How to make the simplest smokehouse with your own hands. Do-it-yourself hot smoked smokehouse: an easy way to assemble

Smoked products have surprisingly mouth-watering aromas and breathtaking flavors, but their store prices are often equally impressive. Cold or hot smoked products will definitely not work to be consumed every day, because this pleasure is not cheap. There is only one way out - to build a smokehouse yourself. Such a unit will be appropriate in the backyard of a private house or summer cottage. If you have no idea how to make a smokehouse with your own hands, then this article will definitely help you turn your idea into reality.

Smoking is a type of heat treatment of foodstuffs that has been known since ancient times. Its distinctive feature is that the products are processed with smoke. During the smoking process, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature, the amount of smoke, the uniformity of heating and fumigation of the product.

This method of cooking has a number of advantages, thanks to which it has not lost its relevance since time immemorial:

● smoked products retain a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins if they are not exposed to very high temperatures;

● foodstuffs prepared in this way can be stored for a long time, since the smoke has a preservative effect on them.

The taste of the finished dish depends on properly selected firewood. This is due to the fact that each wood burns in its own way and has an individual flavor. Manufacturers of special sawdust recommend choosing their type depending on the product that will be processed:

● alder - it is suitable for cooking any meat and vegetable products;

● oak - intended for pork, beef and other red meat;

● willow - suitable for a specific type of meat and game, such as bear, elk or deer. You can also smoke fish, which mostly live in swamps;

● cherry - I use it to smoke vegetables, nuts and berries.

Cold and hot smoking

The smoking process can take place at different temperatures. The temperature regime directly depends on the distance at which the products are from the source of smoke. There are such types of smoking:

● cold - the most delicious smoked meats are obtained precisely when cooking in this way, however, the product must be prepared in advance. The temperature for cold smoking is 25-45 degrees, and the process itself can take several days. Such food reserves can be stored for a very long time without losing their taste, however, drying out a little;

● hot - the fastest and most convenient way to cook meat or fish at home, because the finished dish can be served immediately. The process takes about 4 hours at a temperature of 50-100 degrees. However, it should be noted that such processing quickly spoils food.

Types of smokers

A do-it-yourself smokehouse can be of different types and have its own design features, which directly depend on the needs of the user and his construction capabilities. The most popular are 3 types of smokers:

● mine (vertical);
● tunnel (horizontal);
● chamber.

Shaft smokehouse is the easiest to install and does not require a specific place for installation. Its structure resembles a canonical hut with food hanging at the top. However, this type of smokehouse has a number of significant disadvantages, among which one of the most significant are the inaccessibility of smoking by the fumigation method, as well as small possibilities for adjusting smoke production.

A tunnel smokehouse requires a fairly large amount of work, most of which is land-based. It is also necessary to find a suitable site for its installation - it is necessary that it is on a slope. The hearth-smoke generator in such a horizontal device is located in a special semi-closed chamber. Thanks to this, the smoking process can be carried out under any weather conditions. Depending on the length of the channel, both hot and cold smoking can be performed.

The chamber smokehouse is rather primitive in its structure, but at the same time it is overall: the height is 1.5 meters, and the diameter is 1 meter. During construction, it is important to ensure the required angle of inclination, which varies from 10 to 30 degrees.

Smokehouse schemes and designs

For each type of smoking, certain types of smokehouses are also provided, the design features of which are fundamentally important.

A do-it-yourself hot-smoked smokehouse is a container that has a lid that must be tightly closed. You can design this device from a metal box, barrel, bucket. The main components of a smokehouse are:

● firebox - it is located directly under the chamber and performs the heating function;
● sealed smoking chamber - responsible for uniform heating of the air and the achievement of high temperatures. Since basically the hot smoking process takes place at a temperature of 100 degrees, there can be several chambers;
● odor trap - its installation will help reduce the amount of carcinogens in the smoke, as well as create a barrier to air flows inside and outside;
● lattices - they are used for placing products that can be processed;
● pallet - fat and juice are released from the food, which, getting to the bottom of the chamber, begin to burn, negatively affecting the taste of meat, fish and vegetable products. The removable pallet must be easily removable.

The main schemes of hot smoked smokers are shown below in the figure:

A cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands is built on the principle that the smoke that reaches the product must have time to cool down. It can be of arbitrary sizes and, as a rule, consists of the following main parts:

● firebox - it can be made of bricks or made of metal plates. Since the process of processing products takes a long time, the firebox should be equipped with a convenient ash pan, as well as a smoke door that regulates the main flow;
● smoking chamber - the temperature during cold smoking is not high, therefore various materials can be used for the manufacture of the chamber, including wood. It will be most convenient to use a barrel;
● chimney - it connects the firebox and the chamber. Metal is suitable for its construction. You can also dig a chimney in the ground. It is not recommended to use bricks that are porous materials.

The smokehouse scheme is shown in the figure below:

How to make a smokehouse with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

In order to independently build a smokehouse, it is not necessary to have the professional skills of a builder and to have expensive equipment in stock. For quite primitive designs, ordinary tools and materials are suitable, which can be bought in a store for little money or even found in the country.

Depending on your capabilities and desires, you can build such smokehouses:

Our own smokehouse, located on the slope near the dacha, is very convenient and practical to use, because it is suitable for cold smoking of a large variety of products. The main material for its manufacture is wood.

The instructions for building a camp smokehouse are as follows:

● dig a shaft for the chimney, which is 0.3 meters wide and 6 meters long;
● lay a pipe with a diameter of 0.2 meters into the resulting ditch and lead it from the location of the fire to the entrance to the smokehouse;
● lay out the firebox made of bricks or weld from metal. Its shape should be made in the form of a cube with sides of 4 meters;

● install a valve on the other side of the firebox to create draft;
● knock down a sealed smoking chamber from the boards;
● install the grill, gate valve, panel for food intake inside the chamber.

In order to equip such a unit at a summer cottage, you will have to spend not only time and effort, but also money. However, the result will be worth all the effort, because the structure will not only look aesthetically pleasing, but also work effectively.

To install it, follow the step-by-step instructions:

● fill the foundation with a depth of 0.4 meters with reinforced wire, metal rods and pieces of reinforcement;
● in advance in the pit for the foundation, make a channel for the chimney at a distance of 1.5 meters from the smoking chamber;
● lay the pipe along the trench up to the firebox;
● build a sealed brick firebox or use a metal box;
● attach the firebox to the pipe;
● after the foundation has hardened, start bricking the walls;
● in the process of laying, make metal rods;
● equip the building with a cover.

The simplest hot smoked smokehouse.

A similar design can be purchased at any specialty store, but in order to save money, you can also build it yourself:

● choose a suitable place for the smokehouse on a hill;
● equip the area with a metal sheet on which the fire will burn;
● lay the brick base on both sides of the sheet;
● Place a metal box on top of the brick posts. You can use a saucepan or bucket;
● equip the box with shelves where food will be smoked;
● install a pallet that will be needed for sawdust;
● equip the box with a lid through which the process of placing products will take place;
● install the valve.

When on vacation you sharply want smoked meats, but there is no special unit at hand, and is not expected in the near future, you can build a smokehouse from the barbecue. The construction of such a cunning and simple structure will take at most an hour, or even less, and ready-made and delicious-smelling food will appear on the table in the near future.

To make a smokehouse on the grill, follow the step-by-step instructions:

● find a piece of pipe or a small metal barrel;
● put the find on the barbecue;
● equip the pipe with a grid;
● add sawdust;
● tightly close the pipe;
● light a fire.

Simple barrel smokehouse.

A very basic smokehouse can be made from a metal barrel and an electric heater. To do this, follow the instructions:

● make a hole in the bottom of the barrel;

● install the heater on the bottom by pulling the cord through the hole;

● put a container with sawdust on the stove and cover it with a cap;

● hang the food on rods or put it on the wire rack;

● put a lid on the barrel.

Another interesting option for a smokehouse is a smokehouse built in the attic. It is connected to the chimney from a home fireplace or stove. So you can not only heat your home, but also cook delicious smoked meats. The photo shows a diagram of such a smokehouse.

Advantages of your own smokehouse.

To build a smokehouse with your own hands is quite a feasible task for every man who knows how to hold ordinary tools in his hands, wants to acquire such a unit and loves smoked meats. It is worth making a smokehouse yourself for several reasons:

● price - in specialized stores there is a wide selection of smokehouses, which can be either a primitive device or equipped with additional functions and capabilities. However, the cost of such devices is always high and not everyone can afford it. A do-it-yourself smokehouse does not require practically any financial costs. Improvised materials and means can be used;

● time - it will take very little time to make a smokehouse. Depending on the type of construction, the unit can be built both in a day and in an hour;

● ease of use - primitive smokehouses are quite functional and easy to use and maintain. They will allow you to cook tasty and aromatic meat, fish, cheese and other food products without much effort;

● service life - devices built according to the instructions and using recommended materials will serve their owner for several years;

● ease of installation - the construction of the smokehouse is elementary, therefore easy to install. It easily adapts to the materials and capabilities available.

In the process of building a smokehouse, in fact, as in any other construction work, safety rules must be observed. So, you should get work gloves, make sure that the tools are in good working order and the reliability of the materials at hand. You should also not neglect the elementary precautions directly during the operation of the unit.

How to make a smokehouse. Video reviews

Smoked products are among those products that almost everyone loves to enjoy. The aroma of smoked meat or fish, giving off a light smoke, brings back memories of childhood to someone, while someone recalls a pleasant journey from a romantic student age. It is not surprising that, at the slightest opportunity, the owners of country houses or summer cottages strive to make their own smokehouse.

Some believe that the smoking process is complex and requires large material costs to ensure it. But this is far from the case. Here, by and large, only desire is required, and the natural ingenuity inherent in us by our ancestors (they surely knew how to build a smokehouse) will wake up at the right time and help complete the work begun. The main thing is to decide which product you prefer: hot or cold smoked?

For hot smoking, you can use any metal container, such as a bucket or saucepan. The main requirement for the container is the presence of a sealed cover, which will prevent the free exit of smoke to the outside. The container must be high enough to accommodate the grate and pallet. Pieces of fish or meat, previously seasoned in brine, are placed on the wire rack.

Sawdust is poured at the bottom of the container, and a pallet is installed under the products, into which fat and juice flows when smoking. The container is installed on an open fire or on an electric stove. From the elevated temperature, the wood begins to smolder and emit smoke, this is how hot smoking of products occurs. The smoking temperature can be from 40 to 70 degrees.

The principle of operation of a cold smoked smokehouse is based on the fact that the smoke, before entering the smoking chamber, must travel a long enough way to cool down to a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees. For such a smokehouse, it is necessary to dig a hole, which is used as a hearth. A pipe up to 4 meters long is laid from the pit.

The end of the pipe must go into a box, the capacity of which must be at least one cubic meter. The container is made of steel and lined with brick or wood structure. Hooks are evenly placed in the box on which the products are suspended, and the top is closed with burlap. Smoking is carried out when sawdust smolders in the hearth, the smoke from which enters the box and envelops the products, gradually bringing them to a state of readiness. Cold smoking is carried out for at least 72 hours, provided that a constant temperature inside the box is maintained no higher than 30 degrees.

The above options for the smokehouse device are simple to perform. However, such smokehouses are far from presentable, which can spoil the impression made by aromatic products. Owners of private country houses today want to have such buildings on the site that will have an interesting appearance and carry a specific purpose.

In this case, it is better to stop your choice on the construction of a smokehouse, which looks like an ordinary wooden wardrobe house. The body of such a cabinet is made of a wooden bar and sheathed from the inside with sheet metal. A rack with hooks and grates for bacon, loin, sausages and fish is installed inside.

Cabinet doors should be sized to allow easy access to the smokehouse. It must be washed periodically and kept clean.

The floor of the house provides an entrance for smoke, and in the upper part of the structure - an exit. The design is provided with an external thermometer, with which you can monitor compliance with the smoking process. The stove is made in the form of a stove with a horizontal outlet pipe for smoke, and it is located at a distance from the smoking house-cabinet at a distance of 4 meters. The finished building should be checked for tightness of the chimney and smoking cabinet. To do this, you can carry out a test kindling of the furnace.


The success of smoking and obtaining a final product with excellent taste depends on seemingly insignificant conditions, for example:

  • For smoking, it is better to use sawdust of alder, oak, apple, maple, aspen or cherry.
  • Do not use poplar, birch or softwood sawdust to smoke products.
  • To obtain a golden hue of products, a small amount of sugar is added to the sawdust.
  • When smoking large volumes of products, small sticks and chips are used, which must be dry.
  • The smoking oven must be equipped with a lid with which the air supply is regulated.
  • The wood in the stove should only smolder, and not burn with an open flame.


This video shows the process of making a smokehouse.

Smoked meats belong to the category of food delicacies, the cost of such products is quite high. However, you can prepare a flavored snack yourself. This requires some sawdust and a home smokehouse.

Stores offer a variety of home smoking methods, from ready-made mini gas stove smokers to simple processing in liquid smoke chemicals. For true connoisseurs, we offer several options for how to make a smokehouse at home.

Important! A prerequisite for the operation of a normal smokehouse is the presence of free space around. Therefore, such installations can only be used in the courtyard of your own house or in the country.

How to make a smokehouse with your own hands?

The general principle of operation is intensive enveloping of the semi-finished product with aromatic smoke. There are two ways to cook food "with a smoke":

Cold smoking

It is not the blank that is processed, but the product suitable for consumption. Preliminary heat treatment or salting is required. The product stays in the smoke chamber for a long time, acquiring the appropriate color or aroma.

For this, the combustion chamber (smoke generator) is located at a distance from the chamber with the product. The connection is made using a long chimney with an upward slope. It cools the smoke and generates good draft.

During the treatment with smoke, the product withers. The smoke cannot be completely cold, and the temperature is not enough to fully heat the product. Therefore, the processed meat or fish must be fatty and juicy. It is then that the most delicious consistency is obtained.

Disadvantage - too long smoking process, up to several days... The product is not juicy enough. The design of the smokehouse itself is bulky and requires a lot of space.

Hot smoking

The smoke generator (firebox) is located in the immediate vicinity of the product. Most often located directly below it. Due to this, a high temperature forms in the smoking chamber, at which not only the saturation of the product with the smoke aroma occurs, but also the direct cooking.

Therefore, for hot smoking, not finished products are used, but semi-finished products. This can be lightly salted meat or lard, raw fish (sprinkled with salt as for conventional cooking), or not completely cooked foods.

A typical design is a brazier with a combustion source underneath. The brazier is filled with sawdust or wood chips, which is a source of smoke. The body of the smoking chamber is a kind of oven, in the inside of which the semi-finished product is heat-treated.

Probably, there is no person in our area who would refuse a piece of really well-smoked meat or fish, so a plate with these delicious products always finds its place on any festive table. However, it should be admitted that it is quite difficult to find naturally smoked meat and fish products in a store or on the market. This is due to the fact that such a technological process is quite lengthy, and in order to achieve high taste, it always requires the use of wood or a chip-sawdust mixture of certain species, which gives a potential manufacturer unnecessary trouble. It is much easier and financially more profitable for him to use an artificial composition of the "liquid smoke" type for the preparation of such products, which quickly brings the raw material to the desired condition, giving it a beautiful color and similar to real taste and smell. But - this is only "ersatz", and besides, one should not forget that such "delicacies", absorbing chemical components of "liquid smoke" into their structure, will not benefit human health, and often can even cause considerable harm.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked smokehouse - drawings, dimensions and building instructions

The way out is obvious: a cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands - drawings, dimensions and instructions for the construction of which will be considered in this publication, becomes the best option for lovers of various dishes of this type. Moreover, if there is a suburban area, and the owner has at least basic skills in construction and plumbing.

The difference between hot and cold smoked smokers.

There are two main options for smokers - hot and cold smoked. The products made in the first of them are softer and more greasy, while the second produces products with a dense and dryish structure. Therefore, before proceeding with the manufacture of a smoking unit, it is worth agreeing in advance which product will suit your household's taste more, after which it will already be possible to decide on the choice of the device. Hot and cold smoked smokehouses differ in the location of the firebox and the principle of operation.

  • So, in the design of the unit for hot exposure to products, the heating of the smoking chamber with sawdust located at its bottom is carried out directly from an open fire or an electric heating device located under the bottom. Such a scheme contributes to overheating and the appearance of hot smoke emanating from the chip-sawdust mixture. A diagram of the simplest smoking apparatus using this technology is shown in the illustration below:

1 - An improvised firebox, which can be built in any place where such a smokehouse will be installed.

2 - Delivery: legs or even just a few installed bricks.

3 - Bottom made of metal with a thickness of 3 ÷ 4 mm and having drilled holes with a diameter of 4 ÷ 5 mm

4 - Chip-sawdust layer of fruit wood, laid on a perforated bottom.

5 - A tray with the walls raised to the edges to collect fat flowing down from the food.

6 - Metal grill for storing food.

7 - Products for hot smoking.

8 - Tightly closing lid with a small hole for fume extraction.

  • Cold smoking of products occurs under the influence of warm smoke, the temperature of which rarely exceeds the limit of 36 ÷ 40 ºС. The smoke resulting from smoldering wood has time to cool down on the way from the firebox to the smoking chamber. Thus, in this design, the two main chambers, and the smoking chamber, are located at a certain distance from each other, and are connected by means of special channels. The smoke, passing along a given trajectory, not only cools down to the required temperature, but is also freed from harmful impurities and soot that could get into the products, reducing their taste.

Smoke generator prices

smoke generators

An approximate diagram of the simplest installation for cold smoking products is shown in the figure:

1 - Combustion chamber in which firewood is laid.

2 - Fuel. It is best to take wood from fruit trees - cherries, pears, apple trees and the like. In addition, wood is also suitable for some other hardwoods, such as oak or alder.

3 - Chimney channel through which the smoke, gradually cooling, as it is conventionally shown by wide arrows, enters the smoking chamber.

4 - The basement of the smokehouse, made of brickwork

5 - A fine metal grate with cells of 3 ÷ 5 mm, on which soot will linger.

6 - A smoking chamber without a bottom - this can be a prepared barrel or box made of sheet metal with a thickness of 3-4 mm, or a specially built "house" of wood or brick.

7 - Cold smoked products. They are usually suspended on hooks by the crossbars (item 8), which in turn can be ordinary metal rods or perforated rack profiles.

9 - Tightly fitting lid of the smoking chamber with holes or a pipe for smoke outlet.

10 - Perforated cover covering the combustion chamber. In some designs, the door may not be located at the top, but on the front or side wall of the firebox.

It was just a general scheme that can be put into practice in various ways. Below in the publication, several options for building a smokehouse for cold smoking will be considered.

Making different types of smokers - step by step

Brick or block smokehouse

A smokehouse, built of bricks or foam concrete blocks, is perfect for building on a suburban area for those who are going to sell high-quality delicacies, as it is designed to prepare a large number of smoked products at once.

Such a structure may well become not only a functional adjoining building, but also a decoration of landscape design. However, before proceeding to the purchase of material and the construction of a smokehouse, it is necessary to develop its project and determine the location of a specific location on the site. Based on the selected size, the amount of material required is calculated.

Of the building materials for the construction of such an option for a smokehouse, you will need:

  • Red brick or aerated concrete hollow blocks.
  • Silicate brick for building a firebox, or you can purchase a combustion chamber with doors built into the fireplace.
  • Cast iron or steel door for the firebox.
  • Glass blocks or frosted glass window frames, if the building provides for a source of natural light. However, it should be noted that ultraviolet rays negatively affect smoked products, therefore, it should be provided that the window faces the north side of the building.
  • Cement and sand for making mortar for masonry and foundations for walls.
  • Wooden beams with a section of 60 × 60 or a board 20 × 100 mm - for arranging the rafter system under the roof.
  • Sheets of plywood or OSB for continuous sheathing of the rafter system.
  • Roofing material - it can be corrugated board or soft roof, depending on the wishes of the owner and the general design of the site.
  • Grooved board or wooden lining with a thickness of 10 ÷ 12 mm.
  • Chimney with a diameter of 80 ÷ 100 mm - for installation on the roof or gable side of the rafter system.
  • Chimney metal pipe with a diameter of 120 ÷ 150 mm.
  • Door leaf with frame, approximate size 750 × 2000 or 800 × 2100 mm.

It is best to choose a place for building a smoking chamber on a hill, and in this case, the firebox can be located at a distance of 2000 mm in the lower part of this hillock.

The first step, as for any building, under a smokehouse made of bricks or blocks, is to clear the area.
To do this, first, the place for the foundation is marked, and then the upper fertile soil layer is removed on this site, by about 150 ÷ ​​200 mm (on the bayonet of the shovel).
Further, on the site prepared for the foundation, it is necessary to find the middle, since the chimney pipe must be located here in the future.
A metal bucket or a box without a top covering can be used as a branch pipe, into the side of which a chimney will be inserted. Therefore, it is necessary to make a hole in it corresponding to the diameter of the chimney.
Through this channel, smoke will enter the smoker room.
It will be necessary to dig a trench from the center of the site, and in the case when all the elements of the smokehouse are located on a flat area, then the ditch must be dug at an angle of 15 ÷ 20 degrees, so that it goes deeper as it approaches the combustion chamber.
A pipe will be laid in the ditch before arranging the foundation, which will connect two chambers - a smokehouse and a furnace.
The next step is to lay the pipe, one end of which will go into the smokehouse, and the other is embedded in the back wall of the firebox.
After that, the trench is buried, and you can proceed to installing the formwork for pouring the foundation.
Since the construction will be relatively easy, it will not be necessary to deep the foundation. It is enough to raise the walls of the formwork by 200 ÷ 250 mm.
The bottom inside the formwork is covered with sand, with a layer of 50 ÷ 70 mm, and then with crushed stone, 80 ÷ 100 mm thick. Each of the layers compresses well.
Then, on top of the crushed stone, a coarse cement-gravel solution is poured. The surface of this layer should end 50 ÷ 70 mm from the edges of the formwork walls. It must be leveled so that the solution is located approximately at the same level.
At the next stage, a reinforcing mesh with cells of 50 × 50 mm is laid on top of the set concrete.
A solid cement-sand screed is placed on top of the mesh, poured from a concrete solution prepared in proportions of 1: 3. For the plasticity of the solution and additional strength of the screed, it is recommended to add water glass to the solution.
The screed is leveled using the rule along the walls of the formwork, which will serve as beacons for this.
The screed is left to dry completely and concrete to gain strength.
While the screed dries, you can work on the combustion chamber.
For the construction of the firebox, it is also necessary to prepare the foundation. First, a depression is also made under it, which is covered with the same layers of sand and gravel, and then filled with concrete, leveled and left to dry and gain strength.
It is best to build the walls of the firebox from two layers - the outer one of red brick and the inner one of heat-resistant silicate.
Another option is a ready-made metal combustion chamber designed for installation in a home stove or fireplace.
Whichever firebox is chosen, it is best if the chamber is deepened into the ground - this factor will contribute to a longer cooling of the walls, which means it will help save on fuel.
After the screed is finally ripe, they proceed to the construction of the walls of the smokehouse.
In this example, they are built from foam concrete, and even hollow blocks. It should be noted that this building material has good thermal resistance, that is, a pronouncedly low thermal conductivity, and this is important from the standpoint of maintaining an optimal temperature regime in the smoking chamber.
Each of the laid out rows is controlled according to the building level.
The masonry is made on a conventional cement-sand mortar or on assembly glue for gas silicate blocks.
In the course of work, control is carried out so that the wall does not fall from the vertical plane - this is easily checked with a plumb line or the same building level.
It is very important to smoothly and neatly bring out the doorway, otherwise the box will go awry into it, and the door may not enter at all.
The next step is to install floor beams at the end end of the walls of the wall, and then the rafter system.
Since in the example under consideration, a soft version of the roof is used for covering, a continuous sheathing of plywood sheets is fixed to the rafters.
Detailed information about soft roofing and all the nuances of the process is presented in an article published on our website, the link to which will be given below.
When the roof is mounted, the gable sides of the roof are "sewn up" with a board or clapboard.
A ventilation pipe is led out through one of the gables to remove smoke and excess moisture from the room.
Then, door and window blocks are mounted in the left openings.
If instead of the window frame it is decided to close the window opening with glass blocks, then instructions for their installation can also be found on the website. To close the door tightly, without leaving gaps, you can apply a felt seal around its perimeter, install a lock or latch.
The interior decoration inside the smokehouse is not necessary, however, it should be remembered that fat and moisture will drip from meat, fish and other smoked products to the floor. Therefore, to facilitate cleaning in the room, it is recommended to lay ceramic tiles with a ribbed surface on the floors.
This illustration well shows how metal mesh racks are arranged for laying out cooked products.
In addition, you can see a hole in the floor through which smoke cooled by passing through a long channel enters the smoker.
Ideally, this hole should be covered with a fine mesh that will trap soot particles. Such a mesh should be easily removable so that it is easy to clean it of accumulated dirt.

Modern soft roof - reliability and beauty!

Soft roofing, which includes shingles on a polymer-bitumen basis, is excellent in efficiency and very attractive covering for houses and outbuildings. The procedure is detailed in the corresponding publication of our portal.

Is it difficult to build a foundation yourself?

If you follow all the technological recommendations, then this will be a completely doable task. If you need information about the types of foundations, about which of them may be optimal for small and light buildings, oh, then you can find it by following the recommended link to the special publication of our portal.

Wood smokehouse

Another material from which the smoking chamber can be made is natural wood, which is environmentally friendly, does not create unpleasant odors and does not emit toxic fumes. For the construction of a smokehouse, hardwood is most suitable - alder, oak, pear, cherry, apple and others. The main thing is that the material itself has a dense structure that will withstand well various negative environmental influences.

For the manufacture of this model of a smoking chamber, having a size of 800 × 450 × 450 mm, the following materials will be required:

  • Wooden for the frame of the structure, with a cross section of 50 × 50 mm, the total length of which will be 8000 mm.
  • Well-finished board 100 mm wide and 8 ÷ 10 mm thick. Here you need to take into account the fact that the lining will be mounted on the frame in two layers - longitudinal and transverse. They will help to make the chamber more sealed, which will allow the smoke to stay in it for a longer time, without seeping through the cracks.
  • In addition to the wall cladding and the manufacture of the door, the board will be required to form the roof slopes.
  • Roofing material. In this case, the master did not use any materials other than planks to build the chamber. However, if the smokehouse is covered with a waterproof roof, the risk of moisture penetrating through the small gaps between the boards, which can be formed by atmospheric moisture and ultraviolet rays, is significantly reduced.
  • Door fixing awnings, door handle with latch.
  • Red brick for building the base for the smoking chamber, and heat-resistant silicate brick - for the walls of the firebox.
  • Cement and sand for laying and arranging the bottom of the combustion chamber.
  • Waterproofing material for covering the roof of the firebox, as well as sealing the joint with the pipe.
  • A pipe with a diameter of 80 ÷ 100 mm and 2000 ÷ 2500 mm in length and a pipe section of 500 mm in length and a diameter of 100 ÷ 120 mm. The pipe can be metal or refractory ceramic.
  • Metal sheet for flooring in front of the combustion chamber.

The step-by-step implementation of all construction and installation operations is presented in the instruction table below:

IllustrationBrief description of the performed operation
The first stage of work on the site is choosing a suitable place for installing the smokehouse and combustion chamber.
In this case, the suburban area has a pronounced rugged relief, which will help for optimal placement on the site of the smoking system.
On the marked site, two pits are dug at a distance of 2000 ÷ 2500 mm.
One of the pits is located on a hill - it will serve to equip the base for the smokehouse itself.
The second is placed below the first along the slope - there will be a combustion chamber. The depth of the pit for the furnace should be equal to 200 ÷ 250 mm, since a reliable, solid foundation is needed for it.
Further, the pits are connected to each other by a trench, into which the chimney will later be laid.
It is recommended to deepen the pit, intended for arranging the smoking chamber, by 300 ÷ 400 mm - this depth will contribute to the retention of smoke in the pit and its cooling. In this case, the smoke is additionally cleared, and in this form rises up into the smokehouse. Smoke purified from soot fractions will make the products more fragrant and environmentally friendly.
The bottom of the pit for the smokehouse and the firebox is strengthened in the same way with the help of concrete mortar and reinforcing mesh - this process will be described below.
The bottom of the pit, intended for the base for the furnace, must be thoroughly tamped before pouring it with concrete solution, then covered with a 5 ÷ 7 cm layer of sand, and then crushed stone.
The next layer is poured and leveled with a coarse cement-gravel mortar, which will penetrate between the rubble stones, and after hardening will bind the backfill.
When the mortar sets, it is not recommended to lay a reinforcing mesh card with cells of 30 × 30 mm - it will strengthen the screed well.
Next, a solution is poured, consisting of cement and sand. The layer of this filling should be 30 ÷ 40 mm thick.
Then the bottom of the trench is compacted, and a long pipe of a smaller diameter is placed in it. It should not reach the end of the trench by 180 ÷ 200 mm, therefore, if necessary, it will have to be cut.
Further, a concrete solution is applied to the extreme part of a long pipe, and a section of a pipe of a larger diameter is put on it, with a mutual approach of 100 ÷ 150 mm.
Such a construction of pipes of different diameters will contribute to optimal cooling of the smoke when the channel expands before entering the chamber.
As a result, the edge of a branch pipe of a larger diameter should go into the zone of the combustion chamber by about 150 ÷ ​​170 mm.
Two bricks are installed along the edges of the nozzle, after which it is possible to lay the walls of the firebox from them.
In this case, the walls are laid out with a thickness of half a brick.
On the sides, a pipe laid in a trench is poured with mortar, and temporarily, until it sets, is covered with boards. After laying two rows of walls of the combustion chamber, a combustion door is mounted between them.
However, it is best to install the door even at the stage of laying the first row of walls, since in this case it will be possible to fix it with a wire between the rows of bricks.
Above the side rows and the door, as well as two bricks installed on both sides of the pipe, a ceramic plate overlapping the firebox is mounted.
If there is none, then you can use a sheet of metal with a thickness of 3 ÷ 4 mm or metal strips, which are placed on the side walls with the edges. The strips will form the basis for the final brick covering of the chamber.
For installation in this design of the combustion chamber, a blower door with a size of 308 × 198 mm is perfect, since such a window will be quite enough for laying a sawdust-shaving mixture, which, smoldering, will form smoke.
Now, when the furnace part of the structure is equipped, you need to leave it until the solution is completely dry and hardened. This time can be used to work on the erection of the walls of the base under the wooden smoking chamber.
The foundation for it is laid out of bricks, the first row of which is laid on a well-solidified concrete base layer.
Each of the rows will consist of six bricks, so the side of such a plinth, taking into account the seams of 10 mm, will be equal to 500 mm. Therefore, a wooden smoker with a size of 450 × 450 mm at the base will sit very firmly on the base.
When laying out brick walls, the horizontalness of each brick row must be controlled using a building level, otherwise the smoking chamber will stand unevenly.
The plinth should consist of 9-10 rows, 5-6 of which will rise above the ground.
Raising the brick base, the chimney coming from the firebox is embedded in the front wall of the base. It is very important to fill the gaps around the pipe well with cement mortar, as the inner walls of the lower part of the smoker must be relatively flat and resistant to possible penetration of moisture from the soil.
When the brick base is erected, the trench, with the pipe laid in it, is poured with concrete.
It is especially necessary to control the filling of the joint area of ​​the two pipe sections with the solution and the entry of the chimney duct into the firebox.
However, it must be remembered that the trench should not be filled with mortar to the very top, since it will then be covered with soil, the thickness of which should be 70 ÷ 80 mm.
After the cement mortar has dried, it is recommended to fill the gaps left between the walls and the ground with clay, compacting it well.
If there is no clay, then they are filled with soil, which is also well compacted.
Now you can test the created system for the quality of the smoke from the firebox to the smokehouse. To do this, you need to put brushwood or sawdust in the firebox and set them on fire with paper.
Smoke must escape freely through the hole in the plinth, without encountering obstacles.
If the system check is successful, then the trench with the hardened concrete is finally covered with soil, which must be properly tamped.
Next, they move on to making the most wooden smokehouse.
First, you need to cut all the necessary structural parts from a wooden bar: these are 4 pieces of 800 mm each, 8 pieces. - 350 mm each, 3 pcs. - 550 mm each, 2 pcs. - 200 mm each.
You can fasten the structure with nails or black wood screws 70 mm long.
The first step is to assemble the front and rear frame frames. For this, sections of a bar of 350 mm are stacked along the edges, between parts 800 mm long, and then they are all fixed to each other. This should result in two identical frames, which are connected along the upper and lower edges with 350 mm segments.
The finished structure is installed vertically and pieces of timber 550 mm long are fixed along the upper side edges.
They should protrude 50 mm forward and backward beyond the frame perimeter - this will be the basis for securing the roofing boards.
Next, you need to find the middle of the upper crossbeams of both frames, front and rear - at these points, pieces of timber 200 mm long are vertically fixed. These racks will become the basis for securing the ridge beam of the smokehouse roof.
On top of the racks, a third piece of timber is fixed, which should also protrude beyond the frame by 50 mm forward and backward.
To give the structure of the future roof rigidity and to ensure a convenient installation of roofing boards, you need to find a middle on the ridge beam and fix it along two slopes, one board at a time. One of their edges joins on the ridge beam, the second forms an overhang protruding beyond the frame perimeter by 150 ÷ ​​170 mm.
Further, the formed roof frame is completely sewn up with boards.
The next step is to sheathe the walls of the frame.
The first layer of boards is installed and fixed in a vertical position with self-tapping screws. They must be fitted as closely as possible to each other.
You should not use lining for cladding the smokehouse, since the wood will undergo thermal expansion, which can lead to deformation of the grooves, which can cause the boards to crack.
It is very important to accurately calculate the size of the doorway - it must be 5 mm larger than the door itself so that it can enter it freely. This factor is taken into account in connection with the temperature expansion of the wood, as well as taking into account the effect of moisture on it, since the smokehouse is installed outside and will inevitably be exposed to atmospheric precipitation.
All are sheathed with boards, except for one side wall of the frame. It is also left temporarily open so that the bars can be fixed inside the smokehouse on the vertical racks of the frame for laying metal rods on them, on which products intended for smoking will be hung with hooks.
In order for the rods to be fixed in one place and not to move, symmetrical cuts are made in the crossbeams. Two or three pairs of such crossbars are required.
After that, a round or square hole is drilled in the roof for the ventilation pipe, which should have a small diameter - only 50 ÷ 70 mm. It is fixed on top of the roofing boards.
It is very important that there is no gap left between the pipe and the roof boards, so if it has formed, then it must be repaired - for this you can use tow and wood glue. These materials, by the way, are also well suited for sealing gaps between boards.
Further, according to the dimensions taken from the opening, a door is made.
Its design is quite simple, and will also consist of two layers of boards - vertical and horizontal. They are fixed on two frame, horizontally installed crossbeams.
The next step on the front wall marks the location of the door, and then all the walls of the smokehouse are sheathed with a second scrap of boards, which are placed horizontally.
The joints of the boards at the corners are closed with wooden or metal corners.
To control the temperature inside the smokehouse, without opening the door once again, a hole is drilled in it, into which a special pin thermometer is installed.
The bottom of the structure remains open, as smoke will enter the chamber through it.
The finished wood smokehouse is best covered with a water-based water-repellent impregnation to increase the surface's resistance to atmospheric moisture, giving it hydrophobic qualities.
For this, one of the scuba divers is suitable, which are presented in a large assortment in specialized building materials stores.
A kind of "culmination" of the construction of a wooden smokehouse is the installation of a camera-house on a brick base.
The fastening of the wooden and brick sections of the building to each other can be carried out with metal brackets or strips, which are fixed with one edge on the boards, and with the second on the brick walls.
When finished, the smokehouse looks as shown in this illustration.
However, it is also recommended to cover the roof boards with one of the lightweight roofing materials - this may be the soft roof already mentioned above, corrugated sheets or metal tiles.
A control test of the work of the smokehouse should be done by making the first laying of products into it.

The illustration below is another interesting version of a wooden smokehouse, the design of which provides for a canopy for storing and simultaneously drying firewood from fruit trees, specially designed for smoking products.

In the photo you can see that the firebox in this case is located at a closer distance from the smokehouse, therefore the entire structure occupies a smaller area on the site. However, the principle of functioning of such a building is completely identical to the option described above.

This model of a wooden smoker does not have a side door, it opens and loads from the top, so it will be easier to manufacture. In addition, there is no need to purchase hinges and a door handle, and the camera can be easily opened by grasping the slightly protruding edges of the lid. To save space on the site, the firebox can be located close enough to the smokehouse, and in order to lengthen the trajectory of smoke from one chamber to another, the chimney can be positioned at an angle.

Barrel cold smoked smokehouse options

A fairly simple way to make a smokehouse, both hot and cold smoked, is to use a metal or wooden barrel as a smoking chamber. Moreover, the barrel can be installed vertically or horizontally.

The advantage of this method is that it is possible to make such a structure without even digging a trench, but simply by connecting the firebox and the barrel with a pipe passing above the ground. However, if the smokehouse is planned to be used in the winter, then the pipe will definitely have to be insulated, since, otherwise, the smoke in it will cool down too quickly, and therefore the product will not be of high quality.

When making this device from a barrel, you can do without it, but in order for the smoke to concentrate in the pipe and not escape through the cracks and at the junction of the pipe and chambers, it is necessary to carefully seal all the gaps.

Smokehouse prices


You don't have to bother with what to make devices for hanging food from. For this, rigid wire and wooden beams are quite suitable, on which hooks with products strung on them will hook.

A metal bucket can be used as a firebox if you cut a hole in it for a pipe and a part of the wall, making an impromptu door out of it.

Another point that will simplify the manufacture of a smokehouse is that most owners of this simple design prefer to use a dense burlap instead of a lid, the structure of which will hold the smoke well enough and remove excess smoke.

The smoker will look more "civilized" if you cover the finished structure designed to protect the metal from external aggressive influences of moisture, oxygen or chemical corrosion, temperature extremes.

If there is very little space on the site, but you still want to install a smokehouse, then, having made it from a barrel, you can "disguise" in the style of the main landscape design by hiding the chimney under the ground. This illustration shows how organically the smoking and combustion chamber fit into the decorative design of a small courtyard.

A smokehouse made from a wooden barrel will certainly cost more, but its appearance is also more presentable, so it can become an adornment of any site in the courtyard. In addition, as mentioned above, the right wood, in addition to the smoke, adds a pleasant aroma to the prepared smoked meats.

For the manufacture of such a smokehouse, the top cover of the barrel is removed, and at different heights, holders for two grates are fixed on the inner walls, on which you can simply put the products, or hang them on special hooks.

In fact, a quality smoker can be made from a barrel made of any material other than plastic.

Smokehouse made from an old refrigerator

There is an old refrigerator in so many homes: someone uses it as a cabinet for storing various rubbish or tools, for someone it just takes up space on a plot or in a garage, and some practical homeowners give it a second life by converting it into a smokehouse ... Moreover, from this old device, you can make a smoking chamber for both hot and cold cooking of delicacies.

In the old models of refrigerators, plastic was practically not used - their inner walls were made of enameled metal, the grilles were made of aluminum, and polymers were used only for removable parts that can be easily removed from the case.

If the refrigerator is not so old, and there is a lot of plastic inside it, then such parts will have to be completely dismantled, leaving only a metal case for the smokehouse.

In addition to the refrigerator body with supports for the grates fixed inside, you will need a two-meter pipe, bricks for the walls of the furnace and an iron sheet 3 ÷ 4 mm thick to cover the combustion chamber.

Prices for wooden barrels

wooden barrel

The firebox should be located below the level of the bottom of the smoker. The pipe can be run above the ground or buried - the main thing is that it must be installed at a slope. Inside the body of the refrigerator, the pipe is led through its bottom, and into the combustion chamber through its rear wall or ceiling. The smoke from the firebox, passing through the chimney and cooling along the way, will enter the smoking chamber at the required temperature. However, if the pipe is not buried in the ground, then during the summer heat, the smoke will not have time to cool down, and in winter, on the contrary, it will become cold too quickly. Therefore, it is best to “dress” the pipe in an insulating material that will create optimal conditions for cooling the smoke at any time of the year.

Grids and hanging hooks are used to store food inside the chamber.

A small hole must be made in the ceiling or in the upper area of ​​the back of the refrigerator to allow the smoke to escape.

In conclusion, it must be said that other household appliances that are out of order and have a sufficiently large body made of metal can be used for the smoking chamber. For example, an outer metal casing from old round or rectangular washing machines is perfect for a smoking chamber.

Having understood the design of this device and understanding the principle of its operation, it will be easy to find material for making a cold smoked smokehouse. Well, after the work on it is completed, there will always be home-made delicacies on the festive table, which you can pamper your household and guests with.

At the end of the publication - an example of making and practically not at all complicated in execution of a cold smoked smokehouse:

Video: cold smoked smokehouse - a design accessible to anyone.

Smoking has long been one of the most popular ways of preparing meat and fish products. But since there are several types of smoking, amateurs often face a choice: which smoking to prefer - hot or cold? Experts with experience in this industry largely give preference to hot smoking, which can be subjected to various types of meat and fish, and in support of their choice they list a large number of advantages of a hot-smoked smokehouse, which, of course, we will consider in this material. The modern variety of goods presented in the relevant field allows you to purchase a hot smoked smokehouse in a specialized store, and those who like to shop in a relaxed atmosphere can do it in the corresponding online stores. And the operation of factory smokers is not difficult - just put the firewood in a special compartment, put the food inside, close the door tightly, light the fuel and after the allotted time enjoy the fragrant, golden smoked meats. But what to do if you are only going to indulge in smoked meats from time to time? Why would you waste money when you can make a homemade hot-smoked smokehouse that will in no way be inferior to industrial models. And the answer to the question: "How to make a hot smoked smokehouse?" look in the article prepared by our experts.

Features of various types of smoking: we study the smoking process

Smoking is one of the most common types of heat treatment of food, which has a preservative effect on them. In the process of smoking, the products acquire a specific aroma, and are also impregnated with the substances of smoking smoke released during the combustion process, and are partially dehydrated, which contributes to the extension of the shelf life of the products. Distinguish between hot, semi-hot and cold smoking. Each of these types is characterized by its own advantages and disadvantages.

Hot is called smoking, carried out at a temperature of at least 50-60 degrees for small fish. It is a priority when smoking low-fat products. The hot smoking process takes place rather quickly and is smoking carried out in hot smoke. In the lower section of the smokehouse, small chips are smoldering, and above them are hung meat, fish, vegetables or cheese, which are quickly brought to readiness at a smoke temperature of 80 to 140 degrees, depending on the type of product. Since fat is melted during the hot smoking process, only low-fat products are suitable for it, which, after such heat treatment, can be stored for no more than two days.

Cold smoking, in contrast to the hot one, the process is more laborious, which can last up to several days and in fact is a somewhat accelerated drying of the food. In order to achieve cooling of the smoke, a pipe is drawn from the place where the firewood is smoldering, the length of which reaches 1-2 meters, and in order to control the temperature of the smoke, a thermometer is installed in the smoking chamber. As for meat, it is smoked at a temperature of 15-20 degrees, and fish - from 20 to 40. Products processed with cold smoke can be stored for quite a long time.

Semi-hot smoking is an intermediate option between hot and cold smoking.

The general device of the simplest hot-smoked smokehouse. The essence of the smoking process

A hot smoked home smokehouse is essentially a container, the volume of which depends only on your preferences and needs. But no matter how much food you want to smoke at one time, the smoker should be large enough to fit the grill for storing food, and a tray necessary to prevent fat dripping from smoked meat or fish from getting onto coals, which can reduce the taste characteristics of the finished product. The lattice can be made from metal rods, connected by welding. However, the main element of the smokehouse, which it cannot do without, is the area for placing firewood, which is located at the very bottom of the container. Various types of wood can be used as wood material, we will talk about the choice of which a little later.

For the manufacture of a hot-smoked smokehouse, it is recommended to use stainless steel, which combines such characteristics as heat resistance, high strength and no tendency to corrosive damage under the influence of aggressive environmental factors. In order to facilitate the insertion and removal of products, the design of the smokehouse should include a lid or door. And so that the structure of the smokehouse is completely complete, equip it in such a way that the container of the smokehouse is at a distance slightly raised from the ground, which can be achieved by making metal legs. This is necessary in order to locate the source of fire. Since it is not fire that is important for the process, but the heating temperature, you can choose the source of fire at your discretion.

The essence of the smoking process:

After placing food on the metal grate and wood such as juniper sprigs in the lower part, close the smoker tightly and start heating the lower part. As the fire begins to ignite, the wood smolders and emits fragrant hot smoke, which rises up and passes through the products laid on the grate, smokes. The duration of smoking depends on the amount of products, the size of the smokehouse, the temperature of the smoke and your preferences, but after 40 minutes it is recommended to test the results obtained, since if the smokehouse overheats, the process technology may be disrupted.

Advantages of a hot smoked smokehouse:

  • The simplicity of the design of the hot-smoked smokehouse makes it easy to make at home;
  • From the previous advantage follows the following, the essence of which lies in the absence of the need for large financial investments for the manufacture of a smokehouse;
  • Use of the smokehouse anywhere: at home, in the country or outdoors;
  • When using a hot-smoked smokehouse, the smoking process is characterized by speed and simplicity;
  • No need for additional processing of smoked products.

Hot smoked smokehouse photo

Hot smoked smokehouse: step by step instructions

Consider one of the options for installing a hot-smoked smokehouse with your own hands using metal sheets. Before proceeding with the installation of a smokehouse, study the most common drawings of a hot-smoked smokehouse, which are presented in our material. It is worth noting that the dimensions of the hot-smoked smokehouse are quite variable and depend only on your taste preferences and the amount of material that you have at your disposal:

To work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Two metal sheets with dimensions 150x60 cm, the thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm;
  • Thin fittings;
  • Welding machine and grinder;
  • Building corner.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions:

  • Using a grinder, cut one of the metal sheets into 4 equal parts. The division into exactly the same parts is necessary in order for the finished smokehouse to acquire a square section;
  • Use drip welding to join the two sheets. In the process of connecting them, use the building angle to achieve the ideal ratio of the two planes, equal to 90 degrees;
  • To achieve the tightness of the metal box, carefully weld the inner seams;
  • Divide the second sheet into two parts and cut out the bottom of the future smokehouse from one half of the metal sheet and weld it to the finished box;

  • From the rest of the metal, cut 4 identical strips, the dimensions of which are slightly larger than the outer dimensions of the smokehouse, and weld them to a metal sheet, with dimensions similar to the dimensions of the bottom or walls of the smokehouse (since the smokehouse is in the shape of a square, their dimensions are the same). As a result, you should get a cover of moderate depth, easily put on the body of a homemade hot-smoked smokehouse.
  • So, our smokehouse can be considered almost finished. At the end of the process, it is necessary to weld metal rods, located in two levels at the top and bottom of the smokehouse, as well as comfortable handles. The lower level of the rods is necessary to install a tray into which fat from smoked products will drain, and the upper level is for placing hooks with lard, fish or other products, depending on your preferences.

How else to make a smokehouse? Fallback for the lazy

The easiest way to make a hot smoked smokehouse is to install a smokehouse from a bucket or large pot. For the manufacture of a smokehouse, experts recommend using stainless steel buckets, while the use of galvanized buckets is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that during the heating process, toxic zinc oxide is released, which penetrates into food and causes serious harm to the body. Also, stock up on a lid for a saucepan or bucket that needs holes for smoke to escape. The design of a bucket smokehouse implies the installation of three grates. The lower one is located one third from the bottom of a homemade smokehouse, while the upper one, on the contrary, is one third from its lid. As for the middle grill, its location is approximately 5 cm below the upper grill.

Use steel wire to make the grates. Wire the smoker where you plan to place the grates, then cut the wire to the required length. From the finished pieces of wire, make hoops and connect them by welding the joints. After the hoops are ready, weave them with a previously prepared, thinner wire, taking into account that the width of the cells does not exceed 2 cm.For those who do not want to bother with making grates, experts suggest using a form from an old dumpling maker.

Next, prepare the shavings, sawdust and wood chips for the smokehouse. Experts recommend using oak, rowan, alder or juniper shavings. Fruit tree shavings are also suitable. As for birch shavings or softwood chips, on the contrary, it is not recommended to use them, since products exposed to smoking will acquire a bitter taste. Pour the prepared wood chips on the bottom of the home-made smokehouse with a layer that is 1.5-2 cm thick, and then install the lower grate, on which place the pan necessary to collect the fat. The dimensions of the pallet are of practical importance, as it should not be oversized so as not to obstruct the passage of smoke. Having installed the pallet, place the second and then the third grates with the stacked product to be smoked. After completing all the above steps, close the smoker tightly to prevent air from entering and subsequent ignition of the fuel, and hang it over the fire. It is important to know that the flame during the smoking process should not be too large so that the smoked product does not burn out.

During the smoking process, it is not recommended to open the lid in order to check the readiness of the product. You can easily do this by evaluating the color and structure of the smoke. At the initial stage of smoking, the smoke is usually thick, which indicates smoldering wood chips. Then it gradually begins to turn white and becomes less abundant. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the smoke does not turn yellow, which clearly indicates a fire in the wood. If you follow our recommendations and smoke the product over low heat, it will be ready in 45-50 minutes, when the smoke becomes dry and has a pleasant aroma. To determine the temperature of the smoker, splash water on the lid. The optimum temperature is evidenced by its silent evaporation, but not boiling.

Various options for hot smoked smokers and their advantages

The design option shown in the figure is the most advanced. The presence of a baking sheet (it is located to the left of the smokehouse and resembles its lid a little) allows you to smoke more fatty foods without fear that the fat released during the smoking process will get on the chips and thereby create an obstacle to its smoldering. And the use of two nets at the same time, provided by the design, allows you to cook a larger number of products.

All considered structures are characterized by mobility, which makes them suitable for use in any conditions. For home use, we suggest that you pay attention to the massive stationary smokehouse shown in the figure, which can only be used at home. This device is more professional and will allow you to prepare high quality products.

To make a smokehouse, a variant of which is shown in the following figure, no special professional skills are required. If you have at your disposal two 50-liter barrels and a grinder, after making cuts in the appropriate places, you can easily install these barrels as shown in the figure.

In order for the finished product to have excellent taste characteristics, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules for choosing firewood for a smokehouse, which are not familiar to everyone. In this regard, our goal is to share them with you. In order for the finished product to please with a pleasant taste and aroma, it is necessary to use raw wood, in the absence of which the logs are additionally moistened.

Advice! If, despite our clear advice on the choice of wood, you decide to use birch logs, remove the bark from them before smoking. Otherwise, the food will taste bitter.

Add juniper twigs or cherry leaves to the firewood to get a specific pleasant aroma.

Advice! Also, it is not recommended to use coniferous trees as firewood for the smokehouse, in view of the high content of resins in them.

According to experts, the color and, accordingly, the quality of the finished product is influenced by the degree of firewood combustion. Incomplete combustion contributes to the appearance of light smoke, which significantly improves the taste characteristics of smoked meats.

It is important to know that it is forbidden to fan the fire in the smokehouse in order to eliminate the risk of accidental ignition. Ready-made, chopped logs are placed in the smokehouse and covered with sawdust or wood chips on top, which smolder, but, despite this, do not burn.

As for the color characteristics of the finished product, they depend on the types of wood you choose. In order to obtain a golden shade of products, use mahogany, while the product will acquire a dark yellow shade due to the smoldering of alder and oak sawdust.

For the functioning of the smokehouse, use old garden trees that have outlived their own, or tree branches obtained after pruning;

It is not recommended to use only large firewood, as it is only suitable for producing coal. Therefore, first put the firewood in the oven and set it on fire, and then put the pallet with the shavings of fruit trees, which will smolder and give the smoke a pleasant aroma;

To obtain high-quality fragrant smoke, after receiving the coals, close the holes in the lid to ensure efficient smoldering of the sawdust;

The quality of smoking depends not only on the selected wood species. The constant supply of smoke is also important until the products being smoked are finally ready. With this in mind, in order to maintain a constant smoking temperature, the sawdust has to be constantly poured onto the pallet.

Hot smoked smokehouse video