Homemade smokehouse from a barrel with your own hands. Cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

A barrel smokehouse is one of the best solutions for preparing hot smoked products.

Do it's enough simply, and all the necessary materials are inexpensive and are often junk. You just need to want to build such an assistant and try a little.

Why is a 200L metal or oak barrel smokehouse good for?

A metal barrel is a product that easy to find or buy... It is in the arsenal of many practical homeowners and gardeners. For a smokehouse device, a container of any volume is suitable, but the traditional choice is 200 -liter.

This is a very impressive barrel, which will allow you to load significant number of products... Among the advantages of a smokehouse is the simplicity of its construction.

The owner does not need super complicated and expensive tools. Enough LBM (grinders) with a disc for metal, drill or screwdriver, recruitment screwdrivers and pliers.

A barrel smokehouse will take up very little space, and the performance of this homemade equipment is high. Can be done as stationary and mobile design.

Important! In any case, you need to install a smokehouse at a distance from buildings and plants.

How to make a device for hot smoking with your own hands

Before starting work, carefully inspect the future smokehouse. There is only one requirement for a barrel: it must not have holes in the walls. It is also desirable that it is not dyed. But, if necessary, the paint can be annealed.

What you need for a homemade product

In addition to the main element of the smokehouse (the barrel itself), you will need:

  • bolts diameter 10 or 12 mm4 things.;
  • metal rods, the length of which exceeds the diameter of the barrel by 30-40 cm4 things.;
  • metal plates with a hinge (you can use a suitable door hinge) - 2 pcs.;
  • bricks6-8 pcs.;
  • Metal sheet to be used as pallet to collect fat.

Special attention needs to be paid basis on which the barrel will be installed.

A stronger base will not bend during heating and will prevent accidental overturning of the smoking chamber.

The dimensions of the metal sheet must be such that the barrel can be freely installed on it.

Available for sale metal braziers on legs. For a smokehouse device, those are suitable, the diameter of which is not much larger than the section of the chamber. Massive braziers have a solid weight and therefore are as stable as possible. This is a great solution for a stationary smokehouse.

Choosing a place: measure two meters from the house

Since the smokehouse being built belongs to structures heated by an open fire, it is necessary to observe fire safety rules... Despite the fact that the hearth will be covered with bricks on all sides, it is extremely important to find a place for the smokehouse that is protected from the wind.

But this is not the biggest problem to be solved. The place should not only be calm, it should be at a distance of 2-3 m from buildings any type, flammable materials, trees with dry branches or dry leaves.

A good choice would be a place in the immediate vicinity of a metal fence or any structure made of non-combustible material. You can also choose to locate your smokehouse near stone or brick walls.

Step-by-step instructions for making a smokehouse from a 200 liter barrel

In order for the resulting structure to function normally, you should understand the instructions before starting work.

Step 1. Preparing the barrel.

If the container is new, there will be no hassle in processing it. The old ones will have to tinker with. First of all you need clean off the dirt(if any) and remove rust.

During heating, the metal will expand and slightly deform, which will certainly cause the shooting of rust or paint particles. They will inevitably stick to dripping grease, so a clean barrel is the key to getting clean food.

Step 2. Removing the bottom.

From the barrel you need to make a hollow cylinder, open on both sides. Armed with a grinder with a disc for metal, cut the bottom... But this must be done in such a way that the rim surrounding the lower part of the container remains intact.

If the barrel has a bottom and a lid with holes welded into it, upper part capacities cut off... You need to do it at a distance of 5-7 cm from the upper plane. Thus, a finished lid for the smoking chamber is obtained. If the barrel has only one bottom, don't despair. An equally high quality cover can be built later.

You will also be interested in:

Step 3. Processing of the cut-off bottom.

The cut-off bottom will serve as a baking sheet that collects fat, so this metal sheet needs to be edged.

After cutting with a grinder, metal always remains notches, about which you can get hurt. They need delete using the same grinder with a grinding disc.

Before starting these works, you need to make sure that the cut bottom fits freely enough into the cavity of the container. If this is not the case, the bottom is trimmed, the dents are leveled or otherwise achieve the desired result.

Step 4. Drilling holes for metal rods.

So that the grill can be installed in the smokehouse for storing products (or hanging them on hooks), a removable structure made of rods is used. It consists of two tiers, each of which is two parallel installed bar.

Optimal distance between tiers 25-30 cm, but the choice depends on what products are most often planned to be smoked. If these are large pieces of meat or fish, the distance between the tiers can be increased.

Using a drill or screwdriver drill holes in a barrel so that the arrangement of the rods corresponds to the required two-tier structure. The drill must be taken with a larger diameter than the section of the metal rods. They should fit freely into the drilled holes.

Step 5. Marking the door of the smokehouse.

At the bottom of the barrel stepping back up 3-5 cm, draw with a felt-tip pen (marker, pencil) contour of the future door... Her length must be not less than 30 cm... The easiest way to accomplish this task is as follows:

  • measure out ruler or tape measure 3-5 cm from the bottom upward, mark;
  • shifted right or left and repeat the process;
  • pull a thin rope(twine, line, thread) between two marks and a line is drawn along it;
  • recede upward 15-20 cm(door width) and repeat marking process;
  • connect the top and bottom lines vertical on both sides.

Get an even rectangle of the desired size.

Step 6. Cutting the door of the smokehouse.

They choose for themselves which side the door will open from. The traditional direction is from left to right, but for left-handers it will be more convenient to go from right to left. With the help of a grinder with a disc for metal, cuts are made on three sides of the rectangle drawn on the barrel. Bend the door slightly inside the container and perform the fourth cut.

Step 7. Finishing the edges of the door.

Carried out by analogy with processing bottoms.

Step 8. Fixing the hinge on the door.

The loop is applied to the cut-off door in the place where it (the hinge) will be located, mark the location of the screws. Drilled holes of the appropriate diameter, reapply the loop and screw in the screws.

Step 9. Fastening the door to the barrel.

A door with a hinge fixed on it applied to the barrel and marked the places where the screws will be screwed. Drill holes and fasten the door.

Step 10. Installing pallet supports.

At a distance of 25-30 cm mark from the lower plane of the smoking chamber with a felt-tip pen. This location will be installed bolt section 10-12 mm... Three such supports must be evenly spaced around the circumference of the container so that they are at the same height. The grease collecting plate will rest on these bolts.

Important! The location of the bolts is chosen so that the one resting on them pallet was above the door No less than 5 cm.

Step 11. Device "handle" for the pallet.

Find Centre the bottom cut off from the barrel, drilled bolt hole with a section of 10-12 mm and screw in the bolt.

Step 12. Arrangement of the base of the smokehouse.

For the structure to be stable, you need a solid foundation that will not sag from the rains.

No concrete foundation is required, but compact the soil will be useful. Further on this site any suitable material:

  • bricks;
  • flat stones;
  • paving slabs.

Step 13. The device of the hearth.

The hearth for a hot-smoked smokehouse from a barrel must be arranged so that there were hills on both sides on which a metal plate will be installed, which is a stand for the barrel. To do this, spread 2-4 rows of bricks.

Dear visitors of the site “ Self-made friend»From the presented material you will learn how to independently make a cold-smoked smokehouse from an old 200-liter barrel ... A barrel with a volume of 150-200 liters has recently begun to be used for household purposes, both for storing liquids and products, but the inside should be washed well beforehand , and if used as a smokehouse or barbecue, then it can simply be burned at the stake. Then rinse off the soot and soot with water under pressure, preferably by washing. The volumetric capacity is great for making a smoking chamber in which a lot of products can be placed.

And everything is done simply, a barrel of 200 liters is placed on a small pedestal or legs, then a chimney with a length of at least 2-3 m is brought to it and a small firebox is made. The barrel is covered with a metal or wood lid. Inside there are hooks for hanging products, and at the bottom there is a metal mesh.

We look at the list of necessary items to create a smokehouse from a 200 liter barrel.

Materials (edit)

  1. barrel 200 l
  2. metal pipe
  3. wooden barrel
  4. thermometer
  5. board 25-30 mm
  6. metal 1-2 mm


  1. Bulgarian (angle grinder)
  2. shovel
  3. hacksaw
  4. hammer
  5. washing
  6. roulette
  7. drill

Do-it-yourself step-by-step process of creating a smokehouse from a 200 liter barrel.

The first step is to dig a trench and lay the chimney pipe.
We dig an extension under the firebox and assemble it from metal sheets.
We connect the firebox to the chimney.
The chimney should be at a slight incline to make it easier for the smoke to cover the distance to the smoking chamber. During the construction process, be sure to check the draft, light a fire in the furnace and see how fire and smoke behave.
If after a while the smokehouse starts smoking, then everything is fine and you have succeeded.
It is necessary to install a metal mesh in the lower part of the barrel so that the accidentally fallen product does not clog the chimney, but remains at a distance and continues to smoke.
On top of the barrel during smoking, you need to cover with a lid that can be made from a 25-30 mm board.
To give a more interesting look, you need to put a wooden one on top of a metal 200 liter barrel, it will turn out pretty cool)
It is also necessary to install a thermometer to determine the temperature inside the smoking chamber.
We draw your attention to the fact that the fire in the firebox must be kept smoldering and the temperature must be constantly monitored according to the reading of the thermometer.
Check the condition of the loaded product periodically.
For convenient hanging, make hooks from steel wire, and drill holes in the walls of the barrel and insert the reinforcement rods, as shown in the photo.
For convenience, you can use a special mesh for smoking products.
A few hours in the smokehouse and please, the smoked meats are ready. Bon appetit 😉
As you can see, you can make your own smokehouse from a 200 liter barrel and there is nothing complicated about that, everything is clear, simple and budgetary. Good luck to you Friends! Thank you for the attention!

Even from our distant ancestors, we got the tradition of smoking prey. In those days, the issue of preserving food was acute. Today, the latest technologies have appeared that allow not resorting to radical measures. But, despite this, the number of smoked food fans does not decrease, primarily due to the unique taste and aroma of such products. A simple do-it-yourself smokehouse from scrap materials allows you to independently cook smoked meats at any convenient time. The simplest example of such a device is a smokehouse made from a wooden or metal barrel.

How to properly smoke in a barrel?

With the help of a barrel, you can smoke almost any food. It takes 40 to 50 minutes to smoke fish. Meat takes from 50 to 70 minutes. At the exit, smoked meats become juicy, pleasant in appearance and have a fragrant smell. To learn more about the process of making a smokehouse from a barrel, read on.

Hot smoked fish

Fish cooked from a home-made smokehouse is no worse than the one made in branded smokehouses. You need to defrost the fish if you bought it at the store. Freshly caught fish can be immediately rubbed with salt and left for 2 hours. Before that, all the insides must be cleaned. After the specified time, the fish is washed with water and soaked in cold water for 30 minutes.

Sawdust is placed on the bottom of the barrel. These can be fruit species, for example, apple, apricot, pear. The barrel must be placed on a stand, under which the fire will flare up. Sawdust is poured at the bottom of the barrel, and a metal pallet is placed on top. The whole process of smoking fish in a barrel takes about an hour and no more. During this period, the sawdust smolders, creating smoke. It is under its influence that fish is smoked. The fire can be quite strong, but it is still not recommended to kindle a fire that is too strong, since this will affect the taste of the final product.
The prepared fish is tied with a thread and hung on wooden poles, 5 or 6 pieces each. Perches with fish are placed on the top of the barrel, and they are closed on top. It is not necessary to close the barrel tightly, it is enough to take a canvas bag and cover the barrel with it. Some of the smoke will come out, and some will act directly on the fish fillet.

Hot smoked meat in a barrel

You will need a metal barrel, rods or a grate on which you could put meat, some bricks and wood. First, they select a place where you can equip a fire pit. Its depth should be about 35 cm. The pit can be bricked, but not necessary. Brick pipes are also used to hold the apparatus over a fire. A net is installed approximately in the middle, meat is placed on it.

One net can be placed closer to the bottom of the barrel. A pallet with a layer of sawdust is placed here for heating. The temperature for hot smoking is higher than for cold smoking. It is at least 50 degrees. A fire is kindled, after which the barrel is covered with a lid. Now you can wait for the meat to cook.

There are many options for preparing smoked meats. You can just grate it with your favorite spices, but it's even better to pickle the pieces in a special solution. Such a dish will look gorgeous on a festive table and will surprise your guests.

How to smoke lard in a barrel?

A cask smoker is a great option for smoking lard. The cooking process is about the same as the previous ones, but it involves a longer processing. Lard needs to be smoked for about five and a half hours. The temperature at which the fat is processed is at the level of 60 to 80 degrees. Pretreatment of fat provides for salting. The most delicate and delicious is smoked bacon from the loin. In addition to salt, you can use various spices to your liking.

To get the best result, it is advisable to maintain a slow burning rate. Smoldering combustible material guarantees the thickest smoke. Lard is soaked in brine for 3 days. For 1 liter of water, 100 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar are taken. For about 3 days, the raw material is spent for smoking in brine, after which it is soaked in running water and dried to achieve the ideal state of the product.

First, dry firewood is put into the firebox, after which it will be necessary to put raw wood for smoking. The ideal choice would be to use branches of cherry, plum, vine. All this remains after tree pruning. Fruit trees give the lard an intense flavor and aroma. Thanks to it, the product will also have a more intense color. You can take sawdust collected by yourself, if possible. Someone prefers to buy ready-made sawdust, but still the branches collected by their own hands ensure the preparation of a more delicious product.

How to make a hot smoked smokehouse from a barrel?

Regardless of the model you choose, you do not need a lot of time for design, assembly and installation. It is not necessary to have the skills of a welder. Several successive stages can be distinguished:

  • Selection of materials.
  • Drawing up a plan and design diagram.
  • Build and install.

It is necessary to decide on the choice of materials that will be required during the design of the smokehouse. These include:

  • metal barrel;
  • stainless keg;
  • wooden barrel;
  • bricks; cement mortar;
  • slate;
  • metal rods and grates;
  • metal sheets.

The most popular option among our compatriots is a smoking shed from a 200 l barrel. Supporting materials are selected depending on the project that you like best. You can get by with a minimal set in the form of a burlap or a lid, as well as a filter cloth and rods for hanging food.
To equip the site where the barrel will stand, the following tools are needed:

  • shovel;
  • Bulgarian; roulette; level;
  • welding machine (only for some types of models where welded elements are used).

Drafting a future product is necessary for a clear understanding of the specifics of the work. The firebox should go into the ground to a depth of about half a meter. The chimney is removed from here, after which it is directed towards the smoking chamber. He can enter it by means of a special supply.

A filter barrier is required to prevent contamination. When smoking hot, the distance from the firebox to the food should not be less than 30 cm, otherwise the meat and fish will burn and become covered with soot. Fat flowing from meat and fish is transferred to a metal tray. All of these structural elements must be cleaned periodically. But the smoking process cannot be interrupted at the same time. It's good if you can integrate a thermometer into the chamber to monitor the temperature.

The next step is installation and assembly. Assembly is carried out on site. First, dig a recess for the firebox. Optimally, the depth of the stove is 40 cm.The chimney should be located at a depth of 20 cm.

The chimney trench must be wide enough to accommodate a channel with a diameter of at least 60 mm. To keep warm, the recess is covered with bricks. It is possible to lay the pipe in an additional order. It will provide a direct feed directly into the camera. After that, you need to start filling the barrel internally. It is best to make a black grid or use separate ones designed for weighing products on hooks. Be sure to place a drip tray underneath. As for the filter, it is necessary to provide free access to it during smoking of products. This will allow it to be cleaned in a timely manner.

You can separately equip the viewing window. It is also necessary to provide a small draft to maintain the required humidity level according to the technology. The structure is installed in a pre-prepared foundation pit. The barrel is lowered into a recess, placed on bricks and the hole cut under the chimney is brought out towards the trench. You can take a tricky winding to seal the joint.

The fixation of the structure is carried out by brickwork protruding above the soil level. The furnace is equipped in the form of a fire pit lined with bricks or a separate chamber. You can make it from a cut of a smaller barrel or weld a box of steel sheets. Air supply for smoldering chips is mandatory. On the reverse side, an air outlet should be provided so that the smoke is drawn into the smoking chamber. If the smoking temperature should not be too high, you do not need to cover the smoking lid, but simply cover it with burlap.

How is the smokehouse commissioned? This can be done immediately after installation and drying of the solution. They put firewood or coal into the furnace, after which a fire is made. Next, wood chips are poured over the coals, preferably from fruit species. It is necessary to achieve smoldering and abundant formation of smoke.

The products are placed in the chamber, after which they are covered with a damp cloth to trap the soot. A lid is placed on top of the barrels or covered with burlap.

A barrel smokehouse is a great option for a summer cottage. This is a budget product that will allow you to cook delicious food in hot or cold smoke.

Hot barrel smoking video

A barrel is an excellent base for making a smokehouse, moreover, working according to the cold method or hot. In the first case, this is a cold smoking unit - AHK, in the second hot - AHK. The most commonly used metal barrel.

When using one barrel, a small apparatus is obtained. It is enough to create smoked meats for 3-4 people. You can use two barrels as a basis. Let's take a look at all the known ways to make a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel.

Single barrel option

The first step is to determine the zone for a cold-smoked smokehouse with your own hands from a barrel. Home conditions are completely inappropriate for this. Therefore, this option is more suitable for owners of private houses.

Having decided on the place, you need to create or get a drawing of the conceived structure. The scale must be taken into account here.

Drawing example:

A trench is being pulled out. This is a chimney. The depth is about 30-40 cm. A barrel is placed above it. And under it is a hearth.

The hearth must be finished with bricks. And the barrel is also placed on a brick pedestal.

Metal sheets are attached to the chimney and the hearth.

The pit for the hearth is shallow. Its parameters are determined by the size of the barrel.

The larger the barrel, the deeper the pit

Then the pit is finished with bricks. It is blocking the heat so that it does not go into the ground and is stable.

A foundation pit is digging from the hearth. It is hermetically closed with steel sheets and covered with earth. This is a smoking chimney.

A barrel is placed at the end of the pit. Holes are made in its bottom at an equal distance from each other.

The barrel is divided into two sides by a filter. It will protect products from ash and ash penetration.

For AHK, you need to use a dampened cloth. It is periodically replaced with new similar material.

A grate is mounted on the uppermost area of ​​the barrel

The bolt method is used. It is attached 10-15 cm from the edge of the device.

You can attach the grid by welding. But then it will become static. It will be impossible to remove it for purification. Products for smoking will be placed on it.

AHK is closed with sacking. It is fixed to the wire.

The key criterion for all installation activities here is to ensure high tightness. The inlet and outlet section of the chimney is wrapped in a cloth. You can use construction silicone here.

The rods are placed on top. They can be steel or other metals. It's up to your budget.

Their placement is transverse. Then the products will be placed on them.

The top of the apparatus is covered with burlap during smoking.

The cold method implies a substantial investment of time for this process, since it takes place at low temperature parameters.

Double barrel version

To get high-quality and functional equipment, first solve the issue with the drawings. They will greatly simplify the work, for which you can use a couple of unused barrels as bases.

Thanks to this setting, the duration of the culinary process can be significantly reduced. The reason is that the smoke will spread better.

Two barrels made on top of each other. A filter is arranged between them

It is a dampened cloth and a standard burlap. The barrel at the bottom is the combustion section. Small fuel cells such as wood chips and sawdust will smolder in it. The barrel on top is intended for placing food.

Thanks to the burlap on top, you can adjust the temperature. And the filter creates a defense against soot penetration.

Often a dilemma arises: which barrels to use to make a smokehouse? Apply what is at hand.

The two-barrel version will not lose its effectiveness if smaller barrels are used.

For the version with one barrel, it is better to use a 200 liter capacity. Inside it, you can also arrange a filter in such a way that a structure similar to a two-barrel modification is formed.

The fuel used must not ignite - only smolder.

Making AHK with one barrel

It has many analogies with the already described version of the creation of the AHK. But there are some nuances here.

The barrel material doesn't really matter here. It can be made of metal or wood. In the second case, it undergoes a thorough treatment with protective varnishes and antiseptics.

The bottom of the barrel is removed. A trench is also set up next to her.

Its length is 2 m. As you already know, this is a chimney. It connects the combustion chamber to the barrel.

In the barrel itself, the walls are covered with slate or metal sheets. Also, additional small shelves are created in it.

The trench is strengthened, sprinkled with earth. A metal sheet is concentrated at its end. And already a barrel is placed on it. It must have holes for the passage of smoke.

And for the top covering of the unit, burlap is also used. As a result, the smoke follows the chimney. Towards the end of the journey, it cools down. And the cooling happens naturally.

The formed temperature is enough for the functioning of the AHK. And you can control smoldering in the hearth without any problems. After all, this is the most important criterion here. It is important that the temperature is kept low and stable.

Products smoked in such a device are dry and salty. She has a characteristic taste.

AHK must be manufactured in compliance with all the necessary criteria. The smoking process needs constant monitoring. Otherwise, you may end up with food with a lot of harmful bacteria. This will become immediately clear from its appearance and disgusting smell.

Your barrel-based AHK must be protected from moisture and precipitation. Usually its upper area is covered with a mesh. But the best solution is to install the device under a canopy. In this situation, any precipitation will not have a dramatic effect on the smoking process.

Do not cover with the AHK lid.

Fuel questions

In order for smoking in a barrel AHK to bring positive and amazing results and delicious dishes, and not a handful of coals, pay serious attention to the type of fuel used and the temperature.

Competently constructed apparatus, due to the tightness of the working container, allows you to achieve the required temperature conditions.

Only a reasonable amount of moisture can give food the right taste.

Fuel is raw material from suitable wood. If you want to get food with good quality and taste, you should not use raw materials from conifers. Resins are released from it when smoked. They impregnate the product and spoil its taste and smell.

The best options are materials from fruit trees. Often used are apple, cherry, pear sawdust.

You can use oak, linden and alder raw materials. You can combine raw materials to achieve a delicious taste.

Smoke is a key ingredient. It is kept in the barrel by its tightness and traction.

Sawdust is added to the focal area gradually, approximately 100 grams. There they should be evenly distributed.

Ash needs to be removed. If the device has a filter, it must be replaced every 4-5 hours.

After each use, the device is thoroughly washed and dried. Otherwise, fat and soot will negatively affect the taste of the product.

Coals are periodically removed from the hearth. They only impede the movement of smoke.

A smokehouse based on a barrel made of wood, even well-treated with protective agents, still needs increased control. It must be on a metal sheet.

For the preparation of smoked meats at home, special equipment is needed, and the smokehouse does the best job with this task. It can be electric or run on gas, but without this device it is impossible to smoke meat, bacon, chicken or fish. It should be noted that it is not at all necessary to buy it, because, if desired and if you have even minimal skills in using tools, it is easy to create such units yourself. At the same time, spend only a few hours and a minimum of resources on it.

Today we will tell you that a do-it-yourself smokehouse from a barrel is not only real, but also quite simple, and the video in the article will help you make sure of this!

General information on the device

Before telling how to make a smokehouse from a barrel with our own hands, we will consider the principle of the device of such devices, which will simplify the understanding of the entire technology and design.

So, regardless of the material used for manufacturing, the unit must be equipped with two cameras:

  • one contains products for cooking;
  • in the second - shavings or logs, which will emit smoke.

The departments themselves can be either combined or divided. In the second case, a pipe is used to supply smoke.

The combined ones are used for the preparation of hot smoked delicacies, since the products are affected not only by smoke, but also by high temperature. In the separated ones, cold smoked products are prepared, since the smoke has time to lose its temperature, and the elevated temperature decreases.

For the cold way

Naturally, the structural differences are not only this. So, when a cold-smoked smokehouse is made with your own hands from a barrel, you should definitely additionally equip a separate firewood oven. It can be done:

  • brick;
  • from metal sheets.

The delicatessen chamber should be provided with hooks or shelves on which the food will be fixed.

For the lid, wood or burlap is selected, which will make it possible not only to retain smoke, but also allows moisture to evaporate. The oven and the smoking container are connected through the simplest pipe.

For a lid made of wood, it is strictly forbidden to use any conifers - when the resin is heated, a large amount of a carcinogen is emitted, which is extremely harmful to health.

By the way, for a cold smoked smokehouse, it is enough to use a moistened cloth as a lid, which is periodically changed. And for hot, due to high temperatures, it is advisable to use a metal cover.

How to make a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel - video

For the hot way

When a hot-smoked smokehouse is made with your own hands from a barrel, then in this case the wood is laid directly at the bottom of the container in which the products are located.

Hot smoked smokehouse scheme

An additional baking sheet must be installed under the food and above the brazier with sawdust - it will prevent the fat released from meat or fish from entering the smoldering coals. If this happens, a flame will break out and the food will burn. In a closed smokehouse, it will not be possible to extinguish the flame, according to the analogy with a kebab maker. Naturally, a gap must be provided between the walls and the baking sheet so that the smoke rises freely.

Please note that it is advisable to soak the sawdust with water before use so that they smolder, but not burn.

The cold method is longer; it can take several days to prepare delicacies. Hot - allows you to get cooked food in just a few hours.

Smokehouse from a barrel in just 45 minutes - video

Step-by-step instruction

A do-it-yourself smokehouse from a barrel in the country will make it possible to cook delicious and original delicacies without problems, easily and, most importantly, quickly enough. Above, we have provided you with brief information about the features of the device of such furnaces, and now we will provide detailed instructions, which describe step by step all the features of production.

Required tools and materials

To make a good smokehouse, you need the following:

  • an ordinary metal barrel with a capacity of up to 200 liters - ideally one that did not contain chemicals and oil products;
  • reinforcement - at least 6 millimeters in diameter;
  • wire for mesh - steel is best;
  • metal corner - it will go on the legs (you need four equal lengths of the cut);
  • a pipe with a diameter of ten centimeters and about a meter long - for the chimney.

From tools:

  • Bulgarian;
  • disc for cutting metal;
  • arc welding with electrodes;
  • roulette.

If the container previously contained chemical or petroleum products, as well as machine oils, do not just wash it, but also steam it with a blowtorch or burn it - this is guaranteed to destroy the remains of chemicals. After that, cover with water and leave for a few days.


Some barrels are completely sealed - in this case, you must first cut off the lid. Don't throw it away - it will make the perfect pan for catching fat.

There will be a furnace below - in this part, cut out a rectangular hole for loading firewood. The dimensions of the door are approximately 20 centimeters high and 30 centimeters wide. Do not throw this piece away either - it will make an excellent door:

  • weld on the hinges;
  • install the handle;
  • be sure to provide a locking latch.

On the opposite side there is another hole, but round, for the chimney.

Cut longitudinal holes in the bottom to ensure airflow and better combustion, as well as quick ash removal. The holes should not be too wide, otherwise the wood will start falling out before it burns out.

Now start making the chamber - a sheet of iron is fixed at the level of one third of the bottom - this will be the bottom of the smoking tank. The ideal option for it will be metal about 4 millimeters thick - it will not burn out, it will evenly distribute heat.

The next step is to install the legs. Their height should be at least thirty centimeters - this will provide an optimal clearance for air intake and traction, which guarantees good smoldering of firewood.

To increase the usable volume of your man-made smoking installation, the stove can be laid out of bricks and the barrel can be placed on top. The chimney is installed at the back of the brick stove.

A baking sheet is made separately for collecting fat - as mentioned above, it should be slightly smaller than the diameter of your unit, about three to four centimeters in a circle, which guarantees good smoke flow. To install the pallet, two metal spacers are welded inside. The baking sheet itself does not need to be welded - if it is removable, this will simplify the process of loading sawdust.

The next step is to install the trellises or hooks. The number of grates depends on the height of the barrel - the distance between each level should be about 15 centimeters. The more "floors", the more food you cook at one time.

When creating rack supports or hooks, make sure that they will not interfere with the removal of the baking sheet.

Use thick steel wire to make the grill.

The final step is the barrel lid. The ideal material is hardwood. Several small holes need to be drilled in it, through which excess moisture will evaporate. Once again, we remind you that these should not be conifers, deciduous and fruit trees will be the ideal solution.

As you can see, a smokehouse from a barrel is easily done by hand, and the additional drawings presented in the article will help you in creating this device.

Terms of use

First of all, you need to select the shavings that will be used to produce smoke. Immediately discard any coniferous wood - it gives off resin and spoils the taste of delicacies.

Branches are best suited for these purposes:

  • apple trees;
  • cherries;
  • apricot;
  • plums;
  • other fruit trees;
  • alder.
  • at the very bottom has a bottom with sawdust;
  • then a baking sheet is placed to collect the fat;
  • after that, meat, fish, bacon or chicken are laid out on the grate - they should be additionally tied with ordinary twine or twine;
  • when everything is laid out, a wooden lid with holes is placed on top of the barrel.

Even coniferous branches can be put into the oven itself, because the smoke from their combustion is removed through the chimney.

The firewood is set on fire and, in the process of burning, heats up the metal bottom of the smoking tank, as a result of which the sawdust spread out in an even layer begins to smolder. The speed at which food is cooked depends on the type of food:

  • half an hour is enough for fish;
  • it will take at least an hour for meat - depending on its type and size of the pieces;
  • for kuru - a little over forty minutes.

Delicacies prepared in this way are distinguished by excellent taste, they are natural, devoid of any additives and negative impurities used for smoked meats in factories and food flavoring factories.

Three more options for smokers

And briefly we will tell you about three more options for making smokehouses. We will not describe in detail the process of creating devices - knowing the basic principles of operation of this unit, described above, you will be able to figure out the features of its formation yourself.

Just an hour to work

As the saying goes, "craving for invention is cunning" is the simplest method, which assumes the following:

  • take an old drainpipe;
  • dig it into the ground under a slight slope, connecting the location of the fire and the food tank itself;
  • for a fire - a small hole covered with a sheet of metal is enough;
  • the intensity of combustion is regulated by this particular sheet - the more it is open, the more the flame blazes.

A kind of dryer

This machine is mainly used for making dried fruits or dried mushrooms. There are electrical counterparts on sale, while we offer to make it in an hour and almost free of charge.

The essence of the arrangement is as follows:

  • take two barrels or concrete blocks;
  • installed on top of each other, forming a channel for the movement of smoke, the height of which is about three meters;
  • between them is a metal sheet or baking sheet;
  • fine gravel is additionally laid on it, as well as a net for drying fruits;
  • with the help of this device, as a result, it is possible not only to prepare fruit for the winter, but also to accumulate meat.

Wooden barrel

Another simple way to make not only a functional product, but also a kind of decoration for your garden:

  • the smoke channel, like the firebox, is located in the ground, while hiding under a layer of soil;
  • the firebox, when smoking is not carried out, is covered with a lid on which a layer of turf with a lawn or even a small flower bed is located;
  • the smokehouse is a beautiful wooden barrel;
  • you can additionally decorate it with a stone - as a result, it will become part of landscape design.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in creating a high-quality, efficient smokehouse from an ordinary barrel. Our tips will help you make this very useful and useful accessory with minimal labor costs. And if you also show a little imagination, then it will turn into an ideal garden design, harmoniously fitting into its landscape and giving it a special charm.

How to smoke products in a homemade smokehouse - video