Saying great and successful people about decision making.

A decisive person cannot be prevented from succeeding. Place stumbling blocks in his path, and he will turn them into steps along which he will ascend to the goal. Orison Marden.

A good decision is the result of experience. And experience is the result of bad decisions. Walter Wriston.

Until a person makes a decision, he hesitates, retreats and acts ineffectively. But at the moment of making a decision, the whole course of events changes - unplanned favorable circumstances and material assistance appear, which he did not even dream of. I.V. Goethe.

It is almost impossible to make the right choice in an “either-or” situation. Determined and take action. The Bushido Code.

There are no unsolvable problems, there are unpleasant solutions. Eric Bourne.

A wise person makes his own decisions, an ignorant person follows public opinion. Chinese proverb.

Be prepared to make decisions. This is the most important quality of a leader. General George S. Patton.

Wherever you see successful business, know, someone took bold decision... Peter F. Drucker.

When unraveling the secret of managers' success, it is worth looking not at the solution, but at the method that allowed them to come to it. Justin Menkes.

Vigilance, activity, intelligent decisions - these are what brings success in everything; being in carelessness and idleness, it is useless to beg the gods: they are angry and hostile. Sallust Guy Crisp.

Courage is the ability to grind your teeth; it is the determination to achieve one's goal at any cost, in spite of the most unfavorable circumstances. The Bushido Code.

Decisiveness is the speed of cutting off the head of doubt.

To openly express doubts - decisiveness is needed. Neyach.

No sound decision can be made without taking into account not only the world as it is, but also the world as it will be. Isaac Asimov.

Intuition and risk are indispensable. First, because even the most the right decision can become erroneous at any time if you delayed its adoption. Secondly, there is no such thing as absolute certainty, it simply does not exist in nature. Lee Iacocca.

Sometimes there is no correct solution, but the best solution is always there. Harun Agatsar.

A characteristic feature of a leader is the simplicity and clarity of those plans, combinations and decisions to which he came. Karl von Clausewitz

Determination: Perseverance in achieving a goal that you approve of. Bierce Ambrose.

Firmness is the application of the courage of the mind; it presupposes enlightened determination. Voltaire.

You cannot condemn people who do not decide quickly: there are, of course, such cases when it is necessary to solve quickly, but a person who is quick in decisions usually makes more mistakes than those who decide slowly. F. Guicciardini.

The decision is easier when you have no choice. Rao Narasimha.

If there is no need to make a decision, it is necessary not to make a decision. Lord Fokland.

For someone with anger, it is best to delay making a decision. Seneca.

We must forgive those who hurt us and forgive ourselves for all those times when we did not listen to our intuition or made decisions out of hopelessness, as well as for everything we blame ourselves for. Ariel Ford

It is not necessary to look at where a person was born, but what his morals are, not in what land, but according to what principles he decided to live his life. Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Unshakable faith in oneself and concrete actions aimed at conquering the planned heights is the basis of success in everything, always and everywhere. Oscar Rye

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Any problem is a solution with its back on you. 9

If a stormy wind is blowing, there is no point in sailing against the current. 8

If you understand happiness as the absence of problems, then the most “happy” will have to recognize the deceased. 9

Nothing distracts from a problem like another problem. 9

Become an alchemist and learn to turn every situation into an opportunity. We often complain about events that, as it turns out, were necessary for growth and development. 9

When you start solving a problem, the most difficult decisions and most people stop there. But if you continue to think further, if you delve into the problem, if you remove the husks layer by layer, as if you are peeling an onion, then you come to the most elegant and simple solution... Most people simply do not have the strength or the time to do it. 9

Problems are unrecognized opportunities. 9 - quotes and phrases about problems

When there is no strength, there are no bright days - find the one who is more difficult. 9

Always try to turn defeat into victory. 9

Loneliness complicates everything: you dig and dig, and in the end you end up throwing a shovel and lying down in a hole dug with your own hands. 9

Those who solve problems without hesitation turn this world around. Doubt is a waste of time. Even if you have time for doubts, you better act. 9

We all have a tendency to shade the forest of simple joys with trees of problems. 9

Hakuna matata is a phrase that roughly translates from Swahili to “live without worries. These two words solve all problems. 9

You will never be able to solve a problem that has arisen if you keep the same thinking and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein 9

Only by understanding and explaining the problem can you find a solution. 9

Decorate your troubles with a ribbon with a large bow. Let it seem like a gift. 9

Someone else's life always seems easy to us, and other people's problems are trifles. 9

The best years of your life are when you decide that your problems are yours. You do not blame the parents, others, the environment, the country or the president for them. You realize that you yourself are in control of your destiny. 9

When everything goes to hell, the person usually aggravates the situation even more. There is nothing more to lose. It's like breaking a fallen vase into small pieces. It won't work to glue it together, and the fact that you break it even more won't make it worse. 9

By sharing a problem, you halve it. 9

It seems to me that the most big problem today the problem is how to get people to consume less. 9

When we solve our problems, we become stronger. 9

If you look at any problem carefully enough, you will see yourself as part of the problem. 9

The problems we face are either destroying us or making us stronger. 9

Let tomorrow's worries remain for tomorrow's me. 9

There is a problem? Roll up your sleeves and ignore them completely. 9

The more problems I have, the better my songs Freddie Mercury 9

Every problem has a simple, quick, and wrong solution. 9

Aren't my insoluble problems the only thing I think about them, and am I not creating them anew the moment I remember about them? 9

« We find several solutions to the same question, not so much because our mind is very prolific, but because it is not too perspicacious and, instead of dwelling on the best solution, presents us indiscriminately all the possibilities at once.. " La Rochefoucauld F.

« One should come to terms with the fact that any making decisions doubtful, because it is in the order of things that, having avoided one trouble, you find yourself in another. " Machiavelli N.

« How often a willful decision interferes with a reasonable decision. " Krutier B.

« We tend to view our decision as a one-time phenomenon, resulting from a process of rational and deep thinking. However, making a decision is actually more like kneading dough. It does not come as a result of the summation of individual deep thoughts, but as a result of the maturation of their total mass. Harris T.

« Before thinking about solving future problems, learn to cope with today in less time and with greater efficiency.. " Drucker P.

« Until you have made the final decision, you will be tormented by doubts, you will always remember that there is a chance to turn back, and this will not allow you to work effectively. But the moment you decide to completely devote yourself to your work, Providence is on your side. Things begin to happen that could not have happened under other circumstances ... Whatever you are capable of, whatever you dream of, start to realize it. Courage gives a person strength and even magical power. Make up your mind! He who thinks for a long time does not always find the best solution.. " Goethe I.

« Indecisive people are especially stubborn in fulfilling their intentions, and such are they because of their very indecision: after all, having abandoned what they have already decided to do, they will have to make a decision again. " Leopardi D.

« It is necessary to discuss often, to decide - once. " Publius

« It is much more difficult to see the problem than to solve it. The first requires imagination, and the second only skill. Bernal D.

« We often find it difficult to find a solution, since we subconsciously confine ourselves to the territory of the drawing. However, nowhere is it said that one cannot go beyond its limits. Conclusion: to understand the system, you need to ... go beyond it. " Verber B.

« With an open discussion, not only mistakes, but the most absurdities are easily eliminated. " Saltykov-Shchedrin M.

« Someone who is possessed by anger, envy and other negative emotions is better to postpone making a decision.. " Seneca

« The weak doubts before how to make a decision; strong - after. " Kraus K.

« No problem can be solved at the same level at which it arose. " Einstein A.

« When it is necessary to make any important decision, the most dangerous thing is to ask for advice from another, for, with the exception of a few eccentrics, there is no one who sincerely wishes us well.»Choran E.

« As is often the case in unhappy times, a good decision was made when time was already lost.. " Tacitus

« Don't make a decision after listening to only one side.»Japanese proverb

« If someone knows what decision he must make in order to produce something good or prevent something bad, but does not do it, then this is called cowardice.»Spinoza B.

« The problem ceases to interest us if it is solved or if it turns out to be unsolvable. " T.

« To solve a problem, Descartes said, is to win the battle. But winning the battle does not mean solving the problem. " Rostand J.

« The solution to the question is the path to knowledge. " Gadamer H.

« The principle of the second element states that the main solution to any problem lies not in the problem itself, but is revealed when a second element, opposite to this problem, is introduced into the situation.. " Chopra D.

« In fact, there are no right or wrong decisions. This is a trick of the intellectuals. The main thing is that the decision is made. " Morgan D.

« The person actively tries not to notice everything that contradicts the previously made decision. " Cialdini R.

« Our decisions must not contradict the laws of nature if we want them to lead to the set goal, for if they contradict them, they will simply turn out to be impracticable. " Popper K.

« Problems more important than the decision... Solutions may be out of date, but problems remain. " Bor N.

« There are no hopeless situations in life, there are only uncommitted decisions.. " Roy O.


« Most of my problems have no solution or a solution is worse than the problem itself. " Brillant E.

« The final decision is the decision you make before your wife decides.. " Levinson L.

« Better one bad decision than two good ones

« A woman's final decision is rarely her last.

« And one must decide to hesitate. " Jerzy Lec S.

« Any problem always has a solution - simple, convenient and, of course, erroneous.»Menken G.