Lubricate the door loops without removing. How to lubricate the door loops to get rid of the screens

Each mechanism, including door loops, require constant care. In most cases, this process is reduced to a timely application of lubricant, which is capable of saving a loop from creaking. Why does an unpleasant sound occur and what to lubricate the hinges doors? We will deal with the problem in more detail.

Causes of the occurrence of the hinge

First of all, it is required to deal with the causes of the occurrence. The most likely problems include:

  1. Improper initial loop installation. Skyrp loops will begin to arise from the first moments of operation of the door. If the loops were welded before the installation of the door (applied on the entrance, street and garage doors), it is recommended to contact the company that set the door, asking to correct the problem. It is quite difficult to eliminate the creak of welded hinges. To solve the problem, you will need to reinstall the loops.
  1. Contact facing doors and loops. The problem is eliminated with a neat fit of the size of the cladding under the mounted loops.
  2. Lack of special balls in the mechanism. To eliminate the problem, you will need to remove the door cloth, disassemble the loops and equip them with the necessary items. After that, collect the loop and install the door to the previous place.
  1. Fully no lubricant for loops or lubricant is not correct. For example, some types of lubricants become dense when exposed to low temperatures. To eliminate the creak, you will need to apply a new one, suitable by parameters, lubricant.

Thus, almost all causes of the occurrence can be solved on their own.

Types of lubricants

Now consider how to lubricate the loops, so as not to creak? All funds can be divided into specialized and folk.

Specialized means for elimination of the screenshot

In stores can be purchased:

  • universal tool, for example, WD - 40. Lubricant for door loops can be produced in the form of a spray (as in the figure) or oil. Such means can be applied in various conditions. They easily cope with the problem of the screens, accumulated fat or rust. In addition, WD - 40 can protect the mechanism from corrosion;
  • the simplest machine oil that can be purchased in large cannors or specialized household bottles. Oils reliably protect the loops from the formation of rust and contribute to the correct work;
  • means used for lubricating machine units. For example, solidol (can operate in the temperature range from -30 ° C to 65 ° C) or a litol operating in temperature -40ºС - + 120ºС.

Folk Recipes for Lubrication Door Loops

What to lubricate the door loops, if there are no specialized compositions at hand? You can always find a folk remedy that will help to eliminate the problem, although for a short time. Among the folk remedies can be allocated:

  • vegetable oil is the most famous lubricant for locks and loops. In contrast to universal funds, vegetable oil has a short-term effect, but can be used to eliminate the screens. Use the tool is required neatly and in small quantities, as it is quickly contaminated and the mechanism does not make an aesthetic appearance. After purchasing a specialized agent, vegetable oil is desirable to remove, and lubricate the loop with the acquired composition;
  • still from a pencil. It has excellent lubricating properties. The stylus must be carefully pulled out from a pencil, crowned and disappear into the loop. After this procedure, it takes several times to open and close the door so that the substance is separated throughout the surface of the mechanism;
  • lubrication of hinges doors with warm wax or paraffin, also has a short-term action, but can be used to eliminate unpleasant sound. The tool is applied to the loop, after which the door is several times driven, which contributes to the spread of paraffin inside the loop.

Use wax from aromatic candles is not recommended.

Thus, there are many means for removing the screenshot of the loops. For any doors, it is recommended to use universal tools that can be purchased in household and automotive stores. They greatly eliminate the problem and keep the loops permanently for a long time. With folk remedies, it is necessary to contact extremely carefully and gently. If loops creak and after applying lubrication, then the problem is most likely in other aspects that need to find out additionally.

How to use specialized means to eliminate the screenshot

How to lubricate the loops of interroom doors and what will required for this? Let's try to figure out. First of all, it is necessary to prepare:

  • lubricant: oil, spray and so on;
  • dry and clean rag;
  • door removal fixture. You can use the ax, scrap or other device that creates the lever.

If the loops are frozen on the doors, then the following actions must be carried out:

  1. remove the door with loops. So that the procedure does not make trouble doorly should be slightly lifted using an ax or scrap. In this position, the loop is easily separated;
  1. on all hinge elements located on the door canvase and the box, the lubricant is neatly applied;
  1. the door is hung on the loop;
  2. several opening and closing cycles are performed for a more uniform lubrication distribution over the loop surface;
  3. oil residues are removed with a dry cloth.

Lubrication of universal in-point loops

For processing all-in-mail loops is more convenient to use sprays or aerosols.

What to do if the loop rusted and remove the door does not work

After a long use of loops or several loops, which are used on the street, there are often situations when removing the door canvate does not work. The loop is covered with rust, which interferes with the normal operation of the mechanism and device analysis. In this situation, it is recommended to use rust solvents.

When purchasing a spray or aerosol (as in the figure), the means is sprayed onto the surface of the loop. If a tool in the form of a liquid oil composition is chosen as a solvent, then a compress should be applied to the loop: the composition is applied to the rag that is applied to the loop.

For the complete interaction of the softening composition with rust will be required from 3 to 6 hours.

In no case cannot be shot down by a rusted loop with a hammer or other device. It can harm both the loop itself and the doors.

Thus, the means for lubricating door loops and locks are a lot. You can purchase compounds in a free sale. Lubrication door loops should be carried out regularly. This affects the duration of the mechanism service.

Permanent tubes of door loops are annoying all living in the apartment. An unpleasant sound appears with each opening and closing of doors or even during a small draft. If the loops are completely rusty, it does not cause any surprise. But with improper operation or installation, even new mechanisms can begin to creak. The easiest way to get rid of the unpleasant sound is lubricating loops.

Causes of the appearance of a tube at door loops

There are several reasons because of which the creak of the door loops may appear:

  1. Errors in the production process. When during the manufacture, the design of the loops was broken, for example, they were incorrectly welded, with time the script will certainly appear (speech about the metal door).

    To eliminate the violin in the wrong welding loop, you will need to digest it.

  2. No or insufficient lubrication. If there is excessive friction between the hinge elements, they will creak.

    If the loops were sold not lubricated, you will have to apply a lubricant material on your own that the door does not creak

  3. Inappropriate lubrication composition can also lead to the appearance of irritant sounds. Such a problem often appears when solidol is used. This grease may be thick with time. In this case, the solidol will need to be removed and lubricating the loop to another.
  4. There are no balls in the design (in garage loops). The door will need to remove and place the balls in the canopies. Then, the door canvas is installed in place.

    Without a ball, friction will increase, and the canopy will not be able to fully function

  5. Wearing canopies. In this situation there is only one solution - replacement.

    Wares of loops - the main reason for the occurrence of a violep in old private houses

  6. Wrong installation. If the hinges are not fixed enough for the doors or on the box, then this will most often lead to the appearance of a syrip. To eliminate unpleasant sounds it will be necessary to change the screws or the location of the loop fixation.

    Incorrectly installed door loop can not only make a creak, but also not to give the doors to close tightly

How to lubricate the creaking door loops

There are many options for lubricating door loops. It is best to apply machine oil.

You can go to the economic shop where the machine oil is sold in small jars or plastic tubes. It is intended for household needs, such as lubricants of locks, bicycles and other mechanisms. Such material is perfectly suitable for door loops. One tube should be enough for several years.

The cost of one machine oil tube usually does not exceed 100 rubles

If there is no machine oil at hand, other options can be used. You can solve the problem of a violep with such means:

  1. WD-40. This agent is great for lubricating loops. With it, you can get rid of the screenshot for a long time. If this is not, it is better to purchase it, since the WD-40 is suitable for a variety of life situations, and not just to lubricate the door mechanisms. For example, the remedy can quickly clean rust, glue, paint, etc. It is convenient for them to use, since the WD-40 is produced in canopy, in the form of spray.

    Usually complete with WD-40 there is an extension cord with which you can lubricate hard-to-reach places

  2. Graphite lubricant. This is probably the best lubricant for loops, since it can be eliminated from unpleasant sounds for many years. Graphite lubricant practically does not lose its properties over time.

    Even the small jar of graphite lubricant is enough for many years.

  3. Silicone lubrication is also a rather durable solution. It can be used as an alternative to graphite material. It is excellent for treating outdoor doors, because silicone is not exposed to high and low temperatures.

    Silicone lubricant is originally designed for motorists, but for lubrication of door loops, it also fits perfectly

  4. Solidol or Litol. These are popular funds, but they are not so comfortable to use them. It is necessary to remove the doors to handle the loops. If this is not done, then lubrication will help for a short time.

    Solidol when contamination can acquire the properties of Abrasive

  5. Graphite pencil. It can only be used when there are no other lubricants. The graphite chips have high sliding properties, but graphite is quite quickly poured.

    Graphite pencil has graphite lubrication properties, but it is only a temporary solution to the problem

It is important to remember that any vegetable or animal oils cannot be used to lubricate the door mechanisms. This is especially true of sunflower. Temporarily such a tool will help solve the problem. But then the loops will begin to quickly be covered with rust. It only greatly aggravates the problem.

Sunflower oil harms hard mechanisms

Once my uncle sunflower oil smeared the loop on the front door. At the same time, I decided to pour into the castle for the prevention. About a week later, the castle began to clutch, constantly dine, and then completely broke. The key is stuck so that I had to change the castle. The loop over time also began to creak. I had to make a complete dismantling. Rust for 3 months has accumulated as much as for several years. As a result, we believed it with WD-40.

Video: WD-40 Universal Means

How to lubricate creaking loops

For different types of doors, their types of loops are applied. Lubrication in each case has its own nuances.

How to lubricate a wooden door loop

The most popular view for wooden doors are universal loops. They can be collapsible and unintended. To perfectly lubricate the door loops and solve the problem with a creak for a long time, you need to remove the door cloth and clear all the elements from rust. Then the doors are installed in place. The procedure for performing work for collapsible loops:

  1. First you need to purchase a suitable lubricant. It is desirable that the packaging has "nose". So it will be much easier to work.

    Liquid lubricant is easiest to perform work

  2. The loop rod should be found. It is performed from two elements and a rod that connects them. To make lubrication effectively, it must be removed.

    The door loop rod connects elements together

  3. You need to open the door to the maximum and get it. In some cases, it can be done with your fingers, but it will often have to use pliers.

    Sometimes the rod is very tightly sits, so it will have to gently knock out

  4. Apply lubricant. It is necessary to lubricate the rod itself and the inner surfaces of the hinge elements.

    If the rod is dirty or rusty, it must be cleaned

  5. Return the rod into place.
  6. Check the door. If unpleasant sounds remained, it is necessary to re-produce the entire procedure, only add more lubricant material. It must be done until the creak is completely wondering.
  7. Wipe the loop with a paper napkin or cotton cloth. It is necessary to wipe all the remains of oil and dust.

    Pollution can lead to the return of creak

If you try to make an operation without removal, you can bend metal elements. For example, when the rod is stretched out of the top design, the force will increase, and the entire door can lead to the side.

Inspection cannons will be lubricating only with liquid material. There is no need to remove the door.

There are also conventional (interconnected) canopies that are slightly different from the loops with the rod (universal). They are applied more and less. This design is made according to the principle of "spike-groove". The rod is welded directly to one hinge element and is inserted into another.

Doors with connector door hinges can be removed by simply raising them up

To lubricate such a canopy, it is not necessary to completely remove the doors. There is a way simpler, but for it we need liquid lubricant. Lubrication is performed in several steps:

  1. Most open the door.
  2. With the help of some lever raise it. For this, it will be suitable, for example, a file. It is necessary to insert it under the end of the canvas and pull up.

    The lever significantly reduces the required amount of effort

  3. Lubricate all elements that rub, with a tube with a nose or a conventional syringe.

    It is desirable that the "Nose" cross section is minimal to crawl even into the most narrow slits.

  4. Fix the lever until the canvas returns to its original position.
  5. Several times you need to open and close the door. This is necessary in order for the lubricant completely covered all the elements.

This method is great for lubricating the loops of ordinary wooden interior doors. They always use repeated or universal canopies.

There are hidden hinges that are often used for entrance doors. It should be found all the rubber elements and carefully treat them with a liquid lubricant. Now most models have holes where you need to pour lubricants. On different types of design, they are in different places, so you just need to carefully examine the fastener element.

Hidden loop is not visible when the door is closed

Video: Lubrication of different types of loops

How to lubricate the hinges of the plastic door

Plastic doors have their own distinctive features. PVC material is practically no heat. Also, plastic doors are very tightly adjacent to the frame due to seals.

The creak can appear not only because of the loops, but also due to other accessories (handles, closer, clamping elements).

Most people start handling with lubricant immediately loops. Other items are simply ignored. So it is impossible to do, because the creak may not disappear. It is necessary to pay attention to the accessories.

It should also be lubricated. Work is performed in such a sequence:

  1. Removed and cleaned lining with loops from all sorts of contaminants.

    The pad is removed when the door is closed

  2. Then the silicone lubricant is sprayed.
  3. After applying, it is necessary that the lubricant gets inside the loops. To do this, the door must be revealed several times.
  4. Next, you need to open the closer housing (it is fixed on the screws) and lubricate all the rubbing items.

    Before lubricating clamping elements, it is necessary to remove all visible pollution

If the door still creaks, then the problem may come in something else, and not in the loop. In this case, it will have to re-install or replace completely.

How to smear the loop of the glass door

Loops for glass doors have a more neat and delicate design. Often they are intimidrate or difficult to collapsible, so liquid means should be used for lubrication.

Lubrication loops for glass doors usually happens without disassembling

It is best to use WD-40. It is necessary to pour lubricant in each placed grease from the canopy. Then, check for the presence of a syringe. If he stayed, add lubricants and more.

How to lubricate the hinges of the metal door

Before installation, metal doors are carefully lubricated. But over time, the lubricant is generated. When it becomes little, creak appears.

In winter, it is possible to use solidol. It will not allow loops to drag. But it is better to use a specialized agent - graphite lubricant.

There are hinges, inside which is not a ball, but bearings

Metal door loops can be treated with lubricant and without removal. But this is only if they are not hidden under overlays. If the lining is present, you will have to remove the entire design. They are welded to the door frame and overlap access to hinges. Lubrication work is performed according to the standard principle:

If the metal doors hinges are strongly covered with rust, you must first process their WD-40. Only after complete cleaning can be searched for lubrication. In the summer period, WD-40 can also be applied as a lubricant.

How to lubricate the folding door

Such a door does not have a loop, but the creak may appear in the wheels or due to the dirty guide. With the guide, everything is simple - you only need to clean it carefully.

You need to lubricate the rollers in a timely manner so that the bearings do not rust

The wheels will have to lubricate. For this you need:

You should not lubricate guides, as the dirt will begin to pour even more.

How to grease the loops of the double-sided door

Also there are two-way doors. They can open in any direction.

Double-sided doors are very comfortable, but with severe drafts can start twit

Such loops need to be lubricated with machine oil. For this you need:

Often the doors with such loops are installed in public places. Therefore, the lubricant must be carried out every 6 months. If a lot of people passes through the door, then preventive lubrication should be done every 3 months.

The creaking door creates psychological discomfort, acts annoying. First you need to identify the cause of the symbol, in most cases for any door it is enough to lubricate the loop. Sometimes it is necessary to additionally adjust the individual parts of the door connecting mechanism. It is not always necessary to do dismantling the door leaf to lubricate the door loops without removing the door.

Metal entrance door loops

Causes of violin

It is possible to include errors when installing, unbalanced the fastening system, worn out of the mechanism of the door leaf. In the case when errors were initially allowed when installing, it is better to invite a specialist and reinstall the door.
In other cases, you can use simple ways to properly lubricate the hinges with special means to get rid of the screens.

Before you eliminate the defect, it is necessary to open a few times and close the door cloth, then it becomes clear at what point there is an unpleasant sound. To begin with, we determine the cause of the squeak, it may be:

Lubrication loops with vegetable oil

Sometimes the hostess lubricate the loop with vegetable oil, but such a procedure gives a short-term effect, it is better to use special means. A means that is not intended for depreciation is rapidly contaminated, loses its properties.

In the event that the door canvas saves, the insufficient gap is required to adjust the input group.

In other cases, special lubricants use.

The process of lubricating loops with special means

These include:

How to lubricate the door loops without removing the door: 2 main ways

If the door in the room creaks: what to do and why it happens

If the interroom or entrance door in the apartment began to creak, it means that there are reasons for it. As a rule, this happens when the door design is in motion, that is, opens or closes.

To figure out exactly what exactly creaks: the loop or the canvas itself, you need to slowly tell the door there and here, tightly holding the handle and listening to the sounds of the sounds.

Why the door creaks and how to eliminate these reasons:

  1. There are errors when hanging the door leaf - for example, loops are incorrectly installed. To solve such a problem, you need to reinstall the door or call the masters that quickly and efficiently perform this work.
  2. Facing the door concerns the loops - to eliminate this reason, it is necessary to simply remove the cladding and make it the necessary sizes.
  3. In the door hinges, there are not enough balls - in this case they need to be investigated in the necessary places.
  4. The loops are simply weakly fixed - it's worth spinning them well.
  5. Scheduled web began - such a problem may touch, first of all, plastic door. To remove it, you need to adjust the upper or lower loop, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bsagging.
  6. The ends of the door canvases relate to the platbands - in this case, the mounting grooves should be deepened.
  7. The mounting of the door design has not been lubricated for a long time - it is enough just to perform this action;
  8. A rust appeared - this is the problem mainly concerns the iron door. Here it is necessary to clean the loop from the plaque and only after that they are lubricated. If corrosion managed to deeply enter the material, then the loops will have to replace.
  9. The lubricant is incorrectly selected - in this case, you need to remove the old agent and apply new.
  10. The loops have already been strongly loosened and their exploitation approached the end - it remains here to simply replace them.

So look the main causes of the terrible mode of the door. But basically the whole thing is the absence of lubricant on the loops. Therefore, it should be sorted out, the better to lubricate them.

If the door squeak occurs due to low loops, it will help to solve the problem correctly selected lubricant.

The better lubricate the loop of interroom door cloths:

  • Oil for sewing machines;
  • Machine oil used for engine engine;
  • Diesel oil;
  • Cyatim - perfectly removes not only the creaking, but also protects parts from corrosion and exposure to aggressive components;
  • A special means of WD-40 is in addition to the usual lubricant, this substance is fighting perfectly with rust, and you can buy it in any automotive spare parts store.

It is impossible to lubricate the creaked door with vegetable or olive oil. This gives, firstly - a short-term effect, and secondly - it causes the formation of an extra raid on the fittings, and in the end it will have to be changed.

An excellent domestic way to lubricate the door is considered to use the "soft" pencil's stylus. It is very easy to do it - it is enough to put the stylus on the loop and take a little to the door in different directions. The material will be repaid and falls on all the loops.

If the entrance door of the house creaks, it is better to lubricate it with such substances as:

  • Litol - This lubricant is not afraid of frost and can withstand the temperature range from -40 to +120 degrees;
  • Solidol is a fairly cheap agent capable of acting in temperature conditions from -35 to +65 degrees.

If the entrance door leads to a vestibule or an entrance, where the plus temperature is constantly maintained, then the usual machine oil or WD-40 means can be used.

So that the loops do not creak, they need to be covered with a special lubricant. Moreover, sometimes it needs to be done without removing the door leaf with the loops.

In the case of a plastic door it looks like this:

  • The syringe is taken, which is filled with oil for lubrication and the substance is applied to the accessories;
  • If instead of lubricant, a pencil's griffel is used, then the door must be slightly lifted so that the slots are visible in which the means falls asleep.

If the plastic door leads to the balcony, then it is necessary to start lubrication from it. The door should be opened.

Instruction: how to lubricate the loop of the iron door

Scripping iron or metal door must be lubricated. If the details of the door design are unspeborified, then you have to do it without a design.

The metal door is lubricated like this:

  • The door canvas opens a lap;
  • Next, it is slightly lifted (for these purposes, you need to put something under the door to the door, for example, a fat file);
  • After that, the old lubricant and accumulated dirt are removed from the accessories;
  • Then with a cotton wand, tassel, syringe or with an oil with a nozzle, you can apply a lubricant;
  • After performing all the procedures, the door is removed from the "lever" and moves several times in different directions so that the remedy is evenly distributed over the hinges;
  • Excess substances need to be removed with a dry cloth.

During lubrication, more substances should be applied to the upper loops, since the main load during the operation of the door lies on them.

If the loops are a hidden mechanism, then you need to find all its swivel parts and lubricate. Sometimes there are special holes for filling the oil.

Tips: how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door (video)

The main reason for the door of the door in the room is the lack of lubricant on the door loops. Naturally, to remove this problem, you need to lubricate them. In order not to remove the canvas, you can use the easiest way and make all the necessary actions using auxiliary devices. The main thing is not to forget about safety measures.

How and when to lubricate loops on the doors

With the active use of mounted door blocks, many owners have a situation when an unpleasant creak is distributed when the door canvase is opened. The reason lies in the fact that during operation in the mounted loops, dust and contamination falls, which create interference when moving the mechanism, and also impede normal operation. Some attachments are quite difficult, so the question of how to lubricate the butterfly loops is often the subject of disputes.

When you need to lubricate loops

If you correctly approach the solution to the problem with the squeak of the door block, then the lubricant must be performed regularly. Optimal frequency - once every six months. However, in practice, these rules are often not respected, therefore there are signs for which it is possible to determine that the loops require maintenance:

  1. When opening or closing the door leaf, an unpleasant, loud creak or crunch ("disease" of the entrance door) occurs.
  2. The door opens with difficulty, meeting resistance at the place of attachment to the box.
  3. The door block is visually hanging, problems occur when closing in the form of jams in the box (often occurs in the doorway to the balcony).

If at least one of the similar symptoms is present, then the first thing you need to do is remove pollution and make lubricating loops with a special composition.

Causes of the appearance of a scraper

The principle of operation of the loop mechanism is the design of two tight-fitted sleeves, the space between which is filled with lubricant material. In this case, the lubricant is used to eliminate the friction effect, thus facilitating the movement of the sleeves relative to each other.

With active use, the lubricant in the mechanism is produced and its number decreases. Because of this, an uneven stroke of the bushings occurs, the metal parts rub their surfaces, an unpleasant sound occurs.

All lubricants usually have a high ability to accumulate a variety of contaminants. This means that after some time of operation, the lubricant will be a mixture of dust, dirt and metal particles. Sliding abilities of such a composition will be significantly violated, creak and difficult movement will arise.

Assortment of lubricants

To eliminate the screenshot in the door loops, any specialized funds will not need. Suitable garages that can be detected in each garage:

  1. WD-40 water-repellent. Such a lubricant in the form of a spray has two main characteristics - eliminates corrosion and contamination, and also forms a stable sliding coating on the iron basis. The composition can be applied directly to the contaminated surface, the sprayer is equipped with a special thin tube for spraying in hard-to-reach places.
  2. Motor, semi-synthetic oil. Virtually any type (regardless of the manufacturer). It has the best ability to form a moving film on the hinges, is preserved longer.
  3. Industrial compounds that are used to lubricate mechanisms under load. The most common is thick lubricants, such as a lithol or solidol. These compositions are a classic answer to the question of how door loops are lubricated without removing the canvas.

If suddenly, the funds listed above are not found at hand, then conventional economic items, such as vegetable oil or a simple pencil, will be suitable. In the case of a pencil, it is necessary to crush the griffel into the powder and dense the inner surface of the loop.

However, these funds can only be used temporarily.

Door Lubrication Technology

Lubrication can be made either with a complete disassembly of the looping mechanism or locally without disassembly if the mechanism is unintellular. If we consider how to lubricate the door loops without removing the door, then the following mechanism maintenance options will be suitable:

  1. Using the oil and nozzle in the form of a thin and long tube. In this case, the lubricant is applied to the loop from above. You need to fill as many cavities as possible, make a few open-closing door.
  2. Filling with lubricant with a syringe. In this case, the oil is neatly entered into any available slot and pumped until it appears from the bottom of the loop. To secure the effect it is recommended to work the door.

In some cases, the loop mechanism is quite complicated. To understand how best to lubricate the loop on the door, without removing the door, you have to explore the instructions.

Important! When removing, you can not shock hinges - it can break them completely.

Regarding the question, how to lubricate the butterfly loops of interroom doors, there is a list of recommendations. If the loops felt tightly to each other and it is impossible to find a slot for entering the lubricant, then you will have to disassemble the mechanism:

  1. The retainer on the loop mechanism is spinning. Usually it is located below.
  2. Rod (hinge) is extracted, which connects parts of the canopy, with the help of pliers.
  3. Cleaning is performed using the old vehicle and solvent. Washed dry. A similar operation must be carried out with the inner surface of the loop.
  4. Lubricant is applied to the rod and inserted into place. The retainer is fixed.

After that, there are several door opening cycles so that the new lubricant covered the entire surface is uniformly.

General advice for door loop lubrication specialists are standard enough:

  • do not wait for the appearance of a violep and difficulties when opening, but to disassemble and make lubricant regularly;
  • use thick consistent lubricants based on graphite due to their improved properties.

Lubrication of door canopies - the process is simple. Even without having experience, you can easily cope with this task. It is desirable to follow the recommendations on the right choice of lubricant and do it regularly.

How to lubricate the loops of interroom doors so as not to creak

You can get rid of the door from the screen, if you lubricate the door hinges in one of the following funds. Some of them have only a short-term effect of exposure, for example, vegetable oil, another (pencil, polyrolol) - long.

Anticorrosion Spray WD-40

Made on the basis of White spirit and includes 20% oil from the total composition. Therefore, it can only get rid of the screenshots only for a short period. Its main purpose is to prepare parts for lubrication (clean, depend and degrease the surface). Fasted in vials with a convenient dispenser.

Machine oil or for sewing machines

Applied to the moving parts of the loop with a pipette or a syringe for injection (twice or five). Preference should be given to machine oil with the greatest viscosity. It will not only get rid of the screenshot, but also from the resulting rust on the canopy.

For this, a cloth, well-soaked with machinery, attach to rusty places for 3-4 hours. It is necessary to do it carefully, not allow it to spread through the doorway or shoals.

Pencil (verified by editors)

Extracted from the pencil of the griffel fall asleep in the hinge slot. You can also, without removing the door completely, slightly lift it and put it with a piece of the rod between the mechanisms. He himself will turn around and distribute over the hinges after several door movements. In order not to open the pencil, you can use spare rods from the "Circul" set.

Verified by the editorial board: For convenience, not lazy to the stylus from the sharp pencil, placed it in the loop of the raised door. They returned it to the place, under pressure the rod broke away. After several "open-closing" movements, the door in the room will no longer creak.

Sunflower oil

Driving between moving door mechanisms is also a pipette or syringe, or, lifting the door leaf, loops are wiped. The disadvantage of this method is the adhesion of dust, the short effect and frequent use can lead to a rapid wear of the mechanism.

Creamy oil, food fats and vaselines are not used for lubrication from the fact that they all cause metal corrosion. The effect of their impact is very short-term until they dry.

For instillation of liquid lubricants, you can use empty flush bottles from eye drops or for the nose.

Solidol, "Litol" or "Dziatim"

Due to the thick composition, they are applied with a stick, a ruler, drawing tassel or a finger on the loop. Scripping door slightly lift and put one of the selected tools in the resulting gap.

Solidol cannot be used to lubricate the street doors (gate, wicket or accessible). Under the influence of low temperatures, it thickens and turns into abrasive, so it is possible to apply it only at home.

Litol is characterized as a water and frost-resistant lubricant, but harmful to aluminum surfaces.

CIATIM "(thick lubricant for automotive parts) has antioxidant and frost-resistant properties, is practically not washed with water, but with a duty in the open air, the lubricant dries.

Silicone Grease

Squint it on the loop or apply a thin layer and close - open the door a couple of times for the distribution of the product. For more efficient impact, remove the rod and handle it with lubrication.

Preventive lubrication of canopies of interior doors once a year will save from the appearance of a screens.

It can be useful: how to wash the batteries even in hard-to-reach places.

Skyrplay Doors is terribly not pleasant. . But eliminate the creak is easy enough. You just need to lubricate the loops. Today we will tell about 4 rapid and effective ways to combat the creak of door loops.

1 way. Aerosol WD.
This agent is in the car from any motorist. The universal lubricant based on White Spirit with a convenient dispenser can save from the screens. However, the effect will not be long. The fact is that the tool is not intended for lubricant, it helps to cleaned and depend the surface before applying the present lubricant. As part of WD there is oil, but its no more than 20% of the total aerosol composition.

2 ways. Machine oil
It will suit any oil that is used to lubricate the parts of the car. Choose with the greatest viscosity. Ideally suit the engine oil, and if you find a lubricant called "Litol", then forget about the screet in the door loops for a long time.

You can use a conventional syringe or pipet to apply oil. Abundantly lubricate all moving parts of the loop, and overcome the dry cloth. Before handling oil, clean the surface with the WD aerosol

3 way. Pencil
Our grandmothers did not have WD, Litola and other joys of civilization, so they used a simple pencil brace. It can be repaired and fall asleep in the loop slot, or raise the door and straight loop to open the piece inside the mechanism. As part of the griffel there is oil and wax, so it can really get rid of the screens.

4 way. Liquid soap, wax or sunflower oil
If there is nothing above at hand, then use sweater. It will suit any liquid and viscous agent. But remember that the use of sunflower oil can lead to sticking of dust and dirt on the hinges, and this in the consequence will lead to a rapid wear of the mechanism. Yes, and the effect of such treatment will be short-lived.

Here they are the Savior from the squeeze in the loops

Perhaps, every experienced car owner wondered than lubricating the loop of the car doors so as not to creak. Indeed, the screenshots and noises in the cabin clearly do not give pleasure from the ride. Therefore, many drivers produce noise insulation - stick the doors, the floor and the ceiling by vibroplast in two, or even three layers. Yes, the effect of this is. But it does not save it from the screens in the pins. Therefore, today we will analyze how to lubricate the hinges of the car doors (VAZ-2110 including).

The reasons

First let's find out where these annoying sounds come from? Screensions proceed due to the friction of the metal, namely the loops and pins, which attach the door to the car body. It enters various dirt, water, dust and other "Purga", which is on our roads. Over time, the factory lubricant is washed off, and in the end we hear the characteristic creak and clicks published by the car loops. With a long lack of lubricant, the surface and the inner part of the elements is covered with rust. Corrosion processes begin. Of course, the loop of a modern car is too thick to be contracted, but those inconveniences that will deliver the screens, just drive you crazy. Also on wear affects the state of seals and adjusting the locks. As shown in the photo, it can be shifted to the side with the help of a hexagon: weaken, and then tighten.

Over time, if you do not replace the pins or incorrectly set the lock, the door can be saved. Because of this, the friction of metal on the metal (namely loops) is significantly increasing. The situation is aggravated, and the volume of the screens is growing as on yeast. Naturally, car owners are trying to eliminate this problem and in a panic are poured there any lubricant, which fell at hand: old oils, work, and some even vinegar. In most cases, it does not help. A high-quality tool should create a thin oily film that will be formed in the gaps, preventing direct contact of the loops with each other. Pouring there that fell extremely not recommended.

What to lubricate the car loops?

Priora and other domestic production cars have congenital "disease" - creaking loops. They are the source of an irritating sound that does not even overlap with even loud music. To begin with, you should consider visually data parts. If the loop has a layer of lubricant, but with dust and dirt particles, it is recommended to re-process. To do this, from the coating with the help of White-spirit, gasoline or any other solvent is removed by the old factory lubricant together with the road dust particles accumulated on it. Next, the surface is treated with a consistent composition. How to lubricate the loop doors of the car VAZ-2114? Among the consistent it is worth noting solidol or lithol. They are sufficiently thick in their structure and do not flow on the heat, like many others.

It is worth noting that lithol must be processed only by fuel items. Also, due to its oil structure, it pushes water well. Thus, the moisture will never fall inside the loops, previously processed by this means.

Graphite lubricant

What to lubricate the car loops? You can do this and graphite lubricant.

This type of lubricant is also universal. Reviews say that it perfectly protects the preservation of the loops, forming the film between them. According to the consistency, it is comparable to lithol. Also recommended to handle wheel bolts. With a one-time application, the risk of disrupting them decreases several times.

How to lubricate the hinges of the car doors? Machine oil and nigrol

Some craftsmen "syringe" and such lubrication. Why "syringe"? Other methods apply it hard. This is a very liquid composition that literally flows when hinged hits. To put it a lot - it means to spoil the door, namely pollut her together with the thresholds to disgrace. The effect of such applying is. But you should not divert: the extra drop of the river flows down, and it will not be possible to remove it from the first time, the more wet rag. By virtue of water-repellent properties, nigrol is removed only by dry rag (anti-corrosion resistance is provided). Before lubricating the loop of the car doors, be sure to degrease the surface and remove all the previous applied tools from it.

If rusty

In the absence of proper care, these items will start rust quickly. It is they who along with arches and thresholds are the most vulnerable to corrosion elements. In the launched case of one lubricant application will not be enough. And the point is not the amount of its layers, but in the need to remove old corrosion. After all, a rust loop after lubricant will not be, but the composition is not able to disperse those metal particles (chips), which is inside.

It is used for this inexpensively - about 250 rubles in 0.5 liters. This volume will be enough for all loops, in addition will also remain for the thresholds. This composition is poppy in a sponge, and then apply to the loop itself. After an hour of processing, the inner and outer part of the loop will be like new - to paint it, of course, optionally. But to put the lubricant is the time.

How to apply?

It is necessary to apply thick with a thin brush or, if it is nigrol, with the help of a pharmacy syringe (without a needle). What to lubricate the car loops? Recently, the compositions in the form of spray became very popular.

Due to the liquid consistency, they are easily applied and penetrated into the rubbing elements. Among these, it is worth noting the Means "Molycot". Judging by the reviews, this substance is suitable for both domestic and foreign cars, differs by high hydrostability and resistance to temperature differences. Lubrication easily penetrates the gaps and there remains there, creating a small oil film. As a result, the doors are easily open and closed (the minimum and most importantly, do not creak.


What to lubricate the loop doors of the car VAZ-2107 or any other? Among the lubricants-sprays is worth noting the universal funds from "Liquimi Moli" and "VD-40". They are easily applied and protect the parts from friction. You can use them not only on the loop, but also on the castles (trunk including). And in general, to apply in any driving mechanisms. Before lubricating the loop of the car doors, remember the rules of operation. The main thing is not to apply on rubber products: seals, pillows, belts, and so on. The presence of lubricant, on the contrary, will reduce their service life. Rubber will begin to crack, stretch and deform.

Application rules

Please note that you do not need to apply a large amount of loop lubrication. Of course, they will not be worse. The point is in the other. That part of the composition, which was superfluous, flows down the door and further on the thresholds. As a result, the lower part of the body is covered with a solid fatty film. Naturally, she will "magnetize" on itself all road dust. After a week, the effect of such treatment will be shocking for a car owner - black thresholds and parts of doors with a thick layer of road dust. Normal car wash this will not eliminate - you will need a cloth. And scratching paint on the body, removing all this flare, is a very unpleasant lesson.

On the loops of modern cars there is a special cap, which is locked in the door pin, it is to pour lubricant into it. The cap will not give her to leave (Of course, if the volume of lubricant was normal). For a uniform distribution, the means by loop must be opened several times and close the doors.

What if there is no result?

It happens when the door continues to make the door when applying the composition. And not on the closure / opening, but during the ride. Lubricants in the hinges are enough, but the doors still click. What to do? This speaks about the provisions of the mechanisms.

If the door is crooked and hard closes, this indicates the presence of developing in the loops themselves. Most often, car owners solve the problem of installing new pins. But it does not always help: developing not only on them, but also in the loops themselves. It can make the shares of millimeters, but even it is enough that the metal is calmly "walked" inside. To get rid of it, the rings of the loops are cut off with a grinder, and then weld. As a result, the clearance is reduced - the pin is increasing, there is no backlash in the door. Previously all this is processed by thick lubricant, most often graphite. After such a repair, the door will be like new - it is perfectly closed and not to publish annoying sounds.

When to do processing?

It is better to do this procedure in the fall, than to lubricate the hinges of the door of the car in the firing frost, when the tool will simply freeze, not reaching the right place. On the eve of the winter season, experts recommend processing not only loops, but also door locks, as well as the trunk. All seals and groceries (livnets) windows are processed

It prevents land formation. Thus, the door will not face after another trip to work. The locks are processed directly through the key for the key - slightly approaching it, the WD-40 means are applied. After several times open and closed the locking mechanism button (the lubricant will penetrate on the surface of all driving elements inside).

Also handle these sections (including door seals) are needed after washing. This is especially true in winter. No matter how well you spend a cloth on the body and its elements, the moisture particles will remain on the rubber bands, which will turn into frost - to get into the salon of such a car it will be simply impossible. Therefore, be sure to handle the loops, locks and door seals, this significantly saves your time to open and reduces the noise level inside when driving. After all, the metal creaking is the most annoying, and if you consider that the car goes every day, it greatly affects the psyche and driver mood. You will agree: It's nice to go to the car, in which there is no this nasty screen, and the door opens immediately, and not with a part of the seal.


So, we found out what to lubricate the car loop. It is better to use several funds at once: sprays - in the castle and loops, and Silicon - on