How to feed hot pepper on the windowsill. Indoor hot pepper on the windowsill

Growing hot pepper   at home is not such a difficult thing. Hot pepper "Little Miracle" was bred in Holland and has long taken root around the world. This plant is compact and characterized by active fruiting, due to which bushes with peppers of different colors also carry a decorative function.

The fruits of such a pepper can be used both in cooking and for medical purposes. Ripe fruits can be insisted on alcohol, and this infusion can be used for rheumatism, radiculitis, lower back pain.

Growing fruits for winter

There are certain rules for growing hot pepper at home.

Sowing seedsbetter to produce in February. This requires an approximately two-liter clean container, which should be treated with boiling water. Place drainage in the form of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, but crushed stone or charcoal will do. On top of the drain, we fill the soil, consisting of humus, sheet soil and sand in a ratio of 5: 3: 2. Before planting the seeds, you need to pour the soil with boiling water and after it cools down, sow 2-3 seeds of pepper soaked and already swollen in small holes 1-1.5 cm.

Cover the pot with planted grains with polyethylene or glass and place in a warm place. When sprouts appear in 5-7 days, rearrange the pot in a sunny place on the window. When the first true leaves appear, peppers can be peaked into separate pots, and it is better to remove the extra ones so as not to disturb the roots.

When the plant grows to 20 cm, pinch the crown. This is necessary for better branching of the bush, in which the fruits will form.

Do not forget to regularly water the plant and periodically feed your pet with fertilizers, then you will definitely wait for the harvest on your windowsill.

The way to get fruits by may

Observing the development of domestic pepper, lovers from the Ivanovo region came to an interesting conclusion that in our northern conditions it is possible to change the ripening period of pepper on the windowsill. They use spring days filled with bright sunshine for flowering and ripening of fruits.

Sown pepper in the fall in the cups on the windowsill. The pepper is not created in very comfortable conditions so that it does not have time to pick up flowers before the New Year, so that it does not exhaust its strength in growth on the darkest “dead” days. So they save the plant from stretching the shoots. At the moment when the days begin to arrive, the pepper is transferred to a bright window (east or south). The plant soon blooms and brings an average of 10 beautiful pods. Yes, the fruits are such heroes as never happened before autumn.

And immediately after the harvest is taken, the plant throws a couple more vigorous shoots and blooms a second time. By the second half of September, another crop is ripening, while out of 20 pods, only three were small. Thus, during the season about 30 pods are removed from one bush, almost 5 times higher than the average yield!

The main secret of a high harvest is that by the time of the very first flowering (in early February), the pepper of the autumn sowing season has time to develop good powerful roots. Starting from March and ending with the beginning of October, that is, during the period abundant in the sun, pepper actively sets fruits and uses forces to pour them.

The thawed plant can not be thrown away in the fall, let it go in the winter. In winter, in early January, it must be transplanted into a new substrate, cut the old shoots in half, then transfer the pot to a bright window (east or south). Such care can bring up to three crops per season.

On a note

When you plant peppers, it’s better not to dive them, as they painfully respond to transplantation. And they relate well to transshipment. When the seedlings disperse, just pinch off the extra weak shoots. Another important point - do not miss the time when the roots begin to crowd in a pot and sprout out.

For seedlings, peat pots are certainly the best choice. For normal growth, peppers are transferred to spacious containers and pots 30-50 cm tall. Be sure to put drainage on the bottom of the landing tanks (expanded clay layer, broken brick).

Sometimes for the support of ripening fruits put props, spray the bushes with warm, settled water from the spider mite.

To get a good harvest, peppers are recommended to be grown in two trunks, constantly forming them with pinching. A strong shoot is left on each stalk, and the weak ones pinch over the first leaf. Although peppers are self-pollinated like tomatoes, it is better to shake the plants periodically so that pollination is more effective.

Pepper is the same perennial as cherry tomatoes, a bush can delight you with a harvest of as many as five years. In the same ways, you can grow on the windowsill and bell peppers.

Imagine the pleasure of watching a ripe pod pouring before your eyes when the weather is “non-flying” outside.

If your plant is more than 5 years old, you can make it a wonderful home decoration - BONSAI.


   You can use almost any small pots you like, but most traditional bonsai in special pots look very, very cool!

The soil

   Basically, you can use what you will use to grow chili, but I prefer soft peat based soil.
   The bonsai plant should be very limited in root space, you should use very fertile soil.

   Digression: The author also uses Akadama, a special type of soil.
   Akadama is a natural, granular clay.
   Akadama is a good material for maintaining moisture in the soil when growing bonsai.
   These are actually pieces of solid clay.
   Some brands of cat litter fillers do an excellent job and are a much cheaper substitute for acadam.
   When growing Bonsai, manufacturers often replace the soil completely with Acadam, or interfere with normal soil.


   I just put a little acadam on the bottom of a bonsai chili pot and sprinkle the soil on top.

   Making Bonsai Chili:

   We cut the stem of an adult plant - we form a bonsai.

   If possible, we cut just above the leaf cover to make sure that the bonsai will continue to grow. For example, here, in the photo - there were no leaves below the cut-off point, so this is a very risky process.
   Or, you can prune the plant a little less and continue pruning when the plant forms enough foliage.

   Then cut off the extra roots around the plant ...

   dig a plant with cut roots ...

   Digging up a bonsai blank ...

cut off excess sticking roots.

an approximate result of trimming and shaping the future bonsai plant.

One year later.

Hot pepper has not only unique taste, but also decorative qualities. That is why it is so loved to grow both on sites and as a houseplant on window sills. For these purposes, several varieties of pepper with small fruits were specially bred.

Growing at home

The plant grows up to 40 cm, is perennial, there are purely decorative varieties, there are fruit varieties. Depending on the variety, the fruits can be of different sizes, shapes and colors: yellow, red, orange.

The flowering period falls in June, flowering begins with white flowers with a yellow tint. Pepper requires a lot of sunlight.

Hot pepper seeds are planted in early March.   Sprout seeds can only be in a warm room. When the first shoots appear - they are dived into separate pots, the procedure is carried out again after the appearance of these leaves.

The conditions for planting and growing sweet and bitter peppers are similar. Highly nutritious soil is selected. For self-preparation of soil mixes take:

  • 5 parts of humus;
  • 2 parts of peat and sod land;
  • 1 part of sand.

Good to know:   when transplanting pepper to a permanent place, pinch the main root of the pepper. The root system should fit in a box measuring 15 * 15 cm.

Hot peppers like a lot of moisture and heat. A pot of pepper is placed on a container of liquid gravel. Also, the plant likes fertilizers, top dressing is applied 1-2 times a week.

If you go too far with watering and stagnation of water forms, then there is a risk of getting a black leg or spotty leaves. The main household pests of bitter pepper:

  • powdery mildew;
  • spider mite.

An annual plant is not replanted again, after harvesting the plant can be destroyed. Sometimes, pruning the shoots helps to extend the life of the pepper by 2-3 years.

Soil preparation

The propagation of bitter pepper is carried out by seeds. So they ascended faster - they are soaked.

Sowing is carried out from February to early March. The earth should be loose and light.

If soil is used for home flowers with peat content, then you need to reduce its acidity by adding wood ash. You can immediately sow the seeds in a permanent place without growing seedlings.

In this case, a pot up to 3 liters in size is taken, disinfected with boiling water. A drainage layer is laid at the bottom, then it is filled with earth. As a drainage is best suited:

  • broken brick;
  • crushed stone;
  • expanded clay.

The soil is also disinfected with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds are deepened by 1 cm. From above, the pot is covered with glass or a plastic bag. The ambient temperature should be from 20 to 25 ° C.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

  You can grow hot pepper at home from seedlings. When to plant seeds?

The best period is mid-February, when daylight hours increase. Red pepper is very picky and loves lighting. The capacity is taken depending on the number of seeds, it can be a small pot or box.

To sprout seeds faster - you can stimulate their growth as follows. Process the planting material thermally, put the seeds in water at a temperature of 40 degrees and close in a thermos for 3 hours.

The second method: soak in warm water for 12-24 hours. Oxygen is supplied to the vessel with water.

Note:   you need to ensure that the sprout does not stretch. In the first week after the appearance of the leaves, the air temperature drops to 20 ° C, and the lighting is increased. When more than 3 leaves appear, seedlings can be dived. A spacious pot is used.

The first seedling will appear in 7-10 days. As much sunlight as possible should fall on the pot, the room should be warm. For further cultivation, the strongest sprout is selected, the rest are removed (without damaging the roots).

Home Care

  Growing hot pepper on the windowsill is not difficult. Seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place in the pot after about 2 months.

The main conditions that must be maintained for pepper: light and heat.   When the weather is warm - the pot can be taken out to the garden or to the balcony.

Complex fertilizers are applied every two weeks. Favorite hot pepper fertilizer is prepared from the following components:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 2 tbsp ashes.

Gardeners Council:   drying out the soil is painful for pepper, so in no case should you forget about watering. The soil is moistened 2 times a week with warm water.

This is foliar top dressing, it must be well infused before use. You can not go too far with nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise there is a risk of not getting a crop. In favorable conditions, flowering begins in May-June and fruiting continues until the end of autumn.

Until the freezing set in, the pot must be returned to the house, in a bright but cool place (up to 18 ° C). It is possible to refuse feeding in the winter, minimal, the main thing is not to bring the earthen coma to dry. Indoors with dry air - leaves can sometimes be moistened.

In February, before the start of the growing season, the pot is transferred to a warm place, cut off (stems no longer than 5 cm long remain). If all the procedures are carried out correctly, from harvesting the seeds to cutting the bush before the new season, the plant will remain decorative and actively bear fruit for up to 5 years.

Watch the following video on how to grow hot peppers on a windowsill:

Not many garden crops can be grown on a windowsill with such a high degree of decorativeness as in small-fruited peppers. It is not only original as a decoration, but also useful in the household. Since pepper is a perennial crop, once planted, you can enjoy it for several years in a row. Pepper on the windowsill is easy to grow, the main thing is to choose the right planting material, correctly prepare the substrate and regularly take care of the plantings.

   Hot peppers on the windowsill

Small-fruited hot peppers are especially loved by mistresses. It is a compact bush with fruits of the highest decorativeness. Even your favorite greens on the windowsill are inferior to this vegetable crop. For planting, seeds of hybrids that self-pollinate are selected. It should be stocked with nutritious soil based on vermicompost and a special lamp for highlighting in the autumn-winter period. Everything else will depend on proper care.

how to grow hot peppers on a windowsill in an apartment. A photo


Before sowing seeds of hot pepper, they must be kept in solution. potassium permanganate   2 hours. This procedure is not carried out if the seeds are processed by the producer. Among the processed seeds, you need to choose those that during this time have sunk to the bottom of the tank. The rest have dubious germination, so you should not spend time on them.

pepper on the windowsill growing from seeds. A photo

  • 1 part coconut substrate;
  • 1 part of the earth;
  • handfuls of vermiculite;
  • 1 part biohumus

The more nutritious and lighter the earth is in the pot, the better it will grow, blossom and bear fruit, and later grow old. All the ingredients of the substrate are poured into the basin, mixed thoroughly and filled with a mixture of small containers. It can be special trays for seedlings or ordinary glasses of yogurt. The earth is poured into them, not reaching the top by 2 cm.

Substrate is good spill   warm water and put on top 2-3 grains of pepper. Sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1 cm. From above the cups are covered with glass or polyethylene with holes made in them for air exchange. Seed containers are placed in a dark, warm place, for example, near the battery and occasionally watered.

growing hot peppers on a windowsill. Step by step photos

After about 10-14 days, seedlings will appear. They are immediately put on windowsillto prevent excessive stretching without lack of light. If seedlings appeared in late autumn or at the height of winter, they must be additionally highlighted using special lamps.   It is enough to highlight 2 hours in the morning and in the evening. To avoid the appearance of a black leg, seedlings are watered as necessary, avoiding waterlogging.

How to grow hot pepper on a windowsill. A photo

How to grow hot pepper on a windowsill and wait for plentiful fruits? For this, the strongest are selected from the total number of seedlings and transplanted into permanent pots with a capacity of 2-3 liters. They don’t fill the earth to the top, it will be filled up as the bush grows.

   Pepper Care

Any greens on the windowsill requires care, which boils down to regular watering and top dressing. Water for watering pepper needs to be defended, and pickled seedlings should be fed after 2-3 weeks. For this, special dressings are used, for example, Agrolife. Bushes of hot pepper daily turn so that they grow even and do not lean too much towards the sun. Small bitter peppers do not stepchild. If the bush seems rare, you can pinch the top.

When the pepper on the windowsill blooms, several times a day, the bush will need shake   for pollination. Fruits appear 2.5 to 3 months after planting. If there are too many of them, the plant will discard the excess ones on its own, a person does not need to do this only if they find sick and underdeveloped. Fruits can also crumble with a lack of moisture on hot days. Then the bush is sprayed 2-3 times a day with water at room temperature.

After about 1.5-2 years, the bush begins to age, loses decorativeness, discards foliage, ceases to bloom and bear fruit. It is thrown away or cuttings. How to grow hot pepper on a window sill from a handle? For this, the most juicy side branches are cut from the bush and put into water. Cuttings   give roots in 21-28 days. They are planted in a constant container and after 1.5 months receive an adult flowering bush. Usually give roots 50% of the cuttings. Caring for them is similar to bushes obtained from seeds.

   Common questions about growing hot peppers

In the process of growing bitter small-fruited pepper on a windowsill, beginners may have questions, answers to which can be obtained here.

When is it best to sow pepper for growing on a windowsill?   Experts recommend doing this in the period from April to July, then the seedlings do not have to fill out. Although it is real to grow pepper in any season of the year.

Is it possible to leave ripened peppers on the bush?   Not advisable. If pepper remains on the plant for a long time, it does not receive an incentive to continue to bloom and bear fruit.

How to care for pepper in winter   in central heating?   If the battery is located under the windowsill, it must be covered with a towel to avoid overdrying the roots of the bush. Additionally, daily baths are carried out under a cool shower.

Is it possible to eat the fruits of pepper grown on the windowsill?   It can be both fresh and dried. They even grind it on a coffee grinder to get paprika.

Will the pepper bush hurt the adult transfer?   It is undesirable to disturb adult bushes of pepper grown on the windowsill. This will affect the abundance of flowering and fruiting. Stress in the form of discarded leaves is also possible.

What to do if the flowers fall offin great numbers?   It is necessary to increase the amount of daily lighting for the bush, water it well and shake it 2-3 times a day. Flowers may fall due to lack of pollination and inability to form a fruit.

   Sweet pepper on a windowsill in winter and summer

In an apartment, you can also grow bell peppers, which will produce crisp vitamin fruits all year round. There are no particular difficulties during its cultivation, but some recommendations will help not only to grow strong greens on the windowsill, but also to taste healthy fruits.

   Growing sweet pepper seedlings

The first stage of work is considered seed selection. For growing a house, dwarf compact plants are suitable, the height of which does not exceed 50 cm, and the weight of the fruit varies from 30 to 80 grams. The smaller the hybrid, the more compact and decorative it looks on the windowsill. For this, seeds of self-pollinated hybrids are suitable.

The second stage is preparation substrateand seed treatment. For pepper on the windowsill, you can buy ready-made mixtures, or you can make them yourself from an equal amount of vermicompost, coconut fiber and earth. Perlite or vermiculite can be added to increase soil aeration. All components are mixed in a basin.

For seed treatment, prepare a 2% solution potassium permanganate, in which the seeds are kept for 2 hours, then washed in cold water. There are producers who themselves process and sell seeds that are ready for planting. In this case, there is no need to carry out such a procedure at home.

how to grow bell peppers on a windowsill. A photo

The third stage is sowing seeds. The substrate is filled with small containers from plastic cups to greenhouses with peat tablets. Substrates or tablets are well spilled with water and 2-3 seeds each are placed in them. You can sow the seeds immediately in large constant containers, while the substrate does not reach the edge of the pot. This procedure will be carried out later as the bush grows. After sowing, the containers are closed with polyethylene, in which small holes are made for air exchange. The containers are placed in a dark, warm place, periodically watering and viewing them.

We plant sweet pepper. A photo

The fourth stage is seedling care   or how to grow sweet pepper on a windowsill from seedlings. The first shoots appear in 10-14 days. As soon as the seeds hatch and sprouts appear, they are exposed to the light and, if necessary, lightened up for several hours a day if it is an autumn-winter period. If necessary, after 2 weeks shoots are thinned out, leaving the strongest specimens. It is important not to overmoisten the seedlings, so that it does not become vulnerable to the black leg, which can destroy all seedlings.

The fifth stage is pick. It is produced 4 weeks after germination. To carry out a picking, the containers with seedlings are well watered, a large 3-liter pot is prepared and filled with a nutrient substrate. A cup with seedlings is turned over and gently pulled out a lump of earth along with pepper. They put the ego in a partially filled pot and add ground from above to the cotyledonous (first) leaves. Watered, lightly tamping the ground near the bush. Put pepper on the windowsill, preferably on the south side.

   Adult Plant Care

Adult seedlings are not stepsoned and not trimmed. The bush is given free rein in the growth and formation of flowers. Daily pot need turnto form an even bush. Watering is carried out as the soil dries. In hot weather, it can be additionally sprayed with warm water; in winter, watering is reduced to the required minimum.

How to grow sweet pepper on a window sill with plentiful ovary? When flowers appear on the bush, they begin to intensively feed him with suitable fertilizers, for example, Agrolife. Flowering bush several times a day shakefor selfing. The first fruits appear about 3 months after sowing the seeds. To extend the life of the plant and get a significant harvest from the ovary leave 5-6 fruits and remove them in the ripening process. If you leave more ovary, and the fruits do not take off for a long time, the bush is greatly depleted, aging and dying.

If the ripening fruits are large enough and the bush has grown well, he needs backup. She will not let the bush tilt and break. Pepper is a perennial vegetable crop, but on the windowsill with a lack of heat, light and care can quickly grow old. In order to again admire the plant and eat its fruits after 1.5-2 months, you can cut the cuttings from it and try to root them.

Usually, half cut cuttings take root. They are planted in permanent containers and looked after as an adult plant. This method of growing pepper is less troublesome and faster.

Sweet pepper on the windowsill. Video

Growing pepper on the balcony and windowsill is an exciting experience. This plant not only brings a vitamin harvest, but also blooms beautifully. It can become a colorful decoration of your home. Black and sweet peppers are perennial plants, so they will bear fruit for more than one year. But the fruits of this culture contain a whole set of substances useful for the body. How to grow pepper on the windowsill, read the article.

Conditions for the successful cultivation of pepper

Container selection

You can grow sweet or black pepper with peas on the balcony in any container.

We grow seedlings in small containers, and with each transplant we increase the container volume.

As the landing capacity, you can take wooden boxes, plastic pots and buckets, ceramic containers.

The main thing is that at the bottom of the container there are openings for the outflow of excess fluid.


Pepper likes well-lit places in the apartment, so you can grow a good crop on the south or east window. However, direct sunlight negatively affects the life of the plant, so the bushes need to be shaded in hot weather. Lack of light also badly affects black and sweet peppers, so in winter it is necessary to illuminate the "pet" with a fluorescent lamp so that the daylight hours are at least 10-12 hours.

In the summer season, pepper feels good on the balcony, but in winter it is necessary to keep the pot on the lighted window in the apartment.


The culture is able to withstand temperatures up to 12-10 degrees, but 24-26 degrees are considered optimal for growth. Both black and Bulgarian pepper on the windowsill or balcony should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature jumps.

   On one windowsill at home, you can not grow sweet bell pepper and bitter, black pepper peas. After pollination, sweet pepper can produce bitter flavors.


The plant on the balcony or window sill must be watered with settled water of comfortable temperature up to 30 degrees. Watering is performed as the upper layer of the soil mixture dries. On hot summer days, pepper needs to be sprayed daily. If in winter the container is on the windowsill under the battery, then it should be covered with a damp cloth so that the pepper does not overheat.

Growing pepper at home on a balcony or window sill is a simple matter, but the choice of soil should be taken seriously. It is best to buy a special mix in a gardening shop. However, you can make the soil for planting yourself at home. To do this, mix turf soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 2: 1: 1. In the prepared mixture you need to add lime (150 gr. Per 10 kg of soil) and ash (1 glass of ash per 5 kg of land). If you use ordinary soil from a garden, then it must first be disinfected with a hot solution of manganese.

   They feed the culture on the balcony or windowsill once every 14-15 days, but this is done only after watering, so as not to burn the roots.

Fertilizers can not be sprayed on the leaves, they are applied only to the soil. Fertilizers can be purchased at the store, they must contain enough nitrogen. Feeding can be done by yourself, for this they take 2 tbsp. For 1 liter of water. l ashes. Another option - 1 g is taken per 1 liter of water. urea, 10 gr. superphosphate and 2 gr. potassium salt. Decoctions of herbs (clover, nettle, plantain) will be very useful for pepper. The first top dressing is performed immediately after the formation of the first true leaves. Black or sweet pepper can be grown without problems in an apartment on the windowsill, but it is better to do this in a seedling way.

At home, growing Bulgarian or black pepper with peas will not be difficult, but first you will need to plant seedlings. To grow seedlings of sweet or black pepper with peas, you first need to do seed selection. The damaged seed is removed, and the selected material is placed in gauze and dipped in a manganese solution or fungicides. We keep the seed in the preparation for about 30 minutes. After that, we wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and moisturize it as necessary. We put the seeds in a warm place. After 7-14 days, the seeds should germinate, they must immediately be planted in containers.

Pour the prepared earth mixture into a clean container and crush it a little. We put the germinated seeds in the ground, departing from each by 2 centimeters, if the interval is less, then the seedlings will be elongated. Then sprinkle the seed with a thin layer of soil on top. Then the future seedlings must be very carefully poured with warm water. Pots are placed in a warm place and covered with polyethylene. After 6-8 days, green seedlings should appear.

Then the seedlings are placed in the lighted area, but the temperature there should not exceed 17-18 degrees. Watering should be very moderate, it is impossible to overmoisten seedlings. It is best to plant seedlings during the March thaw, so that the plants have enough heat and light for active development.

Plant pick

At home, the first leaves are formed 21-30 days after hatching from the ground. After the appearance of 2 mature leaves, the seedlings are dived into another container. Transplant seedlings in small separate containers up to 200 ml. In such containers, seedlings will grow faster, because in a large container, small roots will not be very comfortable. A lot of moisture will accumulate in the volumetric pot, which the plant will not be able to process, so there is a risk of decay.

Growing Instructions for a Good Harvest

  1. We fill the prepared pot with earth mixture and do not forget about drainage.
  2. We dig in the ground a small hole of such a size that the roots of the sprout are freely placed there.
  3. With gentle movements, we take the seedlings by the tops and transplant into a new pot. Sprinkle the hole with soil and compact. The root neck should be deepened into the ground by 0.5 cm.
  4. Holding the sprout, you need to carefully pour the soil mixture, the water should be completely absorbed.
  5. We place seedlings at home on the windowsill, the lighting should be good, but direct sunlight is contraindicated in plants. Next, we switch to standard care, not forgetting to fertilize the pepper.
  6. When the fruiting period begins, leave the 4-5 strongest peppers. Others should be removed so as not to overload the plant.

Peppers are best grown on the balcony - “early ripening” with a low stem. Sweet bell peppers can be of such varieties:

  • Salute;
  • Treasure Island;
  • Dwarf;
  • Golden baby;
  • Watercolor;
  • Etude;
  • Karat.

Hot peppers can also feel great on the balcony, black peppercorns are no exception. The best varieties:

  • Beak of the Falcon;
  •  Bellflower;
  • Crown of the Bishop;
  •  Coral;
  • Fire Virgin.

Black, sweet and other peppers are unpretentious plants, but your care and attention are necessary to get the perfect crop.

Garden on the windowsill. How to plant and grow hot peppers at home. How to choose the soil, sow seeds, care. Personal practical experience (10+)

Growing hot pepper on a windowsill

  General characteristics of hot pepper

Growing hot peppers in a pot is not particularly difficult. The main condition for this is the presence of a window sill, well-lit by the sun, a high-quality earthen base, equipped with fertilizers, self-pollinating seeds and a fluorescent lamp, which will provide the desired length of daylight for a plant. The first crop can be obtained after 2-3 months from the moment of planting the seeds.

The plant does not need support. Abundant pollination of the plant has a positive effect on the quality of the crop, so hot pepper should be shaken at least once a day, providing artificial pollination. A large number of peppercorns ripen on one bush. They are quite small and light, so the plant is able to easily feed a large number of peppercorns. Hot pepper bushes use a large amount of nutrients, so the soil is depleted in a short time. Because of this, there is a need for frequent use of fertilizers, otherwise the bush will not receive proper nutrition, and peppercorns will lose the necessary source of energy for growth. To avoid this, it is necessary to nourish the bush once every 2-3 weeks.

  Suitable varieties

Hybrids of self-pollinated varieties are preferably grown on window sills. Of these, early ripe species are more common because of their productivity. These include: Hotway, Janka, Thunder, Campai, Lopez, Impala and Huero. The substrate for growing hot peppers can be bought in the store in the finished form. If necessary, you can cook it yourself. To do this, mix the right ingredients. Experienced summer residents recommend preparing a substrate based on soil, humus and peat 2: 1: 1. If you decide to prepare the soil yourself, do not take the land from the site where solanaceous crops were grown in the previous year and spill it well with a potassium permanganate solution. Also, a coconut substrate, which can be purchased at any specialized store, is a good option. In addition, peat tablets, which are a very convenient option for sowing seeds, will also be a good option. When transplanting and picking, the plant along with the tablet is simply transferred to a large container. The capacity where the bush of hot pepper will be located is usually a regular flower pot with a volume of 1-2 liters.

  Sowing seeds

First, the seeds are planted in small plastic cups for seedlings, and then transplanted into a larger container when the plant has taken root and leaves have appeared. Before planting, the seeds are lowered into a container with a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds can withstand at least 30 minutes in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. Weak solution for these purposes is not suitable. For proper preparation of a 1% solution, usually take 2.5 g. potassium permanganate and dissolved in 250 ml. water at room temperature. After soaking the seeds in such a solution, they are washed well in clean water. A good harvest will give only those seeds that have sunk to the bottom. Germination of seeds that have surfaced is very poor, so they are practically not used. Ready soaked seeds should dry completely. Immediately after this, they are ready for planting in the prepared substrate. After planting, the cup with seeds is covered with cellophane and left in this form until emergence.

Each cup should contain no more than 4-5 seeds. After 1-2 weeks, the seedlings should be thinned. Only 2 of the most powerful seedlings should be left in each container. After another week, the seedlings are thinned out again, so only the most beautiful and strong shoot remains. When planting seeds immediately in a flower pot, a similar thinning procedure is performed. And so on, until the most powerful shoot remains.

  Seedling transplant

When transplanting a bush of hot pepper from a glass into a pot, it is necessary to monitor the safety of the roots. The shoot is transplanted with the soil, keeping the shape of a cup, into a flower pot, then the soil is rammed. The seedling should be sprinkled with soil to the cotyledon leaves. In this form, the bush is watered for a month, but in moderation. Pepper is a short-day plant, i.e. when the daylight is less than 12 hours, it earlier proceeds to fruiting and gives higher yields.

It is important not to add hot pepper, otherwise there is a chance that the plant will get a black leg and other diseases. In winter, the plant does not need a lot of moisture, so at this time of the year it is better to underfill than to overfill. By summer, the need for water in the plant will increase, so it is important to provide all bushes with liquid. Especially if peppercorns have already appeared on them.

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