Bruner: landing, care and cultivation in the open soil, photo. Brunner Larner and Siberian: varieties, landing and care Bruner flowers landing and care

Bruunner largest is a perennial herbate plant 45-50 cm high with branched stems, large solid high-shaped leaves on long stuffs and blue, similar to the forget-me-not flowers with a diameter of 5-10 mm, assembled into shovels or blurred inflorescences, because of which in the people it is called an impetus. Bruunner blooms from April for a month, but can be repeated in autumn. However, unlike forget-me-not, Bruunner flower inside is not a yellow spot, but white. Fruit Brunner - nut. Brunner forms beautiful thickets, it is unpretentious, very attractive and winter-hardy, but does not like heat and droughts. In one place the plant can grow up to 15 years.

Choosing a place for landing Bruunners Large

how decorative plant, Brunner large-sized falls on the flower beds, along the tracks, in one word where you want to decorate the plot. When choosing a place, pay attention to the variety and recommendations on the lighting mode. Some varieties can grow equally well in the sun, and in the shade, half-day is recommended for others, and the third and at all you need to look for a place in the shade. In a sunny place, the plant is best feels near the reservoir.

Shadowed varieties can be planted along the fence or at the wall at home, where the sun looks rarely. Near the house she will fit the place where the flow of rainwater is arranged. The best place for landing Brunner will be where in the morning sunny, and then stands the shadow. Then she will retain the beauty of their leaves throughout the season.

Landing brunner large-scale

Most optimal time For the landing of Brunners in open ground - the period from July to the beginning of August. Brunner does not require some kind of certain soil for its landing, but still better if the ground is wet drum and heavy.

Brunneru is strictly forbidden to plant in spring, because during this period it is extremely subject to various diseases and pests. But if you still decide to plant to Brunneur in the spring, then it is better to do it together with a room of land in which she grew to transplant. Plant Bunneur better on a cloudy day or any other, but in the evening.

When falling out a flower, it should be divided - it is rejuvenated by the plant. After flowering, the ground part of the Brunner is cut off, and the roots dig up. It is necessary to rinse the roots well and remove the fallen, and old parts. Next cut the main root into parts. Dellets must have kidney of future sprouts.

In advance, prepared wells lay the cut parts of the root (decene) and bury them. It is very important not to forget to hardly pour areas with buried roots. The soil can be meditated so that young pigs do not have lack of moisture and overheating.

Landing is as follows:

  • The above-ground part is cut, leaving 10-12 cm.
  • Return and washed in high water tank.
  • Defective roots sections are removed.
  • A sharp knife is carefully separated by rhizome (easier through the line of natural collapse of the bush) so that on each part it was at least one kidney.
  • Dellets are seeded in the shredded wells and the ground is cheated, so as not to fall asleep the root neck.

How to care for Brunner Large in Open Ground

Very love the flower all kinds of weeds. They grow rapidly among bushes, enjoying the shadow and cool. Care is complicated by constant weeding, as weed plants are taken from the ground the minerals needed for the growth of brunner large-scale. Experienced gardeners immediately after landing is carried out by mulching the soil. To do this, you can use any material: needles of coniferous rocks, hay, straw, leaves, riding or lower peat. The number of weeds after mulching is significantly reduced. Tip! For proper care Weeding and loosening are made with great care. Root system The flower almost lies on the surface of the soil. It is impossible to use too sharp objects, as well as to plunge them more than 2-3 cm.

Brunner will grow very quickly and can act adjacent plants. When landing and further care needs to have this in mind, leaving free space on the flowerbed. For the prevention of the occurrence of fungal infections, constant thinning of grassy bushes is necessary. Timely removal of dried stems and inflorescences will also prevent the development of various putrefactive processes. If the soil meets all the requirements of the flower, the care does not imply fertilizer. Only landing Brunners on depleted or scanty soils may require additional feeding. It is best to use complex fertilizers, the concentration of the solution of which should be two times less from the prescribed. Feed the flower a couple of times for all summer. The excessive saturation of the soil with mineral salts will immediately affect the state of the leaves - ugly rusty stains come on.

Watering Brunners large-scale

Planned under the scattered trees, Brunner does not need constant watering, it is produced only a few times per season. Since the flower does not require a transplant for more than 10 years, the choice of a shady site will reduce the care of the brunner large to a minimum. The direct sun rays quickly evaporate the moisture of herbaceous plant, so it is necessary to water it abundantly and often. Watering, in the absence of natural precipitation, must be regular and abundant. Mulch will help longer save moisture around the plant. Unlike most colors, the Brunner does not require certain hours of taking water procedures. Even during the day, the wide leaves will protect the moistened soil from cracking.

Bruntner Care Large Winter

Landing and care for Brunner in open soil Do not assume any difficulties, there will be no problems and when preparing a plant to wintering. Brunner largest is one of those perennials, which is characterized by high coolness, so it is well tolerating frost to - 30 degrees Celsius. The leaves of Brunner for the winter do not die themselves, so the above-ground shoots are cut off (leaving 10-15 cm of hemp), and the soil is mulched by peat foliage or compost. In additional shelter, the perennial does not need. If you wish, you can transplant it for the winter in a tub or vase. With the arrival of frosts, it is transferred to the room. In such conditions, it can bloom in December.

The perennial Brunner with a height of about half a meter attracts the attention of large leaves and skill-blue inflorescences similar to the forget-me-not. From the last it is distinguished big size, no smell, white spot Flower center. Therefore, people have long come up with her name - inside. From early spring, she is already in all the brilliance of his magnificence. Sinegylase flowers are blooming behind frost-silver leaves. The Latin name received in honor of the traveler and botany Samuel Bruunner from Switzerland.

Necessacre is known from ancient times - is a relict plant. In decorative gardening, used for borders and group landings. Serves an excellent background for smaller plants. Unusually revives large far-plan plants. It forms beautiful thickets, unpretentious, attractive, withstands harsh winters without visible damage. Curtains Brunners are decorative for the entire season.

Description Brunner or Nebob

Brunner (Brunnera) - a herbaceous perennial height of 45-55 cm belongs to, the birthplace of which are the Tainic forests, the banks of the rivers and streams of Siberia and Malaya Asia. Rhizome thick, long with several branched stems. Flooded large heart-shaped leaves are sitting on long stiffs. Flowers are collected in blurred inflorescences. The fruit is a dry nut, which during ripening decays into several parts. Small, few ripen towards the end of summer.

Landing and care

Brunner in vivo grows in forest arrays, so the shady places are perfectly tolerated. Sunlight getting permissible only on a short time, open Sun. Causes the oppression and death of the plant. You can place the Brunneur in an open location near the reservoir. In the hot regions, a constant shadow is preferable. Openwork half fruit treesperfect option To accommodate Brunner.

  • The soil for planting Brunner Siberian should be clay, heavy, moist.
  • Brunner Large prefers more loose, fertile soil. In one place, both types can grow without transplanting more than 15 years and longer.
  • Prefers feeding organic fertilizers. For this prepare the infusion of a cowboy - they are feeding once a month.
  • It is possible to climb the landings in the fall so that the roots are sufficiently nutrients in the spring with the melting of snow.

The rhizomes of the plants are intertwined in wet soil and do not allow the germination of other plants among themselves. Therefore, the weeding is necessary only during transplantation and reproduction, until young copies have gained power.
The roots of Brunners are located almost on the surface, so the loosening is not carried out to not damage them. It should be closed by landing by humus so that the moisture remains longer in the soil.

Possible to distill Brunner

  • To do this, carefully dig up rhizome with a lump of land, pass it into big Vase from drainage holesFilled with nutrient substrate.
  • Before the onset of cold weather, you can leave a plant outdoors so that it has been adapted faster.
  • Then he is tolerated into the cool room. The land is maintained in a wet state, not allowing overflow.
  • With good illumination of Brunner, it is quickly touched into growth - to accelerate flowering it can be added to a warmer room.
  • Floral arrows will appear by mid-December. Having experimented with the temperature of the content, you can achieve blossoms to New Year or other holidays.

It is great for mixboraders, borders as a plants of the second plan. Brunner is self-sufficient in single landings on lawns, flower beds, borders.

Brounner reproduction

Brunneur spread up after it completely blends. Roots are cleaned from the ground and divided into parts. Every new plant should be good developed root With renewal kidney. Hands stretch the rhizome in different sides, carefully helping yourself a sharp knife. All patients and damaged roots should be trimmed, cutting into the activated carbon or ash and dry in air.

  • The soil for planting is prepared in advance - each well is filled with humus, a handful of universal fertilizer is added.
  • Everyone is thoroughly mixed with the ground, put the decene into the hole and spread the roots around the circle.
  • Fall asleep with soil and spill well with water.
  • The renewal kidney after landing should be shallow from the soil surface.
  • The land around the plant should be carefully sealing and sprinkled with mulch to prevent the evaporation of moisture.

How to sow Brunneur seeds when to plant

Seeds sow in the fall in the fall for the passage of natural stratification. They are decomposed into the grooves at a distance of about 10 cm, spilled water, fall asleep with the soil, mulched with a compost or humus. In the spring plants will not appear simultaneously - some are only the next year. They are left on the garden until autumn, periodically feeding and watering.

At the beginning of the autumn, the hands can be transferred to a permanent place. First time should be carefully gone and often watered new landings. Plants that have grown out of seeds do not always repeat parental qualities, such as spelling. They will bloom only for 4 years of life.

Growing seedlings

  • You can try to grow brunner seedlings - for this it is sowing it in a plate or containers with a dense soil and placed in a refrigerator or under the snow for stratification for 4 months.
  • At the end of winter, the wrestle is exhibited on the windowsill.
  • Sprouts will appear in two weeks, but not all at the same time.
  • With a rarefied sowing, you can not dive them, but slightly pour the soil into the container with seedlings.
  • Next, they are grown as ordinary seedlings, feeding twice a month with liquid complex fertilizer.
  • Such plants will be ready for landing on the bed with the onset of warm days. They transferred painless transplant.

Vegetative reproduction (shilling, dividing bush) is most acceptable due to simplicity, availability, ease. It also always retains the original maternal qualities. Seed use if there is no possibility to purchase landing material. Such a reproduction is beneficial even if you purchased a package with a mixture of different Brunner, you can simultaneously get a lot various varieties and paintings.

Diseases and pests

  • From the pests, the danger is the tribes and whiteflies.
  • This can be avoided, irrigated landing with tar water. For which 5 drops of tar are thoroughly stirred in 10 liters of water and water the plants from the watering can be watered. Insects do not tolerate the smell of birch tar, avoid such landings.
  • With the mass appearance of pests it is worth treating insecticide.

When rewarded on the leaves, brown spot appears. And varietal plants are amazed muced dew. To avoid this, you can remove part of the leaves if the landing is strongly thickened, which will serve as an additional ventilation. When infected, apply the corresponding fungicide.

There is an amazing feature in Brunner - for some reason, its rhizomes attract mice. They approach the roots of the plant and die from their poisonous composition. Therefore, in areas where many Bruunners grow, there are practically no mice.

Necessacre in Landscape Design

Brunner is suitable for shady, wet areas. It quickly expands and does not require physical, no financial costs. At one time in the courtyards of many institutions, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, brunners could be found over the northern side of buildings, in shady places of sites, where other plants would simply not survive in these conditions.

Brunner B. landscape design Garden photo with other plants Brunnera 'Hadspen Cream' with Hosta, Ferns, Astilbe, Athyrium Nipponicum Var Pictum

And Brunner grows, with pleasure filling free space. She coped perfectly with the task of landscaping of unsightly places in the territory and did not require any care, scattered naturally in the most suitable place.

Such landings look neatly and beautiful, do not require any attention and care.
Wherever the Brunners was not planted, they look exquisite everywhere and attractive. The shady garden with Brunners surrounded by the host, ferns, dolphiniums acquires a highlight, special uniqueness and charm.

Types and varieties of Brunners with photos and descriptions

Brunner Macrofila or Large Brunnera Macrophylla

It comes from the Caucasus is a bush growing up to 40 cm. In Germany, it is called Caucasian forget-me for the origin. Large leaves Heart-shaped are sometimes covered with white spots, pointed to an end. Dark blue flowers with white cores are collected by pancakes, blooming in May, blooming about a month.

Autumn is possible second at favorable weather conditions and good care. New leaves appear throughout the season - it does not lose its decorativeness all the growing season. This species is most decorative of all others - became the basis for the work of breeders. As a result, many new varieties appeared. The plant does not lose its presentable species, attracts glances throughout the season.

Brunner Macrofil Millennium Zilbert Photo

Millennium Zilbert variety has a silver-white flare on large emerald leaves.

Brunner Large Jack Frost Landing and Care BRUNNERA MACROPHYLLA 'JACK FROST' Photo

Sort Jack Frost with almost white leaves and green stripes along the edge, with small green strokes across the entire sheet plate.

Variety Variam - along the edges of this species passes the curve line of cream color. Some varieties have green leaves with white dots. When the plant is located on sunny places, the leaves look almost white.

Peppercut Brunner Hudspan Crim Hadspen Cream Photo Landing and Care

Betty Bauring - with emerald green leaves and snow-white bouquets of colors.

Brunner Macrofila Luking Glass Brunnera Macrophylla 'Looking Glass Photo Landing and Care

Langitz - huge dark green leaves with silver vertical strokes over the entire surface of the sheet.

Brunner Alexander Gret or Greatness Alexander Brunnera Macrophylla Alexander's Great Photo

Brunner Siberian Brunnera Sibirica

Right with Altai, Western and Eastern Siberia. It dwells in wet forests and the most shaded from all kinds. It is significantly higher and larger than its relatives. It does not form bushes, represents the leaves. Quickly grow up, forming beautiful curtains. From a strong, quickly growing rhizomes, a lot of processes depart that ended with stems with wrinkled malachite leaves.

Collected loose blizzard. They rise above the curtains from May to June. With a lack of moisture, they can turn. Leaves after flowering quickly die, covered in front of these brown spots - they should be removed. Since the beginning of August, new, which keep up to frosts appear. Seeds do not affect this species do not have time to mature. Therefore, it is preferable to vegetative reproduction for it.

Bruunner East Brunnera Orientalis

Growing in Turkey, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon. It is the most lowest of all kinds. In decorative gardening is practically not used. It looks like Bunneur largest in miniature. Casting elliptical form about 10 cm long. It can be confused with a real forget-me-not.
The species Brunner is more resistant to adverse weather conditions than the varietary, so it pays a little more attention to maintaining the appearance.

Decorate the garden with a spectacular and unpretentious plant wishes every preservative owner. And Brison comes to the aid, Brison, striking the heart-shaped form of patterned leaves and gentle small flowers similar to forget-me-notes. Its landing in open soil is easy, but care requires compliance with some rules. Select a variety according to the photo in the directory, read the information - and make your site by a paradise!

Beauty Brison: Description

Brunner flower - a family of brown. It is distinguished by a significant increase - 55-60 cm, as well as the pubescence of the cuffs, on which the powerful leaves are in the form of a heart. The adult flower resembles a shrub than a herbaceous plant, so it is used not only as landscaping, flower beds, but also as a green hedge.

Bright feature - gentle blue flowers (7-10 mm in diameter) with a white middle, similar to the forget-me-not flowers. In this - the difference from forget-me-not, which has a yellow flower heart, as well as the second name, fornet.

Despite the popularity of Brunners, the flower has only 3 species (Brine Siberian, the flowers of which are distinguished by saturated blue, Bruner largest, striking with decorativeness, Bruner East, which is not cultivated) and about 30 varieties. Each of them will delight a certain tint and pattern of leaves, a height of the bush, the peculiarities of growing. Select variety:

  • Variagates, which will conquer the emerald greenery of foliage and a snow-white edge. Feature - height of the bush in 35 cm;


  • Silver Hat, striking with silver heart patterns on the leaves. The main advantage is undemanding to the soils and the possibility of growing under the right sunlight without losing decorative properties;

Silver Hat.

  • King Ransy will like the one who loves the mixture of green, silver and cream. Important feature - the height of the bush, which can reach 75 cm;

King Rans

  • Jack Frost, which seems to be covered with an end. Important care rule - spraying;

Jack Frost

  • Luking Glass, which will enjoy the one who adores the lowest varieties. The height of the bush is up to 20 cm, flowers - up to 7 mm in diameter, silver foliage.

Luking Glass

Attention! Choosing a variety, pay attention to the peculiarities of cultivation and do not plan 2 different varieties nearby. It makes it difficult!

Landing Brunners in Open Soil: Important Moses

Deciding to decorate Brunher's own garden, you accepted correct solution. She is so unpretentious that even amazed experienced flowerflower. It is enough just to remember that the flower does not tolerate direct sunlights that cause bores of leaves and loss of decorativeness. therefore the best place - Senten or shadow, location - closer to water. In this case, it will not be necessary to pour a plant once again, and it will delight the amazing color of foliage the whole season!

But if care does not require special labor costs, then the landing of a new bush is the opposite. You should stockday time, patience - and then your garden will decorate not one bush Brunner.

Usually the landing of the new bush is associated with the division of the old, already scorched. Taking into account the fact that Brison is capable of living up to 15 years in one place, it is possible to divide it and multiply every 3rd year. For this you need:

  • crop the uterine bush to a height of 15-20 cm. The time of dividing the bush and landing is the end of July-beginning of August;
  • dig root, rinse well in water;
  • divide into parts. Usually the bush independently disintegrates if not - it is necessary to resort into the help of a knife;
  • to dip the roots of each new bush into the drug, stimulating their growth, land in the wells at a distance of at least 50-70 cm each other;
  • pour.

Attention! Transplanting Brunaru at the beginning of spring, as they come with many other colors is prohibited. This is fraught with a habit of bush and his death.

Flower Care: Basic Rules

Bruner will not require much effort from you, glad healthy external species and powerful bush. Important condition - Proper landing site (shadow or half, elevated humidity). However, in order for the flower to feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary:

Brouna bushes need to regularly spray

  • moisturize young bushes by spraying if moisture is not enough or a hot summer was distinguished. Watering - moderate, 1 time in 10-14 days;
  • feed Brunar with complex mineral fertilizers. She speaks perfectly to feeding, so it will be enough for 3-4 times;
  • mulch the ground around the bush to maintain a constant humidity. Do not forget that the roots of Brunners are located close to the surface of the Earth, so moisture is vital to obtain nutrients.

Bruner - winter-hardy plant, which can withstand frosts up to -30 ° C. This suggests that it is not worth it, but it is possible to climb the roasting zone.

The flower is not inclined to diseases, however, hot and rainy summer, he may be sick with mildew or brown spot. Perfect solution In this case, copper-containing drugs. At the same time, the spraying should be re-conducted after 10-14 days to avoid relapse.

Bruner in the garden, or a story about those who are able to make her company

Perennial Brison is an excellent option for landscaping complex areas of the garden, as well as creating a true miracle near the barbecue area, a swimming pool or arbors. To do this, it is enough to choose interesting plants in the company to Bruner, the neighborhood with which she will be glad.

Bruner combines well with many other plants

Such plants can be:

  • barwin, low-speed Salvia, Ranunculus - on the first line;
  • some of the perennials whose height will not reach 30 cm. An excellent option - tulips, valves and even snowdrops, which are well suited for a well-hearth and wet place;
  • tea or curly roses on the background. Green Brunner and roses will create a single gamut, but the flowers will delight contrast.

Creating a landscape design in a certain style is a delicate and multifaceted matter. But for several years it is possible to create a real natural masterpiece, consisting of annual colors and perennial plants, shrubs and low-spirited trees, even biggeries. Why not?

And already later, enjoying the rest in the garden, you remember that it all started with the Nemployee. The shrub flower, which I liked the shades of foliage and cute flowers.

Landing Brunkers in Open Soil: Video

Such a plant, like Brunner or Brunnera (Brunnera), is directly related to the genus of grassy perennial plants of the bouquet family. This genus combines 3 species. These plants in natural conditions are found in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Caucasus and in Asia Minor. This flower was named after Swiss S. Brunner, who is known as a traveler and botany. Only 2 types of Brunner are cultivated, namely: Siberian and largest. These plants are most often used to create borders and for stable decorative groups in the composition of mixboraders.

Features of Brunner

Bruner is a herbaceous plant being a perennial, a bush in height can reach 45-50 centimeters. On the surface of branched shoots is the omission. Large whole long-barrel sheet plates have a high-shaped shape. Blue small (diameter 0.5-1 centimeter) Flowers are externally similar to forget-me-not, so such a plant in the people is still referred to as unfinished. Such flowers are part of the blurred or palate inflorescences. Blossom starts in April and lasts 4 weeks, it may be repeated blossom in autumn time. The flower of this plant from forget-me-notes is distinguished by the fact that the stain located in it inside is painted not in yellow, but in white. The fruit is a nut. Such an undemanding plant in caring, raging, forms spectacular thickets. It is winter-resistant, but it feels bad in a dry hot period. Without transplanting in the same place, Brunar can be grown about 15 years.

Landing Brunner

Such a plant in natural conditions prefers to grow in the forest, in connection with this it is the trend and moisture. When choosing a landing site, it is necessary to take into account this. In the hot areas for disembarking Brunkers, it is necessary to choose a shaded area, as the scorching sun rays can destroy it. In areas with a less hot climate, disembarking this flower should be made in a slightly shaded place or you need to choose such a plot that will be in the shade after lunch. If you put it next to the reservoir, then such a plant can withstand the straight rays of the sun. A clay wet soil is suitable for landing, while Siberian Brunner is more demanding that the soil composition than the largest. Disembarking, and the transplant is carried out in the last days July either in the first - August. Bruner's spring transplant transfers very badly. At this time, only brunners large-scale transplant can be made, and it is necessary to take an earthen car relatively large size. The disembarkation should be made in the evening or on a cloud day.

How to plant

Most often landing Bruunners large-scale combined with flower division. After the bush blends, it must be digging. Then the root system should be released from the soil, at the same time immersing it in water tank. After that, the bush is separated into parts, while the natural collapse of the rhizomes are adhered. If necessary, a very sharp pre-sterilized knife should be used to cut the root. When divided, it should be noted that the roots must be present on each decek, as well as the kidney of the restoration of next year. Put the decene in the holes, and then spin them well.

Bunner Siberian can be propagated by the root segments. It is located very close to the surface of the soil. The digital rhizoma needs to be cut old areas, as well as those on which there is rot. Then it is divided by fluttering in such a way that a live kidney renewed in each of the resulting decene. The length of the decene can vary from 4 to 6 centimeters. Each decene is planted separately, blocking into the soil by 2-3 centimeters, then it is very good.

When the plants are planted, the soil surface is sprinkled with a layer of mulch (limestone, sawdust, wood bark, wood ash either coffee thick).

Bruntner Care in the Garden

The rules for the care of Brunner Siberian and Brunner large-scale have differences. Large Bruunner retains an attractive look throughout the eve of the growing season, and if when boarding it, it is possible to choose the right place (shaded with wet soil) that it will be possible to forget about the onset of autumn time. All that will be required to this form are systematic weeding, which must be carried out necessarily, but it should be noted that it is impossible to loose soil, because the plant root system is very close to the surface of the soil.

After Brunner Siberian wonders, a brownish specks will begin to form on its sheet plates. Then the leaves will begin to fade, and in the middle of the summer they are recommended to be removed. In the second half of August, Brunner should grow young leaves that are able to hold out to the first frosts. This species are not terrible weeds, he also does not need watering (enough natural precipitation) and soil looser, because the root system is also located close enough to the surface of the soil. If summer was very hot, the brunners, regardless of the type, it will be possible to periodically water, immediately after the leaflets begin to lower.

Brounner reproduction

It is described above in detail how to propagate the rhizoma division to Brunneur. It should be noted that the volatile forms can be proposed only by this method. The species Brunner is quite possible to grow from seeds, however, because of early frosts, it rarely time to tie seeds. But you can always purchase seeds of such a plant in a specialized store. Seeds in this flower are very small. They are recommended to produce in open ground under the winter (in autumn time). For spring sowing Seeds must be prepared, for this, they should be subjected to stratification, which lasts 3 or 4 months. To do this, they can be sown in the box, and then burn it into the snow on the street, but the easiest way to put them on the shelf of the refrigerator. It should be noted that the division to propagate the Brunnera is much easier than seeds, and it is often breeding by self-sowing.

Pests and diseases

If in the summer there is a lot of rains, then such a plant can develop bright spot, about infection will be evidenced by stains on the leaf plates. More Bruner can get infected with mildew. In a disease instance, it is necessary to remove all infected parts, and then it needs to be treated with any fungicidal agent (for example, burglar mixture).

Also on this flower can settle the whiteflies and aphids. To destroy them, it is recommended to process with a coastal carbofos or accutelic.


Prepare Brunneur for the upcoming winter is very simple. Leaf plates in the fall must be cut, as they themselves do not die. It is not necessary to cover these flowers, because they are fairly monstable, however experienced gardeners It is recommended to fall asleep a layer of mulch (peat, compost or humus).

Main types and varieties with photos and names

Brunner Large (Brunnera Macrophylla)

In natural conditions, it can be met in the Caucasian mountains, in connection with this, the Germans still refer to this plant "Caucasian forget-me-not-". It has a kind of cook. Branched fruitless shoots depart from rhizomes, their surface is furly-pubescent. To the height of the bustice reaches from 30 to 40 centimeters. Burnt long-term leaf plates have an oblong heart-shaped shape with a pointed top. Their front side is painted in a dark green color, and the wrong one is grayish, because it is rough and having a down. Small (diameter about 0.7 centimeters) Dark blue flowers have a white middle. They are part of the top-deficent bonding computers. Blossom starts in the last days of April and lasts 4 weeks. If in the autumn time it will be heat, then repellent is possible. Cultivated from the 19th century.

Popular varieties:

  1. Millennium Zilber. On leaf plates there are large white-silver spots.
  2. Jack Frost. Sheet plates are painted in silver color, and green bodies are well distinguishable on their surface. There is a narrow bordering of green color.
  3. Hudspan Krif. Length of wide heart-shaped sheet plates about 15 centimeters. They have a narrow crossing of cream-white color.
  4. Langitz. Silver small points are located along the periphery of a dark green leaf plate. Blue flowers.
  5. Variagrata. On the sheet plates there is a wide strip of cream-white color, which enters the green part of deep languages. In sunny places, the leaves are practically white.

In natural conditions, it is found in the forests of Altai and Sayan. This kind of much more and more beautiful Bruunner is large. The thickness of the long root of about 10 millimeters. Irony-pubescent shoots are single and height can reach 60 centimeters. This species forms thickets. Dense-babes-shaped roar sheet plates have a long stuff and wrinkled surface. Strong leaves seating almost lanceal. Small (diameter 0.5 centimeters) Dark blue flowers have a white middle. They are part of complex blurred inflorescences. Blossom starts in May and lasts 20 days.

Flowers fell in love with Brunneur because of her motley foliage and small blue colors that appear in early spring. And also she is unpretentious in care, and variety of varieties allows you to decorate your flower garden and create a wonderful design of the plot.


Bruunner (Brunnera) - This is a perennial herbaceous plant of a family family. Named in honor of the Swiss scientist Samuel Bruunner.

To create borders and mixtures use Siberian and large-scale Brunneur.

The plant is small, reaches a height to a half-meter with high-shaped leaves and gentle blue flowers, similar to forget-me-not flowers. Flowers appear at the beginning of spring and bloom within a month. With proper care, the plant can re-bloom in autumn.

Brunia unpretentious in care, in a permanent place, it grows up to 15 years forming beautiful thickets. The plant is very beautiful and resistant tolerate very coldy, however, does not tolerate a strong heat and drought.

Types and varieties of Brunei

Landscape design uses two varieties:

  • Brunner largest ( Brunnera Macrophylla)

The Caucasus is considered to be the birthplace of Brunei, and therefore it got the name "Caucasian forget-me-not-free" or "Brunner Necessive". The plant is corruptable, reaches a height of up to 40 cm, has dark blue flowers with a white core, reaching in diameter up to 7 mm. Throughout the season, the plant looks smart, due to the constant appearance of new leaves. "Caucasian forget-me-not-" has become popular for their wide-acting Pestro painted leaves.

This species became known in the XIX century.

The most common varieties of Bruunner large-scale are considered:

Bruner Large Jack Frost (Brunnera Macrophylla Jack Frost).

This variety has large leaves Silver-white color, with green border and streaks. He serves as a garden decoration from the beginning of spring to late autumn. Next to this plant will ideally look - Fern, Geyhera and Badan.


A volatile plant differs from other varieties, only the beauty of its leaves. They have a green color with cream-white border. It is also called various variages. The disadvantage of this variety is only the fact that the leaves are burning to the beginning of the fall.

Luking Glass

The low-spirited bush grows up to 30 cm, it grows remarkably anywhere.

Kings Rans.

Large leaves, silver color with bluish tump. Loves the shadow, and with the right landing plant will decorate the flower bed until late autumn.

  • Brunner Sibirskaya (Brunnera Sibirica)

This kind of kind crushes up to 60 cm and unlike the previous variety, it does not go, but grows thick thickets.

Blooms in the late spring. After the plant is flowing, the leaves dried and covered with dark spots. New leaves grow up at the beginning of autumn and keep up to the first frosts. The plant grows well in the shade, in wet, clay soil.

Bruunner largest: landing and care

Brunner is a "forest resident" And so she needs to find a place to land in the shade or half. Outdoor sun plant survive only next to the reservoir.

Large brown ride in the late summer. In the spring, it is better not to plant, since at this time it is very vulnerable to diseases, but, but if you purchased a bush in the spring, it must be planted with a large room of the earth. Plant in the evening and on a cloudy day.


Reproduction by dividing bush

When transplanting, flower must be divided, to rejuvenate the bush. For this, after flowering, the entire upper part is cut, leaving a small pennies, and digger digging.

Root must be rinsed under flowing waterTo remove the Earth and cut to a certain number of parts with a sharp knife. It must be remembered that each sliced \u200b\u200bpart should have its own growth kidney. Sections, for the prevention of the disease, need to be treated with charcoal.

The separated and processed plant is installed in the prepared well so that the kidney of growth is bundled to the ground by 2-3 cm. After that, the plant must be ached plenty.

Reproduction of seeds

Seeds from large-scale brunner is very difficult to collect and therefore for the landing they are acquired in flower shops.

Sowing produce:

  • in the fall - in the wells or grooves;
  • if the seeds are evicted in the spring, they need to harden in advance, 4 months before landing.

The lack of seed breeding of Brunia is that the plant will be able to bloom only for 4 years.

Since the plant crept very quickly, the bushes are planted at a distance of 30 cm to half a meter.

Bruunner Siberian and Large Care

Large Bruunner in the care of unpretentious. If the right place is found for the plant, then watering must be moderate and only in hot summer. A plant planted on a sunny place needs regular watering, otherwise due to the lack of moisture, it will lose its beautiful appearance.

Large Bruunner needs permanent weeding, but it is necessary to loosen the soil around the bush very carefully, since the roots of the plants are located very close to the level of the Earth.

Errors in growing and disease plant

  • The main problem in the cultivation of large-scale Brunner is landing on the open sun. As a result, the plant dries off the leaves from the burn of the sun rays, and it dies.
  • Due to high moisture, Brunaru can hit the mildew and bright spot. You can get rid of the disease with the spraying of the plant by fungicides.
  • From pests for Brunner are dangerous: WLL and whitefly. You can deal with these "unexpected guests" with carboofos.

Usage in landscape design

As in landscape design you can use the plant:

Large Bruunner: preparation for wintering

The end of blooming Brunner falls on the end of July. The blurred flowers are removed, leaving the decorative leaves that will decorate country cottage area before the first frosts.

Brunner winter hardyBut upon the occurrence of cold weather, it is necessary to cut the leaves and pour the resulting penets with sawdust, peat, fallen leaves or humus.

Broner plant

The perennial Brunner with a height of about half a meter attracts the attention of large leaves and skill-blue inflorescences similar to the forget-me-not. From the last it is distinguished by a large size, no smell, white spot of the flower center. Therefore, people have long come up with her name - inside. From early spring, she is already in all the brilliance of his magnificence. Sinegylase flowers are blooming behind frost-silver leaves. The Latin name received in honor of the traveler and botany Samuel Bruunner from Switzerland.

Necessacre is known from ancient times - is a relict plant. In decorative gardening, used for borders and group landings. Serves an excellent background for smaller plants. Unusually revives large far-plan plants. It forms beautiful thickets, unpretentious, attractive, withstands harsh winters without visible damage. Curtains Brunners are decorative for the entire season.

Description Brunner or Nebob

Brunner (Brunnera) - a herbaceous perennial height of 45-55 cm belongs to the family of brown, the birthplace of which are caustic forests, the banks of the rivers and streams of Siberia and Malaya Asia. Rhizome thick, long with several branched stems. Flooded large heart-shaped leaves are sitting on long stiffs. Flowers are collected in blurred inflorescences. The fruit is a dry nut, which during ripening decays into several parts. Small, few ripen towards the end of summer.

Landing and care

Brunner Large planting and care photo

Brunner in vivo grows in forest arrays, so the shady places are perfectly tolerated. Sunbeam hit is permissible only for a short time, the open sun causes the oppression and death of the plant. You can place the Brunneur in an open location near the reservoir. In the hot regions, a constant shadow is preferable. Openwork female fruit trees - the perfect option for placing Brunner.

  • The soil for planting Brunner Siberian should be clay, heavy, moist.
  • Brunner Large prefers more loose, fertile soil. In one place, both types can grow without transplanting more than 15 years and longer.
  • Prefers feeding with organic fertilizers. For this prepare the infusion of a cowboy - they are feeding once a month.
  • It is possible to climb the landings in the fall so that the roots are sufficiently nutrients in the spring with the melting of snow.

The rhizomes of the plants are intertwined in wet soil and do not allow the germination of other plants among themselves. Therefore, the weeding is necessary only during transplantation and reproduction, until young copies have gained power.
The roots of Brunners are located almost on the surface, so the loosening is not carried out to not damage them. It should be closed by landing by humus so that the moisture remains longer in the soil.

Possible to distill Brunner

Brunner Variagat Brunnera Macrophylla Variegata Victoring Photo

  • To do this, carefully dig up rhizome with a lump of land, roll it into a large vase with drainage holes filled with a nutrient substrate.
  • Before the onset of cold weather, you can leave a plant outdoors so that it has been adapted faster.
  • Then he is tolerated into the cool room. The land is maintained in a wet state, not allowing overflow.
  • With good illumination of Brunner, it is quickly touched into growth - to accelerate flowering it can be added to a warmer room.
  • Floral arrows will appear by mid-December. Having experimented with the temperature of the content, you can achieve blossoms to New Year or other holidays.

It is great for mixboraders, borders as a plants of the second plan. Brunner is self-sufficient in single landings on lawns, flower beds, borders.

Brounner reproduction

Growing Brunner Large Landing and Care Photos

Brunneur spread up after it completely blends. Roots are cleaned from the ground and divided into parts. On each new plant there should be a well-developed root with renewal kidney. Hands stretch the rhizome in different directions, carefully helping themselves with a sharp knife. All patients and damaged roots should be trimmed, cutting into the activated carbon or ash and dry in air.

Brounner reproduction by rhizome

  • The soil for planting is prepared in advance - each well is filled with humus, a handful of universal fertilizer is added.
  • Everyone is thoroughly mixed with the ground, put the decene into the hole and spread the roots around the circle.
  • Fall asleep with soil and spill well with water.
  • The renewal kidney after landing should be shallow from the soil surface.
  • The land around the plant should be carefully sealing and sprinkled with mulch to prevent the evaporation of moisture.

How to sow Brunneur seeds when to plant

Brounner Flower Silver Wings Brunner Silver Wings Landing and Care Photos Saplings

Seeds sow in the fall in the fall for the passage of natural stratification. They are decomposed into the grooves at a distance of about 10 cm, spilled water, fall asleep with the soil, mulched with a compost or humus. In the spring plants will not appear simultaneously - some are only the next year. They are left on the garden until autumn, periodically feeding and watering.

At the beginning of autumn, grown seedlings can be transferred to a permanent place. First time should be carefully gone and often watered new landings. Plants that have grown out of seeds do not always repeat parental qualities, such as spelling. They will bloom only for 4 years of life.

Growing seedlings

How to grow brunner from seed seedlings

  • You can try to grow brunner seedlings - for this it is sowing it in a plate or containers with a dense soil and placed in a refrigerator or under the snow for stratification for 4 months.
  • At the end of winter, the wrestle is exhibited on the windowsill.
  • Sprouts will appear in two weeks, but not all at the same time.
  • With a rarefied sowing, you can not dive them, but slightly pour the soil into the container with seedlings.
  • Next, they are grown as ordinary seedlings, feeding twice a month with liquid complex fertilizer.
  • Such plants will be ready for landing on the bed with the onset of warm days. They transferred painless transplant.

Vegetative reproduction (shilling, dividing bush) is most acceptable due to simplicity, availability, ease. It also always retains the original maternal qualities. Seed use if there is no possibility to purchase landing material. Such a reproduction is beneficial even if you purchased a package with a mixture of different Brunner, you can simultaneously get many different varieties and paintings.

Diseases and pests

  • From the pests, the danger is the tribes and whiteflies.
  • This can be avoided, irrigated landing with tar water. For which 5 drops of tar are thoroughly stirred in 10 liters of water and water the plants from the watering can be watered. Insects do not tolerate the smell of birch tar, avoid such landings.
  • With the mass appearance of pests it is worth treating insecticide.

When rewarded on the leaves, brown spot appears. And the varietal plants are affected by mildew. To avoid this, you can remove part of the leaves if the landing is strongly thickened, which will serve as an additional ventilation. When infected, apply the corresponding fungicide.

There is an amazing feature in Brunner - for some reason, its rhizomes attract mice. They approach the roots of the plant and die from their poisonous composition. Therefore, in areas where many Bruunners grow, there are practically no mice.

Necessacre in Landscape Design

Brunner in landscape design photo mixboarder

Brunner is suitable for decorating shady, wet areas. It quickly expands and does not require physical, no financial costs. At one time in the courtyards of many institutions, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, brunners could be found over the northern side of buildings, in shady places of sites, where other plants would simply not survive in these conditions.

Brunner in the garden landscape design photos with other plants Brunnera 'Hadspen Cream' With Hosta, Ferns, Astilbe, Athyrium Nipponicum Var Pictum

And Brunner grows, with pleasure filling free space. She coped perfectly with the task of landscaping of unsightly places in the territory and did not require any care, scattered naturally in the most suitable place.

Brunner Macrofil in Landscape Design Photo

Such landings look neatly and beautiful, do not require any attention and care.
Wherever the Brunners was not planted, they look exquisite everywhere and attractive. The shady garden with Brunners surrounded by the host, ferns, dolphiniums acquires a highlight, special uniqueness and charm.

Brunner in combination with Tiallla photo Mixle Tiarella & Brunnera

Types and varieties of Brunners with photos and descriptions

Brunner Macrofila or Large Brunnera Macrophylla

It comes from the Caucasus is a bush growing up to 40 cm. In Germany, it is called Caucasian forget-me for the origin. Large leaves in the shape of a heart are sometimes covered with white spots, pointed to an end. Dark blue flowers with white cores are collected by pancakes, blooming in May, blooming about a month.

Brunner Large Bunner Brunnera Macrophylla Sea Heart Landing and Care Photos

In the fall, the second wave of flowering under favorable weather conditions and good care is possible. New leaves appear throughout the season - it does not lose its decorativeness all the growing season. This species is most decorative of all others - became the basis for the work of breeders. As a result, many new varieties appeared. The plant does not lose its presentable species, attracts glances throughout the season.

Brunner Macrofil Millennium Zilbert Photo

Millennium Zilbert variety has a silver-white flare on large emerald leaves.

Brunner Large Jack Frost Landing and Care BRUNNERA MACROPHYLLA 'JACK FROST' Photo

Sort Jack Frost with almost white leaves and green stripes along the edge, with small green strokes across the entire sheet plate.

Bunner Flower Variegata Photo in the Garden

Variety Variam - along the edges of this species passes the curve line of cream color. Some varieties have green leaves with white dots. When the plant is located on sunny places, the leaves look almost white.

Peppercut Brunner Hudspan Crim Hadspen Cream Photo Landing and Care

Betty Bauring - with emerald green leaves and snow-white bouquets of colors.

Brunner Macrofila Luking Glass Brunnera Macrophylla 'Looking Glass Photo Landing and Care

Langitz - huge dark green leaves with silver vertical strokes over the entire surface of the sheet.

Brunner Alexander Gret or Greatness Alexander Brunnera Macrophylla Alexander's Great Photo

Brunner Siberian Brunnera Sibirica

Brunner Siberian Brunnera Sibirica Landing and Care Photos Flowers in the Garden

Right with Altai, Western and Eastern Siberia. It dwells in wet forests and the most shaded from all kinds. It is significantly higher and larger than its relatives. It does not form bushes, represents the leaves. Quickly grow up, forming beautiful curtains. From a strong, quickly growing rhizomes, a lot of processes depart that ended with stems with wrinkled malachite leaves.

Blue flowers are collected by a loose pan. They rise above the curtains from May to June. With a lack of moisture, they can turn. Leaves after flowering quickly die, covered in front of these brown spots - they should be removed. Since the beginning of August, new, which keep up to frosts appear. Seeds do not affect this species do not have time to mature. Therefore, it is preferable to vegetative reproduction for it.

Bruunner East Brunnera Orientalis

Bruunner Eastern Brunnera Orientalis Photo

Growing in Turkey, Palestine, Iran, Lebanon. It is the most lowest of all kinds. In decorative gardening is practically not used. It looks like Bunneur largest in miniature. Casting elliptical form about 10 cm long. It can be confused with a real forget-me-not.
The species Brunner is more resistant to adverse weather conditions than the varietary, so it pays a little more attention to maintaining the appearance.

Today, even in horticulture with considerable experience, it is difficult to find a plot that is not refined with elements of landscape design. In addition to growing vegetables and berries, gardeners are increasingly decorated with various decorative cultures.

Bruunner gained great popularity, thanks to his decorativeness and unpretentiousness. This plant withstands frost to -30 degrees. Without losing sight and do not degenerate, can grow on one comfortable place for it up to 15 years.

Brunner refers to the family of brown. It is a low shrub with heart-shaped leaves on fairly high chopped stiffs. The height of the bushes can reach 60 cm. In the wild, the shores of rivers, lakes and streams are decorated, but you can meet in pine, fir and beech forests.

Named in honor of Samuel Bruunner - Botany from Switzerland. But among the gardeners, the name "Unforgettable" was stuck due to similar colors. The external difference is that forget-me-not, yellow in the flower, and the Brunner is white.

Types and varieties Brunners

Brunner Large (Brunnera Macrophylla) - Her homeland is the Caucasus. Externally is a small shrub of about 40 cm tall with a powerful rhizome, from which dense stems with dark green pointed leaves in the shape of a heart. Flowers with a shade from a lilac to a dark blue with a white speck in the center are assembled in a panicle. The flowering period - from the end of April to the end of June. The most popular at the gardeners, since the leaves do not change the color to deep frosts.

Brunner Sibirskaya (Brunnera Sibirica) - It is obliged to the place of its origin - Western and Eastern Siberia. Its long and strong rhizome develops a whole network underground, the processes from which plants are covered with land. The bush does not forms. Dark blue colors rose over wrinkled and dense leaves in inflorescences - belties. Prefers shady wet places. The flowering process lasts from the end of May for a month. Next, the plant almost blows up, but from mid-August is covered with a new greens, which retains to frosts.

Bruunner East (Brunnera Orientalis) - The birthplace are the countries of the Middle East. No special decorativeness is different, therefore not used as decoration of the plots, and it grows only in a natural environment.

Because of all kinds of the most attractive for landscaping is Brunner Large, it was she who became the basis for the removal of various varieties.

Jack Frost - Frost translates from English as "frost." Such a name variety is not in vain: the leaves look, as if covered with an innese - green bodies on a silver background. Forms a fairly large bush, reaching 60 cm in height. Flowers from May to June and is distinguished by increased frost resistance.

To preserve the decorativeness of the leaves, constant moisturizing is necessary. Therefore, the northern part of the site is quite suitable for planting, protected from a long exposure to sunlight, where water is stared in the rain. In a complete shadow, like on the sun, it is not worth planted.

Variagrata - low variety - up to 35 cm. Emerald leaves with a transition along the edges in white.

Prefers halftime. When disembarking on a sunny place, the leaves will trim and lose decorativeness. It can also completely reset the foliage in the event of drought.

Luking Glass - Translated - "Mirror". Total from 20 to 35 cm. In the color of the leaves, silver shade prevails. Flowers pale blue diameter from 5 to 7 mm.

For landing fit shady and sexual places. The bushes are well kept form and sufficiently resistant to fungal lesions. Great for registration of borders and shaded parts of rocaries.

Kings Rans. - Shrub from 40 to 55 cm in height. Leaves are large with dark green streaks on a light gray background, along the edges of cream. Is different abundant blossom From the end of April to mid-June. In warm autumn weather, bloom can resume, but in this case the inflorescences is better to remove so that the plant does not lose strength before in winter. It grows well in a half with regular watering.

Millennium Zilber - The emerald leaves of this variety are covered with a brine of small white spots closer to the edge, which makes it more recognizable among the others. Growing conditions are the same as for the remaining varieties.

Silver Hat. - If you translate the name from English into Russian, it will sound like a "silver heart." Everyone who sees the leaves of this variety Brunner will immediately become clear why she was so called. As if dozens of silver hearts with a thin green edge and streaks framing the flowers. A bush reaches 40 cm in height and up to half a meter in diameter. Thanks to a dense leaf plate, even straight sun rays can withstand and is not afraid of the rebupping of moisture. The soil acidity is not demanding.

Choosing a place for landing Brunner

Typically, Brunner flowers are planted on the flower beds, near the fences and garden tracks - It will look great on any garden plot. Before planting Brunneur to the prepared place, learn its characteristics and location requirements - it all depends on the variety you chose.

A huge advantage of Brunner is that she feels comfortable in half and in places high humidity Soil. That is, where most plants are either depressed in growth, or sick fungus. Therefore, with its help, you can put the corners of the garden, where the sun looks only in the first half of the day.

Landing brunner large-scale

The most optimal time for landing Brunner into open ground is the period from July to the beginning of August. Brunner does not require some kind of certain soil for its landing, but still better if the ground is wet drum and heavy.

Brunneur is categorically locked to plant in spring, because during this period it is extremely subject to various diseases and pests. But if you still decide to plant to Brunneur in the spring, then it is better to do it together with a room of land in which she grew to transplant. Plant Bunneur better on a cloudy day or any other, but in the evening.

When falling out a flower, it should be divided - it is rejuvenated by the plant. After flowering, the ground part of the Brunner is cut off, and the roots dig up. It is necessary to rinse the roots well and remove the fallen, and old parts. Next cut the main root into parts. Dellets must have kidney of future sprouts.

In advance, prepared wells lay the cut parts of the root (decene) and bury them. It is very important not to forget to hardly pour areas with buried roots. The soil can be meditated so that young pigs do not have lack of moisture and overheating.

Landing is as follows:

  • The above-ground part is cut, leaving 10-12 cm.
  • Return and washed in high water tank.
  • Defective roots sections are removed.
  • A sharp knife is carefully separated by rhizome (easier through the line of natural collapse of the bush) so that on each part it was at least one kidney.
  • Dellets are seeded in the shredded wells and the ground is cheated, so as not to fall asleep the root neck.

The plant is so unpretentious that he doesn't need even watering if it is, of course, planted in a good place. The weeds of the scorched Bruunner will not particularly submit. But still you need to monitor weeds and do the need for the need. The only thing that does not prevent for successful cultivation Brunners are a mulch in a hot summer and for the winter.

Jump or loosen the soil under Brunner is categorically prohibited - you can damage the roots, which are usually located close to the surface of the Earth. Before wintering, the above-ground parts are better to cut, leaving the hemp with a length of about 12 cm.

In the spring, it is possible to scatter granules of complex fertilizer directly through the snow to speed up the growing season and more saturated color Leaves.

Brounner reproduction

Brunner is breeding vegetatively (dividing bush) and seeds. A favorable time for landing and transplant occurs after the end of the flowering period, that is, in August. By this time, the laying of future shoots ends. If you need to put a bush before, it follows it with a large margin and transport, without sprinkling the earthen com.

Reproduction seeds - more painstaking workbecause self-sackers rarely happen. Seeds ripen about the end of July. For the normal germination, they need stratification for 3-4 months, so it is necessary to sow Brunneur under the winter.

Diseases and pests

Drying foliage in Brunner, if it is planted in a sunny plot, can not be called a disease. Rather, these are problems due to violation of agrotechnology, which are eliminated by the transplantation of plants in more favorable conditions.

But the fungal lesions in the form of mildew or drone spotting is a real attack on a rainy summer. Even such a loyal to excess moisture in the ground the plant is unable to resist fungal defeats with high humidity and low temperatures air.

The fungus spreads very quickly. Therefore, not to let the decorative decorative plant, all the affected parts should be removed and process the Bordeaux mixture or other suitable tool. As prevention, you can spray phytoosporin once every 2 weeks.

From insect pests can be attacking (especially if there are many ants in the district), whitefly or mining mole. From Tly will help "green soap" or an atettyar solution. Against the rest, it is better to stock in advance with several packages of complex insecticides.

Brunner in landscape design

The plant looks effectively along the tracks, will decorate any alpine hill or roccar. It also looks lush as a lower tier in multi-storey flower beds. Further shall be tentious flowering perennials in mix bears. It combines well with the abrahe, ferns, juniper and Gorianka.

All the varieties of Brunners are comfortable next to the reservoirs, making their shores by air-green. Only one thing this plant is capable of for a long time and without much trouble turning any unparent plot into refined and elegant.

Flowering ending and preparation for winter

Brunner largest ceases to bloom in the summer, in July. Faded flowers need to cut, causthing only the leaves. The leaves, unlike the flowers, do not lose their beauty, right before the onset of cold.

With the arrival of cold pores, the leaves of Brunner also should be cut, because they themselves will not fall. After the flower is completely cut off, it can be prepared for wintering. Brunner can be overwhelmed and by itself, but additional help She does not hurt. It is enough just to clue the soil with sawdust, leaves or humus.

Gardeners know how difficult it is to choose a composition of flowers for their site. A popular plant is Brison in Landscape Design, a photo and a description of the flower will make it possible to make a choice in its favor. It is important to know how to care for Brunos depending on the season. This will create a beautiful flowerub in your landscape.

General information about Bruner

On the this moment, most designers prefer perennial and unpretentious plants. One of these is Brunnera flower (Brunnera). This flower belongs to the bouquet family. In Russia, such types of brunners are grown as: large (B. Macrophylla) and Siberian (B. sibirica).

This plant is winter-hardy, calmly withstands frost. Spring flowering begins early, thanks to this, Brine will make your garden beautiful even at the very beginning of spring. Looks like a flower perfectly because of its large and beautiful leaves. In the people, this plant is called forehead, because Brinner and forget-me-not refer to one family.

What to plant from Bruunneur? You can combine with it different flowers To create a beautiful composition. Among popular varieties can be allocated:

  • ferns;
  • roger;
  • volzhanka.

In the landscaped design of Brunner looks good in different compositions. Therefore, you can choose one or two varieties of the plant to create an interesting floweruba.

Plant plant in separate areas for colors, near the house. Some owners decorate the paths along which the flower grows.

Bruner Flower - landing and care in open soil

Bruner is absolutely unpretentious to the place of the future landing. But if you want to decorate your garden to this flower even more, it is better to put it in a shaded place, only occasionally illuminated by the straight rays of the sun, in clay, wet soil. In this case, the plant will grow faster.

Under such conditions, Brunaru can be long for a long time, unless drought come. If the flower is in full shadow, the growth will be noticeably worse.

When landing on the sun of Bruner can dry even with abundant irrigation. If after that transfer it to a more appropriate place and continue abundant irrigation, then, most likely the flower will soon return to its usual state and grow yourself the leaves back.

Bruner can be planted near the house, because it is not afraid of flowing from the roof of water. Also near the house, almost never a lot of fertile lands. Bruner does not like very fertile lands and excessively abundant food (such as fresh manure). With the right landing place, the plant can grow over 15 years.

Ordinary difficulties with leaving browse does not occur. With proper landing, the plant grows very quickly, and after a while it begins to oppress not only sores, but also neighboring cultural plants. In order for this not happening, when landing is highlighted large territory For its growth. When long flowering Brunners (just over 3 weeks) ends, you need to remove bluer paints and a cough leaves. At the end of the summer, they will repent again. In the photo of Bruner in landscape design it is interesting to be combined with other plants.

If you planted the bruneur largest, then at the end of flowering foliage does not fall and the flower has a very attractive appearance until late autumn. But unlike other varieties, it grows slower and in connection with this, it is not worth a very hard to loosen the Earth near him.

In winter, if the flower was completely not covered with snow, it is worth covering mulch. As soon as snow falls or warm weather, remove the mulch and break the land around Brunner slightly.

These flowers are very rarely sick. But if you water the flower too abundantly, or there will be plentiful rains, then the plant can be affected by mildew or brown spot.

From pests, on Brunneru, only sometimes attacked Tly, slugs and whiteflies.