House date palm. Growing a date palm from a stone, home care

Date palm is a tropical rainforest tree plant that has been successfully cultivated at home for many years.

The date is unpretentious in care and organically fits into the interior of the room, adding exoticism and unusualness to it.

Even a beginner can grow this plant in his apartment if he listens to the advice of experts.

Growing rules

In order for this exotic plant turned into a beautiful and spreading tree, you have to be patient. And you can't count on the fruits from it. In order for the dates to appear on the tree, it must reach a height of at least 15 meters. V indoor conditions it is almost impossible. However, even without fruit, the palm tree will become wonderful decoration any interior.

Seed germination

Like any other plant, a palm tree starts with a seed. You shouldn't look for exotic seeds in the store.

You just need to buy a date and eat it, and leave the seed for planting. But before planting a seed in the ground, it must be germinated, otherwise it will either grow for a very long time or turn out to be non-germinating.

The rules for seed germination are as follows:

The seeds move into the ground after the first sharp shoots appear on them. They should be juicy and dense, only such seeds will give a healthy and strong tree.

The right soil for planting

The optimal substrate for palms is a special soil that is sold in flower shops. It is he who needs to be purchased for transplanting sprouts. But it often happens that there is no opportunity to buy ready-made soil. In this case, you can do it yourself.

To prepare the substrate you will need:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • sand.

All components are mixed together in equal parts. For greater looseness, it is allowed to add sawdust... Before planting, the container is filled with drainage, and the soil is already laid on it.

Planting a sprout without mistakes

The opinions of florists about correct fit the bones vary greatly. Someone thinks that it is enough to put the seed vertically and lightly sprinkle it with soil. But the majority is inclined to believe that the seed should be laid with the sprouted seam up and sprinkled with earth.

The best option will plant several seeds in one pot. The germination and survival rate of the exotic is rather low, so most of them will simply die. Germination can take up to 5 months, so the grower needs to be patient. The main thing is to cover the container with the seed with glass or polyethylene for all this time. But periodically, the earth should be moistened and given access to air.

Light during germination is not important for seeds, so they can be placed in a dark place with an air temperature of at least 20 degrees. You can moisten the soil from a spray bottle so that the bone is not washed out of the soil.

Date care at home

It is not enough to plant a date seed and germinate it, you need to provide the plant proper care so that it delights the owner with its green leaves and exotic beauty. The tree reacts very sharply to any inaccuracies in the care, which leads to drying and shedding of foliage.

Young shoots quickly reach the sun, so they should be abundantly water and replant as needed:

  • the pot becomes cramped;
  • its height is no longer sufficient for a palm tree.

Growth retardation usually occurs after the first leaf appears. It will not look like a palm tree. The first leaf of the plant is narrow and oblong, with dark transverse veins. But after a while they will turn into beautiful fans that flower growers appreciate so much.

As long as the date palm is growing, care must be very careful. The plant is very light-requiring, so you should place the pot with sprouts on the lightest window - south or southeast. In this case, the air temperature should not fall below 20 degrees. V winter time the window sill should be additionally insulated so that the soil does not cool from it and the roots of the plant do not suffer.

If several seeds have sprouted in one pot, then each plant will have to be transplanted into its own separate pot. This will require a special soil, consisting of four parts of humus, one part of peat and two parts of sand and earth.

The first transplant of sprouts is performed after the plant reaches a length of 15 cm. It is imperative to pour drainage on the bottom of the pot, which consists of expanded clay and crushed coal. This will prevent the roots from rotting if over-watered.

In the summertime, it is worth taking the palm tree out into the air. This will help the plant to grow stronger and avoid contracting many diseases. In order for the leaves on the palm tree to develop symmetrically, you need to turn the pot with the other side to the light once a week.

Plant watering rules

Water the plant so that the earthy clod does not dry out at any time of the year. In summer, the plant is watered 3 to 4 times a week with warm softened water. The best option would be to use rainwater. But for the winter, soil moisture can be reduced to 2 times a week.

Palm is a tropical plant, and therefore overflow is harmful to it. It is imperative to drain the water from the sump after watering so that the roots do not start to rot.

In the summer it is necessary spray and regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth... Once a month, the plant should be taken outside and given a warm shower. The soil must be closed for the duration of the shower.

Fertilizing and replanting

Caring for a date palm in a room environment requires the obligatory application of fertilizers to the soil. This should be done during the period of active growth - in spring and autumn. Top dressing is applied every two weeks, but in the winter time you need to reduce the top dressing to once a month.

Special palm fertilizers are ideal for the plant. But you can also use mineral fertilizers, which are diluted in water and used to spray the leaves. For foliar applications only, the fertilizer concentration should be halved.

The plant should be transplanted in the spring. The ideal time for this procedure is April. Young plants need replanting annually. But after the palm tree is five years old, you can perform this procedure every two years. The palm tree will tell itself that the time has come to change the pot: its roots will entangle not only the soil, but also the drainage.

The root system of the palm is very fragile, despite the fact that the roots are very thick. A transplant for a plant is very stressful, therefore, the procedure must be performed as carefully as possible. It will be optimal to keep the earthen lump intact.

The transplanting capacity must be chosen quite high. Moreover, each time its volume should be slightly larger than the previous one. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot, on top of which soil is poured to the middle of the pot. After that, the roots of the date with an intact earthy clod are carefully installed and sprinkled with earth.

Transplanting is not performed on old plants. A simple replacement of the topsoil will suffice here. So it will be possible to save the necessary nutrients in the ground.

Reproduction and pest control

Knowing how to care for the date palm, you can get beautiful plant in my house. It is important not only to know which fruit is ideal for seed germination, but also how to deal with pests on an adult plant.

If the plant was taken out into the street, then it could acquire a spider mite and a scabbard. But even constant presence in room conditions is not a guarantee that pests will not appear on the palm tree. In this case, the leaves of the plant will have to be treated with insecticides. Actellik is ideal for this. But processing should be carried out only on the street.

As preventive measures a monthly warm shower with soapy water added to the water is suitable.

Palm trees are most susceptible to diseases such as spotting and pink rot. In this case, the plant will have to be treated with fungicides. But they should not contain copper. Mancozeb, Ridomil are ideal.

Problems in caring for a palm tree

If a date appears in the house, home care should be complete. Otherwise, the plant will quickly die. So, if the leaves of a palm tree began to dry, then it does not have enough moisture. The plant should be sprayed more often.

But often the owners flood the palm tree, believing that a plant native to the tropics requires a lot of water. In this case, the plant will respond by blackening the leaves. It will be possible to cope with the problem by reducing watering.

If the apartment has a date palm, taking care of it at home may not be a problem if you maintain the temperature in the room and water the date in a timely manner. But if these requirements are violated, growth will stop. And when the care is at the proper level, the palm tree pleases the grower with beautiful leaves and amazing growth.

Or Phoenix, or Date (Latin Phoenix)- a genus of plants of the Palm family, which includes about 20 species growing in Africa and Eurasia. This plant has been known to mankind for more than two millennia, the first mention of it dates back to the sixth century BC - even then the date palm was grown in Mesopotamia, on the territory of modern Iraq. The date palm belongs to the feathery types of palms, like hovea or coconut, and in nature sometimes reaches thirty meters in height. The fruit of the date palm is a well-known and beloved delicacy by many, for which the plant is grown on an industrial scale. In addition, the juice of the date palm is used to make sugar. However, the indoor date palm has long become popular, and interest in it has increased especially since it became known that it is quite possible to grow it from a date stone. But before you grow a date palm at home, you should study the conditions for its growth in nature.

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Planting and caring for the date palm (at a glance)

  • Bloom: decorative deciduous plant.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • Temperature: common for living quarters, but cooler conditions are needed in winter - within 12-18 ˚C.
  • Watering: regular, moderate.
  • Air humidity: in the hot season, it is recommended to spray the leaves with water and wipe them with a damp sponge, and once a week have a shower. In winter, the plant should be kept as far away from heating appliances as possible.
  • Top dressing: in spring and summer, fertilizers are applied every week for palms or for decorative deciduous plants; in winter, one top dressing per month is enough.
  • Rest period: at home it is not expressed, but it is advisable to give the plant a rest for 1-1.5 months in winter.
  • Transfer: up to five years, the plant is transplanted annually, then as needed and as rarely as possible.
  • Reproduction: bones (seeds).
  • Pests: spider mites, scale insects, mealybugs.
  • Diseases: pink rot, leaf spots, root rot.

Read more about growing a date palm below.

Home date palm - growing conditions

In nature, the date palm plant is a tree or a squat shrub with feathery leaves - the main decorative advantage of the plant. A date palm at home can only grow up to two meters, and even in this case, a date palm houseplant requires significant space, so they place adult plant in rooms where there is almost no furniture. But if the date palm is grown from seed, at home you can always find a place for a small pot, because such a tree will grow for a very long time, and then, you see, living conditions will change for the better, and there will be enough room in the apartment for a date palm. After all, a large, mature plant can be placed in the office. The date palm blooms with panicles of yellow flowers. But do not expect to eat dates from your palm tree: the tree begins to bloom, and, therefore, bear fruit only when it reaches fifteen meters in height, which is impossible at home.

Date palm from stone

How to grow a date palm from seed

Before planting a date palm, you need to prepare yourself for planting. date pits, which for reliability it is better to plant several at once, and prepare the soil for planting. The seeds are suitable from fresh, candied or dried dates - the main thing is that the fruits are not exposed to heat treatment... In order for the bones to sprout faster, it is better to slightly break their shell by rubbing it with sandpaper, and in order to get the soil necessary for the germination of the bone, you need to mix raw sawdust, sand and peat in equal parts. The seeds are placed vertically in the soil and sprinkled on top with a layer of the same substrate 1 cm thick, then the pot or container is placed in a warm place where the temperature is above 20 ºC, and even better - 25-30 ºC, and kept, making sure that the soil the whole time was warm, damp, but not wet. To do this, it is best to keep it near heat sources by laying sphagnum moss on the surface of the substrate. Do not expect quick results: the seed can sit in the ground and swell before it sprouts, for three months or six months.

When the sprouts hatch, transfer the container to a bright light, protecting the seedlings from direct rays, regularly moisten the soil and spray the seedlings with warm water, and when they grow up to 10-15 cm, plant the seedlings in personal pots with a diameter of 15 cm into the soil, consisting of four parts humus, one part peat land with the addition of two parts of sand, turf and leaf land. Throw in a couple of handfuls of charcoal as well and mix everything thoroughly before planting. Be sure to add a layer of drainage material to the bottom of the pot.

The date palm grown from the stone at home can only give leaves in the third or even fifth year of life. The growth point of the date palm is located at the top of the trunk, so neither pruning it nor attempting to shape the crown of the tree in any way. Make sure that the new leaf arrow is turned from light to shadow, and from time to time rotate the pot around the axis so that the crown of the tree forms evenly.

Date palm care at home

How to care for a date palm

Taking care of your home date palm is very simple. It should be kept in a bright, sunny place in a well-ventilated area. The temperature in summer can be any, and in winter it should be no higher than 18 ºC and not lower than 12 ºC.

In hot weather, date palm leaves can dry out from the ends, so it is advisable to spray them several times a day or wipe them with a damp sponge, and once a week organize a shower for the plant by closing upper layer soil from moisture ingress into it.

Feed the palm tree weekly with organic and mineral fertilizers, in the fall, fertilize twice less often - once every two weeks, in winter, if necessary, it is enough to apply complex fertilizers once a month.

Date palm watering

Growing a date palm involves regular, balanced watering of the plant with settled soft water. What does balanced watering mean? This means that you need to moisten the soil so that there is enough water for the plant, but no more. To prevent excess moisture from stagnating in the roots of the plant, do not forget to put a thick layer of drainage in the pot when transplanting.

Date palm transplant

Young plants that have not reached the age of five are transplanted annually, those that are older - only if necessary, because the date palm does not like to be disturbed. When transplanting, you need to act as carefully as possible so as not to damage the date palm root, so it is best to use the method of transferring the plant from an old pot to a new one. The date palm pot should be deep, because its roots are long, and each subsequent flowerpot should be 3-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Before replanting a date palm, be sure to add a drainage layer. If the old palm pot still fits, but you are worried that the soil has already lost the qualities necessary for the plant, carefully remove the top layer of the old substrate and replace it with fresh one. This should be done every six months.

Date palm propagation

The date palm at home propagates only by seeds - in other words, by seeds.

Date palm pests and diseases

Insect pests

Most often, when the conditions of detention are violated, the date palm suffers from spider mites, mealybugs and scale insects. The best way pest control - fix care mistakes. It is best to remove insects and traces of their vital activity that destroy the plant by mechanical means, wiping the leaves of the date palm with a soap and vodka solution (15 g liquid soap, any dishwashing liquid or a teaspoon of grated solid soap dilute in a liter of warm water and add two tablespoons of vodka to the solution). If the number has not passed, after a week the processing of the leaves must be repeated, just do not forget to protect the soil in the pot from soap getting into it. In case of severe pest infestation, you will have to resort to treating the leaves of the date palm with insecticides, and the best of them is actellic.

Of the diseases of the date palm, spots are known that disfigure the leaf plate, and pink rot, which affects not only the leaves, but sometimes the stem, and causes them to rot. Fortunately, only weak and diseased plants are susceptible to infection with these diseases, so the key to the health of the date palm is your observance of the rules for caring for it. If trouble happened and the plant got sick, double-treat the palm with a fungicide containing mankozeb and methyl thiophanate, observing a weekly interval between sessions.

The date palm dries

Sometimes the date palm leaves dry from the tips, and this is a clear indication that the room where the plant is located is too low humidity air at a normal rate of 50%. This is not so much, and there are more than enough ways to increase the humidity of the air to the required value, so do not be lazy to spray and wash the leaves, otherwise the palm tree will lose its decorative effect, and it will be a pity for wasted time and effort. Remember that the date palm dries up only with a careless owner.

Date palm turns yellow

If you haven’t changed your attitude to caring for a palm tree in time and haven’t resolved the issue of supplying the plant with moisture at all levels, the next signal of an imbalance in water balance after dry tips is yellowing date palm leaves. This means that you not only irregularly spray the leaves of the plant, but also forget to water it, allowing the earthen coma in the pot to dry out. If you don't have enough time to take care of the plant, think, maybe it would be better to give the date palm to someone who takes the time to take care of it?

Date palm leaves darken

When the soil in a pot with a date palm undergoes chronic waterlogging, the leaves of the plant gradually darken, turning from green to brown, the trunk becomes soft, and the smell of rot is felt from the plant. As soon as you notice this, stop watering the palm tree, remove it from the pot and inspect the roots: if they become dark, soft and watery, the plant has already died, but if there are still living ones among the rotten roots, then it makes sense to cut off the dead roots by sprinkling the cuts with crushed charcoal, and transplant the date palm into fresh soil.

One of 17 species of the date family. The homeland is the tropical and subtropical forests of Africa and Asia. The name comes from the Latin "phoenix" - a palm tree.

The plant is widely in demand among the local population before today... Since ancient times, the aborigines built roofs from the leaves of the date palm, used it as rope, weaved baskets and other products.

Palm stalks contain nutritious and sweet juice, can be used as an additive in tea instead of sugar. Also, homemade wine is made from the juice.

Fruits - dates, used for cooking, this is the main food for camels.

Grinding a date produces flour for baking.

In addition, the date palm is like decorative tree, used in home decoration, several centuries ago.

Today, the plant is popular at home as an ornamental small tree with wide branched leaves and serves as an ornament in greenhouses and home winter gardens... It is not difficult to grow a palm tree, it multiplies well from one seed from the fruit - a date.

Description: A tall plant with one or more stems. At the end of each trunk there is a crown of leaves. Leaves are thin, belt-like, big size... The petiole is short. Axillary inflorescence.

In the natural environment, the date palm reaches 25 m in height, in indoor conditions, dwarf species do not exceed 2 m. But for any species, spacious rooms are needed, through spreading leaves up to 2 m in diameter. There are small varieties that are adapted to domestic conditions.

Date palm species

Date palm care

Location: It is a thermophilic plant that tolerates constant direct sunlight. Often it is not even shaded in the summer at lunchtime. At home, the best place southwest, or south side of the windows.

In the hot period, for uniform growth, the pot is regularly rotated around its axis, otherwise the palm tree will grow one-sided. It is also necessary to gradually accustom to direct sunlight, in order to avoid burns. As soon as the temperature external environment more than 20 degrees, regularly ventilate the room, but beware of drafts.

In winter, daylight is not enough, often artificially prolonged using fluorescent lamps... Lack of light leads to stretching of the leaves.

Whenever possible, from mid-spring, take the plant out to the balcony or garden.

Temperature: Since spring, optimum temperature for growth, 22-25 degrees. But at high humidity, the date tolerates well and 28 degrees. Starting in mid-autumn and throughout the winter, a period of rest begins. The temperature is kept at 15-18 degrees, but not lower than 14. Some species are able to winter at low rates of 8-10 degrees.

At any temperature, the required inflow fresh air... In winter, it is quite problematic to do this, due to the high probability of drafts. Additional fresh air blowers are often installed during cold periods.

Humidity: Since a crop normally grows in tropical rainforests, it requires a constantly humid climate. Especially in the hot season, the date palm needs additional spraying. V home conditions, this procedure is carried out all year round.

Water is used settled, or soft. Also, a pot with a palm tree is placed on a pallet with moistened moss, or pebbles. But the pot cannot be placed directly into the water, root system will begin to absorb water and rot. 1-2 times a month, the leaves are washed off with warm water or a mild soapy solution.

Soil: Soil is used either purchased or made independently. The components are selected in such a way that the overall composition is either neutral or slightly acidic.

There are no special requirements for the soil. So, for example: turf, humus, sand and compost in equal proportions. For 3 liters. ready mix, add 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate.

From purchased, use a substrate for palm trees.

For big palms add more turf land. A large and deep pot is selected, and the expanded clay drainage is first laid on the bottom. The date palm is capable of growing hydroponically.

Watering: The plant must be watered abundantly 3 times a week, but as soon as the top layer of the earth dries up. For 2 hours, the remaining water is left in the pan and then drained. The fact is that the root system will take as much moisture as needed for this time.

With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced by 2-3 times. The substrate should be constantly slightly moistened. Too dry earthen lump leads to drying out of the tips of the leaves, which do not come to life, waterlogged one contributes to rotting of the root system. Water is used soft, room temperature, slightly above room temperature.

Transplant: Through fragile and delicate roots, the palm is rarely transplanted. Young plants are transplanted almost every year, adults no more than 1 time in 4 years. As a rule, they do not transplant, but transshipment, through damage to the main root.

Each year, the topsoil is removed and replaced with new, nutrient-rich soil.

Top dressing: The date palm needs top dressing only in the summer months, once every 10 days. Use purchased organic fertilizers for indoor decorative palms. It can be alternated with potassium nitrate, which is diluted with 10 grams of water in a bucket of water.

In winter, under certain conditions and visual deterioration of the leaves, you can feed it once 1 month.

Date palm propagation

The date is propagated by seeds, like other similar plants with fruits. Growing a palm tree from seed is quite simple and easy. Under certain conditions, a decorative tree takes root well. Pits from edible fully ripe fruits are used. But it is necessary to use fresh fruit seeds.

The bone is preliminarily placed in warm water(30 degrees) for 3 days. Then they are planted in the ground. Composition of peat and sand in equal proportions. Water in moderation and keep the temperature at 20 degrees. Expanded clay drainage must be placed on the bottom.

Also, the composition of the earth can be laid in layers. Starting from the bottom drainage, then a layer of turf, sand and moss on the remainder. The seeds are planted in a pre-moistened substrate. If planted in sand and peat soil, to retain moisture, cover with a layer of moss on top.

The sprout appears before a month of time. Be sure to keep constant watering.

After germination, the young sprout is transplanted into a larger pot. It is necessary to provide a large amount of light and heat, while watering and high humidity but keep out of direct sunlight until the palm tree gets used to it.

Pests and diseases: The main pests are considered to be scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites. But the date is considered a very resistant plant to diseases and pests.

Care difficulties: Sudden changes in temperature often negatively affect the palm tree, it gets sick for a long time and loses its leaves. For example, if you buy in the cold season and immediately bring in warm room... Get used to the warmth gradually, or buy in the summer.

A dry earthen clod, or lack of light, leads to the drooping of the leaves, the plant loses its luster.

Low humidity leads to yellowing and death of the tips of the leaves.

Drafts have a detrimental effect, the date begins to wither, the leaves fall and darken.

Medicinal properties: V folk medicine, widely use palm juice for burns, skin and infectious diseases, mastopathy.

Sakura is most often associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics in the shade flowering trees have long been an integral part of the meeting of spring in the Land of the Rising Sun. The financial and academic year begins here on April 1, when the magnificent cherry blossoms are in full bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese are marked by their blossoming. But sakura grows well in cooler regions - certain species can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

We have prepared a hearty, incredibly appetizing and simply elementary dish for you today. This gravy is one hundred percent universal, as it goes with every side dish: vegetables, pasta, or whatever. Gravy with chicken and mushrooms will save you in moments when there is no time or you don't want to think too much about what to cook. Grab your favorite side dish (you can do it ahead of time to keep everything hot), add the gravy and lunch is ready! A real lifesaver.

Agriculture belongs to such types human activity, the successful outcome of which is not always directly proportional to the efforts made. Unfortunately, nature does not necessarily act as our ally in growing plants, but often even, on the contrary, throws up new challenges. Increased reproduction of pests, abnormal heat, late return frosts, hurricane wind, drought ... And one of the springs presented us with another surprise - a flood.

With the coming of the season summer cottage works the question arises of growing strong and healthy seedlings of our favorite vegetables: cabbage, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplant and many other crops. Along with this, the question arises - how to grow worthy seedlings and in the future to get from it healthy plants and a decent harvest? For example, I have been growing seedlings for a single season and protect my garden from diseases with the help biological products Alirin-B, Gamair, Glyokladin, Trichocin.

I will allow myself to confess my love today. In love for ... lavender. One of the best unpretentious, evergreen and flowering shrubs that can be successfully grown in your garden. And if someone thinks that lavender is Mediterranean, or at least southern, then you are wrong. Lavender grows well in more northern regions, even in the Moscow region. But in order to grow it, you need to know some rules and features. They will be discussed in this article.

Having once tasted such a priceless product as pumpkin, it is already difficult to stop looking for new recipes for serving it to the table. Korean style pumpkin, despite its pungency and spice, has a fresh and delicate taste. After cooking, you will need to cover the salad and let it brew for at least 15 minutes. My butternut squash is very juicy and sweet, so there is no need to crush it. If the pumpkin is of a different variety, then you can knead it with your hands so that it slightly sips the juice.

Salad, as the earliest and unpretentious green culture, has always been held in high esteem by gardeners. Spring planting most summer residents usually start by sowing lettuce, parsley and radish. Recently, the pursuit of healthy eating and a large selection of greens in supermarkets make gardeners wonder which of these plants can be grown in their beds? In this article, we will tell you about nine of the most interesting, in our opinion, types of salad.

Another “bonus” is always “attached” to the flowering of indoor roses - capriciousness. When they say that it is easy to grow roses in rooms, they are disingenuous. For flowering indoor roses it is necessary to create literally ideal conditions. And vigilant care, attention and response to any plant signals is the main guarantee of success. True, no matter how capricious roses are, growing them in a pot format can be quite successful. And attentive flower growers should not be afraid of this.

Pollock is best cooked in a casserole, separating the fillets from the skin and bones. Pieces of fish are mixed with a variegated vegetable set, poured over with a sauce of cheese, sour cream and eggs. This fish casserole has a presentable look, and its taste is a whimsical mixture of subtle nuances. Vegetables and fillets are soaked in sour cream, the cheese will harden with a golden brown crust, eggs will tie all the ingredients together. Pieces of fish are abundantly sprinkled with Italian herbs, and pollock acquires an unusual piquancy.

Despite the fact that the calendar spring begins in March, you can truly feel the awakening of nature only with the appearance flowering plants in the garden. Nothing testifies to the arrival of spring as eloquently as the clearing of flowering primroses. Their appearance is always a small holiday, because winter has receded, and a new gardening season awaits us. But, in addition to spring primroses, there is still something to see and admire in the garden in the month of April.

Growing rapidly and turning into wild thickets, hogweed disrupts the existing ecosystem and suppresses all other plants. Essential oils contained in the fruits and leaves of hogweed, cause severe forms of dermatitis. At the same time, it is much more difficult to deal with it than with other common weeds. Fortunately, today a remedy has appeared on the free market that can rid your site of most weeds, including hogweed, in a short time.

Carrots happen different colors: orange, white, yellow, purple. Beta-carotene and lycopene predominate in orange carrots, yellow due to the presence of xanthophylls (lutein); white carrots are high in fiber, while purple carrots contain anthocyanin, beta and alpha carotenes. But, as a rule, gardeners choose carrot varieties for sowing not by the color of the fruit, but by the timing of their ripening. About the best early, middle and late varieties we will explain in this article.

We recommend a fairly easy pie recipe with an appetizing chicken and potato filling. Open Pie with Chicken and Potatoes is an excellent hearty dish that is perfect for a hearty snack, it is very convenient to take a couple of slices of these pastries on the road. The cake is baked in the oven for one hour at 180 degrees. After that we put it on wooden surface, having previously released it from the form. It is enough to slightly cool the baked goods and you can start tasting.

The long-awaited spring for many indoor plants is the period of the start of active vegetation, and for the majority - and the return of their decorative effect. Admiring young leaves and emerging shoots, one should not forget that spring is also a great stress for all indoor plants. Sensitive and versatile, all indoor crops are exposed to much brighter lighting, changes in humidity and temperature conditions.

You can easily prepare homemade Easter cake with cottage cheese and candied fruits, even without any pastry experience behind you. You can bake cake not only in special form or in a paper form. For the first culinary experiences (and not only), I advise you to take a small cast iron pan... The cake in a frying pan will not turn out as high as in a narrow form, but it never burns and always bakes well inside! Yeast curd dough turns out to be airy and aromatic.

All types of palms are very popular with indoor plant lovers. Palm trees are classified as decorative deciduous focal plants. Such plants are used for landscaping residential and office space, winter gardens, greenhouses. Due to their large size (some palms at good care at home, they reach a height of up to 2 meters) with such plants you can fill an empty space in a room or divide a room into zones.

All indoor palms are divided into four types: reed palms (, chrysalilocarpus), feathery palms (, coconut, date), fan palms (hamerops, patching,) and sago palms.

Palm trees are in great demand among indoor plant lovers, despite the fact that adult specimens are very expensive. But a palm tree like a date can be grown by yourself from a date stone bought on the market. But first, let's take a look at the secrets of caring for a palm tree.

Date palm: growing and care at home

The date is rather not a capricious plant, if you follow the simple recommendations for its care, it will delight you with its beauty.


The date palm is a light-loving plant, so choose a corner for it in your home where there will be enough light, but try not to let direct sunlight fall on its leaves, especially in summer, otherwise burns will not be avoided.

And do not be discouraged if in the room where you want to place your pet, the windows face the north side. The palm tree also tolerates slight shading. Therefore, if your palm tree will live in a room with windows facing north, put it closer to the window, this will be enough for it.

In summer, if you live in your house, it is best to take the palm tree outside when the night temperature is at least 12 degrees. Choose a quiet place for her in partial shade. If you live in an apartment, then a palm tree on the balcony will also be nice. The only thing, if the balcony is too "sunny", shade the windows with curtains so that the leaves do not get burned.


The air temperature in the winter in the room where the palm tree will live should not exceed 16 degrees (maximum 18 degrees), but not lower than 12 degrees. If your room temperature in winter exceeds 18 degrees, try to put the pot with a palm tree in the very cool place(or closer to balcony door or a window, or to the north wall).

Air humidity

Watering the palm tree

The most important condition for the active growth of a date palm is that in a pot with a plant there is good drainage, palm trees do not like stagnant water. In winter, water should be done sparingly, avoiding drying out and waterlogging of the soil. In the summer you need to water more abundantly. It is advisable to defend water for irrigation for a couple of days if it is not possible to water with rain or thawed water.

Date transplant

Try to replant an adult palm only in cases of extreme necessity. She doesn't like to be disturbed. If such a need has already arisen, then try to damage the earthy clod around the roots as little as possible. Young plants can be replanted no more than once a year. It is better not to save on the soil for the palm tree. Now in everyone flower shop there are specially prepared soil mixtures for each type of plant.

The date palm reproduces by bone. To do this, take a date bone from a market or store and gently break its tight shell to make it easier for the sprout to germinate. Stick the bone into the substrate (preferably peat or, you can mix it with sand, which hold moisture better) vertically, so that the top of the bone is recessed by about 1 cm.

The main condition: the temperature for germination should be high (20-30 degrees) and the soil should not dry out. At the same time, you do not need to worry about lighting at this time, at this stage it is not necessary. And be patient, the process of seed germination is quite long - from three months to six months. After the sprout appears, place the pot in a bright place.

Plant feeding

The date palm is very responsive to fertilization. You can, of course, buy a special fertilizer for palm trees in the store, or you can prepare it yourself. For example, a very good result is obtained by feeding the plant with fertilizer from bird droppings (you can use chicken, or even better, pigeon droppings).

To do this, fill 1/3 of the cans with dry droppings, and fill the rest with water. Let it brew for at least 10 days, stirring occasionally. When watering, you need to use in the following proportion: 1 part of the finished fertilizer to 10 parts of water. In summer, fertilize once every 10 days, in winter less often - once every 30 days. You can also use potassium nitrate to fertilize palm trees in the summer in the ratio: 1 teaspoon of saltpeter (without a slide) to 1 liter of water.