How to make a smart home with your own hands arduino, knx. Smart home system For whom is Smart Home suitable

04/13/2010, Tue, 18:04, Moscow time

V modern buildings dozens engineering systems, which are integrated into "smart" complexes. But the majority of Russians still live in ordinary houses, the "intellect" of which is hardly an urgent need, but rather seems to be a toy. What could be interesting about building automation for such consumers? What can she give, for example, in an ordinary apartment, and not in a country mansion or "cool" office building?

Almost everyone is interested in safety, comfort and efficiency. permanent place residence. This is important in any apartment, although they can be very different - from economy to elite class. This and different areas, and cost. This means that the requirements for the automation of objects will differ significantly. Although the cost of complex automation projects is still subjectively high, it is worth remembering how much the first conventional PCs cost or Cell Phones and look at these "miracles" of technology now. Prices have decreased tenfold.

It is important to understand that even in our high-tech age, equipment cannot be cheap without mass production. In addition, let's not forget that the main thing in building automation is services for users. Below are four examples of such services.

Switch - "turn off all"

This function can be considered mandatory. business card home automation. It allows, for example, leaving an apartment (house), to turn off all unnecessary electricity consumers after that: lamps, electrical outlets, ventilation, etc. In addition to saving electricity, this can significantly increase fire safety dwellings.

Where to install a button with this function? Where it is convenient for residents. There may be several such buttons. For example, by installing a button at the head of the bed, you can safely "turn off everything" at night.

Of course, you should not unplug the outlet with the refrigerator on. It is also impractical to turn off electronic audio or video equipment with programmable timers, which may lose their settings when the power is turned off. It should only be noted that in modern circuit breakers for such a function, any key or button can be selected, while the rest can be used for the usual functions of controlling lighting, curtains, etc. Note that you can program this function for any button when required - of course, if the apartment already has an automation system. True, for this you will have to call the master. And with some complication of automation, you can control such a function remotely, for example, from a PDA, via the Internet, i.e., as marketers like to say, from anywhere the globe... And the best thing is to provide for this function from the very beginning of construction.

Leakage protection

One can only envy those who did not survive the flood, when you have to throw everything and try to quickly turn off the water, then collect it in a basin or bucket, dry everything for a long time, change the parquet floor and negotiate with the neighbors living below about "voluntary" compensation for damage. Now there are ways to successfully prevent the consequences of such emergencies. As a rule, the simplest apartment system for preventing leaks consists of water-sensitive sensors, a controller (control unit) and two solenoid valves or motorized ball valves to shut off the water supply. The sensors are installed in places of the most probable and rapid accumulation of water in the event of a leak, and the valves are mounted at the outlets to the apartment from the risers - to cold and hot water.

The principle of operation of the system is simple: when water enters the sensor, the valves are automatically closed, and further water flow is stopped. At the same time, an alarm sounds. There are sensors of various types, including wireless (radio). However, they do not know how to determine which water should be shut off - cold or hot, so usually everything is shut off. The emergency signal can be sent not only directly from the accident site, but also to the central panel. Or even anywhere - if it is a signal via SMS. You will still have to remove the water manually and only after eliminating the causes of the accident, turn on its supply (open the valves). This is usually done with a dedicated button.

When water enters the sensor, the valves are automatically closed, and further water flow is stopped

Of course, the valves can also be connected to the "turn off everything" button, then, for example, when you leave for several summer cottages, you can protect the apartment not only from fire, but also from a possible flood.

There are a few Russian manufacturers who successfully promote such systems. But they are not in every "smart" home. The approximate minimum cost of a set is 8000-10000 rubles. At the same time, the cost of "pure" automation in the form of a controller is 1500-2000 rubles. about 20%. The rest falls on gauges and taps.

Calling the elevator from the apartment

Probably, everyone at least once in their life had to hurry up and literally save every second before leaving the apartment, and then get nervous at staircase waiting for the arrival of the called elevator. So far, this is happening even in the most super-elite and modern houses... Calling the elevator directly from the apartment saves time spent waiting for it.

Plant watering system

Imagine that on every windowsill where they grow houseplants, there is an automatic and compact irrigation system. From the common reservoir to the ground in the pots, there are thin tubes that have moisture sensors at the ends. General principle simple and straightforward. The earth has become dry - the required amount of water is fed into the pot, then there is a pause of 2-3 days, then watering again, if required. There may be a simpler option - watering on a weekly schedule. Experts will be able to calculate and install the required water capacity, which needs to be refilled once a week or two.

In addition to increasing the level of comfort, this saves time and hassle. As a rule, a woman who is already tired of the endless chores around the house. And just fill the containers with water - this can be entrusted to both husband and son.

Manufacturers do not offer such devices in a complex yet. Integrators, of course, can and are ready to assemble such devices, but even at exhibitions so far they do not demonstrate anything like this.

Vladimir Pasekov

  • Smart House ,
  • Internet of Things,
  • What is a smart home?

    “Tiny robotic mice poured out of holes in the wall. All the rooms were teeming with small, bustling metal and rubber cleaners. They knocked on chairs, twisted their bristly rollers, ruffled the carpet pile, quietly sucking out hidden dust particles. Then they disappeared, like unknown aliens, darted into their hiding places. Their pink electric eyes went out. The house was clean. "

    Familiar lines? This is an excerpt from the translation of the story "There Will Be a Gentle Rain" by the American science fiction writer R. Bradbury half a century ago, in which an empty automated house monitors the cleanliness and maintains the house schedule set by the owners.

    In the 1950s, such "smart" houses could only be dreamed of or read in popular science magazines and books. Conceptual developments of a comfortable automatic dwelling, if there were, were called differently. The term “smart home” (smart home) was still about 20 years away from the public appearance.

    Motion sensors, warm floors, air conditioners, ventilation systems and heating boilers worked properly, but independently, not knowing about the existence of each other. Needless to say, a person had to take care of the comfort of his home himself. If the window was opened and the air conditioner was turned on, then the temperature and humidity had to be adjusted manually, comparing the readings of the outdoor thermometer with the room thermometer.

    Smart home ... Technology?

    The mass society of the middle - the second half of the 20th century was also well aware of the fact that a house can be smart, as the engineers-developers of black-and-white TVs knew, that they would subsequently release color models. Meanwhile, without publicly available technologies and open standards, there was no question of at least some massive and inexpensive "smart home".

    For comparison, the smart home of American billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, designed and built in the late 1980s, cost the famous entrepreneur a fabulous $ 63 million.

    In 1975, the confusion over data transmission standards for home systems began to fade away. The X10 protocol, the first open industry standard for data transmission in home automation systems, was presented to the public. It was a communication protocol for electronic devices operating at 60 Hz and 110 V in a typical household electrical network... This somewhat limited the market of countries in which it was possible to use compatible devices. In the Soviet Union, they certainly would not have earned.

    The future owner of a home automation system according to the X10 standard only had to purchase the necessary modules, insert them into sockets and connect household electrical appliances to the home network through them in order to freely control them. Of course, at that time, the implementation of work modules remote control over modem or high-speed control centers with programmable scripts could not happen.

    Only in 1978 did the first modules according to the X10 standard appear on the market: a 16-channel command console, a module for controlling a lamp, a module for controlling an electrical appliance. Subsequently, switch modules and a timer module appeared. In theory, 1978 is considered by many historians to be the starting point in the history of home automation and smart homes. At the same time, the goal of the first home automation systems was precisely automation, and not creating scripts for managing engineering communications and utilities residential building.

    Smart house

    In the early 1990s, the first commercially successful solutions and the young market for home automation systems flooded with numerous companies offering various standard solutions, which is called "turnkey". This surge was caused by the emergence of a new international standard for electronic systems in 1992, which regulated the release of equipment for "smart homes", which made it possible to produce systems and individual products by virtually any commercial company or firm.

    The new systems moved away from the simple automation of light or household appliances and offered scenarios, for example, the "sleep" scenario, when the power of household lamps was reduced, electrical appliances were turned off, except for the most important ones, for example, the refrigerator, and an air conditioner was turned on in the bedroom, which lowered the temperature to a comfortable level.

    The "guard" scenario was triggered when the owner left the house, and home appliances coupled with lighting devices, she began to simulate the usual daily routine of residents, showing potential thieves and criminals that the house is not empty. In the event of illegal entry, an alarm was triggered, which could not only notify the district with a strong sound signal about the fact of burglary, but also include everything Appliances and lighting, scare off a potential criminal.

    By the end of the 1990s, the market situation had improved as buyers have the opportunity to choose between products various firms and different price categories.

    So at what point did home automation systems come to be called "smart homes"?

    In fact, the term “smart home”, which is so familiar to our compatriots, is a kind of hodgepodge of meanings from the English-speaking world. In the Western sense, there are several definitions of a smart home, depending on the format, scale and purpose of use: home automatization, smart home and smart house. Each of them designates a strictly defined market sector.

    Accordingly, home automatization is home automation systems; smart home - smart homes; smart house - smart buildings. In Russian, "smart home" has absorbed all of the above concepts and added new ones. For example, multi-room systems (multimedia control and home theater, music center), which in the West do not belong strictly to a modern home smart home and often represent ready-made solutions commensurate in complexity and cost with smart homes.

    Turnkey smart home

    “Smart houses” for Russians are, first of all, compact home solutions that allow automating routine processes in the house: turning the light on and off; check the condition of electrical appliances, such as an iron, or a refrigerator; install a video nanny to keep track of a small child; adjust the operation of climate control systems (warm floors, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, etc.); do all this remotely, preferably from a mobile device, not from home, but from work, on the road, or in another city, or even abroad.

    Today there is no need to think about how to make a smart home? Now ready-made solutions this level is present on the market in sufficient quantities. This state of affairs was caused by the technical boom of the 1990s - early 2000s in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, mainly in China, Vietnam, Malaysia, which were able to provide mass production of relatively cheap to manufacture and available in the retail market as microcontrollers. and individual solutions for automation systems, smart homes.

    Smart home system

    In the world, most commercial and residential real estate objects are equipped with automation systems or smart home systems, while in Russia this process is still in its infancy. It is already clear that automation of the management of an entire building provides many advantages, for example, it reduces the costs of service personnel, increases the level of comfort for guests, optimizes energy consumption, water and gas supply, and reduces environmental damage. Add tags

    Automation of engineering systems in the house or how I taught the House to mind

    It all started in 2012, when I suddenly decided that it was enough to live in an apartment - it was time to move into the house.
    I will omit the details, but after 6 ms I entered new house... During this time, read the forums on how to properly carry out certain engineering Communication there was no time and did everything rather by intuition (having some education in the field of radio electronics behind him).

    By the time when the realization began to come to me that it would not be bad to automate a number of subsystems in the house, I already had:

    2 boilers Baxi Slim 1300in / Baxi Slim 1620 in. Single-circuit boilers.
    Boiler indirect heating Baxi Premier Plus 300 for 300 liters.
    Heating circuit with radiators. Each radiator has mechanical (bimetallic) thermal heads for local temperature control.
    Underfloor heating heating circuit
    The lighting in the house is 90% LED. Signal wires are not routed to switches, and the number of circuit breakers less than rooms in the house.
    Automatic sectional doors in the garage (in the house)
    Two more automatic gates to be installed in the near future
    Remembering the previous problems with connecting computers in the apartment, I laid 2000m UTP Cat5 (more than 50 ports in total).
    and much more ...

    It all started with the need to properly organize the heating of hot water in the boiler.
    For baxi, it is possible to purchase weather automation, which, among other things, has the ability to work with indirect heating boilers.
    Having studied the capabilities of automation and understanding how and what it controls, I realized that for the offered price you can buy a smarter piece of hardware, on which much more can be organized and more flexible in terms of algorithms. The search began for possible contenders for the title of "cerebellum" in the house. Started learning with adruino. Then I looked at the possibility of using a PC as the main device ... but somehow I didn't like everything.
    Then one of my comrades advised me to pay attention to industrial controllers. Having studied (of course superficially) the capabilities of various PLCs, I came to the conclusion that this is what I need. Standard, industrial protocols, reliability and a huge amount of peripherals! The next step was to choose a suitable PLC for my purposes. Revised a fairly large number of different controllers. Some were just drooling, but the toad sitting in the back did not allow pressing the "Add to cart" button.

    Of course, it was possible to write a technical specification and give it for execution to any specialized company, but I really wanted to do it by hand.

    Outlining the simplest control algorithm circulation pumps, operating modes of boilers and hot water supply started execution.

    As a result, I connected a boiler thermostat to the PLC and brought out the control of pumps and boiler operation modes. In this form, the system worked for about a couple of months.
    Now the water was heated well and the heating responded to changes in the outside temperature. DHW is given priority. If the temperature outside fell below 15 degrees, the underfloor heating circuit was turned on. If the temperature dropped below 13 degrees, the heating radiator circuit was turned on.
    After a while, I realized that at the moment when we are away from home for a long time, there is no point in heating the water in the boiler to 60 degrees. Then the boiler thermostat was dismantled and a thermal resistance (pt1000) was installed instead. An analog signal input module was purchased.

    The central sewerage system is not connected to the house and you have to use cesspool... (I did not know about the septic tank at the time of construction).
    It was required to monitor the level in the pit and call a pumping machine when filling. I dropped in several times a month and then got bored. It was decided to organize the indication.
    I bought an additional conductometric input-output module and connected it to the PLC using rs485. I lowered 4 stainless steel electrodes into the cesspool (total, min, average and maximum levels). Completed the processing algorithm on the PLC. The PLC was now monitoring the level.

    Last edited by a moderator: 11/21/17

  • You don't have to do the pit, anyway there will be a lower point somewhere after laying the tiles, no matter how well it is laid.

    For watering, I have a timer for 10 minutes, if it's very dry, then you can press it 2-3 times. It is not possible to forget.

    There is an EMERGENCY STOP button on the gate, which completely cuts off the power to the drive. When the car is in the garage it is pressed and it is physically impossible to open the gate.

    Do you have executive relays? I don't see something in the photo.

  • There is a special topic about the cabinet. As you know, appetite comes with eating. So that closet, which I assumed would be sufficient with a large margin for my wishes ... hmm ... after a couple of months it turned out to be too cramped. Some of the wires from the sensors had to be wound without terminal blocks directly to the I / O modules, which, in my opinion, is extremely incorrect and inconvenient. The system is now in the process of being reorganized. 2 more wardrobes appeared, but much larger. In the photo there is a cabinet in the boiler room. It will contain 3 input modules (analog signals, and 2 digital I / O). Everything else will move to another cabinet, along with the head controller. The third cabinet is planned in the immediate vicinity of the electrical cabinet, in which all automatic / differential automatic devices and 3F input into the house are concentrated. Subsequently, I plan to place network monitoring tools in this cabinet (3-phase multimeter)

    as well as to mount an automatic reserve input system based on a gas generator.
    And it is possible that some of the machines will be replaced with contactors in order to control some of the lighting circuits. Or alternatively, the installation of X10 equipment for point control of lighting fixtures.

    The wires are not signed - yes. Big mistake. There is a journal in which I wrote everything down, but as practice has shown, this is not very convenient. You are correct about the signing of the wires. I will add inscriptions in the future.
    IEK machines are used exclusively as switches.

    Last Edit: 01/10/15

    Besides safety valve installed after the gearbox in the water supply system (6 kg).
    I placed a drainage pump in the pit and brought it down the drain. The drain is controlled by the PLC via an intermediate relay.

    There is an EMERGENCY STOP button on the gate, which completely cuts off the power to the drive. When the car is in the garage it is pressed and it is physically impossible to open the gate.

    I almost never have a car in my garage. In exceptional cases.
    And I brought the emergency STOP button to the wicket sensor in the gate.
    That is, when the gate is in sectional doors not closed tightly, the gate automation is blocked and does not allow movement. In addition, photo sensors are installed in the opening in case something turns out to be under the gate.

    Executive relays for drain pump only. Everything else is direct to the PLC contacts. Relay outputs up to 5A. There are no consumers more than 1 A connected.

  • Registration: 05/27/12 Messages: 1.240 Acknowledgments: 706

    Well done, great undertaking and good development! And most importantly, they did "what is needed", and not control the fan in the toilet)

    About the bathroom ... In winter, when the window in the bathroom is closed and the kids in the bathroom splashed very much high humidity... Water flows over the glass. The system is installed in the bathroom exhaust ventilation(outside in the ventilation pipe). But it just turns on manually. Of course, no one remembers about her. I think that we will have to install a humidity sensor and control the activation of the fan (the latter can change the speed).
    But until I figure out how to make an inflow. The door is almost airtight and there is no blowing at all. That is, there will be no sense from the hood if you do not also make an inflow.

  • Registration: 05/07/10 Messages: 1.670 Acknowledgments: 611

    Electronics Supervisor

    Registration: 05/07/10 Messages: 1.670 Acknowledgments: 611 Address: Rostov-on-Don

    I went a little further. The heating system has a safety valve (mechanical) that must discharge the coolant from the heating circuit if the permissible pressure is exceeded.

    Executive relays for drain pump only. Everything else is direct to the PLC contacts. Relay outputs up to 5A. There are no consumers more than 1 A connected.

    Yes, the boiler has its own emergency valve, and how can the pressure increase there if the boiler has its own automation.

    It is better to put a relay, otherwise if the device is short, then the output will burn. Or a 3 A machine

    This is how much water needs to be poured in order for the pump to turn on?
    I do not have a drainage pump in the boiler room and I always drain the water onto the floor if necessary (though it happens very rarely). by morning or every other day, it is maximum dry.

  • A house that fulfills all desires is not a fantasy, but a completely feasible reality using modern intelligent automation systems. They can significantly improve the quality of life, achieve maximum comfort and safety, allowing you to feel continuous “care” of the house for all its inhabitants.

    Smart House

    Personal space management with automation system Smart House is not just a set of devices that perform certain functions, but an individually created project that meets all the requirements and wishes of a particular family. At the same time, the system can be easily reprogrammed in accordance with changing conditions and "mood" of household members, while continuing to flexibly adapt to the family as a whole and each person individually.

    Home automation avoids searching for remotes for various devices, manual switching on and off of devices, daily opening of blinds, etc. Now, there is no need to get up at night if the house is hot or stuffy, Smart Home will avoid this situation by installing a functional climate control system. The house itself will decrease or increase the heating intensity if the temperature in the premises deviates from the desired norm, if necessary, it will turn on the air conditioner and perform all other actions to maintain the most comfortable conditions.

    Who is Smart Home suitable for?

    An intelligent home automation system provides many benefits for its owners. Its installation is equally expedient as for active people and for those who prefer a calm, measured life.

    Smart home is perfect for all population groups:

    • a lot of working, busy people - an automated house will take on most of the worries about its owner, opening windows in a timely manner, turning on the light, watering backyard territory etc., even if a person lives alone, his life will become as comfortable as possible, without requiring additional time expenditures;
    • families with small children - the intelligent system will provide maximum safety for small households, while freeing up a lot of time for their parents;
    • people who often go on business trips, travel - home automation will create a complete illusion of the daily presence of a person, which will protect the home from the risk of theft and other similar threats, will monitor the health of devices, if water leaks, smoke and other problems, will give a signal to the appropriate service;
    • elderly and people with limited mobility - many have relatives whose health and well-being often causes excitement of friends and relatives. The Smart Home automation system will make it easy to solve this problem. Whether it is an elderly person or people who, for health reasons, find it difficult to maintain the living space in full, an intelligent system will help with this. Thanks to various sensors, monitors and alerts, neither a switched on hotplate, nor a forgotten iron or an open window will become a threat. With the correct programming, the House itself will do everything right or will give a signal, warning of an unfinished action.

    Everyone will be able to find their advantages in the automated system "Smart House" and configure it exactly as he sees fit, the most comfortable.

    Features and Benefits

    Buy equipment for home automation is important step v the right direction... Today, many large foreign and Russian manufacturers provide a wide selection of devices responsible for safety, heating, lighting, rational use of energy resources, ventilation, air humidification, etc. The variety of sensors, controllers, valves and other equipment allows you to create and configure a coherent system that will work as a whole.

    In our online store, we sell automation devices from the best manufacturers... The products are reliable and have a manufacturer's warranty.

    It is possible to set up an intelligent system with sound and voice control, as well as with the function of solving problems in accordance with external parameters, for example, with a change in lighting intensity or air temperature.

    The equipment is easily and quickly programmed. In the future, the owner can independently make their own adjustments.

    The price of home automation depends on the project and, directly, on the selected equipment. If necessary, our specialists are always ready to advise you.

    Own suburban housing is the dream of many, while it is very important that it be carefully thought out and comfortable for living. For example, many people want to make a "smart home" their own hands. What is it and how to think over so that your home is not only beautiful and well-planned, but also functional?

    "Smart home": what is it?

    Experts say that such a system is based on the complete automation of all components of housing. For example, if you do not want to get up at night and turn off the lights in the corridor, you can do it much easier: one remote control can solve several problems at once. To make a "smart home" your own hands, you have to work hard, and therefore many prefer ready-made systems offered by various companies. For example, with the help of a variety of controllers, sensors, wires, actuators that retract into the walls of a building, you can simultaneously control all the components of your home: electricity and water supply, lighting and ventilation. At the same time, the participation of the owner in this process is minimal - control only by the remote control.

    How it's done?

    The modern Smart Home system is thought out to the smallest detail. That is, the owner of such housing can control all the vital components of his cottage or apartment. At the same time, most of the companies that specialize in such structures carry out the installation of the "Smart Home" system, taking into account the wishes of the customers. It is noteworthy that each such development is individual, it is created for a specific object, respectively, and the design solution is completely different for each specific case.

    Smart home system for an apartment or country cottage assumes that the object will be filled with a kind of "electronic servants". And this is not only and not so much TVs, refrigerators and home theaters, but warm floors, air conditioning and ventilation systems, boilers and pumps. Plus sources Of course, it's not so easy to mount all these systems yourself, but it's still worth trying to make your home "smart".

    Where to begin?

    Our house is a kind of puzzle that needs to be correctly assembled. That is, we must saturate it with the help of various technical devices, communications that will work for our own convenience. To make the Smart House our own hands, we need to combine a number of components into a single stable system. Moreover, it is quite possible to create an elementary structure on your own. To do this, you only need to have certain skills:

    1. Know an electrician and be able to operate various electrical appliances working with current.
    2. Understand the principles of construction automatic systems, that is, to understand what controllers are, what signals they give.
    3. Be able to program to create desktop or mobile operating system and the interface through which the control will be carried out.
    4. Clearly understand the algorithms by which the Smart House system will work.
    5. It is good to know the equipment used.

    That is, our task is to combine all solutions into one in order to manage the entire building using a computer or mobile device. Let's try to figure out what equipment is needed for the Smartdom system.

    First: the warning system

    Timely prevention of accidents is a guarantee that the owner will not worry about the breakdown of any structure or pipe leakage. If you install an automatic in your home, you can keep the permissible load on the power supply under control. Moreover, even with short circuit the electricity supply will be turned off, and the equipment itself will be safe and sound. If you suddenly forget to turn off the iron or the tap, the sensor will warn you about this and, if necessary, shut off all systems.

    Second: power supply

    The "Smart House" system (with your own hands it is quite possible to carry out the installation of certain of its components) assumes that there must be a reliable power supply, especially if the light in your area is turned off quite often. In order to protect your equipment and housing as a whole, you should install stabilized power supplies in the "smart home" with a built-in battery. This will keep all systems operational in case of emergencies. In order not to think about possible power outages, you can install it in your home diesel generator and blocks backup power... Thanks to automatic control, the fuel level in the generator will be constantly monitored, and the load on the network will be evenly distributed.

    Third: burglar alarm

    Protecting your home plays an important role, including in the "Smart House" system. Installing an alarm with your own hands will not be difficult. For example, sensors can be placed along a fence that encloses an area, on walls, windows, doors, and in rooms. If at least one of them suddenly triggers, all warning systems that are programmed in a specific algorithm are activated. Such a system will consist of a presence sensor, a control panel, an uninterruptible power supply with a battery (in the event of a power outage, it will work for about 6-7 hours), a siren, and a tablet key reader.

    Fourth: lighting control

    It is necessary to competently manage the Smart Home system. With your own hands (the scheme should be drawn up together with competent designers), you can develop a lighting control system, thanks to which you can significantly save on maintaining the house and create comfort in it. Select quantity and types lighting fixtures it is necessary depending on the room in which they will be mounted, how the interior will be made out in it, and so on. At the same time, everyone can arrange the lighting system as they like and need. The main thing is automatic control, when the owner of the house may not think about whether he turned off the light or not. You can set up the system so that the lighting will turn on when a person approaches and go out when he leaves.

    Fifth: power consumption

    To limit the amount of power a home consumes, it is imperative to install an energy management system. Thanks to this solution, you can avoid serious problems that can occur if the power reaches its peak. For example, if your cottage has underfloor heating that runs on electricity, an overload of the mains may occur. If you create an intelligent system, you can achieve a smooth inclusion of floors in different rooms until the house is completely warmed up. This will avoid sudden surges and network congestion. In addition, the presence of such a system will lead to the fact that as the power approaches the peak, the generator will turn on itself, and as soon as it decreases, it will turn off.

    Sixth: the sockets must be normal

    The simplest thing that you can do for the Smart Home system is to equip outlets with your own hands. This solution is economical, since it is enough to have an antenna and the ability to control it from a distance using a remote control. The essence such a system the fact that all the sockets in the house are connected along a single electrical circuit. Accordingly, when you receive a command to turn on, for example, a kettle or toaster, the appliances start to work at a certain time set by you. In addition, the presence of such a centralized system allows you to turn off all included electrical appliances at the touch of a button on the key fob.

    Seventh: warm floor

    Today such floor coverings are very popular, and this despite the fact that installation is not cheap. It is comfortable and pleasant to walk on such a floor; it is always warm and safe on it. Modern warm coatings can be water or electric. If you install the “Smart Home” system in your home, you can constantly keep the temperature in the room under control. Moreover, it is controlled by remote control... An intelligent system is a guarantee that the optimal temperature for living will be maintained in the house or apartment. At the same time, energy consumption will be rational, which means that it will be beneficial for the owners.

    Eighth: heating system

    Agree, the ability to independently regulate the state and degree of heating of batteries in the house is expensive. V ordinary apartments we can't just go ahead and turn them off, for example, if it gets too hot. It is easy to do this in a “smart home”, since the radiator heating in it has built-in intelligent modules. Thanks to them, a certain temperature is maintained in the room, which is automatically changed using the remote control. This system can be easily implemented in any interior, without any harm to it.

    This is done simply: on conventional radiators control valves are installed. They can be controlled automatically by means of a control panel, which has a built-in temperature sensor. If you make a more complex configuration, then the valves and consoles in it are connected using a radio channel, and regulation and control can be carried out via a computer or the Internet.

    There is a huge number of solutions and technologies to make your home "smart", that is, functional and well-equipped. Many of them are pretty straightforward. You can do something yourself, such as installing an anti-icing system for roofs and stairs, or automatic design water supply. And some systems should only be installed with professionals, for example if it comes about power supply devices. In any case, it is worth spending the money and making sure that your home meets all modern requirements of reliability, safety, quality.