Salting cucumbers in a barrel: step by step recipes with photos. Pickling cucumbers for the winter in barrels.

kerescan - Oct 8th, 2015

Pickled cucumbers in a barrel - an old Russian harvest, which was prepared for the winter in the villages. Today, in this way, they can be salted if the house has a cold basement or you have a garage, a summer residence, and other places where you can place plastic ones, but it is better if it is linden or oak barrels.

We start to pickle pickles in a barrel with careful preparation of the container. This should be done 2-3 weeks before the mass harvest of vegetables.

Pour barrels to the brim with ordinary water and let them stand for 14-20 days.

Then, drain this water, wash the barrels with hot soda solution and rinse again with cold water.

Wipe dry and cover with a cloth until the container is filled with cucumbers.

Just before laying them, pour the prepared barrel over with boiling water.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in a cold way.

On the day of pickling, collect cucumbers from the garden bed, rinse them thoroughly and dip them in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

Quickly remove from boiling water and dip, now, in cold water. This simple manipulation will allow cucumbers to maintain their natural green color.

In a barrel for 50 kg of cucumbers, put the following spices: dill umbrellas - 2 kg, horseradish root and herbs - 250 g, peeled garlic cloves - 200 g, fresh hot pepper - 50 g, parsley and celery - 250 g, green leaves of cherry and black currant. Only 500 g of spices should work. These spices must be washed, dried and lay layers of cucumbers when filling the barrels.

In barrels filled with cucumbers and spices, pour a cold salt solution and leave the container in a room with room temperature.

A brine should be prepared from 9 kg of salt and 90 liters of water - for large cucumbers, from 8 kg of salt and 90 liters of water - for medium cucumbers, from 7 kg of salt and 90 liters of water - for small cucumbers. Therefore, for laying in a barrel cucumbers need to choose one size - so they will be salted evenly.

A barrel with cucumbers filled with brine should be kept warm for 2-3 days so that active fermentation begins in it. So that during fermentation, cucumbers along with brine do not rise under the edge of the barrel, they need to put a cotton napkin on them, a wooden circle on it, and bend it from cobblestone washed with boiling water or a large pan with water.

When the time comes and foam begins to form on the surface of the brine, lower the barrels into the basement and, if the brine spills, then top up the barrel with a new one.

By the principle of pickling cucumbers in a barrel, they can also be cooked in large jars or large bottles. Before salting, glass bottles must be washed with soda and scalded with boiling water or held for 20 minutes over steam.

Delicious crispy cucumbers, salted in a barrel or in a jar, can be tasted in a month. If during salting, be careful and carefully wash containers and vegetables, store at low temperature, pickled cucumbers will remain even until spring.

See also video: Pickling cucumbers in a barrel or tub

Independently prepare delicious cask pickles a joy for any zealous host. After all, to grow a crop - one thing, you need to somehow save it! To do this, you can use different recipes for pickled cucumbers. There are a lot of them, because for this you can use both fresh and dried spices, put to taste more or less salt and mustard. Depending on the amount and composition of spices, the taste of pickles will change. The wood from which the barrel is made will also affect it, but this is a separate topic for discussion.

Pickled cucumbers in a barrel - recipe:

Before pickling, cucumbers must be sorted, washed and held in water for 5-7 hours. So you will achieve that in the brine they will become elastic, without wrinkles and voids inside.

Cucumbers sorted by size are laid tightly in the barrel, not in bulk. This will allow you to get more pickles and spend less brine on them.

Laying cucumbers in a barrel is as follows. The bottom is covered with spicy greens, and a layer of cucumbers is laid on top of it. Spices are again laid on the cucumbers and so on until the barrels are filled. The very last layer of cucumbers is also covered with greens, brine is poured, covered with a clean cloth. A wooden circle is placed on a napkin, and a load is placed on a circle. Ideal for pickling cucumbers in a barrel 6-8% brine: when 10-8 g of water accounts for 600-800 g of salt. At the same time, make sure that all spices are fresh: they protect the container with cucumbers from bacteria and contain more nutrients than dried ones.

The basic recipe for pickling cucumbers in barrels in the absence of the necessary spices and spices can be changed and other seasonings used instead. It is only important that the new combination does not violate the aroma and taste of cucumbers during salting.

In the process of pickling cucumbers in a barrel, mold should be removed daily and rinsed with a circle of boiling water every two to three days. The quality of the finished product depends very much on this and the higher the purity of the brine surface, the better.

The main recipe for pickles in a barrel is as follows:

You will need 10 kg of cucumbers, 350 g of green dill, 50 g of horseradish, 40 g of garlic, 10 g of hot pepper, 250 g of blackcurrant leaves, 100 g of oak leaf and the pickle itself (for 5 l of water 300-400 g of salt is required).

To get delicious barrel pickles, it is advisable not to change the recipe. But if there is no greens given in the recipe, then you can use a stem of tarragon, parsley, celery, coriander, spinach, basil, as well as horseradish, savory, dill seeds and thin branches of cherry. Fresh greens can also be replaced with dried greens. In this case, 100 g of fresh herbs is equivalent to 20 g of dried.

To give the cucumbers a special taste, dry mustard can be added to the brine (about 2-3 tablespoons per 10 kg of cucumbers). To do this, they lower it into a barrel in a gauze bag and it goes into the brine already dissolved and not settling on the cucumbers.

Mustard gives them a pleasant taste of bitterness, and you will get excellent cucumbers of barrel pickles, the recipe of which, however, is also wonderful! Enjoy your meal!

The traditional winter Russian snack is canned cucumbers. Spicy and tasty green fruits are served with boiled or fried potatoes, cereals and soups, they are cut into salads and added to sandwiches. Cold pickling of cucumbers is a win-win option for cooking your favorite workpiece.

Even inept housewives, who had never before been involved in conservation, will be able to pickle cucumbers with the cold method. In doing so, you will avoid having to contact boiling brine and a can wrench. What good is this appetizer? Salting cucumbers with cold water allows you to preserve the beautiful color of vegetables, provides a quick and easy way to cook, while not inferior in taste to the classic hot preservation method.

Traditionally, cucumbers were pickled in barrels, while the appetizer acquired a unique taste and aroma, which was impossible to confuse. In modern data flats, the method of preparing billets for the winter is unacceptable due to lack of space for such a large capacity. Cold pickling of cucumbers today is carried out using ordinary cans. In this case, it is worth choosing the right vegetables: cucumbers should be bright green, fresh, with an elastic peel and black pimples. In addition, when salting, consider several important rules:

  • it is advisable to use freshly picked vegetables from the garden;
  • put cucumbers of the same size in one container - so they will be salted as evenly as possible;
  • use purified water for brine, not from the tap;
  • pre-soak the fruits in cold water (at least for 2-3 hours);
  • it is better to choose the cucumber varieties "Rodnichok" or "Nezhinsky";
  • to give the workpiece a bright aroma, use the leaves of different plants: cherries, oak, currants.

Cold pickling recipe

Everyone loves to eat crispy pickled and pickled cucumbers, but it takes a long time to cook them with hot pickle due to the complexity of the process, so many housewives do not dare to start pickling. To make your task easier, you can prepare a cold appetizer. At the same time, it is not necessary to use a wooden tub for cooking - the pickling is no less spicy and piquant, if you make it in ordinary three-liter jars. Harvesting for the winter should be stored in cool conditions, optimally placed in the refrigerator.

How to close cucumbers for the winter in a cold way

The classic cold pickled recipe implies finding vegetables in brine for 3-4 days. In this case, the snack is not canned, but eat for several months, stored in a cellar or refrigerator. For a three-liter jar, you will need the following ingredients:

  • chili pepper or varieties "Twinkle" - 1 pc.;
  • fresh medium cucumbers - 700-800 g;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.

How to cook salted cucumbers in cold water:

  1. Soak the fruit for several hours (the water should be cold).
  2. Remove any dirt from vegetables, cut off the tips.
  3. Place chopped hot pepper, garlic plates, plant leaves, spices (dill umbrellas, horseradish root, cherry, oak or currant leaves) on the bottom of the vessels for harvesting.
  4. Next, cucumbers are tightly packed in a jar, salt is poured on top and poured with cold water.
  5. The containers are closed with nylon caps and shaken vigorously several times to dissolve the salt.
  6. After 2-3 days, the liquid should become cloudy, and the vegetables should become darker - this indicates the need to begin conservation (if you do not want to immediately start eating pickles).
  7. Drain the brine into a pan, dilute it with water (1 cup for each three-liter bottle). Bring the liquid to a boil.
  8. Pour boiling water over the appetizer, roll up the jars and leave them to cool inverted.

Cold salted cucumber recipe

To make cucumbers salted faster and turn out as tender as possible, use varieties with a thin but dense skin, thanks to which it will be easier to pickle the brine inside the fruit. To preserve a beautiful bright green color, a little vodka is added to the blank. What ingredients are needed for salted snacks:

  • small, freshly picked cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • dill umbrella;
  • currant sheets - 4-5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 pc.

How does the pickling of cucumbers in the cold way occur:

  1. Wash the fruits thoroughly, cut the ends.
  2. Mash currant leaves and a dill umbrella with your hands so that the herbs let juice out.
  3. Peel and chop the garlic.
  4. Lay the prepared ingredients in layers in a wide pan and pour brine from 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of salt.
  5. Put a plate of a suitable size on top of the pan and squeeze it with a load. The workpiece must be kept warm for a day, after which it can be eaten.

How to pickle salted cucumbers in cold water with vinegar

For the preparation of snacks should purchase coarse salt - sea or iodized in this case is not suitable. To give salted cucumbers a bright taste and pleasant smell, it is better to choose currant leaves from the top of the bush. A cold-prepared appetizer will be pleasantly crunchy and will absorb a lot of juice. The following ingredients are required:

  • 9% vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • dark green cucumbers with pimples - 2 kg;
  • sugar (sand) - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • horseradish root;
  • dill (preferably fresh) - 1 bunch;
  • cloves - 4-6 inflorescences;
  • currant leaves;
  • allspice (peas) - 5-6 pcs.

How does the pickling of cold cucumbers occur:

  1. For soaked cucumbers, remove the tips, put them together with other components in jars, while on the bottom place onion slices, cloves of garlic, herbs and spices.
  2. Pour boiling water over the containers, and after 10 minutes, pour the liquid into the pan, adding sugar and salt. After boiling, turn off the heat, let the brine cool down.
  3. Pour the liquid into jars, add vinegar and roll up a snack.

Cold pickling cucumbers with mustard

This cooking recipe is not very well known, however, mustard cucumbers made with cold pickle have a very interesting, slightly islandy, pleasant taste. It is better to choose fruits of the same size, not more than 10 cm long. Before cooking, place them in a bucket of ice-cold water so that the vegetables are saturated with liquid, becoming juicy and elastic. What is necessary for home salting:

  • dill umbrellas - 1-2 pcs.;
  • leaves of trees and shrubs - to taste;
  • garlic - ½ head;
  • dill, parsley - 1 bunch;
  • rock salt - 250 g;
  • dry mustard - 1 tbsp. l per liter of brine.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare a brine of salt and 1.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. While the liquid cools, put cucumbers, spices, herbs in jars.
  3. Fill the containers with the cooled brine, cover (leaks) with the lids, leaving them on the table for 2 days.
  4. After the specified time, drain the liquid from the vessels, fill them with fresh boiled water. Add dry mustard here.
  5. Close cans with nylon covers, store in a refrigerator or room with a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees.

How to cook cucumbers in a cold way under a nylon cover

Cucumbers prepared in this way can be stored in the cold all winter or indoors at room temperature for no longer than a month. Cooking them is quick and easy. For cold pickling vegetables (with the expectation of a three-liter jar), the following ingredients are needed:

  • freshly picked cucumbers, medium-sized - 1.5 kg;
  • coarse salt - 90 g;
  • fresh horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pcs.;
  • dill umbrellas - 4 pcs.;
  • oak, currant, cherry leaves - 6-7 each.

A step-by-step description of the preparation of cold pickling of cucumbers:

  1. First spread the greens in the jars, then vertically tamp the prepared (washed and soaked) cucumbers.
  2. Cover the fruits with a small amount of leaves and garlic.
  3. To prepare the brine, boil water (750 ml), add salt. Dilute 750 ml with ice water.
  4. Pour the cucumbers with the resulting brine, close the containers with nylon caps. After a month, the snack can be eaten.

Video: Recipe for salted cucumbers in cold water

How to pickle cucumbers in a barrel for the winter? If you are tired of messing around with jars and have nowhere to put a large number of cucumbers, pay attention to this recipe. It is simply designed for harvesting vegetables in large quantities. Pay attention also to the bonus - the recipe for pickling cucumbers in small barrels or glass jars with a capacity of 10 liters.

How to salt cucumbers in a barrel

Ingredients for salting:

  • 100 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 kg of dill (stems with leaves and seeds);
  • 1 kg of horseradish leaves;
  • 300 grams of horseradish root;
  • 1 kg of blackcurrant leaves;
  • 10 heads of garlic;
  • 10 pods of red hot pepper.

Ingredients for brine:

  • 10 liters of water

The best varieties for salting in a barrel way: Dolzhik 105, Nezhinsky 12, Nerosimy, Murom. For harvesting in barrels, you need to take cucumbers of late harvest. Give preference to specimens 8-15 cm long, that is, unripe fruits with small seed chambers and underdeveloped seeds.


Before laying all the ingredients you need to thoroughly wash the barrels, rinse with boiling water and dry. Freshly picked cucumbers are soaked, periodically changing water (no more than 6 hours), and washed. Seasonings are also thoroughly washed. Dill is cut into sections 15–20 cm long. Horseradish roots and garlic are peeled. Prepared seasonings are placed on the bottom of the barrels and on top of the cucumbers. If the barrels hold more than 100 liters, seasonings are put in the middle. The walls of the barrel are rubbed with garlic. Cucumbers are placed tightly in barrels: the more cucumbers fit in the dishes, the higher the concentration of lactic acid during fermentation and the better the pickles will be preserved.

If the salting is carried out in barrels with a double bottom, then it (the bottom) is inserted after filling the barrels, and the brine is poured through the tongue hole. When salting in open barrels, cucumbers are covered with a linen napkin on top, put a wooden circle of hardwood and oppression. To prevent dust from entering the barrel, it is also covered from above.

After pouring the brine, the dishes with vegetables are first kept in a room with a temperature of 18–20 ° C, at which the fermentation process most quickly passes. After a few days, the container is transferred to a cold place where fermentation ends. In an ordinary cellar, fermentation ends after 30–35 days. In the first days after the start of the fermentation process, rapid evolution of gases occurs and the level of brine rises, and then sharply decreases. It is necessary to ensure that cucumbers are always covered with brine. If necessary, add brine additionally (for 1 liter of water - 20 g of salt and 9 g of citric acid).

Properly prepared pickles have the following characteristics: light green or yellow-green, hard, crispy, easily broken in half, and have no voids on the fault. They have a pleasant sour-taste and smell of seasonings.

This is also interesting:

And if it didn’t work out?

Failures in pickling cucumbers are primarily associated with the conditions of fermentation and subsequent storage. Pickled cucumbers have a low acidity, so when stored, especially at elevated temperatures, they often soften, lose their taste and smell. The lower the storage temperature, the less likely adverse effects. The optimum temperature for storing pickled cucumbers in a barrel is about 1 degree above zero.

The quality of pickles sometimes deteriorates due to improper selection of raw materials. Firstly, not all varieties are suitable for salting. Not suitable (regardless of variety) are too small, less than 7-8 cm, and very large cucumbers. Small cucumbers do not get the appropriate taste and quickly soften. Large cucumbers with developed seeds soften faster and begin to turn yellow. Voids in the fruits occur both on the field with strong growth, and during fermentation. In many respects, the success of salting also depends on water - the water must be hard.

The quality of salted cucumbers during storage may be affected due to the development of mold and membranous microorganisms on the brine surface. Mold quickly decomposes lactic acid, which is a preservative principle for salting for the winter. In such an environment putrefactive microorganisms quickly develop - cucumbers soften, becoming unfit for food. To prevent this undesirable phenomenon, the film is periodically removed, and the napkin, circle and oppression are thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water. Mold does not develop if the surface of the brine is sprinkled with dry mustard powder.

How to pickle cucumbers in a small barrel or a 10-liter jar

Ingredients for salting:

  • 10 kg of cucumbers;
  • 320 grams of dill;
  • 20 grams of garlic;
  • 60 grams of horseradish root;
  • 70 grams of celery, parsley, blackcurrant leaves;
  • 14 grams of black hot and red hot pepper.

Ingredients for brine:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 836–946 g of table salt (with salting of large cucumbers);
  • or 727–836 g (with pickling medium cucumbers);
  • or 620–727 g (with pickling small cucumbers).

Please note that an accurate calculation of the amount of salt is made. Please weigh all ingredients on a kitchen scale and do not add more water than necessary.


At home (especially in urban apartments and cottages in the absence of a large cellar), cucumbers are often salted in enameled dishes and glass jars. In this case, it is desirable to adhere to the same sequence as with salting in conventional barrels. Seasonings are laid at the bottom, and cucumbers are laid on top. It is preferable to lay small even cucumbers in a small dish. Pour brine with some excess. A wooden (not plywood!) Mug or porcelain plate and oppression are also placed on top. The dishes with salted vegetables are covered with a clean cloth and kept at room temperature for several days - until the start of lactic acid fermentation. After that, cucumbers are transferred directly to this dish to a cold room with a temperature of 0–1 ° С. After 10-15 days, when the fermentation is over, the tank is filled with brine to the edges and closed with a lid. Store pickles in this way in a cool place.

Greetings, dear readers of the Ode Cookery blog! Barrel cucumbers are incredibly fragrant, crispy and juicy. Well, how can you resist buying this delicacy of a Russian feast when you see them in front of you on the counter. Spicy smell from pickles is indescribable! It causes a burning appetite and excessive salivation. However, pickling cucumbers in three-liter jars or a barrel is two huge differences. If one of you still wants to try a real barrel cucumber, here's a recipe for pickling cucumbers in an oak barrel.

Cooking pickles for the winter in an oak barrel

We will need:

  • fresh cucumbers
  • coarse salt
  • spicy herbs and spices (dill stems and greens, celery stems and greens, cherry leaves, currants, raspberries, oak bark, horseradish root and leaves, black and sweet pea seeds, mustard seeds, tarragon, rosemary, lavrushka, garlic, etc. d. - every mistress can choose her favorite seasonings to her taste)
  • clear cold water


Step 1. To pickle cucumbers for the winter, you need to prepare an oak barrel, and do it better 2-3 days before the main event. As follows, with a brush, wash the barrel. Fill it with water and let it stand for a day so that the tree absorbs water. Do not forget about the cover. After a day, pour water from the barrel, dry the barrel. Grate the walls of the barrel and the bottom with a mixture of garlic and salt to prevent mold.

Step 2. Prepare the brine. A day before pickling cucumbers in ordinary clean cold water, dissolve rock salt in a proportion of 500-900 grams of salt per 10 liters of water.

If you plan to pickle small cucumbers, brine is needed in 5-6% concentration, if large - in 7-9%, provided that the barrel with cucumbers will be stored in the cellar or basement at a temperature of 10-15C.

Ready brine must be filtered through cheesecloth in 3 addition.

Step 3. Pickles for pickling fresh, dark green in color, with elastic dense pulp, medium, approximately the same size, about 70-100 millimeters. Rinse cucumbers well in cold water and soak for 2-3 hours with ice.

Step 4. On the bottom and walls of the barrel we put spicy greens (horseradish leaves, raspberries, currants, corolla dill, etc.). We lay the cucumbers vertically with the nose down, pressing tightly to each other. Fill the barrel to half. In the middle we add sweet pepper, hot pepper, oak bark, tarragon, celery stalks, horseradish root, etc.

To prevent the formation of mold in the barrel, you can add a few tablespoons of mustard seeds - an excellent antiseptic.

We continue to lay the cucumbers, close the top with spicy herbs.

Important! The total number of spices should not exceed the number of cucumbers by more than 5%.

The barrel with cucumbers leaves to ferment at room temperature for 3-5 days. The hotter the room, the faster the product will ferment.

Step 5. On the second day, some of the brine may boil away - this is normal. After the deadline, lower the barrel with cucumbers into the cellar or basement, remembering to insert a wooden lid with gauze gasket into the tongue hole of the barrel. After 3-5 days, the barrel with cucumbers should be checked - if the brine is gone, it should be prepared in the same composition and added to the barrel, covering the cucumbers. Cucumbers without brine will be covered with mold.

Enjoy salting and see you soon!

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