Artificial flowers for home is useful or harmful. Is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home: signs

Artificial flowers have been very popular for many years. They surround us literally everywhere: in shops, in offices, in various salons and in our home. Artificial plants are very beautiful and do not require any special maintenance. Artificial plants have one very significant property - they are durable, almost immortal. But surely many wondered more than once: is there any benefit or harm from them, besides the fact that artificial flowers are one of the most spectacular options for decorating a room's interior? And here's what information I found. To be honest, this article put me on my guard, but I don't know how much it corresponds to reality.

The origin of artificial flowers can be attributed to inanimate nature, however, there is a good reason which puts some artificial plants on a par with natural, living plants. The master who makes them puts his soul into them, gives a part of his heart to inanimate matter, reviving it. It is very simple to distinguish a "living" artificial plant from a lifeless, energetically empty one. Most of all artificial plants made in factories by automatic machines are inanimate. Human hands, his love for nature, love for business create living plants.

"Living" artificial plants serve as talismans, heal and protect the human soul. How do dead flowers work? They, being unprotected by the aura of love, are vampires, absorbing the energy of the surrounding people and the space in which they are, they collect all the dust and dirt, subsequently poisoning the surrounding atmosphere. But there is nothing unambiguously bad. If people invented and created artificial flowers, then there is some benefit from them. Artificial vampire plants are needed when the atmosphere in the house is so heavy that living plants do not grow. Artificial plants, created not by human hands, but by an automatic machine, attract all the dirt of space. However, such plants cannot be stored in the house for a long time. Their possibilities are not endless. Having collected negative energy on themselves, artificial plants will not be able to process it and will become a dangerous source of "evil spirits". After about a month, you need to get rid of such vampire plants, it is best to burn them. Artificial plants will help cleanse the space so that living plants can grow in this home.

It is especially dangerous to keep artificial vampire plants in a house with clean, light energy, in a house where optimists live. The vampire does not choose food for himself, and synthetic vampire plants will not disdain pure energy. They will attract particles of goodness and joy that fly in the atmosphere. Of course, this will not spoil the atmosphere of the house, but a redistribution of energy will occur, energetically empty spaces may form. All this can cause various unpleasant surprises - unexpected illnesses of household members, bouts of melancholy, quarrels over trifles. It is not only factory-made artificial plants that attract particles of space energy. Any synthetic material works in a similar way. But the most dangerous for humans are artificial plants, especially those that are very similar to real ones. Suddenly, a magnificent flower catches our eyes, we react to its magnificence, send our admiration, our feelings to the flower. And the flower turned out to be artificial ... A living flower, sensing our admiration, will answer us in kind, send a ray of its soul to us, and the artificial plant will not answer us in any way. So we will only give and give, emptying our heart. It would seem that our joy, our tender feelings could spiritualize, revive an artificial plant, but reviving it is as difficult as resurrecting a deceased.

    It is better to keep animals and live plants at home! Plastics are not involved in photosynthesis!

    I think that there is nothing wrong with this, if the flowers are beautiful and look very natural (like living and / or harmonious). Remember to take good care of them so that they are always pleasing to the eye and not dusty.

    But if it is clearly visible that the flowers are artificial or are also made of the type of a wreath, then there are associations only with flowers that are carried to the cemetery, it is better not to put such houses or hang them, not because you need to believe in signs, but simply because it is ugly ...

    Artificial flowers should be placed in the apartment as much as possible, up to and including putting them under the pillow to cause an incurable disease. Here we are talking about flowers that are beautiful and do not require maintenance, and I am talking about artificial flowers of chemical origin, which, perhaps, bring misfortune to the house - a disease, violating the environment!

    Can. If there is no time to care for the living, if you yourself know how to make them, then I see no prohibitions in their use.

    Strange, but for some reason people have forgotten fairy tales, but what about the Scarlet Flower?

    Or a Stone Flower from Malachite boxquot ;?

    Why plastics or plastic at once, because they were not so long ago invented? But artificial flowers for a long time.

    Flowers artificial houses only collect dust, mainly artificial colors decorate graves

    It seems to me that you can keep plastic flowers at home, personally I do not believe in superstition about this. You can beautifully decorate rooms with plastic flowers, but their essential plus is that they do not need to be looked after !!

    If you want you can keep it, the main thing is not to forget about wet cleaning of artificial flowers. We washed them, dried them and again to the place where they were removed.

    Tired of these - replaced with new ones, but with the living there really is a lot of trouble.

    Of course it is possible. Only it is worth choosing them more carefully, so as not to buy some extra allergen, or worse. I do not like artificial flowers myself, we buy them only at the cemetery, and that I noticed, many smell very strongly of chemistry. These are definitely not worth buying. But if you yourself learn how to make - from silk or polymer clay, or buy a quality product, nothing bad will happen.

    Of course you can.

    For example, to decorate the kitchen, you can use various flowers, yellow, red, pale blue.

    There are people who simply cannot keep up with the flowers, but there really are not enough flowers for beauty, so sometimes you have to neglect different rules there and use plastic flowers.

    Artificial flowers look pretty good, they can be hung high on the wall and it will look very good.

    So don't listen to people who say it's bad, they are wrong.

    Can. unless you yourself get creepy from the sight of such flowers and all sorts of bad thoughts do not creep into your head. for me, so am I artificial flowers and I don't welcome it to the cemetery, it's better alive, from them and less garbage, and the view is decent.

    For a house, an apartment, of course, it is better to plant fresh flowers, live energy. But not everyone likes to care for flowers. I don't see anything wrong if there are artificial flowers in the house, now there is such a choice of beautiful, fashionable flower arrangements, eyes run up. Only more often you need to clean them of dust.

    And artificial flowers are made not only from cheap plastic, it was when, in the last century, now completely different technologies, that it is difficult to distinguish such a bouquet from real flowers.

    Well, what's wrong with artificial flowers !? In addition, now so many beautiful different bouquets and ikebans are sold and they are so beautiful. Where to buy them then, to the offices !? But not everyone has them. If a person likes it, then why not. And different prejudices and prohibitions are only in the head.

    Any plastic products are best removed from the apartment!

    they all release something into the air at certain temperatures.

    And flowers are made of cheap plastics, so from the point of view of environmental friendliness, they really have a place in a cemetery or in a landfill, away from living people.

    From the point of view of energy - you don't put the skeletons of living people in full growth from plastic at home - so why have plastic skeletons (models) of plants at home?

They are very popular in offices, shops, various salons, as they retain their original appearance and do not need maintenance.

There are many signs regarding the house and things in it. People are interested in the favorable arrangement of mirrors, furniture, beliefs about icons, food. Also, one of the pressing questions is the following: "Is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home?"

What is the power of belief?

Fresh flowers radiate warmth, give inspiration, help people, and artificial ones are just an appearance. Empty inside, they absorb all living things from the outside, as a recharge.

When a person is delighted with the beauty of a living plant, it responds with its warmth, reacts with the opening of petals and magnificent growth. A flower made by its perfection will attract the eye every time and cause a surge of positive emotions, but will not give anything in return. To establish interchange in this case is like raising the dead.

Any imitation at the energy level emphasizes the inappropriateness of the desired. Money constraints make people buy fakes for any expensive items: jewelry, precious stones, fashion brands that look like natural ones. But false wealth is unsatisfactory, it is poverty. And this is what its negative energetic meaning is: it launches the attraction of everything unreal to life.

What to follow?

There are related forms of home decor that are not uniquely colors. For example, fabric paintings with embossed elements, as a fashionable design trend. And preferring a similar finish, you need to decide for yourself whether it is possible to keep artificial flowers of this variety at home. Or it is necessary to compensate for the negative factor with living plants.

Can feng shui artificial flowers be kept at home? Ancient Chinese teachings emphasize color rather than flower life. A red or orange object must be present to activate qi. According to the eastern sages, an artificial flower -

At Christmas time, the temple is decorated with lifeless decor. The question arises, why not put artificial flowers at home, if this is acceptable in the church? The answer is simple: the image of inanimate jewelry is associated with ritual ceremonies, so decorating your home space with them is considered unfavorable.

What Happens in a Safe Home?

In a family where joy is radiated, love is present, artificial flowers for the home interior take on positive energy, become consumers of the kind manifestation of residents, leaving nothing in return.

If at first they were used in a bad house, and then got to another owner, then they are able to give negative and poison the home atmosphere. Thus, a source of "evil spirits" appears.

According to signs and superstitions, artificial flowers in the house do the most harm in the bedroom. For a couple resting in such a room, they portend parting. For a single person, they increase the feeling of emptiness and frustration, and his personal relationship will not work out.

"Bad" houses

How good or bad is artificial flowers in a house where scandals and quarrels are frequent? In fact, for a dysfunctional home with a gloomy atmosphere, absorbing and cleansing "funnels" are very helpful.

Just do not leave them for a long time, so that the absorbed energy does not start returning back. There comes a time when the jewelry is not able to absorb more negative. After a month, they need to be removed from the house. But if you do not want to part with "beauty", you should apply energetic cleansing of objects so that you can keep them with you.

Dangerous jewelry

Types of popular artificial home plants:

  1. A frequent preference of modern housewives is ivy or climbing plants on the walls. Such decorations are categorically not recommended in the living space: they attract diseases to the owner of the house.
  2. Synthetic reeds are the most unfavorable type of plant for the home, as it provokes serious diseases. Ivy has the same effect.
  3. Can artificial wax flowers be kept at home? It is undesirable to store them in a residential area. It is believed that sooner or later, even candles in the form of flowers will cause death.

According to popular beliefs, it is impossible to accept artificial flowers for the home interior as a gift, especially from unfamiliar people, because through them negative energy can be transmitted and influence the state of the owner. Such gizmos have long been used by ill-wishers to convey the evil eye, slander, get rid of the disease.

Energy cleaning of flowers

You need to collect all the flowers and place them in a vase on an empty table. Light twelve candles around the vase, placing them at equal intervals. You need to prepare a red thread, holy water and light candles. Moving clockwise, one should say words like these: "Flowers collect evil in a circle, do not return it back, destroy all evil with fire."

The candles must burn out by themselves, the flowers must be removed from the vase, tied with a red thread, put back, sprinkled with holy water. Such energetic cleansing is enough once every six months.


An acceptable option according to popular beliefs is dry flowers. But they should not be withered or dead, but must be carefully dried and presented in the form of a composition.

No wonder the custom was so widespread among peasants to hang dry wreaths and bunches of field plants in the house. They have been successfully used as amulets. There were also undesirable types of flowers: feather grass, for example, took away strength from the head of the family, for which it received the second name "widow's grass".

If, despite beliefs and signs, the choice still fell on artificial flowers, you should prefer shades close to natural: they look nobler than "acidic" ones. It will be better if the flowers are made of silk or cotton than polyurethane or latex. And so that jewelry does not lose its bright color, you should not place them on windows in direct sunlight. You can carefully remove dust from the petals and stems with a jet of water, a brush or a hairdryer.

Fresh flowers give people joy and warmth, help people, sometimes even heal. But artificial flowers in the house have an empty form inside and this form constantly requires energy filling, so artificial flowers draw their nourishment from the outside world. Such flowers are especially dangerous in a house where peace, love, tranquility and understanding reign. Artificial flowers in such a house absorb positive energy and leave emptiness in return. And if earlier they were in the house, where scandals and quarrels often happened, then flowers can change the positive to negative and poison the atmosphere in the house. In a house with poor energy, artificial flowers work like pumps, absorbing all the negativity, in which case they will even be very useful. But artificial flowers should not be left for a long time, otherwise they will begin to return all the accumulated negative.

The Book of the Hidden Tree of Life says:

"A dead flower is looking for a way to come to life: if it finds rays of kindness, it will absorb them, but it will quickly absorb the rays of hatred."

It is not recommended to take artificial flowers as a gift, especially from unfamiliar people. Artificial flowers can be kept in the house for a month, then they must be thrown away. However, if you really like them and you do not want to part with them, then you need to clean them from energy dirt and then you can keep such flowers indefinitely.

Energy cleaning of artificial flowers

It is necessary to collect all the artificial flowers together, put such a bouquet in a vase in the middle of an empty table. Place 12 white candles around this vase at the same distance from each other, you also need to prepare some holy water. To avoid drafts, it is necessary to tightly close windows and doors. Next, you need to light all the candles clockwise and then say:

Twelve candles, twelve rays

Evil is gathered in a circle

They don't let you go back

Everything that is is burned.

After that, the candles should burn out themselves, then you need to get the flowers out of the vase, tie the bouquet with a red thread, put them back in the vase and sprinkle with holy water.

It is recommended to carry out such energetic cleaning of artificial flowers in the house every six months.

Of course, flowers, among many other things, create coziness and a festive atmosphere in the house. But many of the impossibility to follow and care for fresh flowers ask themselves the question: is it possible to keep artificial flowers at home?

Some believe in superstitions and omens, others arrange objects at home according to the well-known Feng Shui practice, while others, on the contrary, consider all of the above to be absurd.

Of course, you can believe or not believe the omens and different practices, but regardless of your faith, the energy and aura present in the house greatly affects both you and the people who come to visit.

And flowers create this energy and aura. Many, when buying an apartment, among other things, pay attention to whether the owners of the house have flowers on the windowsills. And if they are not there or the flowers have wilted, this means that the house has a bad energy. But if you do not want or cannot take care of fresh flowers, but want to decorate your house, we will tell you what flowers you can and cannot keep at home.

Now all kinds of courses on making herbariums, ikebans, where dried flowers are used for compositions, have become popular. They began to get involved in this art not only for the sake of decorating their own home, but also to sell their creations using the Internet. Although, as many believe, dry flowers promise all sorts of misfortunes. Starting from the separation of lovers and ending with illnesses in the house.

If you have a beautiful ikebana at home, do not rush to throw it away, because at one time these signs were misinterpreted. Remember how our grandmothers pulled ropes at home and dried various bunches of flowers, which were considered protection from evil forces, evil eyes and brought good luck. The only rules for dried flowers are:

  1. Do not keep dried flowers in a vase or pot. They take in positive energy.
  2. Do not bring home feather grass, because since ancient times it was considered a widow plant.
    And as for the rest, amulets made of dry herbs are still considered the most powerful remedy for everything bad.

Fresh flowers in a vase are undoubtedly a beautiful room decor, giving a feeling of coziness in the house, but, as has been proven by scientists, they have a beneficial effect on human health. But buying constantly fresh flowers is expensive and not everyone can afford such a pleasure. Although even fresh flowers in a vase cannot be left in the bedroom overnight, because the smell in the morning can cause a headache. Therefore, replacing with artificial flowers seems like a good alternative. Although for many, they cause negative emotions and unpleasant associations. And those who believe in omens do not know if it is still possible to keep artificial flowers at home.

The signs we believe in have deep historical roots and they give a categorical answer about artificial flowers in the house. It is better not to keep artificial flowers in the apartment. And there are explanations for this.

  1. Fresh flowers give positive energy, and artificial ones, on the contrary, take it away. This is due to the fact that they absorb positive energy into their empty space.
  2. You can not give and especially accept as a gift artificial flowers. The giver gives bad thoughts along with the flower and can jinx it.
  3. It is not recommended to keep artificial flowers in the bedroom because a single person will not be able to find love, and spouses may divorce.
  4. It is not recommended to keep reeds and ivy at home. These plants promise disease to the inhabitants of the house.

Pros of artificial flowers.

Artificial flowers have their significant advantages and if they do not cause negative emotions in you, you do not believe in signs, then here are the advantages to purchase them.

  1. Artificial flowers do not cause allergies.
  2. If you have pets, they will not chew on artificial flowers, and they will not be chewed, as is the case with live ones.
  3. A beautiful and harmonious addition to the interior, which can be changed every season.

How to choose artificial flowers

There was a time when artificial flowers in the house were considered bad taste. Rough shapes, lurid colors looked pretentious and completely tasteless. Now that has changed, the materials and shapes have become so high quality that only upon closer inspection they can be distinguished from real plants.

If you want to put a pot of artificial flowers in your house, but have no idea how to choose them, then here are some tips.

  1. Choose artificial flowers made from silk or cotton. Made from these materials, they will last you longer than those made from latex and polyurethane. Besides, silk and cotton do not cause allergies.
  2. When buying a flower, check if the flowers are tightly attached to the stems. Is there a wire sticking out somewhere and leaves falling off when touched.
  3. To make the flower look natural, choose colors that are as close to the original as possible.

Fresh flowers in pots require special care and even flowers in a vase need to change the water, but artificial ones are completely unpretentious. But they also need a little maintenance to look good for longer, and for many, the downside to fake flowers is that they collect dust. But this is not a reason not to buy artificial flowers, just ask if you can wash them when buying. If so, take it calmly.

There are several methods for cleaning artificial flower dust.

  1. Wet cleaning. If your artificial flower is a regular stem, you can wash it under the tap or wipe it with a damp cloth.
  2. Dry cleaning. A flower that can lose its appearance due to moisture is brushed off dust with a dust brush. Or holding a flower, at a distance choosing a cool mode, the dust is blown off from it with a hairdryer. To make artificial flowers beautiful longer, do not leave them on an open balcony, where unexpected rain can spoil them. And do not leave on the sunny side of the windowsill, because of the direct rays of the sun, the leaves will quickly fade and lose their appearance. Otherwise, you can arrange the flower arrangements as you see fit.

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