The best ways to develop logical thinking for adults and children. How to develop logical thinking for an adult

Guess the riddle: the house of a rich official and a poor collective farmer is on fire. Whose house will the police put out first?

Didn't you guess? Then the article on how to develop logical thinking as an adult is for you.

What is logic

Logic is the intellectual activity of the brain, reflecting the accumulated knowledge and their correct formulation, from the point of view of society.

Logical thinking is instilled from early childhood. but creative people it is difficult to accept a consistent pattern of expression. Thus, children whose parents paid more attention to the development of musical, artistic and dance abilities in adulthood are completely helpless in solving problems that require deep analysis.

Books for the development of logic in adults

To develop logic, download or purchase books in which, in addition to the theoretical part, there are tasks for quick wits. They will help develop required type thinking.

  • “I want to be the smartest! 300 tasks: logic, creativity ", Phillips Charles. The book will become an excellent guide to the world of different thinking for people over 25 years old. It contains three hundred tasks, divided into thematic groups. At the end of each group, the author tells how to apply the knowledge gained in life and invites you to general reflection.
  • The Logic of Sense by Deleuze Gilles. The author is a philosopher. However, he changes the concept of science, proposing to combine rational logical thinking with sensibility. Each example in the book is an event that is written in intense language, bypassing the usual sequence. The book is quite difficult to understand, so we recommend reading it after a few months of classes on the development of logic.
  • "Logics. A Graphic Guide, Crian Dan. A bright and colorful reference book combining philosophy, logic and science. On the pages of the book, you will analyze the ideas of Plato and Aristotle, read about the Nazi code "Enigma" and the founder of the theory of artificial intelligence.
  • “Heraclitus. The beginning of Western thinking. Logics. The doctrine of Heraclitus on the Logos ”, Heidegger Martin. Awesome book on the teachings of a philosopher Ancient Greece... You will learn how logic was born, in what form it has come down to our days. The book is an excellent simulator for building cause-and-effect relationships: you can connect the essence of the logic of objects and phenomena with in modern ways correct thinking.

If you've read these books, leave feedback in the comments and the results you've achieved thanks to the introduction of postulates from the pages of the works.

Video for the development of logic

So that you can develop comprehensively, we have selected three videos. Follow the announcer's tips to get maximum effect when working with material.

How to train logical thinking for an adult using riddles: instructions

We will tell you how to properly prepare the brain for the solution and the development of logic:

  1. Take a course to develop logic within a month. Drink Glycine D at the same time. This is an active dietary supplement that will shake the brain and allow you to concentrate on the text or video.
  2. Stay in a room alone, but do not allow absolute silence. It interferes with focus on the task as well as loud noises. Prefer quiet music, the measured ticking of a clock, or muffled noise from the street as a background.
  3. Concentrate on the assignment. Read and analyze each condition. After it will become obvious that the answer is on the surface. Let's go back to the problem at the beginning of the article - the correct answer is nobody's. The police don't put out fires.
  4. Submit the task visually until you can meet the conditions of the problem correctly. For example, in a children's riddle about turtles, adults often make a mistake: “There are 4 turtles in the aquarium. Each turtle sits in a corner and sees 3 turtles. How many turtles are there in the aquarium? " The visualization error is that an adult imagines three turtles in each corner of the aquarium, which means he multiplies 4 * 3. Although if you analyze the conditions, it becomes clear that there are only 4 turtles - each sees one in the remaining three corners.
  5. Exercise for at least 20 minutes.

When solving problems on logic and ingenuity, do not drive yourself into a box. Let go of your imagination, think outside the box.

If you have ever thought about how to develop your mind, how to improve your logical and critical thinking, Then this article is for you.

Research publicist, Rhodes Fellow, and twice-writer Jonah Lehrer has suggested some unexpected ways to keep a sharp, healthy mind. Like any other organ in the body, it needs to be trained.

According to Lehrer, there are 10 rules good thinking, observing which, you can improve your mind.

10 ways to improve your thinking

    Listen to your emotions- do not avoid what they tell you, but listen and act accordingly whenever possible. These feelings are caused by facts beyond conscious awareness.

    Trust your instincts- when you have developed a skill, in return for the time spent, you get reliable instincts, and often instincts can be trusted.

    Consider alternatives- it is natural for the brain to pay attention only to what it believes in, stop and consider the opposite option.

    Know what you like- do not be fooled by price tags or popularity, decide for yourself what is good for you and what is not.

    Take a long shower Research shows that solutions always come when you’re not thinking about the problem, probably because the mind is easier to tune in without stress.

    Don't trust your memory- recalling an event changes the structure of the memory of this event, so the more you think about it, the less accurate your memories are.

    Do not overwork- The prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for willpower and thinking, is rapidly depleted according to research. You can do many things, but not all at the same time. Multitasking is ineffective.

    Learn from mistakes - successful people pay attention to their mistakes, and are constantly looking for what could improve upon - this is very important for learning.

    Dream- it's incredible important tool for creativity, which induces vigorous activity in an area called the passive mode network of the brain, which is responsible for the mind's ability to create new associations. Thus, dreams dramatically activate the brain.

  1. Think about what you think - introspection may be the key to sober thinking, along with mental abilities and experience.

This is undoubtedly a very peculiar list (for example, I already wrote,), but worthy of attention.

Lehrer has a keen interest in brain activity and the neurobiology of thinking and decision making. He imagines the brain as a kind of Swiss army knife with many tools for various purposes. And all that is needed is in the right time choose the right tool.

Besides exercise to develop the mind, there are other ways to maintain a healthy mind.

What else is good for the brain

Benefits of Consuming Rich Foods antioxidants such as cranberries, almonds, pistachios, leafy greens (kale, spinach, broccoli, etc.) and blueberries.
Also, many studies have shown that vitamin D promotes memory and information processing. Vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg yolk, caviar, dairy products, cheese, butter, mushrooms, nettles, parsley. In addition, vitamin D is synthesized in the body under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, when a person is in the sun for a sufficient time.

The benefits of moderate consumption have also recently been proven. caffeine .

As the population ages, more emphasis is being placed on methods to maintain a sharp mind as we age.

Exercises that involve both the left and right hemispheres of the brain have been shown to develop thinking skills. Set a goal - just 10 minutes of strenuous mental activity a day may be enough to reduce your risk of mental breakdown.

, puzzles, reading, crosswords, chess and other interesting activities for you will be in a good way keep your mind sharp, and possibly improve your logical and critical thinking and thinking ability.

Based on English content from

Develop logical thinking - How to do it and why?

- Why do you need to develop logic?
Distinctive features and features of the development of logical thinking
- Six axioms of logic
- How to develop logical thinking?
- Fitness for the brain
- Conclusion

You need to develop logical thinking in order to:

1) Build a career.

2) Demonstrate good academic performance.

3) Be able to protect yourself in the face of trouble.

4) Think ahead about your actions and avoid mistakes.

5) Do not give a chance to ill-wishers to harm yourself.

6) Do any job as best as possible and as quickly as possible.

7) Are not afraid of difficulties.

- Distinctive features and features of the development of logical thinking

1) Empirical knowledge serves as the basis for logical laws: a specific person formed a situation, became an eyewitness to an incident, saw their consequences and made his own inferences and conclusions. The laws of logic are formed experimentally.

2) Logic and logical thinking is an acquired, not an innate quality of people, a person studies and develops them throughout his life.

3) People sometimes unconsciously do not want to develop thinking and make competent logical conclusions, trying to think in a way that is more comfortable and simpler.

4) Logical reasoning and thinking can become a tool for committing inhuman acts. The world that surrounds people has two opposite sides: good and evil, positive and negative. Therefore, logic, despite all the benefits it brings to a person, can do a lot of harm. Cynical calculation and logic put such concepts as "self-sacrifice" and "love for one's neighbor" in the last place.

5) Science has some axioms. Deviation from them is a sign of a mental disorder.

- Six axioms of logic

The development and improvement of logical thinking is impossible without knowledge of the logical axioms, which are the basis of a person's worldview:

1) The irreversibility of time. From childhood, people become familiar with the concepts of "yesterday", "tomorrow", "today", that is, they begin to realize the difference between the past and the future.

2) Investigative connections, their sequence.
3) The impossibility of the existence of the same facts in a certain period of time: with a positive temperature conditions water cannot freeze, and a woman expecting a child has no way of getting pregnant.

4) Deduction. The deductive method of thinking is based on logical laws and leads from the general to the particular: a heavy downpour has passed, the trees have become wet. The deduction method gives a 99.99% true answer.

5) Induction. This method of inference leads from the general to the particular and is based on the similar properties of different objects and objects: trees, a road and cars are wet - there is a downpour. The inductive method has 90% truthfulness, since trees and other objects can become wet not only due to rain.

6) Sequence of actions: if a person performs several sequential actions in stages, then he gets the expected and satisfactory result.

- How to develop logical thinking?

To a certain extent, each of us has developed it - this is required by society and its way of life. But for a better understanding of the laws of reality and the ability to operate with them, it is necessary to have the ability to think logically for more high level than ordinary earthlings.

Well-developed logical thinking helps to achieve greater success in your work, to accomplish less mistakes in everyday situations.

How do you learn this? The brain, like muscles, needs to be constantly trained. There is a false myth that all people are born with pre-built mental abilities and cannot become smarter or more stupid than given by nature. This is not true - by regularly training thinking and memory, a person constantly improves his performance, he can develop until the end of his days. Therefore, regular exercises for the mind and the development of intellectual abilities are one of the most important helpers on the path to self-improvement.

1) Have fun with value
a) Start with logic puzzles for children and adults - puzzles, “find the 10 differences” exercises, attention-seeking riddles and logical mistakes. They can be easily found on the Internet.

b) Play attention and logic games with friends.
There are many such games on the Internet, you just need to search - and then your holidays and weekends will be filled with new meaning.

c) Take IQ tests.
It is difficult to say how true the Internet tests of this genre are, but you will have to break your head thoroughly. In addition to the IQ test, there are many other tests for thinking and logic. If you have nothing to do, put the solitaire aside and tighten your gyrus.

d) The Wikium project will help you develop logical thinking and become smarter.

2) Educate yourself.

a) Take up the study of any science that is close to you, but such that you have not previously reached your hands. It can be chemistry, physics or history - while studying them, you simultaneously develop the ability to think logically.

b) Study deduction and induction and their formulas. When a situation that is happening to you seems confusing, translate it into a problem and solve it.

c) Learn to argue reasonably. The next time you feel like shouting out, "Because I said so!" or "Oh, everyone!" - try instead to convey your position to your opponent without unnecessary emotions using arguments. Especially good is the method of bringing the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion with the help of indirect questions, with the answers to which he agrees.

- You know that a woman is a mirror of her husband's success?
- Well, yes.
- That is, a successful man should have a gorgeous wife.
- I agree.
- Can a gorgeous wife walk in an old down jacket?
- I understand where you are driving ... Okay, we'll buy you a fur coat.

d) Read good detective stories. They help train the brain with their convoluted storyline and entertain at the same time. The best representatives this genre can be called Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle and Boris Akunin.

e) Play chess. This is where the scope for developing logical abilities is. Trying to calculate all the possible moves of the opponent, a person develops the ability to see cause-and-effect relationships. Don't like chess? Play backgammon or preference.

3) Learn to trust your intuition.
In reality, intuition is the result of subconscious inferences, when a person, without realizing it, draws conclusions from the information provided by the outside world. It usually looks like this: "Whenever I have this feeling, it ends badly." If you dig deeper, this is just a memory of past experiences when situations were framed in a similar way. The trembling voice of the interlocutor, his shifting eyes and attempts to distract the opponent's attention from main idea conversation - we have long forgotten how the fraudster behaved before deceiving, but the subconscious mind remembers everything perfectly.

- Fitness for the brain

Logical thinking implies the ability to build relationships between facts and phenomena, to separate the important from the secondary, to be able to prioritize. This is exactly what everyone needs to work successfully and coexist with other people.

But how to develop and improve logical thinking? Let's remember when logical thinking develops in children.

Initially, in before school age, it is difficult for children to analyze, compare and draw conclusions "in their minds". Visual-figurative thinking in children is the basis of logical thinking, and here various games for the development of logic are very important: what is more, on what basis they are similar, arrange the pictures in time of the events depicted on them.

Learning the world and playing, children gradually develop logic in themselves and in middle school age they already know how to build logical conclusions. But in adulthood, due to stress and a huge flow of information, the level of logical thinking may decrease, and then games from will come to the rescue - just 5 minutes a day of online games will help you develop logic and thinking. The advantage of the site is the ability to compare your achievements with the previous period or with the indicators of other project participants.

The site's arsenal includes the following games:

1) Comparison of objects
2) Visual geometry 360 degrees
3) Mathematical comparisons

They will provide an opportunity to improve logical thinking and. They are suitable for both children and adults, and the special algorithms of our website will offer you a daily program based on your previous experience in playing games and exercises.

- Conclusion

If you want to think quickly and learn how to make decisions in the most seemingly difficult situation, then you just need to train your logical thinking. Today the Internet is full of resources, both paid and free, with logic games and puzzles. Choose any and start training your brain today.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specially for the site

Hello dear readers! “Let's reason logically”, “This is logical!”, “Your actions defy logic ...” - you hear such statements every day and you yourself often operate with them. Do you know what logic is and why is it important to be guided by it? Let's understand this concept.

The scientific definition says that logic is the ability to think and reason correctly. It follows from this that logical thinking is a process during which we draw conclusions and make decisions, guided by specific facts and knowledge, analyzing and comprehending them.

It is thanks to logic that you evaluate any situation, easily isolating the most important from the secondary. It helps to find a connection between events, linking disparate facts into one chain. With the help of logic, you solve dozens of problems every day: from complex production processes to such seemingly elementary ones as choosing a type of bread in a supermarket.

But here's the paradox - despite the fact that the ability to think logically is needed not only in psychology, but also in a variety of situations, many do not know how to do it well enough, which is why they sometimes make mistakes without even realizing it. To avoid such mistakes, logical thinking needs to be trained and improved. Spending a little time every day on activities that contribute to the development of logic, you can achieve excellent results not only in children, but also in adults.

What is logical thinking impossible without?

For logical thinking, two components are needed: thinking proper and logic.

  • Thinking is a process during which the human brain processes incoming information and establishes connections between phenomena, objects and their properties. For the conclusions drawn to be correct and correspond to reality, thinking must meet the criteria of logic.
  • Logic is the way to find the right decision not empirically, and as a result of the analysis of the previously obtained knowledge. In the process of thinking, it is important not only to analyze in detail the smallest nuances of a particular object or phenomenon, but also to take into account other aspects. For example, its interaction with the environment.

In the process of reasoning, it is important to abandon subjective opinions and emotions. When you use thinking and logic instead, the conclusions drawn are validated and supported by conclusive evidence.

Logical thinking is divided into three types. Having mastered all of them, you can easily solve any work and life tasks.


Figurative-logical thinking is formed in early age... From about one and a half years old, the child is able to assess the situation and make decisions using his imagination.

Using this type of thinking, you mentally replay a given situation. Images of objects and phenomena play the main role here. While thinking, you visually represent a situation and its features, recreate the characteristics of objects in your imagination.


In the process of abstract-logical thinking, along with real objects and phenomena, abstract images that do not exist in nature are also used. Abstract representations are created by human thinking and can take the form of a concept or inference.


Verbal-logical thinking involves not only the ability to draw conclusions and make decisions by analyzing events and processes, but also skills. Developing this type of logical thinking is extremely important for those who often have to give presentations, read reports or conduct discussions.

How to develop logical thinking?

Some shrug their shoulders - why waste time developing logical thinking, if this skill is necessary for representatives of such as mathematicians, programmers, engineers, philosophers and so on.

However, believing that everyone else will be guided by the personal experience and common sense is quite wrong. Sometimes solving ordinary everyday tasks also requires the ability to think logically. Here are just some of the benefits you get when using logic:

  • You can easily navigate non-standard situations
  • You need less time to make the right decision
  • You are not inclined to give in and deceive yourself.
  • You accurately assess your capabilities
  • It is not difficult for you to correct what you or someone around you
  • You are able to convince your opponent that you are right by using the right arguments and arguments

Agree, such skills make life much easier for any person. And if so, it is worth setting aside some time in the daily schedule and devote it to the development of logical thinking.

The good news is that a person's stock of logic is not measured at birth. This means that everyone can learn logical thinking and develop this skill to the level he needs.

In universities, students study the basic aspects of logic, receive a theoretical basis, which they then learn to apply in practice. We will not dive into the depths of theory, but consider the most simple methods that will show you how to develop logic at home.

Mathematics to help

Mathematics is a science that obeys the strictest logic. Therefore, it is good to remember the school course and make the brain work on simple examples. For a start, you can remember the multiplication table. Naturally, randomly, as she did school teacher testing your knowledge. Then the tasks can be complicated. For example, mentally adding or subtracting two-, three-, and four-digit numbers.

Board games

Checkers, backgammon and, of course, chess - these are the three leaders among board games... Choose the one that you like and improve your skills - this is a great option for training logical thinking. Do you find chess and checkers boring? It doesn't matter - there are other games that will make your logic work to its fullest. Poker, Monopoly, Mafia - everyone can find a game to their liking.

Logic tasks

You probably remember such tasks for the development of logic - in order to find the right solution, you need to break your head and calculate different options... If you have not been fond of such tasks before, do not force events and do not choose tasks of increased complexity. If you spend a lot of time and still fail to find a solution, you will be disappointed and you will no longer be tempted to repeat the failed experience. Therefore, start with the simplest and gradually increase the difficulty level.


Another great mind trainer is all kinds of crosswords. Choose the ones that you like best: classic, sudoku, scanword puzzles, Japanese graphic puzzles or other puzzles. Doing crossword puzzles is good at stimulating your brain activity and forcing you to use your logical thinking to its fullest. If you have already reached the level where even the most difficult crosswords click like seeds, you can try to compose your own crossword puzzle.

Feel like Sherlock

Remember how the legendary detective could easily solve any mysteries, simply analyzing the facts and drawing correct conclusions based on them? You can try doing the same by learning induction and deduction. Try to guess what your new acquaintance is doing, where a colleague spent his vacation, and where your random travel companion is heading. You will not only practice logical thinking, but also have fun.

Do you want to know even more ways to develop logical thinking? So you just need to read the book. "Amazing logic"... In it you will find many interesting facts, as well as original assignments and tests that will help you assess the current level of logical thinking and develop it.

How to teach a child to think logically?

The earlier you begin to develop logical thinking in a child, the easier it will be for him to study at school, as well as to solve various everyday situations... So that logic classes are not boring, they should be carried out in a playful way. This will make it easier for the child to learn the lessons and look forward to the next lessons.

Logic tasks for different ages

Even the smallest ones are able to solve the simplest logic puzzles. A child aged one and a half to three years is already able to find a certain object among other objects, as well as distinguish colors and choose a given one. For children in such tasks, you can use colored cubes, various shapes, as well as favorite toys.

For children older assignments can be complicated. For example, offer to find among the objects of one category an object that does not belong to it. A four-year-old is quite capable of finding an apple among vegetables, or determining that a napkin next to a spoon, cup, and plate is not a dish.

Problems for preschoolers can already be based on the basics of mathematics. Also, children aged five to six become familiar with the concept of more or less and successfully cope with tasks where it is clearly required to determine inequality.


Riddles are one of better ways to develop figurative-logical thinking in a child aged two years. Of course, their complexity should correspond to the age of the baby. Start simple and gradually build up the challenge. In search of a solution, the child turns on his imagination, analyzes the information received and compares it with familiar phenomena or objects.

Lego and company

You rarely meet a child who is absolutely indifferent to designers. Of course, everyone has their own preferences. Someone is crazy about Lego sets, from which you can assemble a whole city with buildings, vehicles, people and animals. And someone likes simple sets of blocks, from which you can build whatever your imagination tells you. Older children may like kits to assemble models of land, air, or water transport.

Let's play?

Board games are good for training logic in both adults and children. Of course, it may be too early to present chess to a kid. Instead, you can choose one of the age-appropriate recommended games. A good option will become a thematic lotto or domino. However, and free games give excellent results. Teach your child to play sea ​​battle or tic-tac-toe - such battles will make his logic work in an enhanced mode.

Collect the picture

Today you can buy jigsaw puzzles designed for the most of different ages... Kids will be happy to put together a familiar object from two or four large parts. And as you grow older, the number of puzzles in the set will increase, and their size will become smaller and smaller.

If your child is just getting started with jigsaw puzzles, avoid pictures with a uniform background. It will be difficult for a beginner to collect blue skies or endless sea spaces. Give preference to fragments from familiar fairy tales or cartoons. And if the child has difficulties, be sure to help and direct his efforts in the right direction.

As you can see, in order to develop logical thinking, it is not necessary to study textbooks intended for universities. There are many pleasant and fun ways to train your logic daily, without special costs time and effort.

What methods do you use? Write about it in the comments and share your methods.

Many have probably heard that life becomes much easier if.

But how to think logically, and not everyone knows what needs to be done for this.

Let's start with the most important thing: the concept of logic. The ancient Greeks were so smart and advanced that modern people it will take a long time to master what they invented in their ancient Greek policies (city-states).

It was they who introduced the term "logic" into our everyday life and the corresponding science of operations and certain laws of correct (reasonable) thinking. Hence, to find out how to think logically, it is necessary to understand the essence of these laws, the rules of logic.

Logic is a formal science, that is, it is not the content of statements, phenomena or anything else that is important for it, but their form, structure, interconnection.

Therefore, all the rules of logical thinking are based on the construction correct shape reasoning.

The basic rule of logical thinking: “the correctness of the conclusion lies in the fact that from the true, correct premises (on the basis of which conclusions are drawn, inferences - facts, judgments about facts, principles, phenomena, events, statements, etc.) always follows a true conclusion ...

From which we can conclude that logical thinking can be based only on real facts, and not on hypothetical (supposed) events. Otherwise, the conclusion will also be assumed, ambiguous, imprecise, conditional.

The second rule of logic is the duality of nature. That is, each judgment can be either false (not corresponding to the truth) or true.

Such rules allow us to receive new information from already existing facts using only logical reasoning.

A feature of logical thinking is also the unacceptability of everything irrational (that which goes beyond the concept of reason: intuition, premonitions, etc.).

Therefore, in logical thinking, only the laws of logic are used and nothing else.

Let's try to master the simplest law of logic: from two true judgments we get the true conclusion.

Package number 1: "An apple tree is a tree", Package number 2 "Some apple trees bear fruit." Conclusion: "Some trees bear fruit."

We came to a particular conclusion from two different judgments. This conclusion suggests itself from two known and true facts. The apple tree is really a tree. And some apple trees do bear fruit.

Why some? Because young apple trees do not bear fruit, but there are still lean periods. Therefore, we cannot say that all apple trees bear fruit.

Of course, logic contains a huge number of confusing and sometimes contradictory laws, which over hundreds of centuries have been discovered by numerous scientists in the hope of at least something to surprise the world.

To how to think logically, you should always start simple. Break down all the available information into the smallest details and make a logical constructor out of them.

So, 1. "Ivanov is an entrepreneur." 2. "All entrepreneurs". Conclusion: “Ivanov registered his entrepreneurial activity". It's easy to work with simple judgments, the main thing is to understand the principle of logical inference.