture

If you are gluing wallpaper of two colors, it is better to choose wallpaper that has the same texture, but a different color and pattern. If the joining is carried out strictly in the corners, then this is not very important, but if the wallpaper has to be joined directly on the wall, then the differences in texture will be very noticeable. Therefore, this approach is not suitable if you need high quality work performed.

When using explicit structures, it is desirable that they be of the same type.

The selection of glue also plays an important role, especially when choosing different types of wallpaper. In any case, in a store that sells wallpaper you can also buy glue. For different types of wallpaper they are used and different types adhesive compositions. But, in order not to worry too much, it is better to use universal glue. It is suitable for all types of wallpaper, which can ensure the proper quality of work, regardless of the type of wallpaper.

Light and dark room

If the room is too light, then it is not necessary to cover all the walls with dark wallpaper. It is enough to cover the wall opposite the window with dark wallpaper, and leave everything else light. Then this feeling of oppressive atmosphere that is emitted by the dark wallpaper present on all the walls will disappear.

A dark wall opposite the window creates a shading effect for the entire room.

Sometimes they do the opposite and glue light-colored wallpaper to the wall located opposite the window if they want to make the room brighter. In this case, everything depends on the location of the room relative to the cardinal points. The more sunlight that enters a room, the brighter the room.

Wallpaper layout techniques

There are a huge variety of options for gluing wallpaper of two types. The main thing here depends on the presentation of the future “picture” that you want to see in your room.

Combining vertically

As a rule, the presence of vertical stripes seems to raise the ceiling visually, but this does not mean that stripes should be present on all walls. Modern design allows stripes to be present on only one wall, and wallpaper with a barely noticeable pattern or texture is glued to all other walls.

If the ornament is placed vertically, it creates the illusion of high ceilings.

Many people glue wallpaper with a vertical pattern, distributing it evenly over all walls. From the photo you can see that the spacing may be different on different walls.

A variant of wallpapering, with alternating vertical stripes.

The stripes may not be the same, both in width and pattern, and in color. At the same time, the texture of the selected wallpaper should not differ, otherwise a harmonious combination will not work out. As a rule, in such cases, they buy wallpaper from the same collection. This is all due to the fact that some companies produce wallpaper with several patterns that are combined with each other, but at the same time differ in color. From one collection you can choose 2-3 tones that have the same type of patterns. As a rule, this is enough to modern style arrange your home.

Second option color range the same collection.

In the photo below you can see the use of three types of wallpaper from one collection. Here you can see that the combination is simply perfect. This indicates that the wallpaper has been tested before it goes on sale. In some other photographs, the wallpapers were selected from the same collection. This approach simplifies the selection of wallpapers with different textures.

Three types of wallpaper.

To make the ceiling appear higher, there is another way to wallpaper. He suggests that one of the stripes ends up on the ceiling, blurring the border of the transition, which is why a similar illusion is obtained.

The stripe on the ceiling shifts the boundaries.

To better understand how the placement of stripes affects the visual picture of changes in the geometry of the room, you should look at the pictures. The drawings correspond to the top view.

Options for gluing two types of wallpaper.

These are absolutely working options that will never let you down and will always look very harmonious. Similar options have been tested dozens of times, and each time the result met all expectations. Naturally, there are many more options. Although everyone will be able to offer their own version, moving away from the standards.

Combining horizontally

Horizontal division is also not a bad option, one of the design classics. It has been used for a long time, but with the advent of a wide selection of colors and textures, this approach has received a completely new impetus in application. This design solution Suitable for rooms with a small area but high ceilings. As a result, it is possible to get rid of the “well” feeling. Only one horizontal stripe can help with this. It can be located at the height of the window sills, although its location classically corresponds to 1/3 of the height of the walls, so it can be located either at the bottom or at the top. Dividing in half is not considered successful.

The presence of a horizontal stripe.

Very often the classic is broken and the strip is placed at eye height. At the same height, various decorative elements are attached. Sometimes it looks really good. Sometimes corridors and hallways are decorated in this way.

Sometimes it is simply necessary to visually reduce the height of the ceilings.

The division zone may be at the top. In this case, the lower area is dark, and the upper is light, and sometimes vice versa, as evidenced by the lower photo.

A very interesting way of wallpapering.

As a rule, options for combining wallpaper of other types when combined horizontally have the following formula:

  • The bottom 1/3 is striped wallpaper, and the top is wallpaper with a small pattern.
  • The bottom 1/3 is a small pattern, and the top is plain wallpaper or large monograms.
  • Bottom 2/3 is wallpaper with a large pattern, and the top is plain.

One of the options for horizontal division (classic).

Division into zones

If you use several types of wallpaper, you can highlight certain zones, depending on the functionality. As an option, these are studio apartments, where the option of separating zones, such as a dining room or a recreation area, simply suggests itself, without forgetting the area where food is prepared.

The recreation area is highlighted especially brightly.

A similar approach can also be applied in children's rooms, where it makes sense to highlight a play area, a sleeping area or a table area. This approach is also relevant if two children live in the nursery. Naturally, it is necessary to take into account the wishes of children if they are old enough.

Selection of zones in the children's room.

This option allows the use of wallpaper of various textures. However, molding should not be used for separation. It is advisable to join the wallpaper in the corners, otherwise the joints will not look very attractive.

Panels or decorative inserts

Fashion for sticking in one room different wallpapers has existed since ancient times. But in the past, wallpapers were made of fabrics, so they were framed, in the form of panels. Only rich people could afford such a pleasure, since the wallpaper cost big money. This approach to wallpapering has survived to this day. This design is considered classic. The material for forming panels can be silk-screen inserts, as well as embossed or textured, expensive wallpaper.

Classic: decorating a living space in panel style.

To support this style, it is possible to frame wallpaper of a different color or texture in a frame made of molding. As a rule, this option is also suitable for other styles, such as Provence or country.

The Art Nouveau style, which is considered more modern, also allows for a panel form, but with a more different approach to the design of the frame.

Modern interior: a panel of wallpaper of a different color.

Another interesting option is pasting niches. In this case, wallpaper for niches may have a completely different texture, depending on the style used.

Interesting option– pasting a niche with wallpaper of a different texture and color.

And yet, in any case, you should adhere to one rule: it is advisable to use wallpaper from the same collection, this is the only way to get an excellent result. You can choose the wallpaper yourself, but it’s better to turn to a professional.

Arrangement of color accents

There are several approaches to color highlighting some elements. The first approach involves diverting attention from some element that looks inharmonious or stands out unpleasantly. You can take uneven walls as an example. This is especially true in old apartments, where surfaces may be sloping. To prevent these irregularities from being noticeable, wallpaper of a different, very attractive color and pattern, and possibly very bright, is glued to the wall opposite.

Placement of accent: covering the walls with wallpaper of different colors.

The second option works the other way around: wallpapering is associated with highlighting an object or drawing attention to it. Here it all depends on what particular item is supposed to be highlighted: if it’s a bedroom, then most likely the bed will be highlighted, and if it’s a kitchen, then it’s probably worth highlighting the dining room with a table or, in other words, a dining area. This option can be compared to zoning, although, in this case, attention is diverted from the kitchen area.

Focusing attention around an object is a great way to hang two types of wallpaper. In this case, the emphasis may not necessarily be placed vertically, but also horizontally, although the first approach is much more common. This is due to the fact that in our premises the ceilings are low, which is mainly why we have to resort to suitable options. If there are high ceilings, the accent can be placed horizontally, in the form of wide stripes, as seen in the photo below.

In this part I will directly talk about the technology of gluing vinyl combined wallpaper on a non-woven basis on specific example. If anyone hasn’t read, then by combined I mean wallpaper from the same series, but in different colors. For a more detailed understanding of the process, I will give names to different rolls of wallpaper, as shown in the photo below:

The material in the article is quite voluminous, so if you are interested in specific points, then use the navigation menu:

1. Selection and preparation of glue

One of the most important points The process of wallpapering walls is the choice of glue. Only high-quality glue will ensure the most reliable adhesion of wallpaper to the wall surface and will avoid problems in the future. On this moment There are a huge number of types of wallpaper on the market, differing in their composition. There is a specialized adhesive for almost every type of wallpaper.

I used Quelyd adhesive designed for glass and non-woven wallpaper. This glue is a white powder that must be diluted in water. If you decide to use this glue, then detailed instructions The proportions are indicated on the packaging. Also on the packaging you can find information about the pasting area for which the adhesive composition should be enough.

To prepare the glue you will need a small plastic bucket with a volume of about 5 liters. You need to fill the bucket with the calculated amount of water (see information on the packaging) corresponding to the amount of glue you are going to use. Next, you need to start mixing the water with a brush, creating a small whirlpool and at the same time carefully pour in the glue. The whole process must be carried out gradually, slowly, to avoid the formation of glue lumps. After preparing the glue, you need to let it sit for 15 minutes, then stir vigorously and get to work.

Important: do not dilute all the glue at once, prepare at least ¼ of it and try it. Firstly, it will be possible to adjust the consistency in the future, and secondly, you may simply not master all the glue, and it’s much more pleasant to work with fresh glue.

2. Where should you start gluing wallpaper?

This question is asked by everyone who is faced with wallpapering for the first time. Previously in Soviet times paper wallpaper was used everywhere, which was glued overlapping; it was necessary to start pasting the walls from the window, in which case the joints between the wallpaper were least noticeable in natural light.

Nowadays the vast majority of wallpaper is glued end to end. Therefore, you should choose the starting point for pasting based on the following considerations:

  • Convenience. For example, it is more convenient for me to glue wallpaper, moving from left to right, that is, joining and aligning the left edge of the strip;
  • Wallpaper consumption. Before you start pasting, you need to figure out how you can reduce consumption and rationally use wallpaper scraps;
  • Individual characteristics. In the example given in this article, I start gluing from the corner of the room, since this is the only way to ensure an even and neat joint combined wallpaper;

3. Technology for gluing wallpaper on a non-woven basis

I would like to highlight general points that will help you understand the principle of wallpapering walls with non-woven wallpaper:

  1. Wallpaper strips are cut depending on the height of the wall and the margin for adjustment. For example, if the wallpaper is monotonous (without adjustment), then we only need to take into account the height of the wall and the margin for trimming at the ceiling and floor (no more than 10 cm), and if the wallpaper has a pattern that requires adjustment, then accordingly we need to take into account the height of the wall, and a margin for fitting, and a margin for trimming. The margin for adjustment depends on the vertical pitch of the pattern;

    If you are afraid that you may incorrectly calculate the length of the strip required for fitting, then cut the wallpaper in place. That is, you need to glue the first strip, then unroll the roll, match the pattern on the roll with the already glued strip, make a mark and cut off the strip of wallpaper

  2. Wallpaper glue applied to the wall apply a roller to an area slightly larger than the width of the wallpaper strip; it is more convenient to coat the corners with a brush;
  3. Wallpaper strips are glued end to end. The strip of wallpaper begins to be glued from top to bottom, slightly leading to the ceiling, and at the same time it is aligned either along a vertical drawn line (if this is the first strip on the wall) or along the edge of the already pasted strip of wallpaper;
  4. Then the wallpaper strip is smoothed out; air bubbles and excess glue must be expelled. Movements must be made from the center of the strip to its edges. For smoothing, use a plastic spatula, a dry, clean cloth or a wallpaper brush;
  5. The glue protruding from the wallpaper joint must be removed with a damp, clean cloth;
  6. The wallpaper joint must be carefully ironed; a special roller is used for this, but you can also use a plastic spatula;
  7. Excess wallpaper on top and bottom is trimmed with a utility knife using a metal spatula.

4. How to match wallpaper of different colors in the corner of a room?

This is one of the first questions that arises when wallpapering walls. different color. We will try to analyze it in as much detail as possible.

The method of joining wallpaper discussed below is called “trimming” or “trimming” the wallpaper in the corner.

The essence of the method is that the wallpaper is glued with a slight overlap, then a cut is made along this overlap, respectively, through two layers of wallpaper at once, the excess wallpaper is removed, and the joint is smoothed.

In my case, wallpapers of different colors are joined, so the boundary between the canvases should pass strictly along the corner of the room, and accordingly the cut is made along the corner, but if strict separation of the wallpaper in the corner is not required, then it is better to make the cut on one of the walls, stepping back a small distance from the corner (5-15 mm), this way the joint will be smoother.

An example of wallpaper joining in the corner of a room:

Step 1. We need to draw two vertical lines on adjacent walls; this is done with a simple pencil. Since the width of the roll (in my case) is 53 cm, and the overlap needs to be about 5 cm, then you need to step back about 48 cm from the corner of the wall, in one direction or the other, and draw vertical lines using building level or plumb line.

Step 2. Then we need to apply glue within these lines. Take a roller and a tray of glue and carefully apply the glue to the wall, hard to reach places(corners) coat with a brush.

Step 3. We take a strip of patterned wallpaper and carefully glue it from top to bottom, smoothing out any unevenness with a special plastic spatula, or you can also use a clean cloth or wallpaper brush.

In the photo below we see that the wallpaper is glued with an overlap on the adjacent wall within 5 cm:

Step 4. We cut off excess wallpaper that extends onto the floor or ceiling using a metal spatula.

Step 6. Carefully smooth out the wallpaper in the corner:

1. It is very important that the knife is sharp, then the joint will be neat and even.

2. It is much more convenient to make a cut with two people: one holds the spatula, the other cuts.

Step 8. Removing cut strips of wallpaper:

In my case, the “patterned” wallpaper was underneath the “green” wallpaper, so I peel back the wallpaper a little (photo above) and pull out a cut strip of “patterned” wallpaper:

Step 9. The wall under the folded wallpaper must be coated with glue using a brush, and then the wallpaper must be pressed tightly against the wall:

Step 10. Smooth out the wallpaper at the joint with a plastic spatula. The wallpaper joint in the corner is ready:

If you use plain or striped wallpaper, then it is more correct to make the joint not in the very corner of the room, but on the wall, 10-20 mm away from the corner, this way it is easier to make a neat cut and the seam will be smooth

5. Wallpapering around switches and sockets

If the socket and switch have not yet been installed, then steps 1 and 2 can be skipped:

  1. De-energize the switch or socket, and then carefully remove it from the socket and disconnect the wire;
  2. Hide the wire in the socket so that it does not interfere with the pasting, having previously insulated it;
  3. Paste a piece of wallpaper over the hole for the switch or socket;
  4. Take a utility knife and make a circular cut along the outline of the hole;
  5. Carefully smooth out the wallpaper with a plastic spatula next to the hole.

6. Pasting the room with combined wallpaper. Main stages.

After making the joint in the corner, you choose which direction to move. I started covering the wall with “green” wallpaper. Having almost completely covered this wall, I left space only for the outer strip, since it needs to be joined through the slot with the “white” wallpaper.

Then I returned to corner No. 1 and began to move towards the window, covering the wall with “patterned” wallpaper:

Then, in corner No. 2, I joined the “patterned” wallpaper with the “white” wallpaper using the same technology that was presented above, that is, through a slot. The docking process is shown in the photo:

I left the wall with the window for last, since it was necessary to replace the radiator and paint the heating riser. I moved to a long wall with “white” wallpaper (item No. 17 according to the diagram), again drew a vertical line along the level and began to paste the wall from left to right.

In corner No. 4 I made a junction of “white” wallpaper with “green” wallpaper (photo below):

Lastly, as mentioned above, I tackled the wall with the window.

The main task when covering this wall was to join the wallpaper through the cut above and below the window. The point is that due to window opening the height of the joint in this case will be minimal, and the joint located under the window can be hidden under the heating radiator. Therefore, the pasting diagram shows that the movement when pasting wallpaper is carried out from the corners to the center of the wall. Strips 33 and 35, as well as 30 and 32 are joined through a slot. The pasting process is clearly shown in the photo below: