All well-known ways to glue a plasterboard to the wall. How to glue drywall on the wall - home master all over the shoulder! How to glue drywall to an uneven concrete wall

Plasterboard has long been a worthy alternative plaster and other finishing materials for alignment of walls. With him minimize dirty work and the repair goes much less time.

Mounting plasterboard sheets to the wall is necessary for a special profile by mounting or simply glued to glue. The second option is simpler and rapid, so at home, most often resorted to it.

What glue glitter to the wall

Consider popular types of glitters for gluing drywall.

  1. Perflix is \u200b\u200ba simple and inexpensive option for plasterboard glue for use at home. Suitable for those who are interested how to glue drywall to a brick wall.
  2. Fugenfuller is a putty glue version. Requires manual kneading, apply a thin layer.
  3. Cerezite cm 11 and mixtures with similar properties. Designed for ceramic tiles, but well suited for drywall.
  4. Silicone glue - well fastens plasterboard with mirror surfaces and ceramic tiles.
  5. Glue for plasterboard mounting - it is recommended to use those who do not know how to glue drywall to concrete wall. It has simplicity and ease of use, affordable.
  6. Knauf Fugawood is ideal for sticking of drywall on smooth walls. Polymer additives are made of plastic mixture, so the putty can be applied with a thin layer.

What walls should be to glue drywall

The use of glue, regardless of the materials used, always requires detailed surface preparation work.

First of all, the walls should be cleaned of wallpaper remnants, old paint, plaster and other finishing materials up to a concrete or brick basis. It is necessary so that the plasterboard holds reliably.

Golden walls require purification from dust and primer, it will help increase the adhesion of materials, ensure adhesion of glue and drywall.

Smooth walls - half of success. But, unfortunately, in modern homes they are rarely, and therefore additional work is required.

If the coatings are smooth, the task is greatly simplified, the fact that the consumption of materials is reduced.
To smooth, you can attribute walls with differentials not more than 5 mm. In this case, you can do with putty.

If your surfaces in the room are uneven, it is necessary to use gypsum adhesive KNAUF-PERLFIX. Even with irregularities in more than 20 mm, the plasterboard will hold.

Instructions - glue Gypsum Carton Step

Pogging order if the walls are smooth

  1. Prepare the surface - remove contamination, dust.
  2. Cut sheets of plasterboard, handling the gap from the floor of 10-15 mm for a heat shut-down seam, which will be embellished in a sealant in the future. You also need to consider places for outlets and cut holes for them.
  3. To avoid errors when working with complex areas, including in the places of folds, marking and cutting sheets for them are performed after gluing the previous sheets.
  4. Sheets are placed face down along the wall. Toothpin is applied with strips along the perimeter and in the center. With the thickness of the sheets up to 12.5 mm, one strip will be enough along the sheet, with a thickness of 9.5 mm, two bands are applied. In places with an increased load, it is recommended to apply glue with a solid area.
  5. After applying the composition, the sheets are raised, put on the lining and glued to the wall. Small plasterboard sheets are suitable as lining, which then need to be removed. So that the sheets lay on the wall smoothly use a long level.

If the walls are uneven

In this case, the order of gluing will depend on the degree of curvature of the walls. Powing can be performed in two ways.

With deflection in planes, no more than 2 centimeters, KNAUF-PERLFIX gypsum adhesive is used to work. It is applied by a trowel in small areas, in the center and around the perimeter of plasterboard. Then sheets on the previous scheme put on lining and glued to the wall.

If deviations exceed 20 mm, the drywall bands are first cut down 10 cm wide, then fasten them with glue to the wall with an interval of 350 mm. Such linings will hold the main sheets and therefore should be located in the center and around the perimeter. Glue sheets to the base more convenient for putty fugen.

In panel houses often encounter walls with even greater irregularities. But in this case there are no reasons to abandon drywall. This situation will require a framework in which the wires will be hidden and the wires are fixed.

  • From a solid sheet, it is necessary to cut 10 cm wide strips that will perform the role of the basis.
  • These strips are attached to the wall at a distance of 50 cm from each other using a level.
  • The amount of glue applied depends on the size of irregularities - than they are more, the thicker should be a layer of glue.
  • When the base is completely stick, you can mount the main sheets of plasterboard on glue or liquid nails.

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Glue consumption

The consumption of adhesive composition will depend on the glue itself. So, for the mounting mixture of Perlifix, this indicator will be 5 kg per 1 sq.m. Excluded a small reserve for possible losses during operation.

For each composition, the manufacturer indicates the packaging recommended consumption norms, so they can be safely navigated.

On average, it is 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 sq.m. It is important to take into account the speed of drying the adhesive, it should be enough for the entire period from applying to the full blowing.

In order to reduce the cost of glue, it is necessary:

  • apply the composition on a dry surface at a wall temperature not lower than -5c,
  • from the walls to remove all pollution, rinse them,
  • seal the protrusions and cracks,
  • the base should be carefully primed.

Thus, the fastening of plasterboard on the glue allows you to quickly and cheap the room, make repairs at the cottage or in the apartment.

Plasterboard has recently been one of the most sought-after materials for repair work in apartments. Large areas, smooth and smooth surfaces of sheets allow for a short time to eliminate the curvature of the walls, prepare the room to subsequent finish. In addition, if the GLCs are attached to the frame design, then it is possible to further insulate the ceiling.

But the creation of a frame is possible not in all cases, since such a design will significantly "steal" the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Therefore, for the hosts of urban apartments, planning repair, more often, information about how to mount drywall to the wall without profiles is becoming more useful, so that the loss of space in and without that close conditions has been minimal.

There are several methods for such fastening of plasterboard. But for any of them, the wall requires a certain preparation.

Preparatory work

Any work begins with the preparation of a set of necessary tools and the acquisition of the necessary materials.

Materials and tools

BUT. From the tools you will need:

  • Knife for cutting drywall.
  • Construction level, plumb, markup cord, roulette, long line or rule, pencil or marker - for pre-markings and maintaining continuous control over the vertical surface during the installation of sheets.
  • Rubber and ordinary hammer.
  • Spatula or trowel
  • Capacity for kneading glue.
  • Screwdriver, electric drill with a nozzle mixer.
  • Roller on a long handle and a soft brush.
  • Shut-off

B. Materials for work:

  • Sheets of plasterboard. Depending on the room, ordinary - GLCs, moisture-resistant GCCV can be used, and if the wall is separated near the furnace or fireplace, fire resistant - GKLO will be required. The number of sheets are calculated by taking into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the room with a deduction of the area of \u200b\u200bwindow and doorways, and making the reserve by about 15%.

The number of plasterboard sheets will help to accurately and accurately calculate the calculator located below.

Many are used to that the mounting of drywall on a brick or concrete wall occurs with the help of a special framework. Such a finish has one significant drawback if comparing it with sticking. This cladding takes the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. It is especially noticeable in small-sized apartments.

To solve the problem of reducing the size of the rooms, the question arose: "How to glue the plasterboard to the wall?" Today you will learn in detail the whole process from A to Z and become an expert in this topic.

What is this article

Comparison of adhesive and framework

As you already understood, there are two types of installation of plasterboard on the walls:

  1. using a metal frame (sometimes used wooden);
  2. frameless method - glue.

Each of them has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Unambiguously, the benefits of framework methods can be attributed:

  • reliability;
  • high quality design.

The flaws of the framework method are as follows:

  • high cost due to profiles;
  • mounting complexity;
  • this method, as already mentioned, steals the useful space room.

Advantages of plasterboard mounting glue:

  • installation directly on the wall;
  • less labor-intensive installation process;
  • can be installed in high humidity places;
  • does not reduce the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

The shortcomings are a bit, but they are:

  • the wall must be aligned;
  • the glue layer can collapse due to dampness.

So, you decided to glue the plasterboard to the wall, and not mount it on the frame. To do this, you will need to study several ways. Laying sheets depends on the surfaces on which the plasterboard is glued.

Montage for smooth walls

Installation of plasterboard on glue in the first case is carried out on relatively smooth walls. Such is considered to be the surfaces in which the deviation relative to the vertical is no more than 5 mm. These are mostly walls of concrete and foam block. Such walls are often found in monolithic new buildings, it is even difficult to notice on the eye of irregularities.

Thus, the glue layer will be subtle, which means it will not make the wiring under the sheets. Therefore, it should be carried out before glue gyro.

On the walls make marking under the line of electrical wiring. After a perforator or other instrument, the shoes are done. Next, the wires are placed in them, and every 50 cm is fixed by clamps. Also, it is necessary to cut down holes in advance so that you do not have to make an excess hole in the sheet. To do this, use a diamond crown.

Try to think over the wiring so that the stroke should be done as little as possible. This is a very time-consuming and dirty process.

The next step is the primer. There are several options for the development of the situation. If concrete is untreated, then an ordinary primer will fit. If it is painted, you will have to purchase a special or remove the paint layer and primed usual.

You can conjure with the removal of old paint or quickly cope with this business, but significantly alleviate your wallet. You decide. But if they decided to buy a special primer, then in the title there should be "Betankontact" or "concrete-contact". The inscription means that putting plasterboard to concrete on glue, it will keep a very long time. You do not have to think, and whether he will not disappear.

Installation sequence:

  1. To begin with, it will take to clean the walls from dust and dirt after mounting the wiring. Now you can proceed to the basic actions.
  2. The stirring of the adhesive solution. Carefully learn the instructions on the package. There are grades of glue, which are quite quickly grapped. Therefore, you should know exactly how much glue you need. Otherwise, the solution simply dries off until you glit a plasterboard on the wall.
  3. Marking and hardening holes for sockets. You have already missed the solution. Now on the sheet you need to mark up the outlet and cut the corresponding forms. Make sure that the markup on the sheet coincides with that, then on the concrete wall.
  4. Applying glue. Take a toothed spatula in the hands and apply the solution over the entire surface.
  5. Installation of linings. To competently perform glittering of drywall to the wall, you need to cut lining. They can be made of hypina or wood. They are located parallel to the wall. They are put on a cashed sheet. Wires are trained in the cut holes, and after it is aligned. This uses a rule.
  6. Glue drywall. We raise and glue Glk. In places where he discovers, pressure stronger. Vertical is checking the level.

Installation on walls with minor irregularities

How to glue drywall on a wall that has irregularities? In fact, you perform everything too, but you will need another glue and thicker layer. Preparation consists of items already known to you:

  1. stroke the wall under wiring;
  2. drilling for socket or switches;
  3. surface primer.

To glue drywall, you will need to apply adhesive parts (piles). Use trowel or non-firing spatula. On the entire perimeter, lay out the bugs, observing the distance between them at 20-25 cm. In the middle, lay out two more rows in the middle, the distance between which is 40-50 cm, and between the heaps in them - 30-35 cm.

It's important to know! The thickness of the attached layer of glue should be 5-30 mm.

Now put the sheet on the lining, align it with the rule. When everything is ready - it's time to glue drywall. Attach it to the wall, check the level, and then attach the rule and tapping to align.

You can apply glue solution immediately on the walls. How to glue drywall during uneven surfaces to solve you. But practice shows that it is better to apply a bunch of glue to the leaf itself.

Installation on a very curve wall

It is time to find out how to properly glitzockarton, if the walls are completely uneven.

To do this, first have to work with the GLC itself. It is necessary to cut it with strips of 10 cm. After put on the gloves and glue drywall throughout the perimeter and vertically, with a distance between the strips of about 50 cm. So you will get a frame. Wiring can be hidden under it. But be sure to fix it.

How to glue drywall, you already know. But do not forget to align it vertically. In order for the construction to be the most accurate as possible to put a very slightly glue to places, and in some places - a handful of 2-3 cm.

Here in principle, and all that concerns how to glue a plasterboard on the wall. It remains to answer questions that often arise.

When gluing drywall to the ceiling, remember that it should be durable, not wood, does not freeze, there is no condensate on it, it does not paint the oily oil paint and it is dry. If these conditions are followed, we can safely glue the plasterboard on the ceiling. The process is the same as the walls. But sticking of drywall on the walls is characterized by the fact that the ceiling lists glue in a checker order so that there are no joints in the form of a cross.

The sticker of plasterboard on the wall can be replaced by GVL - a gypsumless sheet. It is also used as an outdoor coating. It differs from the GLC in the fact that it is capable of adjusting the level of moisture indoors. With high humidity, it is able to absorb moisture, and with insufficient - can allocate it. This material is quite plastic, but it does not crumble and very strong. If you drive into the GWL nail, it will keep it like a tree.

What glue to use?

The selection of the substance depends on the surface on which the plasterboard should be glued. Perfliches - unique drywall glue, since it is suitable for all cases. For ceramic tiles, Ceresite cm 11 is well suited. For it, silicone can use the same mirror surfaces. Liquid nails and mounting foam are also used for brick and concrete walls. Both materials will keep better than glue. But in the first case it will cost more, and in the second it will take a lot of time and patience, because the sheets need to be pressed every 15 minutes within 1 hour. What material to use depends on you and your goals.

October 22, 2016
Specialization: Master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing work and laying flooring. Installation of door and window blocks, finishing of facades, installation of electricians, plumbing and heating - for all types of work I can give detailed consultation.

Today I will tell you how to glue drywall. This installation option is very different from traditional technology with a frame, but if you figure it out in the process and you will comply with all the recommendations, you can get smooth walls without drilling and setting the design. For many, it is the framework for many that is the most difficult element in work, but if you use the adhesive method, you can cope with the work much faster and easier.

Options for work

The lining of the walls with plasterboard on glue is good because you will not coagulate the neighbors to the punching of the perforator, and you do not have to check the frame plane for a long time. For inexperienced developers, this is the easiest option, the wall is closed entirely from the floor to the ceiling and the work is moving quickly.

Preparatory stage

To begin with, we will understand what you will need, especially since the list of basic materials and tools are the same for all versions of the work, only their number changes. As for the materials, we need the following:

Materials Description
Plasterboard We will use a wall variant with a thickness of 12 mm, apply ceiling sheets should not be due to their low strength. Naturally, there will be moisture-proof material for premises with high humidity, it has a green color.

As for the height of the sheets, most often there are options for 2.5 and 3 meters, you need to choose the height of the ceilings so that the surface is closed by one sheet

Glue composition There may be many options, I myself used at least a dozen, but I would recommend you one that is on sale almost everywhere and is distinguished by quality and reliability.

It is "Knauf Perflix", it is most often for sale in bags weighing 30 kg, its price is about 300 rubles per pack. Naturally, consumption is entirely dependent on the state of the walls.

Primer With this composition, the foundation is strengthened, because for the best quality of installation, we need to achieve maximum adhesion of glue. Two variants of primers are used, and below I will tell, where and what kind of best to apply and how to do it right

Sometimes it is necessary to level the base with the help of a cement solution or close the slots in it by mounting foam. We will not consider these job options, as we mean that you have a more or less ready-made surface that can be separated.

It is impossible to do without a certain set of tool, its list is not so extensive as in the case of a framework device:

  • Since the adhesive composition is collapsed for 30 minutes, it is necessary to prepare it often and in small portions. That is why it is better to have a drill with a nozzle-mixer at hand, otherwise you will not be tired very quickly from the main work, but from kneading glue, and this time takes out decently;

  • The composition is best stirred in a convenient container with low sidelights, its volume must be at least 10 liters;
  • It is very important to have a long level or rule at hand or the rule, because we will constantly check the plane of large sheets and without it we just do not do. This is the easiest tool, if you wish, you can use laser devices that are so loved by pro;
  • Application of glue can be carried out with a gear or conventional spatula, a cylma, a small spatula. You need to choose what you most convenient for one or another situation.

Technology №1 - for smooth walls

If you have almost perfectly smooth walls, which happens on concrete or plastered surfaces, then glitters of drywall to them will be made according to the following scheme:

  • Since we will mount the sheets close to the wall surface, you need to put all the wires in advance. So that they do not create noise, the surfaces of the desired size are made on the surface, in which the cable is fixed, after laying the wires you can smear it with cement mortar. In the required places, the wires are displayed and holes for sockets and switches are made, special crowns of the desired diameter are used to work;
  • The surface is cleaned from dust, after which it is necessary to apply a primer composition, if you have an ordinary plastered or concrete wall, then it is best to use the firing composition. Sometimes there are situations where the surface is painted oil or other and the glue composition will not stick to it. In this case, a special adhesion composition with a quartz filler is used, after such treatment, the glue will be kept perfectly;

  • Before gluing the element to the surface, it must be prepared. If necessary, cut part of the sheet at the desired height, and the holes for the sockets and switches are cut. The work is made using simple crowns that cost a penny and can be installed even on a screwdriver, the plasterboard material is not solid, so much power is not needed;

  • As noted above, the adhesive composition is frozen very quickly, so it is necessary to prepare it for 1-2 sheets, especially at the beginning, when you have not bent my hand and did not enter the rhythm. The composition is applied to the surface with a toothed spatula with a tooth size of 8-10 mm, this will ensure good gluing and economical consumption of the mixture. Surplus are cleaned, they can interfere with the alignment of the element;

  • The sheet is put on the front side down at the place of its installation. In general, you can immediately put it in place and apply glue there, it will even simplify the workflow. Naturally, under the material you need to put the boards so that it is not damaged about the floor and did not dirty;
  • Before glueing plasterboard on the wall, it is necessary to gently lift it and stretch the wires into the holes, if you forget about it, you will have to either dy up a sheet or cut it;
  • The plasterboard sticker is performed very simply: the first sheet is neatly pressed against the wall, you do not need to press much. After that, with the help of the rules, places are determined in which the material is worth pressing, it can be done, just tapping with your hand (usually I correct the majority of flaws) or applying the board and hitting it with a queen or something else. You do not need to be very zealous, it is better to swell again than to overdo it.

Behind the level in no case can not, so you will quickly bring the tool in order to align the walls. This is a very accurate tool and use it for alignment - not the best idea.

Technology # 2 - for moderately uneven walls

If you have a level of level on the wall constitute a pair of centimeters, the previous version of the work is not suitable. We will understand how to mount drywall on glue to the wall in another way, it has a lot in common with the option described above, but there are a number of differences. The instructions for carrying out work with their own hands consists of such actions:

  • Preparation of the base, its primer and the cable laying is made in the same way as in the case described above. The same applies to the preparation of sheets, so these items we will lower and immediately proceed to the consideration of the workflow;
  • Before starting work, you need to prepare an adhesive mixture, in this case its consumption will be much higher, since the application will be made not to the toothed spatula, but by dots or piles on the surface. With their help, you can compensate for irregularities and at the same time firmly consolidate the material;
  • The sheet is placed on the lining at the place of gluing (the work is usually starts from the most protruding section of the wall), after which glue is applied to it. Points are made throughout the perimeter and are located in a step of 25 cm, in the middle of the sheet - is put every 40 centimeters, there should be no big voids, as it will negatively affect the reliability of the attachment;

  • The glitter of plasterboard begins with the stretching of the wires when it is presented and the easy clips of the element to the surface, it should simply catch the wall. It is best to carry out work together for one person to constantly hold the sheet and helped press if necessary, it is easier and faster;
  • Before sticking the plasterboard thoroughly, it is necessary to carefully check the plane in all directions, after which it is necessary to determine in which places it is necessary to press the material. After the initial alignment, another check is made, if necessary, individual sections are boosted and so on until the result is completely satisfied. If you do not finish work, then the following sheets will be even more difficult, remember this.

Here you need to consider another option when plasterboard is glued to the walls of aerated concrete or foam concrete. In this case, we glue GlCl on the contrary, the composition is not on the sheet, but on the wall, it provides more reliable fixation of the material. From myself I will note that this option is less convenient and requires greater accuracy when installing a sheet, it can be very easy to skewly.

Technology # 3 - for walls with large irregularities

One of the common questions is whether it is possible to glue drywall on the surface with large drops without solid shockting. Everything is quite realized, but the technology will noticeably differ from the above options, the process looks like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove all pieces of plaster from the surface, which keep bad. That is, there should be no elements on the surface that can fall off later;
  • Progressing also relates to the obligatory stages, the composition allows strengthened loose areas and reduce the surface absorption, thereby improving adhesion of glue. It is necessary to put the primer so that it gets everywhere, so it is better to use a brush-scroll on uneven grounds, and not a roller, it better distributes the solution;

  • Next, it is necessary to prepare beacons, a strip of 100 mm wide is cut from drywall, which we will use them to create a smooth base. The number of elements depends on the facing area, the elements are located around the wall perimeter, and also vertically every 40-60 cm, based on this and calculations are made;

  • Next, it is necessary to set lighthouses, for this, first placed the surface around the perimeter so that you see, for which line it is elements. They are also fixed using glue whose layer is adjustable depending on the drops of the wall level. I recommend first to stick elements around the perimeter and wait for their drying, especially since it takes only half an hour;
  • Then you need to stick the vertical racks, they are set by level, it is important to control the position of both each element individually and the surfaces in general. Check whole sections of the wall and adjust the position of the guides until the adhesive composition has yet time to frozen;

  • When the glue on the design freezes, you can proceed to gluing the main material. For this, the adhesive composition is applied with lines by the width of the guides, after which the element is gently lifted and pressed against the surface. If you threw well, at this stage, the plasterboard will not be much difficult to set any work, as a result, the structure is as in the picture below;

  • The work is made until all surfaces are lined. Further finish is no different from the usual option, the main thing is to dry the glue composition.

Sometimes, the lighthouses are made to save the drywall, and in the form of points, in this case the easiest to put the most upper elements at the beginning and hang it off with a plumb to control the vertical. How to glue the sheets in such a situation? It's simple: the composition is not applied to the sheet, but on the resulting sites, so you do not have to break your head, how to place the glue where you need.

In the installation method, in which the sheet of plasterboard is attached to the vertical surface on glue, there are a number of indisputable advantages. It allows you to simultaneously glue the material and level the walls, protect the coatings on the reverse side of the effects of aggressive media and the harmful effect of microorganisms, due to the ease of installation technology, the budget and personal time.

The installation of plasterboard on the glue saves the space in the room, which in the case of the installation of the frame would be 5-6 cm less on the part of each wall. To install high quality, it will be necessary:

  • decide on the selection of glue;
  • prepare the surface;
  • observe installation instructions.
Glkl sheet gluing process

To install a leaf of drywall on the wall with adhesive way, use the products of two proven manufacturers: Knauf (Pearlfix, Germany) or a Volga (Montage Series, Russia). The use of a domestic brand is prefeed for the following reasons:

  • the cost below;
  • the consumption of a mixture on the application of a layer with a thickness of 1 mm and an area of \u200b\u200b1 m² on the sickle is only 2-3 kg, in comparison with 5 kg of brand KNAUF;
  • the period of complete drying in the glue of the wave is 24 hours, the KNAUF mixture reaches 7 days;
  • strong grip with a surface due to the content of plaster fibers;
  • the mixing time of the mixture on a flat surface is 1 hour, at the pellfix this threshold occurs 30 minutes after kneading, if we apply a mixture on a sickle tape, the grasp period is and less (40 and 15 minutes, respectively);
  • easily takes the shape of irregularities, after the frozen is not amenable to shrinkage.

To make installation with your own hands, it is preferable to use the glue of the wave. For the beginner is convenient and the form of packing material - 5, 15 and 30 kg. This makes it easy to make the calculation of the material, save on costs, to determine in advance for yourself the scope of work and have a certain period of time before the mixture will be able to grab. The adhesive mixture of KNAUF is designed for a professional approach. Form packing - 30 kg.

To glue a sheet of drywall to the wall with a mixture of Knauf, professional skills will be required to work with a rapid pace. Form Packing Perlfix - 30 kg. The optimal temperature for acquiring the mass of its properties is +5 degrees in normal humidity.

VOLMA glue packing form

Surface preparation

Before you begin to glue the leaf of the hypoparton on the glue of the grade, the surface is prepared under it. To do this, with the help of a level or stretched cord, a range of measurements that reveal irregularities at the base of the walls are produced. If deviations do not exceed 2 cm, go to the following steps:

  • clean the walls from the old finish (wallpaper, paints, plaster), dust and other contaminants;
  • the surface is covered with two layers of primer, increasing the level of adhesion of the material, from which vertical overlaps (brick, concrete, wood) with glue are made;
  • if curvature deviations make up a slightly more than 2 cm on the wall apply a layer of plaster, it will allow smooth out the irregularities, which are then filled with glue;
  • the calculation of the plasterboard sheets is calculated so that they do not touch the floor after installation at a distance of 10-15 mm (this space is required for climate adaptation of the material);

On the draft wall you can install a crate or glue a sickle tape, which will allow even stronger to clutch glue with the wall.

Applying plaster over the sickle

Montage with adhesive method

As the tools to glue a sheet of GLC with their own hands, you will need:

  • bucket or pelvis for kneading;
  • drill or mixer;
  • building level;
  • trowel and spatula for applying glue;
  • hammer with a wide board.

Installation stages:

  • dilute glue in a bucket with water in the proportions indicated on the packaging of the wave;
  • the mass calculation of the mixture is made depending on the volume of work performed and from the curvature of the walls, on average it is equal to 10-12 liters, so as not to have time to grab;
  • apply an adhesive mixture on the wall or a sheet of drywall, evenly distributed over the surface with small dots in a checker order with a step of 40 cm or a width of 15 cm wide. Such application will allow you to adjust the location of the GLC relative to the vertical and horizontal plane;
  • it is recommended to glue the gypsum cloth from the corner of the room, for this it is gently pressed against the wall and align;
  • if the level shows that the sheet lay unevenly, with the help of the tapping hammer on a wooden board, it is evenly distributed by the adhesive applied on the reverse side, reducing the formed emptiness.

The distribution of glue on the surface of the leaf of GCL and its proper consistency

After the end of the edge of the joints between the sheets of drywall is glued with a sickle tape for additional reinforcement of seams. The gaps between the joints are filled with a glue of the wave or a special putty. Each seam is carefully treated so that there is no moisture in the subsequent junctions and did not destroy the structure of the gypsum plates.

After drying, the mass is treated with a cloudy emery to remove the extra glue, once again apply primer and, after drying it, the surface of the drywall is put off. All stages of the installation of GLC adhesive way are shown in the video below.

On a note

Remember, if the irregularity indicators reaches 10 cm - glittering plasterboard per mixture of the waist is not allowed, because the final result will not be high-quality: the sheet will not be able to close the surface tightly, the clutch strength will break. And glue consumption will be unreasonably large.

Correct measurement of wall measurements Before sticking Glk - the basis of high-quality installation

In such cases, it is recommended to produce a standard installation of a metal or wooden frame. This method of installation will allow you to additionally insulate the walls of plasterboard, hide cables and pipes. When using an adhesive method, such work is not possible or great efforts are required for drilling special strokes for electrical wiring.

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