How to make a brick smokehouse. Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse

Almost everyone loves smoked meats, but store-bought products can not always boast of their quality and naturalness. In that case you can do a simple do-it-yourself brick smokehouse, barrels or any other improvised material. - The best way delight loved ones with delicious and fragrant dishes.

How to make a simple do-it-yourself smokehouse

There are quite a few smoker options. Before installing the chosen version of the smokehouse, you need to choose the right place, which will allow you to protect yourself and loved ones from clouds of smoke and at the same time get delicious meat and fish. It is convenient to place a brick smokehouse on a hill near the house so that the smoke does not interfere with comfortable rest.

Construction of a simple brick smokehouse

The material for making a simple smokehouse can be different. Many people prefer wood, as it gives smoked meats a special flavor. Wooden mini smokehouses are suitable for cold smoking meat and fish.

A simple wooden smokehouse with your own hands

Start building a simple smokehouse from the chimney. If the mini oil lamp is ready, arrangement at a depth (underground) is almost impossible. A ditch is dug thirty centimeters wide, the depth is about half a meter. The length is one and a half meters from the smokehouse (entrance) to the fire. The chimney is made from asbestos pipe, wood, concrete, metal. Most practical option, this is a welded, fastened iron pipe with a bend and an outlet to the smoking chamber.

Watch the video: Brick brazier

When the chimney of a simple do-it-yourself smokehouse is ready, you can take on the firebox. It can be made from metal box or make brick. The cube should measure forty by forty and forty centimeters. It is connected to the pipe on one side, and a special valve for air draft is mounted on the other side. The arrangement of the smoking chamber is less complicated.

A simple do-it-yourself smokehouse

A sealed wooden chamber is installed above the chimney. Next is the device of the grid, gratings, hooks. A smoke damper, a removable panel or a door for a fence, meat laying are installed. It takes more time and material costs to create a beautiful brick smokehouse.

How to make a simple do-it-yourself brick smokehouse

A simple brick smokehouse is built on a small foundation of standard brick, followed by decorative trim. The chimney is made of iron or asbestos pipes. The distance is one and a half meters from the chamber to the furnace. You can equip a simple brick smokehouse without a special selection of a place.

Mini smokehouse from improvised materials

For a simple cold-smoked smokehouse, a foundation is laid under the smoking chamber, which is filled with a monolithic layer. Gravel and sand are poured into a pit 40 centimeters deep, then a reinforcing mesh is laid and concrete is poured.

When digging a hole under the foundation, a ditch for the chimney is immediately made. A pipe, a brick box is laid in the ground. After pouring the foundation, you can take
furnace arrangement. The firebox can be made from an iron box or brick with a latch. The box is hermetically combined with the chimney.

A simple do-it-yourself brick smokehouse

When the foundation is settled, you can begin to lay out the walls of the chamber. It can be made in half a brick, with external decor or ledges for future shelves. Cross bars for hooks are laid in the masonry. Simple smokehouse equipped with a protective cover. For this, a wooden frame with a piece of burlap is suitable, which will be moistened during the smoking process. On top of the camera, you can put a removable metal grill.

How to quickly make a simple smokehouse for a summer residence

If pouring the foundation during the construction of a simple smokehouse is not provided, you can organize columns of concrete and an iron volumetric barrel. Depending on the cost of manufacturing a smokehouse, its durability depends. If you organize two fireboxes near the chamber, you can build a device for both cold and hot smoking. They are used alternately.

Simple homemade smokehouse

A smokehouse for giving is installed at a distance from the house on a hill. A sheet of metal is laid in place for a fire. On both sides for the equipment of the brazier, brick columns are laid out or made of concrete. An iron box with shelves, a pallet, a valve or a lid on the side is placed on top. Food is loaded and taken out from above. The pallet is intended for laying sawdust. When heated, they will emit smoke and smoke products. Such a smokehouse can be transported and installed outdoors.

Mini smokehouse simple for giving

For simpler equipment, you can use old refrigerator, wooden, iron box, barrel. If desired, you can smoke products even on the grill. A piece of pipe or a barrel is taken, laid sideways on the grill. A grate is installed inside, products are laid out. Sawdust is poured into the bottom of the barrel. The barrel is closed, the fire is kindled.

Watch the video: Mini smokehouse. How to quickly smoke ribs

If you want smoked meats while fishing, hunting or hiking, logs or stones are taken. An analogue of a firebox is created, chopped firewood is stacked, quite a lot of coal is burned. Then everything is covered with fresh branches, grass, prepared products are laid out above. Sawdust is piled on the coals. Products turn over from time to time.

Without a professional oil lamp, you can organize a room between the trees growing on the sides. It is fenced with canvas material, blankets, branches with leaves. Charcoal from wood, water, sawdust and tightness are the main requirements for smoking. The process can take several days. The main thing is not to forget to add sawdust and change products for cooking.

Simple stainless steel smokehouse

Varieties mini and simple brick smokers and there are a lot of materials at hand. Choose Yourself suitable option for giving, which you can do with your own hands. - this practical device for your family.

Since it is possible to make a brick smokehouse only in stationary version, several points should be foreseen in advance:

  • Determine a place. For safe operation should choose areas remote from home. However, it is worth remembering that you will have to take dishes and products to the place of cooking, so too long distance between buildings is not necessary. In addition, layout planning should take into account the peculiarity of the smokehouse, namely the constantly emitted smoke. It must not enter the premises.
  • Prepare the site. The basis of the smokehouse will be a solid foundation, and to increase its durability, you need to resort to cleaning the area from debris, leaves and grass.
  • Define purpose. General Devices, created by their own hands, offer two types of smoking - cold and hot. The design can provide either one of these modes, or both at the same time.

TIP: It is necessary to decide in advance what types of smoking will be used when operating the smokehouse, as this will directly affect the peculiarity of its organization.

Dependence on the type of smoking

The do-it-yourself brick smokehouse device varies depending on whether cold or hot smoking is selected. Each of them has its own advantages:

  • Cold-smoked food is stored longer, but is more expensive than the second method.
  • Hot smoking is more beneficial, however, products prepared in this way will spoil faster than those created by the cold method.

One method or both was chosen for building a smokehouse made of bricks with your own hands - it is important to consider the following: for hot cooking, it is necessary to organize a hearth under the chamber, and for cold cooking, to the side with the supply of a smoke supply device.

Making a smokehouse with your own hands is easy. There are many ways from the simplest (for example, a smokehouse from a metal bucket) to more complex and time-consuming (for example, brick). To build such devices, you do not need to have serious building skills, it is enough to follow the instructions.

Design features

Various sizes and types of designs allow for the presence of many elements in do-it-yourself smokehouses. However, the main parts are the fireplace itself, the grate and the firebox, the food grate with hooks and the lid, as well as the main element of the construction - brick.

How to make a brick smokehouse yourself

The best option is to form a smokehouse with two chambers, which will allow you to resort to different types smoking. Therefore, after selecting and preparing a site for the construction of the device, you can begin to draw up a scheme of work. The painted stages and drawings of a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse should include:

  • List necessary tools. These include both parts of the smokehouse - bricks, doors, a grate and a metal lid, and tools for working - clay and components for the foundation, a spatula, a shovel and a container for the mixture.

IMPORTANT: Only refractory bricks are suitable for building a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse.

  • Sequence of work: first of all, when building a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse, you need to prepare the foundation, then choose a scheme for laying bricks and building a smoke supply.

Foundation formation

A kind of concrete pad with steel mesh inside. Creation comes down to a few simple steps:

  • A hole is dug slightly larger than the future smokehouse with a depth of about 40 cm.
  • The bottom of the pit is filled with a layer of sand and gravel.
  • A steel mesh is placed on top.

  • The dug hole is completely filled with concrete, left to solidify.
  • A waterproofing layer of roofing material is placed on top.

Creating the base of a brick smokehouse

Since the device is a three-dimensional structure, it is necessary to approach the laying of bricks thoroughly. by the most the best option there will be a choice of one of the existing schemes and the sequential construction of rows.

After the drawing is selected, you can start working:

  • Using a trowel, concrete mortar is applied to the foundation.

TIP: For the mixture, you can use cement and fine sand in a ratio of 1 to 4. The mixed homogeneous mass should be gradually filled with water, remembering to stir until a thick consistency is formed.

  • The poke of the brick is covered with mortar, then applied vertically to the already laid mortar. The next brick must be laid with a shift towards the joint.

The name of the sides of the brick

  • Ordering is in progress. Each row must be cleaned with a trowel from excess mortar, which is formed when the elements are shifted. At the same time, in order to increase the stability of the future brick smokehouse, the seams of the lower rows should be covered with solid bricks from above. In other words, observe the dressing.

Formation of a supply for a smoke

Such an element is an indispensable part of a smokehouse with the possibility of cooking food by cold smoking. It is created as follows:

  • The trench is being prepared. Standard size- 0.5 m wide, 0.3 deep and long. The bottom is rammed.
  • A number of bricks are laid out, fixed with mortar. The height of the vertical wall should be about 25 cm.

The channel of such a chimney has restrictions on both sides. There is a firebox on one side, and a smoking chamber on the other, which should be higher than the firebox. The angle of ascent is about 9 degrees.

  • From above, an overlap is created in the form of a house.
  • The solution is left to solidify. After that, a layer of earth about 14 cm should be poured from above to the smoking chamber.

TIP: The chimney channel should go no more than 0.3 m deep into the smokehouse.

Check before launch

Before using the smokehouse to its full potential for its intended purpose, you should check the correct operation of it in test mode. This will allow you to detect and eliminate deficiencies. You can do this in the following way:

  • Fill the appropriate compartment with sawdust. In this case, the most preferred option would be cherry and apricot.
  • Fire up the furnace.
  • Place meat or fish in the smoker.
  • Close the outlet pipe and wait until the inside of the smoker fills with smoke.
  • Wait until the temperature in the smokehouse reaches 60 degrees, then open the smoke hole.

  • Wait about half an hour in operating mode.
  • Get groceries. If the brick smoker works correctly, the meat will be golden and hot.

Video: do-it-yourself brick smokehouse

Thus, having studied the device of a brick smokehouse, even a beginner in the construction business can create it with his own hands. At the same time, the smokehouse will show efficiency and safety, since it will be built according to verified steps and will pass the necessary checks.

There are many models of compact portable smokehouses for a summer residence or a private house on the market. But it is much more reliable to build a brick smokehouse on garden plot with your own hands. Its design is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The presented drawings, photos and videos will help you understand the device, and step-by-step instructions will help you cope with the task without any problems.

What are smokehouses?

You can smoke chicken thighs, lard, fish, homemade sausage, meat. When smoked, the products are saturated with wood smoke, acquiring a unique aroma and taste. Without a wood-fired smokehouse, this result will not be achieved. No liquid smoke, tea brews and other inventions of industry and resourceful housewives can replace real smoking with smoke.

On a personal plot, you can install both a purchased smokehouse, and build it from improvised materials with your own hands. Homemade smokehouse may be:

  • from a metal or wooden barrel;
  • from a bucket;
  • from metal sheets welded together;
  • brick.

At home, you can also smoke products in the chimney located in the attic of the house. To do this, it is necessary to build a smoking chamber near the chimney, into which smoke will flow through the chimney from the stove located in the house. This option is the most budgetary, but at the same time the most dangerous in terms of technology. fire safety.

The most reliable design is a brick smokehouse. Moreover, laid out skillful hands design can be a real highlight landscape design site. Using photos and drawings, you can build a functional, durable and stylish design.

Brick smokehouses differ:

  • to size;
  • by device:
  • by functionality.

On the site, you can build both a very small in volume and a fairly impressive smokehouse. Large smokehouses are recommended to be designed in the form of decorative houses.

Smokehouses of various design can be used for hot and cold smoking of products. In the first case, the firebox will be located directly under the smoking chamber, dousing the products with hot smoke. Cold smoking involves a fire located slightly away from the chamber so that the smoke can cool before it reaches the food. Hot-smoked products are cooked on average 2.5 hours, but cold-smoked products take up to 7 days. The drawings clearly show the difference in the design of the two types of smokehouses. You can expand the functionality of the smokehouse by combining it with a barbecue or barbecue.

What is the smokehouse made of?

The design of any smokehouse consists of:

  • furnaces;
  • blew;
  • chimney;
  • smoking chambers;
  • doors;
  • top floor (roof);
  • metal gratings and horizontal bars with hooks;
  • drip tray for collecting fat.

Wood chips placed in the furnace form thick smoke, which is fed through the chimney into the smoking chamber. Combustion waste (ash) accumulates in the blower located under the firebox. Products in the smoking chamber are laid out on metal grates or hung on special hooks. To collect the resulting fat, it is imperative to install a removable drip tray.

Preparatory work

Choosing the right place for a stationary smokehouse is of great importance, since the smoking process is associated with fire, smoke and soot. The main requirement for fire safety is remoteness from residential and commercial buildings on the site. The same rule applies to green spaces. It is also necessary to take into account that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe selected area is sufficient for laying the chimney.

The place chosen for construction must be cleaned in advance of foreign objects, debris and grass. It is also worth taking care of necessary materials and tools. You will need:

  • refractory brick;
  • cement, sand, clay;
  • wooden doors;
  • sackcloth;
  • roofing materials;
  • metal corner;
  • measuring instruments;
  • trowel, hammer, spatula;
  • container for mixing solution.

For quality work experts recommend that beginners prepare a building drawing in advance and develop step-by-step instructions that you should follow when building a smokehouse with your own hands. It will not be superfluous to study the theory, get acquainted with the photo and video of the upcoming work.

Foundation laying

Like any building, a smokehouse needs a solid foundation. The first step is to mark up according to the size of the future smokehouse. For this, wooden stakes and a cord are used. For small smokehouses, a foundation 40 cm deep will be enough. If a more voluminous structure is being built, the foundation should be deepened more and reinforced during pouring.

For pouring the foundation, it uses a cement-sand mixture with the addition of gravel or crushed stone. In some cases, a foundation trench can be laid construction waste and top with concrete. Since the load on the foundation of the smokehouse is small, such a device will be quite enough.

Advice. To ensure the waterproofing of the foundation, it is recommended to cover it with a layer of roofing material.

It will be useful to equip the basement. To do this, it is necessary to build a wooden formwork that is wider than the laid foundation.

Laying out the chimney

The principle of construction of any smokehouse is the same, regardless of its size and internal device. First of all, the chimney is laid out - the main working element of the structure.

Under the chimney in the ground, they dig a trench of the following sizes:

  • width - 50 cm;
  • depth - 30-40 cm;
  • length - 25-30 cm.

The bottom of the prepared trench is carefully tamped and a row of bricks is laid using clay mortar. It is important that along the length of the chimney there are two bricks located end to end to each other. The chimney channel is limited on the one hand by the firebox, and on the other - by the smoking chamber.

Attention! The smoking chamber should always be located above the firebox.

The rule for the location of the chamber implies that the smoke channel should rise from the firebox at an angle of 8-9 degrees. When laying the chimney, the brick is installed on the edge, and the dressing of all seams remains the same. The vertical walls of the chimney are erected to a height of 25 cm. The upper ceiling of the chimney is also made of brick. For convenience, it is recommended to perform it in the form of a house.

When the chimney is laid out, the mortar used must be allowed to dry. Next, the chimney is covered with a layer of earth, which is limited to the smoking chamber.

Attention! The chimney should not enter the smoking chamber by more than 25-30 cm. The layer of earth poured onto the chimney should be 12-14 cm.

We lay out the smoking chamber

When the chimney is ready, you can proceed to the construction of the smoke department. Here you can show your imagination by building a round, square or rectangular chamber. Drawings, photos, videos and step by step instructions widely available on the Internet. The most important thing is not to rush, but to lay out the bricks with high quality. For a home smokehouse, a chamber measuring 1 x 1 m and 1.5 m high will be quite sufficient.

Laying is desirable to perform on a solution of clay, laying a brick on the edge. Clay is a natural material, and when exposed to high temperatures does not emit harmful substances.

Metal pins are drilled into the upper part of the chamber, on which a grate or rods with hooks for products will be mounted. At the bottom, you need to provide fasteners for burlap, which is used as a smoke filter. In the middle - attachments for a removable grease tray.

From above, the chamber is covered with a special cover that regulates the density of smoke. If the design of the smokehouse provides for the installation of a roof, do not forget about the ventilated opening holes. When the frame of the smoking chamber is ready, you can install doors and mount devices for laying out products.

Furnace arrangement

The firebox is located at the opposite end of the chimney from the chamber. Its design is very simple. It is made of thick sheet iron with dimensions of 40 x 35 x 35 cm. A small blower is placed under the firebox to collect ash and provide draft in the chimney. At the back or side, the firebox is connected to the chimney.

FROM outside it is recommended to overlay the firebox with bricks. This will protect it from the effects of precipitation and give it a complete look. appearance the whole building. In detail, the entire process of building a smokehouse on a personal plot can be viewed in the video.

Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for building a brick smokehouse

  1. We lay the foundation for the smoking chamber.
  2. We dig a trench under the chimney.
  3. We lay out the chimney of bricks.
  4. We build a smoking chamber.
  5. We equip the firebox.
  6. We give the building a decorative appearance.

Beginners in the construction business should not despair when building a brick smokehouse with their own hands. If you have a desire, then everything will work out! The main thing is to be patient, and slowly, step by step, follow this painstaking work. As a result, a brick smokehouse will serve you for a long time and regularly.

Building a brick smokehouse with your own hands: video

Brick smokehouse: photo

IN country house, in the country or just on land plot The owner tries to make everything cozy and comfortable. Smoked meat lovers will certainly want to have their own home smokehouse in order to enjoy freshly smoked products. To do this, you can build a smokehouse yourself from improvised means. There are a lot of proposals on this topic. Smokehouses are made from old refrigerators, iron barrels etc. In fact, a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse will be much more reliable and practical. In addition to practicality and reliability, there is another advantage: you will not only not spoil the design of your site, but even embellish it.

A do-it-yourself brick smokehouse can be a very pretty and durable structure.

Its reliability will depend solely on you and the materials that you select for construction.

What you need to build a smokehouse

  • brick (it is better to take a special one, it will last longer);
  • clay;
  • shovel;
  • grate(s) for smoking products;
  • wooden door;
  • metal rods - 8 pieces;
  • metal cover;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb;
  • trowel;
  • putty knife;
  • hammer;
  • solution container.

First, you should decide which method of smoking you prefer. If you like both, then you can build a do-it-yourself smokehouse for hot and cold smoking, that is, a universal one.

Smokehouse and its place

When deciding on a place, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Since your building is made of brick, it will be capital, that is, the possibility of moving it to another place will be accompanied by certain difficulties and time spent.

Therefore, the place should not only be convenient, but also be at some distance from the living quarters and other buildings and places that can be damaged by smoke and sparks. Please note that smoke can harm not only buildings, but also planted on suburban area trees and shrubs. Therefore, it is preferable to make such a decision with the whole family in order to take into account all the nuances.

Preparing a place for a smokehouse

Clear the place of grass, dirt and debris, remove all unnecessary. If your smokehouse is not big size, then it is recommended to fill the foundation with a depth of 30-40 cm, no greater depth is required.

If the design is impressive enough, then it is worth digging a pit to the depth of freezing of the earth and pouring the foundation using reinforced concrete. With sufficient soil density, you can get by with simply trampling down the place, but this must be done very well.

We create a small smokehouse

In order to make a small smokehouse with your own hands, it will take much less time and effort than if you were building a large structure. But in any case, you need to follow the sequence. The principle of construction is almost the same in all options.

  1. Lay a place for laying the future chimney in the ground. The length of the section of the inner part of the channel should be 250-300 cm, width - 35 cm, height - 25 cm. Use red clay bricks for construction, since silicate brick, when heated, emits harmful gases.
  2. The smoking chamber is located at the end of the channel. Its height should not exceed 150 cm. To create it, use brickwork on the edge, more on this below.
  3. For future channel masonry, dig a trench, the depth of which should be 35 cm and the width 55 cm. Keep in mind that the firebox cannot be located above the chamber. If the smokehouse is located on the rise, then no additional action will have to be taken. If there is no rise, then the chimney channel is made along a slope, which is approximately 8 degrees. The bottom is well compacted and bricks are laid, placing two bricks end-to-end along the length. It is preferable to carry out laying on a clay solution, which does not change its properties when heated.
  4. The next step is laying the walls in the chimney channel. The walls are built on a laid brick foundation. Laying is done on the edge. In this case, the dressing of the seams in all rows should be the same. The wall in the end should be 25 cm high and consist of two rows of masonry.
  5. Now block the top of the channel, you can do this with a brick. For those who have already encountered construction, a reasonable question may well arise how to do this if the channel is 35 cm wide and the known length of a standard brick is 25 cm. To do this, we block the channel not flat roof, but a house. With this laying, the brick is laid end-to-end along the length. This overlap is also best done on clay mortar for maximum strength. All gaps and cracks that you may have formed during the creation of the coating, be sure to close it.
  6. At the end of the chimney channel, the smoking chamber itself is installed. Make it so that the channel goes deep into the chamber no more than 30 cm.
  7. After the smoke channel dries, cover everything with a layer of soil to the level of the smoking chamber, the layer should be about 15 cm high.

What to do if there is no clay

If you do not have clay and you have nowhere to get it, and you are in a hurry with the construction, then use ordinary earth, simply sprinkling bricks with honey in rows. Cement mortar should not be used, as it can simply break when heated to a high temperature.

  1. When laying the walls of the smokehouse, do not forget to strengthen the metal rods for smoking. Their optimal number for a small smokehouse is 8. Fix the first four at a height of 70 cm for hot smoking. Fasten the next 4 so that they do not reach the top edge of 25 cm - this is for cold smoking. A grate will be laid on these metal rods.
  2. Optionally, the smokehouse can be equipped with a filter. To do this, ordinary burlap is stretched over a wire circle, which is placed under the lower rods. The installation of the filter is taken into account in advance, since for it it is necessary to install additional metal rods in the amount of 4 pieces. Do not forget that the filter must be moistened with water.
  3. From above, the case should certainly be equipped with a lid made of metal.

If you decide to build a large smokehouse, then it is better to make it like a house, it will be a full-fledged room with a stove. From the oven, smoke will enter the room, and for cold smoking - from a separate smoke generator.

This will allow you to subsequently use different firewood in accordance with smoking recipes. Also, during the construction process, it is necessary to lay fasteners for hanging pieces of products intended for smoking on them. In the upper part it is necessary to install a chimney, which will have a valve. With this valve you will control the temperature and the speed of the smoke flow.

Without this adjustment, you will not achieve an even color when smoking. When planning a building, be sure to provide windows for ventilation. A large smokehouse provides for large portions of the manufactured product. With this decision, it is worth providing a place for firewood.

Such a smokehouse should also be equipped with a tray on which fat will accumulate. When erecting a large building, you can combine it with a barbecue. This is a very convenient and practical solution.

The brazier can use the same combustion chamber as the smokehouse, or be equipped with its own. The second option is undoubtedly better, in this case the tightness will not be broken and the smoke will go only where it is supposed to.


There should be a door in this room, and certainly a wooden one. In order to avoid its accidental ignition, smear it with clay, like all other wooden parts of the building, if any.

For those who want to expand their own diet by delighting their household with delicious delicacies in the country, a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse should be made. Special stores briskly trade in a wide range of compact portable smokehouses, from which you can choose the appropriate option.

A stationary brick smokehouse built on the site is the key to preparing delicious dishes with smoke on your own.

How to choose a smokehouse?

Technologically, smoking is the processing and impregnation of cooked food with clouds of smoke arising from the burning of wood. This method cooking is impossible without a special smokehouse.

Structurally, the smokehouse is a metal container in which a grate is placed. Semi-finished products are laid out on it. A removable lid is used for closing. If desired, ingenuity and minimal skills, any craftsman can make a high-quality smokehouse with his own hands. The complex being built is designed for both cold and hot smoking.

Scheme of a cold-smoked smokehouse: a - scheme of the smokehouse device, b - diagram of the smoke generator device.

At the heart of the brick smokehouse is metal carcass, lined brick blocks. Sometimes the frame is missing. First, lay on a flat surface concrete foundation on which the structure is being built. It consists of a chimney, a brazier, a metal grate, a smoking chamber, and a blower.

By definition, grill-smokers are:

  • coal;
  • portable;
  • electric;
  • gas.

There are disposable smoking bags.

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About independent projects

If it is not possible to purchase a store smokehouse, then you can use improvised means to build an independent project.

The following types of smokehouses are known:

  1. home smokehouse easily laid out of bricks or assembled from welded metal sheets. Finished brickwork sealed clay mortar. A special chamber is filled with wood or shavings. Raw materials should not burn, but smolder.
  2. Chimney pipe in which you can smoke products. This option is budgetary, since smoke treatment takes place in the attic space. To adjust the flow of smoke, dampers are installed in the pipe body, and hooks are also attached to which chicken hams, sausages and other victuals are hung. If the stove is operated on low heat, then hardwoods are used.
  3. Do-it-yourself brick smokehouse, built from a standard barrel. You need to take the barrel and remove the bottom. The unit is mounted on bricks. The latter are set so that smoldering wood is located between the blocks. A set of food hooks is attached to the interior space. From above, the structure is covered with a cloth of wet matting. For the manufacture of barbecue (food cooked on smoldering coals), a grate is used. It will also be useful in metal barrel. Finished buildings covered with metal or wooden lids.
  4. Brick varieties are the most reliable and durable structures. Self-built projects are able to decorate the site. Some of the options are shown on the slides.

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Brick BBQ smokehouses that you can build yourself

To build the complex, you need to acquire the right tools and materials. To make a smokehouse, blocks of refractory bricks are required. Technologically, brick smokehouses are made in this way:

  1. First, the cement slurry is prepared ( special attention requires compliance with the desired density).
  2. The future structure is erected on a site prepared in advance. The flat plateau is thoroughly cleaned of debris. Wooden boards are installed around the perimeter. They are needed in order to build a cement foundation.
  3. The prepared place is poured cement mortar and leveled out. After that, the foundation should dry completely.
  4. Bricks are laid on the surface of a dried foundation (whose height is 70 cm). Blocks should be fixed so that there are no gaps or gaps between them. The evenness of the masonry is adjusted by the building level.
  5. Walls should line up neatly. The blower should be closed with metal doors.
  6. A recess is created where the barbecue itself will be inserted. This is a metal box for wood, as well as an upper grill on which food is cooked.
  7. The chimney and pipes are mounted so that there is good ventilation(as well as a damper that regulates the flow of smoke).

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Smokehouse-"self-built" brick

Such a smokehouse should be located at an accessible distance from residential buildings. Garbage is removed from the area. Then a foundation with a thickness of about 40 cm is laid there. If an impressive structure is being planned, then the foundation must be reinforced.

To build a brick smokehouse in the country, you need to stock up:

  • refractory bricks;
  • building level, spatulas, hammer wooden doors;
  • grill, metal cover;
  • trowel, plumb line, ordering.

The chimney is made first. In the process of work, clay red brick is used. It does not crack, it is not afraid of high temperatures.

When creating a smoking chamber, bricks are placed on edge. The height of the container should not exceed a one and a half meter mark.

The firewood container should not exceed the main chamber in size. Masonry is carried out using a clay mixture, which does not emit toxic compounds when heated.

Chimney walls are erected using a similar technique on a pre-prepared brick base. The height of the object is 25 cm. 2-row brickwork is being carried out.

A brick is used to block the channel. The overlap cannot be flat. After assembly, the structure must dry thoroughly. A couple more days are allotted for standing. After two days, the smokehouse is covered with a 15-cm layer of soil so that the ground level is equal to the smoking chamber.