DIY furniture from tires and tires. How to make a comfortable chair out of tires with your own hands How to make a chair out of tires

Where to put old tires? This question worries many, in Russia every year about a million car tires are thrown away. Summer residents actively use this resource to create crafts from tires for the garden, they also actively decorate front gardens in city courtyards.

Crafts from car tires

The most common tire crafts are flower beds. In order to make a simple flower bed, it is enough to use a small piece of plywood, tires and paint.

We cut out a circle from plywood, in diameter it should cover the bottom of the tire, use self-tapping screws to fasten it and paint the resulting flower bed in any color. When the paint dries, we set the flower bed in the right place and cover it with earth, plant flowers.

Large flower bed

Necessary materials:

  • Three tires
  • Gloves
  • Wax pencil (you can use chalk)
  • Sharp knife
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder
  • Galvanized nails
  • Paint (one or more colors)

On each tire we draw petals for cutting, if you use a wax pencil, it will additionally lubricate the place of the cut. The ends can be made smooth or pointed, with a knife we \u200b\u200bcut out the contours of the petals.

We cut the resulting blanks into two parts with an electric jigsaw, after which we turn each part inside out. We connect the parts in pairs using galvanized nails, and then assemble the flower bed together.

You can also use four parts (two tires) for a flower bed. We paint the flowerbed in one or more colors and, after drying, set it on a flat area with the petals up. Fill inside with soil and plant flowers.

Tire coffee table and ottoman


  • Plywood
  • Tire
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Rope rope
  • Castors (for table version)
  • Thermo gun

Two circles must be cut out of plywood, with a diameter that covers the tire, and fastened to the wheel with self-tapping screws. We wrap the workpiece with a rope so that the layers fit tightly to each other, securing it with a thermo gun. For the top, we twist the rope in a spiral, fix it with a thermo-gun.

The ottoman is ready, for the coffee table we screw the wheels to the bottom. It looks beautiful and unusual, it is also suitable for apartment use, the only drawback may be the weight of the product.

All work must be done with gloves and with extreme care to protect your hands from cuts. There are a lot of options for crafts for the garden from tires, you can make small fences, large flower beds for flowers and seedlings from them, they also make garden furniture (tables and chairs), various ottomans for the veranda.

Crafts from old tires for children

It is possible to make a playground with your own hands using tires. You can make two types of swings, sandboxes and decorations for the playground.

A large sandbox can be made by analogy with the previous master class with a large flower bed, if you add one or two more tires, you get a sandbox for the entire yard.

Swing number 1

Necessary materials:

  • Tire
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Paint
  • Old seat belts

We paint the tire and wait for the paint to dry completely. We close the hole inside the tire with seat belts, fix them with self-tapping screws. We tie the tire on both sides with chains (you can use strong ropes and cables). We fix the swing on the tree, if there is no suitable place, you can make the basis for the swing from a bar.

Swing number 2

Necessary materials:

  • Tire
  • Board and timber
  • Bulgarian
  • Self-tapping screws
  • Paint

For a swing, you need a large wheel, cut it in half. We cut out two beams to strengthen the base of the swing, the size of the width of the tire. We make seats for swings from the board, the board should protrude 40 cm from both sides. We paint all the blanks in the desired color.

After drying, we insert the bar into the tire, from the side of the cuts and fix it on both sides with self-tapping screws. After that, we evenly expose the board for the seat and screw it to the reinforcing bars with screws. Swing handles can be made from old doorknobs, cable, or rope. We make a second swing from the second part of the tire.

It's easy for creative people to come up with and make useful things out of anything. Tires can be easily used to create furniture and more. Various photos of tire crafts can be found on the Internet, with their help you can find inspiration and improve crafts, adapt them for yourself, or make the same.

Photo of crafts from tires do it yourself

It's not good to throw away what you can reuse.

This is especially true for environmentally harmful materials such as tire rubber.

Used tires are a valuable material for craftsmen.

At home, in the country and in the yard, you can build many interesting crafts from old tires.

Skillful hands of craftsmen turn them into proud swans, decorative wells, comfortable benches.

How to make furniture from tires with your own hands - further in our article.

There are several options for creating tables from tires. Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

On two stacks of wheels

Washed, dried, degreased rubber wheels without discs are first painted with acrylic, bitumen, enamel paints.

The most acceptable dye mixture for processing tires - rubber paint... It can withstand hundreds of cycles of sudden temperature changes, as well as atmospheric precipitation, without cracking or deforming.

The tires are stacked one on top of the other in the place where the table should stand. You need to install two stacks tires 4 pieces, preferably in different colors, at a distance of about half a meter between the outer walls.

On top of two stacks of multi-colored tires, a rectangular sheet of sturdy material is laid flat, which is at hand:

  • flat plywood;
  • plastic;
  • thick unbreakable;
  • metal sheet.

To the top rail of each stack, table top secured with four diagonal screws in the places of contact.

The edges of the sheet should protrude at least 10 centimeters beyond the outer diameter of the tires.

The table top can also be painted in any color pleasing to the eye.

To prevent the wheels from moving, there are two ways to fix them:

  • inside each tire stack pour earth or sand;
  • every joint between tires smear with a layer of binder - hot 1 cm thick, which will allow the tires to firmly stick to each other after drying.

Depending on the design, such a table will fit perfectly for a summer cottage, a playground, or a garage.


This type of product is made from one tire, but larger sizes... Stools and chairs can be made using the same principle.

In the form of a full-fledged dining table, of course, it will not work, but it can perfectly serve as a coffee table.

Let's get started:

  1. Tire of the right size wash and dry.
  2. To find four legs from an old chair or make them yourself.
  3. Screw on feet to the tire with screws.
  4. From above put a circle glass, plywood or plastic to cover the disc slot.
  5. Decorate - completely wrap the tire on all sides with yarn or create a pattern on the table top.

Such a decorative table with legs will serve as an effective stand for a beautiful vase, magazines, and pocket items.


The next way will take a little more effort and creativity.


  1. Cut the tire off the truck along the tread in two equal halves... One half will serve as a worktop.
  2. Cut the outer beads from five smaller passenger car tires to make five rubber rings.
  3. Screw on the screws four rings at the bottom on four sides of the vertical countertop. With the fifth ring, connect the vertical rings together on the floor surface. This will be the reference plane of the table.
  4. Remains of rubber bands weave the bore tightly for the disk in the table top.

At such a table, it is great to play board games in the evening at the dacha, read newspapers.

Chair making

To make chairs from tires, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Prepare one whole tire - wash, dry, degrease.
  2. From another clean dry tire cut off one outer bead.
  3. Paint both blanks in any color you like.
  4. Saw off with a hacksaw, four round wooden blocks with a diameter of 6 cm.Two of them are 90 cm long, and the second two are 45 cm.
  5. Close disc hole in the whole tire with a plastic mesh, sewing it with a coarse thread to the sidewall. This will be the seat of the chair.
  6. Pull on and sew on the same mesh to the side cut from the second tire. This will be the back of the chair.
  7. Screw on with long screws to the whole bus, two short blocks on one side - these will be two legs. Also screw the two long blocks on the opposite side - these will be the other two legs with a back.
  8. Screw the cut round bead from the second tire with a stretched plastic mesh to the back between two high logs with screws.

The country chair is ready, you can rest on it in between work on the site.

Country chairs made of old tires

There are several options for creating a product. Let's dwell on the most popular, spectacular and uncomplicated ones.

  1. Cut the sides at one of the tires. Cut the resulting ring on one side.
  2. Cut off one third from the second tire along with the bead.
  3. Paint two complete tires, one piece with cut beads in the form of a split ring, and a second piece representing one third of the tire with a bead.
  4. To make one chair from bald tires, you need fold two whole tires on top of each other.
  5. To fix the joints between them, you need smear with hot bitumen mastic... On the top tire, glue or sew a plastic lattice with a coarse thread.
  6. To the top tire screw down or bolted vertically one third of the bead bottom.
  7. To the top of the vertical one-third of the tire with a bead also screw the middle parts with cut off sides. Bend this part in the shape of the back and handrails of the chair.
  8. Lower ends fix with screws or bolted to the top lying tire.

It turned out to be a very comfortable chair made of tires for a summer residence, a private courtyard, a recreation center.

It is best to build several of these chairs for all family members.

Another option for the chair:

  1. You will need one whole tire, and from the second tire you need cut a one-third sector.
  2. Wash, dry and paint both parts with black rubber paint.
  3. Find the legs from an old chair or from a Soviet TV. Screw on the legs to the bottom of the whole tire.
  4. Saw off two either three wooden blocks about 5x5 cm in size, 40 cm long. Sand, paint with black rubber paint.
  5. Disc hole in whole tire top close with a plywood circlecovered with leatherette. This will be the seat of the chair.
  6. The inner cavity and ends of the second tire with the cut-out sector are also closed with plywood and cover with leatherette... This will be the back of the chair.
  7. Assemble the structure: screw down two or three bars to the tread surface of the entire tire.
  8. The backrest is also screwed higher to the bars.

The result is a cozy armchair with a minimalistic and laconic design.

It can be like in the photo or slightly modernized depending on the materials that are at hand.

What is not an imposing leather armchair from a designer furniture salon!

Such is not a shame to furnish not only a summer cottage, but also creative interior apartments or houses.

In Europe, such furniture in living quarters is no longer a rarity, because the ecological trend is gaining popularity every year.

Other furniture and crafts

At the dacha, they are glad to every object, every useful thing. The spirit of fantasy and creativity hovers here. Each seemingly unnecessary item will always find its own application. Used automobile rubber is a valuable material here, a strategic raw material.

They make excellent front gardens for flowering plants and green spaces. Tires make bright painted houses.

Seating benches, rocking chairs, funny bugs and striped caterpillars, flowerpots - this list of uses for old tires is endless.

Useful video

In this video, the process of creating furniture is shown more clearly:


The main process of creating crafts is a flight of imagination and collective creativity. The whole family can be involved in making furniture, and children will be happy to participate. So dacha masterpieces are born from old worn out tires.

In contact with

How can old tires be used worthily? Usually they are simply thrown away or burned in the baths. However, few people think about the fact that car tires can be an excellent and durable frame for garden furniture. They are also used as interior items (office furniture, flower beds, elements of playgrounds, etc.). For this, old tires should be treated to get rid of the rubber odor. This decision is economically justified, because you will not only save yourself the trouble of buying new tables and chairs, but also be able to create your own business in this area.

Making furniture from old tires as a home business

Making furniture and other household items from car tires is an interesting and creative activity for people who love and know how to craft various interior elements with their own hands. If you look at this process from an economic point of view, then here its advantages are obvious, namely:

  1. Cheapness and readiness of raw materials. Getting old car tires is not a problem. Initially, you can use your own stocks, and in the future you can organize collection points or even bulk purchases from the nearest landfills;
  2. Fast manufacturing and simplicity. In the release of various products, the speed of creating one unit of goods plays an important role. With hard work, you can create a few simple interior items a day. More complex orders may take several days to complete;
  3. Product quality and its resistance to various adverse factors. Car tires are mechanically stable, while being able to withstand significant weight, they are not affected by weather factors, heating and cooling. This greatly affects the selling price of the product;
  4. Wide sales market. Simple designs can be sold for country residences and summer cottages, while more complex compositions are perfect for buying in apartments and houses;

Tire furniture photo:

Below are some simple master classes in which you can learn your first skills and try to make your own models by looking at a step by step photo.

How to make original furniture from tires with your own hands

Before the very process of creating furniture, of course, the tires must be pre-processed. To do this, they are washed, dried, treated with an alcohol solution or acetone solution. If you want to give a certain color to a car tire, then it is better to use acrylic, alkyd or specialized paint (on rubber). There are many ways to create furniture from car tires. Here are some instructions for implementing theory into practice:

  1. Comfortable armchair. One bus will be the base and the other two will be the legs. The tires, which act as support, are cut in half and then attached to the seat with nuts or bolts. A plastic sheet or tree of the appropriate size is installed on top of the seat.
  2. Another way to create a chair. Several car tires are taken with a pre-prepared slot (a backrest made of plywood or plastic is placed in it). The back is secured with bolts or wire. The base can be filled with soft foam rubber, pillows or a hard seat.
  3. The table can be made from several tires that form a rigid base and a piece of plywood that will act as a work surface.
  4. If you need a pouf, then take several tires from the car, connect them together, and fill the space inside with pillows or foam rubber wrapped in fabric. Wheels can be additionally attached to the structure for movement.

But this is just the "skeleton" of your furniture. You will have to work hard on the finishing to give the product its final look. You can make upholstery, rope woven cover, or a removable fabric cover. It all depends on your imagination. The surface of the table can be decorated with a pattern or decorative plastic sheets can be attached. So the design will take on a finished presentation.

DIY tire furniture master class:

Business profitability

It is extremely difficult to assess the profitability of this venture. It all depends on the quality and appearance of the finished product, as well as the ability to organize a sales market. The absence of competition and complete freedom in this area does not imply the presence of any average market price for the product.

Potential buyers at the initial stages can be your neighbors and acquaintances. In the future, you can offer your services to shops that specialize in the sale of unusual and creative furniture for homes and backyards.

DIY furniture from old tires:

With a well-established marketing of goods, the benefits of such a business are beyond doubt. The absence of rent, the availability and cheapness of raw materials, as well as the speed of production of the finished product, will quickly recoup the cost of the tool and unforeseen expenses.

A do-it-yourself tire chair is an original design solution. The interior space of the countries of America and Europe is filled with tire products. They make tables, ottomans, chairs, whole sets. Armchairs occupy a special place among tire crafts. They come with or without backrests, armrests. They can be stationary or mobile.

Making an ottoman without a back

Before you make a chair out of tires, you need to imagine its functional purpose, determine the place of this item in the overall interior. The simplest type of seating furniture is an ottoman. Made from car tires, it can become an integral part of the interior.

If you make several ottomans, they can be used as modular elements. Various combinations will change the overall environment. Due to this, the interior will always look fresh and attractive.

Required tools and materials

Before starting the installation work on the construction of the ottoman, it is necessary to prepare:

  • drill, drill;
  • construction stapler;
  • 2 circles with a diameter of 56 cm, made of oriented strand board (OSB, OSB);
  • tire, burlap;
  • rope (40 m);
  • legs (4 pcs.);
  • wooden blocks (4 pcs. 20–21 cm each);
  • self-tapping screws.

Step-by-step production of an ottoman

Making an ottoman from car tires is easy to do with your own hands.

  1. The tire is cleaned of dirt, washed out with soapy water, and dried.
  2. The tire is decorated with burlap, which is attached with a construction stapler around the tire perimeter.
  3. To make the structure rigid, 4 bars are placed inside the tire.
  4. The bars are installed vertically. They serve as spacers on which the structure will be held. The seat will be attached to these bars.
  5. A hole with a diameter of 1 cm is drilled in the center of the circle from an oriented strand board. This is necessary in order to place the rope there and secure it from the back side.
  6. The circle along the edges in 4 places is attached with self-tapping screws to the support bars. This creates a rigid base for the chair structure. The carcass keeps the tire from deforming.
  7. The rope is threaded through the center hole. On the inside of the tire, the end of the rope is tied in a knot.
  8. On the opposite side of the tire, another circle of oriented strand board is attached to the ends of the bars.
  9. Legs are mounted to the bottom of the frame.
  10. The structure is installed on legs, the rope is fixed in the form of a spiral. The main thing is to hide the fixing clips under the rope.
  11. The rope is wound in a spiral, at regular intervals it is attached with a stapler to the surface of the oriented strand board. The ottoman is ready.

Tire armchair under cover

Even more comfort for relaxing or sitting is provided by a do-it-yourself tire chair. It can be produced without much effort and time. A general scheme for creating a chair is proposed, which can be supplemented with various innovations or other original design solutions.

The required set of materials and tools

To transform old tires into attractive and original seats you will need:

  • screwdriver;
  • furniture stapler;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • scissors;
  • car tires (2 pcs.);
  • felt;
  • flexible plywood (100x90 cm);
  • dense and thin furniture foam rubber;
  • knife (boot or with a retractable blade);
  • scissors;
  • quilted fabric cover.

Step by step actions

  1. First you need to fasten the tires together. This is done with a screwdriver and large self-tapping screws that are threaded from the inside of the tires.
  2. Felt is attached to the bottom of the tire chair so that the rubber does not come into contact with the floor and the chair would be easier to move.
  3. The felt is fixed along the perimeter of the tire with a furniture stapler.
  4. The excess felt is cut with scissors below the fixing level.
  5. The frame is turned over so that the felt base is at the bottom.
  6. Next, the back of the chair is built. For this, bending plywood is used, made of special types of wood. Plywood is flexible and resilient. The fibers of such plywood are not located like a regular sheet, but in one direction. These structural features make it easy to shape the plywood sheet into the desired shape.
  7. The plywood back is attached to the tires with self-tapping screws with an intermediate pitch of 10-15 cm.
  8. To make the chair soft and comfortable, the frame is filled with thick soft furniture foam rubber. The material is trimmed around the circumference so that it can be placed inside the tire.
  9. The corresponding parts are cut from the thinner foam rubber for the backrest and the soft part of the seat. It is better to prepare 2 circles for the seat: one - equal to the inner diameter of the tire (to fit inside), the other - larger (the area of \u200b\u200bwhich can be only 2-3 cm less than the outer diameter of the tire).
  10. A thick foam pad fits inside the tire. It will take some effort.
  11. The upper pads are made of thin foam rubber. A circle with a smaller diameter is placed first, and a larger one on top. To prevent the circles from slipping, the upper part must be fixed with a stapler.
  12. Thin foam rubber is thrown over the back. Attached to the plywood sheet on both sides with a stapler. Surplus is cut off.
  13. The bottom edge of the thin foam is carefully tucked between the back and seat.
  14. A cover is sewn from a quilted fabric and put on a chair (you can order its production in the workshop). Internal filler - synthetic winterizer. Such a cover will make the chair even more soft and cozy.

The idea of \u200b\u200busing a cover is attractive because the material can be easily removed from the frame. It can be washed, refreshed. Over time, you can change the color of the cover to fit the updated interior.

Assortment variety of tire seats

The technology for manufacturing seats from tires, illustrated by the given examples, can be used as a basis for other variable solutions. By showing imagination, everyone will be able to present their own unique design project.

If you use several tires, then you can make a chair with an elastic or massive back and armrests.

Having taken care of the solid base of the frame, the chair made of tires is placed on furniture wheels.

Tires can be combined with other materials at hand. Wood elements (trunk parts of branches), nylon ropes or ropes will be used.

Anyone who is friendly with crochet or has knitting skills can surprise with even more variety.

Constructive transformations make it possible to manufacture a chair from tires with maximum comfort for resting in it.

Car disks are used as a support-stand.

The space near the pool will be decorated with sun loungers in a set with a table.

Having shown ingenuity, even a rocking chair is made from tires.

Automobile rubber is not the most environmentally friendly material. Under the influence of atmospheric factors, old tires exude toxic substances. This is especially dangerous in closed rooms with poor ventilation. Therefore, outdoor terraces are ideal places for tire chairs. There, tire furniture will not do any harm.

Every year, a huge number of old tires are thrown away in the country, from which you can make a lot of useful things, for example, do-it-yourself furniture from tires. In our country, the direction of recycling tires for cars is rather poorly developed, as a result of which some of the old wheels are garbage and fill landfills.

In order to make chairs out of tires, you need to wrap the tires with ribbons of fabric or straps intertwined with each other.

Old tires can be used in the manufacture of various crafts and furniture that will perfectly fit into the interior of any private house or summer cottage. Many summer residents are interested in how to make crafts or pieces of furniture from old tires with their own hands. Making products from old tires can be called an alternative method of recycling or giving a second life to used tires.

To make a chair you will need: two car tires, foam rubber, felt, self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, a furniture stapler.

This art appeared in our country quite recently and rather quickly gained great popularity. Today's houses, cottages and summer cottages cannot do without products made from old wheels. You can make any curiosity without any problems, having the necessary tools for this, which you will need in processing this strong material.

Currently, furniture made from used tires is very popular. The transformation of the old wheel into modern furniture is as follows: before starting to work on creating a furniture masterpiece, the tire must be thoroughly processed and cleaned; for a long service life, it is coated with a special substance that makes its surface velvety or smooth to the touch. For color schemes, it is best to give preference to bright colors.

For example, the tabletop for the table can be made of plexiglass, and the ottomans in the central hole of the cover are filled with a soft fabric pillow with artificial filling. On request, tables and ottomans can be equipped with wheels.

With the help of self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, car tires are connected to each other.

For modern furniture, wherever it is - in the country or in an apartment, such requirements as practicality and elegance are put forward, even if this furniture is made of old and unnecessary tires.

Today, amateur craftsmen with their own hands create real masterpieces from old car tires, looking at which you get great pleasure. These can be coffee tables, creative armchairs and garden furniture. Thanks to the useless trash in the form of old worn-out tires, you can radically change or emphasize the interior of any summer cottage.

Practical furniture made of this material will become a highlight in every home. For a family tea party, you can make an excellent summer cottage kit with your own hands, which will include a metal frame and old used tires.

Rocking chair for giving

A rocking chair would be a good option for relaxing in the country. In order to start making this piece of furniture, it is necessary to prepare drawings, after which the old dirty tires are well cleaned, washed and covered with a special compound for further use in everyday life for a long time.

The frame of the chair has two wooden supports, on which the tires cut into strips are stretched, intertwined with each other in a rather complicated way. Due to the wooden frame, this piece of furniture is quite stable and comfortable, which provides a good opportunity to rest and relax.

Ottoman for garden and home

For the terrace and country garden, an ottoman made from used car wheels will be a great addition.

Stages of making an ottoman from old tires.

To bring it to life, you will need an OSB sheet, a waste tire, 40 m of rope, a piece of burlap, 4 wooden blocks and 4 wooden legs.

The cleaned and washed tire is sheathed with burlap using a large construction stapler. Wooden blocks are installed inside the tire - this is done so that the future ottoman does not deform and becomes stiffer. Using a screwdriver, a circle with a diameter of 56 cm is attached to the bar.A hole is drilled in the center of it, into which a rope is passed, then it is fixed on the cover of the ottoman in the form of a spiral (a construction stapler is also used for this). The same OSB circle and 4 wooden legs are attached to the bottom of the pouf. The made garden ottoman made of tires is not afraid of changing climatic conditions, which means that it will last for more than one year.

According to amateur gardeners, there is never too much garden furniture, especially if it is original and handmade. A great gift for households and guests will be a set of chairs made of old waste tires, which can no longer be ridden, but you can relax with great comfort.

Soft furniture foam rubber and flexible plywood will help ensure such coziness. To make one chair, you need a pair of car tires, a piece of bending plywood 100x90 cm, thick and thin foam rubber, a piece of felt, as well as a stapler for furniture, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws.

Felt is attached to the tires using a furniture stapler, and its excess is trimmed with scissors.

To begin with, car tires must be cleaned and washed, then connected from the inside to each other using self-tapping screws. A round piece of felt must be attached to the lower wheel, corresponding to the size of the tires. Thanks to this bottom, the chair will move better on the floor. To get rid of excess felt, you need to cut them off along the edge of the wheel with scissors. The plywood should be bent in the same way as it lies in the circle of the tire, and fastened with large self-tapping screws. A circle is made of wide foam rubber for furniture along the outer diameter of the wheel, two more circles must be made from thin foam, one slightly larger than the other, which will correspond to the inner diameter of the circle.

The large foam circle fits inside the top tire - a little effort is needed to do this. Thin foam circles are stacked on top to keep the seat tight and comfortable. The large circle is superimposed on top of the smaller one and secured to the wheel with a furniture stapler. A piece of thin foam rubber is attached to the back from all sides with a stapler, the excess is cut off. A pre-made cover is put on the finished frame.


Today, a wide variety of pillows and ottomans are sure to come into fashion not only in the interior of an apartment, but also in a country house. By adding such a functional detail to the design of your favorite garden, you can afford to relax both in the sun and in the shade of trees at any time.

The process of making a ottoman-transformer

Such a self-made creation has practically no costs - a transforming ottoman is a clear confirmation of this. Moreover, this item is not as simple as it seems at first glance, but has a little secret: this furniture can be used not only as a seat, but also as the basis of a garden table or a spacious mini-chest for various small things.

For work, you will need the following materials:

  • a pair of old car wheels of the same diameter;
  • a piece of thick plywood;
  • cut of textile material;
  • construction stapler;
  • facade white spray paint or paint combined with textile material;
  • liquid nails or silicone based sealant.

Assembling the transformer:

  1. To begin with, both wheels must be sprayed and dried, then apply a thick layer of paint, matched to the color of the textile material, and dry again.
  2. Apply silicone sealant or liquid nails in the form of traced lines to one of the tires, then install the second tire, pressing it firmly against the first.
  3. It is necessary to cut a circle out of plywood, which will be smaller in diameter than the outer diameter of the wheel.
  4. After all the manipulations, the circle made of plywood should be covered with a cloth and secured with a construction stapler. Put the finished circle covered with material on the prepared base.

You need to know that the seat or tabletop can be removable if you wish, so the space inside is appropriate to use for storing any small things.

In addition to furniture, the summer cottage can be decorated with various crafts from old used tires - it can be a small pool or a flower bed. Figures of various animals are also welcome (a donkey with a wagon, a frog princess, a parrot, swans) or a path for a garden made of old wheels.