A cute neighbor about what poet is speech. What Russian poet is about this description

Class hour


primary school teacher

Penopooered Middle Obstrument School

Altai region

Pushkareva Tatyana Petrovna

To reveal to children the essence of the concepts of "good", "kindness", "good deeds", "tolerance", "unity";

To form a presentation in children about kindness as an important human capacity;

Motivate children into good acts;

Teach children to analyze their actions and acts of others;

To bring up not only the desire, but the need to exercise kindness to others;

Promote the cohesion of the children's team, develop communication skills, create a good mood.

Preliminary work:

prepare readers;

split children into groups, distribute roles in groups; Discuss options for gifts that can be performed during the classroom;

1. The introductory word of the teacher.

Good day! Taking these words, I sincerely wish you, good, peace and joy. I hope your heart will open for sincere and good people.

Four centuries flying (slide number 3)

Over Russia's ruus since that time

When in battle swords links,

And the axes rose.

Pozharsky with mini soldered

And saved their native Rus.

A possession and boyar

On your great root work.

And this day did not curse in the centuries,

He lives in the memory of Human.

Russia does not run out of power -

After all, this power is our people!

(N. Merkushova)

Almost 4th centuries ago, at the beginning of November, the national militia led by the merchant mini and the voivod of Pozharski was driven by the Polish invaders from Moscow, thereby bringing the end of the so-called formider time.

The people collected the last money and walked to liberate the Earth and restore order in the capital.

The unification of the Russian people around Minina and Pozharsky, the liberation of Moscow gave the development of our powerful Russian state, which became the Russian Empire. Therefore, this day is rightly called the Day of People's Unity.

The Day of National Unity is also a holiday of good, day of concern about people. Anyone, even the smallest good job on this day

for everyone should be the first step towards healing the soul, and good deeds, taken together, will make the world better.

Unity is the continuity, cohesion.

Good, it's all good, positive, all that brings happiness, benefit.

In unity and kindness, the Great Power! A lot of good deeds can be done every day, helping those who are near. (SL. 4)

Be careful to people. Help the old woman go road. Give the place in transport, help the kitten, listen to your friend, give good useful advice. Do not forget to help parents.

Combining the effort and its good hearts can be helped by the whole country.

2. Formulating the theme of the class hour.

So what will be devoted to a class hour? Good deeds and people capable of good acts.

Presentation of readers.

A. Dementiev

Kindness is needed to all people,

Let a bigger good.

Speak not in vain when meeting

"Good afternoon" and "Good evening."

And no wonder we have

The wish "in good time."

Kindness - she from century

Decoration of man ...

Do not stand aside indifferent,

When, someone has trouble.

Rush to revenue need

Any minute, always

And if someone who will help

Your kindness, your smile,

You are happy that the day was not in vain I lived,

What years do you live in vain.

3. Main part of the class hour.

Today we must find our way of good to the planet of good deeds. (Slide number 5 + on the board layout planet)

Problem situation. (Slide number 6)

On the way we have a bag and two chests with the inscriptions "Good". Our task is to free your way. There are many different words in the bag, spread them in the chests. In one words that characterize a good person, the rest in another chest. (Children not only distribute words on the chests, but also explain the meaning of words.)

Suitless (responsive, sympathetic), money

(Means of payment, savings),

compassion ( Sympathy Alien part, excited by grief, the unfortunate of another person.),

decoration (Subject decorating anyone anything)

delicacy (polite, soft in circulation),

gems(characterized by beauty rare stones),

responsiveness(ready to come to the rescue at any moment)

goodwill. (Manifesting a friendly location, participation to the surrounding people.)

Conclusion: Under the word "good", some people understand material values. Tell me, will bring happiness only material good? (Children's responses)

It has long been noticed that a kind person is always surrounded by sincere people, and this dignity cannot be compared with any material benefits. Everyone knows that kindness and love can not be bought for money.

To do good, it is necessary, first of all, to possess. A kindness is not given to us from the birth, it does not inherit. It is necessary to try hard, day after day, to educate it in itself - kindness.

After discussion, on the board appears The first brick to the planet of good deeds. ( Brick "Spiritual Good")

In the upbringing of kindness, people's wisdom accumulated by centuries will help.

Work in groups.

Task: connect the beginning and end of the proverb, bring an example of a vital situation related to this proverb. (Slide number 7)

Good age will not forget.

Good deed praises yourself.

Myself not anyone.

Good man is ashamed and in front of the dog.

Do not seek goodness.

Look at the one who does not make anyone.

Good business Two centuries live.

What you wish to yourself, the same and others.

For good good pay.

After discussion, the children voiced by proverbs and explain their meaning, lead in an example of life situations.

Each group attaches on the board brick boards . (Brick "People's Wisdom")

Garden of good. (Slide number 8)

We fell into the garden of good. Let's go through this garden and remove rotten apples. I will call things that guys do. If you approve of the behavior of children, (slam in your hands), then the apple will remain on the tree. If you do not like the behavior of the guys, then the apple will fall from the apple tree.

1) complain of all in a row

2) yield a place in the bus an elderly person

3) say hello when meeting

4) make a nesting book

5) interrupt adults who speak

6) Help half the garden in the garden

7) Sorry in the classroom and in other public places

8) help comrade solve the task

9) pass by the one who needs help

Well done! We can put a new brick. Brick "Good Acts".

Look, we have almost built a good way, but the parcel is still on the way. We'll see! (Slide number 9)

The teacher reads the inscription on the parcel. "Dear Guys! We are glad that you are striving to be kind. Be always friendly, attentive to each other, friendly! Be one! "

Who wrote to you such kind words? Let's try to find out.

The teacher gets different items and telegrams from the parcel. The task of children to learn the cartoon or literary hero.

Telegram №1 (Slide number 10)

Item: Bow.
"Guys! Good live in the white light of the fun! " Cat Leopold

Telegram number 2 (Slide №11)

Subject: caramel.

"All more and more expensive, all gullible and stricter in this world of kindness!" Piggy pantik

Telegram number 3 (Slide number 12)

Subject: Heart.

"I have a heart! I became good, sensitive! " Tin Woodman

Telegram number 4 (slide №13)

"My desperate, hot tears melt ice in the heart of the boy and made it good again." Gerda

Telegram number 5 (slide 14)

"We built, built, and finally built." Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena

Telegram number 6 (Slide №15)

"I am very glad! My good heart helped save the swallow! " Inch

You coped with the task, learned all the heroes. Next brick: "Good friends"

Now I want to tell one instructive parable.

Eastern Parable (SL. 16 - VIDEO)

A long time ago in the old city there was a master surrounded by students. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there any question to which our master could not give a response?" He went to the blooming meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between the palms. The butterfly clung to his paws for his hands, and the student was seekly. Smiling, he walked over to the master and asked:

- Tell me, what butterfly in my hands: Live or dead?

He touched the butterfly firmly in closed palms and was ready for any moment to squeeze them for his truth.

Without looking at the student's hands, the master replied:

- All in your hands.

Discussion of parables.

All in our hands! Let's start with myself and will give good every day, and it will be back to us.

Last brick: "All in our hands!" (Slide number 17)

Guys, I really hope that today we all have become even better, even kinder. I really want in each of you there was a piece of kindness. Like a small sunshine.

Who do we call a good man?

A kind person is the one who helps people loves nature.

A kindness is like a medicine, cures from many ailments. Do not turn off the goodness from the road!

Practical work Song "Expensive Good" - Song from k / f \\ Little Muk \\

Now we will spend practical work (on the cards of hearts and wishes.) On every heart you take your wishes that you give to our guests)


"Be healthy!",

"Let dreams come true!",

"Peaceful sky above his head!",

"True friends!"

"Good luck

Heat and good

So that all failures

burned down the dot! "

"God forbid you wisdom in solutions

And multiplying the best qualities

With children - excellent relationship

And understanding their cuz

"We wish you health, happiness, light,

In total, what is called good. "

The most popular feeling in life is good. It is difficult to describe, give an accurate wording. It is able to work great things, to my neighbors, tame animals, make the world as a painsh. Such an important word must be their holiday.

Goodness day

The history of the choice of the date of the day of the spontaneous manifestation of kindness has little studied. But it is known exactly - the initiators were numerous public and charitable organizations in the world. In November 1998, the first World Movement Conference for Good. Venue - Tokyo. Representatives of leading countries arrived at the event. The gathered decided to celebrate the seventeenth of February World Day of Good.

At first, 7 States, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, England, Australia and Canada participated in the promotion. Later the European powers began to join. RF pulled to the movement quite recently. The main goal of the holiday is through good and positive to encourage people to good, noble affairs. The holiday does not know borders, racial and religious affiliation. He struggles with inequality, gives positive energy, Mitrit's assorted.

About good

Good in our world works on the "Boomeranga principle". It always returns good, only with a greater value! Good - an active participant in poems and works of art. This term is included in the name of many songs and movies. Here are phrases that we often use:

  • Good morning.
  • Good day.
  • Good health.
  • Welcome.

An excellent example and appeal to the manifestation of kindness can be this popular song:

The main highlight of good is not to require response, do not look for benefits. You can remember the beautiful Soviet cartoon "just so." Generous beasts gave each other a bouquet of flowers just like that. It was a gusting of the souls and hearts, the desire to cheer and raise the mood to the first oncoming creature. Cartoon still love children and adults in Russia.

Perspectives 2018.

No difficulties and changes in society will be able to abolish the category "Good" from our life. In Russian legislation, there is no official holiday "Day of kindness". Solemn events in the Kremlin will not be held, it is stupid to expect congratulations to the country's first persons with this date. Only in the fantastic cinema, the head of state can congratulate the people with such a holiday by reducing the price of a communal car, raising the salary of ordinary people. Each person will be able to independently show the initiative and arrange a small holiday in his home or working team. And a lot for this is not necessary: \u200b\u200ba little creative, love and fantasy. It is convenient that in 2018 February 17 drops on Sunday.

How to live on February 17?

If you are a kind person, then be yourself. If you feel rude and greedy, you have to work a little bit. Make a pleasant colleague who offended you, forgive the insignificant debt to the neighbor, put your grandmother across the road. And even better - do not wait for this date. Live on a positive and make little surprises to everyone who surrounds you. Remember - even the despot before the penalty was pierced by their victims hot tea. If you work in the field of education, upbringing, culture - be sure to arrange a small holiday on the eve.

It is often held in kindergarten, at school, in the university or library. Even in the camp for gangsters, you can show the kind and heart-hearty film "White Bim, Black Ear". Perhaps in some dark soul the string of malice and hatred will be broken. Good, care and attention very much lacks in our lives. Many people do not remember - what is the number of mom's birthday or wedding anniversary. The day of kindness can be considered the Day of Mercy, Joy and Course for the Best.

On the epigraph:

We always have been doing well, we are always happy, it does not require award, good give it just like that, you won't buy it for Pyk!

The date of the world of kindness is November 13, and it is not just like that. Indeed, in 1998, a conference under the auspices of the universal movement for kindness was opened in Tokyo.

What does the worldwide movement for kindness do?

The organization of volunteers and volunteers, which extends their activities to the whole world, inspires people to make good actions. "The movement of kindness" was first implemented in Japan in 1997. Anyone who wants to make a sincere, noble act could join this promotion. After holding the Third World Conference of Darotia in 2000, the official status was assigned to this movement.

Do good deeds - is it difficult?

Definitely no: do good things incredibly easy, the main thing is to start. After all, good is not measured by money and does not even always require a lot of time spent. To warm up someone with his smile, raise a close or, on the contrary, a stranger mood is also a good deed. World kindness day entered the calendar as a holiday only to remind us of beneficial affairs. But each of us should adhere to this position within 365 days a year.

Good ideas

If you seriously decide to devote the whole day of creation only good deeds, here are some tips. Spend the world day of manifestation of kindness, helping others, please rejoice in loved ones and rejoice yourself.

To achieve harmony:

  • Do not turn on the TV, and pay all the attention to the child.
  • Call your friends and tell me that they have a very important place in your life.
  • Go out to the street and just take a walk, giving a smile to passersby. Perhaps it is the world day of kindness inspire you, and then to a smile you can add compliments, flowers, beautiful balls or delicious candies.
  • Make your own hands or buy a bird feeder and install it.
  • Plant tree. And passersby will be able to rest in the future in the shadow of his branching crown. And if you choose a fruit tree, then people will be able to eat tasty fruits.
  • Collect all the unselected (of course, great if there is more bones) and fold it into a separate container, and then take it to the garbage. And homeless dogs will be able to dwell, without applying efforts to find food.
  • Translate the grandmother across the road. Just do not forget to ask if she wants to get on the other side of the carriageway.

It can be said that it demonstrates World Darry Day pictures of an ideal life.

Why do you need it?

In addition to the fact that good deeds bring to all positive and good mood, they are also how it is impossible to better affect the well-being, increase the vital tone. Do not lose sight of changes for the better in relations with all others. After all, there is nothing more important than warm communication with your loved ones and people for you. And this is not just words, but the facts proven with science.

Here are some research results:

  • Volunteers who work freely for charity organizations, much less often fall into depression. A self-esteem of such people is significantly higher than the average as the perception of life in general.
  • Resentment and tested negative emotions sharply increase blood pressure. But removes the resulting stress.
  • Attention and manifestation of kindness to a loved one, like pleasant little things, surprises, strengthen mutual understanding in a pair.
  • Students greatly facilitates the educational process and a friendly attitude towards comrades and teachers.

Here everything is simple: you want to do good for yourself - make it for your neighbor. Remember that World Darry Day can be arranged daily.

When did the holiday appear?

It would seem that the word "kindness" lives in folklore and fairy tales of different peoples so long ago, which is not remembered when it appeared, but the holiday exists only since 1998. The idea filed charity organizations, thanks to the propaganda of the movement for kindness, such countries were picked up as:

  • Thailand;
  • Great Britain;
  • Canada;
  • Australia;
  • Singapore;
  • Japan;

European powers joined large-scale projects later, when volunteers and volunteers began to popularize charitable shares on the Internet.

The fact of which is noted by an unofficial holiday (World Kindness Day) States Parties have agreed on the same day - November 13 in Tokyo during the 1st World Wide Movement Conference. In a number of countries, it is still on November 13, it is considered the main solemn date.

Kindness at the expanses of Russia

In the Russian Federation, the holiday was first noted in 2009 and immediately with the whole latitude of the Russian Soul: Flash Mob, symbolizing the association of peoples, lush celebrations, the shares were held on the Manezh Square in the capital. Carrying citizens wrote encouraging letters, beautiful verses of elderly from the boarding school of the Vladimir and Tula region; On the streets passerstitis gave flowers. It was noticed that in this and subsequent years during the holiday in Russia from shelters, animals were taken more than on other days.

In addition to giving alive colors on this winter day, it is customary:

  • Treat chopped coffee people;
  • Clearing snow tracks;
  • Translate old women across the road;
  • Do small surprises to colleagues;
  • Feed birds and animals;
  • More often smile surrounding;
  • Writing congratulations and send funny postcards in social networks.

Among the little things, there are more global things - material assistance to sick children, poor retirees. According to CAF (Charities Aid Foundation), about 80% of Russians participate annually in charitable promotions. In 2014, donations amounted to the amount of 5,000 rubles, in 2015 - 3,300 rubles. Probably, non-profit funds would be replenished by large amounts, but the Russians are not fully confident that the money will be used for good deeds, and they will not fall in the pockets of silent officials.

Also to give to those who need people hope, organize:

  • selling crafts at charitable markets;
  • blood collection in medical institutions;
  • dining rooms for homeless;
  • visits of artists with gifts in children's homes.

On the side of good

Making less than the evil of a sensible person is able to convince the fun argument - concern for their own health. Indeed, as confirmed by research, when in thoughts and actions is unkind, there is a serious tension in the parasympathetic nervous system. Its proceedings lead to internal organs, in which the discord is also gradually beginning. The biliary ways and the liver suffer primarily, no wonder the people say "discovered from anger." And on the contrary, the enthusiasm of good deeds and the care of the surrounding configures the body on the proper functioning: endorphins are produced, stress and depression are neutralized.

Statements of great people about kindness
Mark Twain A kindness is something that can hear deaf and see blind.
Publishing Sir What is impossible to achieve force can be achieved with kindness.
Confucius Five things make up perfect virtue: seriousness, generosity of the soul, sincerity, diligence and kindness.
Toro Henry David. Kindness is the only robe that never winds.
Miguel Servantes. Nothing costs us so cheaply and is not appreciated as expensive as politeness and kindness.


Option 1

    Title the name of the modernist flow and the names of poets, to it adjacent

    1. symbolism a) Gumilev b) Brucers c) Akhmatova

      akmeism d) Khlebnikov D) White

      futurism e) Mayakovsky g) balmont h) mandelstam

    Sign up the modernist and relationship of poets to creativity

    1. symbolism a) poet - Creator

      aKMEIS B) Poet - Buntar

      futurism c) poet - artisan

    This course contributed to the creation of a new philosophical culture, a new worldview, attitude to art, as unifying people to the beginning, thinning, sophistication of poetic agents for better expression of the complex world of the contemporary

    1. Futurism

    2. Symbolism

    The symbol is

    1. Details of the landscape, portrait, highlighted in order to emphasize its particular importance

      word or turnover in an allegorical value

      artistic reception based on exaggeration

    1. hyperbola




    What kind of poet of the silver century are speaking: In the early lyrics of this poet, the intention is seen enough, pushing the reader. Art, according to the poet, gectic. Artistic gift, he worships creativity as a deity.

Worship art

Only him, fearlessly, aimlessly.

    What poet is talking about: A prominent poet, critic and translator of the "Silver Century", from the group of "junior symbolists". His creativity is imbued and illuminated by the dream of the sun, about beauty. Favorite reception - personification. I understood "poetry like magic."

    What poet is talking about: Not only a poet, but also one of the largest researchers in Africa. In 1912, he declared the emergence of a new artistic flow - aqmeism. Romance and heroic - the basis of the poet's worldview. Romantic dreams were developed in the collection of "Pearls"

a) let the sea might be mad and shine, Combs of the waves rose to heaven, None of the thunderstorms tremble None will turn the sail.

b) The breast of the foreboding of pain is not compressed,
If you want, look in the eyes.
I do not like only an hour before sunset,
Wind from the sea and the word "RED".

Option 2

    Relate the name of the modernist flow and the basic principles, inherent in it

    1. symbolism a) rejection of mystical nebula, desire for concreteness, colorfulness, object objectivity

      axism b) elitism, the ability to see for an external "mystically suspected essence." Orientation on the reader - co-author

      futurism c) rebellion, plotting, denial of cultural traditions, experimentalities in the field of rhythm and rhyme

    Title: What kind of modernist current what kind of art is closer

    1. symbolism a) painting

      axism b) painting, architecture, sculpture

      futurism c) music

    This course proclaimed the liberation of poetry from symbolistic impulses, return to the material world, the exact meaning of the word, proclaimed the cult of real earthly existence, the major perception of reality, the accuracy of the image, the clarity of the composition.

    1. Symbolism 2. Axism 3. Futurism

    Artistic detail is:

    1. Poetic image expressing the essence of any phenomenon

      Expressive detail carrying semantic and ideological-emotional load

      Artistic reception based on a hidden comparison of one phenomenon with a different phenomenon

      Word or turnover in an allegorical value

    Name the main means of artistic expressiveness used in the poem of Giraffe Giraffe

And how I will tell you about the tropical garden,
About slender palm trees, about the smell of unthinkable herbs.

      Comparison of 2.Metafora 3. Epithest 4. Protecting

    To which modernistic flow includes this poem?

Shadow of unoccupied creation
Sweets in a dream.
Like Latan blades
On the enamel wall.

    What poet is talking about: The main features of his poetic world is an underlined alienation from the progress of modernity, attraction to romantic exotic, bright decorative paints, tense and sonorous verse. Did he proclaim the "self-relief" of life phenomena, the cult of art as skill?

    What poet is talking about:

This name of this poet Bugaev. This is a man of a rare giftedness: the poet - Lirik, Prose, the researcher of Russian and world culture, theorist of literature, critic and publicist, a memoist. Author of 4 poetic symphony. In the collection of "ashes", the jubilant globility was measured by the influx of "mystical horrors", which saw the poet in the modern Russia?


1 option

    1b, d, w 2a, in, s 3g, e

    1a, 2V, 3B




    a) Gumilev

b) Akhmatova

Option 2

    1B, 2a, 3B

    1B, 2B, 3A




    a) Gumilev