Mulching plants. Mulching with green plant debris

Proper mulching helps preserve water, protect plant roots from high temperatures, enrich the soil with nutrients and inhibit weed growth. Decorative mulch adds color and surface texture between plants. Mulching is a fairly simple process, but you need to know some details in order to take full advantage of it.


    Choose the right mulching material.  Here are some factors to consider:

    Prepare the surface.  If there is anything you want to do before mulching, do it.

    Get the mulch.

    Move the mulch to your site.   Many nurseries and garden centers will be happy to help you load the mulch into your car. If you plan to deliver the mulch on a bicycle or on foot, take a small trailer or trolley to carry the mulch. At the site, use a wheelbarrow to move the mulch to where it will be used. If you don’t have a car, try transporting mulch using a wheeled bin or trolley. For a small amount, a bucket or an empty flower pot is suitable.

    Add a thick layer of mulch.  The thickness of the mulch layer is really important if you want to keep moisture and prevent weed growth. In this case, the thickness of the mulch layer should be at least 5-10 cm.

    • Do not mulch the space around the stems and trunks of trees. Leave at least a small distance (10-15 cm) so that the plant can breathe and to prevent lack of moisture or waterlogging.
    • Depending on your garden, you can use mulch to create indentations for water.
  1. Spread the mulch evenly with a rake.

    Move the mulch where you want to plant something new.

    Refresh organic mulch once every few years, as it decomposes and turns into soil.  You can bury the old mulch in the soil so that it finally decomposes, or just pour a new mulch on top of the old one.

  2. Cut some plants for the winter and completely cover them with mulch.  Mulch provides thermal insulation. Remember to remove the mulch in the spring.

    • Instead of cutting off the end of the bag and pouring the mulch like grain, lay the bag on a flat surface, cut it along the long side in the middle, then flip and lift the bag. This is a quick and easy way to extract mulch from large, heavy bags.
    • Mulch left in bags or piles can begin to decompose or turn sour without air, especially if it is wet. If this happens, open the bag, sprinkle the mulch and let it air dry for several days or weeks before adding it to the soil. Its color may vary slightly, but it will not harm your plants. To avoid this problem, apply the mulch immediately, and do not leave it in bags.
    • If you put a layer of plastic under the mulch, be sure to apply a thick enough layer of mulch to prevent light from entering. Most plastics are destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. The plastic is waterproof, so it can change the drainage in the areas where you applied it.


    • Use caution when using plants that spread easily as mulch. Dry them thoroughly before use. Mint and ivy are some of these plants that quickly capture free space. Weeds and other plants that can produce seeds are also best removed.
    • Spiked plants become prickly when they dry. If you have no task to protect plantings from animals (and all others), do not use the stems of roses or berry bushes as mulch.
    • Lift and move the load in a safe manner. Use a cart or wheelbarrow and ask for help if you need it.
    • Discard diseased plants and do not use them as mulch or compost. You can create a new problem or exacerbate an existing one.

Material prepared by: Nadezhda Zimina, 24-year-old gardener, production engineer

Using various agricultural techniques, you can achieve better results when cultivating your personal plot, while applying less effort. For example, once you apply the mulching technique to treat the surface of the soil, you can forget about watering, loosening and weeding for a long time. Plants will feel comfortable without extra care. A decorative mulch, which is available in a huge assortment, will decorate the garden, accentuate and fill the empty spaces of the beds.

Mulching technology

Before covering the ground with a protective layer of covering material, it must be prepared.

You must do the following:

  • Remove weeds from the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe treated surface;
  • Water the bed so that moisture remains in it, which we will keep;
  • Loosen the earth to a depth of at least 5 cm;
  • Ventilate, slightly drying the topsoil, so that when mulching it does not sag and does not condense.

When to mulch?

Covering events that contribute to the long-term retention of moisture around the flowers constantly growing in one place   must be carried out in spring, after the soil has thawed and warmed well. If you do this earlier, when the soil is cold, then the layer of mulch will prevent thawing, keeping the cold near the roots. This can lead to the death of plants.

In the fall, they also shelter the soil.  Indeed, under the protective layer, the vital processes of soil organisms will continue much longer than in the environment, which will lead to additional production of organic matter from the covering substrate. In autumn, it is possible to plant various cultivated plants under the mulch, for example,. It winters well under shelter from pine sawdust, which, among other things, also protects it from diseases and pests.

Many garden vines also need autumn shelter, otherwise they do not survive the winter, freezing under the root. For successful protection from the cold over, climbing roses, actinidia, clematis with their own hands build a dry shelter. You just can’t fill them with sawdust - during thaws, the water will moisten the covering substrate, and with a significant decrease in temperature, it will turn into an ice shell, under which plants can die.

For the construction of a reliable shelter, wooden frames or boxes are used, under which they place lashes and vines, they will be in a dry air environment. Then the protective structures are covered with a “blanket” of sawdust. But this is not enough, since wood shavings do not protect plants from the ingress of excess moisture. From above it is necessary to make one more layer preventing its hit. To do this, use a film for mulching.

winter shelters for grapes

The quality of the covering events largely depends on the material used.  Each has its own advantages and disadvantages that can help or harm specific plants. For the right choice, you must have information about the properties of protective materials.

Mulching with green plant debris


For spring mulching of the soil there is an original, and very economical way, which allows you to grow healthy seedlings directly in the soil. Of course, we are not talking about tomatoes and peppers (although you can try in the southern regions). First of all, in this way you can plant zucchini, eggplant, and pumpkins.

In the spring, as soon as the ground thaws, they dig it up and plant green manure, rye is best. When the soil warms up well and constant positive temperatures are established, you can start planting seeds of cultivated plants. Rye will serve as a natural defense, shading young shoots at the initial stage, creating comfortable conditions for development. When the cucumbers and zucchini grow up, the cereals around are removed, and cover the ground with the straw obtained. It serves as a good material for mulching, while nourishing the soil with nitrogen compounds.

It must be remembered that immediately after removal from the soil, siderates cannot be used. They must be dried within a day, otherwise the straw will smell bad and rot, as a result of which pathogenic microflora and fungi may appear on it.

Mowed grass

After weeding the garden or mowing the lawn, a lot of grass remains. Throwing it away is irrational, therefore, this type of plant waste has two ways of implementation. The first is to put them in compost. The second is to organize grass mulching of beds, flower beds and tree-trunk circles of fruit trees.

Also, mowed grass can be thrown on chopped potatoes, instead of hilling. The tubers will perfectly develop in a loose layer of half-rotten substrate, and in autumn potatoes can easily be removed by pulling the bushes out of the tops.

But melons, cucumbers and cabbage can not be mulched with grass, as they can become infected with rot or fungus. For winter, mulch from fresh grass does not need to be left, since insect pests can be found in it. It is best to use plant debris a second time by sending them to compost. As a covering material for the winter, they use well-dried hay, which cover tree trunks of trees in front of the frosts.

Video: An example of mulching tomatoes with plant debris

Sawdust mulching

The main function of mulching is the ability to create comfortable conditions for plants. Using materials from organics, you can significantly increase soil fertility, reduce the amount of watering and cultivating, and get rid of weeds.

Mulching is one of the most common ways to shelter it. They are especially often used for. Under a warm blanket of large shavings, strawberries and strawberries garden winter well, and do not get sick with various types of rot. Pathogenic flora is the negative factor that significantly affects the crop. But when using sawdust, which acts as a sorbent, a significant part of the berries calmly sings on the bushes, and does not decay, since it does not come into contact with moist soil.

The technology for mulching strawberries is simple and effective:

Before making sawdust, the bed is weeded, loosened and watered. After the formation of a light crust on the upper layer of the earth, they begin the main work. To do this, they take cardboard (it is better not to use a newspaper, since lead contains lead in ink) and cover the space between the rows. Sawdust is poured on top of the cardboard. That's it, work is done. By the way, this method protects not only the appearance of weeds, but also from the excessive growth of strawberries themselves.

Mulching with hay and straw

Summer residents began to use these natural materials, which are easy to find in any village, for planting according to a new technology, for the application of which it is necessary to stock up with cardboard (you can ask for boxes in the nearest store), planting material and dry grass.

The process itself can be divided into several stages:

  • Covering the ground with cardboard.  It can be laid directly on overwintered grass as soon as the snow melts. The point of this action is to prevent light from entering the weeds, which will die along with the roots within a few weeks.
  • Germination and disinfection of potatoes.  You can disinfect with a solution of any ready-made biostimulant, and germinate in the sun, planting a tuber. These preparatory procedures have a healing effect so that later the potato under mulch does not get late blight.
  • The next stage is the landing of planting material.  To do this, holes are made in the cardboard sheets, whose radius should be twice as large as the radius of the tubers. After that, seed potatoes are placed directly on the ground, sprouts up, so that they rush towards the sunlight.
  • The final stage of planting is mulching with straw of the entire series.  To do this, dry residues of cereal crops are poured directly on top of the cardboard, with a layer of at least 15-20 cm. Some use hay for shelter, but it has a significant drawback - it is a carrier and accumulator of weed seeds.

This revolutionary method for the consciousness of many gardeners has many advantages. Firstly, it is minimal in terms of labor costs. Imagine, you do not have to plow, weed and spud planting. Potato under the mulch grows well without unnecessary intervention. The exception is drought, when you have to water your plantings a couple of times. And still, the amount of physical labor used is incommensurable with the traditional method of planting.

Harvesting potatoes that have grown under a thatched shelter is also an easy walk compared to traditional digging. This is quite a clean job, since getting to the tubers is very easy - you just need to push the straw and harvest.

After cleaning, the beds are left without digging. They are already a natural compost that will quietly rot in the time remaining before the onset of winter cold, and next year these beds can be used for planting without additional processing. Using the method of mulching with straw, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in soil fertility in the area in 2-3 years.

Video: comparing potato crops for mulching different species

Mulching with textile and film

This type of protective procedure is used in two cases:

  1. The first - during the construction of "dry blankets" for the winter for various ornamental plants and vines, as already described above.
  2. The second type of use is the protection of beds from weeds and evaporation of moisture.

A prerequisite for the use of rolled covering materials is the observance of all preparatory procedures (weeding, moistening, loosening), before filling the beds with polyethylene. Applying this method in the summer, only a transparent film and agrotectile are used. But the black film is used before planting. It has too strong a depressing effect on any plant flora, therefore, even with the use of partial perforation for summer use, it is not suitable.

mulching with agrotextile (left) and film (right)

The film is spread on the beds in late March, when it is already warm enough, and weeds begin to grow. Within 3-4 weeks, they all die under a black film, and their roots, which die off naturally, can be easily removed with a rake.

Agrotextiles are often used to mulch strawberries. Usually take a non-woven tight, which is moisture-permeable. It is spread over all surfaces of the bed, cutting circles under berry bushes at equal distance. Using this method, strawberries bear fruit throughout the season and do not require additional care.

Peat mulching

This fertilizer from the swamp is very often used as a mulching layer for the soil when planting various plants. It serves as an excellent protection against weathering and leaching of fertile components from the soil, and does not allow the pathogenic flora to grow and develop. After the season is over, this substrate is left on the beds, and it gradually passes into the soil, improving its composition.

decorative application of peat

The homogeneous structure of peat allows you to use it as a decorative dumping. Peat is also used in the garden to mulch various crops that require intensive care, such as tomatoes. Under nightshade, this substrate is applied, when they are well rooted, a couple of weeks after transplanting seedlings into the ground.

Peat is ideal for mulching. It creates optimal conditions for the growth and development of this moisture-loving shrub. The soil will constantly retain moisture and become loose, which allows the raspberry root system to develop well.

Mulching with bark and wood chips

This way of gardening is gaining new fans every year. Mulch from the bark is usually used to decorate paths and large open areas. In our climate zone, pine bark has become the most widespread. This material for landscape design has a number of useful properties.

decorative mulch from bark and wood chips

Decorative mulch from the bark keeps for a long time in one place unchanged, perfectly protects the soil from weeds, and saves from the sun on hot days. Also, it does not condense for a long time due to its porous structure and relief surface.

Pine bark

This type of covering material is very popular throughout the country. The benefits of pine bark are its lightness, thickness and high fungicide content, which suppress the unfriendly microflora, and prevent the appearance of insect pests.

Features of mulching with bark / chips of tree trunks

Bark for mulching has been used for many centuries. This type of protection has become especially popular for those who constantly need comfortable conditions. The bark retains moisture for the root system, and perfectly decorates the trunk circle, which saves time when caring for these capricious flowers. It also serves as a winter shelter from freezing.

Wood chips

When buying this material, you should pay attention to the number that is indicated on the package. It corresponds to the size of the chips, and indicates the dimensional characteristics of the product. Wood chips are small (5-8 cm), medium (8-15 cm), and large (more than 15 cm). It is advisable to purchase this covering material from manufacturers that guarantee the minimum inclusion of particle dust. This property helps protect the beds from oxidation.

Chip for mulching performs the same functions as other materials. It keeps the soil moist and loose, stimulates the development of beneficial microflora, and naturally forms humus. In addition to all of the above advantages, this material is perfect for decorating the site.

variants of decorative mulch - based on wood chips and bark

Decorative mulch can be any color and size. It is used in young flower beds, or in discounts made in a minimalist style. It is resistant to external influences, so you can fall asleep flower beds and garden paths.

Precautionary measures

The choice of wood chips must be approached more carefully than the acquisition of other materials.  When buying it, it is advisable to smell it! If the substrate emits a sour vinegar smell, then the purchase is better to postpone. Most likely, wet wood chips were stored without oxygen, and rotting products that were very harmful to plants began to be produced in it.

But, if the acquisition has already been made, the situation can be corrected. Chips need to dry well. Once the sour smell is gone, you can use it to mulch the soil.

Fancy Mulch Species


They are used everywhere, it is the most affordable covering material that serves to protect plantings with perennial flowers and wintering bulbs.

Pine needles

Plants that are susceptible to massive pest attacks, such as garlic, mulch needles.


This species is used as an obstacle to slugs, sprinkling a thin layer of shell around rose bushes.

Using various improvised materials for mulching the beds, you can greatly simplify your life. Protected plant roots make full use of all moisture introduced into the ground, which provides them with excellent nutrition. The need for constant watering disappears, as well as in constant cultivation. Mulching the soil will help to put the garden and garden in order, and free up time in order to finally straighten up and enjoy the beauty and order created by your own hands.

Video comparison of various mulching materials

In the process of growing horticultural crops, it is extremely important to protect plants from possible natural troubles. Helps in this, in particular, mulch - a material layer covering the surface of the earth near growing vegetables and melons, berry bushes, fruit trees or flowers. Those who want to learn more about what mulch is and how to cook it, should familiarize yourself with the proposed text.

Mulching the soil: what is it?

Figuratively speaking, mulching the soil is the path to a rich harvest. In agrotechnical language, mulching means a simple and effective soil protection technology that promotes the successful cultivation of plants. But first you need to more accurately determine the concept of "mulch": what is it? Mulch is understood to mean homogeneous material or a mixture of substances of various origins, which, in combination with their qualitative characteristics, are suitable for protecting soil used for growing cultivated plants. Now it is possible, passing to the term "soil mulching", to better understand what it is. Without really knowing what it means to mulch the soil or, if it is easier to mulch, it is impossible to proceed with practical actions, since there is a danger of causing irreparable harm to already growing or only future plants.

What is the benefit of mulching the soil in the country

If we neglect the fact that sometimes mulch is used as a decorative decoration, then its other properties are reduced mainly to protective functions:

- plant root system protection  due to maintaining the necessary moisture level in the soil (mulching the soil means keeping moisture in it) and acidity, temperature and nutrient medium (including earthworms that loosen the soil);

- protection of plants from hypothermia  at low temperatures and from weeds (due to obstruction of their growth).

In addition, the earth covered with mulch does not harden in the form of a hard-to-break crust, and the growing berry or vegetable crop is protected from contamination.

Types of soil mulching, what materials to use for the procedure (organic and inorganic)

Classical is the classification of mulch by its composition into organic and inorganic.Despite the fact that compost is also of organic origin, it is sometimes isolated into a separate category of mulch. Being extremely nutritious for vegetation, compost also contributes to loosening the earth and does not allow its surface to turn into a crust. Some experts, not without reason, believe that soil mulching can also be called mulching.

Did you know? For mulching, you can even use the shell of walnuts and the husks of sunflower seeds.

Organic mulching is almost always considered the main option, since its result is, in particular, an increase in soil fertility.

Important! Before mulching with sawdust, shavings and bark, the earth must be treated with manure, feces or urea to avoid a lack of nitrogen in it.

  A few words about sodding, which in this context is understood ordinary grass lawn.Having no less utility than specially prepared mulch, lawn plants, while preserving nutrients, are at the same time a barrier to soil erosion.

Use of sawdust

Sawdust perfectly protects plants from attacks by pests, slugs, making it difficult for them to move.  Among the undoubted advantages of this material, we note its versatility for use on any soils, excellent air permeability, which allows the soil to “breathe” freely, and coating density, as a result of which microorganisms that are intensively developing in the upper soil layer gradually turn the sawdust itself into a fertile earth mass. Tomatoes and potatoes, always suffering from overheating of the soil, can not do without sawdust in a dry summer.

Important! Aging of plants during sawdust mulching of the soil is prevented by control so that the sawdust does not clump.

Hay and straw

They do not like slugs and straw, which, as a mulch, is very good in garden beds. The initial 15-cm thickness of straw mulch is then naturally reduced by two-thirds. Straw is a fertile material for mulching garden aisles, as well as for sheltering the ground where trees grow. For leading a large enough farm there is no particular problem in where to get straw or hay for mulching. The rest will have to acquire - fortunately, large agricultural enterprises are able to realize surpluses.

You can use mulching with hay and green mass  in the form of mowed grass and weathered weeds (preferably spared seeds). Peculiarities of mulching the soil around the trees suggest that the protective layer will leave the root neck requiring dryness open. On the whole, the surface microflora will not cause damage to deep-rooted tree roots. In this regard, plants covering the earth (mulching by sod), planted in the form of a lawn and capable of easily tolerating the natural dimming created by the crowns of trees, will be very appropriate here.

Did you know? Having mulched the sod with the help of white clover, you can simultaneously get rid of weeds and larvae of the May beetle.

The use of peat in mulching

The main function of peat as a mulching layer is to protect the soil from wind erosion, from the deterioration of its fertile qualities through leaching of the elements determining these qualities, from the unfavorable pathogenic flora. Peat mulch does not require artificial cleaning, turning into the soil, it improves its composition. The use of peat mulch is considered optimal for the good development of raspberry shrubs, constantly requiring moisture, which peat so perfectly holds. About half a month after rooting tomato seedlings planted there in the open ground, the soil is also mulched with peat. Finally, they use the decorative qualities of a homogeneous peat structure, which makes it possible to make a very attractive filling.

Technology for mulching siderates and mowed grass

Garden grass, including specially grown siderates, due to its location on the open air warmed by the sun, quickly gets rid of most of the moisture contained in it. This greatly inhibits the decomposition process. Under the onslaught of autumn rains, it intensifies already in the empty garden from the harvested crop. As a result of winter-autumn decay, the landlord receives a new natural organic fertilizer for the beds by spring.

  Having figured out how easy it is to prepare mulch from grass in the summer-autumn period, it must be said that the so-called early spring (immediately after the disappearance of the snow cover) sideration by plants capable of very rapid growth is also used. Mulching before the May planting of cucumbers, zucchini or other warmly garden crops in the open ground is carried out using, for example, mustard (or other green manure), which manages to collect a large amount of greenery, which is mowed and used as mulch (you can add to compost). Leaving the roots in the soil and allowing the soil microorganisms to “work” with them, a couple of weeks after mowing the green manure, you can begin to plant the intended crop. Mulching cucumbers, late cabbage and other vegetables with green manure will be successful if:

The land for planting seeds will be moist and loose, and the seeds themselves will touch it with most of the surface (you need to roll a little);

It will be possible to protect the planted seed material from birds (garden scarecrows are still effective);

Mowing will be done before the siderat blooms and it forms poorly decomposing stiff stems;

In the process of mulching, soil with beneficial microflora will not be damaged.

Important! Failure to use siderates from the same plant family with the main crop will protect the latter from related diseases.

Features of mulching with film and textiles

  Inorganic mulching successfully copes with protective functions if they are not related to plant nutrition. The inorganic used could be conditionally classified as follows:

Black (sometimes colored) film and textile materials, as well as paper and cardboard;

Stones (crushed stone, gravel, pebbles, etc.);

Expanded clay.

The last two species are of decorative and applied value, since they are able to perfectly decorate a garden or landscape composition, but they are also able to interfere with periodically necessary excavation work related to tillage for growing garden and garden crops. Expanded clay also has a weak structure and, over time, is subject to decomposition into ever smaller particles.

Black film is often used due to the lack of a process for preparing mulch. Her ability to retain moisture and prevent the development of weeds attracts her. At the same time, it must be remembered that it, in fact, is a disposable material, coming to unusability in the sun during the whole season.   When deciding on the use of film mulching, it is necessary to provide for:   - a scheme according to which irrigated vegetation will be irrigated (drip or through holes in the coating);

Measures to combat slugs that collect under the film;

The ability of plants to transfer the overheating inevitably amplified by film mulch in particularly hot weather.

Important! Having covered a film from the sun with a thin straw layer (or hay), it is possible to extend its use for several seasons.

Covered with stones, so as not to distort the aesthetic perception, the soil in rock gardens is still mulched with a film, where it prevents the development of weeds.

   Textile materials made on the basis of polypropylene fiber are becoming increasingly common among land users using mulching. Due to the relative cheapness and excellent quality, including such as the absorption of sunlight, it has become widely known geotextiles  not giving a single chance to survive the weeds that fell under its cover.

Mulching with bark and wood chips

Chips and bark, especially from birch or oak, have certain limitations in application for mulching related to their chemical composition. Their transfer to the soil of tannins can slow the growth of plants. Therefore, other materials are needed on the garden beds, but coniferous plantings (spruce, cypress, etc.), not afraid of the tanning effect, significantly increase development due to the acidification of the soil on which they grow. For conifers in the interest of improving their nutrition, it is entirely possible to mulch the soil with compost annually.

A serious argument in favor of mulching the bark is the combination of good thickness in it compared to the almost weightless lightness and high content of volatile, cleansing the environment of unwanted microorganisms and insects. Mulch from the bark makes a near-tree circle look natural near a tree.

   When choosing wood chips  you need to look at the proposed sizes. Like sawdust, wood waste in the form of wood chips naturally goes into a humus state, before successfully managing the functions of preserving the necessary friability and soil moisture and stimulating an increase in the microflora necessary for the plant.

Mulching with leaf humus

Fallen foliage even without additional treatment can be used to protect the soil. But an indispensable condition for this is the absence of diseases caused by the fungus in the trees from which it fell, otherwise the entire area can be affected by spores. To avoid this possibility, they prefer to use foliage as a component of compost, especially since its nutritional value is beyond doubt. An additional preservative will be the antifungal treatment of the leaves immediately before they are laid in the compost. Leaf humus, slightly acidic and not a fertilizer, perfectly condition the soil, contributing to the improvement of its structure. In addition to ripened leaf humus, dry and half-rotted foliage are used for mulching.

Using needles for mulching

Flower beds are well protected   pine needles.  In general, they seek to use pine needles as mulch to protect crops that are attacked by pests from time to time on a massive scale (garlic is a well-known representative of such plants). Free and natural pine needles (with it cones, twigs, and pieces of bark are added to the mulch), its ability to make the earth saturated with moisture, well-breathing, moderately loose attracts increased attention to it. This attention should be combined with some caution, since such a mulch can lead to agronomic misfortune, beyond any measure, acidifying the soil in the garden or depressing the development of certain crops.

  Great results are obtained when mulching strawberries with cover material such as needles. In this case, they are saved from acidification by annual top dressing of the strawberry section with wood ash. By the way, during fruiting, the mulching of strawberries is done with clean straw so that the berries do not come into contact with the soil. Producers are very careful that there is always something to mulch strawberries, because it is not only tasty, but also an increase in its yield leads to good income.

Features of soil mulching, what you need to know about the agrotechnical procedure

Mulching agricultural technology is based on the mandatory sufficient warming of the soil. An artificial cover over cold soil (organic or inorganic) will lead to a negative result - a delay in the development of plants. This rule does not apply to potatoes, mulch on which (only organic) is done immediately after planting in the ground. For mulching the soil, two seasons are considered optimal:

1) the main purpose of spring mulching of warmed soil is to protect the plant from overheating and drying out, that is, after the completion of the cold pore, you need to wait a bit;

2) in the middle or in the final stage of autumn, mulching of the soil that has not had time to cool down is done mainly to avoid damage or death of the plant from winter cold. The creation of a protective coating should be preceded by cleaning the soil from weeds (perennial and large) and enriching it with ash, bone meal or other leisurely decomposing fertilizers.

   The mulching layer does not fit forever - it is replaced as it fulfills its functions, which, in turn, is associated with the characteristics of the materials used. Ground covered with mulch requires more significant watering, aimed at ensuring that the completely wet protective layer is on moistened soil. Of some of the individualized features of mulching, it can be noted that:

The area covered by mulch ground under bushes and trees is limited by the diameter of their crown (not counting the gap between the shelter and the trunk);

Garden beds with vegetables and flower beds are mulched entirely with a 10-centimeter (3 cm less can) layer;

Vegetable seedlings are planted in the ground when it is already covered with a film or textile.

Did you know? The use of mulching is not limited to open space - it is used both indoors and even for plants grown in pots.

After finding out what mulch is and where to get it, learning in practice how to make mulch, making the whole process of making mulch with your own hands, spending time on mulching the soil, the land user can save him much on watering and weeding. And the result in the form of a good harvest will remind him of the efforts spent in vain.

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781 time already

Very poorly respected gardeners, if you tied the stubs of your apple trees, cherries and other fruit trees for the winter, and you left the trunk circles bare, not covered. And if it will be snowy and frosty? How will the roots of your pets carry frost? Have you had to go barefoot in the cold? No? Give it a try! This will strengthen your immunity, and at the same time you will understand what discomfort the unprotected root system of fruit trees feels. To protect it from freezing, a simple but effective agrotechnical technique is used - mulching. That is, covering the surface of the soil with mulch. Mulch is any material used by a gardener or gardener to protect the soil.

It should be noted that mulching is especially in demand in cases of frosty and snowless winters to preserve the root system, but not only. It performs many other useful functions, including in the summer.

  • Protects plant roots from freezing in winter.
  • In the summer it prevents soil overheating while retaining moisture.
  • Reduces the number of weeds, slowing their growth by several times.
  • Protects the soil from erosion and erosion by rain.
  • Keeps the soil loose.
  • Stimulates the activity of earthworms, which improve soil quality.
  • Mulching promotes the development of the root system.
  • Rotting mulch improves the quality and structure of the soil.
  • Gives an attractive view to the garden.

Mulch is organic (more preferred) and inorganic. As organic mulch, mowed grass, needles, straw, hay, sawdust, shavings, bark, cut cardboard and paper are used. Very useful for mulching peat, humus and. In the case of compost - it must be completely decomposed and without weed seeds. The disadvantage of organic mulch is that it attracts small rodents, insects, slugs. Over time, such a mulch needs to be replaced.

For inorganic mulching, sand, gravel, pebbles, stone, plastic, cut rubber are used. Black polyethylene is widely used for planting strawberries and strawberries. Inorganic mulch is durable, it does not decompose and does not attract pests. Its disadvantage is that it does not feed the soil.
When to mulch?
  It all depends on the goal that the gardener and the gardener have set for himself. The best time for mulching is autumn. Mulch will retain heat in the soil in winter, helping plants winter, and in spring it will protect the soil from erosion and weathering. In the spring, it is sometimes useful to move the mulch to better warm the soil. But planted trees and shrubs should be mulched right away to prevent moisture loss.

How to mulch the soil?
  The easiest mulching method, when for some reason there is no mulch on hand, is to take a chopper and manually loosen the soil around the tree. Not deep. To a depth of 5-7 centimeters, so as not to damage the roots. The radius of the crown of the tree. Thus, a layer of mulch is created from small lumps of earth that protects the underlying layer in summer from drying out, and in winter to some extent from freezing of the roots. But this is not the best way.

  The easiest way is to buy mulch in a specialized store and use it according to the instructions. On sale there is a mulch from bark of pine and larch and some others. But if the garden is large, then this method is costly in terms of finances.
  Experienced farmers will prefer to use fallen leaves, humus, compost. In the fall, you can put half-ripe manure. Before mulching, you need to free the soil from weeds. Fertilize if necessary. It is advisable that the soil is moist.
  Update the mulch layer annually or every few years, depending on the mulched material. Vegetable beds and flower beds are mulched with a thickness of 7-10 centimeters. Fruit trees and shrubs along the radius of the crown. From 5 cm at the edges of the trunk circle to 10-15 cm at the tree stem.

Mulching of the soil is carried out not only in the garden and vegetable garden, but also in the greenhouse, greenhouse, as well as for potted plants, including indoor plants.

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Mulching- This is a coating of the soil under fruit trees or vegetable plants with a protective layer. You can also mulch the soil between the beds or rows of vegetables. As mulch, various materials are used.

In nature, under the trees and shrubs there is always a layer of fallen leaves, needles, dead plant remains. This organic layer protects the soil from erosion, drying out, weathering. Mulching has similar effects. At the same time, it enriches the soil with organic substances and promotes the development of the plant root system.

Mulching prevents the formation of crust on the surface of the soil, reduces the growth of weeds. Accordingly, the number of irrigations is reduced and there is no need to engage in regular weeding. Under a layer of mulch, the earth breathes easier. This is especially true for clay soils, since the mulch does not let in sunlight and does not allow the solidification of the earth.

Under the mulch layer, soil bacteria actively propagate. For many of them, mulch is an additional source of nutrients (earthworms and small animals multiply well under mulch, which contribute to improving the soil structure. In summer, a layer of green mulch is easily and quickly processed by microorganisms. In this regard, mulch needs to be added periodically.

Under the mulch layer, soil temperature and humidity are optimal for plants. Changes in soil temperature occur less sharply. This has a positive effect on the metabolism in plants. The greatest effect of mulching is observed in areas with dry weather, since mulch prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil. Weeds die under the mulch, as they are deficient in sunlight.

Mulching Methods

There are three ways to mulch:

✓ covering the beds with black film or special covering material;

✓ sprinkling soil with organic materials (peat, sawdust, etc.);

✓ Composting the soil.

The choice of the method of mulching is influenced by the type of soil, climate features, the aim pursued (controlling weeds, reducing the frequency of watering, fertilizing the soil).

Mulching with a black film or covering material is used when growing vegetables and strawberries.

In many plants under such a mulch, nutrient requirements are reduced by a third. It should be noted that it is necessary to fertilize the soil before mulching with these materials. This is best done when planting plants. If possible, immediately after this, the beds are covered with mulching material. When used properly, black film and other covering materials can be used for several years.

Transparent film and white materials are not suitable for mulching, as they do not stop the growth of weeds.

❧ Some plants prefer colored mulch. For example, cabbage has the best growth on a white mulch, and tomatoes - on red. However, mulch of such colors is hardly ever used in practice.

Under a black film, the soil temperature is higher - 2 degrees. In early spring, it covers the beds at night. In the afternoon, the film is removed so that the soil warms up better under the sun. In warm soil in plants, all processes occur more actively.

The same applies to the life of soil insects and microorganisms. However, it should be borne in mind that under the film and other covering materials, the soil quickly depletes, since organic plant debris does not enter it.

Under the black film in the soil, moisture is well maintained. Water that evaporates from the surface of the soil accumulates in the form of drops on the film and again falls back. Therefore, soil moisture is maintained under the film at the same level. Mulching with a black film of row-spacing when growing zucchini, pepper, cucumbers, corn leads to an increase in yield by 30%, in addition, the fruits always remain clean, of good quality and it is much easier to collect them.

If you cover young trees and shrubs with a black film, they will grow faster, it’s better to take root in a new place.

Black film mulching is often done in greenhouses. This prevents the evaporation of moisture from the soil and reduces the humidity of the air indoors. As a result, the number of fungal diseases among plants decreases. This is of particular importance in the cold season, when the air already has high humidity, for example in autumn.

Mulching films are also a means of combating insect pests. Some types of films have reflective aluminum inserts for these purposes. The film, unlike organic mulch, protects plants from the appearance of mice.

Mulching with organic materials is more beneficial for plants than mulching with black film and covering materials. It promotes the growth of both vegetable and ornamental crops. It brings special benefit to white cabbage, celery, tomatoes, radish, asparagus garlic.

As a mulch for the garden  You can use green fertilizers (crushed green parts of plants), plant debris, weeds that have not reached the flowering stage, straw, hay, manure, fallen leaves, chopped bark, sawdust.

A good mulch is compost, including unripened, and a mixture of unripened manure and green mass. It is especially good to use such mulching in areas where plants are planted to produce green mass, such as clover. They increase the compost ripening speed and subsequently enrich it.

Beds with berry plants should be under a layer of mulch constantly. In summer, dry and green mulch is used, and for winter, the beds are mulched with manure. With this approach, mulching does not lead to an increased content of nitrates in the berries.

It must be remembered that the greater the fertility of the soil, the sooner the mulch will decompose and turn into humus.

You should not make the layer of mulch thick, as its lower part will be damp and rot, especially after rains. That is why on clay soils it is not recommended to make a layer of mulch more than 2 cm. As necessary (about 1 time in 2 weeks), mulching should be repeated.

Improvement in the structure of heavy soils during mulching appears only after 2-3 years.

Perform it in the summer, immediately after planting and watering the plants. In summer, it is recommended to use only well-shredded mulch. Sprouts appear sprinkled with sand, ripened compost, chopped grass. You can also sprinkle with mulch and aisle.

For winter mulching, plant residues are used - the ground part of plants, chaff, unfinished manure. You can make a mixture of this and sprinkle it over the entire garden, and not just the beds. Such mulch is poured with light soil with a layer of 10 cm, and with heavy soil - 5-8 cm. Mineral flour can also be added to it. This will reduce the formation of an unpleasant odor and increase the intensity of the formation of humus complexes in the soil. Also add a small amount of bone meal.

Mulching the beds in the winter has some adverse consequences. If the plants hibernated under a layer of mulch, then it is likely that they will suffer from late spring frosts. In spring, air cushions form under the mulch layer, which make it difficult to warm the soil and contribute to the freezing of plants. Therefore, after winter mulching, repeated mulching in spring is necessary.

In winter, under earth mulch, the activity of earthworms increases. Therefore, in spring, the soil in this area is looser compared to non-mulched areas. Such soil is much easier to cultivate.

In the spring, the old mulch is removed and stacked in a compost heap. When growing vegetables on garden beds and high beds, mulching will be useful. The earth on such beds warms up and dries faster, and the mulch will retain moisture.

Mulch acts very well on fruit trees, as well as berry and ornamental shrubs. The soil around them and the paths are mulched. You can use mulch with a long duration (gravel, needles, crushed bark).

Tree trunks under the trees are mulched with mowed grass, shredded green mass, bark, and also fresh compost. Layers of mulch make an average thickness of 5 cm. Mulching the garden for several years significantly increases the permeability of the soil to air.

In gardens, grass must be mowed when it grows to 15–20 cm. After drying, it is used for mulching.

Some gardeners doubt the benefits of mulching with organic materials. Organic mulch is inhabited by worms and insects, it attracts birds, is a shelter for mice and moles. The latter are very harmful to young plants, gnawing them. Therefore, when using organic mulch, it is necessary to fight rodents.

Mulching is performed when growing not only vegetables and berries, but also mushrooms, medicinal, ornamental and spicy aromatic plants. Some believe that the presence of mulch makes plants more fragrant and valuable medicines. When growing some mushrooms, such as ringworms, mulch is poured with a layer of 10 cm. Mulching will help make flower beds and other flower beds more decorative and attractive.

Known Swiss recipe for mulch. It is necessary to mix the crushed straw with the ground and compost for several weeks. After the formation of a homogeneous dark mass, the mulch is ready for use. After downloading, you can leave grass on the lawns. A thin layer of mulch is formed from it. However, during the Rainy season, he is able to rot, then fungal diseases will appear in the grass. Therefore, with regular mowing of grass on lawns, a dense, airtight layer should not be allowed to form. Therefore, at least three times a year, it is recommended to clean the lawn with a rake.

Wood chips and crushed bark are not only a good mulch, but also a decorative element in the garden and on the lawns. You can sprinkle paths with these materials. The thickness of the mulch layer should be 8-10 cm. Such a mulch protects against weeds and erosion of the tracks. Under the wood mulch, it is possible to lay a covering material, but not a film.

It must be borne in mind that each material for mulching has its own characteristics. For example, the remains of garden plants before use as mulch are crushed, mixed with green fertilizers. This type of mulch is suitable for any site in the garden.

Fallen leaves are used for mulching without crushing. You can mix it with other types of mulch.

A valuable type of mulch is hay, especially meadow.

Mulching straw is used both unchanged and mixed with organic materials.

Manure is a type of mulch that is recommended to be used regularly, but in small quantities. Do not use it for mulching in the winter. This is due to the fact that nutrients are easily washed out of it. Pig manure and bird droppings are not suitable for mulching.

To sprinkle paths in the garden, you can use sawdust. If you mix in nitrogen fertilizer, they will decompose faster.

Food waste is used for mulching only after composting.

Needles are an excellent mulch for those plants that prefer acidic soil.

Mulch, prepared from the ground part of tomatoes, discourages cabbage whitewash.