How to correctly calculate the distance between the floor joists? Calculation of building materials for a wooden floor - online calculator Large distance between the logs what to do.

Wooden construction materials, combining high strength, environmental friendliness and ease of installation, are widely used in modern low-rise construction for the construction of roofs, ceilings and a load-bearing floor frame. A correctly calculated distance between the floor logs and the interfloor beams is the key to the strength and durability of not only an individual structural element, but also the entire structure as a whole.

What are floor logs?

Floor joists, made of a wooden beam of a certain, precisely calculated section, are load-bearing elements that perceive static loads from furniture, equipment installed on the floor and dynamic loads that arise when people move inside the premises. Floors on wooden logs have some features that make it possible to level out minor flaws in building structures:

  • Uniform distribution of the load on the underlying building structures;
  • Increasing the overall strength of the floor or slab;
  • Improvement of soundproofing properties with the formation of an additional heat-insulating layer;
  • Stacking possibility engineering communications providing a relatively high maintainability;
  • Low complexity of installation, providing a flat surface for flooring from sheet or roll materials and flooring from natural wood valuable breeds.

Logs are made mainly of coniferous wood, the resin content of which provides protection from moisture and a long service life. Hardwoods with high moisture resistance or larch products with a high content of natural resins are used for the device of logs in premises that are difficult from the point of view of operation.

Why is it necessary to calculate the distance between the lags?

Like any other construction materials, wooden crafts have certain indicators of strength, wear resistance, service life and, of course, prices. When arranging wooden floors on logs or interfloor beams, you can also use thick logs laid at a close distance from each other, having obtained the highest structural strength and spending a rather significant amount. But using the required amount lag or beams with a cross-section corresponding to the expected load will allow you to obtain the necessary structural strength at much lower costs.

IN panel housewhen the logs are laid on the surface of a reinforced concrete floor slab, their cross-section is chosen as the minimum necessary for fastening a floorboard or chipboard. Application is another matter wooden structures in frame structure, when the logs perform the function of not only the basis for the future floor, but also serve as a structural element of the frame associated with wall supports.

Basic calculation criteria

  • The thickness of the floorboard or board materials OSB, chipboard;
  • Number of support points or distance between walls;

Even with such minimal data, you can correctly calculate required section wooden beam for making logs and the maximum step between the logs.

Bar section

The section of a wooden beam for a lag device is selected depending on the distance between the supports and the required floor loading capacity. When calculating the required cross-section of the lag, you should take the maximum load on the floor not more than 300 kg per m2.

As a lag, a square bar or rectangular section, the wider side of which is vertical. Thus, the maximum rigidity of the log is obtained with the minimum consumption of wood, which reduces overhead costs for flooring. In construction practice, the ratio of the width of the log to its height is equal to 1.5-2, which is optimal from the point of view of strength and costs. When used as a standard log edged boards with a thickness of 5 cm, its height with a gap between the supports of 2 m should be from 10 to 15 cm. Standard sizes lag depending on the span are presented in the table:

Sometimes it is difficult for an individual developer to find a standard timber suitable for making a log of the required section. The way out of this situation is quite simple. To ensure the required floor load capacity, several standard 5-6 cm thick boards can be installed side by side, increasing the height of the resulting timber by 1-2 cm relative to the standard one. Such a "layer cake", even in the absence of fastening the boards to each other, completely replaces a solid timber of the required size. Similar results can be achieved by placing the boards at equal intervals along the entire length of the supporting surface of the foundation.

The only thing to consider is frame house this method of load distribution is quite difficult to apply due to the binding of the lag to the racks wall structures, openings and insulation distribution. In a frame house, floor logs are used as beams interfloor overlap, therefore, the minimum required section must be increased taking into account the load from ceiling structures and insulation.

Step between lags

In the manufacture of wooden floors, it is clearly traced how the distance between the lags, called the step from the thickness, and the type of materials used depends. The thicker the board used as a flooring, the greater the distance between the joists. More clearly about which step to choose when using different thickness boards, the table below shows.

As a draft flooring in modern construction very often plate construction materials are used instead of boards, which accordingly changes the calculation method. Chipboard (chipboard), cement particle board (DSP), oriented strand board (OSB) and gypsum fiber boards (GVP) are successfully used as a base for a coating of roll materials or ceramic tiles, arranged on wooden logs. In some cases, chipboard can be additionally covered with materials on cement or gypsum base... Given the greater bending stiffness of the chipboard and the lower strength than the board, you should choose a step between the lags of no more than 40 cm, and when using a thicker chipboard (20-22 mm), increase the step between the lags to a maximum of 60 cm.

When calculating the step between the lags for a particular room, you can use the average tabular values, and if the distance between the last lags is less, then the strength of the floor in this place will only increase.

Consequences of calculation errors

What happens if you choose the wrong section of the lag and the step between them? When installing floors by concrete base most important parameter there will be a step between the lags, on which the behavior of the topcoat depends. Chipboardfixed on lags installed with a larger than allowed gap, may sag or break, ceramic tile - crack, and the board - bend. In any case, the floors will require rework.

More unpleasant consequences come from errors in calculating the required amount of lags used as an interfloor overlap. If should be used large quantity lag or their larger section than indicated in erroneous calculations, the strength of the entire structure is significantly reduced, which can lead to irreversible deformations and the complete destruction of floors.

Calculation methods

To calculate the dimensions of the timber and the number of elements required for the installation of a wooden floor on logs with rough coatings from a board or chipboard, you can:

  • Contact a design organization, which at a professional level will calculate how many elements should be covered from a board or chipboard, and what size of timber should be used during construction;
  • Use special averaged tables on your own, choosing which value is closer to the required one, leaning upwards, if there is no exact coincidence of real and tabular sizes;
  • Use computer programs and online calculators, into which a large number of parameters are entered, and the program will accurately determine required dimensions timber and the distance through which it must be installed.

There are many DIY floor leveling solutions. Laying the floor with wooden logs is not an exception. This method of floor installation is very popular due to its environmental friendliness and practicality, and the naturalness of the materials creates warmth, coziness and an inviting atmosphere. Wood flooring has always been prized for furnishing country housesand in apartments. And if the choice fell on a wooden floor on the logs, you should decide on which wood to choose, how exactly to install the logs for the floor in a particular room, their size, amount of material, etc.

Diagram of the device of a wooden floor on the ground on logs (with heaving soil)

The main purpose of the lag is to obtain a flat surface for subsequent finishing works in home. In addition, they help maintain a full ventilation mode of the lower part of the floor, thereby preventing wood rotting. This is especially important if the floor is laid on the ground, from which dampness appears. The space between the sub-floor and the decking prevents damp and improves sound insulation. In addition, there are other functions:

  • Communications can be placed in this space, which spoil the view if they remain on the floor;
  • Lags provide uniformity of the load on the foundation;
  • There is an opportunity for, the types of which are many. Expanded clay, sawdust, mineral wool and etc.;
  • It is possible to adjust the floor height;
  • The beam allows you to get a solid floor due to the support points;
  • Installation on logs guarantees quick and easy installation, which even a beginner can handle.

Lags represent wooden bar, which is laid on some kind of base or directly on the ground. Most often, you have to use a bar with an aspect ratio of 1: 1.5 and 1: 2, but there are other section sizes. It all depends on the characteristics of the floor and the load.

Pine timber and the section used for the floor log

It is better to buy a ready-made timber, but making it yourself is also not excluded, the main thing is to choose the right wood. Its ideal moisture content is 18-20%. At higher values, the finished floor will deform after drying.

The most popular material is pine. You can also use spruce and fir. There are no special requirements for the quality of the wood itself; the timber can be made of material of the second or third grade.

There are options for making logs from simple boards, which are connected with self-tapping screws and installed on the edge. If very long beams are needed, they are spliced \u200b\u200btogether by creating a lock connection or butt to butt. And at the joints, a support is installed, for example, posts made of bricks.

The choice of material for lag

When choosing a material for the base, it should be remembered that it must be strong, even and have a low deformation rate in case of load. It can be plastic, metal, reinforced concrete, etc. But the most demanded material remains a wooden beam.

Since there is no need for high quality logs, the choice usually falls on spruce and pine, which are very popular due to their low price. But when installing such a tree in a house, it is better to think over a waterproofing system.

Larch and aspen are more expensive, but irreplaceable if it comes about high humidity... Larch is considered the best optionif you need strength and resistance to decay of the floor in the house.

Lags on brick posts and a full floor pie on the ground

If the installation of the beam takes place on a reinforced concrete base, then a layer of foamed polyethylene is preliminarily laid. And if the logs are installed on brick support posts, then the polyethylene is placed between the bar and the post, as well as between the post and the ground. Roofing material is suitable for laying between wood and brick.

Before installing, the logs must be treated with an antiseptic in order to protect themselves from various pests. This is especially true for wooden houses, where wood-boring beetles can start.

Determination of section and dimensions

How reliable the design will be depends not only on what material is used, but also on the correct calculations. Before purchasing a timber, you need to determine its length and thickness. The length should be the same as the length and width of the house in which the floor is to be installed. But it is better to leave a gap, and choose a bar 20-30 mm less. This is done in order to prevent deformation in the event of temperature and humidity changes.

With the determination of the dimensions of the section of the timber, the situation is much more complicated. The thickness depends on the material of the log and on the calculated characteristics of the future floor. The basis is the maximum possible floor load and the size of the spans between the support points of the log. IN residential buildings it is customary to take an indicator of 300 kg per square meter for the maximum load. m.

There is a table that displays the relationship between the thickness of the beam and the length of the span between its supports. Usually, with a length of 2 m, a bar with a section of 110x60 mm is used, with a length of 3 m - 150x80 mm, and for a four-meter span, a bar with a section of 180x100 mm is used. You can trace a pattern: the larger the span, the thicker the timber.

Dimensions of the section of the lag, depending on the span of the room

The shape of the section itself is usually rectangular. The beam is installed on the edge so that the logs can withstand high pressure... This achieves the maximum rigidity of the timber.

But do not get hung up on the ratio table, since the thickness of the lag can be larger if necessary. For example, if you plan to lay a thick layer of insulation.

It should be borne in mind that for non-residential premises the indicator of the load level is more than 300 kg per sq. m. And it will first have to be calculated and only then the appropriate lags should be selected, based on the data obtained.

If the beams are not made of wood, but of metal or reinforced concrete, a smaller thickness is allowed. This is due to the fact that such materials are more resistant to loads, they bend less.

The distance between the joists is chosen depending on the thickness of the coating that will be used for the flooring. Indeed, the thicker the flooring, the greater the step can be between the logs, since a thick coating is less susceptible to deflection when exposed to loads. To establish such a ratio, there is also a special table. With a board thickness of 20 mm, the pitch is 30 cm; 25 mm - 40 cm; 30 mm - 50 cm, etc. And you can use the following formula: with an increase in the thickness of the timber by 5 mm, the step length increases by 100 mm.

The distance between the lags, depending on the thickness of the floorboard

When used or the calculations are slightly different. This is due to the higher bending stiffness. Here, for a beam with a thickness of 1.5-1.8 cm, a distance between the logs of up to 40 cm can be allowed. And such materials are attached to the logs in several places. The lags are positioned so that the flooring can be fixed at the edges and in the middle. In this case, the edge of the sheet fits only up to half of the bar, and not over its entire width.

Laying lag

Wooden logs can be installed on any base, subject to the installation rules. For the crate you will need:

  • Bars,
  • Level,
  • Screwdriver,
  • Jigsaw,
  • Fasteners.

When installing the floor on logs, it can be used as simple design, and. In an adjustable design, the screws are able to align the lags. The bars may not be attached to the base of the floor, but there is a risk of destruction of the entire structure due to the displacement of the lag.

In addition to these tools, you may need others. To install logs on concrete or soil, you need a manual punch. First, the supports are installed, for which pits up to 10 cm deep are made, covered with sand and filled with water. A film is placed on the sand, and a brick support is placed on the film, which is covered with roofing material. Bars can be installed on these supports, fixing them to the walls using galvanized corners.

If the basis is wooden beams, it is important to determine the direction of the bar. If the timber is laid across the beams, it is better to fix the logs with self-tapping screws, treat the bars with an antiseptic, and drill the holes to avoid splitting. With parallel fastening of the timber relative to the beams, the logs are installed both on top and on the sides.

For a concrete floor, polyethylene foam with a foil layer is used, which creates waterproofing and reduces heat loss. The timber is distributed over the entire surface with a certain step. Next, the base is leveled and the lags are fixed. You can also install the timber using stands. First, the supports are fixed to the ceiling, and the lags are already attached to them using self-tapping screws.

The floor in the house plays a huge role. And in order for it to be smooth and beautiful, you should take seriously the preparation before installation. When installing the floor along the logs, it is important to correctly calculate their size, the amount of material, the distance between the beams and the parameters of the house itself. If you strictly follow the instructions for laying the floor on the logs, the surface will not bend and creak, but will only bring joy and comfort to the residents of the house. Indeed, despite the ease of installation, the process of installing such a floor is very responsible. And it is better to constantly monitor all actions in order to avoid mistakes. If you have something to add, or you want to leave your opinion about the article, write in the comments!

All parameters must be specified in mm

X- Floor width.

Y- Floor length.

S1- The width of the log.

S2- The thickness of the log.

S3- Distance between lags.

O1- The width of the floorboards.

O2- The thickness of the floorboards.

O3- The width of the sub-floor board.

O4- Board thickness.

R- The distance between the boards.

With help online calculatorand you can calculate:

  • The volume of lag materials;
  • Calculation of the lag for the floor: length, width and the required amount;
  • Total floor area or square;
  • Number of rows and volume of flooring;
  • Number of sheets of wood, laminate or parquet;
  • The volume between the lags for insulation;
  • The amount of material for the subfloor.

Helpful information

Wooden flooring is made in three tiers, as shown in the picture above. Below are the bearing logs, on which they will be laid rough boards, and on top are finishing floorboards. Below we describe in detail the installation technology.

DIY wooden floor

As a rule, these works are carried out after completion heating season... Since at this time, the boards will not absorb excess moisture. The weather should be dry and sunny. It is best to use an unplaned board for rough flooring. At the same time, for the finishing layer, milled and dried boards with a longitudinal groove for ventilation are used. Planks with curved edges for groove connections. As a rule, each such board is pre-treated with a decorative and protective compound.

During the installation process, you must follow the requirements:

  • All logs must have good stability;
  • Lags are laid strictly horizontally (except when the slope is provided for by the project);
  • Provide ventilation under the floor;
  • The moisture content of the wood should not be more than 12%.

We mark and prepare the floor surface

First of all, we mark the room, and mark the places that need to be planned in order to achieve a uniform level (taking into account the thickness of the seams and the height of the brick). For adding incompressible soil, fine gravel or sand is used, with a layer thickness of up to 5 centimeters.

After that, we tamp the entire surface. In those places where the logs will be located, we fill in crushed stone and also tamp it into the ground.

Installation lag

As a lag, you can use a wooden beam measuring 50x100 mm. According to your program results, we carry out the installation of a bar on an already rammed surface.

If you plan to increase this distance between the lags, then in this case you should use a larger section of the bar.

If the sub-floor has concrete floor or slabs, then we install the logs directly on the concrete. In this case, you can use a smaller cross-section of the bar, since the bending load is almost completely eliminated. The rough flooring will act as a retainer for the second tier, and therefore a 50x50 section is sufficient.

The distance between the lags will depend on the thickness of the material to be coated. For example, 60 centimeters for a milling board, 40 centimeters for OSB or plywood.

When the logs are installed, we proceed to waterproofing the space under them with roofing material or other modern material.

Draft layer

When the logs are laid, we begin to install the second level, namely the "rough boards". To do this, all end joints should be performed directly in the middle of the lags. To fix the boards, we use wood screws of the required size. You can either press the roughing boards together or nail them at a short distance. In our case, this interval is determined by the value R.

Nails should be driven towards each other at a slight angle, for a strong fix

If you are laying with milling boards, it is not enough to press them together with your hand. To do this, use special stops and wedges or tightening devices.

To fix the finishing board, we use nails or wood screws.

The heads of the fasteners should not be higher than the surface of the board. To do this, you need to go deeper by 2 millimeters. The recesses can be treated with a special putty before painting the floor.

If you use screws instead of nails, you will need to drill holes and countersink each indentation afterwards.

During the installation process, a gap of 10-15 millimeters must be left between the wall and the end of the log or the extreme boards, which will subsequently be closed with a plinth. This gap will act as a compensator in the course of thermal expansion or moisture swelling.

The flooring is ready and can now be covered with wood stain or protective varnish.

Let's start with what is overlap?

An overlap is a structure that divides adjacent rooms in height.

Speaking simple language, the overlap is a structure for the formation of floors, both for separating the living space from the attic and basement, and for separating living quarters. They distinguish between interfloor, basement, basement and the value of the withstand load (it is determined by the type of beams and the distance between the floor beams), as well as the sheathing of the beams.

Reinforcing frame for a monolithic interfloor ceiling

Floor requirements

The structure must have the necessary strength in order to withstand not only the load of its own weight, but also additional - such as the weight of people, furniture, equipment. The value of the expected load per square meter of floor is determined depending on how the room is used.

The corresponding calculation is performed. Here are the loads:

  • for basement and interfloor floors - at least 210 kg of load per sq. m overlap area.

Based on this, it is determined which timber to use and how to lay it.

Load for one square meter the basement floor must be at least 210 kg.

The slabs should be rigid enough so that deflections do not form. Wooden floor beams can be used as joists for the next floor. To determine which timber to use, you need to touch a little with the resistance material. This lag calculation is usually performed by architects, and those who want to build with their own hands use tables.

When reconstructing or building a new element for dividing the premises, it is necessary to take care of sound insulation. How to do this and what requirements for sound insulation are determined by regulatory construction documents. This requires carefully closing the existing gaps at the joints of the structural elements and using the appropriate materials to fill the gap between the beams.

Overlappings that separate the room, having, at the same time, a difference in temperature, must comply with heat protection requirements regulatory documents... To do this, we use insulation materials that fit between the beams. Their number is determined by the calculation. To prevent the logs from becoming cold bridges, the choice of material for the log must be approached with appropriate knowledge.

Scheme beam floorconsisting of beams and internal filling.

Any floor structure must withstand prolonged exposure to fire. Fire resistance at various designs ranges from 15 to 50 minutes. Reinforced concrete floors, in this sense - the most persistent, wood - the weakest. Therefore, before using wooden beams, it is necessary to impregnate the timber with a suitable fire-resistant material or use plastering of the finished structure.

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Floor types

By type of construction, there are two types of overlap. The first type is beam. It consists of beams and internal filling. The second type is a girderless construction. Beamless is made of homogeneous elements, such as floor slabs or floor panels.

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Beamed timber floors

The frame of such a floor is wooden beams (logs), which should be fastened at an even distance from each other. This distance is calculated depending on the section of the beam and the width of the span between the supporting walls.

Experts have long since made this calculation. The distance between the table will tell you:

Section (for a wooden beam) cm x cm Overlap span 3 m Overlap span3.5 m Overlap span 4 m Overlap span4.5 m Overlap span 5 m
Bar 5 x 16 0.8 m 0.6 m 0.45 m
Timber 6 x 20 1.25 m 0.80 m 0.70 m 0.55 m 0.45 m
Beam 10 х10 0.60 m 0.45 m 0.35 m
Beam 14 x 18 1,8 1,48
Beam 15 x 20 2,4 2,0
Beam 16 x 22 2,5

Beamed timber floor structures are perfect for building a private country house.

Unfortunately, these are not all the disadvantages of floors using metal structural materials. Another disadvantage of such an overlap should be attributed to:

  1. Rust formation in damp rooms.
  2. The need for lifting mechanisms during installation.
  3. Good sound and thermal conductivity (these disadvantages are fought by wrapping the ends metal structures felt).

Roll on such beams can be made not only from boards, but also from slabs. It can be lightweight reinforced concrete slabs or slabs from other lightweight and durable building materials - their application regulates the calculation.

To avoid corrosion load-bearing beams, use reinforced concrete beams overlap. Such beams are laid at a distance of 0.6 -1.0 m. The space between the beams is filled with lightweight concrete slabs or lightweight concrete blocks. On top of such an overlap, a screed is made under the floor, and the ceiling is plastered under whitewashing, painting or wallpaper.

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Beamless floors

They perform simultaneously both the bearing and the enclosing (dividing) functions. There are no girders in their construction, and they consist of a monolithic slab or several slabs or panels. There are three types of non-girder floors:

  1. National teams.
  2. Monolithic.
  3. Prefabricated monolithic.

Prefabricated ceilings cannot be assembled by hand, as this requires a lifting mechanism and slingers. But such an overlap is quickly assembled and can withstand heavy loads. It is collected from hollow or U-shaped reinforced concrete slabs... For the installation of coverings, wooden logs can be used.

Most often, they make it with their own hands. It can be done gradually and slowly. The most time-consuming and crucial stage in its implementation is the installation of suspended formwork and reinforcement. Pouring a concrete layer of 8 - 12 cm, in comparison with these painstaking workseems like a rest. Pour M200 concrete with their own hands, use any fittings.

For laying the floor on such a structure, it is advisable to lay wooden logs. For linoleum or tile flooring, logs do not need to be laid.

Thanks to the lags, you can make a perfectly flat floor in any room Modern technologies in construction, these are unique opportunities. For many, words such as bridging and polymers, tape flooring, GOST, pedestals, column connections, dimensions 100x200, or 150x50 do not say anything. But those who have already faced repairs know that we are talking, most likely, about a field on logs. Someone just wants to reinforce the floor, while someone needs to lay a new one, durable and beautiful. And very often the technology of flooring on logs is used.

Their advantages: what are lags

It should be said right away that laying the floor on the logs in many cases is simple perfect solution... Indeed, this method has many advantages. It is very important that the floor is warm.

Among the advantages of lag, it is worth noting reliability and low price.

It is also worth making the floors on the logs as:

  • Noise from downstairs neighbors will not penetrate you;
  • Installation can be completely done by hand;
  • The cost of flooring and work is quite acceptable;
  • Wires and pipes, not very attractive, but necessary, can be hidden under such a floor;
  • This is an eco-friendly floor.

When you work, the smell in the room will be very pleasant. For many, by the way, the smell of processed wood is a real antidepressant, which by itself raises your spirits and sets you up for work.

Lags are called beams that are needed as a support for a hard floor covering. Logs can be made of metal, polymers, reinforced concrete, but usually wooden logs are taken. Wood is easier to work with and cheaper.

Lags differ from beams in mobility and smaller dimensions. Beams after installation, if you give a figurative example, cannot be moved, but logs can. And it is much easier to mount them, and if repair is needed, it will be simple and quick.

Installation tools: installation of floors along logs in the house

For work you will need a hammer, level, screwdriver or drill, knife. The materials for the manufacture of such a floor are the following - pieces of chipboard or plywood, any insulation, self-tapping screws, corners or U-shaped fasteners.

All necessary tools for mounting lags can be purchased at any hardware store at an affordable price

To prepare the floor for installation, the entire floor area must be cleared. Check old screedif the concrete floor is already devoid of integrity, it needs to be patched up. Then debris and dust are removed, everything should be clean. Then you need to eliminate the defect in the subfloor. The floor should be primed. How many pros do not say about the need for a primer, there is some kind of careless attitude to this procedure. The primer is right, it must be absorbed and dry, and only then the flaws are filled.

Then, from the level, the maximum point of the surface in the room is calculated. You need to set a mark so that this is a guideline for subsequent work. And then the work develops according to two possible scenarios: to make a screed, bringing the surface to one level, or to expose the logs to the level with small plywood gaskets.

Step-by-step instructions: installing a lag for the floor with your own hands

It all starts with the fact that solid or connected bars are laid out across the width of the room. The first bar and the last will be located 20 cm from the wall. You need to calculate the step between the lags in advance.

  • It is necessary to deduce the floor level, from of this moment the quality of the topcoat will depend;
  • All the bars must be placed in one horizontal plane;
  • Lining of bars or plywood is used for lifting;
  • Install little, you need to fix the lags, for this, either self-tapping screws are used, or anchor bolts are installed;
  • The length of the interval of fastenings is 70-80 cm, you drill the timber, grabbing concrete foundation, tighten the screw.

To make the floor warm, insulating material should be placed between the logs

There is an option of installing a lag and on an adjustable fastener, turning it, you will achieve the desired result. By the way, if topcoat there will be not a wooden floor, but small-sized ceramic tiles, then the distance between the beams will be 30 cm. Only in this situation there are also transverse logs, and at the same distance. They need to be fixed at an equal level with the longitudinal bars (a corner is used). This reinforcement of the structure must be used, because the size of the tiles is small.

Modern floor logs: the size of the timber

The reliability of the structure depends not only on whether you use a board or metal elements, but also on whether the calculation is correct. First, the length and thickness of the bar are determined. Length is the length and width of the house. In this case, it is imperative to leave a gap, and the timber, accordingly, is selected 20-30 mm less.

Such ventilation gap necessary - it prevents deformation if changes in humidity and temperature occur.

The cross-section of the timber, its size is more difficult to calculate. The potential load on the floor is important here, as well as the size of the spans between the direct pivot points of the log data. There is a table that makes calculations easier. The larger the span, the thicker the timber will be. For example, the span size is 3m, which means that the section of the lag is 150 by 80 mm. The sectional shape is usually rectangular. The beam is installed on the edge so that the logs can withstand high pressure.

What is the distance between the floor lags

The step of the lag will depend on the thickness of the flooring. If you are using solid thick planks, the joists can be installed relatively rarely. Well, subtle and not special durable coating requires more lag.

The distance between the lags should be chosen depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and its structural features

Dependency can be seen with a couple of examples. For example, the thickness of the floor board is 30 mm, which means that the interval between the lags is half a meter. Or a thickness of 40 mm, therefore, the step between the lags is 700 mm.

A very precise calculation is not needed. It will be sufficient to take just the distance between our lags of the average value. And if at the end of the installation you saw that the distance is inaccurate, then make the step between these last lags less, and the structure will be strong.

Timber size: floor logs

The length of the timber should be approximately 3 cm less than the width and length of the room where the floor is laid. The length of the lag must necessarily be less than the length of the room in order to avoid deformation of the structure if temperature drops occur. It is good to make logs from solid materials, but sometimes the bar needs to be lengthened.

Two elements are spliced \u200b\u200baccording to the rules:

  • Under the splice should be support elementse.g. pillars;
  • If adjacent logs are spliced, then the splicing points are positioned relative to each other with an offset.

The connection must meet these conditions, otherwise there may be a threat of low floor rigidity in the very place where the timber is spliced. Adjacent logs are spliced \u200b\u200bwith an offset of a meter. This fact affects the size of the beams taken.

Algorithm: laying the floor on logs with your own hands

To lay wooden log needed from the corner of the room. Then, the first row is usually placed with a tongue and groove relative to the wall, and in this case, the gap between the wall and the log should be equal to 1 cm (to avoid deformation of the wood). Then a row of lags is laid offset relative to the first lag, by about several bars.

To firmly attach the boards to the base, you need to knock on the wood a little with a construction hammer. This is necessary for secure fastening. Boards are attached along the wall, fixed with screws. The screws can be on the surface, it doesn't matter, they will be covered by the baseboards.

Hint: how to strengthen sex lags

Everything here is individual, but some general rules there is. For example, if there are floor joists and a strapping on the same level bottom bar, then you can fasten them together with forged staples, or perforated corners will help. If the logs are located below the strapping bar, then a metal stand bracket is used.

Roughly speaking, the main objective reinforcement - rigid fixation of the lag of the floor and beams lower crown... In this case, when the flooring is reinforced, the floorboards will stop moving apart. Also, as an option, the floors can be rallied before the gaps are eliminated, and the gaps are simply covered with baseboards.