9 lunar day how to count. Dreams Come True! Determination and removal of spoilage with a chicken egg

9th lunar day - refers to one of the most negative and unpleasant days of the lunar cycle. It is often called satanic. This period leaves a negative imprint on the physical and emotional state of a person.

Description of the ninth lunar day

The main characteristic of the 9th lunar day is the period of manifestation of spiritual strength and karmic destiny. The lunar day is simply saturated with failures, temptations, fatal mistakes and dangerous situations.

The dark side of the moon manifests itself at once on all planes of existence. It may seem that the symbol of the day is the bat, spread its dark wings over the whole world. Mental strength, optimism and introspection will help you survive the day without loss.

Talismans and symbols:

  • The symbol of this day is the bat, the milky way;
  • black pearls, rauchtopaz, alexandrite, serpentine are ranked as talisman stones;
  • element - fire;
  • the main colors are bright orange, chocolate, deep brown.

This day is especially dangerous for those who cannot restrain their emotions, indulge their whims, and follow the lead of others. On the ninth day, all the negative and "dark" sides of the personality are manifested. That which was constantly hiding lay deep in the subconscious - it breaks out, sowing chaos around. Everything that you manage to "destroy" on this unfavorable day will have unpleasant consequences in the future.

On the 9th day, a lot of crimes are committed, in comparison with other days. People who succumb to other people's influence need to be very careful. Today, their energies are easy to channel into unwanted channels, especially if they are subject to unwarranted outbursts of anger. Be restrained, do not succumb to provocations in transport, at work, on the street - it may end badly. What is forbidden to do on this day:

Features and properties of the 9th lunar day

This day is especially dangerous for those who cannot restrain their emotions, indulge their whims, and follow the lead of others. On the ninth day, all the negative and "dark" sides of the personality are manifested. That which was constantly hiding lay deep in the subconscious - it breaks out, sowing chaos around. Everything that you manage to "destroy" on this unfavorable day will have unpleasant consequences in the future.

On the 9th day, a lot of crimes are committed, in comparison with other days. People who succumb to other people's influence need to be very careful. Today, their energies are easy to channel into unwanted channels, especially if they are subject to unwarranted outbursts of anger. Be restrained, do not succumb to provocations in transport, at work, on the street - it may end badly. What is forbidden to do on this day:

  • communicate with strangers;
  • get involved in quarrels and squabbles;
  • fulfill requests or orders of strangers;
  • show anger, rage, aggression towards other people;
  • communicate with people with whom you do not have the "warmest" relationships.

Many accidents occur on this day. Be collected constantly. Watch for the signs that fate sends you. Some signs can be downright sinister. But don't panic too much, just be careful and careful. Control yourself and then illusions, deceptions, quarrels, adventures and temptations will pass by.

In the dark atmosphere of the ninth day, there are some positive aspects. Anyone who can adjust to the rhythm of the universe, understand the nature of the events taking place, can avoid many troubles and tragedies.

On this day, human karma is revealed. Everything that was previously suppressed in the depths of consciousness becomes understandable and requires permission. The burden of unresolved problems, grievances, unfulfilled obligations will put pressure on your shoulders. On this day, all events are not accidental and have deep roots in the past.

How to get through this day without consequences

The ninth lunar day is the time for cleansing karma. Take time to rethink your actions, understand where you are going and whether this path is correct. Stop scourging yourself for past miscalculations. You are the same as the people around you.

Remove pride, stop looking at the world with superiority. However, the time has come to realize that your personality is unique, inimitable and is part of the universe.

Lunar relationship on the ninth day

The ninth lunar day is filled with negativity, fear, anxiety and gloomy thoughts. To relieve tension and defuse the situation, smile, try to bring positive communication with colleagues, family and friends.

The day is suitable for quiet family gatherings. If you have a date in the evening, skip going to a cafe, movie, or nightclub. Spend time with your loved one and loved one at home, comfortably sitting on the couch. Prepare a light dinner, pleasantly surprise your soul mate with any surprise. Give up alcohol completely, this day is fraught with the danger of quarrels and scandals.

A marriage made today will only bring disappointment, tears and constant conflict. If you are afraid of losing happiness and mutual love, do not plan your wedding for this day.

Not many couples can formalize a relationship on the 9th day without consequences. This can only be done by those who "combined" pre-wedding chores and spiritual practices to purify karma.

On this day, refrain from sex - the world around is permeated with negative energy. It weighs heavily on the psyche. Depression and irritability are bad for having sex.

Conceiving a child

It is better not to choose the ninth day of the lunar calendar for conception. People conceived today become either notorious villains or holy martyrs. You should not tempt fate and conduct experiments on your own child. The negative energy of this day is such that excellent upbringing and good heredity will not be able to turn the tide of fate.

Work on this lunar day

The 9th lunar day has a bad effect on solving complex problems and implementing long-planned plans. Today, do not conduct financial transactions, transactions with real estate, do not enter into contracts. All agreements of this period can crumble like a house of cards. There is a high probability of fraud, forgery, theft.

You need to be very careful in dealing with colleagues. Control your statements, do not react to barbs and remarks. Conflicts are flaring up like wildfire today.

Avoid meeting with your boss, he may also be under the negative influence of the ninth lunar day. The disagreements that have arisen between you threaten to develop into a major quarrel, and even dismissal from work.

On this day, it is better to go to nature, do your favorite hobby, finish reading a book that has been put aside. If you can't stay at home, try to do routine work, sort out old "rubble".

On this day, people with some abilities can harm you, willingly or unwillingly. Therefore, when you meet an old school friend, try not to brag about your victories. Mystics associate this day with damage and the evil eye. Do not tempt fate by trying to make a stunning impression on someone.

Despite the negative energy of this day, creative people will be able to achieve some success in their profession. These include:

  • artists;
  • researchers;
  • researchers;
  • designers;
  • writers;
  • those who are engaged in the type of activity - hand made.

You cannot get a new job on the ninth lunar day. You may not receive the promised remuneration or promotion. When you come to a new place, you "suddenly" see that the employer has hidden some of the nuances, and the working conditions do not suit you at all.

For the same reasons, the day will not be successful for dismissal, as well as for changing jobs. The probability of falling into the hands of scammers is high today, so do not give up your stable income in the pursuit of get rich quick. Don't join pyramid schemes or marketing campaigns.

Health on a lunar day

On the ninth lunar day, the heart and psyche are at great risk. Record any ailments. It is better to react to them in a timely manner than to be treated for a long time and expensive. On this day, chronic diseases make themselves felt. Avoid overwork, stress, overeating.

On the 9th lunar day, the state of mind of a person is subjected to a great test. Try to be charged with positive emotions and not give in to despondency. Meditation, relaxation, reassessment of your past life are very useful.

Conduct a mental diagnosis of your body. Note which organs are of your greatest concern. Today, your health directly depends on your inner state. Illness is a reflection of karmic debt.

Pay close attention and care to adolescents. A negative emotional background can be combined with a problematic and unstable child's psyche. Surround your children with love, show interest in their affairs.

Choosing a new hairstyle or haircut on lunar days

The 9th lunar day for hair cutting is controversial. Astrologers and mystics cannot agree.

Some believe that today is a good lunar day for hair cutting. Together with cut strands, we get rid of bad energy and diseases.

Others are convinced that cutting hair will bring bad luck and illness. Better to choose the middle option - to postpone the trip to the hairdresser to another day.

Characteristics of people born on the 9th lunar day

Those born on the 9th lunar day should take care of their physical health and pay attention to their inner "I". Monitor the state of your psyche, avoid stress and excessive gullibility.

Being born on a difficult dark day will bring many trials in life. However, "nines" live long and interesting lives if they are friendly, kind and take care of the purity of their karma. Self-control and spiritual cleansing allows them to avoid many troubles and misfortunes.

People born on the ninth lunar day need mental flexibility, the ability to get around "sharp corners". To live a happy life, they will have to become skilled diplomats at home and at work.

Anyone who was born on this day must abandon the occult, magic and closed religious sects.

What do dreams mean on the 9th lunar day

On the ninth day, dreams reveal the entire layer of problems, which is deeply hidden in the subconscious. It is necessary to remember and analyze dreams in order to understand the essence of the events taking place.

Dreams on the 9th lunar day reflect the karmic laws of the universe. By analyzing them, you can find the reasons for life failures and learn how to change your destiny.

Rituals of the 9th lunar day

Rituals today help to reveal the presence of corruption and to cleanse it. The main action of the negative program is to block cosmic energy and "add" astral "dirt" into a person. A cast of negative energy blocks the paths that connect the astral body with the outside world.

How to identify and remove damage with matches

To find out if there are problems with blocking energy, perform the following ritual. Pour water into a glass and light a church candle. Light a match from it, let it completely burn out, intercepting it by the burnt end.

As soon as the match burns out, dip it into a container of water. If there is no damage, the match will begin to float freely and will not sink. If there are problems, it will sink obliquely to the bottom. Repeat the ritual for each hand.

To get rid of damage, take a church slash and go through the cleansing fire along the entire contour of the body. You need to move from head to feet. We clean the left side with the right hand, the right with the left. Read Our Father three times.

You can entrust the "cleansing" to a close relative or a time-tested friend. After the ritual, take off your clothes, wash your face and wipe your body with holy water. Then put on all clean clothes, and wash the discarded clothes with holy water.

Determination and removal of spoilage with a chicken egg

This ritual is widely known. A fresh egg must be broken into a jar of water, the yolk must remain intact. After that, the container is carried out on the forehead, neck, chest, abdomen, pubis and coccyx. If there is damage, the egg changes shape and color. These signs determine the presence and intensity of spoilage. The used egg is discarded and the jar is sterilized.

The first day of squaring the Moon and the Sun.
Symbolic match: 7th - 18th degrees of Cancer.
Action: spasm, poisoning.
Names: Bat, Milky Way.
Symbol - bat, bat.
Social influence: Unlucky. A dangerous, satanic day. Period of seduction, illusion, deception, delusion, poisoning. There may be bad, excruciating dreams (they should not be trusted). The day on which we receive only bad signs, which must be treated carefully: soberly ponder and evaluate each.
Purification of thoughts is necessary, active self-defense against aggressive blackness.
The strongest warning on this day is spilled milk. If the breastfeeding mother's milk disappears, the baby will be punished.
You cannot look in the mirror or break it.
Household influence: Good for work in the garden, for travel. Bad for marriage, for study, for working in the kitchen.
If on the ninth day of the moon a cactus blooms, this is good.
Mystical influence: Day of the most unfavorable events. Deception, pride, inadequacy can ruin all undertakings. As a rule, the activity of this direction on this day is always punishable, the consequences are terrible. Purification, passivity, control is recommended.
A pressing feeling in the chest is a sign that many problems have accumulated and it is necessary to turn to the assimilation of spiritual food, to the sources, to tradition.
All strength asanas can be done. It can be very effective to forgive the person who offended you.
Medical influence: The disease is dangerous, but it is well treated. Neuralgias are frequent. Heart disease worsens. Day of psychoanalysts, although the psyche is overloaded on this day with complexes and a sense of unresolved problems. Phobias and suicidal tendencies are exacerbated. Suicide and crime are frequent. Decreased serotonin levels. Intoxication, poisoning, etc.
In the medical aspect, attention should be paid to the chest, to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.
Influence on births: They are very painful. Often poisoned. Poor hormone balance, weakened immunity. Cleansing procedures and a sober lifestyle can help. They need to constantly cleanse themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.
Influence on conception: Undesirable for conception. Your child can become dangerous to society, in other cases, his life will endure terrible trials. Don't risk it.
Stones - black pearls, alexandrite, rauchtopaz (gives loneliness), serpentine (attracts blackness).
Meditations:(not recommended) white background.
Signatures: Black pearls, alexandrite, topaz,

A. Zaraev. "Interpreting Moon Days

The period is disharmonious, which is often associated with deceptions, delusions, various complications due to contacts with partners and unfavorable to health. Dissatisfaction with the environment appears, as well as the desire to escape responsibility or from accumulated problems into sensual self-indulgence. However, spiritual people who are able to withstand negative influences can drop old karmic programs on this day and begin a new period associated with spiritual and mental renewal. Dangers of conflicts with old partners, relatives, as well as with children.

"Days from the birth" of the Moon according to Albert the Great

The day is happy and unhappy. The diseases that occur in him are difficult. Dreams come true for a long time. Babies are durable.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about each day. Lunar calendar."

The symbol of the day is "Milky Way", "Bat", "Mother's Milk" and "Bat". On this day, there is a check on what a person has done in the first circle of lunar harmony.
On the 9th lunar day of provocations, we can be deceived, deceived, poisoned. If a person is pure, has carried out purification practices, then this day is not terrible for him. A person has the opportunity to see what he is being bought, deceived and what he is mistaken for. This day encourages us to be attentive to everything. The 9th lunar day is considered satanic.
On the 9th lunar day, a person must learn to discern what is deception. It is necessary to remember the tradition that goes through the mother, remember the life of the mother, her covenants, remember the maternal grandmother, and so on. It is necessary to immerse yourself in the mother's roots. On this day, it is necessary to clean the room, do mental cleansing and remember everyone who offended us. On the 9th lunar day, astral protection should be built, since the 9th lunar day is the day of guidance and removal of damage.
Removal of spoilage
We all have weak astral protection, so we are often negatively affected by the people around us. There are two ways to strengthen your astral field.
Method I. This method is at the same time checking whether there is damage or not. You need to take a live, not dietary, chicken egg, which has an embryo, and a 0.2 - 0.3 liter glass jar with a lid, half filled with water. Carefully break the egg there so as not to damage the yolk. Take this jar and hold it above your head with your right hand. Then bring it to all energy centers along the front channel and hold it near each chakra until the hand trembles, then transfer it to the next one. After that, wrap the jar in cellophane and place it under the pillow or at the head of the bed. In the morning, see what happens to this egg. By the way it is deformed, you can judge how strong your damage is.
If the egg has changed a lot, then you will need outside help. On the next 9th lunar day, you need to find another person whom you trust and who will carry out another procedure. It is necessary to break the egg into water in the same way, but that person will already bring the jar, hold it above your head and carry this jar around you counterclockwise, removing dirty energy on the egg at the level of each chakra. First, it sweeps at the level of the Sahasrara chakra, then at the level of the forehead, neck, chest, stomach, pubis and, finally, at the level of the tailbone. That is, at the level of the 7 classical chakras. You can fence in a different number of times, but at least 3 times and maximum 9 times. Then put this jar under the bed or under the pillow. In the morning, all its contents are poured into the toilet, and the jar itself is sterilized or thrown away. This is a one-time procedure.
But it is possible on the 9th lunar day to begin a large cycle of removing damage. Then one egg is taken for each week. The first time this procedure is done by encircling the person in a counterclockwise direction. Then the jar with the egg is placed in the refrigerator for the day, and under the pillow or under the bed at night. This is repeated throughout the week. In whatever form this egg is, you have been collecting evil spirits on it all week. After a week, everything is poured into the toilet, the jar is sterilized, fresh water is poured, a new egg is broken. Do the same for the second week, then the third, fourth, and so on until the egg stops deforming.
Severe spoilage sometimes requires up to 9 eggs. All this time, the jar with the egg is placed in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate. The second time, a person himself can already carry the chakras. The most important thing is that the process has begun. You don't need to carry around every day.
If a person feels bad, then you don't have to wait for the 9th lunar day. If you started this cycle before the 9th lunar day, then on the 9th lunar day you need to carry out this whole procedure again. On the 9th lunar day, you can change the egg, but the cycle is still counted from the day you started. But, as a rule, the cycle of great cleansing begins after checking on the 9th lunar day.
Method II. This is a salty foot bath. The temperature of the water is made to make you feel good. On a basin of water, reaching the ankles of the feet, you have to while standing to throw a handful of salt with your left hand: how much it will take in your hand. You need to stand in a basin no more than 9-10 minutes. At this time, it is good to imagine a vertical stream that washes everything away from you, and everything goes into this water. It is not recommended to stand for more than 10 minutes, since then the process is reversed. This is also the procedure for the 9th lunar day. You can also do it when you just feel bad.
On the 9th lunar day, you cannot eat mushrooms and foods that carry a phallic symbol, that is, sausage, carrots, etc. It is very harmful on this day to show pride, to suppress other people. Since the 9th lunar day is still called "Mother's Milk", it is bad to pour milk on this day. It means that you squander the traditions that go through the mother, do not value them. It is also bad to break the mirror. On the 9th lunar day, it is generally better not to look in the mirror, especially in full growth, so as not to flatter yourself at your own expense. Anahata's chest and chakra are associated with this day. If you break traditions, then on the 9th lunar day, the bones of the chest may ache, and you will feel a pressing feeling that can turn into neuralgia, or even an attack of angina pectoris.
People born on the 9th lunar day need to constantly cleanse themselves, as they are initially defiled. You need to clean your house. Garbage can only be taken out during daylight hours. Information on lunar days is given in the reference, but you need to work with it. It is not at all necessary to live on lunar days all your life. Sometimes 3-6 months is enough to master these energies and lower information into the subconscious. Then, on an intuitive level, motives will be formed in accordance with these energies. All information on harmonization is intended to make life easier, but it will only work for you if it is worked out by you. So stay active on Tuesdays, rest on Friday, and recharge on Sunday. All this will allow you, combining different energies, to live in less stress and to be more concretely aware of some life situations, reacting to them correctly.

You can and should do, eat:
- Starve
- Fish
- Mental cleansing
- Strength training
- Regulate, restrain desires
- Forgive those who offended you
You can not do or must abstain, do not eat:
- Mushrooms
- Long vegetables
- Get married
- Look in the mirror
- Pour milk

The first day of squaring the Moon and the Sun.
Symbolic match: 7th - 18th degrees of Cancer.
Action: spasm, poisoning.
Names: Bat, Milky Way.
Symbol - bat, bat.
Social influence: Unlucky. A dangerous, satanic day. Period of seduction, illusion, deception, delusion, poisoning. There may be bad, excruciating dreams (they should not be trusted). The day on which we receive only bad signs, which must be treated carefully: soberly ponder and evaluate each.
Purification of thoughts is necessary, active self-defense against aggressive blackness.
The strongest warning on this day is spilled milk. If the breastfeeding mother's milk disappears, the baby will be punished.
You cannot look in the mirror or break it.
Household influence: Good for work in the garden, for travel. Bad for marriage, for study, for working in the kitchen.
If on the ninth day of the moon a cactus blooms, this is good.
Mystical influence: Day of the most unfavorable events. Deception, pride, inadequacy can ruin all undertakings. As a rule, the activity of this direction on this day is always punishable, the consequences are terrible. Purification, passivity, control is recommended.
A pressing feeling in the chest is a sign that many problems have accumulated and it is necessary to turn to the assimilation of spiritual food, to the sources, to tradition.
All strength asanas can be done. It can be very effective to forgive the person who offended you.
Medical influence: The disease is dangerous, but it is well treated. Neuralgias are frequent. Heart disease worsens. Day of psychoanalysts, although the psyche is overloaded on this day with complexes and a sense of unresolved problems. Phobias and suicidal tendencies are exacerbated. Suicide and crime are frequent. Decreased serotonin levels. Intoxication, poisoning, etc.
In the medical aspect, attention should be paid to the chest, to the prevention of intercostal neuralgia, angina pectoris.
Influence on births: They are very painful. Often poisoned. Poor hormone balance, weakened immunity. Cleansing procedures and a sober lifestyle can help. They need to constantly cleanse themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.
Influence on conception: Undesirable for conception. Your child can become dangerous to society, in other cases, his life will endure terrible trials. Don't risk it.
Stones - black pearls, alexandrite, rauchtopaz (gives loneliness), serpentine (attracts blackness).
Meditations:(not recommended) white background.
Signatures: Black pearls, alexandrite, topaz,

A. Zaraev. "Interpreting Moon Days

The period is disharmonious, which is often associated with deceptions, delusions, various complications due to contacts with partners and unfavorable to health. Dissatisfaction with the environment appears, as well as the desire to escape responsibility or from accumulated problems into sensual self-indulgence. However, spiritual people who are able to withstand negative influences can drop old karmic programs on this day and begin a new period associated with spiritual and mental renewal. Dangers of conflicts with old partners, relatives, as well as with children.

"Days from the birth" of the Moon according to Albert the Great

The day is happy and unhappy. The diseases that occur in him are difficult. Dreams come true for a long time. Babies are durable.

Zyurnyaeva T.N. "30 lunar days. Everything about each day. Lunar calendar."

The symbol of the day is "Milky Way", "Bat", "Mother's Milk" and "Bat". On this day, there is a check on what a person has done in the first circle of lunar harmony.
On the 9th lunar day of provocations, we can be deceived, deceived, poisoned. If a person is pure, has carried out purification practices, then this day is not terrible for him. A person has the opportunity to see what he is being bought, deceived and what he is mistaken for. This day encourages us to be attentive to everything. The 9th lunar day is considered satanic.
On the 9th lunar day, a person must learn to discern what is deception. It is necessary to remember the tradition that goes through the mother, remember the life of the mother, her covenants, remember the maternal grandmother, and so on. It is necessary to immerse yourself in the mother's roots. On this day, it is necessary to clean the room, do mental cleansing and remember everyone who offended us. On the 9th lunar day, astral protection should be built, since the 9th lunar day is the day of guidance and removal of damage.
Removal of spoilage
We all have weak astral protection, so we are often negatively affected by the people around us. There are two ways to strengthen your astral field.
Method I. This method is at the same time checking whether there is damage or not. You need to take a live, not dietary, chicken egg, which has an embryo, and a 0.2 - 0.3 liter glass jar with a lid, half filled with water. Carefully break the egg there so as not to damage the yolk. Take this jar and hold it above your head with your right hand. Then bring it to all energy centers along the front channel and hold it near each chakra until the hand trembles, then transfer it to the next one. After that, wrap the jar in cellophane and place it under the pillow or at the head of the bed. In the morning, see what happens to this egg. By the way it is deformed, you can judge how strong your damage is.
If the egg has changed a lot, then you will need outside help. On the next 9th lunar day, you need to find another person whom you trust and who will carry out another procedure. It is necessary to break the egg into water in the same way, but that person will already bring the jar, hold it above your head and carry this jar around you counterclockwise, removing dirty energy on the egg at the level of each chakra. First, it sweeps at the level of the Sahasrara chakra, then at the level of the forehead, neck, chest, stomach, pubis and, finally, at the level of the tailbone. That is, at the level of the 7 classical chakras. You can fence in a different number of times, but at least 3 times and maximum 9 times. Then put this jar under the bed or under the pillow. In the morning, all its contents are poured into the toilet, and the jar itself is sterilized or thrown away. This is a one-time procedure.
But it is possible on the 9th lunar day to begin a large cycle of removing damage. Then one egg is taken for each week. The first time this procedure is done by encircling the person in a counterclockwise direction. Then the jar with the egg is placed in the refrigerator for the day, and under the pillow or under the bed at night. This is repeated throughout the week. In whatever form this egg is, you have been collecting evil spirits on it all week. After a week, everything is poured into the toilet, the jar is sterilized, fresh water is poured, a new egg is broken. Do the same for the second week, then the third, fourth, and so on until the egg stops deforming.
Severe spoilage sometimes requires up to 9 eggs. All this time, the jar with the egg is placed in the refrigerator so that it does not deteriorate. The second time, a person himself can already carry the chakras. The most important thing is that the process has begun. You don't need to carry around every day.
If a person feels bad, then you don't have to wait for the 9th lunar day. If you started this cycle before the 9th lunar day, then on the 9th lunar day you need to carry out this whole procedure again. On the 9th lunar day, you can change the egg, but the cycle is still counted from the day you started. But, as a rule, the cycle of great cleansing begins after checking on the 9th lunar day.
Method II. This is a salty foot bath. The temperature of the water is made to make you feel good. On a basin of water, reaching the ankles of the feet, you have to while standing to throw a handful of salt with your left hand: how much it will take in your hand. You need to stand in a basin no more than 9-10 minutes. At this time, it is good to imagine a vertical stream that washes everything away from you, and everything goes into this water. It is not recommended to stand for more than 10 minutes, since then the process is reversed. This is also the procedure for the 9th lunar day. You can also do it when you just feel bad.
On the 9th lunar day, you cannot eat mushrooms and foods that carry a phallic symbol, that is, sausage, carrots, etc. It is very harmful on this day to show pride, to suppress other people. Since the 9th lunar day is still called "Mother's Milk", it is bad to pour milk on this day. It means that you squander the traditions that go through the mother, do not value them. It is also bad to break the mirror. On the 9th lunar day, it is generally better not to look in the mirror, especially in full growth, so as not to flatter yourself at your own expense. Anahata's chest and chakra are associated with this day. If you break traditions, then on the 9th lunar day, the bones of the chest may ache, and you will feel a pressing feeling that can turn into neuralgia, or even an attack of angina pectoris.
People born on the 9th lunar day need to constantly cleanse themselves, as they are initially defiled. You need to clean your house. Garbage can only be taken out during daylight hours. Information on lunar days is given in the reference, but you need to work with it. It is not at all necessary to live on lunar days all your life. Sometimes 3-6 months is enough to master these energies and lower information into the subconscious. Then, on an intuitive level, motives will be formed in accordance with these energies. All information on harmonization is intended to make life easier, but it will only work for you if it is worked out by you. So stay active on Tuesdays, rest on Friday, and recharge on Sunday. All this will allow you, combining different energies, to live in less stress and to be more concretely aware of some life situations, reacting to them correctly.

You can and should do, eat:
- Starve
- Fish
- Mental cleansing
- Strength training
- Regulate, restrain desires
- Forgive those who offended you
You can not do or must abstain, do not eat:
- Mushrooms
- Long vegetables
- Get married
- Look in the mirror
- Pour milk

The 9th lunar day can be not only unfavorable, but also dangerous. There is no magic here. The fact is that each position of the Moon relative to our planet and the Sun causes a change in gravitational forces. This leads to surges in atmospheric pressure, fluctuations in temperature, humidity, Earth's magnetic field and other important characteristics. Our body is sensitive to such changes, which means that it affects the activity of the brain and the work of internal organs. If the way of life on these lunar days remains the same, then there is no longer enough strength to maintain inner harmony. Therefore, today we are haunted by setbacks, disappointment, quarrels and bad moods.

Fate presents you with unpleasant surprises, but you should not be afraid of the negative characteristics of this day. Slow down the pace of life for today, otherwise self-esteem and ambition will lead to complete collapse. On the ninth lunar day, a person is surrounded by temptations, deceptions and adventures. Keep your composure and control your feelings. today

Today people are highly emotional. They are dominated by dark thoughts, anxieties, premonitions and fears. The most effective way to protect yourself from negativity is to self-purify. Forgive your ill-wishers, do not hold grudges against them.

During the day, give up any undertakings. It is best to continue with what you were doing earlier. Stay vigilant as you are likely to receive bad news or food poisoning today. Try to survive the ninth lunar day without any shocks and emotional outbursts. If you find that you can no longer control your emotions, then try doing more breathing exercises or meditation.

Health and peace of mind

On the 9th lunar day follows:

  • refuse to drink alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • overeating;
  • To avoid digestive problems, purify the body and follow a diet;
  • Go to the bathhouse, sauna or exercise.

Today, diseases may appear that will not lead to death, but will cause a lot of trouble. Most often, heart disease worsens, phobias and depression develop.

Chronic diseases often appear on these lunar days. This is due to the fact that such ailments are of a karmic nature and develop when some problem remains unresolved at the psychophysical level for a long time. Unresolved problems go to deeper layers of the subconscious and periodically manifest themselves.

Today has a negative impact on the mental state of a person, causes fatigue and depression. If during this lunar day you feel unwell, then this indicates a violation of your spiritual path. Try to analyze your actions and understand what mistakes you made. At the same time, you do not need to be lazy, vigorous activity or a trip to nature will be an excellent solution.

Don't let your negative emotions run wild. Forgiveness, calmness and tolerance should be the motto of this day.... You may have terrible dreams at night. The images that appear in nightmares refer to anxiety and other negativity hidden in the subconscious. Try to solve the accumulated problems as soon as possible.

Born on this lunar day will live a long and eventful life. However, he should be more careful about his health. To get rid of ailments, it is necessary to maintain the purity of the body and karma. When a person born on the ninth lunar day shows a desire for sincerity and kindness, then troubles and troubles will bypass him.

Family, love and relationships

Today, quarrels and disagreements should be avoided, not hasty conclusions. If contradictions do arise, try not to exaggerate the conflict. This is not the best time to argue and sort things out.

A marriage concluded on the 9th lunar day will not bring happiness. Family life will be accompanied by disappointment and misfortune. A couple with pure karma, who are confident in their feelings and ready to endure any troubles, will be able to avoid troubles.

Work and business

9 lunar day - not suitable for new beginnings. Routine, familiar things should be included in the daily routine. Less contact with management and colleagues who will try to involve you in solving their problems. Do not show your emotions, refrain from criticism and do not succumb to provocations. Today, people are more prone to deception, fraud and aggression than ever before.

Although this day carries negative energy, it will not prevent people engaged in science and creativity from showing themselves. However, they should abandon new projects, meetings and negotiations. Business people need to postpone financial transactions and lawsuits. Today, you should not radically change your work activity, but moving, travel and travel will be quite successful.

Ways to protect against damage and the evil eye

The ninth lunar day can bring not only bad dreams, but also the evil eye and damage. You can jinx it with a glance, thought and word containing negative energy. As a result, a person begins a series of minor problems (equipment breaks down, keys are lost, health worsens). But damage is a real magic that has a directional effect. It can only be induced by a strong person with powerful energy. Damage can lead to health, personal and financial problems. On these lunar days, it is also recommended to remove damage and other negative programs.

To avoid trouble, it is not recommended to leave the house on this lunar day.

Dedicate it to rest and favorite activities, postpone all important matters. Refrain from reading newspapers and watching the news on TV during this lunar day, so that it does not bring discord into your life.

When you feel that you have a headache, irritability and fatigue increase, take a bath with sea salt. A lighted candle and aromatherapy will help destroy the negative energy in the house.

Stories from our readers

The 9th lunar day is good only for such things that have begun long ago and require a long continuation. The day is also good for new construction, rebuilding, fertilization of the land, crops, planting, and for the purchase of cattle. Labor on this day will not only increase experience and prudence, but also bring material benefits. The day is also good for fun, communication with the opposite sex, for love and intimacy. A child born on this day will live a long and fruitful life. Diseases can be dangerous, but not fatal. Dreams come true in most cases. A very stressful day, requiring a fight against seduction, deception and illusion. You may accumulate dissatisfaction with the people around you, but going into conflict with them on this day is dangerous for both parties. It is good to do those things that have already begun long ago and require only continuation.

9 Lunar day is a day of illusions and seduction. Do not forget about the "money" on the windowsill. You can also place a candlestick order for a specific amount of money today. The ninth lunar day is the time when work needs to be minimized, completely refuse to sign any important documents and even letters. The fewer moments today when you need to take responsibility, the better. For two days of seduction, either you will be seduced, or you.

Create your own money-seduction ritual and do it today. Hints will not help here, this is one of those days when only your own rituals and ideas work.

9 lunar day symbol - bat

The 9th lunar day is considered one of the most difficult in the entire lunar month. On this day, you will be haunted by temptations and temptations. The dark side of your personality will seek to gain the upper hand over you, all human vices and shortcomings will manifest themselves especially brightly, and if you cannot resist them, quite serious troubles can fall on you, the echoes of which will not give you peace of mind for a long time.

This is a very conflicted day, disagreements and disputes can lead to serious quarrels, there is a possibility of quarreling to smithereens over the most insignificant trifle. Also, the 9th lunar day is characterized by trauma, be careful in transport, as well as with all piercing and cutting objects. On the 9th lunar day, it is especially easy for various scammers to fall for the bait, so be extremely careful when communicating with strangers. If you take into account all these recommendations and take into account the special nature of the 9 lunar day, then you can easily bypass all the problems.

The fact is that on the 9th lunar day, your internal energy, as it were, adjusts to the special rhythms of the moon in order to be in harmony with them. It is because of these changes that everything that was previously secret becomes apparent. All that you hid in yourself or did not want to accept, all the negativity - resentment, anger, intolerance, envy, irritability, deceptions and the like comes up. But all this can be corrected by asking for forgiveness, fulfilling everything that was once promised, bringing everything started to its logical conclusion. Everything that awaits you today is somehow connected with your immediate past and unfinished business.

The fact is that if we do not find the right solution to any problem or a worthy way out of a difficult situation, it will repeat with us over and over again until we finally draw the appropriate conclusions and correct all our mistakes, everything will be repeated with enviable constancy. Therefore, do not let everything take its course on the 9th lunar day, nothing will be decided by itself, show will and character. If necessary, make a certain effort on yourself and get rid of it, like ballast during a balloon flight, the lighter your soul is, the higher and freer it will soar.

On the 9th lunar day, your consciousness and subconsciousness should be cleared, as a result, your mind will become clearer, you will take a fresh look at the usual course of things, it is possible that your muse or just some brilliant idea will visit you. This will mean that the changes have taken place and they have become favorable for you. Also, on the 9th lunar day, you need to strengthen faith in yourself and in your own strength, to recognize your right to uniqueness and happiness.

On the ninth day of the lunar cycle, it is better not to do important things. Signing important deals and signing business documents today will not bring the desired result. It is better to postpone these events to another, more favorable time, since unforeseen circumstances can nullify all your efforts. Today it is better to take a break from work, relax, take care of yourself, devote time to self-improvement.

One should be careful today, as there is a high likelihood of being stolen. Try to keep track of your property, and it would be better to put expensive things in a safe for storage. In communication, at work, you need to be restrained and tolerant of other people's shortcomings. It is better to refrain from any criticism and not make comments to anyone, because people are now very nervous and sensitive. Even because of some innocent, accidentally thrown word, a scandal or a serious conflict can break out, which is very difficult to resolve later.
Try not to be aggressive. During this period, even your best motives can be misunderstood.

If on the ninth lunar day someone offers you a "profitable" deal or the conclusion of a contract you refuse, for sure you are "under a pig." As mentioned above, this is a period of temptations and "unclean" deeds. Do not take part in any adventurous activities: started on the ninth lunar day, they usually end in serious trouble, up to and including imprisonment.

If possible, during this time, do not leave your home and do not attend any presentations or entertainment events. Many astrological schools argue that this period is dangerous with attempts on people who own large amounts of money. An ideal occupation for a businessman on the ninth lunar day will be his hobby. For example, if you love to paint, devote all this time to painting. You will receive a long-awaited mental rest, recuperate and refresh your head.

Today is not the time to go down the aisle. This day is unfavorable for absolutely everyone. If you still dare to go to the registry office, you should be prepared for any unpleasant discoveries. Disappointment awaits you in family and life and in your soulmate in particular. Better take a closer look at each other.

Health on this day of the moon is poor. All diseases that worried you earlier will remind of themselves. Your mental problems, on such a day, can develop into physical ones. Many diseases are of a karmic nature and if something constantly bothers you, it can adversely affect the state of the whole organism. Even those diseases that you thought were already cured will suddenly surface again.

But in fact, it is not so only the symptom is eliminated, but the disease itself, that is, its energy matrix is ​​not removed from the aura. That is, as has been said more than once above, the unresolved problem did not disappear, but went into deeper layers of the subconscious. On the ninth lunar day, any ailments, diseases, exacerbation of any processes are all SOS signals, the body is trying to shout to the mind that you would at least do something.

On the ninth lunar day, it is useful to carry out all kinds of cleansing practices, especially bowel cleansing. Today's dreams bring to the surface all the problems and conflicts that have been accumulating in your soul for a long time. In order to help oneself get rid of what torments and torments, it is necessary to properly analyze and give the correct interpretation of dreams. And then you will be able to bring harmony in your soul, and, accordingly, find harmony with the world around you.

Everything that appears to you in a dream is related to your karma and all this requires an immediate solution. At this time, nightmares are not uncommon. But all of them, upon careful analysis, are interpreted as unresolved problems of an emotional nature. On the 9th lunar day, continue to do what you did before and plan to complete in the future.

This is a good time to make big plans. It will be useful to do herbal medicine, aromatherapy and cleanse your body.
You can do water procedures and everything that is aimed at relaxation. Whatever type of activity you do on the 9th lunar day, everything will work out and will bring benefits. It is worth strengthening the immune system. If the moon is in any sign other than water signs, it is very useful to visit the bathhouse. Do face cleansing. You can not be afraid to carry out serious cosmetic rejuvenation.

On the 9th lunar day, you can achieve the maximum result if you do seaweed, chocolate and other wraps. You will also get a good effect from other relaxing procedures. Pay special attention to your legs. Make baths for them. Treat them with a nourishing cream, oil, containing vitamins and the skin will remain velvety for a long time.

It is forbidden to sit on a strict diet on the 9th lunar day. It's just enough to deny yourself the mushroom-based dishes. Mushrooms are a rather heavy protein food and even the most common edible ones eaten on this day can cause poisoning. The body will react very sharply to all new foods introduced into the diet.

Therefore, the 9 lunar day is not the time for experiments. Try not to take meat in any form. Beware of overeating. To avoid this, eat only light food, because even the already familiar foods eaten today can have a negative effect on your body. Eliminate complex, multi-ingredient and non-natural foods from your diet. Give preference to cereals.

Drinks with a high content of dyes and other harmful ingredients can cause great harm. For example: Fanta, Cola, Sprite, Tarhun, etc. Avoid high-calorie pastries and cream cakes. Drink more natural juices. Just as on the previous day, you should not do exercises that require active loads. Do only what does not require much effort from you. Relax and have a meditation session.