Pelargonium zonal - a bright decoration of the garden. Types of pelargonium with a photo and description

Geranium is a predominantly perennial (most often herbaceous) plant belonging to the geranium family. There are also shrubby species. It is characterized by large (usually 5 petal) flowers of various colors. Each sheet is a separate plate with smooth edges or dissected by the type of individual fingers. The shape of the fruit is a box resembling a long crane nose.

Growing geraniums is so simple that you can say: "Geranium is the most unpretentious culture." Moreover, it does not matter if it grows in your garden, being a real geranium recognized by botanical classifications, or is located in an apartment on the windowsill. In the second case, a home flower can only conditionally be called geranium, since most likely it will belong to another genus of the same family - pelargonium.

Pelargoniums differ from geraniums in the irregular symmetry of flower petals, the presence of a special narrow strip with nectar on one of the petals, and the number of flowers collected together in one bright inflorescence. Well and, of course, frost resistance. Since Africa is the birthplace of pelargonium, this houseplant can tolerate winter time only warm. Real geranium, which came from the alpine meadows of Europe, from North America calmly wintered in temperate climate northern hemisphere even in the wild.

Planting geraniums

Landing Methods

When planting geraniums in the open air, it is best to use seedlings bought or grown in advance. In this case, it is necessary to plant, choosing not too light soils. Geranium is a plant that loves loose, but rather heavy soils. In the flower garden, it is not recommended to thicken the plantings. Enough 12-15 plants per square meter to make them feel good.

When landing in the apartment, choose sunny places, and do not be afraid of the brightest rays. Pelargonium in a pinch can discolor the leaves a little, but then it will calmly recover. Choose a flower pot not too small, with good drainage. Water abundantly in the first week. This also applies to street types of geraniums and home pelargoniums.

Optimal time for landing

In order for geraniums to please you at the site, it is better to plant them in open ground after the threat of night frost that for Middle strip Russia means the beginning of June.

If you want to put a new flower on the windowsill, do this at any time except autumn. Spring, summer and even the end of winter - suitable time for planting pelargonium. They will have time to feed solar power for further wintering.

Soil for the plant

When choosing soil for pelargonium, you can use ready-made mixtures of their stores, or you can compose them yourself in the following proportion:

  • turf land - 2 parts;
  • leaf humus - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part.

Some recipes mention clay as a component of the substrate. In this case, you need to take a share of clay and sand and add 3 parts of compost soil there.

Location and lighting for the plant

Geranium is a very sun-loving plant. It can withstand the bright sun without any shading (in this case it blooms profusely and luxuriantly), and the usual light of the windows facing north. But in this case, additional illumination will be necessary for flowering. When in the spring (already in April) daytime air temperatures begin to exceed 10 degrees, geraniums can (and should) be taken outside. And with the departure of the probability of frost, you can completely move the geranium pots to fresh air.

Air humidity

Humidity is not particularly important for geraniums. But what definitely should not be done is to spray the plant over the leaves. It would be more harmful than good. But what

Temperature for a flower

Pelargonium prefers moderate temperatures. In summer, about 20 degrees, in winter - about 15. Do not overcool a flower with temperatures below 10 degrees. This can lead to irreversible consequences and loss of the plant.

How to water

Pelargonium should be watered like any other domestic flower. To the best of, not allowing constant waterlogging of the soil. Usually watered once or twice a week in summer. Ideally, you should not set a solid watering schedule. The main thing to watch out for is that the top of the earth has time to dry in the period from watering to the next watering. Since it is always better to fill up than to pour, you can also water it on a pallet, allowing the soil to absorb the right amount of moisture and draining excess water after a few hours.

But drying is also not worth it. In winter, watered on average once every 10 days.
How many types of pelargonium exist, how many are different options soil moisture. After all, the royal pelargonium is very fond of watering, and the zonal - much less.

Fertilizing and fertilizing the flower

In the case when you want to achieve good and abundant flowering pelargonium, feed it once a week. AT mineral fertilizers give the predominance of potassium and phosphorus components.

In winter, it is better to either completely stop fertilizing or do it no more than 1 time per month.


Pruning geraniums (pelargonium) is simply necessary:

  • compact decorative appearance is formed;
  • more powerful is the process of future flowering;
  • with the help of pruning, cuttings are obtained for breeding new plants

Cropping Methods

Trim either selectively or completely the mother plant. Tools are taken clean and sanitized. Knife, pruner, razor should be sharp enough.

Geranium transplant

Transplanting geraniums is necessary only if you see that the pot becomes small for the plant. This can happen either when buying a finished flower in a store or when growing. Young plants are transplanted once or twice a year. Then this can be done.

Transplant Methods

Since geraniums take root remarkably well and do not require much effort, transplanting can be carried out by the method of transshipment (when the lump of land is neatly rearranged entirely into a larger pot and filled up with earth). If root damage was caused by the disease, then it is better to clean the roots of the previous filler and plant in new pot with new soil.

Propagation of geraniums

Geranium is propagated in order to obtain new plants, which will eventually replace old ones. Doing this is much simpler and faster than with representatives of many other families.

Of course, here you can not do without exceptions. So rarer varieties recently bred by breeders require specific conditions and efforts. But basically pelargonium reproduces without difficulty.

Breeding methods

If the geranium is ampelous, then it is possible to cut individual branches-cuttings for reproduction. In order for your bush pelargonium (low, compact) to remain as attractive, usually cut all the stems, leaving 2-3 cm.


  • cuttings are cut at an angle;
  • cut off all buds and leaves, leaving 3-4 buds;
  • dried stalk (5-7 cm long) in air (can be treated with coal dust);
  • planted in water or small glasses with well-drained and disinfected soil;
  • provide constant maintenance of humidity and temperature of about 20 degrees.

In some cases, propagation by seed is practiced for geraniums. In this case optimal time planting seeds - spring. To facilitate the process, peat tablets can be used.

Flowering period, flower shape

It is impossible to give a specific flowering time for geraniums. Depending on the variety and even on the conditions of detention, it can bloom year-round. Flowers are also unimaginably diverse in both color and shape.

There are flowers similar to roses in terry and size, are like stars or tulips. But the usual flowering time is spring, summer and early autumn.

Plant care after flowering

In autumn, when the vegetation and flowering period is over, it is recommended to prepare geraniums for winter holidays. To do this, cut the plant (optional), peduncles must be removed in order to avoid decay, watered and cleaned in more cool place, limiting on the period of rest and watering and top dressing.

Problems, diseases and pests in a flower

Geranium has practically no pests in nature. Flower diseases can be divided into two categories: viral and fungal. Fungal as a rule spread rather slowly and it is much easier to treat them. Viral (bacterial) ones are almost untreatable, it is easier to get another plant instance, destroying a patient suddenly with an infection together.

At room conditions, the plant may get sick:

  • root or stem rot;
  • leaf spot;
  • botrytis fungus;
  • bacteriosis;
  • rust sheet.

Rot of the roots (stems) is caused by the fungus Pythium or Rhizoctonia. Characteristic for this disease are first turning brown, and then black stems and leaves. Subsequently, the entire flower undergoes decay and dies.

Control measures: soil and air humidity control, the use of antifungal drugs.

Spotting is caused by fungus Alternaria (leaf damage as brown spots with yellow spots), or Cercospora fungus (leaf defects in the form of pale spots, turning into a grayish tinge).

Prevention of the disease is similar to all antifungal. Namely: the removal of excess moisture, the prevention of thinning of the green mass for accelerated drying.

The Botrytis fungus begins with spots on the leaves with a grayish coating, on the stems - brown color. Sometimes the disease comes from increased humidity, sometimes from the fact that the falling flowers are not removed on time and remain on the leaves, creating wet areas.

Prevention methods - watering without affecting the leaves, timely collection of wilted flowers. It is recommended that watering be done in the morning, so that the water can dry before the cool night. In case of disease, it is necessary to fight by removing infected parts and whole plants.

Bacteriosis can be very difficult to diagnose, because its symptoms vary depending on different varieties. But the development of the disease is fast. Viruses destroy the plant with brown spots, deformed veins, etc.

The rust of the sheet manifests itself in the form of spots. yellow color first on the upper surface of the sheet, which then passes to its lower side. Clots with spores form on the lower surfaces, which open and form a rim in the form of rusty stitches. Spreading, spores infect the entire leaf, leading to its death.

Methods of plant protection - to prevent the accumulation of water on the leaves, to avoid high humidity when low temperatures, inspect the flower from time to time and remove infected parts, and then treat with fungicides.

Popular types (varieties)

Among the varieties of street geraniums, one can distinguish:

  • marsh;

  • blood red;

  • himalayan.

Pelargonium can be divided into:

  • a huge assortment of zonal pelargonium (due to the especially colored zone in the middle of the flower);

  • ivy pelargonium (ampelous) with lash-like flexible stems;

  • variety varieties " royal (large-flowered) »;

  • several types of pelargonium at once, united by the common name "type of Angels";

  • fragrant pelargonium;
  • some others.

Very interesting varieties bred by breeders with heterogeneous leaf color - the so-called variegated varieties.

Very different in appearance and growth conditions separate view pelargonium - succulent pelargonium. These are exotic plants with lignified trunks, and in some cases even with thorns.

Some gardeners practice a noteworthy way to get abundant flowering from geraniums: watering with iodine. This is done as follows: in a liter of water, one drop of iodine 5% alcohol tincture is dissolved and 50 ml of this mixture is poured onto each plant (trying to pour not on the roots in the middle, but closer to the walls of the pot).

It is also useful to remember that geraniums love fresh air and, until late fall, pots with pelargonium can grow on balconies, loggias and even in the garden.

Answers to readers' questions

Plant life span

Perennial bush varieties of geraniums can grow in one place for up to 20 years. But in the case of growing thermophilic pelargonium at home, it makes sense every 5 years to completely change the flower to a completely updated one. After all, the decorative properties deteriorate after 2-3 years of growth. Therefore, the targeted formation of the bush is very important.

Is it possible to keep this plant at home

Indoor geranium (pelargonium) remains one of the most common and beloved inhabitants of our houses. With ease of care, this flower has a very beautiful appearance and is characterized by a huge variety of varieties.

Even people who are not keen on Feng Shui and horoscopes claim that geranium creates special comfort in the house and, as it were, calms, heals the atmosphere of the apartment, and relieves stress.

Is this flower poisonous?

Some types of pelargonium are so rich in essential oils that the word "fragrant" is even added to their name. This smell mainly plays a very positive role in our lives. Air disinfection occurs, bringing into our atmosphere confined spaces of healing aromas. Even the fact that pets are unlikely to eat a strongly-smelling plant will benefit both the plant and the animal.

The exception is allergy sufferers. But this is a special article. And even such people may experience an allergy, and vice versa, may facilitate breathing and the condition of the body. The question is very individual. The only thing - in general, geranium (pelargonium) is not toxic.

Why is geranium not blooming?

When a plant decorates itself with flowers - it means that it is completely comfortable and lacks everything: moisture, light, beneficial substances. Usually geraniums (pelargonium) bloom profusely and for a long time. But even if such a flower that is undemanding to care grieves at the lack of flowering, it means that he needs to add everything. Feed (in moderation). You can try to put additional illumination.
Remember that in winter a flower may simply request a rest and for some time (usually until spring) not bloom for physiological reasons. But after a period of rest, it will bloom brightly and magnificent. But if you did not provide him this rest and the winter was not cool and calm for him, then in the summer you can quite naturally lose this flowering.

There is another interesting point: when the capacity for a flower is taken too spacious, the plant will most likely increase its leaf mass. And only when the roots fill the pot in a normal way, the growth of greenery will stop or slow down and the time for flowering will come.

Why does geranium turn yellow and dry

There is no single answer to this question. First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between the natural process of dying off old (necessarily lower) leaves and more disturbing yellowing with the loss of turgor of the upper leaves.
If the leaves began to turn yellow massively, then review the watering regime. Most likely the plant dries. But it also happens that brown spots are added to yellowing. This is already a sign of waterlogging, and maybe even a disease, and processing of the plant is necessary, and even more correctly - its transplantation and re-growing of a healthy flower again.

Elongated plants with thin bare stems make it clear that they lack light. Add lighting artificially or rearrange to more sunny windows.

Winter care for geraniums.

Again, we will divide the theme for indoor pelargonium and for those bushes of geraniums that grew in the garden in the summer, and now it's time to protect them from the coming cold weather.

  • Dig out the geranium completely, gently brush off the roots from the ground and hang it, linking it in bundles with other excavated specimens, ensuring high humidity (not less than 80%) and cool (from 2 to 8 degrees). Once every two weeks, it is recommended to moisten the roots additionally by dipping them in water. Such landless (dry) storage will allow the flower to hibernate and rest, gather strength for new growth and flowering seasons, before which you should not forget to prune the roots and twigs.
  • The plants are dug up, the roots are significantly shortened and planted in prepared pots in a cool place. At the same time, they carefully monitor the moisture entering the plant. It is equally harmful to pour and dry the flower. Lighting is greatly reduced. It is possible to characterize the conditions of winter overexposure of geranium as a twilight.

For a houseplant, you also need to change the care in winter period:

  • transfer from heating appliancesdrying air in a cooler place;
  • reduce watering;
  • reduce or even stop feeding.

In winter, flower growers are faced with such a phenomenon as the acquisition of pelargonium leaves with a reddish-red color.

Why do geranium leaves turn red?

The reason is that the plant freezes. Check if it is close to the cold glass of the window or if there is a draft directed directly at the plant. By “warming” the flower, you will get rid of this phenomenon. It will be useful to pre-put the pot of geraniums on a poorly conductive stand (wood, polystyrene) and move the leaves away from the icy touch of the window panes.

Pelargonium from seeds at home is grown easily. The main thing is to comply with all the rules and conditions for such a plant. This flower is also known as geranium. It is very simple to take care of her, but this plant will decorate any room, garden, balcony, etc.

How to germinate pelargonium seeds

Growing from geranium seeds depends largely on preparatory phase, it is necessary to choose the right seed, soil, arrange a miniature greenhouse. It must be remembered that the zonal type of geranium is best suited for the method of seed germination. The rest can also be bred this way, but it is best to use a different method.

First of all, you need to do planting material. To avoid various difficulties and mistakes, it must be properly prepared. When choosing seeds, one should pay attention to such factors:

  1. Hue. If the seeds are of good quality, then the color should be dark brown, but a slight deviation is allowed.
  2. The form. In fully formed and developed seeds, the form is oblong, and small depressions are located on the sides.
  3. Dimensions. The size of the planting material is small.
  4. Outer layer. Geranium seeds have a fairly dense leathery shell.

If planting material Since all these qualities are present, you can safely use it for germination. But if flattening, small deformations, spots on the seeds appear, then you should not expect shoots.

Before planting, seed must undergo special training. This is due to the fact that the upper layer of geranium seeds is very dense, which prevents them from germinating. Sometimes it takes a very long time to wait for the emergence of sprouts, but the seeds never germinate. The reason in this case is that the seeds were not properly processed.

Before placing them in the ground, it is necessary to carry out the procedure of scarification, i.e. remove the thick film. To do this, it is recommended to use ordinary sandpaper. Thanks to it, it is possible to remove only the upper layer, but there are no deep cracks and gaps. Each seed is supposed to be processed separately, it is enough to rub only a few times.

The preparation stage also includes the selection of soil. The mixture should be nutritious, but light. It must pass air and water to the root system of the flower. You can purchase ready-made substrates in the store or cook it yourself. In the latter case, several options are provided. First, perlite and peat can be mixed. Secondly, it is recommended to take 2 parts of sand and peat. Thirdly, you can use a different composition: mix the same volumes of humus, sand, compost and peat. Before use, the substrate is disinfected. To do this, place it in the oven for several minutes. You can also use fungicidal agents.

It is best to plant the seeds in February or March, this is the perfect time. It is necessary to place them in the ground, sprinkle with a little substrate and sprinkle abundantly with water from the spray gun. The air temperature should be approximately + 21 ... + 22ºС. To seedlings appeared faster, seeds can be soaked in ordinary clear water room temperature. Keep them like this no more than 3 hours. When the seeds are placed in the ground, cover the container with cling film or glass. As soon as the leaves begin to appear on the stem, you can completely remove such a device.

Different types of pelargonium and aspects of their germination

Royal pelargonium is considered capricious, so when growing such a flower, it is often necessary to pay attention to it. Homeland is South America, unlike other subspecies. Planting of geraniums of this type is carried out at the beginning of winter. Direct drafts and sunlight should not be allowed. This variety prefers high humidity. For landing, you need to pick up lung soil the type that needs to be kept constantly in a slightly wet state. The temperature in the room where the royal pelargonium is located should be at least 20ºС. For the first time, seedlings can be seen in about 3 weeks. As soon as they appear, it is necessary to place a container with sprouts in a room where the temperature is at least 15 ° C. These varieties include Fairy Queen, Dirwood Angle Isle, Charmi Electro, Ansbrock Beauty, etc.

As for the ampelous geranium, it will also be possible to breed it with seeds. The homeland is the southern part of the African continent. The plant is also considered quite capricious, but if you pay a lot of attention to it, then the flowering will be not only beautiful, but also very magnificent. Due to this, ampelous varieties of pelargonium are very popular when decorating verandas, platforms open typehanging flower beds. Shoots can grow up to 1 m in length. It is necessary to place the fruit of the flower in soil that has previously been moistened. Then everything goes according to standard technology. Ampel varieties of geraniums are very moody in terms of growing plants from seeds, so many prefer to use cuttings.

Zonal pelargonium also usually grows in the wild in South Africa. Such varieties are easily propagated through seeds. Germination technology is standard. TO zone pelargonium include pink, tulip, star, cloves and other varieties.

Pelargonium of the ivy type is distinguished by the flexibility of the stem, which is why it begins to curl. Shoots in length can be up to 1 m. Such varieties are great when you need to decorate balconies, verandas, make hanging soda. Germination technique is typical, but the main thing is to maintain soil moisture and a certain air temperature. It is best to sow at the beginning of winter, but this can be done even until mid-spring.

How to care for pelargonium after emergence

How to grow pelargonium from seeds is a mystery to many people. It is common for everyone to immediately get a ready-made flower in a pot, and then take care of it so that it is strong, healthy and beautiful. Geraniums require timely watering, loosening the soil, top dressing, pinching, etc.

A common mistake many beginner gardeners is that they excessively moisten the soil. This leads to the development of a disease such as a black leg. It is rapidly developing and destroying all landings. To prevent such a problem, it is necessary to monitor the frequency of irrigation, the rate of drying of the soil, as well as make a drainage layer and special holes on the bottom of the pot.

Very important is the watering regime. Seedlings should be watered as they dry. Do not overfill them. When a pick is carried out, after which they are located in different containers, it is recommended to irrigate no more than 2 times a week. In winter, the frequency of watering should be reduced - no more than 1 time per week. The day after watering it is always necessary to loosen upper layer soil in a pot.

One more an important condition is the introduction of fertilizer, since it will be difficult to do without plant nutrition. The first time it is supposed to fertilize 2 weeks after the dive. Any complex fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium is perfect for this. For example, it is recommended to use the composition of Agricole. It is supposed to apply fertilizer 2 times a month. In winter, the procedure is not carried out.

Growing geranium from seeds suggests proper lighting. Young shoots require a sufficient amount of light. It is recommended to place pots on windows on the west or east side. If you have to put a container with shoots on the south side, you must first darken the window from direct sunlight, which can even damage delicate foliage even in winter. During the active growth and development of shoots of pelargonium, a minimum of 16 hours of lighting is required. If the light natural origin not enough, then in the evening you need to build a backlight. Perfect option - phytolamps, it is possible to dispense with ordinary sodium and luminescent. In the summer, it is recommended to take out pots with such flowers in the garden, on the balcony, terrace.

Concerning temperature condition, then in the room where the geranium is located, should be approximately + 20 ... + 25Сº. In winter, an adult and mature flower is able to survive a short-term decrease in temperature up to + 10Сº. But for young plants it will be disastrous.

Diving and pinching are very important. To each flower root system was quite developed, grown seedlings must be transplanted into new containers. A pick should be carried out after 2-3 real sheets appear on them. The diameter of the containers should be approximately 10 cm. It is best to take tall but narrow containers. If it is necessary that the seedlings are stretched, then they are allowed to be deepened a little into the ground.

So that the bush has beautiful shape and was not excessively elongated, it is necessary to regularly carry out the pinching procedure. The first time it is supposed to be done after 5 real sheet appears. Then pruning must be done in spring and autumn - all weak shoots must be cut off. It is recommended to stop molding the bush 1.5 months before the flowering period begins.

Diseases and Pests

When growing pelargonium, difficulties may appear. For example, there are the following foliage problems:

Regarding growth problems, the symptoms are as follows:

  1. Slowing the growth rate - lack of space for roots in the pot, pest infection, incorrect soil acidity.
  2. Simultaneous scarcity of growth of the whole flower and yellowing of foliage. The reason may be a lack of nitrogen.
  3. Long-legged - there was no pinching or excessive watering and frequent feeding.
  4. Spindle-shaped growth - lack of sunlight;


To grow geranium from seeds at home is actually not difficult. It is only necessary to create the right conditions for the growth and development of this plant. And then it will delight healthy saturated shade foliage and frequent flowering. Sprouting seeds is not difficult at all, even a beginner can cope with this.

For almost a century, breeders around the world have been breeding new and new varieties of pelargonium. Thanks to their work, an incredibly large variety of varieties and varieties of this ornamental plants. The culture is not too demanding on the conditions of cultivation and, with proper care, will definitely answer you lush luxurious flowering. Your attention detailed information about zone pelargonium, as well as its best varieties (attached photos with names and descriptions).

About zonal pelargonium

This is one of the most common plant groups, represented by a large number of species and varieties. Zonal varietiesbelonging to the group of the same name are considered for the reason that they have a certain area on the leaves, painted in a different color (most often in the form of a small annular or roundish spot). Pelargonium zonally is perfect for growing not only indoors, but also in open areas.

The variety is represented by an erect rather branched and powerful bush densely covered with foliage. The bush is covered with small lush umbrella flowers. The leaves are very pubescent, have a specific smell. Zonal pelargoniums are also divided into several varieties, depending on the number of petals on the flowers. So, they are 5-8-lobed (sometimes more).

Pelargonium is an unpretentious plant

Zonal pelargonium - the plant is quite unpretentious to growing conditions, but quite demanding to care for. It is necessary to provide it with the necessary amount of solar heat and light, nutritious and regular feeding, saturate it with moisture, etc.

Tip. In winter, it is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient access to cool air. If this is not possible, in the spring remove as many bare shoots from the plant as possible.

The main classification of zonal pelargonium

Zonal pelargonium, in turn, can be divided into several subgroups:

  • Rosaceae. All varieties presented in this category have luxurious double flowers that look very reminiscent of classic roses.

Rosy Pelargonium

  • Tulip-shaped. The flowers of varieties from this group are small flowers collected in inflorescences. Outwardly resemble small unopened tulip-shaped buds. Petals of tulip-shaped pelargoniums are distinguished by a rather unusual appearance: they are slightly inclined inward and lowered, as if they had already begun to fade. This in no way suggests that the plants really wither. In fact, the sluggish appearance of the petals is a specific feature of the variety.

Tulip Pelargonium

  • Stellate. Star-shaped pelargoniums are completely unlike their "tribesmen": the flowers of these dwarf plants have unusual shape spiky star. Moreover, quite often the two largest petals have an elongated shape with a sharp end, which differs from the rest.

Stellate pelargonium

  • Cloves. Varieties presented in this category are very similar in appearance to garden cloves: they are equally large, with carved petals of a rather bright shade.

Clove pelargonium

  • Cactus-like. A fairly rare variety of zonal pelargonium, which is represented by a fairly large strongly leafy bush. The leaves are wide, bright green in color. The flowers of cactus-like varieties look quite unusual: their petals seem to be folded into narrow tubes. Quite often they have a slightly “disheveled” look.

Cactus pelargonium

  • Deacons. Pretty young hybrids that appeared on the world flower market less than 50 years ago. Presented very compact abundantly flowering bush with a small floral outlet in a delicate peach, pink or red hue.

Pelargonium deacon

Let us consider in more detail several of the best representatives in each category of the zonal variety of pelargonium. Among the most popular pink varieties there are several:

  • April Snow - a dwarf trim plant with small double flowers color pink in the form of roses.
  • Denise is a powerful plant that is covered each year with a large pink or peach-colored terry hat.
  • Monseruds Rosen - difficult to grow - it’s quite difficult to form the necessary shape, it is distinguished by luxurious burgundy flowering.

Among the most popular star varieties Pelargonium can be distinguished as follows:

  • Aunty Pam - Stellar. The variety is represented by a rather compact well-branched bush densely covered with luxurious bright pink flower rosettes. Externally, flower petals resemble a small terry clove.
  • Borthwood - Stellar. Another excellent star variety, represented by a very blooming dwarf bush, the leaves of which slightly resemble frog legs in shape.
  • Fandango. A rather unusual variety, the flowers of which look slightly “shabby”: the shape of the petals is a bit ragged, with fuzzy edges. Flowering in plants is plentiful, lush, the flowers are distinguished by a pleasant soft coral hue.

Pelargonium Fandango

Among cactus varieties Pelargonium can be noted such.

Pelargonium zonal - has long been considered one of the most popular and unpretentious colors for decorating residential and office space. However, this plant, which can be found in almost every house of flower lovers, is known more.

Appearance of pelargonium zonal

This flower was also loved by our great-grandmothers. And sometimes it may seem that geranium is an old-fashioned and boring plant. However, the selection does not stand still, and its results give ever new unusual and amazing varieties of pelargonium. Initially, this pelargonium was large growth, and flowering nondescript - small. Modern hybrid varieties are low lush bushes with large beautiful inflorescences.

One of the most suitable for growing at home is zonal pelargonium. This species is the most numerous. It includes about 75 thousand varieties. This geranium got its name because of the coloring of its flowers. They seem to have two color zones: the edges of the petals differ from the shade of the middle. Although this difference becomes almost elusive during the short daylight hours due to lack of light. At the end of winter, the flowers again become unusual.

Flowers of different varieties are different. There are varieties with terry, semi-double and non-double flowers. They also differ in the number of petals. Some varieties have 5 on each flower, while others may have more than 8.

Subgroups of pelargonium zonal

Zonal pelargonium, given the multiplicity of varieties, has its own subgroups:

  1. Rosacea. Distinctive feature it is that this geranium possesses flowers similar to roses;
  2. Tulip-shaped. Externally, the flowers are similar to the dense unopened buds of tulips;
  3. Carnation. Thanks to large carved petals, the flowers of plants from this subgroup resemble garden cloves;
  4. Stellate. This geranium differs not only in the shape of the petals, but also in the leaves. Their sharp, angular shape resembles a star;
  5. Cactus-like. Representatives of this subgroup are quite rare. The flowers have long twisted or folded petals. Outwardly resemble the flowering of a cactus dahlia;
    “The Deacons.” These are one of the smallest varieties of geranium. Flowering, on the contrary, is plentiful and magnificent.

Content Rules

Despite its diversity, zonal pelargonium does not require large differences in the conditions of detention. All varieties are quite unpretentious, minimal care is needed.

Growing this flower brings a lot of pleasure to its owner, both morally and in a healing effect. After all, it is believed that together with a fragrant aroma, geranium also distributes antibacterial substances and disinfects the air.


The ideal cultivation of zonal pelargonium would be next to windows facing west or east. The plant does not tolerate too bright and direct rays, it is afraid of burns. If the southern windows are chosen as the habitat, the flower must be tinted.

Air temperature

Accompanied primarily by maintaining a stable temperature, since these geraniums do not tolerate sudden changes. AT summer period the ideal range is from 20 to 25 degrees, in the winter - about 15, the critical lower mark - plus 7.

Soil requirements

Soil requirements are similar to general requirement other geraniums. It should be non-acidic soil at about 6.0 pH. A good layer of drainage is needed. Additional top dressing should be avoided, since the plant can begin to fatten and negatively affect the flowering process. With independent preparation of the substrate, it is necessary to ensure that there is no excess of peat, which can provoke stagnation of moisture. Ideal proportions: in equal portions of peat, humus and turf, plus a half portion of sand. Growing in such a soil will be most favorable for the flower.

Watering mode

Care in the issue of watering should be regular. Geranium is required every other day in the summer months, in the winter - it will be enough and once a week - one and a half.


You need to feed with the arrival of March and until the end of August with a frequency of once every 15-20 days. The main focus should be on phosphorus and potassium. At other times of the year, supplementation with supplements is not necessary.


Too often transplanting pelargonium zonal is not recommended. This process negatively affects the plant and makes it weaker. It takes a lot of time and effort to recover. It is also worth remembering that this flower prefers to grow in a somewhat tight container. This favorably affects the duration and splendor of flowering. And after an adult plant has become higher than 25 centimeters, it is generally no longer recommended to transplant it. A transplant is necessary if the rhizome of the plant has grown too much and has already appeared in drain hole. Make a transplant is in spring period.


A good option for the reproduction of this geranium is. For this, apical cuttings are selected in the spring, or early fall. The selected cuttings are placed in water until the roots appear, which happens quite simply and quickly.

Diseases and Pests

The insects that this pelargonium is afraid of are whiteflies, cyclamen mites, and aphids. These plants are also susceptible to fungal diseases such as gray rot.

If the leaves and stems take on a reddish hue, geraniums may be cold. It is also impossible to overmoisten the soil. If this happens, and the plant has a blackened stem at the base, most likely pelargonium will disappear.

If the plant is gaining green mass well and flowering does not occur for a long time, stop feeding the plant with fertilizers. But if the flower is rapidly pulled up, and the green part is very poor and rare, you need to provide the plant with more light. More often it is worth watering if the owner has noticed, or the appearance of brown spots on healthy leaves.

Growing and propagating fragrant pelargonium at home Basic rules for growing pelargonium from seeds and the first pick Basic rules for growing geranium from seeds and other breeding methods Features of caring for chlorophytum at home

Pelargonium is a plant of the geranium family, often referred to as geranium in everyday life. This one is not entirely true, but it so happened that if it comes about indoor flower, then pelargonium it is still called extremely rarely. Meanwhile, geranium is a plant of a different kind, which does not even cross with pelargonium, but belongs to the same family. Real geranium is an outdoor, perennial, cold-resistant plant. In indoor conditions, they have long been growing different kinds and varieties of pelargonium. It is very decorative home plant, which has undergone significant changes, thanks to the efforts of breeders, and has become even more beautiful.

Pelargonium is a flower that is easy to grow. Modern hybrids have the properties of adaptations and rare ones impose special requirements on growing conditions. These plants are often on sale, and amateur gardeners also distribute the excesses of their collections. The cost of the flower is affordable.


Optimal time

Pelargoniums appear on sale in large quantities in the spring in the form of adult plants, covered with buds and flowers. It was at this time that they appeared in the house.

Landing method

In this form, it is not advisable to change the land in them; the transportation soil, a little seasoned on the farm with nutrients, must be left on the roots. Therefore, planting at this time involves transshipment into another pot, with the addition of soil, if necessary, at the edges of the tank. And one more thing: very often Dutch pets turn out to be planted in the ground without drainage, when buying from the bottom holes, overgrown roots are already visible. This encourages new plant owners to choose a much larger pot. But this is wrong.

The pot is selected 1-3 cm more in diameter and the same depth. Drainage is added to the bottom, it is covered with soil, a plant is removed from the transport pot and placed in a new one. The gaps are filled with earth, the plant is watered. All planting is done. It is better to put it in a non-hot and not brightly lit place for some time to adapt to new conditions.


For the cultivation of pelargonium, a ready-made universal soil, not particularly rich in organic matter, is quite suitable. Otherwise, too nutritious soil will contribute to the rapid development of foliage to the detriment of flowering.


Place and light

Pelargoniums love rather bright lighting, but in the summer they prefer eastern or western to the southern window. In winter, they grow well on the south side. Many respond well to slight shading during flowering - the corollas of flowers in this case turn out to be more saturated in color, and the flowering itself lasts longer.

In winter, in the absence of a rest period, it is necessary to provide very good lighting.

Air humidity

The plant does not require high humidity and spraying. Pelargonium leaves are arranged so that the evaporation of moisture is very economical, and they do not suffer from dry air. After hygienic water procedures, the flower should not be placed wet in the sun, it is necessary to wait until the leaves completely dry in the shade.


Pelargoniums can grow and develop well in the summer at elevated temperatures, but at a moderate temperature, the inflorescences on the plant last longer. That is why autumn bloom it is usually more magnificent and long, than summer.

A cool habitat is also useful in winter, but this is not an absolute requirement: most modern hybrids grow and bloom very well. all year round without lowering the temperature.


Pelargoniums do not like excessive watering. They need abundant, but not frequent moistening of the soil. In between irrigation, the soil should dry out sufficiently. In winter, at low temperatures, this is especially important - excess moisture can destroy the plant.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are rarely used. After spring transplantation and summer flowering, fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is possible, but in no case nitrogen. In winter, pelargoniums are not fed, no matter how they are kept at this time.


By spring, especially with a warm wintering, the plant is greatly extended, becoming “shafted”, because lower leaves fall off, internodes increase. To increase the decorativeness of the bush, the branches shorten it.

Cropping method

No matter how the pelargonium grows during the winter, it should be cut into a stump no more than 15 cm high. This will help awaken the sleeping buds, which will give rise to new branches. The plant will be thick and strong.

The cut off parts are divided into cuttings and used for reproduction.


In the spring, a plant transplant is also carried out. These procedures are convenient to combine.

Transplant method

After trimming, the stump is removed from the pot, the roots are cleaned of the old soil, straightened and pruned. Having dipped the slices in charcoal, the plant is planted in a fresh earthen mixture. The pot can be used as before - the number of roots and branches has decreased, it is not necessary to increase the volume. The soil is well compacted, but watered lightly - there are still few leaves on the hemp or they are absent at all, evaporation will be minimal. The first week after transplantation, pelargonium is kept in a shaded place.


Another spring event held in spring is reproduction.

Breeding methods

  • seminal: mix seeds are often on sale. They are quite suitable for organizing a collection, as sown in early spring or late winter, young plants bloom the same summer, and then it becomes clear what color the plants appeared in the house. Usually unpretentious plants are propagated by seeds, but no less beautiful from this. Often, as a result of partial splitting of the characteristics of hybrid varieties, peculiar plants of unusual color, even unique ones, are obtained.
  • cuttings : after spring pruning, a large number of cut branches remain. They are cut into 10 cm cuttings, the lower leaves are torn off, the slices are dried a little (about 1 hour) and planted in the ground or put on the root in water in an opaque dish.

Important:a little water is poured into the container, the handle should be immersed in the bottom with 1 - 2 cm, no more. And it is better if it does not touch the bottom of the tank.


Pelargonium blooms profusely and continuously every year.

Dates and flowers

From early spring to late autumn, pelargonium is in bloom. During this time, several flowering waves pass, between which new branches grow. Some owners of these plants bloom all year round, not focusing on the time of year, which means that the conditions are suitable. But it’s more correct to give the pelargonium 3 months of rest so that it can gain strength.

Flowers collected in an inflorescence umbrella. The coloring is the most diverse, of all shades, up to almost black, and mixed, as well as mottled.

After flowering

With the beginning of withering of each inflorescence, it is removed, because very quickly formed unnecessary fruits that deplete the plant. At the end of the flowering period, in the fall, you can feed pelargonium once phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. To stimulate new flowering in winter, you need to prune, not waiting for spring. In this case, the lighting should be very good. It should, however, be remembered that any continuously flowering plant is depleted early, becomes weak and becomes ill with the slightest trouble.

There are not so many species of pelargonium at home. But inside each species there are a sufficient number of varieties, which makes the range of pelargonium truly immense.

Pelargonium zonal(garden) the most common and with the most varieties of species. A characteristic feature is rounded leaves, with areas highlighted in color. This zoning is especially noticeable when growing plants in good light.

This species gave rise to the classification of pelargonium by flower shape:

  • simple: in the inflorescence simple five-petalled flowers, often quite large (chandeliers), numerous, creating an umbrella of impressive size, the color is one-two-ton, sometimes speckled, for example, Carmel;
  • half-double : the flower is no longer flat, but also not double, the color is diverse, for example, Gerda;
  • terry : double row of petals of various colors, for example, miniature Brooksidestandard Lara;
  • star: the petals are not rounded, but sharp, narrow, simple and semi-double, the color is varied, for example, miniature Vectis (Vectis);
  • rosobuton (rosebud, rosebud) - flowers in the form of roses, collected in a characteristic umbrella - a very popular direction in breeding. Simple small-sized rosebuds, usually red in color and its shades. More complex hybrids are large, varied color combinations. Very decorative varieties of Apple Blossom ( Appleblossom), Denise, April Snow (April Snow), dwarf Odense ( Densjo).
  • tulip-shaped : flowers in an umbrella inflorescence in the form of unopened tulips, in white-pink-red colors, for example, a series Pandora Redand Pink (Pandora Redand Pink).

Grandiflora Pelargonium (royal, large-flowered) - jagged, hard leaves, flowers not collected in inflorescence, single, large, non-uniform, for example, Bravo, David. Blooms profusely, requires a dormant period in winter.

Pelargonium pelvic - leaves without pubescence, similar to ivy leaves. Often ampelous or creeping. AT hybrid varieties terry and rose-like flowers are found, for example, Viva.

Pelargonium fragrant - strongly cut leaves with a pronounced aroma. Flowers are inconspicuous, small, simple, white, pink or lilac, rarely yellow. The smell of vanilla, pine needles, mint, roses, lemon, for example, Cytrosis.

Zonal and ivy pelargoniums may have an additional decorative element - variability on the leaves (various colors)

Diseases and Pests

Pelargonium thanks to its essential oilsscare away most pests. Moreover, insects in general, including mosquitoes and flies, penetrate less into the room where these plants are.

With increased humidity, infection with the fungus may occur. If the trunk is struck, the black leg at the base, then the instance can no longer be saved. In this case, healthy parts are cutted as early as possible in order to further root. If the flower is affected by gray rot, then the diseased leaves are removed, the plant is treated with foundationazole.

Pelargonium viral disease is rare. Its sign is the appearance of concentric spots on leaves with a yellow center, which later necrotic. The virus infects the plant as a whole; cuttings cannot be taken for propagation; the flower must be destroyed.

Note to the grower

  • For abundant flowering, pelargonium must grow in a tight pot. A small volume stimulates the development of flower buds and prevents the occurrence of rot - the soil dries quickly.
  • Pelargoniums purify indoor air not only from dust, but also from pathogenic microbes and viruses.

Frequently asked Questions

Pelargonium lives for a long time, but after 5 years it significantly loses its decorative effect. You can grow it in the future as a bonsai, using the thickened trunk as a decorative element, this is now a very popular direction. But for a typical development, a stalk is rooted and a new plant is grown.

Is pelargonium poisonous?

The plant is not poisonous. Some types of related geraniums are eaten.

Why doesn’t bloom? Some species, such as royal pelargonium, do not bloom if there has not been a drop in temperature during the dormant period in winter.

In winter, pelargonium often does not bloom, even in warm conditions.

Why do leaves turn yellow, dry, curl?

Most often this happens in winter. The plant does not have enough light, it stretches out and discards some leaves, especially in the lower part. After spring pruning, buds will begin to wake up on the trunk, and the plant will be covered with greenery.

If the leaves turn yellow spots, and not along the edges, and at the same time curl, then a viral infection is possible. This is incurable, it is necessary to destroy the plant in order to prevent the spread to other flowers.

Why is pelargonium not growing?

Perhaps the plant is in a dormant period. Or is it a dwarf or miniature variety that remains very compact at any age.

Why does pelargonium fade quickly?

Individual inflorescences do not live very long - 2 to 3 weeks. But the flowering of the bush as a whole lasts more than six months, because all new flowers appear. Reduces the period of life of flowers, increased air temperature and too bright light, which happens in the summer on the southern windowsill.

How to save pelargonium in the winter?

It is best to provide her with cool conditions with minimal watering. If this is not possible, then you need to keep it as close to the window as possible, preferably with lighting in the darkest months. Water moderately, do not feed. At the end of winter, prune and transplant.

Pelargonium is not in vain loved by many generations of gardeners. She brings comfort and tranquility to the house, protects and decorates the home.

The modern variety of varieties allows you to collect a collection for every taste.