A selection of books for learning to read in English. How to teach a child to read in English - important rules and common mistakes when learning

V modern society the opinion was established that early learning of a foreign language contributes to an easier, free application of it in practice, and also carries an intellectual, cognitive potential.

Reading is a type of speech activity that occupies one of the main places in terms of importance, accessibility and use.
Each age comes up with its own methods of teaching children to read. Each has its own charm. However, let's look at at least a few.

Reading short picture books in a circle

It takes no more than 5 minutes and not every lesson, so that this technique does not get bored and the supply of benefits does not exhaust itself.

We take real children's books (there are dozens of groups on the Internet where you can buy them new or used at quite reasonable prices. One of the oldest is UkiBOOKi).

Phonics or Phonics

This is a method of teaching reading based on phonemes - sounds and their blends - blends (merging of several sounds). How are they better than the alphabet and transcription?

Here is an example: you can know the history of chopsticks and their clear classification, or you can be able to eat with them. The second option is preferable.

For my five-year-old readers, I settled on a series Jolly Phonics. Not even so much on the whole UMK (there are so many components in it that I didn’t even dare to take anything other than the Workbook), but on the order of presentation of sounds - not the alphabet, but the frequency. That is, in a month my students could find and read familiar words of 2-4 letters themselves.

Free options also exist, the simplest is SuperSimple Phonics. All materials are provided on the website, videos - on the official channel on youtube.com. There is also an amazing cartoon Alphablocks. Like Jolly Phonics, it is created for little Englishmen. Unobtrusively and very visually, the letters-cubes join hands, merge and even double to show how they sound.

Great, let's say the phonemes gave up under our pressure. What's next?

You can start by saying that while the students are packing things into backpacks, the teacher writes on the blackboard simple words. Everyone is surprised, but read.

What for? Now students sincerely believe that reading is easy. Shoot in primary school barriers are difficult, it's easier not to build them right away.

Methodological advice:

On sites like Teachers pay teachers, teachers post good designs, some for free.

From there, pumpkin letters, pencils, snowmen and so on come from in my collection. We work with them in a circle, at this stage I exclude the competitive moment between students, sometimes I allow the option of a group against a teacher.

It's no secret that everyone learns at different speeds, and as a teacher, the high motivation of each child is important to me. We lay out in consonance, call or add words, listen to words and indicate which of several sounds is present in it (g / t / p - cat? T!), Board games-rpg (hit the square - read the word), dominoes and Dobbly . At this stage, it is important for us to form a clear connection between the audible and graphic image of the sound.

Phonetic games

Manual game Petr Stepicheva "Phonetic battle", but, in principle, you can print beautiful cards with the right words yourself (the aesthetics of benefits are important at any age, especially with preschoolers. Intonation of the teacher + beautiful readable letters+ tactile aids = impact on all three channels of perception.)

The essence of the game:
I select in advance those cards that my children can read accurately and those that will not be given to everyone.

We put them on the floor and sit in a circle.

Turn the card over and try to read it. While the collective mind is working, the goal is to turn over and read all the words.

We gradually complicate the rules, now we read one at a time, if we didn’t manage it, we returned the card to the floor face down.

With “more advanced readers” there is a mistake - and in addition to the current word, the teacher flips another one of his choice. With schoolchildren, you can switch to an individual test - they leave the words they read to themselves and at the end of the game they consider who won.

This technique is suitable only for those words that are read "according to the rules." All other English themselves call sight words (visual words). And we read them as "hieroglyphs".
In the textbook, the word mother appears before I enter the digraph th. So we just take the sound of the word for granted. And it is very easy to play with these complex phenomena.


For those who already know the alphabet (introduced the next year after the phonics), the classic is the gallows, which we replace with a pig. The losing side is obliged to grunt as many times as there are letters in the word. The students are delighted and ask to guess long words. For them, this is a great motivation to repeat them properly before the lesson, because a grunting teacher is fun.

Outdoor games for reading?

Of course there are!

  • In our “Zoo” signs are constantly disappearing.
  • The price tags are mixed up in the toy store.
  • And someone has to sign family photo albums!


We hang pictures or cards in files around the classroom, and the students put the words into the appropriate pockets in a certain time.

This is a competition with the teacher, because for every 5-10 words they get a point, for every mistake - the point goes to the teacher.

The game is impersonal, no one knows who made a mistake, so there is no one to blame.

Do we want individuality?

We print lists on colored paper.

Even harder?

We play spies. Pictures are hung with their face to the wall, that is, to see the image, the file needs to be slightly raised, next to it is an opaque envelope for words.

Warm up
As a warm-up, we make capital letters from the students (T - these are legs together and arms to the sides, M, H, A - two people hold hands in different ways). With a sufficient number of students, we can write whole words.

Games with cards in a circle.

For kids - put a toy or a picture on the right word (a bag comes to the rescue, from which it is much more interesting to extract objects). Or put 2-4 words on the floor, remember the order, mix, restore. You can hide one of the words or throw in a new one.

The excitement of the teacher and the presentation: “But guess what? And so? What if it gets harder? makes a familiar game interesting.

Another important factor is time. As soon as the students comprehended the essence, we set a timer. The game shouldn't get boring. All students must clearly know the phrase “One more time, please!” (Again please!)

Thus, in early learning to read, the following factors are most important:
1) Removal of fears and barriers. Reading is easy.

6 part. Just a little more than the basics (1 p., 2 p.)

Do children want to learn a foreign language?

lived and was
He walked the streets
Smoking cigarettes,
spoke Turkish,
Crocodile, Crocodile Krokodilovich.

K.I. Chukovsky, "Crocodile"

Maybe it's strange, but I still remember how and when I wrote the first English word. I remember where it was, in which room, what happened that day before and what happened after, to whom I showed it, and what they told me in response. I was eight years old, it was the word “a ball”, and although I copied it from the textbook, it was so obvious, it was so clear to me why it was written that way and what the word itself and each letter meant, that there was a complete feeling that I myself write in English.

On this childish feeling of a miracle and something strange, which seemed inaccessible, I am building the teaching of reading to kids. Gifts are often literally squeals of delight. If classes are held at my home, where my little students are allowed a loud expression of feelings that have fallen on them, they sometimes look into the office to find out if everything is in order and if the child who just screamed heart-rendingly is still alive. Honestly, it happens.

The ability to independently write a word in a foreign language in children invariably causes delight and surprise. I can compare it to the delight of being able to swim or just doing different things in the water, when a child every minute shouts to an adult: “Look!”. No less surprising, even some distrust, is the ability to read foreign words. Believe me, just for the sake of watching such scenes, it is worth being patient and teaching the baby this science on your own.

Children different ages passionate about a foreign language. I think everyone is well aware of children's attempts to create "encrypted", "mine" language. For example, in our city, such a variant of it is popular: “kuyakuhokudikulakukbakubukukuku”, or: “yakuhokudikulacukbakubukukukuku”. Many children are fluent in it, express themselves quickly and understand each other without interference. They sit in a minibus, chatting about their own in this language, and none of the adults can understand anything.

No less famous are attempts to create a hitherto non-existent language. The authors of the cartoon "A Kitten Named Woof" created a whole series about how a kitten and a puppy come up with their own secret non-existent language, which they themselves do not understand.

Many children just pretend to talk to each other in a foreign language, trying to imitate its phonetics and melody, and get great pleasure from it.

Almost all children are very happy when they start learning a foreign language. They feel this unique magic and charm. The child, by its childish nature, is drawn to a foreign language, you can safely start classes.

Plans are ideal and plans are real

Quite often one hears how parents of kids talk about how good it would be if their child mastered a foreign language from early childhood, and even better than one. The first in a number of desired foreign languages, as a rule, is English. “You need to speak English with a child from childhood!” “We will find him friends who speak English, he will play with them, and English will be like his own!” “We will hire a tutor, and the child will communicate with him in English from the age of two!” These are really brilliant solutions: the language environment or its imitation is the most reliable path to the language, and those children are lucky whose parents, in the midst of daily fuss, managed to at least to some extent realize their plans for foreign language in life. It's not that polyglots or bilinguals necessarily grow out of these children, it's just that for them the knowledge of a foreign language at a certain level is as obvious as the ability to read and write. The disadvantage of these plans for " English language from the age of two” only in the fact that, unfortunately, they very often remain unrealized or not realized quite the way their parents saw it.

At some point, many parents come to the conclusion that it would be nice to just work a little with the child in English: to prepare him for a school where language requirements are high, or, conversely, to compensate for what the school lacks. Parents at some level they know the language and can give a lot to the child, but they do not know how to approach these studies, where to start and where to go. We are no longer talking about fluency in the language, parents just want to introduce the child to the basics.

This series of articles is not about possible ideal ways of teaching children a foreign language. It is addressed to those parents who would like to study a foreign language with their child in order to teach him the basics, pursuing modest but real goals. In the eyes of many parents, teaching a child the basics of a language means teaching him to read in a language. In this series of articles, I will try to tell you what algorithm of actions I usually follow when teaching children of six to nine years old to read in English and, accordingly, what advice I usually give to parents who want to teach their children to read a little in English on their own.

It seems to me right to first say that what is better not start off and why, for some reason, very often they begin teaching reading, and even learning the language in general.

In many "non-linguistic" schools where English is an elective or optional subject in elementary school, children in the first year are taught primarily the English alphabet, and along the way, and a certain number of words and a few phrases. Children go through the entire alphabet letter by letter throughout the year, fill in the prescriptions, perform various exercises, without starting to read and write. Reading and writing is conceived as a distant goal.

In my experience, very often the whole year seems to pass through your fingers: the letters are confused, the children forget the name of the letter almost immediately after they “passed” it, they do not know how this letter is read, and they cannot read familiar words. In other words, this year, devoted to the study of the alphabet, brings a minimum of real fruit, and children still cannot begin to read and write on their own. For children, English turns into best case, into abstraction.

Most of the children from those classes whose teacher goes along this path cool off to the language. They firmly store several words in their memory and can say with certainty that this or that letter from the English alphabet, they can accurately write letters, but they cannot say “which one is which” exactly.

Many parents are on the same path. Classes with a child in a language are often based on learning to write letters of the English alphabet calligraphically. This is a lot. But often after this stage, parents try to reap the rewards: point to the letter and ask what it's called, and also start learning to read.

And here a snag awaits many. It often turns out that the child does not remember letter names, "pairs" for "large" and "small" letters, and even more so does not represent how the letters are read. By this time, the child is already in order. exhausted by all these unclear why the existing icons. He does not understand what all this is for, if he cannot read English, and new stage learning to read is difficult to start precisely because your student is somehow skeptical about this. The magic of a foreign language is destroyed. More often, however, parents stop in the middle of the alphabet. Somehow it turns out that either classes stop, or parents find another “move”.

This way can be very effective if you know all the subtleties and obstacles, but I usually talk about it as a path that is just better not to start from - if only because it long and can tire the child with the expectation of obvious results.

The interest of a child is a fragile and fickle thing. I think they're better off not taking the risk. How much better it is when a child does not write letter by letter in a long wait for the moment when he can read, but from time to time comes to tenderness from what he managed. It is so important for them to be able to do something.

We start learning any foreign language from the alphabet. First, we get acquainted with the letters and their sounds, then we gradually try to pronounce these letters in a complex, smoothly moving on to the rules for reading these combinations. Full reading is our goal. The written design of words offers us a visual support for the material being studied. And having conquered this type of activity, we understand that now all facets of the language are available to us, because with the help of reading we extract any necessary information from the text. And with this information, we can learn whatever we want.

Reading in any language, not only foreign, but also native, develops our thinking, because we remember on a subconscious level how people communicate or behave in certain situations. Doors to any areas of knowledge are open to us. We are able to learn everything about what interests us. And a sufficiently high level of literacy among reading people is everything known fact! Reading in English helps to practically master the language, contributes to the study of the culture of this language, helps our self-education. Just imagine! Works of foreign authors become available to you. You are aware of all the news in English that have not yet been translated. You get acquainted with any knowledge that would have remained unknown to you if it were not for the opportunity to read about them. An analysis of the educational activity of schoolchildren indicates that if students do not have well-developed reading skills, they poorly use the mastered language material in a communication situation.

How to start learning to read in English?

Basic reading rules for children

Teaching children to read in English should begin in two stages.

First: learning english alphabet, and it is possible and not in alphabetical order, but starting with the letters used in words that the child has already learned and learned to pronounce well. For example, the words:

table, dog, cat, apple, water, tiger, lion, car, house, etc.

It is very important to start learning with understandable and familiar words: knowing the pronunciation and seeing the word itself, the brain learns to draw analogies, and the child's brain works intuitively and twice as fast as an adult.

How to teach the English alphabet

Learning the alphabet is easier to conduct on a card, which additionally provides a transcription of the sound of each letter.

How to remember the alphabet:

  1. We learn a few letters a day and use them in words.
  2. We note that the phonetic sound of a letter in the alphabet and a word can be completely different.
  3. We consolidate the learned letters with fun lessons.

Children learning the rules of English phonetics

The second stage begins at the very beginning of learning to read and runs parallel to it all the way. Children will learn the following rules:

  • the same letters and letter combinations in words can be pronounced differently;
  • some letters are written but not read;
  • one letter can be read by two sounds, and vice versa: in a letter combination there can be 2-3 letters read by one sound.

All this is called phonetics, and in order to learn it, you need to know the rules of transcription and know:

  • What's happened long vowels sounds:
    those are the ones that are pronounced long.
  • What's happened short vowels sounds:
    are pronounced briefly, sometimes their sound corresponds to the Russian sound, and sometimes to a special, so-called neutral, intermediate between two adjacent (-o and -a, -a and -e) sounds.

  • What's happened diphthongs and triphthongs:
    These are sounds consisting of two or three elements.
  • What's happened voiced and voiceless consonants:
    English voiced sounds are more energetic than Russian ones and are not deafened at the end.

Reinforcing techniques for teaching reading

To explain the phonetic rules, it is desirable to have cards with the transcription of sounds in these categories.
Demonstrating the card, we memorize the rules for pronunciation of each sound, in accordance with Russian sounds. If there is no Russian analogue, then the pronunciation of the sound is signed in detail, indicating the location of the language or finding a similar sound.

For example, such a rule for pronouncing the sound [θ]:

When pronouncing the sound [θ], you need to position your tongue, as if you are going to pronounce the sound “s”, only place its tip between the teeth.

Or the following rule for pronouncing the sound [ə]:

The sound [ə] is pronounced as the middle between -o and -a, or unstressed -o and -a in the words “water” and “room”.

In the process of teaching phonetics, we fix the rules of reading on examples of words.

Learning to read in English means mastering this type of activity from the very beginning. A good basis for productive reading is an excellent knowledge of all letters with sounds, combinations of these sounds in various combinations. To master this material, it is necessary to carefully explain or analyze the rules of reading. It is very convenient when they are divided into categories and shown in the form of a table with the pronunciation of a particular sound and its variations. Learning to read actually begins with the second lesson, when children get acquainted with four letters at once in blocks. For the assimilation of each block I take three lessons. At the first lesson of the block, using a presentation and colorful pictures, students get acquainted with the letters, recognize their sound counterpart, and remember.

From the first lesson, a game fairy-tale situation is introduced: a magical city of letters Amagictownofletters . As you get to know the alphabet, letters are attached to a sheet of drawing paper, populating their houses. Each letter has its own clothes - sound, and some have several clothes in their wardrobe. For better memorization, I have come up with small fairy tale stories that help children learn the sounds of such English letters as: C, G, Q, A, I, E, etc.

For example: The letter E is often offended, and when her letter friends put in the last place in a word, she is offended and silent. Or this example: The letters C and G have two pairs of clothes in their wardrobe. They put on the most elegant clothes (sound analogues to the name of these letters in the alphabet) only when meeting with the letters E, I, Y. When meeting with the rest of the letters, they put on dresses - the sounds [k] and. The children themselves gave them nicknames - liar letters" .

Learning to read in English is impossible without the accumulation of vocabulary in the passive vocabulary. Of course, the more words we know, the clearer we read and the more competently we pronounce the presented sentences. Of course, it is worth starting to read immediately after mastering the alphabet, but you should not forget about memorizing new words. The use of game situations and ICT increases the motivation of students in learning a foreign language, attracts with colorfulness and novelty and creates a comfortable learning environment. Computer Tutorial“Professor Higgins. English without an accent” in the absence of a language laboratory helps to work out pronunciation. Often students themselves offer fabulous situations for memorizing reading, for example, diphthongs. Two years ago, a student suggested such a fabulous situation for learning to read the diphthong ou : O and U often go for walks in the forest and constantly lose their way home. They call for help, which corresponds to the Russian AU! When children come up with their own associations for memorization, this gives a 100% result in the acquisition of reading skills.

At this stage, tasks using a computer also help to master the principles of reading: “Take the words home” (the student must rank the words according to the type of syllables), “Remove the extra word” (or “Find the saboteur” students find a word that does not correspond to this type of syllable), “ Collect the cubes” (or “Build a house”, where students build a house from bricks - words that are the same according to the principle of reading), etc. Such a system of building lessons is one of the most effective means of teaching reading. The game has such a feature as versatility: the use of game techniques can be adapted to different goals and objectives. Game techniques perform many functions in the process of child development, facilitate studying proccess help to understand new material and unobtrusively develop the necessary competencies. A active use in the lessons of computer technology, they help to increase the organizational and educational and methodological work of the teacher, intensify learning, actively teach - the student himself achieves new knowledge, increases student motivation, individualizes and differentiates learning, and creates a comfortable learning environment. By the way, in the process, knowledge that relates to word formation in English and its methods will be very useful. If you become familiar with suffixing and prefixing, conversion and compounding, it will be much easier for you to recognize unfamiliar words. Knowing the meaning of this word in any part of speech, you can easily understand the meaning of words derived from it. For example: polite - polite, impolite - impolite, politeness - politeness.

At first, learning to read in English should take place only with a visual demonstration. correct option this process. In other words, it is necessary, if possible, to listen to an audio recording of the proposed text created by a native speaker. It is necessary to pay attention to pronunciation, intonation, pauses, rhythm of speech. You can listen to this passage several times if you wish. As an option, competent reading of the text by the teacher as an example is suitable. If this is a lesson, you can listen to the whole class and determine who is better at the task at hand. And, of course, in the process of teaching reading, it is necessary to listen to each student in order to control his ability to this type of activity.

Learning to read in English also involves understanding what the text is about. To broaden your horizons, it is recommended to read texts of different genres and directions. In this case, the lexical material will also receive its worthy improvement. It depends on how deeply and in detail the material is understood, whether the person who reads it can use it in other areas of his life. To assess the degree of assimilation of the read, you can try to choose a title for the text of several words, but well reflecting the meaning of what was read.

Even if you learn English via Skype or study with a tutor in person, learning to read in English is impossible without independent work. Read as often as time permits. You can take any literature, as long as it is to your liking. First, you have to constantly rummage in the dictionary in search of an unfamiliar word. But, over time, you will learn to capture the main meaning of the text without translating individual words. And sometimes it is not required. At any stage of learning, reading should be interesting and understandable for the child, as well as pursue the goal of developing basic reading skills: decoding written language, highlighting the general meaning of the text, finding the requested information, drawing conclusions about the hidden context of the text and understanding the intentions of the author.

The very process of learning to read in English is quite complicated and requires not only knowledge, but desire and perseverance. It is not possible to achieve the desired result in one way, grab another. Just don't quit doing it halfway through.






    E.I. Passov, N.E. Kuzovlev. Foreign language lesson. - M.: Glossa-Press, Rostov-on-Don: "Phoenix"; 2010 p.640.

    Cameron L. Teaching Languages ​​to Young Learners. -M.: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2001.


Reading is independent view speech activity associated with the perception and understanding of information encoded by graphic signs.

At the initial stage of education, students must master the letters of the English alphabet, learn the sound-letter correspondences, be able to read aloud and to themselves words, word combinations, individual phrases and short connected texts.

The ability to read is based on certain skills that must be formed by the teacher in the process of working in the classroom and at home. And the first of these skills is “the correlation of the visual image of a speech unit with its auditory-speech-motor image”. The sum of these skills is the reading technique.

In order to correctly plan reading lessons, you need to know two things: firstly, what does it mean to be able to read, and secondly, by what means can this skill be developed.

Being able to read is, first of all, mastering the technique of reading, that is, instantly recognizing visual images of speech units and voicing them in internal or external speech. Any speech unit is an operational unit of perception. Such a unit can be a word, or even a syllable (with bad technique reading), or a phrase of two or more words (syntagma) and even a whole complex phrase (and in case of speed reading - a paragraph), the larger the operational unit of perception, the better technique reading, and the better the reading technique, the higher the level of understanding of the text.

Passov E.I. identifies several methods for teaching reading technique in present stage development of methods of teaching foreign languages: alphabetical (learning the names of letters, and then their combinations of two or three letters), sound (learning sounds with their subsequent combination into words), syllabic (learning combinations of syllables), whole word method (learning by heart whole words, sometimes phrases and even sentences is a direct method), sound analytic-synthetic method , phonemic-graphic method . Consider the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.

alphabetical method implies the study of reading individual letters and their combinations without taking into account the fact that words consist of syllables and the reading of letter combinations depends on which syllable it is in. In addition, it is very difficult for elementary school students to memorize huge number rules without their specific application in reading.

Sound method training They start by learning the sounds of a foreign language and then putting them into words. Unfortunately, this method is not applicable to English, where the same sound can be represented by different graphemes.

Methods of whole words, phrases, sentences- these are echoes of the direct method, students learn words without "boring spelling", they immediately understand the meaning of the word and have the opportunity to analyze various texts from the first lessons. True, reading aloud in this case turns into guessing the correct reading of the word. Students do not understand the mechanism of composing words, make a lot of mistakes when reading and can only read familiar words.

Sound analytic-synthetic method is the most attractive against the background of all of the above. In this case, the teacher not only teaches children to pronounce sounds correctly, shows articulation, but also teaches them to analyze these words, reinforcing this process with the most common reading rules in such a way that the student, faced with an unfamiliar word, can guess for himself, based on his knowledge, how it is read.

It is advisable to dwell on the most used methods of teaching reading technique.

V modern methods in parallel also allocate verbal advance method when students first learn the basic colloquial phrases of a foreign language and only then move on to learning the rules for reading and writing letters and letter combinations. That does not interfere with the use of all the methods listed above.

In accordance with the proposed methodology, reading aloud is taught on an oral basis and is carried out using the following exercises:

Acquaintance with the letters of the alphabet and their voicing;
- reading individual words by keywords;

Reading grammatical structures with different lexical design;
- reading various structures organized in a logical sequence, etc.

This technique provides for several more points of exercises, but we are interested in the very first ones. During the first quarter, only the study of the rules for pronunciation of sounds is provided after the teacher, or after the announcer. Students learn the correct articulation of a particular sound, perform gymnastics for the tongue and lips, which subsequently helps them cope with the pronunciation of difficult sounds of the English language. The study takes place in several stages, first the students listen to the sounds, then repeat them after the teacher, then repeat after the teacher the words, the meanings of which the teacher does not translate. Whenever possible, expressions are used in the lessons that allow you to consolidate the sounds you have passed - these are commands, teacher requests, appropriate vocabulary and grammar. The study of the letters of the English alphabet and the rules for reading and writing them begins only at the end of the first quarter and continues during the second and third quarters. Students begin to get acquainted with vowels and the rules for reading them in open and closed syllables, learning is carried out using keywords. A card with a keyword is placed on the board, where the letter that is being studied is highlighted in red, and the unpronounceable e, if any, is blue. The teacher explains the reading of this word, reads it, the students read after him, after which, by analogy, they read words that are read in the same way (for example, plate, name, table, place, etc.). At the same time, words should be chosen in such a way that they are known to all students by this moment. Next, students read special exercises from the textbook. Learning to read vowels is carried out taking into account four various types syllables.

Stages of work on the formation of reading technique

Stage one. Oral introductory phonetic course. Development and consolidation of auditory-speech-motor skills when pronouncing individual phonemes in conjunction with transcription signs. Practicing speaking skills.

Stage two. Names of letters and their graphic images. The first skills of writing in semi-print type. English alphabet. The first experience with the textbook dictionary. Number of lessons 3-4.

Stage three. Acquaintance with the rules of reading in conjunction with the graphic image of the words studied in the oral introductory course. Development and consolidation of reading skills in the textbook of speech units (words and dialogues), the meaning and pronunciation of which are known to students.

Stage four. Consolidation of reading skills on speech units, dialogues and texts that were not included in the oral introductory course. Introduction of new, retraining of known rules of reading.

The method of teaching reading at the initial stage offers the following exercises:

Writing letters, letter combinations, words according to the model;
- finding pairs of letters (lowercase and capital);
- entering the missing ones; missing letters;
- writing off - recording - reading words in accordance with a certain sign (in alphabetical order, in the original form of the word, filling in the missing letters in the word, etc.);
- construction of words from disparate letters;
- search (reading, writing out, underlining) in the text of familiar, unfamiliar, international and other words (in different speed modes);
- reading text with missing letters / signing words under pictures, matching drawings and written words, team games to identify the best readers, etc.

Learning to read in English aloud

from the experience of an English teacher

CHOU secondary school No. 48 "JSC Russian Railways" Afonina Olga Viktorovna

At the initial stage the main form of reading is reading aloud, as for reading to oneself, here its foundations are only laid. At the middle stage both forms are presented in the same volume, on senior the main form of reading is reading to oneself, but reading aloud also takes place, it should take up a small volume compared to reading to oneself, but is carried out in each lesson on one or two paragraphs of text.

When teaching to read aloud at the initial stage, one can conditionally distinguish pretext and text periods. Teaching the reading technique in the pre-text period should be carried out on well-known lexical material already learned in oral speech. And this is achieved as a result of an oral introductory course, oral anticipation. The essence of oral advance is that students start reading when they have worked out the articulation of sounds, syllables, words, and even small phrases.

  • do not put emphasis on the official word;
  • do not pause between the article and the next word, between the preposition and the word related to it.

Find my name"(letters and transcription icons are written on the board in advance, children must combine the letter with the transcription and read the transcription)

The game "Find a Pair": The student must find a pair of letters - capital and small.

"Neighbour Letters"

The children take turns playing. I name any letter. The student names the letter in the alphabet before the named one, and the letter after the named one.

The one who completed the task names the letter for his friend. The game continues along the chain.

"Short Alphabet"

Any letter is named. The student pronounces the alphabet, starting with the named letter.

"Consonant" alphabet

Students in chorus or in turn pronounce the English alphabet, without naming vowels, replacing them with clapping their hands.

Lesson - competition

The ABC party”, where I offer tasks to test knowledge of letters, sounds, alphabet. At the end of the competition, students receive certificates.

"Come up with an offer"

Students receive cards with mastered words. Everyone has to make sentences with "their" word.

"Who will continue?"

On the cards that are distributed to the students, unfinished sentences are written, which the children must continue.

Reading words in a chain on cards (the teacher holds the cards. At the end of the chain, one of the students is invited to read 7-8 words in a row)

"Couple card"- work with mutual check on the card. The first student reads the words, and the second one checks the transcription. The first trains reading words, and the second - reading transcription.

Reading "ladder" takes place in the form of a competition: who will read better and faster.

his big pink pig

His big pink pig sits still.


The goal of this game, which takes place in the form of a competition, is to teach how to form words. It allows you to engage in active learning activities the whole class.

1. Divide the class into pairs.

2. Distribute envelopes with letters.

3. Ask the children to make up as many words as possible on a certain topic, for example, "Animals". Limit time (5 minutes).

4. Then ask each pair to spell the words in turn.

5. If other pairs have the same words, then they turn over the cards with letters in order not to read this word again.

You can offer the children the following tasks:

Pupils from a number of words choose those that are not read according to the rule ( lake, plane, have, Mike, give, nine);

Students read words in pairs that they often confuse ( cold-could, form-from, come-some);

Students must name the letters that distinguish these words from each other ( though- thought, hear- near, since- science, country- county);

Students take turns reading the words written in a column, where the first word is the key;

From a number of words, students choose those words that have graphemes. oo, ow, ea, th etc.

With the advent of simple but related texts, text period. The task of the text period of reading aloud is to lead students to the simultaneous perception and understanding of the text. In its implementation, the following modes are used, which together make up the subsystem of learning to read aloud.

1 mode: Read aloud based on a reference.

2 mode: Reading aloud without a standard, but with preparation in time.

3 mode: Reading without standard and preliminary preparation.

  • The teacher should always monitor pronunciation and work on how sounds are pronounced.
  • Make sense of the text. Ask the student about the characters in the story. It is very important how the reader "gives" it. When reading aloud, we must convey the mood of the characters in the text. In subsequent classes, expressive reading in elementary school can be made more interesting for children. For example, invite the children to read the text as their favorite cartoon character would do it. Don't forget to praise the student.

  • Highlighting key words in the text that should be emphasized while reading can be difficult to junior schoolchildren. To help them in this, the text needs to be parsed by sentence, in each phrase highlighting the main words in meaning.
  • The best test of expressive reading is a small class theater performance. The teacher chooses an interesting play or poem that the children can read by roles. Connect all students to this game, let them try different roles. The result of the performance will be the consolidation of reading skills and a lot of fun.

  • As for me, I always read aloud with my students at all stages of learning. It's just that the tasks at different stages are different.
  • I work with high school students in the following way:
  • 1) I select the text with voice acting on CD
  • 2) I listened to the sentence-pause-read, imitating the speaker's pronunciation.
  • 3) I listened to the sentence-pause-repeated after the announcer without relying on the printed text.