How to catch the mouse in the apartment. How to get rid of rodent and catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap: Humane methods of combating high efficiency

Often those people who had a chance to see a mouse in their home or several mice immediately, seek these animals to fame with all sorts of poisons or catch in a deadly mousetry.

But what to do, if you are not accepting violence (even over such a small animal) and you do not want to destroy mice, but would you like to just catch the mouse running around the rooms and then release it somewhere away from home? How to catch a mouse in a house without a mousetrap?

There are several ways to help you catch a rodent without a special device.

Glass bank method

To catch a mouse with a bank (you can also use a glass for this purpose, if it, of course, has suitable sizes), prepare the following things:

  • naturally, a jar or a glass;
  • scotch;
  • coin (it is recommended to take a five-log, since its diameter should be at least two centimeters);
  • mouse bait.

When everything is prepared, proceed to the main job.

First you need to attach the bait from the inside of the can. It is done just with the help of a scotch, but the bait is attached closer to the bottom of the banks.

Then, under the jar lay a certain substrate (some small plate, a piece of cardboard, etc.), after which the bank turn the bottom up and put on the substrate.

It is required to put the capacity so that one edge of its neck stood on the base, the other should be neatly dug in the edge of the coin.

If you are interested in how such a structure works, then everything is extremely simple: the mouse is the smell of bait at the bottom of the tank, will try to climb inside the jars and will definitely chance the coin. Of course, the coin will fall, and along with it there will be a bank that will catch the mouse and will keep it in an ambush.

All that will be needed from you later is to simply turn the jar with a substrate and release the rodent where you consider it necessary to do.

Flower pot

If you have a flower pot at home (from plastic or clay - anyone else), which also has a hole on the bottom, use this method.

Just keep in mind that the plastic pot will need to be dragged with a small cargo.

You still need: toothpick or ordinary match, a piece of plywood, thread, clip, and, of course, a bait.

So, turn the pot on a piece of plywood upside down. Take a thread and stretch it through the hole at its bottom.

Tie the toothpick to the thread from the outside of the pot, and from the inner side of it, attach the bait (the paper clip can be useful). Try to consolidate the bait for the mouse as close as possible to the bottom.

When everything is ready, bypass the top edge of the pot on the toothpick, which is tied to the thread and wait: as soon as the curious animal will decide to climb the delicacy, the toothpick will work on the principle of the jug and the mouse will cover the pot.

Two ways with a plastic bottle

1. Plastic Bottle, Oil Sold

Take a high half-or two-liter plastic bottle (for example, from Coca-Cola's beverage), as well as scissors, bait and sunflower oil (better than crude and unrefined). As a bait, you can use a handful of seeds.

Cut the top of the bottle with scissors. Make it in a circle and begin to trim in the very place where the bottle begins its align to the neck.

Next should be abundantly lubricating the walls of the bottle walls (only internal). It is also recommended to pour oil and at the bottom of the container, a small layer - about 2-3 centimeters, then pour out there and bait.

Put the finished bottle with the bait under a slight inclination, but do not forget to attach it to the wooden track, so that you tried it for the sake of which you tried (that is, the mouse) was able to climb her into a bottle of oil.

If you leave your construction for the whole night, then in the morning you will probably find that in the bottle there is practically exhausted, smeared by oil, but still a living and whole small animal. On the will, the mouse will not be chosen, because slippery oil will stop all mouse attempts.

2. Pack of plastic bottle with lid

In addition to the specified container, you need to prepare a stationery, two tubes of plastic or wood and only one clips.

In the center of the bottom of the bottle cut out a small hole, then care the top, but at a short distance from the neck (it should reach somewhere a quarter of the magnitude of the neck itself) so that after that you have a peculiar lid.

Now take the tubes and the first thread through the center of the bottle, and the second - through the center of the improvised lid. Connect the paper clip and gum, fixing the bait on the clip. Credit the gum through the hole drilled you at the bottom, the second end of the same gum fix the tube outside. At the same time, the second end of the gum (outside) should be fixed on the tube so that the lid after that remains open.

When the mouse climbs into a mousetrap of a plastic bottle behind the bait, it will definitely pull the gum, and from that tension that it will create, the first gum will be broken, then the lid will shut.

Bucket (without water)

TO ak catch the mouse in the apartment without a mousetrap using a bucket? Very simple. As you already understood, you will need a bucket. From above, you need to put a conventional newspaper or something similar (not serious) and fasten with the help of tape or thread. Before this, the newspaper is cutting the cross to the cross, inside the lobs of the bait (do it carefully, in order to make the harvester not fell inside the newspaper or in the bucket).

In addition to the above, take care of the presence of a ladder, according to which rodent could climb on a bucket when a tasty treat biting. As a ladder, you can use a ruler, broom, etc.

The mouse will try to get to the bait, climbs on the bucket, runs on the newspaper and falls in the bucket. It is often added to it, so rodents are drowning as soon as they fall there. But it is not necessary to resort to such cruelty if you feel sorry for a small creation.

Sticky way to get rid of the mouse without a mousetrap

In stores sell special glue - it also helps to catch gray pests. It is necessary to work with such gloves in gloves and carefully so that it does not hit the skin or fabric, because it will be very difficult to drop it later.

Apply this to the piece of cardboard inside and throughout its perimeter. You can apply glue with a thin layer or small stripes at a distance of approximately one and a half centimeters from each other.

After you put the glue, put the bait in the middle of the cardboard.

After some time, the mouse will decide to enjoy, climbs on the smeared with glue cardboard and stick to it.

By the way, thanks to this method, you will be able to catch even the most tiny animal.

Instead of glue, it is allowed to use the ready-made sticky tape - in this case, no preparatory action will have to be taken to you (except to put the ribbon in the right place).

By the way, if you do not know or not quite confident in where it is better to put homemade traps, then do it where the mice were seen.

Most often they live near food reserves - near the urn with garbage or near the cabinets, in which various cereals, cookies and other goodies are stored.

In a word, they are getting used to such places where they manage to be saturated, and besides, there mouse do not feel completely no danger.

Mice are often found in a person's dwelling, regardless of where he lives - in an apartment or in a private house. These rodents are closed on the top floors of multi-storey high-rise buildings. The results of their livelihoods are a constant rustling and squeaks at night, damaged food, costered things, as well as electrical wires. As a rule, most owners prefer not to humane methods of struggle using toxic substances.

Part of the hosts on the contrary, more prone to humane methods of struggle, causing rodents without mousetrap, applying homemade traps of various designs. As a rule, such traps are made from unnecessary materials, without the cost of time and means. At the same time, there are many simple schemes available in the manufacture of devices.

As a rule, mice are trying to move closer to a person when the winter approach is felt, and so when warm on the street, they feel great in the field where food is in excess. With the onset of winter, they are counting on the fact that food can be reached by a person who is stricken for the winter.

In addition to this, the main reason, there are other. For example:

  • Antisanitarying in the house when there is free access to food residues.
  • Storage of food in improper form, as well as in places that are not intended for this.
  • The presence of holes and slots in the area of \u200b\u200bplinths, sewer pipes and water supply pipes.
  • The presence of old unnecessary things that are addressed in a separate room.
  • The presence of a trash dump is not far from home.
  • Free access to water.
  • Untimely release of the garbage bucket from garbage.
  • The presence of remnants of flour and croup, scattered in kitchen cabinets.

What harm can be mouse

Even from one mouse, harm can be very significant, and if there are several of them in the dwelling, this is an emergency. In addition, the mice are harmful, they are also afraid of many housewives, lifting panic in the house or in an apartment with random appearance. Often, these people rises blood pressure, against the background of nervous stress, which can lead to heart attacks.

As a result of the vital activity of mice, you can count on such consequences:

  • It is possible to infect dangerous illnesses, since rodents are carriers of dangerous microorganisms.
  • The possibility of a fire in the house or in the apartment as a result of a short circuit due to damage to the electrical wiring isolation.
  • Pagter food and domestic property.
  • The presence in the dwelling of the unpleasant odor from the results of their livelihoods.

Signs of the appearance of rodents in the house or in the apartment

When a person is in an apartment or in the house, the mice are quietly resting in secluded places, waiting for a person or leave a housing for his affairs, or go to sleep. Then they begin to show their activity, which is expressed in pisch, scratching or in Churchhanye. If you wake up at night and immediately do not get up from bed, but try to lie down and listen, then the presence of rodents will be discovered. At the same time, there are other signs indicating such an unpleasant neighborhood.

You need to pay attention to the following:

  • Used food residues.
  • The presence of excrement on the floor, on the table, as well as among the stocks of products.
  • A peculiar "mouse" smell appears in the dwelling, which is difficult to confuse with any other smell.
  • Spoiled packaging, such as bags, bags with croups or flour, as well as boxes with cookies or with flakes.
  • The presence of holes in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plinths.

Mice are actively migrating and fall into apartments through the ventilation system, as well as through various slots or not density in the floor and other parts of the house or apartment. Mouses are swolling holes in wooden and other structures without problems. They can stop metal, brick or concrete.

You can get rid of mice in the apartment with the help of homemade traps, without resorting to the use of poisonous substances or cappos. At the same time, despite its simplicity, the designs have a noticeable effect.

For the manufacture of such devices, various, sometimes unnecessary items are suitable, and vegetable oil, seeds or cheese are suitable as bait. As a result of such efforts, rodents remain alive, it remains only to take out and release them somewhere away from housing so that they cannot come back.

Nowadays, get a plastic bottle of any capacity will not be difficult, it remains only to do such manipulations with it:

  • For the manufacture of a trap, a plastic bottle is suitable, a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, which is cut off the upper part with the neck.
  • Capacity without a neck, from the bottom and toast from the inside, is abundantly lubricated with vegetable oil, preferably unrefined.
  • In addition, a layer of the same oil is poured onto the bottom, the thickness of the order of 2 cm and the layer of seeds is poured.
  • The trap is equipped in this way in the place where "love" to host the mice. To the bottle, you should attach a special "ladder" from the tree so that the mice can climb on it on the top point.
  • The bottle can be installed either at an angle or directly. The main thing is that the mouse could not get out of the trap.
  • Capacity must be fixed in a fixed position.
  • The trap is installed in the evening, and in the morning, if there will be a mouse in it, the last one needs to take and let go, somewhere on the street or in the yard.

Preparation method:

  • To do this, take the bank, the capacity of somewhere 1 liter, not a large piece of cheese, narrow tape and coin.
  • First you need to fix a piece of cheese with the help of a tape at the bottom of the bank.
  • It is necessary to control the cheese, if you turn the jar, did not take the bottom of the surface somewhere 5 cm.
  • The trap is installed next to the mouse or elsewhere. For this bank turns over and put under a slope with a coin. Setting the trap requires certain caution, as the design is minimal resistant.

Thanks to the achievements of modern science and technology, managed to develop devices that generate ultrasound waves. The ultrasound person does not perceive, but most animals are perceived by these waves, so their behavior may depend on the action of such waves. As you know, there are ultrasound whistles for moving teams to dogs. Sound waves of this range affect animals in different ways, including rodents. A certain power of ultrasound causes panic and fear in mice, after which they try to leave the zone of action of the device as quickly as possible.

Nowadays, it's not difficult to choose a product, depending on the specific conditions of application, as well as depending on the financial capabilities. Moreover, you do not need to catch mice, as they themselves will go to search for more comfortable conditions for their livelihoods.

To solve this issue, it is enough to go to the store, where ultrasonic rodent discreteners are sold. As a rule, it is not expensive and compact devices. It remains only to decide which device to purchase. For this, it is better to pay attention to such factors:

  • A good device has an output frequency adjustment function. The fact is that rodents with time begin to get used to one frequency of the signal. Some models are capable of changing the ultrasound frequency automatically, after a period of time expires.
  • For better efficiency, it is better to purchase several devices to maximize the problem areas of the apartment. The fact is that ultrasound does not apply if he has a barrier path, in the form of a soft furniture or dense curtains.
  • Be sure to get acquainted with the instruction in order to understand how universal device and whether it can work under conditions of temperature fluctuations. This is necessary in order to use the device in economic buildings that are not heated.
  • If you buy, then a high-quality, universal device, which naturally costs more than any cheap device, dubious origin.
  • Where the ultrasonic repeller is installed, it makes no sense to install additional traps, especially with bait, which will attract rodents.
  • The device should be used only under the conditions described in the instructions, which can guarantee its trouble-free operation.

All on the note! If at home contains decorative rodents, in the form of hamsters and guinea pigs, then use ultrasound is not recommended, as they will experience the same as real pests.

Mice appear where there is something to get used, and in a person's dwelling you can always find food, especially in conditions where the owners themselves create conditions when there are free access to food. Many owners complain that it is practically impossible to cope with rodents, regardless of which methods of struggle to them were applied. All methods are good if the goal is to get rid of such a neighborhood. In order not to spend time and means to fight rodents, you can try to prevent their appearance. How to act:

  • Do not allow in the house or in the apartment, there was a mess.
  • The garbage can be closed, and its contents took place on the trash.
  • Storage of bulk foods exclusively in special containers with closing covers.
  • Do not leave food on the dinner table.
  • Do not leave an open bread.
  • After eating right away, remove foods from the table.
  • Seare all holes and cracks in the floor, as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe plinths.
  • Control in order to exported the garbage to the relevant services.
  • Enjoy all means of struggle to prevent rodents to economic buildings.

Many owners prefer humane methods of struggle, but it should always be remembered that this method does not reduce the populations of rodents that can multiply with a huge pace. In addition, it is necessary to spend a lot of time to bring the animal and let go. It is necessary to endure away from home or apartment so that this animal does not return back. Although on the other hand, not everyone is ready to apply poisonous substances in his home. In order not to spend time on fishing mice, it is better to pay attention to the technical and sanitary condition of the construction. It is possible that some habits will have to get rid of times and forever. And the habits are bad enough, which contribute to the creation of conditions, to appear in the apartment not only mice, but also other pests.

At the first suspicion of the presence of rodents, you can try to make a simple trap from a plastic bottle. This is not only efficient, but also economically. If this is done on time, then the trace will not remain from such a neighborhood.

Mice are far away not only in the apartment, but also in the country. In the first case, rodents belong to the houses, in the second - to the field. To catch gray pests, people are trying to find humane methods: without a mousetrap and rat poison. They just want to catch the animal, take it away from home and let go. For the capture of small rodents, many traps and bait are invented. These facilities can be made with their own hands at home.

It is the opinion that the humane methods are not integred. However, in many examples of making mice, they proved their effectiveness.

Plastic bottle


  1. 1. Take the container and cut off her neck.
  2. 2. From the edge of the cut, measure 1 cm, make a hole and push the end of thick thread into it (0.5 m).
  3. 3. Put the bait on the bottom of the bottle.
  4. 4. Place the container on the edge of the table. The upper part must have a support, and the bottom - no.
  5. 5. Thread attach to the table, for example, to the carnation.

When the mouse climbs behind the bait, the bottle of belch. Gray animal will be caught, and the trap will stay hanging.



  1. 1. Take the container and install a metal rod on its top.
  2. 2. Wear a tin or plastic bottle on it. For example, from under beer or "Coca-Cola".
  3. 3. Capacity on the rod must freely scroll. It is necessary to put a pre-prepared bait.
  4. 4. Locate the trap so that the mouse can run to it.

When the rodent honors the smell of bait, it will climb on a bottle that will turn over, and the animal will fall into the bucket.

Glass jar


  1. 1. Take a glass vessel and tighten the tin cover on it.
  2. 2. Cut it in the center by making an opening with uneven edges.
  3. 3. At the bottom of the banks put the bait in the form of a bass or other products.

Rodent will climb a delicacy, and it will not be able to get out - a sharp teeth will block the way.

All of the above funds can be quick and easy to make independently. They do not require cash flow, and the necessary materials are always on hand.

Complex devices for catching pests

Catch the mouse can be with the help of special designs. However, these structures require more time to manufacture.


Work algorithm:

  1. 1. From a durable metal mesh make a long box.
  2. 2. The parties fasten the wire, one of which will be the door. It should be opened from top to bottom.
  3. 3. On the other part there are hooks with bait - sausage, lard, cheese. It is held on thick threads, which is also associated with the door.

When the rodent gets to the drawer and try to pull the delicacy, the thread breaks down, and the door of the design will shut.

Box without vertex

It is made of wooden planks.


  1. 1. Construct a special bridge from small slats, which come into contact in the center, and at their ends there are hinges.
  2. 2. In order to freely place the roof from above, it is mastered separately.
  3. 3. On both sides of the box make the windows to, make up behind the bait, the pest fell on the bridge.
  4. 4. The delicacy is suspended in the middle of the roof.

Rodent, seeing the bait, passes through the bridge to the edge. By the weight of the mouse, it is a tip and quickly return to the place.

Although the appearance of mice in the house can not be considered a tragedy, but also a nice little. The use of poisons for destruction is considered the most effective measure. However, for some reason, we do not strive to resort to this radical. On the one hand, it is cruel. On the other hand, it is not always justified (in the house children, animals may suffer from a poison bait). Another important aspect: an inaccessible dead mouse under the floor or overlap guarantees households an unforgettable "aroma", which is difficult to get rid of.

Mousetrap in the thematic modern design

Mouse and mousetrap: who will overcome?

Alternative to poisons - Mousetrap. Its efficiency is somewhat worse than poisoned bait. At the same time, not everyone knows how to catch a mouse with a mousetrap, or rather how to do it right. The range of these devices is wide, each device has its own features. But the principle of operation at all is one: as soon as the mouse pulls for the bait, the spring is lowered and kills the animal. Appetizing a piece of meat or roasted Sukharik is satisfied on the trigger. Slowly, smoothly divide the clamp and presses the keeper. That, in turn, is inserted under the enhancement in the hook. Trying not to shake the design, it must be carefully put in place of the accumulation of mice or their possible appearance.

A few moments to pay attention to:

  • it is necessary to adjust this reserve for the hook so that the spring is triggered with the slightest touch with the bait;
  • a device is installed near the mink and in those places where traces of the stay of rodents are found;
  • all the reserves of food are removed, so that the mouse "went" to the bait;
  • as bait, food is used familiar to rodents: bread, meat, fat, sausage.

Although, according to humanity, the method of animal is little less inferior to poison, it has the right to exist. It is stored in the farm, however, such a device is not for everyone: to whom can the mouse be put in an apartment or house? However, when it happens, there are no mouselogging, you have to look for an effective replacement. In addition, the absolute result of the mousetrap does not guarantee. That bait the mouse will take off, then the spring does not work at all. So, it should not be completely hoped for it.

Attention! In addition to the usual, spring model, electrical mousetrap is increasingly used, much more productive.

Catch the mouse without a mousetrap: is it really?

There are more reliable, simple and proven methods, how to catch a mouse without a mousetrap.

  • The cover from the box from under the cake is not thrown away, but is used as a trap. Top in the center to glue a tape plate soap (for weight). On the reverse side (from the inside), the same scotch is fixed the bait on the thread. The cover is one side rests on the surface of the countertop, and the other is on a coin or a broken ear chopper (per vatka). Trying to pull the bait, rodent pulls for her, the cover slides from the stop. The mouse remains "under the hood". The glued "cargo" - soap - will not allow the animal to move the "Cap" from the place.
  • Glue traps. Comfortable to use and democratic in price. They smell pleasantly, serve to detect and catching mice, other rodents and insects. Restrictions in application: only in dry rooms. Such equipment are eco-friendly, do not emit toxins, safe for pets. The adhesive does not dry for a long time, which retains its characteristics. This trap can be used not only in the house or apartment. It is put in the sheds, greenhouses, etc. Believe daily, freeing from sticking pests.
  • A trap on glue in self-design is performed from a plastic, smooth tiled base and a special glue: "Clean home" or "Alt". It is applied by a special way: at the beginning around the perimeter, then the "tracks" of 2-3 cm wide, separated by free space (slices of bait are placed on it).
  • Another way to catch the mouse using a screw tools: a bucket with water (slightly less than half), a piece of paper (you can wrapping), tape and bait. Paper should be a bit size more than a bucket diameter. It is fixed with a scotch top, flexing the edges. In the middle, a cross-like incision is performed in size 5x5 cm. Light toasted Sukharik placed on the incision (so as not to fall into the bucket). A small ramp is built, according to which Rodent will be able to get to bait (brick, book) - and the trap is ready! In an effort to get Sukharik, the mouse will get to the cut and falls into the bucket.
  • Catch the "live trophy" can be used with glass or plastic (non-corrugated) bottle. Better from under beer. It is put at an angle, with an emphasis. And the neck inside is deceived by peanuts, sunflower oil. To the neck should be access to the rodent can dive into an inclined smooth ass. Slipped smooth walls will not allow him to get out of the bottle.

Multifunctional plastic packaging

The simplest mousetrap device from the same plastic bottle. Crop the neck. On this cut scissors, sharp cloves are formed, which bend inside the bottle. On the bottom to drop 2-3 drops of vegetable oil. The bottle is put on the side. On both sides the backup is constructed. The animal who fell into the trap will not be able to get out of the "tidy" teeth.

Mousetrap of bottle - all ingenious just

On this possibility, plastic containers are not limited. The same bottle of 1.5 liters and more with a bait on the bottom is suspended with a thread or a twine for the neck in a place where the mouse falls freely and can crawl into the neck without a way back.

You can build a design of plastic containers, a metal rod and buckets. A two-liter or a two-liter closed bottle through the "pierce" with a metal barbell or thick steel wire. The ends of the rod scotch tape fasten on the rim of the bucket. As a result, the bottle must freely rotate over the "precipice", i.e. above the bucket. In the middle of the rotating cylinder in the same scotch, the bait is attached. As a "pedestal", a bar, a ruler, etc. can be applied to the bucket. The mouse, taking into account the appetizing smell of the bait, will find a way to climb the bottle stronged on the bar (at the attached bar). Once on it, the animal involuntarily rotate the cylindrical part and fall into the water.

Cat Kotofofich

In nature, there is a natural irreconcilable enemy of mice and rats - a cat. Moreover, usually "do not happen" by pools, the courtyard cannon cats. Their "tribesmen" with a pedigree, as a rule, are not suitable for hunting, although there are exceptions here.

Attention! Folk sign: If the playing cat is grabbing his toy with teeth, and not the paws, she is a natural hunter.

Even if your favorite does not like to catch mice, one presence in the house or apartment, the smell, the marked territory will be a signal for mice bypassing this house. In the end, if there is no Kotofiech - take a loan from the neighbors!

Do not forget that cute mice are very smart, cunning and yurt animals, painters of painful viruses and bacteria. They penetrate through the slots, climb on the walls, ceilings and under the floor. Ensvibrate on telephone and lighting wires. Live in ventilation and sewer channels. Therefore, the fight against them is the price of health, comfort and security of the home. Despite the fact that each of the above methods is effective in its own way, to achieve the maximum result, it is better to use several of them at the same time.