DIY garden paths from car tires. Tire garden paths

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Around offices and residential buildings, on garden plots and playgrounds, handicrafts from old tires that have served their time are increasingly appearing. The shape of this landscape decoration depends on the amount of material available.

Even just by putting tires on top of each other, pouring earth inside, they get a pretty flower garden. If you are smart, you can create real masterpieces from tires.

A great place to translate extraordinary ideas into reality is a summer cottage. The best material is worn tires. Of these, craftsmen build not only flower beds, but also other crafts from old tires: pools, sandboxes, flower baskets, fairy-tale characters and swings for children, paths, etc.

Landscape design continues to gain popularity, so each owner of a suburban area is looking for bold and exclusive ways to help make it different from the neighbors.

The simplest but most effective way is to create crafts from old tires. You don't have to be a professional to do this. It is enough to make a sketch and select materials.

When the size of the plot is small, it is more reasonable to place single forms on it: a stork, a carriage, a heron, a frog or a parrot.

If the size of the lawn is large, then crafts from old car tires must also be large - vertical structures and multi-tiered flower beds.

Flower beds can be very different:

  • oval or round;
  • high or low;
  • in the form of animals and flowers;
  • multi-tiered.

In addition to paints and tires, various stones, technical marble, building materials, metal mesh, aquarium decorative stone are often used. It is easier to work with winter tires, which are thinner and softer.

Tire beds and flower beds

The easiest way is to make a flower bed of tires in the form of a flower, first marking the shape of the petals with chalk. Then cut them out with a sharp knife. In the future, stable enamel, oil or nitro paint is used for decoration, which evenly fall on the source material and last for a long time.

An aerosol can and car paint will do. In order not to overheat the plants, it is better to choose light-colored paint.

The white flower girl from the tire looks elegant.

No less beautiful is the tire flower garden, which is decorated with stone.

Monochromatic compositions and combinations of different colors are equally impressive.


For low and small colors, they are painted in bright colors. The shape of the flower beds is chosen the most diverse. To give an aesthetic appearance, when painting tires, it is desirable to capture the inner surface from above.

Multi-tiered flower beds

If there are enough tires on the farm, you can create a multi-tiered flower garden, for which you will have to cut out the middle of all tires in order to get rings.

A construction of rings i is assembled in the following sequence:

  • install the largest tire in the center;
  • line the bottom with rubble or sand;
  • pour fertile soil;
  • put a smaller diameter tire with the same filling on top.

The dimensions of the exposure components determine the number of tiers. Flowers or strawberries are planted in the gaps formed between them.

Flower bed-swan - a flower garden of tires with their own hands

The swan made of tires looks original, in the inside of which flowers flaunt.

Stepping back from the edge of the tread 30-40 centimeters, a pair of rounded cuts is made (on 2/3 of the surface) parallel to the circumference from the opposite side. The narrow middle part will be the neck. It is cut off on one side to form a head at the end. Wings will be obtained from the side surface. But for this, the tire will need to be turned out and modified with cuts of different lengths that imitate feathers. Having painted the figure and letting the paint dry, they start planting flowers (preferably undersized ones - such as forget-me-nots).

They will transform the site beyond recognition and at the same time make it cozy and unique mixborders, colorful flower beds made in the form of cups with flowering flowerbed compositions.

creative flower garden turtle

This cute figurine will be made from a tire and a tread cut into 4 parts. The protector paws are inserted into the slots made on the sides of the tire. They are fastened with wire staples, like a tail cut out of rubber.

A head made of crumpled newspapers can be attached to the neck (plastic bottle) with adhesive tape. You can put on a "Panama" made of plastic or straw.

Then, the craft is painted according to real "turtle" laws, so that it is clear what they wanted to depict. Eyes and a mouth are drawn, and plants are planted in the body.

Flowerbeds made of rubber tires

Do-it-yourself flowerpots from old tires will become more than just a functional part of the design of the site. They will give it exclusivity, make compositions complete, emphasize the magnificence of blossoming flowers. This material has many advantages: you do not need to spend money on it, it is resistant to adverse environmental factors, so it does not lose its attractiveness for many seasons. Imported winter tires of diameter R12-R17 are most suitable for creating flower beds (moreover, the more wear, the better), since it is softer.

Video: DIY flowerbeds. Tire flower bed.

Do-it-yourself tire track: economical, beautiful, reliable

From tires, wonderful paths are obtained for suburban areas, which are not afraid of the vagaries of nature: in winter this material does not crack, in rainy autumn it does not get wet, it does not deform in the summer heat.

The arrangement of paths from tires will not take much time, but the site will noticeably change. No material costs are required for tracks that will last an incredibly long time. In addition, it does not require additional care and prevents the germination of weeds.

All that is needed to keep her looking well-groomed for a long time is rinsing with a hose or watering can, and sweeping away debris. Even after heavy rains, the path does not slip, remaining almost dry, so you can walk along it completely freely.

Tire stations and service stations will help you get the right amount of tires. Since truck tires are wider, it is better to choose them.

Tire preparation for the device

Those who like this idea can use tires or tiles made from them to create paths. Preparation begins with the separation of the protector, i.e. circumcision around the side.

To do this, use a powerful and sharp knife, which is periodically dipped into a lubricant (soap, oil). In order not to jam, a mount is inserted into the hole formed behind the knife.

After the sides are cut, there is a rubber band.

When its quantity corresponds to the area of ​​​​the future track, they proceed to prepare the base for laying, consisting of 3 layers:

  1. compressed soil;
  2. crushed stone;
  3. cement and sand, taken in a ratio of 3:1.

The place under the track is abundantly moistened and rammed.

At the next stage, the tapes are aligned and attached to the boards or bars. The edges are fastened with nails, and if there are several strips in the track, then they are laid with a gap of 1-2 centimeters. This is done so that the grass that soon appears additionally fixes the products. In the place where the rubber and the board are attached, it is recommended to make a recess so that your feet do not cling to the edge. That's all - the exclusive path is ready!

Track puzzles

No less practical and convenient to use is a rubber puzzle track that allows you to change its inclination and direction. It looks more impressive than from rubber tires, but it requires financial expenses for the purchase of rubber tiles.

You can use boards, but they are uncomfortable to walk on. On the paths of linoleum - it is easy to slip, and the slate will easily crack. Therefore, tire tracks are the best option.

Tire steps

If the site has an uneven terrain, it is rational to equip not a tire path, but a staircase. With a heavy load, they are installed in two rows. In installation, this design is no more difficult than laying rubber. At the same time, on the site, the staircase will be an original design element.

Tires are placed on the ground, starting from the bottom and gradually moving up. Wheels need to be dug into the ground for better fixation and filled with soil.

The advantages of an unusual ladder include less stress on the joints during ascents and descents, pleasant cushioning.

Do-it-yourself sandboxes from tires

All children enjoy playing in the sandboxes. It is very easy to make them, having automobile tires, the service life of which has ended.

Today, you can often find all kinds of bright sandboxes created by the hands of creative parents in parks and playgrounds.

Tires are valuable because they are easy to mount with simple tools at hand:

  • small and large sharpened knives;
  • wire for staples;
  • nails.

You also need to buy different colors of paint and find tires of different diameters.

Sandboxes can be made from one tire and several.

To make them you need:

  • rubber hose;
  • bus or several;
  • a knife with a sharp powerful blade;
  • shovel;
  • paints;
  • sand.

For the future place of the baby's games, it is necessary to dig a recess, the diameter of which should not exceed the size of the tire. The tire is cut so that the upper part is free.

A rubber hose pre-cut in half is put on the cut off part, which will protect children from injury. Having painted the sandbox in bright colors and, having let the paint dry well, pour sand and “open” a wonderful place for children to play. A beach umbrella fixed in the center will protect them from the bright sun.

Video: DIY tire sandbox

Sandbox "wavy"

Several children can play in it at once.

To create you will have to stock up:

  • several small tires of the same diameter;
  • round frame;
  • glue, screws, nails;
  • with a knife;
  • sand.

At the moment, almost all summer cottages allow you to implement a variety of design ideas. When ennobling the territory of a summer residence or a country cottage, comfortable paths made of various materials can be used as style elements. But do not rush and throw away seemingly useless things. They can be given new life by bringing something fresh and original to the layout of the backyard at the same time.

What are garden paths?

Pedestrian paths according to their purpose can be divided into transit and walking paths.

Transit paths are designed to move around the main areas, most often they lead from the gate to the house or serve to connect paths in the yard. For example, from the house to the summer kitchen or veranda. The width of such paths is calculated for two pedestrians, who can walk together or parallel to each other. For transit lanes, it is desirable to use large tires, laying them horizontally.

Walking paths are paths that are much smaller in size. For them, 50–60 cm of the tire width of a car will be quite enough. For example, a rugged tire track can be thrown between the beds in the country or in the garden. Then it will be easy to move around in the garden even after a heavy downpour or in winter, in ice.

Advice! Tracks made up of different segments of car tires look very elegant, especially when laid out neatly and decorated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of using tires to create a garden path are:

  • durability - high-quality and durable rubber is taken to create tires, such tracks will last for years;
  • slip protection - a relief surface will allow you to safely use such a path both in frost and in heavy rain;
  • no deformation under the influence of mechanical loads;
  • general availability - there are practically no costs for the track, you do not need to buy material;
  • ease of installation and installation;
  • minimal maintenance - it is enough to periodically wash the surface with a hose or sweep away debris and dust with a broom.

Garden trails made of tires have their drawbacks.: Under the influence of sunlight, certain harmful substances are released. Therefore, it is better to place paths made of such materials where pedestrians, and especially children, do not walk for a long time.

Ways to install tires for garden paths

There are not so many options for mounting tracks from a tire. To create a trail, you can use the following methods:

  • put the tires horizontally;
  • bridge figures in the form of a "Christmas tree".

The choice of laying option will depend on the width and length of the trail, the size of the tires, and their number. Keep in mind that each option has its pros and cons. For example, tires that are flat are easier to fill with reinforcing material. But from solid tires you can create not only a garden path, but also a ladder.

When making paths in the garden or in the country, you can take both tires with disks and without them, in the form of cut strips or squares. It should be noted that in the first case, the installation is carried out flat or the tire must be placed “on edge”.

Advice! To achieve even flooring for tracks, you need to take rubber with uniform wear. It is advisable to choose tires from trucks.

Vertical tire arrangement will be problematic - it requires backfilling. It is believed that it is best to fill the gaps between the walls with concrete, then wear resistance will increase. This procedure must be performed before installation itself.

How to create a garden path from tires yourself?

Before creating a track, you should make measurements of its width and length, set the shape and direction. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the details that can help make the track multifunctional and comfortable for use.

  1. First you need to prepare the tools. Any master has them - all you need is a jigsaw or a well-ground knife, nails, a shovel, an ax and a hammer.
  2. Cut the tire with a construction knife or electric jigsaw.

    Advice! From the remaining side of the tire, you can then build a curb.

  3. Then you need to cut the protector to make a tape.
  4. The resulting tapes must be laid horizontally and their edges nailed onto a wooden base. Get straight paths.

    You can also nail a few strips onto the bars. And then connect the resulting tracks by direct weaving.
  5. For the quality of the future trail, you can add gravel on the path, which will serve as a foundation.
  6. You can move on to styling. Before laying the path, it is recommended to draw up a diagram and think about the use of additional ways to improve the area, such as curbs, gutters, lanterns or drainage systems.

A do-it-yourself garden path made of tires will be an original addition to any country house or cottage. At the same time, the use of car tires can be completely different. From tires it is possible to create a creative path to the front garden, children's sandbox or even to the garden.

Do not rush to get rid of worn tires. They may still serve you well. Indeed, in order to create real decor elements for a personal plot from car tires, you need quite a bit of skill and inspiration.

Summer residents are well aware of how inconvenient it is to work and just walk around the summer cottage, where there are no good garden paths. And when it rains, things get really bad. Everywhere there is only dirt, which you also carry with you on your shoes. So it’s quite easy to get injured when your feet go on a slippery path. Therefore, it is recommended to definitely make a path - including between the beds. So the dirt from the garden will not rush into the house, so you will have to clean up much less.

Fortunately, it is possible to pave a garden path from a wide variety of materials - stone, tiles, paving stones, saw cuts of wood, but these are not cheap materials. At the same time, we have a more budget option with low costs - in the form of car tires. Therefore, we propose to make tracks from car tires. All you need to do is cut the side of the cord with a knife and cut in the middle, which will make the finished track. It is laid on wooden slats and nailed.

For the manufacture of garden paths at low cost, you need to take materials:
car tires;
wooden planks;
nails or screws.

List of required tools:
sharp shoe or other knife;
hammer or screwdriver.

Step-by-step description - creating a garden path from car tires

You need to take an old car tire, and cut off the side with a knife.

The result is this.

It should be cut on one side, after which you get a track in the form of a strip. Then another track is taken and nailed with nails or fixed with screws on a wooden plank. To prolong the life of the plank, treat it using used oil or bituminous mastic.

The next step is to lay the track in the necessary places on your summer cottage. It is especially recommended to place paths between the beds.

As you can see, everything is quite simple, while the garden path comes out budgetary and practical.

Ideas for using car tires for garden paths

Ladder path in the garden or on a steep slope made of car tires.

Rectangular rubber tile track (tiles can be made from car tires)

A summer cottage is exactly the place where many old and unnecessary things, after alteration or restoration, begin their new life. This includes furniture, kitchen utensils, and clothing. Find application on a suburban area and unnecessary car tires. What skillful summer residents do not make of them: swings, flower beds, sandboxes and even small pools. Today we will talk about another option for using old car tires - arranging paths in the garden with their help.

The main advantage of rubber on car tires is its high quality. Even the old tire does not lose its increased resistance to external influences and remarkably tolerates both various kinds of precipitation and the influence of low and high temperatures.

  • That is why the garden path from the car tire will not crack during the winter frosts, will not get wet from the spring rain and will not deform in the hot summer.
  • Having spent time once, you will provide yourself with a convenient and reliable covering for paths in the garden for several years. Another advantage of the tire track is the ease of maintenance. It is enough just to sweep away the garbage, pour water from a hose or watering can - and your garden path again shines with cleanliness.
  • Rubber does not absorb moisture and dries fairly quickly, so even after a heavy downpour, you will have a dry coating in the garden very soon.
  • Car tires are quite slip resistant, it is almost impossible to slip and fall on them, but even if this happens, rubber will significantly soften the blow and reduce possible injury.
  • Well, the most important advantage of the rubber track is the ease of creation.

If you, after evaluating all the positive qualities of rubber, decide to use car tires when arranging the tracks on the site, you have two options: make a coating from old car tires or use rubber tiles for this purpose, which is a product of processing those same tires.

Tire tracks

To create a garden path, we need old car tires. It is desirable that they all be the same size. The amount needed will depend on the total length of the tracks you plan to cover. If the paths are wide enough, truck tires can be used.

In each tire, we will need to make a separation of the treadmill - tread (pictured above). To do this, you will need a sharp knife, some oil or soapy water, and some object as a wedging device.

  • With a knife, gradually cut off the sidewalls on both sides of the tire in a circle. To make it easier for the knife to cut through fairly dense rubber tires, it should be regularly dipped in a container of oil or soapy water.
  • Behind the knife it is necessary to insert our wedging device. It can be an adjustable wrench, a mount, or just a wooden block.
  • After cutting off the side parts of the tire, we got a rubber band.
  • Cutting it, we get a coating for our future track.
  • Having collected the required number of protectors, we proceed to laying the canvas. Depending on how wide the garden path will be, two to four lanes may be needed at the same time.
  • We align the tapes along the length and nail the edges to a wooden board or bar, as shown in the photo. The distance between the tapes should be 1-2 centimeters. Grass will grow in these gaps over time. It perfectly keeps the garden path from shifting.
  • In places where the wooden parts of the tracks will be located, it is necessary to dig small indentations. This will help to avoid tearing the edges of the rubber cover.

On this, the installation of a garden path made of tires can be considered complete.

Rubber tile walkways

And now let's talk about the second option for arranging paths in the garden. To do this, we need a special rubber tile. The material for its manufacture are all the same used car tires.

To begin with, they are crushed, and then tiles of various sizes, thicknesses and colors are formed from the resulting crumb rubber. Such a coating has already been appreciated by many summer residents, and it continues to gain increasing popularity.

Rubber tile retains all the properties that a car tire has. It is clear that the purchase of such a coating will require additional costs, but such a garden path will look much more beautiful than just tire ribbons.

A wide range of tile shapes and colors will allow you to create paths that are most suitable for decorating your site.

Installation of the coating is not particularly difficult. The design of the tiles provides for fastening with bushings or special locks.

The only thing to consider when buying is the thickness of the tile. Thinner tiles (up to 20 mm) require preliminary creation of hard surface paths in places of future paths.

It could be

  • cement strainer
  • asphalt pavement
  • wooden flooring.

Existing coatings are also suitable as a basis.

  • To do this, it will need to align all the recesses and bulges on it and close up the cracks and chips formed under the influence of external factors.
  • The base surface is thoroughly cleaned and treated with a mixture of acetone and polyurethane adhesive in equal amounts.

A thicker coating does not require such thorough preparatory work. If the thickness of the tile is more than 30 mm, it is allowed to lay it directly on the ground or on a 5 cm layer of sand.

If you want your walkway to last significantly longer and still look good, prepare a three-layer base before laying the tiles.

Components of the foundation

  • compacted soil as the first layer
  • rubble
  • sand and cement in a ratio of 3:1.

When laying rubber flooring without preparing the base, the water drains naturally, so there is no need to create artificial drainage. You can complete the work by installing rubber curbs. They will not only improve the overall appearance of the tracks, but also serve as their additional fixation.

Rubber tracks are a great way to ensure convenient and safe movement around the site at no significant cost. For rubber crumb tiles, see the video.