What day you need to plant a money tree. Dangerous diseases and pests

Crassula is a common room plant. But under this name, she is known to be a little. It is more often called Tolstanka or monetary (coin) tree. Independently to plant and grow the money tree is considered the best ritual to attract financial well-being and family happiness. So that the fat man has taken root in the house, it needs to be properly transplant and competently carefully care for it.

Conditions of money detention at home

Crasusula is an unpretentious plant. It easily transfers the lack of moisture and open sun rays. One of its names is a fat manner - indicates the ability to accumulate moisture in thick and fleshy leaves. In the absence of watering, Crasusul can survive a dry period using its own reserves, spending water from foliage.

The extensive genus of Tolstankov has more than 300 species. Among them are small plants (several centimeters height) and gigantic - up to several meters in growth.

Table: Prerequisites for the development of Crasus

Criterion Spring-summer period Autumn-winter period
LightingMoney tree prefers well-lit south, oriental or southeastern windowsillDuring the period of rest, from November to March, the pot with Tolstanka should be put in a less illuminated place, for example, on the northern windowsill
Air temperatureIdeal temperature mode - from 20 to 30 o C. Not bad plant tolerates and higher temperatures, but then requires shadingIdeal temperature regime - from 10 to 16 o C. Critical indicator: -5 degrees
Air humidityAfter a meal heat to refresh the plant, you can spray the leavesPeriodically (at least once a week) wipe the leaves from dust
WateringAbundantly one or twice a weekOne or three times a month

About the lack of moisture flower flashes soft leafy. Water must be heat or room temperature, best time For watering - evening.

Important to remember:

  • to properly form a bush money Tree Do not have to be close to the window or wall. To krona had symmetric form, Tolstanka from time to time turn around the axis, then the lighting will be evenly delivered to all sides of the plant;
  • air humidity is not fundamental for Tolstanka (genus a plant from the southern regions);
  • with the lack of water, Crassus copes better than with its excess.

In the room flower growing, Crasuslas are grown more than three hundred years, from the moment they were brought to Europe sailors from the African continent.

A healthy money tree needs fertilizer. Often do it is not required, just once a month to feed the plant mineral mixtures For succulents.

Video: Errors when caring for money

Modeling the crown

The money tree has an interesting structure, which allows the owner to simulate his crown to his taste. If you do not control the growth of branches, then the tree can become curve, stretch out, acquire an ugly appearance. The formation of the crown is simple: it is enough to remove an unnecessary escape or, on the contrary, to stimulate the growth of an additional twig. For the appearance of a new branching, there are twisting two tops. Soon, at this place will appear additional stalks.

Unnecessary leaves from the barrel of money should not be hurry to delete. With the growth of the crown, they themselves will disappear, while the trunk will get a natural look.

Video: Proper Crack Formation Crown

Landing time and transplantation

The most favorable time for planting or transplanting houseplants is considered to be early spring when new life cycleThe plant is ready to update and moves well to change the place of residence. Money tree in this sense is no exception.

The crack does not approve of frequent transplant, it is stronger stress for it. The young plant (up to two or three years) should be transferred to a new pot once a year. Adult tree It grows slower, so it is enough to provide him with a more spacious pot once every three or four years.

Crassula copes well with autumn transplant, even though she is undesirable. Weightful reason for resetting in autumn - plant disease or pest appearance. To save plants, the transplant is shown at any time of the year, even in winter.

What are the primer and a pot

The money tree is unpretentious to the composition of the soil and the size of the pot. But it still has its own preferences.

Suitable soil

Draw up good sad For money trees, even a beginner flower. For self-preparation of the substrate, it will be necessary:

  • fresh humus;
  • calcined sand;
  • sheet land;
  • cherry earth.

The first three components are taken in an equal ratio. But the delicate land will be required three times more. The soil must be loose, to skip water and air well. The indices of soil acidity is better to maintain a neutral value, somewhere within the pH of 6.5-7.0.

If there is no desire to bother with the preparation of the soil yourself, you can use a bought mixture. For money, any universal soil will come true. Ideally, a special substrate for succulents. In the universal mixture it is desirable to add sand (in the ratio of one to four).

For Crasus are needed good drainage. For young plants of a sufficient two-chamber layer of broken brick, river pebbles or clay, for more powerful copies, the drainage layer increases to 5-10 cm.
Upper layer Soil must be covered with mulch. It prevents rapid drying and give a decorative view of the pot. For this purpose, you can use pebbles, crushed stone, bark and trees chip, nut shells, dried autumn leaves, straw, treated glass.

What a pot is needed

Root monetary system is located close to the surface of the Earth. That is why it is necessary for him to pick up wide and shallow pots. The diameter of the dishes is determined by the diameter of the crown: the dishes should be slightly wider than the crown. This is necessary for the resistance of the plant so that it does not turn the lacaround.

To emphasize the beauty of Crasus, it is better to take a ceramic pot. You can, of course, put a Tolstanka to the usual plastic vessel, but the plant in aesthetic perception will lose a lot. With fleshy leaves of money, the dishes are well combined with brown or terracotta color. Feng Shui's doctrine recommends decorating a pot with coins to attract cash flow. Coins can be put in the drain layer.

Money Tree Planting Methods

Unpretentious monetary tree to multiply in three ways:

  • reproduction with cuttings;
  • rooting leaflet;
  • sowing seeds (used very rarely).

The easiest method is shifting. For this purpose, 8-10 centimeter tips of shoots are suitable. Sing the branches are dried for two days, after which the cuttings can be rooted. There are two ways:

  • rooting in the substrate;
  • getting roots in water.

Rooting cutting in the ground

Sleep cuttings need to be processed with twisted coal. The pot must be taken small, but such that the car tree can live in it at least until spring. For rooting, a light mixture of river sand and garden land will be required.

Escape to place in the deepening (made, for example, a pencil), sprinkle around the earth, pour and cover with a film or plastic cup. You can water the plant without removing the cup. Creating a greenhouse effect favorably affects. As soon as a new sheet appears on the cutlets, it is possible to remove the shelter - the money tree was rooted and went into growth.

Root extension

This path is even easier. On the cut branch of the money tree, the lower sheets are removed, leaving a pair or two. The cutlets are vertically placed in a glass, half-filled with water with added to stimulate the roots of the drug corneser. Put the capacity for two or three weeks in privided place. Usually during this time roots appear - the plant is ready for landing in the ground.

Growing Tolstanka of Leaf

The cultivation of money from one sheet is very similar to the rooting of the cutting. Sing the leaf must also be dried, and then placed in the loose ground. In order for the leaves to do not fall, it will be necessary for the stands from matches or toothpicks. Creating greenhouse conditions and regular moisturizing contribute to rooting sheet. The opportunity to raise a money tree from a single leaflet is quite real and achievable.

Seeds are sown in low capacity filled with a mixture of sand and leaf land, and covered with a film or glass to maintain high humidity. To prevent the black leg, the Earth is spilled with a solution of phytosporin.

Within two weeks, while seeds germinate, it is necessarily arranged short-venting. When most of the seed germs, the glass is removed. After the appearance of two or three pairs of leaves, seedlings should be searched into small tanks with an earthen mixture for succulents or universal floral soil.

The seed method is basically breeding species Crasons.

Step-by-step instruction landing and transplanting Tolstanka

  1. We prepare the ground yourself (as described above) or we buy a suitable mixture.
  2. Take a pot desired size (How to determine the size, told above).
  3. At the bottom of the pot, we pour the drainage layer with a thickness of at least two centimeters.
  4. We add soil so that the Earth filled the fourth part of the tank.
  5. We put a plant in a pot, trying to put it in the middle. If a massive monetary tree is transplanted, then the transshipment method should be applied: with a gentle-one hand for the trunk, take out the plant from the pot, slightly shake the ground from the roots. Rinse or process the root system is additionally necessary only in the event of a disease or reinflowing roots.
  6. Slip the ground mixture, falling asleep roots. Dummary do not need.
  7. Abundantly water warm water. After the first polishes, it becomes clear whether it is necessary to add land.
  8. We add the required amount of soil, we spite with melbor from above.
  9. We put the Crassus in the shadow for a week or another, so that the rapidly the village does not receive a sunburn.

Video: money transplantation

Possible landing options

Planting a money tree in a separate pot only one of possible options. The thickness grows well in the flurarium and in the "kindergarten in a blue".

Money tree in flurarum

For landing of money in the flurarium, a special excavation mixture will be required for succulents and charcoal. Finding B. closed space Provocates the reinclosure of the roots, and the coal allows you to drain the decomposing organic.

Water succulents in the flurarium need moderately. The fat man does not like excess moisture, and in a sealed vessel, there will be no way to evaporate.

Important: Do not forget to open the closing flurarium for the inflow of fresh air.

Crassus can be found in the "Sadik in a blue"

Fucking Tolstanki - optimal option while creating miniature Sadika from living plants. This species has about three hundred plants. Many have original leaves in color and form, which give unusual combinations. Cooking everything as with the usual landing of the money tree in the pot, start seating in a flat container several types of succulents. Such a miniature composition can be transferred from place to place, it requires a minimum of care. "Sadik in a blue" from several monetary trunks can be delivered not only on the windowsill, but also a coffee table, a shelf or a computer desk.

Typical errors when landing Tolstanka, Path Fix

Sometimes a flowerflower, versioning on the unpretentiousness of money, does not provide it with due care. Errors made by landing Tolstanka can lead to sad results.

The flower is planted in a disproportionate pot

The money tree, planted in a disproportionate pot, is growing bad. Too deep tank leads to the stretching of the main root and the trunk of the plant. For the next transplant, it is necessary to make the stretched root. Gradually, Crasus will restore a beautiful appearance. The too small pot can lead to a fall of the plant, since it will not be able to keep the crown crown.

Excessive polis

The fat man lives according to the principle: better drought than flooding. Excess watering leads to a rotation of the root system. Watering a money tree is required as the earth surface drying. Sometimes it is possible to spray a plant instead of watering or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. If the "Flood" still occurred, then the fat man needs the onset of the "arid season." If it does not help, urgently transplant the plant.

High air temperature

With an excessive heat, the money tree loses the leaves and shame the trunk. Especially it does not like high temperatures during rest - from November to March. To restore Tolstyanka helps a decrease in temperature or shading.

Lack of drainage

Some flower products do not attach the values \u200b\u200bof such a smallness as drainage. But for the Crasus, it is a prerequisite for prosperous existence. Without it, it is really forcing water, leading to reinforcement roots and diseases. If the drainage for some reason "forgot" to do, you need to urgently correct the situation. No matter what time outside the window is winter or summer.

Video: Save money


Money Tree B. room conditions Flowers rarely. In nature, the bloom of Crasus begins after the end of the drought season and the arrival of the rain rain. To obtain such an effect you need to recreate similar conditions in the room where the fat man is inhabited. To do this, it is necessary to contain a monetary tree in the winter months in a cool place on a scanty diet, watering extremely rarely. With the onset of spring, zoom watering and ensure access to sunlight. Perhaps the Crassus and flourishing with small white flower. True, it should be borne in mind that the flowers appear only on the tenth year of the plant's life.

"Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not "...
Erich Remark

Forget the word "no". In browse finance, the most important is the mood, the desire to see them, love. Are you ready to become a secured person? So it's time to meet a money tree on Feng Shui.

Archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a part of his millennial experience in mobilizing wealth, will tell the secrets about how to put it right and much better put a tree to attract material well-being.

Folk signs argue that Crasus is referred to as a monetary tree because of its leaves, similar to coins. In fact, the secret lies in their unique energy. They instantly absorb all the most useful material, scrupulously keeping them in the leaves. The gift to accumulate all the valuable they transmit to their owner (if he sincerely takes care of his pet).

All about living money talisman

In all the variety of floral world there is one small tree, which has an impact on cash flows. It is it capable of changing your life financially. Meet the Podtomanka Tree, well-known under the names "Cotillane", "Bear Ushko", "Crasus" or "Money Tree".

Female. Unpretentious plant, with a prime character, simple departure. Small size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, in form similar to coins.
But just put the purchased plant on the window is not suitable. In order for the success of the money to the owner, it is necessary to learn more about Crasus more.

How to plant a monetary tree on Feng Shui to attract wealth:

How to plant a live mascot

Feng Shui recommends not to buy a ready-made plant (it cannot be bought for money at all). It is necessary that the money tree absorb your energy to felt the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, Tolstanka needs to be planted!
With a tree before landing, you need to talk and ask for protection and well-being, as well as promise that it is you will always care for him, in the future always talking to a tree.

  • Fomb from the adult tree a leaf or a stalk (ideally, if you do it secretly without asking permission).
  • It is believed that a presented money tree will not bring good luck to her new owner or a donor.
  • Before planting a car of money talisman to the ground, hold the process in a glass with water for several days (so that he can go roots).
  • Press the pot in advance. It should be wide, shallow. The color of money according to the rules of the Feng Shui is a metal and land. All gamma brown, black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  • It is necessary to plant (like all plants) on the growing moon. Day Resetting - Wednesday.

    Important advice:
    Before boarding, activate the pot. At the bottom of the vason, put a few coins of the same dignity with the coat of arms up. It is best to use the money of the country in which you live. It is desirable that they were six or eight (to awaken the magic of numbers).

    When laying coins it is useful to peer: "Coin to a coin, leaflet to a sheet" And then read money conspiracy on them: "To grow you, and I have to bloom in wealth. Such is my will. May it be so!"

  • To plant a plant, buy in advance land (ordinary soil for cacti). But it is better to make it yourself (mix large sand, peat, turf, leafy land in proportion 1x0,5x1x1).
  • Transplant to a more spacious pot if necessary. Not worth it little plant, I have just crushed the roots, perched in a big pot, let them face in a small one, then transope the pot more, so the money tree grows several years.

Sorceress on a money tree:

Where to put a tree according to the rules of Feng Shui

Feng Shui money depends on its money the right location in the apartment.
For the growth of financial welfare, the southeastern side of the apartment is responsible for the South-Eastern side - the wealth sector on Feng Shui - it is there and it is necessary to place your money tree. It is possible to use it with the help of an ordinary compass. Per reference point can be taken entrance doorAnd you can traditional compass definition of the parties to the light. Use the way you are more pleasant, more convenient. Also, do not forget that when determining zones in an apartment or a plot, you should stick to one of the method you choose.

The Chinese teaching allows us to divide the sector not only the whole house as a whole, but also separate rooms. You can designate the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial well-being in any suitable room.

The south-eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or the central room is an ideal place to habitable the cash tre.

We decorate the wealth sector

First of all, free this zone from unnecessary things - finance energy needs to be circulated freely, without obstacles.

The place where the fat manner will stand, place in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Wood. We need a tree in this sector. You can put wooden furniture, Stand or table on which the talisman will be.
  • Water. The revival of the finance zone on Feng Shui is well promoted by water (or its images). You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help the growth of financial flow) or aquarium with pretty gold fish. Did you decide to limit the paintings with water? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoon, floods, powerful waterfalls simply "melt" future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary that the richness tree felt the movement of air and strengthened their own streams. It is best to hang in the area "Wind Music". Please note that no metal objects should be there (in the design of the musical and air talisman too).

Ideal will put a pot on a red napkin with a hieroglyph of richness on Feng Shui.
To turn your Tolstanka in a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate it with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real money mascot of your family.
The thickness does not tolerate dust - often wipe her leaflets, and the entire money sector.

Crasusla (otherwise the thickness) is more known as a money tree, which, according to many, brings financial success to the house and well-being. How to transplant a money tree, if it grows back as a room plant, and it's time to improve the conditions for the conditions for the consideration Growth and development of this legendary flower.

Causes of money transplantation

The fastener belongs to the kind of succulents, especially common in South Africa. The tree grows in their relatives for him above two meters. As home Plants Crasusul rarely reaches such impressive sizes. However, with good care, it gradually increases in volume and rises height. Approximately 1 time per year, the fastener requires a transplant, the reasons for which it may be necessary:

  • increase the size of the planting capacity;
  • improve the composition of the soil, saturate by its trace elements necessary for the growth of the tree;
  • to renew the plant and get new trees with the help of the leaf or rooting of the leaves;
  • help the flower if he is struck by any disease.

Plants older than 3 years have transplanted every three years.

Logging leaves

Money tree can be multiplied by leaves. This is a way one of the most difficult, since the main problem becomes a quick dropping of the leaflet during rooting. To this not happen, you need to perform several mandatory actions.

Reproduction of cuttings

Crasusulus quite easily multiplied with cuttings - this is the most common method that any colorwood owns, not even experienced.

To do this, cut off the branch of the plant and put for several days into the water, and after the appearance of the roots are planted into the planting capacity. You will read this in more detail in the article by reference.

Preparation for money transplantation at home

For money transplantation, you need to spend preparatory work No matter what method will be selected.

Suitable time to transplantation

Spring and summer - time when the plant can be transplanted. If the flower descender wants to more accurately decide on the specific day of money transplants, he can determine it lunar calendarIn accordance with the recommendations of which the best or third lunar days are the best time.

In the autumn-winter period, Krassulu is better not to disturb, since it is at rest or "hibernation". But all these recommendations are valid only when we are talking About a healthy plant. If it can be seen that the flower is sick, then think about best day It does not have to, since it is urgent to take measures to save.

Choosing a new pot

To correctly select the boarding capacity, you need to know that the money tree root system Surface, and the plant itself has a powerful upper part. Therefore, when searching for an answer to the question, what a pot is needed, it is better to make a choice in favor of wide and low. If we are talking about landing young Plant, it is enough for a container with a diameter of 7-8 cm. As the size of the tank increases.

The advantage of selecting the pot must be removed not plastic, but clay or ceramic. Their weight is greater, and therefore the dishes will be more stable and will not turn over the severity of the flower.

Preparation of soil

The mixture for planting should be loose and easy to get oxygen to the roots of the tree. You can either buy ready-made soil mixtures for succulents, or make an independently necessary substrate from the turf of the soil, sand and leaf land in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

It is strictly forbidden to enter a peat or moss to the planting mixtures, as they will hold moisture, which is like a money tree of death. Prior to the start of the landing, it is also necessary to stock clay to the drainage layer device.

Methods of transplanting at home

When transferring a money tree from a small pot into large, if the plant is great, it is necessary to use the method of the usual landing at which it is necessary:

  • in the planting capacity, fall asleep the drainage layer and place the ground mixture over it, filing the pot of about half;
  • gently remove the plant from the old dishes so as not to break the trunk of the Crassus;
  • shake the land with the roots, inspect them and make sure that the root system of health, does not have fallen parts;
  • plant in the center of the tank;
  • swell as soil;
  • pulley indulged in room temperature;
  • after the soil falls, if necessary, add a mixture, without blocking the root neck.

youtu.be/kn9kbunukva If you detected the rotation of part of the root system due to the constant conjunction, then it is necessary to cut damaged roots, and plan the same as healthy plant. How to transplant the money tree in another pot, if we are talking about adult and large in size of the plant, - in this case, a flower transship is used, since it is less trauma for money.

For this you need:

  • prepare the planting capacity with clay;
  • pull out the plant along with an earthen room;
  • rate the values \u200b\u200bof the root system together with the Earth;
  • according to the size of pouring the soil in the pot so that the flower is located freely;
  • fall asleep the rest of the soil;
  • half the plant.

  1. It is believed that welfare improves flower grown independently.
  2. So that the tree is "charged" with money energy, it is better to take the process of a person with good prosper.
  3. When selecting the tank, you need to select a pot of green, brown, red, black or gold or even silver color.
  4. Under the roots of the plant in the soil, it is necessary to put 8 identical coins to make the coat, which is minted on the coin, was from above.
  5. Plant to plant better on Wednesday or Friday on the growing moon and necessarily early in the morning.
  6. It's believed that best water For watering the money tree T- and, in which products made of silver or gold were located.
  7. After landing, the tree must be transferred to the southeast side of the house or apartment.

Possible difficulties in transplantation

As a rule, the main difficulties in transplanting money are associated with its fragile stems. Despite the fact that the main flower barrel looks strong enough, it can easily break. This is due to the large weight of the plant, because the whole moisture needed to ensure life and development is contained in fleshy leaves. It is thanks to this feature that flower can carry drought and a long absence of watering. Therefore, in order to correctly transplant the money tree, you need to be careful and maintain it for the trunk.

After the fat man is cleared, most often it is necessary to substitute the plant with a plant so that the plant becomes stability and not tamed.

Cash care after transplantation

Care of money in the home after a transplant is not difficult even for inexperienced flower flowers. To raise it correctly, you need to follow several conditions. As a rule, the flower flows arises the question of how much money to water the money tree. Watering should be abundant, but rare. In this case, it is necessary to remove an extra liquid from the pallets immediately. Periodically, it is necessary to spray the flower from the sprayer or wipe it with a wet napkin to remove the accumulating dust. The money tree does not like bright sunlight capable of burning his leaves. Therefore, it is better to post it on the windowsides, but below, on additional stands.

Because the crack is a tree, then you can form it the crown, conducting timely trimming. To do this, you can add the process, after 4 pairs of leaves are formed on them. For this, a new kidney is pluck. In some time, a few kidneys will appear in some time, of which new branches will be repaired. It is important to take into account that the plant does not tolerate heat. Therefore, in the summer it is better to choose a place for it in a half, and in the winter to provide coolness and do not put next to the battery. Many owners want to know what rules for the care of the money tree must be performed so that it really brought good luck.

The case of everyone is to believe or not, but it is believed that for this it is necessary to behave correctly with the plant:

  • the house should not be quarrels and cheese;
  • with a flower you need to talk, ask it to improve well-being;
  • near the tree should not be garbage, disorder;
  • next to the plant, cacti cannot be placed, because they will drive any energy with their spikes;
  • on an adult tree, it is necessary to place coins, hanging them with a red ribbon;
  • do not put a Tolstanka next to water, for example, nearby to the aquarium, because it is believed that water extinguishes the energy of money related to the element of fire;
  • near or under the flower you can put deployed and non-cash bills;
  • after the money start comes, next to the flower you need to put a dragon figurine, which should be protected and protect well-being.

Whatever rules have been used, do not forget that the money tree is first - home flowerwhich requires care, like all other home plants. And the fat man who gets care and care will definitely please their owners beautiful viewAnd if you are very lucky, it can surprise and unusual blossoms.

Indoor plants roll not only for comfort, comfort, but also to increase financial Capital. For these purposes, money tree is most suitable.

It can be confidently called a symbol of wealth at home. But that it acts, you need to learn information about it. It is important to know what this plant is and in what care it needs. Need to remember important nuances Attracting money.

Description of money

The Tolstanka family, which includes a money tree, has 350 types of plants. The most famous view is the money tree (crack or crack). It is often referred to as the "Happiness Tree". The beginning of the plant takes from South Africa.

  • This is small evergreen tree With a massive barrel, the maximum size of which reaches one and a half meters.
  • The plant has massive thick and round leaves. Very often there are light raids on them.
  • Crasus can bloom. Flowers are presented in inflorescences and have light pink color. It begins to bloom Crasusul rarely. As a rule, this happens on the tenth year of life.

Money tree - Talisman to attract money

Eastern teaching believes that at home there are zones of influence responsible for wealth. They are located on the sides of the world. It is not difficult to find them, it is more important to activate.

One of the zones is the zone of financial well-being. Often they put a monetary tree there. His health and growth are considered to be connected with the financial condition. Than better care behind the Crassula more money It becomes at the owner.

  • The zone of wealth should be located in the illuminated part of the house.
  • As a gift, the money tree is not recommended. It is believed that the fat man can destroy financial well-being. Most. the best option is theft, you can just buy. Or simply to restress from someone's leaf.
  • So that Crassula brought money importantly to care for her. Need to deploy Tolstank to the light different sides. So the branches will be symmetrical.
  • To increase the monetary effect, they advise the coins in the ground, the branches decorate with red threads, ribbons, hang coins. This should increase the monetary potential of Tolstanka.

How to grow more harvest?

Any gardener and dacket nice to get a big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% In just a few weeks of application.
  • You can get good vintage even on low-grade soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

How to plant a tree and choose the planting material at home?

It is advisable to take a stalk or a sheet of rich people. It is necessary to make it secret, because the plant can not be given. You can also buy a plant from acquaintances for a symbolic fee. The process must have a maximum of three pairs of leaflets. After circumcision you need to dry several days.

There are two cultivation options:

  1. You can plant a stalk immediately the land. From above it must be covered with a capacity. This will create a greenhouse effect.
  2. You can leave the cutter with a glass while it does not allow the roots.

The most favorable way is the rope of roots in water. After that, more likelihood that the plant is good to take root. So that the roots appear faster can be purchased special tool - Korninn.

You can also take advantage of non-planning method, but a leaflet. Its as well as the cuttings need to be dried, but it is impossible to place in the water. It is better to handle the cut root and put in a pot. Be sure to cover the sprout by a jar, it does not need to be removed for watering.

Note! You can simply pour water into the container in which the pot is standing. The greenhouse can be removed only after the appearance of a new leaflet. Watering needs to be carried out as the soil drying. In the summer it is usually several times a week, and in the winter no more than once. It is important to strictly follow the rules that the roots do not start rot.

How to choose or cook soil?

Many people think that the plant can be planted in any soil, it is not. Crasus demanding to the ground. She does not suit an overly saturated land.

Basic rules for soil:

  • loose land;
  • aeration;
  • quality drainage.

It sounds difficult, but it is not. Most importantly - Earth is needed light, porous and availability nutrients no matter. More important level Acidity. Soil should not be too acidic.

Soil can either buy in the store already ready, or do it yourself. The easiest way will be the first option, since the composition of the soil was made by experts in the field of gardening. If desired, you can enrich this land by adding sand or small pebbles.

If you want to be confident in quality, it is better to do everything yourself. Buying soil for a group of plants, it is suitable for a dozen trees with completely different needs. They will be able to survive, but they will not be comfortable.

Note! Tolstanka landing should be started immediately, as she got into his hands. Forty percent of the Earth need a turf, as much sheet, twenty percent of sand or small stones. This soil will help the plant to delight the eyes for many years.

Rules and Features Planting Plants

Fundamental rules:

  • The pot must be drainage;
  • When moving, the previous pot needs to be survived so that the plant will be left without difficulty;
  • Pull out of the pot you need carefully for the base of the stem;
  • After that, you need to carefully shook the old land, which is not damaging the roots;
  • Check pistons for health. All firmware must be cut;
  • To put the plant is needed in the center of the new pot, empty places fall asleep the earth and gently catch the ground:
  • At the end, you need to shed the land well and put in place, which is decided to make constant.

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"I am a gift with many years of experience, and this fertilizer began to use only last year. Tested it on the very capricious vegetable of my garden - on tomatoes. They grew and bloomed the bushes together, the crop gave more than usual. And the phytoofluorosis did not hurt, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives a more intense growth of garden plants, and they are much better fruit. Now without fertilizer, the normal harvest is not growing, and this feeding increases the number of vegetables, so that I am very pleased with the result. "

How to choose a pot for money?

A wooden pot is needed wide so that the roots can grow comfortable for them. You can first plan the Tolstanka in a small pot, corresponding to the size of its roots and as it increases to increase the size of the pot.

The disadvantage of this option is that the plant does not like a regular transplant, as well as a transplant takes a lot of time and effort. For this reason, it is better to immediately plant a car crawl into a large pot.

Good to know! Before placing the plant in the pot, it is necessary to pour drainage from the ceramzit and small stones to the bottom. The drainage layer should be directly proportional to the size of the pot.

How far is Tolstanka plant?

  • Most often it is recommended to transplant the money tree along the lunar calendar, but practice shows that it is best to plant a thickness in the spring.
  • It is necessary to transplant or plant a plant into a growing moon and on Wednesday.

How to plant a monetary tree on Feng Shui?

Everyone knows the opinion that Crassus attracts finance to its owner, improves the atmosphere of the house, but it is best to do this on Feng Shui:

  • At the bottom of the pot it is necessary to put coins. They should be 6 pieces and coat of arms.
  • A pot is needed brown or red.
  • Place the Crassus on the windows overlooking the south-east.
  • Watering Tolstanka needed on Wednesdays. Previously water is better insisted on coins.
  • It is also desirable to hang Chinese coins on the tree.

Note! Which looks like a monetary tree is considered a reflection of the financial condition. If the plant is great, has beautiful leaves And grows well, it means the coming financial profit. If the Crassula is sick and cares, drops the leaves it means the coming losses. Better decision Will put a new plant.

Cash transplantation

Tolstyanka can be transplant in spring. The best time: April and May. The transplant can be done no more than two years. The exception is only the case when it can be seen that in a pot of her very closely.

New must be more than the previous one. Preference is desirable to give the ceramic pot, as the plastic may not withstand the severity of the plants.

In the selected pot, it is necessary to pour several centimeters of clay, on top of one fourth of the volume should take the earth. The plant must be put in the center, to pour more land from above and lightly tamper. After that, it is necessary to thoroughly shedding the plant.

What if the money tree broke?

If suddenly the fat man broke, it is unpleasant, but not a catastrophe. Most simple option It will shine fallen and grow a new tree from scratch.

But many sorry to throw a grown plant with such labor. In this case, you need to try to root a broken trunk. An uneven cut must be cut and put into the water until the first roots appear.

The second option is the same trunk trimming, as well as the cutting circuit with row. In this case, the trunk can be immediately put in the ground.

How to care for a tree to attract money?

So that the tree helps attract finances to the house, you need to adhere to some not difficult rules:

  1. It is best to grow it with your own hands from the very beginning. Only so the crack will have energy communication with the owner. It is better not to buy a tree. It is advisable to take it from financially successful people.
  2. The pot is best to purchase red. It is believed that this color has a beneficial effect on the amount of money.
  3. In the roots, it is necessary to bury money.
  4. Grow it better in the living room or hallway. It is important that there are no electrical appliances next to Tolstank.
  5. Plant care should consist not only from banal rules, but also unusual rituals. On Wednesdays with a tree you need to talk. It is important to pronounce his desires, as well as thanks for your progress.

Note! Money tree is not difficult to care, but very an interesting plant. If you fulfill all the rules of care, correctly plant and replant, perform all magic rituals and love it, it will surely answer the same and give financial well-being and success in affairs.

No, we are not talking about a magic field from a fairy tale, but about how to put a monetary tree about how to put money in the house. This indoor plant was seen, probably, everything. It is called a fat manner or, if in scientific, Crasusla.

Both of their names ("Money Tree" and "Tosyanka") received a plant for fleshy rounded leaflets resembling coins. It is believed that the plant not only brings a wealth to its owner, but also contributes to improving the situation in the house. It is unpretentious, no special care does not require, but just to buy it and you can not bring it into the house. The tree will be useless.

Grow money on the windowsill

Generally it is believed that any the plant is captured With the one who kidnapped or bought a little sprout, and raised him. Fat man here is no exception. It is well multiplied with cuttings. In adult plants, you can even observe air roots in some areas of the trunk.

To cut, choose not very thick stem, otherwise you can hurt the plant. Put the cuttings into the water so that he gave roots, but maternal plant In the location of the cut, you need to spray with chopped wood coal or ash.

After the cuttings gave good roots, it is necessary to prepare for landing. So that the fatman contributes to improving the welfare of the owner, you must comply with several rules.

Step one

The pot must be green or black. Since the plant is still small, and the root system and the adult is not too big, then you should not take a volumetric pot, 12-15 cm in the height is quite enough. In width, you should also not take very wide, the diameter of 8-12 cm will be sufficient.

Step two

At the bottom of the pot stacked even number Coins, how much exactly depends on the bottom diameter. This is usually 6-8 pieces. Nominal and currency affiliation do not matter. Putting coins need numbers down. Then the drainage and soil is embanked on top. The depth of planting the process depends on its size. Usually, 6 cm do not plant. But less than 4 cm it is not worth it - the plant can be unstable to sit in the ground.

Step Third

Plant landing is performed only in the growth phase of the Moon, and during the planting process you need to pronounce any conspiracy to attract money. After landing, tie a red ribbon or thread on the barrel. It will strengthen the energy of the money tree.

In order for the ritual to be successful, you need to know not only how to put the money tree correctly, so that the house has money, but also how to care for him. With incorrect care, any plant may die, even such an unpretentious, like a fat man.

Crasusla - a leaving from the African continent. She loves when there is a lot of sun and not very abundant watering. Therefore, the best place for Tolstanka in the house is the windowsill of the southeast or southern window. By the way, the energy of financial well-being lives there if you believe Feng Shui philosophy. Watering for her in the summer should be moderate. It is impossible to allow either the convergence, nor the dewincing of the earth coma, it should be slightly wet. In winter, Tolstanka is watered very rarely. Once a month, and sometimes in 2 months.

Despite the love of the Sun, from direct sunlight, the money tree must be protected. They can burn the leaves of the plant. Therefore, in the summer sun, the window with Tolstanka is better to drill gauze - it will break the sun's rays.

The fat man does not tolerate the neighborhood with cacti of any kind. It is believed that cacti is the guards of the house, they do not let any other energy through the window. Therefore, it turns out a conflict - the thickness attracts energy, and the cactis are not allowed. Conflicting plant must be kept on different windowsill. And do not forget to turn Tolstank to the Sun from time to time so that it does not grow in one direction.

Video: How to plant a money tree: so that in the house there were money

These are such simple rules how to plant and grow a monetary tree at home so that money has been laid. Than better plant It lives and what the leaves have meat and the leaves - the better the owner will have in a financial issue. By the way, the fat man also flowering plant. If you are good to care for it for at least 15 years, then you will be convinced of this. It blooms in small inflorescences of white or purple flowers on long legs.

Learn how to plant a money tree to attract money so that the energy of this home plant worked for you. Fatty, if you believe the signs, attracts cash flow into the house, but for this you need to follow several rules.

A money tree, a fat manner or Crassus has long been considered a plant that should be in every home. Its thick fleshy leaves seem to resemble large coins. Perhaps because of this similarity, Tolstanka and began to be considered a monetary plant.

However, alone alone proper care Behind the plant is not enough to increase income. It should be put correctly and speak it, and then comply with the ancient signs of wealth.

Caring for Tolstanka and the correct treatment of it will help to establish a connection with the money egregor from the esoteric point of view. People are connected to it, which comply with the rules of this energy informational entity. Monetary signs, including signs of indoor plantsincluded in their list. If you wish to connect to the egregor of wealth, try starting with Tolstanka.

How to plant a money tree to attract money?

Consider the Phase of the Moon. Like your income in the future, it should grow. At the descending Moon, Tolstanka is not planted, like any other plant - it is bad sign.

The best day of the week in order to plant this plant - Wednesday.

The fat man does not highlight the energy of wealth by itself. She spends her through himself. Therefore, it is better to take a progestion of this plant in people whose level of income makes you envy. They will not lose their own, and the cash flows opened by them will go to your home too.

In order not to share your success, you need to separate the process yourself without giving foreign hands to touch your plant. But, if there are no such people or they do not want to share money, you can purchase a process. Do not take adult plantIf you need a money tree to attract money. We'll have to grow it from the process.

Magic Money tree can be enhanced by landing with affirmations. Pronounce them only in the present time, without a particle "not" - the universe does not perceive it, as if he does not hear.

You can say something like:

"I attract money, I get rich, my income grow."

It is desirable that no one distracted you during the landing of the tree.

Conspiracy when landing of money:

When planting a tree of wealth, it is worth putting several ordinary coins on gravel or clamzite, which is laid on the bottom of the flower pot. Coins must be the same nominal.

You need to spread them to the coat of arms upwards, saying a conspiracy at each coin when landing a money tree:

Let the village grows in the house, I will bring a lot of money. Coins, I will be squeezed in the Earth, I will bring a big salary to the house. Rich will give a generous, in money I will not feel more care. May it be so ordered! Yes, three times performed! On the key locked! Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, you can plant a plant and start watering, which can also be accompanied by a plot. The same conspiracy on coins can be repeated every time you decide to put a coin in a pot with a plant. But only provided that they will be hidden in the ground.

Conspiracy on a monetary tree when watering:

Conspiracy on a monetary tree is read during the watering of the plant. This can be done immediately after landing. But at any other time you can talk to Tolstanka so that she brings profit.

Watering a plant, say:

, You grow, and in richness to bloom. Amen."

Water for watering should be pushed on silver or gold. About three days it should be soaked with energy precious metals and arrived. Iron coins are also suitable, but they are much weaker than gold and silver. Do not use the decorations to charge water, they contain the energy owner, which is not always positive.

Money tree to attract money - signs and customs:

On the question of how to plant a money tree, in order to have money in the house, will answer folk signs, customs of the teachings of Feng Shui and other beliefs. So, the colors of wealth, the Chinese consider green, red and gold.

In order to strengthen cash flows, you can choose a pot of one of these colors. An adult plant can be tied with a ribbon of one of these colors. The pot can be put on a red tablecloth or a napkin, under which the coin is lying.

Strengthening the energy of the plant will help Chinese coins of wealth.

To do this, you need to bury the "treasure" in a pot with a flower consisting of three coins. They must lie up hieroglyphs up.

Coins Feng Shui, nodules of happiness and other Chinese wealth amulets can be hung on the plant - it will bring you a profit. You can take the usual coins that are in the go where you live.

Near the adult and consistently attractive capital of plants can be put in a dragon statuette. He will protect your wealth, protecting against the evil eye and registerings of enemies.

Owl will help to fight the transit, but will not make you whining.

Chinese lanterns, candles and figures Feng Shui can stand near Tolstanka, reinforcing its energy.

No fiery money with water. Keep the rich tree away from its sources.

If you have a fat man and room fountain Or a picture with a waterfall, place them away from each other. Water struggles with fire, and cash flows will be "fused" water energy.

It is impossible to place Tolstanka near the cacti. Signs about cacti say that they protect the house from energies that do not characterize it - may not miss the cash flow. Spines and curly flowers are not combined with Tolstanka and interfere with cash flows.

If you know how to plant a monetary tree and attract money, this is not enough. It should be aware of the traditions of plants and other items in the house. The south-eastern sector of the house or apartment is responsible for material wealth. Tolstanka and the rest monetary symbols In this part of your dwelling the very place. But if there is a toilet or corridor, put the plant where much light is, regardless of the side of the world.

The magical properties of money trees are manifested only when behind the plant is careful with pleasure. In a loving family, the fools contributes to increasing income. If you do not like plants, and care for them is anxiety, and not pleasure, it is better to choose other methods of witchcraft.

With a tree of wealth will have to talk, to give him time and attention, and then your income will increase. Do not forget to wipe the dust from the leaves, it makes it difficult to flow the flow of cash energy.

The cracks blooms extremely rarely, the cool climate is not too suitable. But if he bloats, it foreshadows a significant profit. Of course, it blooms only with perfect care.

Only one person should do care - a monetary tree has a good memory and can only make contact with one owner. Do not worry about what you will not be able to go on vacation - this plant must be watered all times a few weeks.

In general, the fat man can really help to establish financial affairs. It is kept both in homes and in office cabinets.

But in order for the tree of wealth to reveal all its potential, certain rules should be followed - mainly from the teachings of Feng Shui and Eastern Folklore. For a larger effect, the plant can be discussed during watering and landing.

Practice shows that if you plant a monetary tree in a special way and with the right set up, it will attract money to the house. With the growth and development of the plant will increase your income.

It is believed that if the Crassus blooms (and it happens very rarely), it is accurately promulit its owner a great financial success.

How to plant?

It is necessary to plant a money tree only on a growing moon, because you want to increase your income. At the descending Moon this is not recommended. The best day of the week for landing - Wednesday. That is, you should put a flower on Wednesday on the growing moon.

It is believed that the money tree is an excellent conductor of the energy of prosperity and financial abundance, so it will be wonderful if you take the proceeding from wealthy, rich people. Thus, you grab a piece of the most favorable cash energy that will help get rich and you. But you can buy a grain and in the store.

  1. Take green, lilac, golden or brown flower pot. These are colors of wealth on Feng Shui.
  2. At the bottom of the pot, pour a small layer of drainage from silicon or ordinary pebbles, then a layer of flower soil.
  3. Put in a pot of three Chinese coins by hieroglyphs up. Then put your village, lose weight slightly.
  4. So far, try the flower, pronounce affirmations for money: "My revenues are increasing every day. I attract wealth and success. I gladly accept money in my life. " You can come up with your phrases, the main thing is that they all be positive, in the present time and without a particle "not".
  5. Take care so that no one interfere with you at this moment. Make everything with joy, love and faith in the fact that the tree will bring good luck and well-being.
  6. Planted by the tree, give a red ribbon. This will attract even more positive energy to it. You can hang a bunch of three Chinese coins that are a symbol of wealth, or a nodule of double happiness, which can be found in the Feng Shui store.

Where to put a pot?

Put the tree is needed in the zone of wealth. This is the south-eastern sector. Find it on the compass.

If in this sector you have a toilet or a corridor, then a clear case, the flower there is impossible to put there, as it will not be enough sunlight. In this case, put it on the window in the most important apartment room.

More tips:

  • It is good to put a pot with a tree on a red napkin, and under the napkin put money, preferably a large bill.
  • Put the three coins of the eagle on the surface of the Earth, only periodically do not forget to brush them from the plaque.

After landing, you must paint the tree, saying "to grow to you, and I have to bloom in wealth. Amen". Say so need three times. Remember this phrase and sentencing it every time you water the flower - thereby you charge it even more and give the installation to attract money to the house.

You must love the flower and take care of him. Plants feel all. Talk with a tree, ask to improve your well-being, regularly rub his leaves.

Pay him at least 20 seconds a day to just approach, touch the leaves and say what it is well done and what it is beautiful it is. Believe in your faith, everything will come true!

"Money is a very important thing. Especially when they are not "...
Erich Remark

Forget the word "no". In browse finance, the most important is the mood, the desire to see them, love. Are you ready to become a secured person? So it's time to meet a money tree on Feng Shui.

Archaic Chinese teaching will share with you a part of his millennial experience in mobilizing wealth, will tell the secrets about how to put it right and much better put a tree to attract material well-being.

Folk signs argue that Crasus is referred to as a monetary tree because of its leaves, similar to coins. In fact, the secret lies in their unique energy. They instantly absorb all the most useful substances, scrupulously keeping them in the leaves. The gift to accumulate all the valuable they transmit to their owner (if he sincerely takes care of his pet).

All about living money talisman

In all the variety of floral world there is one small tree, which has an impact on cash flows. It is it capable of changing your life financially. Meet the Podtomanka Tree, well-known under the names "Cotillane", "Bear Ushko", "Crasus" or "Money Tree".

Female. Unpretentious plant, with a prime character, simple departure. Small size, with original leaves, small, fleshy, in form similar to coins.
But just put the purchased plant on the window is not suitable. In order for the success of the money to the owner, it is necessary to learn more about Crasus more.

How to plant a monetary tree on Feng Shui to attract wealth:

How to plant a live mascot

Feng Shui recommends not to buy a ready-made plant (it cannot be bought for money at all). It is necessary that the money tree absorb your energy to felt the sincere care of the owner. According to the rules of Feng Shui, Tolstanka needs to be planted!
With a tree before landing, you need to talk and ask for protection and well-being, as well as promise that it is you will always care for him, in the future always talking to a tree.

  • Fomb from the adult tree a leaf or a stalk (ideally, if you do it secretly without asking permission).
  • It is believed that a presented money tree will not bring good luck to her new owner or a donor.
  • Before planting a car of money talisman to the ground, hold the process in a glass with water for several days (so that he can go roots).
  • Press the pot in advance. It should be wide, shallow. The color of money according to the rules of the Feng Shui is a metal and land. All gamma brown, black. Red or burgundy. Silver or gold.
  • It is necessary to plant (like all plants) on the growing moon. Day Resetting - Wednesday.

    Important advice:
    Before boarding, activate the pot. At the bottom of the vason, put a few coins of the same dignity with the coat of arms up. It is best to use the money of the country in which you live. It is desirable that they were six or eight (to awaken the magic of numbers).

    When laying coins it is useful to peer: "Coin to a coin, leaflet to a sheet"And then read money conspiracy on them: "To grow you, and I have to bloom in wealth. Such is my will. May it be so!"

  • To plant a plant, buy in advance land (ordinary soil for cacti). But it is better to make it yourself (mix large sand, peat, turf, leafy land in proportion 1x0,5x1x1).
  • Transplant to a more spacious pot if necessary. It is not worth a small plant, which has just crushed the roots, perched in a big pot, let them face in a small one, then transope the pot more, so the money tree grows several years.

Sorceress on a money tree:

Where to put a tree according to the rules of Feng Shui

The effectiveness of Feng Shui money depends largely on its correct location in the apartment.
For the growth of financial welfare, the southeastern side of the apartment is responsible for the South-Eastern side - the wealth sector on Feng Shui - it is there and it is necessary to place your money tree. It is possible to use it with the help of an ordinary compass. For the reference point, you can take the entrance door, and you can traditional compass definition of the side of the light. Use the way you are more pleasant, more convenient. Also, do not forget that when determining zones in an apartment or a plot, you should stick to one of the method you choose.

The Chinese teaching allows us to divide the sector not only the whole house as a whole, but also separate rooms. You can designate the area of \u200b\u200bfinancial well-being in any suitable room.

The south-eastern area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment or the central room is an ideal place to habitable the cash tre.

We decorate the wealth sector

First of all, free this zone from unnecessary things - finance energy needs to be circulated freely, without obstacles.

The place where the fat manner will stand, place in green, purple or blue-blue tones.

  • Wood. We need a tree in this sector. You can put wooden furniture, stand, or a table on which the talisman will be located.
  • Water. The revival of the finance zone on Feng Shui is well promoted by water (or its images). You can put a small home fountain there (water flow will help the growth of financial flow) or aquarium with pretty gold fish. Did you decide to limit the paintings with water? Know that water images should not be aggressive (typhoon, floods, powerful waterfalls simply "melt" future money).
  • Wind. It is necessary that the richness tree felt the movement of air and strengthened their own streams. It is best to hang in the area "Wind Music". Please note that no metal objects should be there (in the design of the musical and air talisman too).

Ideal will put a pot on a red napkin with a hieroglyph of richness on Feng Shui.
To turn your Tolstanka in a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate it with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real money mascot of your family.
The thickness does not tolerate dust - often wipe her leaflets, and the entire money sector.

Valuable tips from Masters Feng Shui:

We grow the mascot of wealth

There is no unpretentious plant of Crasus, it does not impose special capsies. For successful growth of Tolstanka, it is necessary to know the minimum of simple rules:

The monetary plant does not like to drink a lot Water the land only when it is dry (best in the evening).
It is impossible to pour a thickness, can heat the roots and the plant will die. But even in this case, you need to save the money tree: break out the process and put in the ground, after a while you will get a new tree, for which you will be better to care for
I am pleased to take classic fertilizers for succulents Add nutrients to a pot after each watering
Does not tolerate extremes (heat, cold, drafts) Normal average temperature, Comfortable for a person. Need to put a pot away from batteries, cold glass
Fastener feels good at high humidity From the dryness of the air will help to get rid of the presence of a number of water source (or just often spray the leaves with water)
Prefers scattered light (not scorching) Perfect place Tree is a window. Otherwise add additional sources Lighting.
Since this is a plant with rather dense branches, turn it out from time to time to the light of different sides. So your money tree will evenly develop.
Form a krona To the fatman had beautiful shape, you can form a crown, fixing still non-devented branches under different angles. To do this, they are tied to a wooden peg, attract to the main barrel or, on the contrary, move away from it using the strut.

But the main condition is to surround your precious pet with sincere warmth, care and caress. Touch its leafs often, talk, talk about how the day went, advise. "Relive" him! "
And fencing the monetary plant from your bad mood. Female feels all! From irritability, bad thoughts of the mascot owner, she can circle.

It will pass a little time, and you will feel how it will react to you. With loss of money slightly wake. When Crasusla begins to grow rustling - a financial flow is in a hurry.
And sometimes (unfortunately, very rarely) the money tree flourishes. This is a reason for joy! You will soon wait for a huge fortune and sharp financial takeoff.

If you think that wealth is the wing of your favorites, you are mistaken! Open the financial channel, to attract finance is quite accessible to any person. It will help you in this crack or money tree.
The main thing is to remember that in our life there is only what we think about, but it works what we believe. For Feng Shui and his talismans, this statement is especially true. Just allow your money tree to make you richer, believe me, take care of him - and it will certainly change and improve the quality of your life.
Based on Fortunagid.com