Folk remedies for spider mites. Chemical and biological preparations for plant treatment

Plant life can disrupt the pathogenic effects of pests that destroy root system, disrupt the flowering process. On the list of such provoking factors is a red tick, which is also called a spider mite. This is the first enemy flora... Man uses all possible means to exterminate him.

How to get rid of spider mites

The appearance of plants with increased activity of the specified pest leaves much to be desired. A person understands why the “home botanical garden” began to look so bad, so he immediately begins to fight the spider mite. First, he sees the appearance of a thin web on the leaves, and then he notices their broken integrity in the form of small holes at the base. Before you fight a spider mite, you need to choose the most effective method... The options are as follows:

  1. Chemical. The purchase of special preparations, which contain acaricides, helps to quickly solve the problem. Synthetic components paralyze the pest, reduce its mass activity and ensure rapid death without harm to the domestic culture.
  2. Biological method... Acquisition of a certain pest that exterminates the spider mite, but does not touch the plant itself. It is also possible to attract biological acaricides.
  3. Agrotechnical. Creation of unfavorable conditions for the habitat of spider mites. The method is effective, but its implementation must be combined with other methods of exterminating the pest.
  4. People's. It is possible to kill the pest if you choose a reliable and effective recipe from the older generation. If you trust people's councils, the fight against spider mites in the greenhouse and at home will be productive and end in a quick victory.

Spider mite on indoor plants

Caring for home crops necessarily provides for the timely extermination of all insects that can harm the plant. If a spider mite suddenly appears on indoor flowers, action is required immediately. The first step is to figure out how it might look, how it manifests itself, and then remove it at home by everyone known methods... There are several of them:

  1. It is imperative to isolate the infected flower from the "home botanical garden", otherwise the pest will continue to make cobwebs and destroy already neighboring plants. Cover it with cellophane, create tightness. The spider mite is afraid of high humidity and dies.
  2. Rinse the diseased plant under running water, it is allowed to use for these purposes detergent or laundry soap... Washing does not get rid of all pests, but it significantly reduces their population.
  3. The gardener needs to process the affected and healthy leaves along with the soil with water, where add specialized preparations such as Intavir, Fitoverm, Karbofos, and other insecticides. Add Aldicarb directly to the soil.
  4. Alternate the action of chemicals, otherwise a spider mite forms a stable opposition to a specific poison. Additionally, you can treat the affected plant with ultraviolet light.

Spider mite on cucumbers

If the pest is in the greenhouse, cucumbers are the first to suffer. He begins to braid the leaves of these domestic crops, as a result of which the fruit itself deteriorates. If a tick appears on cucumbers, action is required immediately. If you delay, the entire crop will suffer. A productive fight against spider mites on cucumbers includes the following measures:


This publicly available insectoacaricide demonstrates destructive action against many pests cultivated plants, is distinguished by its systemic effect on the focus of pathology. Actellik is sold in ampoules of 2 and 4 ml to choose from. With the first volume, 1 ampoule must be diluted in 0.7 liters of water, mix thoroughly. Then spray the diseased plant with a spray bottle.


This is another effective healing and preventive measureto save indoor plants and not only from spider mites. Bitoxibacillin B chemical composition contains wetting agents and adhesives that soften the aggressive effects of reagents. The main component is the bacteria "bacilli". Hence such a specific name.


If the plant starts to look bad, it is recommended to use Acarin. The preparation of the medicinal composition must comply following proportions: 1-2 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water, working consumption - 1 liter per 100 sq. m. Spraying of diseased crops should take place in sunny, dry, but not hot weather. The action is enough for 6-8 hours, and the processing is carried out for 3-5 days daily.


This is another powerful acaricide that contains brompylate. The drug Neorom has a long-term therapeutic effect, since the effect obtained after spraying is enough for 30 days. To prepare the solution, you need to combine 1.5 - 2 ml of the drug with 1 liter of water, mix thoroughly. After that, process each infected leaf in a henbane with high quality.


This preparation has stable bactericidal and acaricidal properties, is characterized by low consumption of the composition and high efficiency against spider mites and their eggs. Demitan lasts up to 60 days, is characterized by non-toxicity, therefore it is absolutely harmless to the environment. More often they are treated fruit trees and bushes (currants) in the garden, vegetables in the greenhouse and in the garden.

Our grandmothers, growing garden strawberries, or strawberries, as we used to call them, were not particularly worried about mulching. But today this agricultural practice has become fundamental in achieving high Quality berries and reduce crop losses. Someone might say that this is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case are repaid a hundredfold. In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the nine best materials for mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that "babies" have always been considered more fashionable, to the assortment of succulents with which you can decorate modern interior, it is worth taking a closer look. After all, colors, sizes, patterning, degree of prickle, influence on the interior are just a few of the parameters by which you can choose them. In this article, we will tell you about the five most fashionable succulents that amazingly transform modern interiors.

Mint was used by the Egyptians as early as 1.5 thousand years BC. It has a strong aroma due to the high content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, ornamental gardening, and the confectionery industry. In this article, we will consider the most interesting varieties of mint, and also talk about the features of growing this plant in the open field.

People began to grow crocuses as early as 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these flowers in the garden is fleeting, we always look forward to the return of the heralds of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses that bloom as soon as the snow melts. However, the timing of flowering may vary depending on the species and varieties. This article focuses on the earliest crocus varieties that bloom in late March and early April.

Cabbage soup from early young cabbage on beef broth - hearty, aromatic and easy to prepare. In this recipe, you will learn how to cook a delicious beef broth and cook light cabbage soup in this broth. Early cabbage cooks quickly, so it is put into the pot at the same time as the rest of the vegetables, unlike fall cabbage, which takes a little longer to cook. Ready-made cabbage soup can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. The present cabbage soup is tastier than the freshly cooked one.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to get confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced gardeners are sometimes confused by it! However, it is not so difficult to understand the basics of selecting varieties "for yourself". The main thing is to understand the peculiarities of culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest tomato groups to grow are varieties and hybrids with limited growth. They have always been appreciated by those gardeners who do not have a lot of energy and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettles, and then forgotten by everyone, Coleus today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain considered stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking primarily for non-standard colors. Easy to grow, but not so undemanding to suit everyone, Coleus require constant monitoring. But if you take care of them, the bushes of velvety unique leaves will easily outshine any competitor.

Salmon ridge baked in Provencal herbs is a "supplier" of tasty pieces of fish pulp for a light salad with fresh leaves of wild garlic. Champignons are lightly fried in olive oil and then poured over with apple cider vinegar. These mushrooms are tastier than regular pickled mushrooms and are better for baked fish. Ramson and fresh dill get along well in one salad, emphasizing the aroma of each other. The garlic pungency of wild garlic will saturate both salmon pulp and mushroom pieces.

Conifer tree or a bush on the site is always great, and a lot of conifers are even better. Emerald needles of various shades adorn the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oilssecreted by plants, not only aromatize, but also make the air cleaner. Typically, most zoned adults conifersare considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral part of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year starts here on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their blossoming. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

I am very interested in analyzing how the tastes and addictions of people to certain foods have changed over the centuries. What was once considered tasty and was an object of trade lost its value over time and, conversely, new fruit crops conquered their markets. Quince has been cultivated for over 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century BC. e. about 6 varieties of quince were known and even then methods of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Delight your family and make themed Easter egg-shaped cottage cheese cookies! Your kids will be happy to take part in the process - they will sift the flour, combine all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut out intricate figures. Then they will admire how the pieces of dough turn into real easter eggs, and then with the same enthusiasm they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such an original cookie for Easter, read our step by step recipe!

There are not so many decorative leafy pets among tuberous crops. And Caladium is a true star among the variegated inhabitants of interiors. Not everyone can decide to start a Caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still, rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of the Caladiums never justify. Care and attention will help you avoid any difficulties in growing caladiums. And a plant can almost always forgive small mistakes.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or whatever. Sauce with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don't want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can do it ahead of time to keep everything hot), add the gravy and lunch is ready! A real magic wand.

Among the multitude different varieties We will tell you about three of these most popular vegetables, which have excellent taste and relatively unpretentious growing conditions. Characteristics of the varieties of eggplants "Almaz", "Black handsome" and "Valentina". All eggplants are medium-firm. For Almaz it is greenish, while for the other two it is yellowish-white. They are united good germination and excellent yield, but at different times. Skin color and shape are different for everyone.

Spider mites are found on all continents, including Antarctica. These are not insects, but small arthropods, the closest relative of which are spiders. They feed on plant sap and secrete cobwebs. The most famous representative of the family is the common spider mite, a pest of garden and indoor plants that is widespread in all regions of the planet.

What does it look like

It is a polyphagous pest capable of feeding on several hundred host plants, many of which are important crops.

Adults are small in size, so it is difficult to see them on the leaves. The length of females is 0.4-0.6 mm, males are even smaller. The body is elongated, convex above, flat below. Sucking oral apparatus. Like spiders, ticks have eight legs, which distinguishes them from aphids and other sucking insects that have 6 legs. There is no chitinous cover, so the body is soft.

In the larval stage, the insects are transparent, light green or greenish-brown in color. On the sides 2 large dark spots - the intestinal loops are visible through the transparent body. IN younger age the larva has only 6 legs, two more will develop later. Adult females and males are colored dark red or orange.

This is the worst pest of indoor plants. If your favorite flower began to dry for no reason, then it is worth examining the reverse side of the leaves. If you find small dark dots on the lower surface of the leaf plate, poke one of them with a toothpick. If a speck of dust begins to move, then this is a spider mite, and it's time to ask yourself how to deal with it.

Where dwells

More often the pest settles on plants with delicate and juicy leaves: indoor roses, chrysanthemums, crotons, violets, Benjamin's ficus. Plants with rough leaves covered with cuticles - zamioculcas, ficuses, cacti - are too tough for the pest, since it cannot pierce the thick shell and get to the juice.

After tick infestation indoor flower turns yellow and dries. The pest can settle not only on the leaves, but also on the petals, disfiguring them. The inflorescences become wrinkled, spotted, fall off prematurely.

Pests multiply rapidly. Even a single specimen that got into a room with a current of air from a window in a dry room air will begin to multiply rapidly. From laying eggs to obtaining adults from them, it takes only a week.

Spider mite on indoor plants moves quickly from pot to pot, infecting home plantings. Take a closer look at the areas of the stem from which the leaf petioles extend. If you notice a white cobweb, it means that ticks have settled on indoor plants and it's time to get down to business.

Ready funds

Most effective drugs from ticks are classified as acaricides. IN room conditions the most harmless biological type agents are suitable. Acaricides destroy only adult insects and do not harm eggs, so the treatments have to be repeated several times every three to four days.


The drug has an enteric action against harmful insects and ticks, produced in Russia. Contains spores of soil fungus that settle inside the body of pests and cause their death. Safe for people and animals. For the treatment of indoor plants, 2 ml of Fitoverma is diluted in a liter of water and the leaves are sprayed every 7 days. The treatments are repeated 2 to 4 times.


Manufactured by Syngenta, Switzerland. Biological product for protection ornamental plants open and protected ground. At the beginning of the appearance of mites, one treatment is sufficient. If the driver has managed to multiply strongly, the treatment is repeated after a week.

To kill insects, 3 ml of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. After spraying, a plastic bag is put on the plant, which can be removed after a day.


Ukrainian analog Fitoverma, biological preparation of 4 generations, destroying ticks and insects. Indoor plants are treated twice with an interval of at least 14 days. 4 ml of the product is required per liter of water.

Folk remedies

If the number of pests is small, then one of the proven home methods can be dispensed with.

Medical alcohol treatment

The most difficult thing is to find real medical alcohol with a strength of 96%. Soak a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the leaves of the flower - all ticks and eggs will be instantly destroyed. Such a measure of combating spider mites is suitable for plants with dense leaves: ficuses, chinese roses, dieffenbachia, palm trees, and is not suitable for thin, delicate and pubescent leaves of fuchsia and violets.

Laundry soap

It does not destroy ticks by itself, but creates a film on the surface of the leaves through which the pests cannot breathe and die. The soap is whipped into a lather and brush all the leaves with a brush. After three to four hours, the plants are washed under a warm shower and covered overnight with a plastic bag. The increased humidity will "finish off" the miraculously survived, but already weakened pests. If a plant with small leaves is infected, a sprayer can be used instead of wiping.

Cat flea drops

Quickly and reliably destroy spider mites on indoor plants. cat fleas... Add 3-4 drops of the product per liter of water and carry out 2 treatments with an interval of 10 days.

Carnivorous ticks

You can look in online stores or garden centers for sachets with natural pests - predatory mites phytoseiulus and amblyseius. Sasha is opened and hung on a branch of a houseplant. The predators crawl out and start looking for food. Everyone eats several spider mites and about a dozen eggs every day, so in a maximum of a week, not a single pest will survive. And then predators will die of hunger.

Spider mite in the garden

In the garden, ticks appear in June and already in August go for the winter, hiding under plant residues and in the surface layer of the soil. During this time, they manage to destroy a huge number of garden plants. PCs can live in greenhouses all year roundwithout retirement.

Where dwells

More often, spider mites start on seedlings in a greenhouse. Floral and decorative leafy crops are severely affected open ground: garden roses, chrysanthemums, boxwood, juniper, robinia, chestnuts, chubushnik. Starts up quickly on lemon.

With great prey, the insect settles on greenhouse cucumbers, eggplants and tomatoes. Grapes, apple trees, strawberries, melons, beans, beets, rhubarb, soy, spinach, peppers are not bypassed.

The pest settles on the lower plane of the leaf and sucks out the juice. It can be detected by the cobweb that has accumulated at the base of the petioles, but it becomes visible when the infection becomes massive.

Indoor plants are wonderful decoration for every home and interior. In addition to making the indoor environment more cozy, their foliage also serves as an air purifier. But you need to be able to choose the right flora for your home, since some types of plants are not suitable for residential buildings, for example, those that are most attacked by insects and pests.

House flowers are often attacked spider mite

If a spider mite settles on one flower, other plants will also be at risk.

Getting rid of this infection can be difficult, therefore, as soon as the first signs of a pest become visible on indoor plants, urgent action is needed: sometimes this is the only chance to save the flowers before they are eaten.
Certain plants suffer from ticks much more often than others. Basically, the problem affects ficuses, palms, lemons and cacti. However, if the tick spreads too much around the room, it will begin to eat anything in its path, that is, any green crops.

Particularly unpleasant is the fact that fighting spider mites with insecticides and various chemicals can be dangerous.

If there is no desire to part with room greens, it is best to use folk remedies. They are safe and quickly solve the spider mite problem. It should be remembered: the effect of such methods will be sufficient only if you start processing the plant at the initial stage of creating a colony of ticks.

How to recognize a spider mite?

A person who is not indifferent to his indoor plants should periodically devote an hour and a half to them. This time should be spent watering, spraying, wiping the leaves and cultivating the soil.

If the owner of the house looks at his indoor plants from time to time, he will not be able to miss such a problem as a spider mite infestation.

The insect itself is very small, so it is difficult to determine its presence with the naked eye, but by appearance green pets it will immediately become clear that trouble has happened to them.

From one infected flower, the infection can spread to another

The main problem is that these insects eat a lot.

For more information on spider mite problems, see this video:

After the tick hits the plant, it will be shrouded in thin cobwebs.

How do mites appear on flowers?

Most often, plants are infected from a new specimen.

In order to prevent such a development of events, there are new flowers that arrived from the store or were received as a gift, first of all, send to quarantine.

For getting rid of a tick, see this video:

How to protect yourself from ticks?

Fry the soil before using

As for the moss, it must be poured with boiling water, after which it will be necessary to wait until the liquid has completely cooled. Then the moss is taken out of the container and dried.

Prevention measures should include quarantine for new plants. They need to be isolated in a normal environment for 2-3 weeks. If during this time no signs of ailment appear, the flower is transferred to common room... Some growers treat new plants with acaricide, seal them in a plastic bag, and then leave them for 3 days. With this treatment, the spider mite has no chance of survival.

Spider mite control methods

Special chemicals can help fight ticks

It should be borne in mind that with a strong infection by "grandmother's methods" it will not be possible to get rid of the spider mite.

It is important to process not only the plant itself, but also everything around it, since the mites can be on enough great distance... If an insect is found on a flower, the pot must be removed to a separate room. There, the plant and the dishes in which it is located are processed. The place where the flower used to stand must be thoroughly cleaned with soapy water. If we are talking about a windowsill, you need to wash not only it, but also the glass.

Chemical treatments are best done using plastic bags. A plant with a pot is packed in foil, and then sprayed with a special preparation.

Tick \u200b\u200bKilling Chemicals

You can treat flowers with acaricidal agents

The most popular chemicals are Fitoferm, Vermitek and Aktofit. They are quite effective, but require several treatments over a period of time. This is due to the fact that these drugs destroy only adults - they cannot cope with eggs. Therefore, you will have to eliminate adult ticks, then wait until their offspring hatch, and only then proceed to re-processing.
If one of the chemicals is chosen by the florist, all the rules for working with it must be followed. This concerns, first of all, safety for humans and animals.

All manipulations need to be done with gloves and a protective mask.

In addition, you need to consider temperature regime... The room must be at least 20 ° C., otherwise there will be no result from the use of chemistry. After the room gets warmer, the mites will crawl out again and begin to multiply further.

For more information on combating spider mites, see this video:

The drug is very poisonous, therefore it cannot be used in closed spaces... Moreover, not every plant will tolerate such a strong chemistry.
When choosing chemical to destroy a spider mite, you should pay attention to the class of the agent. There are 4 of them in total. They must be indicated on the package. The fourth degree is the least toxic to humans, and the first is the most poisonous, requiring the use of gloves, a mask and protective clothing, as this substance can harm health.

Pay attention to the class of the agent

Most opt \u200b\u200bfor inexpensive drugs. The choice of such products in specialized stores is very large. Within 30 rubles, you can buy chemicals such as Kleschevit, Akarin, Neoron, Akletik and Karbofos. The latter is very sharp and unpleasant odorso it should not be used indoors.

For example, the first spraying of indoor plants can be carried out using Fitoverma, Akarin, Kleshchevit or Apollo. After about a week, the effect should be enhanced by using the Oberon, Neoron, Sunmite or Envidor products.

You can combine funds

If a lot of flowers are infected, it is worth taking several drugs. For each plant, you can use a different substance, and then compare the effect - so you can choose the most effective remedy.

What needs to be considered before processing plants?

Before using chemistry to treat indoor plants, you must read the instructions. In the annotation, everything should be clearly described, from the dosage of the drug to the methods of protection for humans.

Process plants at noon

It is necessary to take into account such a moment as the degree of plant infection. Some flowers can no longer be helped, so they just need to be thrown away, or even better - burned. In the case when there are not very many cobwebs and affected leaves on the flower, you can put a piece in the ground a few minutes before starting processing fresh cucumber - this will definitely attract adults, which in one place will be much easier to destroy.
The best time to treat houseplants from spider mites with chemicals will be 12 noon.

In cloudy weather, this procedure should be postponed to lunchtime.

Traditional methods

Home methods are very popular. They are safe and very cheap. However, it must be borne in mind that with a strong infection of plants folk recipes may be powerless. Moreover, there are some plant species that do not tolerate home remedies well.

Folk remedies can also be effective.

The most effective options are hot showers, rubbing alcohol, and garlic and onion tincture. The use of alcohol will be beneficial for plants with large and wide leaves. Both boric and ammonia are suitable. Do not wipe those flowers with pubescent leaves. Monstera, ficuses, date palms and other thick-skinned plants tolerate this procedure well. The ammonia perfectly removes spider mites at all stages of its development.

The complexity of this method lies in the fact that it is not always possible to get with a cotton swab to hard-to-reach places. This problem also happens with hot showers. The water will wash away the mites, but some will remain in secluded spots.

Fuchsia and petunia should not be treated with soap

For information on how to process flowers with hydrogen peroxide, see this video:

Many growers are against using soap solutions to treat plants. In some flowers, this treatment can block the stomata, which will prevent them from growing and developing further.

Garlic tincture is considered the most safe means against spider mites.

To prepare this substance, you need to take a large head of garlic, pass it through a meat grinder, and then pour water and leave for 5 days. Ready solution filtered and placed in a spray bottle. Spraying is carried out once a day until there is no trace of ticks. In addition, you can use garlic and onions in combination. If you add a few more drops of iodine, the effect will be much stronger.

Kill the mite with potato tops and chili peppers

Tincture for killing spider mites can be prepared from potato tops, pepper, tomatoes or celandine. Dandelion and sorrel are also beneficial.
Before using folk methods, it is worth analyzing the situation. If the plant is too heavily infested with a mite, natural insecticides will not help. Here you either need to use dangerous chemistry, or just get rid of the sick flower. Parting can be tough, but remember that it is for the sake of healthy plants.

See how to deal with spider mites on indoor plants. We present control measures, effective drugs and folk remedies for the pest, as well as prevention.

We hope that after studying the article, it will become easier for you to get rid of spider mites at home.

How to deal with spider mites on indoor plants?

It is very difficult to fight a spider mite on indoor flowers, it is insidious and dangerous pest... Many flower growers cannot get rid of it completely or the saved plant dies after a while.

To destroy a pest, it is very important to understand that it is an arthropod, not an insect. We have prepared proven recommendations from experts for you.


  1. Remove affected shoots, flowers and leaves on the plant. Take a close look at the entire home collection.
  2. Rinse the plant thoroughly with a stream warm water (under the shower) or wipe with soapy water or alcohol. Move the attacked flower to a separate location.
  3. After the leaves dry, treat the houseplant and upper layer substrate drug or folk remedy. Rinse the pot tray in boiling water, and cover the flower with a bag for 2-3 hours.
  4. Treat all indoor flowers with anti-spider mite drugs. Rinse the windowsill window frame, glass, pots outside and trays with soap-alcohol solution.
  5. After a week, carry out a new treatment.
  • Rubbing with alcohol or soapy water works well for plants with smooth large leaves (dieffenbachia, calathea, ficus, etc.).

IMPORTANT!In the fight against spider mites, it is recommended to process all plants, especially in autumn. With improper home care for a flower or incomplete destruction of the pest, it returns.

Therefore, in order to get rid of a spider mite, you must completely follow the rules of care and carry out prevention.

Plants with pubescent and delicate leaves cannot be wiped off, but can only be sprayed. Therefore, it is better to immediately use proven chemicals, not hoping that it will be possible to do with folk remedies.

Mite spider web on a plant

Remedy for spider mites on indoor flowers

The difficulty of fighting with drugs is that the pest is incredibly resistant to many chemicals.

In addition, the spider mite quickly adapts to them and it is necessary to alternate preparations with different active substances. For most of them, it is recommended to carry out no more than 2-3 treatments in a row.

Since the pest is an arthropod, not an insect, it is necessary to use acaricides to destroy it: specific acaricides or insectoacaricides, and not insecticides.

Spider mite drugs

We will present the most popular proven chemicals for spider mites on indoor plants.

The preparations are divided into groups of active substances, so that it is easier for you to alternate them if necessary.

We also indicate the class of hazard (toxicity): 4 - low danger to humans, safe for bees and beneficial insects, 3 - moderately hazardous substance, 2 - highly hazardous substance, 1 - extremely hazardous for humans and animals.


  1. Benzylates - "Neoron" - 3, (bromopropylate).
  2. Derivatives of sulfonic acids - "Nissoran" - 4, (hexythiazox) and the group of tetronic acids - "Oberon" - 3, (spiromesifen).
  3. Propargite - "Omite 30 and 57" - 2, (propargite).
  4. Pyridazipones - "Sunmite" - 3, (pyridaben), 1 treatment per year, no smell.
  5. Ketoenols - "Envidor" - 3, (spiridiclofen).
  6. Quinozolines - "Demitan KS" - 2, (phenazahine).
  7. Pyrazoles - "Ortus" - 3, (fenpyroximate).
  8. Tetrazines - "Apollo" - 4, (clofentesin), "Flumite" - 4, (fluvenzine)


  1. On the basis of organophosphates - "Aktellik" - 2, (pirimifos-methyl), "Dursban" - 3, (chlorpyrifos) and "Karbofos" ("Malathion", "Fufanon") - 3, (malathion).
  2. Based on the derivatives of the synthesis of the fungus Streptomyces avermitilis: "Akarin" (the old name is "Agravertin") and "Kleschevit" - 4, avertin (the tick practically does not get used to it), "Aktofit" - 4, (aversectin C), "Vertimek" - 2, (abamectin), Fitoverm - 4, (aversectin C).

Which drug to choose?

A large number of tools are now available and it is easy to get confused in them. We have selected drugs based on price, effectiveness and affordability.

Among the options offered, each florist will be able to find his own best remedy from spider mites.

Inexpensive and affordable (hypermarkets, flower shops):

  1. Fitoverm - price: package (ampoule) 4 ml - 15-20 rubles.
  2. "Kleschevit" - price: 4 ml - 13-20 rubles.
  3. "Akarin" - price: 4 ml - 13-20 rubles.
  4. "Karbofos" - price: 30 g - 30-40 rubles (sharp unpleasant smell).
  5. "Neoron 50% ke" - price: 12.5 g - 25-35 rubles (very persistent smell).
  6. "Actellik" - price: 2 ml - 30-50 rubles. On the territory of Russia, the drug for personal use was not registered as of 01.10.2016. Although sometimes the drug can still be found in small stores and on the Internet.
  • Prices are taken on the basis of hypermarkets such as "Obi", " Leroy Merlin"According to the rate of 1 dollar \u003d 65 rubles. These drugs are widely available in many flower shops.

Other drugs:

Many effective spider mite remedies are sold in large packages that are expensive and are sold in hand-packaged form, such as on the Internet at Avito, forums or flower shops.

For example, “Nissoran” ($ 60, manual packing 5 grams - 100 rubles), “Envidor” (60 dollars / liter, manual packing 5 ml - 200 rubles), Vertimek (90 dollars / liter, manual packing - 2 ml - 25 rubles).

"Apollo" in manual packing - 2 ml - 30 rubles, "Oberon" manual packing of 1 ml - 65 rubles, 2 ml - 130 rubles, "Sunmight" manual packing of 5 grams - 100 rubles. Flumite (liter / 40 dollars, manual packing 2 ml - 35 rubles). "Aktofit" - 200 ml - 300-400 rubles.

Prices are taken from one of the online stores from Khimki (Moscow region) Maybe someone has a need to purchase these drugs and will be useful to someone.


And then, if necessary, "Neoron", "Oberon", "Sunmight" or "Envidor", and in extreme cases "Karbofos", "Actellic" or "Vertimek".

ATTENTION! "Vertimekom", "Karbofos" and "Aktellikom" can handle indoor plants only outdoors.

"Fitoverm" from spider mites

Fitoverm is an insectoacaricide of biological origin of the 4th toxicity class. The drug does not destroy spider mites at all stages of development.

Therefore, to get rid of the pest, spray indoor flowers with "Fitoverm" - 2 ml of the drug per 200 ml of water every 5-8 days, depending on the temperature, age and size of the plant, usually 3-4 procedures are enough.

According to gardeners' reviews, three treatments every five days help to get rid of spider mites on home flower In most cases.

"Fitoverm" against spider mites has been successfully used by many growers for several years. The drug has an excellent reputation and high efficiency in the fight against the pest.

A week after the last or next spraying with "Fitoverm", the plant can be treated with "Epin" to support the indoor flower.


This acaricide with an ovicidal effect is capable of destroying not only an adult tick, but also its eggs. Therefore, most often 2-3 procedures are enough to get rid of the pest on domestic plants.

"Actellic" from spider mites

In the event of mass destruction or a decrease in the effectiveness of the previous remedy, experts recommend using more powerful chemical preparations: Actellik with the active ingredient - pirimiphos-methyl.

This tool is actively used in greenhouses.

"Actellik" effectively exterminates ticks and many other arthropods and insects. The drug belongs to the 2nd class of chemical hazard, it is toxic to pets and people.

"Actellik" against spider mites is used in 4-5 days. It is recommended to carry out no more than 2 consecutive treatments to avoid adaptation of the pest.

IMPORTANT! Treatment of the plant with "Aktellikom" should be carried out only outdoors.

"Aktara" from spider mites

"Aktara" is very popular and effective remedy in the fight against many pests. However, "Aktara" is an insecticide, and the spider mite is not an insect and the drug will be powerless in the fight against it.

Therefore, the drug "Aktara" against spider mites is ineffective. And if you treated the flower with "Aktara" and pests, it decreased noticeably, then this is not the merit of the drug, but the spraying procedure.

Nevertheless, from time to time there are reviews of flower growers who are satisfied with the use of "Aktara" from ticks.

Zoo shampoos and remedies for fleas or bedbugs

To get rid of ticks on home flowers, you can use zoo shampoos or flea drops for animals, as well as products for destroying bed bugs.

However, as a rule, the funds are much more expensive.

Treatment plan for indoor plants with drugs

Since the mite lays eggs, most chemicals recommend using this principle.

  1. The first treatment with acaricides destroys 65-80% of pests.
  2. The second treatment with acaricides is carried out after about 5-10 days (the hotter, the faster), when new spider mites hatch from the eggs.
  3. The third procedure is carried out after about another 6-8 days to destroy the remaining pests for sure.

At the same time, there is still the possibility that spider mites were able to survive somewhere and will appear after a while.

Therefore, continue to quarantine and inspect the plant regularly. Many experienced florists they fight with ticks intermittently.

  • Before using any drug for the first time, experts recommend testing its effect on one flower.

If after a day his condition has not worsened, then this agent can be used to treat other plants of the same species.

If you see that after the 2nd procedure, the processing efficiency has significantly decreased, then do not neglect the advice.

  • LIFEHACK. 15-20 minutes before the control treatment of the indoor flower, place a piece of cucumber in the pot on the ground to attract spider mites.

REMINDER. Before choosing a drug, find out its active ingredient as it may be the same for products with different names. We have divided the drugs into groups and hazard classes to make it easier for you to navigate.

IMPORTANT! If you did not manage to remove the spider mite before winter or the plant is very badly affected, then in 99% it is better to throw it away. The drugs are powerless in the fight against hibernating females.

How to properly treat indoor flowers with drugs?

  1. When working with chemical means be sure to take care of the measures individual protection (skin, respiratory organs). After treating the plants, wash your hands and face with soap, and rinse your throat and nose thoroughly with water.
  2. Treat the flower only dry.
  3. The best time for processing is before 12.00. On a cloudy day, until 14.00. During and after processing, before drying, the indoor flower should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  4. The optimum temperature is 20-26 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the active substances of specific acaricides have the maximum effect on the spider mite.
  5. As a place for treatment with drugs of the 3rd and 4th class of toxicity, you can choose a balcony or a bathroom. And drugs of the 2nd class are only in the open air.
  6. For maximum effect from treating the plant with a chemical preparation, it is recommended to add soap to the solution.
  7. Spraying should be plentiful so that it "already flows".
  8. The ideal treatment for small houseplants for spider mites would be immersion in a 50% acaricidal solution.

How to get rid of spider mites with folk remedies?

Folk remedies are very popular, despite the large number of chemicals and the low effectiveness of folk methods.

Experts note that when fighting a spider mite, each situation is individual and even in similar cases, the result from the use folk remedies or drugs may differ.

  • The editorial board of the "Holiday of Flowers" magazine warns that folk remedies against spider mites can be tried in rare situations.

For example, if there is a very small number of pests or it turned out to detect a tick almost immediately.

The folk remedy is significantly inferior in effectiveness to special chemicals and does not save houseplants in most cases. Especially house flowers with pubescent and delicate leaves that can only be sprayed.

  • If you still decide to get rid of the spider mite with the help of folk remedies, then the most effective are hot showers, alcohol, infusion of garlic and onions.

These folk remedies, in our experience, have helped in some situations.

1. Alcohol against spider mites

Rubbing with alcohol (ammonia, boric) is especially effective for plants with wide leathery leaves (aroid (adenium, alocasia, etc.), arrowroot with undisturbed leaves (calathea, etc.), philodendrons (monstera)).

And also for hibiscus, dieffenbachia, ficus, date palm and other "thick-skinned" plants.

Ammonia effectively destroys spider mites at all stages of development (some growers argue that alcohol is powerless against mite eggs). However, the mite hides in hard-to-reach places, where it is impossible to treat with a cotton swab.

Therefore, it is ideal to fight spider mites at home during plant transplantation. Then the ammonia will be even more effective.

Fighting Ticks During Transplant

For example, a cactus: for this, the purified plant is dipped from the excess soil mixture for 5-6 seconds in ammonia. Then the roots are dried on paper and the flower is transplanted into a new substrate. Alcohol does not burn the roots and body of the cactus.

In addition to cactus, this method of combating spider mites can be used for small plants or only the roots can be lowered, and wiped with a swab on top.

IMPORTANT! The next day, after wiping the leaves with ammonia, rinse them with a clean, damp cloth.


If you find a spider mite, immediately wipe the stem, leaves, pot with tray, window sill and window frame with glass with rubbing alcohol.

IMPORTANT! You cannot fight spider mites with alcohol on petunias, fuchsias and other home flowers with thin leaves.

2. Soap against spider mites

Among the folk remedies for spider mites, soap occupies an important place. Affected plants and for prevention are recommended to be washed with soapy water.

You can take tar, green potash or household soap, in extreme cases, you can take any and even dishwashing detergent.

  1. The plant is completely treated with soapy water, as well as the window sill, window frame, pot and pot tray.
  2. The more foam the better.
  3. After wiping the plant, it is better to wash off the soapy foam after 2-4 hours.
  4. After washing off the solution, put a plastic bag on the flower for a day in order to kill as many spider mites as possible with the help of high humidity.

You can lightly spray with soapy water and the top layer of the earth, but it is important to avoid getting on the roots of the flower.

If there are a lot of plants and they have small leaves, then, in order not to wipe each one, you can spray them with soapy water. The effect of the treatment will be lower, but not everyone has the time or patience to wipe it down.

IMPORTANT! Some experts insist that the use of a soap solution in the fight against spider mites on indoor flowers is not permissible.

In their opinion, soap is not able to destroy the pest, and also blocks the stomata of the plant, which leads to disruption of photosynthesis and plant development.

3. Garlic against spider mites

An average head of garlic (30-40 grams) is peeled and gruel is made, put into a jar and 500 ml of water is poured.

The jar is closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for five days.

Then the infusion is filtered, diluted with water 1 to 1 and indoor plants are sprayed.

2nd RECIPE. Pour the gruel from one large clove of garlic with a glass of boiling water, leave for 5-7 minutes and after straining, you can immediately spray it.

4. Onions against spider mites

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 100 grams of onion husks with five liters of water.

Insist in a dark place for five days.

Then it is filtered and the resulting infusion is sprayed with home flowers.

According to gardeners' reviews, onion peels against spider mites often help with a small number of pests.

2nd RECIPE. Chop a medium onion (60-90 grams), pour 500 ml of water and leave for 6-7 hours in a container with a lid closed. After straining, you can spray the infusion of home plants.

ADVICE. Add 3-4 drops of iodine (1 ml per liter of water) to the infusion to enhance the effect. Onions with iodine against spider mites are used by many gardeners.

5. Recipes for other folk remedies

CELANDINE. Pour 100 grams of dried or 400 grams of fresh celandine with a liter of boiling water and leave for 24 hours.

PEPPER. 50 grams of pods hot pepper insist in 500 ml of water.

A TOMATO. Chop 50 grams of dried tomato leaves, pour a liter of water and leave for 2-3 hours.

POTATOES. Insist 100 grams of green potato tops in a liter of water for 3-4 hours.

THOUSAND LEADER. Pour 500 ml of boiling water with 50 g of dry yarrow inflorescences and leave for two days.

SORREL. Pour 500 ml of water, chopped horse sorrel roots (30 g) and leave for 3-4 hours.

DANDELION. Insist 2-3 hours in a liter of water 40 grams of leaves or 30 grams of dandelion roots.

Spider mite control: subtleties


To enhance the effect of the use of folk remedies or drugs, it is necessary to maintain uncomfortable conditions for the pest.

Support high humidity air by regularly spraying and washing the leaves of the plant plain water (1-3 times a day depending on temperature).

Complete these procedures by placing trays of water around the pot. But still, a humidifier copes with this task more effectively.


Rinsing under a hot shower significantly helps to combat spider mites on indoor plants.

Already at 40 ° C, the development of ticks and flat beetles stops, therefore optimal temperature water will be - 44-47 ° С (up to 52 ° С for hibiscus, monstera or Benjamin ficus).

The washing procedure should last no more than 3-4 minutes. Flush hot water leaves on both sides are needed to kill the spider mites as much as possible. As well as flower stems and topsoil.

On average, the procedure is done every 3-4 days for the first three procedures, then three procedures once a week, and for control - once a month. Plants are washed only when the soil mixture is dry at least by the upper third.

  • To enhance the effect of rinsing, before the procedure, wipe the leaves of the plant with soapy foam and leave it for 5-10 minutes.

Some growers managed to get rid of spider mites without the use of drugs. They only rinsed indoor flowers under a hot shower 3-4 times a week for the first two weeks and 1-2 times a week for the next two weeks.


Some growers cover the potted substrate with a film on top before rinsing so as not to wet it. After a hot shower, the film is removed, and the flower is covered with a bag (transparent) and tied so that air enters through the gap.

Plant care is continued as usual and a week later the package is removed. After 4-5 days, the procedure is repeated to destroy the next generation of pests.

A hot shower does not guarantee victory over spider mites, but it is safe and it is recommended to use it in the first place, especially when their number is small.


IMPORTANT! A hot shower is contraindicated for plants with pubescent and delicate leaves (gesneria (violets) and others). For such flowers, a steam room is made: the plant is brought into the bathroom and a shower is turned on with the maximum water temperature.

They wait for the room to be filled with steam (8-10 minutes) and leave the flower for another 10-15 minutes. If financial possibilities permit, it is advisable not to turn off the shower all this time.

Spider mite prevention

  1. For the prevention of any pest and disease, the main thing is to regularly and carefully examine home plant... Early detection is the key to a successful fight.
  2. Since the tick loves warm and dry air, it is necessary to create unfavorable conditions for it.
  3. Regular spraying or flushing of the leaves of indoor plants, especially in dry and hot weather (every day in summer), prevents the appearance and development of the pest.
  4. Rinse your houseplants with a hot shower every 3-4 weeks. We wrote above how to do this better. This is especially important if the indoor flower has already affected the spider mite.
  5. Place the new houseplant for 2-3 weeks separately from the others to avoid contamination of the entire home collection (quarantine).

The medical uV lamp: monthly irradiation of the plant for about 2 minutes strengthens the immune system.


I would like to believe that now you can effectively fight spider mites on indoor plants with the help of drugs or folk remedies.

And most importantly, you can get rid of them for a long time and save all the flowers!