Potatoes as a cultivated plant. Potatoes ordinary. Other Potato Information

Potatoes (lat. Solanum tuberosum)   - popular vegetable culture; perennial tuberiferous herb.


  Potatoes are classified as perennial crops, but in the Russian Federation they are cultivated as an annual, as low temperatures are extremely pernicious for tubers. The stalk of potatoes is ribbed, upright, branched, light green, no more than 150 cm high. The root system of the culture under consideration is branchy, most of the roots go deeper than 60 cm.

Culture leaves are pinnate, dissected, entire, dark green, equipped with petioles. Inflorescences are presented in the form of complex curls, they can be white-yellow, pure yellow, purple or purple-red color, depending on the variety. Fruits are multi-seed, spherical or oval berries. The potato tuber is a thickened and short stem shoots, it is formed on many eyes. Tubers have a rounded, oval or elongated shape; color - yellowish, brown, violet-blue or pale pink.

We will see a technique that is easy to get, requiring little time and effort to grow potatoes! Potatoes, a plant grown in Latin America, is a tuber that is very easy to cultivate.

As for the varieties, different shapes and different colors: pink, purple or blue! - See below for advice on choosing varieties.

Potato growing

Potatoes are traditionally grown in Europe. It takes a lot of work: dig trenches to put sprouted potatoes, cover with a lid, and then the oil, as soon as the rod comes out of the ground, pulling out, which can become a real headache, so as not to damage the potatoes that you will use. Not to mention the fact of not forgetting potatoes in the soil, if we don’t want to grow them in this place.

Growing points

  Potatoes are light-loving culture, they endure shaded areas poorly, as a result the plants develop slowly, and the tubers are prone to rotting. The lack of sunlight leads to the stretching of the stems and limited flowering that threaten a small crop of tubers. Normal temperature for the cultivation of culture is 20-22C. Temperatures above this limit result in slower tuber development.

Positively, the potato is also related to moisture, although it does not tolerate dampness and overmoistening. With a lack of moisture foliage quickly fades and dries up as a result. Soils for the culture in question are preferred loose, permeable, rich in potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. An excess of minerals is detrimental to our leaves. The second increases the green mass. Negatively, potatoes belong to heavy clay, wet, highly acidic and dense soils. The best predecessors of the culture are vegetable crops. Many gardeners are advised not to grow potatoes on the same plot for several years, although in practice no one uses this rule.

Regarding the difference between these conditions. An annual plant is a plant whose life cycle lasts 1 year. A two-year plant is a plant whose life cycle lasts 2 years. A perennial plant is a plant that can live for several years.

However, potatoes are usually planted during the first rains in March-April. The thing is, they are very well protected. The yields are usually quite good, because the harvest is done without too much difficulty. It should be noted that the cultivation of potatoes is still quite long depending on the variety. Growing potatoes allows you to prepare the space in the garden for future crops without any effort for this. Indeed, after growing it, you will get loose soil and no weeds.

Soil preparation

  The soil for potatoes is plowed to a depth of not less than thirty centimeters, they break up large lumps and introduce organic fertilizers. From the introduction of fresh manure should be abandoned, because it contributes to the development of pathogenic bacteria, plants are exposed to various diseases. In addition to organic fertilizers, the soil is fed with mineral fertilizers, it can be superphosphate, ammonium nitrate and potassium salt.


  Planting potatoes produced in late April - early May. For planting, I use pre-germinated tubers weighing 50-80 g with thick sprouts 1-1.5 cm long. Tubers of unknown origin are treated in a 1% solution of boric acid for at least 20 minutes. Plant culture in the soil, heated to 6-8C, according to the scheme 30 * 80 to a depth of 6-12 cm, in this case the warming and germination of tubers is best ensured.


Until the emergence of potato sprouts, they loosen the soil at least twice every seven days. This procedure will prevent the emergence of weeds and fully soil the soil. Plants that have a height of about 10-12 cm, spud with a hoe. The second time spud about a month.

Watering crops spend dry summer, for this you can use automated watering cans, working under the action of water pressure. Mineral fertilizers are applied when the first signs of wilting potatoes appear. In the phase of flower formation, plants are sprayed with organo-mineral fertilizers with a stimulating effect.

Incredibly easy way to grow potatoes: mulch

This method will save you a lot of time, it is very simple and very profitable. It also has a huge advantage that does not require any physical effort. First of all, make sure that you choose where you grow your potatoes. Taking some time in the same places, think about it before planting them. Exactly, did you choose your location? Now you have two methods available.

Mentally outline the strip (s) of the crop you select to grow your potatoes. My habit is to also place my potato peels - obviously, so that they collapse and feed the soil and the life that is present in it. Also, if you have compost, feel free to shift your potatoes to further minimize the risk of frost and feed your soil. Water is very generous for the first time. You do not need to water them later, because the straw layer helps maintain moisture.

Harvesting and storage

  The harvest of potatoes is carried out in the middle of September, and it is possible later, but in dry and sunny weather, otherwise the harvest will be poorly stored. A week before digging, the plants are trimmed with a trimmer and raked.

Tubers obtained by digging, sorted left in the sun to dry and dispersed under a canopy. After drying, the potato harvest is placed in wooden containers or special bags. Store the harvest of potatoes in the cellar, the optimum storage temperature - 2-3C.

To collect them, nothing is easier: pick up the straw, take the potatoes you need, and properly collect the straw. You will have, if you will, potatoes all year round. If so, always leave them when you pick potatoes. Imagine that you want to collect everything at once: pick up a straw, collect your potatoes, and you will find out under soft, aerated and weed soil. This will allow you to grow your garden for the following crops without having to mow the lawn, wind the soil, etc.

This is a gardener who maximizes his chances for better returns.

The method is the same, except that you can add a preliminary step: aerate the earth. In fact, if you have a green ribbon or a blade failure, you can air the earth without returning it. It's just a matter of installing the tool and moving back and forth to fix the ground a little. Try to do this a bit if your soil is very firm and very compact.

Photos of the plant flowers Potatoes ordinary

Potatoes - medicinal properties

Potatoes   it is used as an enveloping, anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases, as a cosmetic.

Latin name:   Solanum tuberosum.

English name:   Potato.

Family:   Solanaceae - Solanaceae.

Potatoes - medicinal properties and use

If you have a large vegetable garden, you can turn to other varieties for longer. Potatoes can be eaten early, you do not need to wait for ripening to consume them. You can also leave your potatoes in place so they can grow. It is also a trick to keep them longer without any work, so they continue to grow. Discover the secrets of an organic gardener and learn in particular: The Basics of a Successful Organic Gardener Novice Mistakes to completely avoid. Dozens of simple installation tips.

Pharmacy name:   starch, potato starch - Solani amylum (previously: Amylum Solani).

Potato parts used:   tubers, flowers.

Botanical description: potato - herbaceous plant up to 50 cm in height. Leaves are pinnate; white flowers, purple or purple, gathered in the half-umbrellas. From the sinuses of rudimentary leaves in the underground part of the stem, underground shoots grow - stolons, which, thickening at the tops, give rise to new tubers (modified shoots). At the ends of stolons, tubers develop, which, in essence, are nothing more than swollen buds, the whole mass of which consists of thin-walled faceted cells filled with starch, and the outer part consists of thin-layer cork tissue. The fruit of the potato is a multi-seeded, dark green, poisonous berry with a diameter of 2 cm. The tubers ripen in August - September.

The topic of this course work is “Mechanically Advanced Early Potato Production”. The course consists of two main parts - analytical and constructive. These are subcategories, respectively. The first is analytical — in the history of meteorological conditions for potatoes, as well as preparing the soil, fertilizers, varieties, planting, protection from weeds, diseases, pests, and, of course, harvesting begins.

In the second part, in part of the design, calculations are needed for drawing up flow charts for harvesting and harvesting and harvesting early potatoes. Course work contains 7 tables. The total amount of work is 24 pages. Since ancient times, Lithuanian farmers have grown various crops for food and animal feed. The breeds of crops of individual cultures gradually changed - new cultures extracted from cultivation were started and less valuable. Another and improved variety of plant growth agrotechnology.

Active ingredients:   1 kg of boiled peeled potatoes supplies the body with proteins by 20%, carbohydrates by 40%, vitamins B1 (thiamine) and PP (nicotinic acid) by 60%, vitamin B2 (riboflavin) by 30%, vitamin C by 200%, and also potassium (200%), magnesium and phosphorus (50%), iron (60%) and calcium (20%). The caloric in this case is 800-900kkal (30% of the daily requirement).

Botanical description of potatoes

Soil reclamation, cultivation, fertilizers, chemicals have played an important role in the cultivation and fertility of all open plants. Farmers have always been interested in how to get better crop production, which are most useful for cultivation, which agrotechnical measures are used. This is especially important now, as more and more farmers are seeking to strengthen agricultural production based on crop production.

Potatoes are one of the most popular nutrients in Lithuania and other European countries. Due to the high demand for technological operations during cultivation, harvesting and storage, potatoes are classified as expensive technical agricultural plants. One of the reasons is that the potato multiplies vegetatively. Vegetable distribution of potatoes, a large expansion of the acreage, allows these plants to quickly spread to various diseases.

Food Grade Table 100 grams of potato in uniform

100 grams of unbaked baked potato contains 4.29 grams of protein, 46.06 grams of carbohydrates, 7.9 grams, calories = 198 kcal.


  •   - 10 IU
  •   - 0.122 mg
  •   - 0,106 mg
  •   - 3.065 mg
  •   - 0.857 mg
  •   - 0.614 mg
  •   - 22 µg
  •   - 13.5 mg
  •   - 1.7 mcg
  • Other vitamins in potatoes are missing or contained in the smallest quantity.

Macro and trace elements:

As a result, the cycle of seed potato production in Lithuania culminated in the fifth year of cultivation. Intensive farms produce the necessary, fertile and healthy crops. These requirements are met by early potatoes. They need rural and urban people. In the summer, people eat early potatoes, as late demand is reduced due to the deterioration of nutritional and culinary qualities.

Early potatoes are fertile, they are very suitable for fluffy pudding. After removing the potato crop, winter crops, or other intermediate crops, it can be sown in the same year and in the same area. Early potato and post-harvest winter crops give fodder units higher than other crops. For these reasons, some areas of late potatoes in Western Europe are reduced or completely stopped, while in the early years they increase.

  •   - 7.04 mg
  •   - 573 mg
  •   - 34 mg
  •   - 43 mg
  •   - 0.616 mg
  •   - 0.817 mg
  •   - 21 mg
  •   - 0.7 µg
  •   - 101 mg
  •   - 0.49 mg
  • Other macro-microelements in potatoes are absent or are contained in the smallest quantity.

"Technology of agricultural farming" is understood as the sum of all agricultural crops, in this case, early potatoes, cultivation, harvesting and processing, as well as the material used - technical measures, technical and economic indicators. Intensive technology means a tight production schedule, which includes factors such as tillage, fertilization, pesticides, new technologies and other production resources in the best agrotechnical complex background of application and the use of these factors of bribing, which gives a rich and high-quality potato crop.

Potatoes - medicinal properties and use

Potato juice has long been treated for ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. And potassium, which potatoes are rich in, is simply necessary for patients with heart and kidney diseases. Used for medicinal purposes and the starch of this wonderful natural gift. So, it is used as an enveloping, anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Even with severe forms of poisoning, you can eat boiled potatoes.

The goal is to get maximum returns by reducing the unit cost. Innovative technologies are being introduced to ensure that the soil and crops receive everything that is needed in a timely manner. General knowledge of early potatoes and their agricultural practices.

The effect of meteorological conditions on early potato growth. In order for potatoes to grow and grow well, they need adequate nutrients, water, light, air, and appropriate temperatures. The root system of potatoes is weaker than other varieties. Like other plants, potatoes can only be taken from the soil in the form of solutions. For this reason, in order to grow a large potato crop, the soil must be well treated with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. Potatoes have to get enough trace elements, most of which are in the soil, but the plant is harder to pick them up.

  • Infusion of flowers. Three tablespoons of flowers pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Insist in a thermos or a warm place for three hours.
  • Corned beef tincture. More than 3 weeks to keep the potato tubers in the light - in the sun, until their surface becomes dark green in color and the inner flesh becomes bright green. Then the tubers need to be washed with water and together with the peel (in the peel and eyes contains the greatest amount of solanine) rub on a grater. From the obtained pulp, squeeze the juice, pour it into a bottle, add vodka in a 2: 1 ratio and let it stand for a week.
  • Tincture of flowers. After 6 days after the potatoes bloom, collect potato flowers (the color does not matter), tightly tamp them in a glass jar to the brim. Pour flowers with vodka or alcohol. At the same time periodically shake the jar to get the air out. Close the jar with a lid and put it in a dark place for 20-25 days.

These are boron, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, molybdenum, zinc and the like. However, high-yield potatoes use a slightly lower percentage of food intake for all crops than a small crop. It reduces the need for nutrients and produces all cultures.

Most potatoes with nitrogen need to grow at the beginning. Nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur are necessary for protein synthesis, so these elements are widely used for maximum mass accumulation. Meanwhile, potassium is most needed for growing potatoes, but potatoes are used for the longest time - even until the end of the growth of tubers. Potassium is needed for starch in the gums. The less potassium a plant receives, the more calcium is required and vice versa.

Photo of potato juice


Self healing is dangerous! Before treatment at home, consult your doctor.

Potato treatment
  1. Abscess.   Apply fresh grated potatoes.
  2. Acne   (eels) When phlegmonous acne will help a compress of peeled and grated raw potatoes, change every 2 hours.
  3. Angina. When starting angina, a compress of raw potatoes is very effective. 2-3 medium-sized potatoes wash, grate with the peel on a grater, put on a double folded gauze strip, sprinkle lightly with vinegar (not an essence!). Gauze folded and wrap throat with this scarf. Cover with polyethylene on top and wrap with a warm scarf or towel. Go to bed. Keep the compress for 4 hours, tightly pressed to the neck.
  4. Angina. Potatoes dried in the shade. 1 teaspoon of flowers in a clay pot pour boiling water - 1/4 cup. A pot can be put on top of a freshly boiled kettle and allowed to stand until it cools. Broth can or gargle, or lubricate it with a cotton swab.
  5. Angina   (inhalation). Washed, unpeeled potato tubers put in a pan, pour water and cook until done. The steam is inhaled, bent over a saucepan with potatoes and covered with a sheet or blanket.
  6. Arthritis. For those suffering from gout, arthritis, arthritis, heel spurs, the following remedy will help: fill a jar of bright glass with seedlings of potatoes (choose the thickest and shortest, do not wash), lightly rub it. Open a jar to put on the window sill for 2 weeks, after this period, fill the jar with medical alcohol (a half-liter jar will need 300 g of alcohol), tightly close and place for a month in a dark place. Strain. Once a day before bed, rub the sore spots. One course of treatment lasts for 2-3 weeks due to well-being.
  7. Arthritis. 1 cup of sprouted potato sprouts up to 1 cm long, rinse, lightly dry, pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist for 21 days, rub the sore joints with tincture.
  8. Arthritis of the hands. Take a raw, washed, but unpeeled potato, clamped in a fist. Put a mitten on your hand (so as not to drop it in your sleep) and sleep like that. It is not necessary to change the potato every time, you can use it until it germinates or frowns.
  9. Myopia. Dry in the shade the flowers of the potato. In a teaspoon pour clean, cold boiled water. Drown in it a dried flower. Hold the spoon over the candle until bubbles appear in the spoon (do not bring it to a boil!). Cool to the temperature of fresh milk and pipette two drops into each eye (no more!). There will be pain and tears in your eyes, but you have to be patient. Wipe your eyes with a clean handkerchief. The course of treatment from 2 weeks to 1-2 months. Do this procedure better in the morning. After 2-3 weeks, check your vision with a doctor. This method cleans the eyes, restores vision from - 3-5 to normal. During treatment, do not wear glasses and use a computer.
  10. Bowel disease. Drink 200 ml potato juice every morning 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 10 days, repeat after 10 days.
  11. Warts. Keep your hands in a broth of potato peel. Then dry without wiping. The procedure for removing warts to do at night.
  12. Warts. Lubricate the wart with potato juice. On a half of a potato, on a cut to make two scratches, crosswise, to make the same scratch on a wart, to drop juice. Warts will disappear in 1-1.5 months.
  13. Warts. At night and all day to do a compress with a tincture of potato flowers. Flowers tightly put in a vial from under the medication, pour the top medical 70% alcohol, insist 10 days.
  14. Liver pain. For severe pain in the liver will help potato applications. Mash 0.5 kg of boiled potatoes in the jacket with the peel and place on a linen or linen cloth. Attach a hot potato pancake to the sore spot (it should feel pleasant heat) and wrap a warm scarf on top. Keep the appli cation until it cools down, then remove the potatoes, and again wrap the application in a warm place. Such procedures do within 3-4 days.
  15. Joint pain. Wash, dry and grate 3 potatoes on a coarse grater. The resulting slurry wrap in 3 layers of gauze and attach to the sore joint. Cover with polyethylene and wrap with a warm scarf. At the same time take the potato broth in the form of heat three times a day and 1 glass.
  16. Bronchial asthma. 15-minute inhalation over boiled potatoes with the addition of seed (2-3 tablespoons) or greens (a few twigs) allows to get rid of suffocation.
  17. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. In the morning before meals, drink 1 glass of potato juice, then go to bed for 30 minutes, and after 1 hour you can have breakfast. The course of treatment is 10 days, repeat after 10 days.
  18. Gastritis. In the morning, before breakfast, cut out the eyes of 4-5 potatoes (no need to clean), then grate them, squeeze the juice, add 2 teaspoons of honey, stir and drink the whole batch, lie down for half an hour. Then you can get up and eat. The course of treatment: 10 days to take juice, 10 days rest, 10 days - take juice, 10 days - rest, 10 days - take juice. Exclude from the supply of fish, meat, fish and meat products.
  19. Chronic gastritis   (with normal and increased secretion). Potato juice - half a cup, honey - 1 tablespoon. Fresh juice mixed with honey. Drink before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days, repeat the course after 10 days.
  20. Chronic gastritis   (with normal and increased secretion). Drink in the morning fresh juice of potatoes in 100 ml.
  21. Hepatitis. When pains in the right hypochondrium do poultices of boiled potatoes with peel.
  22. Hypertension. Drink juice from one medium potato three times a day before meals. Total for the day to use 3 potatoes.
  23. Hypertension. Drink a decoction of potato peelings three times a day for a third cup.
  24. Hypertension. In case of hypertension, wash the potatoes of the variety “Sineglazka” thoroughly, boil them in the peel without salt. Drain the broth and drink 1 glass 3 times a day.
  25. Glossitis   (inflammation of the tissues of the tongue). Rinse your mouth 2-3 times a day after eating with fresh potato juice.
  26. Dyspepsia. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink 1 glass of potato juice, then go to bed for 30 minutes, after 1 hour, have breakfast. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  27. Wen   (lipoma). 1 tablespoon of dried flowers of potatoes pour 0.5 boiling water, insist in a thermos for 3 hours. Strain. Drink infusion 100 ml 3 times a day half an hour before meals. 10 days to drink, 5 days - a break. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.
  28. Malignant tumors of the internal organs. Take half a cup of infusion of flowers half an hour before meals three times a day. The course of treatment is 14 days.
  29. Heartburn with acidity. Drink potato juice 100 ml 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10-12 days.
  30. Heartburn. In the morning before breakfast, cut out the eyes of 4-5 potatoes (no need to clean), then rub them on a grater, squeeze out the juice, add 2 tsp of honey, stir and drink the whole batch, lie down for half an hour. Then you can get up and eat. The course of treatment: 10 days to take juice, 10 days rest, 10 days - take juice, 10 days - rest, 10 days - take juice. Exclude from the supply of fish, meat, fish and meat products.
  31. Heartburn. If you suffer from heartburn, you need to chew and swallow a piece of raw potatoes.
  32. Coronary heart disease. 1 cup of flowers of potatoes (not subjected to chemical treatment from pests), wash and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink infusion of 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  33. Cyst on the kidney. Chop the blue-eyed potato sprouts and put them into a 1-liter bottle, fill it up to 2/3, fill with vodka and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place. Strain and take 1 time a day, starting with 1 drop in 50 ml of water an hour before meals. Gradually adding drop by drop infusions, bring the dose to 30 drops in 150 ml of water and begin to reduce again to 1 drop. After a week break, repeat the treatment, but bring the dose to 40 drops. The next course is up to 50 drops. If necessary, courses can be continued by increasing the dosage to 100 drops. At the same time you can drink a decoction of burdock root (1 tablespoon to 1 cup of water, boil for 5-10 minutes).
  34. Mastitis. A few washed and dried potatoes rubbed on a fine grater, lightly squeeze and put gruel on his chest. Top cover with a clean cotton cloth, compress paper and a warm scarf. Compress to keep 2 hours. This treatment procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day for 2 days.
  35. Migraine. Potatoes are considered very effective against migraine. Our ancestors cooked potatoes in their uniforms and, with debilitating headaches, not only put warm potatoes on their foreheads, but also drank freshly prepared potato juice in a quarter cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for a week.
  36. Uterine myoma
  37. Uterine myoma. Daily for six months in the morning on an empty stomach, take 1/2 cup of the juice of potatoes, and it is better that the potatoes be pink varieties.
  38. Corns. In the half-liter jar put the flowers of potatoes, pour vodka, insist 10 days in a dark place. Make lotion tincture on the corn.
  39. Frostbite. After restoring sensitivity, hold the sore spot in a warm, unsalted potato broth for 30 minutes.
  40. General cleansing of the body. To quickly and harmlessly cleanse the body of fungi and germs, bacteria, viruses - take 5 drops of tincture of solanine for 0.5 glass of water in the morning and evening 15-20 minutes before meals. After 5 days of taking a break for 5 days. Take 4-5 such courses immediately.
  41. Burns. Apply potato gruel.
  42. Oncological diseases. 1 tablespoon of potato flowers pour 500 ml boiling water, leave for 3 hours in a thermos, strain. Drink 1/2 cup 30 minutes before meals 1 time per day. The course of treatment: drink 4 liters of infusion!
  43. Acute dermatitis   (due to sunburn). Put a compress of peeled and grated raw potatoes, change every 2 hours.
  44. Swelling under the eyes. Carefully washed potatoes grate on a fine grater. Take two slices of cheesecloth, put 1 tablespoon of grated potatoes on each and put them on eye bags for 10-15 minutes. After that, apply a cream for the skin around the eyes to the places of edema in the direction from the nose bridge along the lower eyelid to the temples. After 15-20 minutes, with cotton wool dipped in cold tea, remove the remaining cream. The procedure should be done 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.
  45. Swelling under the eyes. Boiled potatoes in half cut in half and apply to closed eyes for 30-40 minutes. The temperature of the potatoes should not be too high so as not to damage the skin.
  46. Salt deposits. 2 cups of potato flowers pour 0.5 liters of alcohol, bury in the ground, insist 10 days, drain. Wipe joints tincture.
  47. Cleansing the body. Take 5 drops of tincture of solanine in 0.5 glasses of water in the morning and evening 15-20 minutes before meals. 5 days to drink, 5 days - a break. Take 4-5 such courses of purification.
  48. Swelling of the feet. Grate peeled potatoes and apply to the sore spot for 20-30 minutes, wrapping it with a rough cloth.
  49. Otitis. 2-3 drops of tincture of solanine dripped into the ear, cover with a piece of cotton. The pains will go away. Repeat a couple more times for prevention.
  50. Pancreatitis. Every day, morning and evening, 2 hours before meals, drink 100-200 ml of freshly prepared juice from potatoes, and after 5 minutes - fresh kefir. Potatoes are better to take pink. Peel not to remove. Potato juice should be no more than 10 minutes! The course of treatment is 15 days, then a break of 12 days. Need to spend 3-4 courses. Green tubers should not be consumed; they contain the toxic substance solanine!
  51. Increased acidity. Take freshly cooked potato juice 3/4 cup three times a day on an empty stomach one hour before meals and before going to bed for 10 days, then take a 10-day break. The course of treatment is repeated. Attention! Juice can be prepared from July to January, while the potato has a low level of solanine.
  52. Gout. A jar of light glass entirely filled with sprouts of potatoes (choose the thickest and shortest, do not wash), slightly light. Open a jar to put on the window sill for 2 weeks, after this period, fill the jar with medical alcohol (a half-liter jar will need 300 g of alcohol), tightly close and place for a month in a dark place. Strain. Once a day before bed, rub the sore spots. One course of treatment lasts for 2-3 weeks due to well-being.
  53. Foot sweats. Powder dry potato starch with powdered legs.
  54. Cold. Do inhalation with a decoction of potato peel for 10 minutes.
  55. Rheumatism. Fill a half-liter glass jar with potato flowers, pour in alcohol, bury it in the ground for 10 days, strain. Lubricate sore spots at night.
  56. Rheumatism. Dry 10 g of potato sprouts, grind to a powder, pour a glass of vodka in a dark glass bowl, leave for 24 hours. In tincture, pour 0.5 cups of olive oil, shake. To rub the sore spots with the prepared means 2-3 times a day, wrapping them with a woolen scarf after the procedure. The procedure is recommended for whining pains.
  57. Erysipelas of the skin. Mashed raw potatoes put on cotton cloth and attach to the sore spot.
  58. Bruises. Cut plates of sliced ​​potatoes to the injury site.
  59. Boils, pustular skin lesions. Put a compress of peeled and grated raw potatoes, change every 2 hours.
  60. Fibroma of the uterus. Pour in a thermos 1 hour a spoonful of dried potato flowers with one glass of boiling water. Thermos after 5-10 minutes to close and insist 4-5 hours. Drink infusion 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before a meal, 1/4 or 1/2 cup. The course of treatment is 1 month. Repeated course - in 1-2 months.
  61. Fibroma of the uterus. Daily take on an empty stomach for 1/2 cup of juice obtained from raw potato tubers. (if the patient does not have sombucous nodes and low acidity of gastric juice). The treatment is carried out from June to January: 1 month to drink juice, then take a break of 7-10 days. It is necessary to conduct 3 such courses.
  62. Fibroma of the uterus. 1 cup of flowers of potatoes (not subjected to chemical treatment from pests), wash and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain and add 2 tablespoons of honey. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.
  63. Furuncle. Put gruel of raw potatoes on a clean napkin and attach to the sore spot, fasten. Hold bandage for 2 hours.
  64. Spurs on heels. Grate the potatoes with the peel, put on gauze, cover with wax paper and pin on the sore spot. Do not remove this compress day! If necessary, repeat every other day.
  65. Eczema. For acute dermatitis due to sunburns and for pustular inflammation of the skin, a compress of cleaned and grated raw potatoes is used, changed every 2 hours.
  66. Duodenal ulcer. Take 1 / 2-1 / 3 cups of freshly prepared potato juice before meals in the morning and at lunch.
  67. Stomach ulcer. During the week, every morning, drink on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before breakfast a mixture of half a cup of boiled warm water and a half cup of freshly squeezed juice of pink varieties of potatoes.
  68. Gastric and duodenal ulcer. In a fresh potato juice dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink half a cup 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 12-14 days, repeat after 10 days.

Potatoes - recipes of traditional medicine:

  • Analgesic effect   has a compress of grated raw potatoes with honey with osteochondrosis. This compress is kept on the sore spot for at least an hour.
  • With hypertension   often eat baked potatoes "in uniform".
  • For swelling of the hands org should peel the potatoes, grate it, apply the potato slurry to the swollen places and hold for 15-20 minutes, tightly wrapping the “compress” with a cotton or terry towel.
  • Potato Mask Recipe: Cook “Potato tenderness” for which you will need a pair of boiled tubers. Mash and mix them (hot) with one yolk, 1 tsp. honey, a small amount of vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Apply the resulting mass on your face, and then rinse with boiled water. After this moisturizing and softening skin of a potato mask, lubricate your face with a nourishing cream. Lovers of natural cosmetics, I think, will probably come in handy with this recipe: mix medium boiled potatoes with 1 tbsp. l fresh curd and add 0.5 tsp. honey and half raw eggs. Then apply the finished gruel on the skin of the face and neck. Cover with a gauze cloth and hold the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Such masks are useful to do 1-2 times a week for 4-6 weeks. After 2 months, the course should be repeated.

Potato ripening time

The absorption of mineral products has a significant effect on moisture-min. food can be provided only with sufficient moisture. There is not much to do before germination, when the leaves grow, the potatoes already evaporate more water. Most minerals and aquatic plants are consumed during flowering, when intensive assimilation and a strong accumulation of reserve substances in the gum occurs. After flowering, the demand for water decreases.

Thus, the critical period for potato flourishes. During this period, in the absence of moisture, the yield can be reduced by 2-3 times. During the heat, in the soil, in the absence of moisture, the leaves of the potato leaves are damaged, they do not produce the nutrients necessary for the tubers, thereby increasing their vegetation. Even after a drought, the normal growth of potatoes is destroyed: small tubers appear on the tubers or small colonies grow, and new small potatoes are formed on them.

Sprouted potatoes - harm to health

Contraindications. Potato tubers, only dug out of the soil, do not contain the poisonous alkaloid of solanine. But when storage technology is violated, when light hits the tubers, they form a poison that can cause symptoms of severe poisoning. Greened potatoes are contraindicated for ingestion. People with diabetes and other serious illnesses should consult a doctor about the amount and feasibility of eating potatoes.