What to add to the putty for durability. Proportions for the correct dilution of putty for a car: do it yourself

Putty work is carried out during any repair. And in order not to spoil appearance surfaces on which the mixture will be applied, you should know how to properly dilute the putty. Usually, the rules for diluting the putty, the proportions and consistency of the mixture are indicated in the instructions on the package. However, often, you can not take into account some of the nuances and this will affect the quality of the work performed. To prevent this from happening, try to use the tips on how to dilute the dry putty indicated in this article.

Today, you can find many types of putty materials on sale. Each of them is designed for one or another type of finishing work.

All putties are finely dispersed building mixtures... They differ mainly in consistency. There is some classification of putty mixtures, depending on the type of material underlying it. So, there are putties on cement, gypsum and polymers. Let's consider each of them in a little more detail.

A cement-based putty with a characteristic gray tint, due to its resistance to moisture, is actively used for baths and other rooms with high levels of humidity. In addition, it is often used for finishing the facades of buildings.

Plaster putty is often used for interior decoration rooms before painting the walls or pasting the wallpaper. This solution has a much more attractive snow-white color. Unlike cement putty mixture, gypsum cannot tolerate high level humidity. Therefore, it is not suitable for use in the bathroom.

Putty, which uses polymers as binders, is considered a fairly new material on the market. Distinguish between acrylic and latex putty mixtures. Acrylic is used for both facade decoration and indoor work. It can be used as a roughing, leveling and even as finishing mixture.

As for latex putty, it is usually used exclusively for interior decoration. It has properties such as high elasticity and low shrinkage. Therefore, it can be applied in a thin layer. Any polymer-based mixture is strong and durable.

Putties are sold both dry and ready-mixed. Dry mixes are available as starting and finishing mixtures. They differ in composition and properties. Finishing putty - fine-grained. After it, a perfectly flat surface is obtained. Starter compounds are usually used to level wall defects. Such material is applied in a thicker layer than the finishing one.

The leveling putty is distinguished by its high strength. Therefore, it is often used as a starting point.

There is also a universal putty. It is usually more expensive and has the same properties as smoothing and decorative. But it should only be used when there are no serious defects on the wall.

How to dilute putty (starting)

In total, there are two ways to dilute the starting putty. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

The first way

This method is somewhat similar to kneading dough. And it is most suitable when there is no mixer attachment for a drill. You need to take a dry container (for example, a bucket from building materials) and pour into it the right amount dry mix. After that, little by little water should be added to the container. If we do the opposite, i.e. pour the putty mixture into the water, then it can grab in the form of lumps, which will be difficult to remove manually.

Let's consider in stages how to dilute the gypsum putty according to the first method.

  1. To prepare gypsum-based putty, you need to take a clean plastic container and pour about seven trowels of the dry mixture. Then add some water. Now you should mix the mixture well. An important point: The tools and utensils used must be perfectly clean.
  2. If dirt gets into the solution, it can cause the mixture to harden faster than you can apply it to the surface. After mixing, you can pour the rest of the dry mixture into the container and add water. Finally, you need to mix everything until you get a homogeneous mixture without lumps.
  3. Lumps, like dirt, can speed up the setting time of the mixture. Gypsum plaster is known to dry quickly, but despite this, after mixing, you should not immediately apply it to work surface... You should give it about three minutes for the mixture to sit. After that, mix well again.
  4. It is allowed to add dry mixture or water to the putty. But this is allowed to be done only until the moment the solution is applied to the work surface. The amount of the mixture should be sufficient for twenty minutes of work. Therefore, it is better to cook a little than to discard the dried material later.
  5. The main properties of gypsum putty is that it absorbs excess moisture well. Therefore, it is usually used in rooms with excessive humidity. This usually limits its application. However, more recently, gypsum plaster has been used to decorate walls for painting. This is due to the fact that it lays down in a fairly even layer, and no finishing mixture is required on top.
  6. Sometimes gypsum plaster cracks. This usually happens because the mixing technology was violated, an insufficient amount water or too little plaster was applied, which normally should not be less than five millimeters. If the surface is not treated and cleaned before applying the mixture, then in this case, mother-in-law may also appear.

Second way

This method can be used when a mixer attachment or screwdriver is available. To do this, first pour water into the container, and then pour the dry mixture into it until you achieve the desired density. The material sometimes sets in clumps, but with the use of a power tool, they can be easily removed. With proper skill, you can dilute the putty in this way immediately in large quantities and good quality... It is important to avoid getting large amounts of air into the mixture. For this, the speed of the mixer nozzle should be kept at 800 rpm. Mixing is usually not enough. Therefore, after holding for about a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure.

According to the first and second methods, the mixture must be prepared until the required density is reached. After that, the prepared mixture should be left to swell for a few minutes. Then it must be mixed well so that lumps do not form. In addition, re-mixing can increase the elasticity of the putty.

How to dilute putty for walls, ceilings and floors (finishing)

As for cooking finishing putty, which is used for thin wall decoration, this process practically does not differ from the technology of mixing the starting mixture. Only in this case it is worth Special attention turn to re-mixing. This is due to the fact that in finishing layer even small lumps should not be present. This layer is usually applied in a thickness of one millimeter, which will make any particles and lumps immediately visible. They will especially attract attention when using glossy finishing materials and if there is side lighting in the room. Stir the finishing mixture thoroughly and repeatedly. In addition, it is important that the tool used for the putty is very well cleaned of material residues and then washed.

In addition, you should not dilute a new portion of the putty mixture in the same container where the previous one was previously diluted. To be precise, you can use the same container for a new portion, but before that it must be rinsed. hot water... In addition to the container, wash the mixer attachment that was used for mixing. Only then can the container and the tool be used again.

When working with putty, do not add to the container with the mixture the remains of the mortar that were on the tool. It is better to remove them in a separate small container. If the particles of the solution have already entered the container with the mixture, then the entire volume of the material must be thoroughly mixed so that no lumps form.

Self-preparation of the mixture

It is known that putties can be prepared at home. There are quite a few such recipes today, but any of them have the same basis. So, the main components include: chalk, drying oil, varnishes, sifted gypsum, as well as carpentry or animal glue.

  • Gypsum-chalk putty mixture is suitable for use in dry rooms, for the purpose of leveling drywall sheets and concrete surfaces. In order to prepare such a mixture, you will need a mixing container, three kilograms of chalk, one kilogram of gypsum, five percent carpentry or animal glue. For mixing you need a spatula, and also better drill with a special attachment. In addition, you should purchase a respirator or at least a gauze bandage that protects against gypsum-chalk dust.
  • First, you need to carefully sift and mix the chalk with gypsum. They should be gradually introduced into the container with the adhesive solution. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The amount of the mixture to be prepared should be sufficient for work, but no more. The fact is that this putty quickly hardens, because of which the excess will have to be thrown away.
  • If you need to prepare the surface for painting oil paints, prepare an oil putty, which will require 100 grams of desiccant, 1 kilogram of drying oil and 2 kilograms of chalk. This mixture can be used to coat surfaces subject to frequent temperature changes, such as window frame surfaces.
  • If the surface is to be coated with glue, a glue putty is prepared. You will need 25 grams of drying oil, 2.5 kilograms of sifted chalk and 1 kilogram of 10% adhesive solution... The glue solution must first be warmed up, then mixed with drying oil and brought to a homogeneous consistency. Then chalk is gradually introduced until the desired density is obtained. To improve the spreading of the putty, finely chopped soap should also be added to the mixture.

In terms of consistency, putties are dry (for mixing) and pasty (ready to use).

Dry mixes are sold in bags and are the most common option. Their main advantages are relative low price, ease of transportation, very long shelf life, the ability to prepare a mixture of the degree of viscosity you need. The instructions on the packaging will tell you how to dilute the putty, however, there are some general concepts preparations that are not written anywhere, but you need to know about them. Therefore, the mixing process is their main disadvantage. It is also inconvenient that the resulting mass must have time to be applied all and quickly, until it begins to solidify.

Ready-to-use putties, sold in plastic buckets and can also be safely stored for a long time.

By the type of binder raw materials, the putty can be cement, gypsum and polymer.

  • The cement base is inherent in water resistance, it is suitable for use in rooms with high humidity... However, such a putty often shrinks, after which an additional layer is needed. Due to the cement component, it rather slowly gains strength and in some places the appearance of microcracks is possible.
  • Gypsum putty does not shrink, it can be applied with a layer of even 1 mm, but at the same time it is afraid of temperature and humidity changes.
  • Polymer provides the highest quality coating, but due to the high price it has many unscrupulous fakes.

The choice and preparation of the putty depends on the classification of the purpose of the putty.

  • Leveling or starting is intended for the primary treatment of walls, window and door slopes, elimination of layout defects. Sometimes it is a good alternative to plaster. If you know how to properly dilute the putty for the walls, you can achieve an elastic, obedient consistency of the material with much better adhesion to surfaces than plaster. And the drying time is many times shorter. If the plaster becomes in about 28 days, then the starting putty will be ready for finishing in 3-5 days. Of course, the time and effort saved is offset by the cost.
  • The putty of the second layer consists of a fine-grained fraction and is intended for application with a thickness of several millimeters. It is sold in polyethylene or paper bags and is used in the last stage of finishing in accordance with the material of the previous layer. Should be perfectly smooth, without indentations or dents.
  • A special putty is usually applied locally and its purpose is indicated on the packaging. It is waterproof and acid-resistant, sold ready-to-use and a little more expensive than others.

How to prepare wall putty

So, before you is a bag with a dry mixture that needs to be diluted with water, however, not everything is so simple. To know how to properly stir the putty, you need to understand for which stage of finishing it is needed.

The starting filler mixture should have a very thick consistency, as it is applied in a thick layer and hides the roughest surface defects. The thickness of the application can reach 5 cm, so the putty is applied in several steps. So that the solution does not set too quickly and does not "float", it is diluted with purified, free of foreign impurities and clay, river sand in a ratio of 1: 1. This method is strictly applied to gypsum mixtures for internal works. Good coverage should not crack and shrink.

Step-by-step instructions on how to dilute the putty:

  1. We fill a clean bucket with water in the amount indicated on the package.
  2. We rinse its walls in a circular motion - they should also be wet.
  3. Pour in the required amount of putty.
  4. We leave in this form for five minutes. You can't interfere right away, you need to give her time to sag a little.
  5. We begin to stir. Looking at the consistency, add water or add a dry mixture.
  6. Unused filler usually remains at the edges. Wash it down with a brush or clean it off with a small spatula. Continue stirring by moving the nozzle in a circle in both directions, from side to side and from bottom to top. Pause and clean the edges of the bucket again, then knead again.
  7. We take out the drill and immediately immerse it in a container of water, where we let the nozzle go in both directions for a short time. If this is not done right away, then it will be impossible to wash it.
  8. Let the mixture brew for 15 minutes, after which we pour literally a tablespoon of PVA glue into it. Adding it will give the putty elasticity and softness, and after drying, the mixture will be especially strong.
  9. Mix everything thoroughly again.

It's important to know:

  • before diluting the putty, we study the proportions in the instructions on the package
  • do not mix too much at a time: you may not have time to use it before it starts to become
  • do not add water to the setting mixture and re-mix it
  • after each portion of the mixture, the bucket must be thoroughly cleaned - if dried pieces from the previous stirring remain on the walls, they will fall into the mass as insoluble lumps and make it unusable.

You can combine mixtures different manufacturers... If it is not possible to buy an expensive putty for the whole apartment, a small amount of it can be mixed into a cheaper base. For example: Knauf Rotband isogypsum contains special polymer additives that provide increased adhesion. We mix it with Satengips in a ratio of 1: 3 and we get an improved composition of our putty for the finishing type of work.

When choosing a material, pay attention to the production time and expiration date. Stale mixes tend to set too quickly, which is inconvenient to work with, and their durability is questionable. Purchase putty mixes at large home improvement stores and avoid the markets.

As we all understand, during any repair it will not be possible to do without such a necessary building material like a putty. With its help, you can close up seams, smooth out slight irregularities walls, etc. In many ways, the final result of the future decorative treatment of the walls will depend on its quality and sustained proportions.

Before deciding the question "how to dilute the putty", you need to know that such material is very popular not only for interior wall decoration, but also used for outdoor work.

Based on the scope of use of the putty, the solution is classified according to the composition and proportions of the components. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that for different finishes(base or finishing) solution will have to be diluted in different ways.

Of course, if you buy a putty in a hardware store already in a ready-to-use condition, then you will not have to mix it again. Your main task when working with finished material- mix the mass well before the actual use.

But when working with dry substances, simple mixing of the components will not be enough. They need careful preparation- compliance with the proportional ratio of water and dry matter, on the correctness of which the quality and density of the material will depend. It is also necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions while mixing the solution.

So, how to dilute the putty for wall treatment?

Pay attention to the main rule that it is necessary to dilute all putty mixtures immediately before the application process, since they are able to "live" without losing their qualities for a fairly short period of time.

Duration of "life" ready solution until it sets, as a rule, is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, and may depend on many indicators, the main of which is the composition. Therefore, you should not be too self-confident, but it is better to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's advice in more detail in order to avoid trouble.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to properly dilute the putty, you may need the following tools and devices:

  • capacity, better without rounded corners;
  • scales;
  • a drill and a special attachment for it, or construction mixer;
  • putty knife.

The process of preparing the putty mixture consists of the following stages:

  1. a certain amount of water must be poured into an empty container;
  2. weigh the required amount of dry matter and pour it into a container with water;
  3. using a construction mixer or a drill with a special attachment, mix the mass thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency;
  4. Fragments of putty adhering to the walls of the container should be removed, and the solution should be left for 15-20 minutes to swell;
  5. then you should make a control mixing of the solution and immediately start working.

If you follow the advice of experienced repair specialists, you should adhere to the following rules for mixing the putty:

  • you should not turn on a construction mixer (drill with a nozzle) at a high speed, because this can lead to a large number of air bubbles entering the solution;
  • it is not necessary to use water that is too high or, on the contrary, too low temperature to knead the mixture, otherwise such a mass will burst after drying and fall off the walls;
  • do not try to immediately dilute too much solution, because its life time is too limited;
  • before each new kneading of the putty, do not be lazy to thoroughly rinse the container in which the previous mixture and the attachment with which you mixed it were. If you do not do such manipulations, the remnants of the old solution will get into the new composition of the putty, as a result of which its consistency and elasticity will be violated and the quality of the new coating will also fall;
  • do not put the washed mixer with the nozzle upwards, because drops of solution or water will fall under the cartridge and it will begin to rust very quickly.

Nuances when diluting putty

The preparation of a putty for walls with a starting and finishing coating, as we have already said, has certain distinctive features... Let's consider them in more detail.

The starting putty is used for rough initial surface treatment, which is affected by significant defects and cracks. Therefore, such a composition of the putty should not spread over the surface of the walls and have sufficient strength.

Cooking putty for wall decoration

Since very often it is necessary to cover the surface with a putty solution in several layers, giving each time to dry, it is advisable to make sure that the layer does not harden during this period of time. To get this effect, experienced finishers advise adding putty to the solution river sand, in a ratio of 1: 1.

The finishing putty is used for fine processing of walls before decorative coating or wallpapering. The thickness of the layer is topcoat should not exceed 1 mm.

This suggests that not only piles of material, but even small fractions will be noticeable on such a wall. Therefore, when mixing the finishing putty, you need to be especially careful about its homogeneous structure. After all, if you do not attach importance to this stage, the quality of the treated surface will be lame, and decorative trim will not be done as neatly as we would like.

Which putty is better?

Basically, putty is sold in tightly sealed bags, and it is not possible to examine its contents. In this case, there is only one way out - to trust the experience of specialists.

Of course, you can apply the cheapest and untested mixture to the wall, just understand that the result will be the same of poor quality.

If you specifically answer the question "which putty is better?", The answer "soft" will not be clear to everyone. Such soft mixtures are represented on the market by Knauf, Henkel and many other manufacturers, but among domestic companies, such representatives are Prospectors and Volma. The quality of such putties has been tested by more than one generation of builders.

Comparative characteristics of the brightest and most popular representatives of putties are shown in the table below.

In many hardware stores, putty compounds are now sold by weight. This is a great solution for those who need a small amount of material. So you can buy 1-2 kg of the mixture and try it out before buying a pig in a poke weighing 25-30 kg. One drawback of such a non-wholesale sale is that only the cheapest formulations are sold, which are not popular and are lying around on store shelves.

When conducting construction, one way or another, you will have to face the issue of putty. The topics that will be raised along with the repair are the leveling of the walls, and the priming, and the choice the right materials, and how to dilute the putty. Some of these important issues we have already given the answers. Now let's figure it out in detail - how to dilute the putty.

It should be noted right away that the putty is intended for:

  • aligning the walls;
  • covering small cracks, holes and chips;
  • sealing walls and joints;
  • as a preliminary step before wallpapering or painting walls.

Any putty can be either dry - powder, or already prepared - a mixture. In the first case, you have to add water to the dry mixture on your own and beat it very carefully with a mixer or by hand (which is highly not recommended). In the second case, you can only slightly dilute the solution if it seems thick (which is unlikely) and it is ready to use. You might immediately think that the first type of putty is most likely not popular - but no. It is more often used than the second one due to its cheapness and ease of transportation, transportation and storage. Everyone chooses the type of putty that suits him.

If, nevertheless, it is decided to buy not a wet putty, but a dry one, then you will need:

When all the ingredients and tools are ready, you can start performing the main task - the intervention. To do this, you need to pour a certain amount of dry putty into a bucket or basin, fill the floor the required amount water and start stirring. In the process of mixing, water must be gradually added until the moment when it is all consumed. Then the mixture should rest in peace for about 5 - 10 minutes, depending on the type of putty and you can start using it.

Every builder will wonder how much water to use. If the mixture is purchased, the answer is unambiguous and it is indicated on the package. If the mixture was made at home, then according to the standard you need 400 grams of water per 1 kilogram of the mixture. The consistency of the building material should be akin to thick sour cream.

The question of how to dilute the putty - one way or another will affect any builder or owner of the house - so you should immediately carefully study all the information on the topic, and then proceed to implementation.

Features of solutions starting, finishing

To understand how to properly dilute the putty, you need to make a choice of what you need. It is known that among the types of putty there are:

  1. Starting;
  2. Finish;
  3. For walls;
  4. Ceiling;
  5. Facade;
  6. For the interior of the premises

Depending on what type of putty is chosen, there will be an answer to the question of how to properly dilute the putty. How much does his answer depend on the type? Because each solution has its own required volume of water, its own required density and consistency.

For example, the first - starting - the mixture is needed to level the walls, its layer can reach up to six centimeters in order to hide very large defects. Therefore, it should not be liquid, the thicker the mixture is, the better it will fit into the grooves and the faster it will dry later. But don't overdo it.

It is also very important in what way the master will apply the plaster to the wall. If this manual way- then the solution must be thicker. If the process is supposed to be automated, then it is worth getting an airless spraying machine and spatulas. different sizes- preferably 45 centimeters, 60 centimeters, 80 centimeters and 1 meter. When applied to the wall in an automatic way- the mixture should be a little less frequent than with manual.

The finishing putty should be more liquid, since we will apply it very thinly. In the finishing option, the question of how to dilute the putty is very often not posed, since many prefer to take the already diluted one, right in the bucket.

I would like to provide some tips so that the question of how to dilute the putty does not remain unknown:

  • it should be borne in mind that the proportion of dry solution and water for each mixture is different. Carefully read all instructions, all requirements and in no case, do not ignore them.
  • the wall before applying the mortar must be clean, dry, free of fungus or mildew. It must first be treated with a primer, also diluted with water.
  • every time after using the tools, clean and wash them, and throw away the excess mixture, it is not intended for storage.
  • Get a respirator for working with dry solution - this will ensure safe work.
  • if you decide to buy a large spatula to advance the cherished business faster - take care of a small spatula, it is easy for them to "throw" the resulting solution onto a large device.
  • do not mix too much solution at a time. Analyze how much building material you can use at a time and direct exactly that amount. Do not save the solution - it is better to put more, and remove the excess.
  • if there are large potholes in the wall, it is better to immediately cover them up separately and bring the surface into a more or less even layer. And then already deal with the complete leveling of the surfaces of the room.

At the end of the article, I would like to wish success to every master who has started a great deal of plaster - great patience and strength. This question is not easy, but it does not require a big solution either. Therefore, success in such a difficult task!

Aligning the walls and preparing them for cladding is one of the most difficult operations, the quality of which determines the durability of the repair and the appearance of the room. For this purpose, putty is used. The modern market already offers ready mix, which can be applied immediately to the surface, but they are quite expensive, therefore dry compositions are used for large-scale works. In this article, we will look at how to dilute the putty for high-quality preparation of the walls and ceiling.

To carry out really quality work the putty should be elastic and plastic, at the same time the mixture should fit well on the surface, spread over it and easily lag behind the spatula. The consistency should be uniform, without lumps or other solid formations.

On the packages of dry mixtures there are instructions for their dilution, which must be followed, but in some cases a more liquid or, conversely, thick solution is required, so you should be aware of some rules for diluting the mixture.

Dilution for rough finishing

This operation can be carried out in two ways, the first of which is a bit like kneading dough and is used when there is no mixer attachment at hand, as well as a power tool.

Let's consider in stages how to dilute the putty:

  • First you need to prepare a plastic container - wash it, dry it, and then pour about 7 trowels of dry putty.
  • Then add some water and stir well. Tools and containers must be reasonably clean, as dirt entering the mixture will cause it to dry prematurely in the container or crack on the walls and ceiling after drying.
  • After obtaining a homogeneous solution without lumps, add the remaining dry material and water, and then mix everything again.

At the end of mixing, let the putty brew for 3 minutes, then mix again and apply to the walls or ceiling. The amount of material should be sufficient for 20 minutes of continuous work. In order to prevent the putty from cracking after drying, the surface must be carefully prepared and proportioned during preparation.

The second method involves the use of a screwdriver or mixer attachment on an electric drill.

  1. Pour water into a clean plastic container, then add the dry composition there. The required proportions, as well as other information on how to dilute the putty, can be read on the packaging.
  2. Then you need to turn on the power tool and knead for 2-3 minutes.
  3. When the solution acquires the required consistency, it must be left to swell for about 15 minutes, and then mixed again with an electric drill or screwdriver.

It's important to know! When stirring with a power tool, there is a risk that the solution will become saturated with air. To avoid porosity of the mixture, stir it at 800 rpm.

Dilution for finishing

The preparation of such a mixture is practically no different from working with a starting putty. Only in this case are the requirements for re-mixing and instrument cleanliness higher. The fact is that it is applied to the walls in a very thin layer, so all lumps or other formations will be visible to the naked eye.

Especially these defects will be visible with the subsequent application of finishing materials of a glossy texture with side lighting of the room. It is better to stir the finishing mixture several times, taking breaks for its swelling. The mixing tool must be washed before each procedure.

The container also needs to be washed every time, you cannot leave the remnants of the previously prepared mixture and start preparing a new one in the same place. Also, do not add any residues collected from the mixer to the solution, as this will lead to the formation of lumps.

Self-preparation of the mixture

Now let's talk about how to properly dilute the putty at home. On this moment There are many recipes for preparing such mixtures, but the main components are gypsum, glue, chalk and varnishes.

Most often, plaster and chalk based putty is used for wall decoration. To prepare such a mixture, you need to prepare a container, 3 kg of chalk, 1 kg of gypsum and wood glue. For mixing, it is better to use an electric drill with a nozzle, but you can do with an ordinary spatula. In addition, a respirator or gauze bandage should be used to protect the upper respiratory tract.

Sift the chalk and plaster thoroughly, then pour the glue into a plastic container. The sifted powder should be gradually poured into adhesive composition... After that, the composition should be mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is better to cook in small portions, since the putty dries up rather quickly, and the excess will have to be thrown away. This solution is used as a finishing finishing material in dry rooms.

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made putty mixture, it is easy to make it yourself: all you need for this is chalk, gypsum and wood glue

With more wet conditions for walls to be painted with oil paints, another putty is needed. To prepare the base, you need to stock up on linseed oil, chalk and desiccant. Pour 1 kilogram of drying oil into the mixing container, then add 100 grams of desiccant and mix. Then gradually add chalk, total weight which should be 2 kilograms. The resulting material is perfect for treating walls with windows and doorways.

If wall surfaces are planned to be exposed adhesive painting, then you should prepare a special putty. To prepare it, you will need 1 kg of wood glue, 2.5 kg of chalk and 25 grams of drying oil. The first step is to sift the chalk and warm up the adhesive, then add drying oil to it and mix thoroughly. The chalk is added last in small portions to avoid clumping. In some cases, in order for the composition to better fit on the wall, soap, previously grated on a fine grater, is added to it.