World ecological situation. Environmental problems of mankind

Planets are a real scourge of the 21st century. Also, many think about the issue of preservation and restoration environment. After all, otherwise future generations will get only a lifeless surface.

No man is an island!

It is likely that at least once in a lifetime each of us asked ourselves the question: "What environmental problems of the planet exist at the present time and what can I do to solve them?" It would seem, indeed, that only one person can? Nevertheless, each of us is capable of much. First, begin to "look after" the environment on your own. For example, throwing garbage into strictly designated containers, and it will not be superfluous to also pay attention to the separation of waste into specific materials (glass in one tank, and plastic in another). In addition, you can regulate and gradually reduce the consumption of both electricity and other resources (water, gas) necessary for your comfortable living. In the event that you are a driver and are faced with the choice of a suitable vehicle, then you should pay attention to cars that have a low content of harmful compounds in exhaust gases. It will also be right - both for you and for the whole planet - a small engine size installed in the selected car model. And, as a result, reduced fuel consumption. With such simple and accessible activities for everyone, we can solve the environmental problems of the planet.

Let's help the whole world

Despite everything described earlier, you will not be left alone in this struggle. As a rule, the policy of many modern states is aimed at the well-known environmental problems of the planet and, of course, ways to solve them. In addition, there is an active propaganda program, the purpose of which is to limit and exterminate rare representatives of flora and fauna. Nevertheless, such a policy of world powers is quite purposeful and allows you to create conditions for the normal life of the population, which at the same time do not violate natural ecosystems.

Environmental problems of the planet: list

Modern scientists identify about a few dozen basic issues that require special attention. Such planets arise as a result of significant changes in the natural environment. And those, in turn, are the result of devastating natural disasters, as well as the ever-increasing environmental problems of the planet, it is quite easy to list. One of the first places is air pollution. Each of us knows from an early age that, due to the content of a certain percentage of oxygen in the air space of the planet, we are able to exist normally. However, every day we not only consume oxygen, but also exhale carbon dioxide. But there are still plants and factories, cars and planes roam around the world and knock on the rails of the train. All of the above objects in the process of their work emit substances of a certain composition, which only aggravates the situation and increases the environmental problems of the planet Earth. Unfortunately, even despite the fact that modern production facilities are equipped with the latest developments in cleaning systems, the state of the airspace is gradually deteriorating.


Since the school biology course, we know that representatives flora contribute to maintaining the balance of substances in the atmosphere. Thanks to natural processes, such as photosynthesis, the green spaces of the Earth not only purify the air of harmful impurities, but also gradually enrich it with oxygen. Thus, it is easy to conclude that the extermination of flora, in particular forests, only exacerbates the global environmental problems of the planet. Unfortunately, the economic activity of mankind leads to the fact that felling is carried out on an especially large scale, but the replenishment of green spaces is often not carried out.

Reducing fertile land

Similar ecological problems of the planet arise as a result of the previously mentioned deforestation. In addition, the misuse of various agricultural techniques and improper farming also leads to the depletion of the fertile layer. And pesticides and other chemical fertilizers for many years poison not only the soil, but also all living organisms that are interconnected with it. But, as you know, the layers fertile land recover much more slowly than forested areas. It will take more than one century to fully replace the lost land cover.

Reducing fresh water supplies

If you are asked: "What environmental problems of the planet are known?", you have the right to immediately recall the life-giving moisture. Indeed, in some regions there is already an acute shortage of this resource. And as time goes on, this situation will only get worse. Therefore, the above topic can be considered one of the most important in the list of "Ecological problems of the planet". Examples of misuse of water can be found everywhere. Starting from the pollution of lakes and rivers by all kinds of industrial enterprises and ending with the irrational consumption of resources at the household level. In this regard, already at the present time, many natural reservoirs are closed areas for swimming. However, the environmental problems of the planet do not end there. The list can be continued with the next paragraph.

Extermination of flora and fauna

Scientists have calculated that in the modern world, one representative of the animal or plant world of the planet dies every hour. At the same time, it is important to remember that not only poachers are involved in such actions, but also ordinary people who consider themselves respectable citizens of their country. Every day, mankind conquers more and more new territories both for the construction of their own housing and for agricultural and industrial needs. And animals have to move to new lands or die, remaining to live in an ecosystem destroyed by anthropogenic factors. Among other things, it must be remembered that all of the above factors also adversely affect the state of flora and fauna, both present and future. For example, pollution of water bodies, destruction of forests, etc., entails the disappearance of the diversity of the animal and plant world that our ancestors used to see. Even over the last hundred years, the species diversity has significantly decreased under the direct or indirect impact of the anthropogenic factor.

Earth's protective shell

If the question arises: "What environmental problems of the planet are currently known?", then holes in the ozone layer are easily remembered. Modern human economic activity involves the release of special substances that cause thinning of the protective shell of the Earth. Consequently, the formation of new so-called "holes", as well as an increase in the area of ​​existing ones. Many people know this problem, but not everyone understands how all this can turn out. And it leads to the fact that dangerous solar radiation reaches the Earth's surface, which negatively affects all living organisms.


The global environmental problems presented earlier are causing the development of a severe catastrophe. It's about about desertification. As a result of improper agriculture, as well as pollution of water resources and deforestation, there is a gradual weathering of the fertile layer, drainage of soils and other negative consequences, under the influence of which the land cover becomes unsuitable not only for further use for economic purposes, but also for living. of people.

Reduction of mineral reserves

A similar topic is also present in the list "Ecological problems of the planet." It is quite easy to list the currently used resources. These are oil, coal of various varieties, peat, gas and other organic components of the solid shell of the Earth. According to scientists, in the next hundred years, mineral reserves will come to an end. In this regard, humanity has begun to actively introduce technologies that work on renewable resources, such as wind, solar, and others. However, the use alternative sources still quite small compared to more familiar and traditional ones. In connection with this state of affairs, modern governments of countries are conducting various incentive programs that contribute to a deeper introduction of alternative energy sources both in industry and in the everyday life of ordinary citizens.


Over the last century on the globe there is a significant increase in the number of people. In particular, over a period of just 40 years, the world's population has doubled - from three to six billion people. According to scientists, by 2040 this number will reach nine billion, which, in turn, will lead to a particularly acute shortage of food, water and energy resources. The number of people living in poverty will increase significantly. There will be an increase in deadly diseases.

Municipal solid waste

In the modern world, a person daily produces several kilograms of garbage - these are cans from canned food and drinks, and polyethylene, and glass, and other waste. Unfortunately, at present, their secondary use is carried out only in countries with a highly developed standard of living. In all others, such household waste is taken to landfills, the territory of which often occupies vast areas. In countries with low level life heaps of garbage can lie right on the streets. This not only contributes to soil and water pollution, but also increases the growth of disease-causing bacteria, which in turn leads to widespread acute and sometimes fatal diseases. It should be noted that even the Earth's atmosphere is filled with tons of debris left after the launch of research probes, satellites and spacecraft into the vastness of the Universe. And since get rid of all these traces human activity naturally quite difficult, it is necessary to develop effective methods solid waste processing. Many modern states are implementing national programs that promote the spread of easily recyclable materials.

The global environmental problem consists in the difficulties of overcoming the ecological crisis that has arisen on our planet due to the destructive impact of people on nature. The main manifestations of the ecological crisis are most often referred to as the following:

  • 1. Pollution of the air and water basins of the Earth, the formation of a greenhouse effect, “ ozone holes”, “acid rain”, poisoned rivers and lakes, entire zones of ecological disaster with human diseases, etc.
  • 2. Global climate change threatening a climate catastrophe in the future (general warming, weather instability, droughts, melting of polar ice caps, rising sea levels, flooding of vast territories, fertile lands, etc.).
  • 3. Reduction of arable land and deterioration of soil fertility due to their overexploitation, erosion, poisoning, salinization, waterlogging, desertification, absorption by cities and industry, etc.
  • 4. Destruction and extinction of forests, depletion of flora and fauna, a huge amount of waste, etc.

Man is a part of nature, and the most dangerous disasters for our planet and environmental pollution are associated with him. The scientific and technological revolution, the enormous growth of industry and the increased productive activity of man are changing the face of our planet. In the history of mankind, a period has now come when society is forced to clearly measure its activity with the possibilities of nature. "Before, nature frightened man, and now man frightens nature" - according to the French researcher, Jacques Yves Cousteau. Having entered the era of rapid scientific and technological progress, most people do not think about possible consequences unlimited exploitation natural resources, do not care about the fate of the biosphere, which experiences all the consequences of human economic activity.

Earth is a unique celestial body solar system and the only one of the planets has a biosphere that arose under the influence of solar energy as a result of long-term biochemical processes.

Man, as an element of the biosphere, appeared relatively recently, about 3.2 million years ago, and until the beginning of the 20th century, his activity was of a local nature. It is man who has become a huge ecological and geochemical force, which has greatly influenced the change in the ecological situation over the past 50 years. Now human activity already covers the entire biosphere and is global. Mankind has entered the industrial age of intense pressure on the environment in all areas: ground, air, underground.

Consider some of the environmental consequences of global atmospheric pollution:

  • * possible climate warming ("greenhouse effect");
  • * violation of the ozone layer;
  • *acid rain.
  • * "Greenhouse effect"

At present, the observed climate change, which is expressed in a gradual increase in the average annual temperature, is associated by most scientists with the accumulation in the atmosphere of the so-called " greenhouse gases"- carbon dioxide (CO 2), methane (CH 4), chlorofluorocarbons (freons), ozone (O 3), nitrogen oxides, etc.

Greenhouse gases, primarily CO 2 , prevent long-wavelength thermal radiation from the Earth's surface. According to G. Hoefling, an atmosphere saturated with greenhouse gases acts like the roof of a greenhouse. On the one hand, it lets in most of the solar radiation, and on the other hand, it almost does not allow the heat reradiated by the Earth to pass out.

In connection with the burning of more and more fossil fuels: oil, gas, coal, the concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is constantly increasing.

The report, prepared under the auspices of the United Nations by the international group on climate change, states that by 2100 the temperature on Earth will increase by 2-4 degrees. The scale of warming in this relatively short period will be comparable to the warming that occurred on Earth after the Ice Age, which means that the environmental consequences can be catastrophic. This is primarily due to the expected rise in the level of the World Ocean, due to melting polar ice, reduction of areas of mountain glaciation. Modeling the environmental consequences of an ocean level rise of only 0.5-2.0 m by the end of the 21st century, scientists have found that this will inevitably lead to climate imbalance, flooding of coastal plains in more than 30 countries, degradation of permafrost, and waterlogging of vast areas. and other adverse effects.

Acid rain. The term "acid rain" refers to all types of meteorological precipitation - rain, snow, hail, fog, sleet - whose pH is less than the average pH of rainwater (the average pH for rainwater is 5.6). Sulfur dioxide (SO 2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) released during human activity are transformed into acid-forming particles in the earth's atmosphere. These particles react with atmospheric water, turning it into acid solutions, which lower the pH of rainwater. For the first time the term "acid rain" was introduced in 1872 by the English researcher A. Smith. His attention was drawn to the Victorian smog in Manchester. And although scientists of that time rejected the theory of the existence of acid rain, today no one doubts that acid rain is one of the reasons for the death of life in reservoirs, forests, crops, and vegetation. In addition, acid rain destroys buildings and cultural monuments, pipelines, renders cars unusable, reduces soil fertility and can lead to seepage of toxic metals into aquifers.

The consequences of acid rain are observed in the USA, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Australia, the republics of the former Yugoslavia and in many other countries of the globe.

Acid rain has a negative impact on water bodies - lakes, rivers, bays, ponds - increasing their acidity to such a level that flora and fauna die in them. Acid rain harms more than just aquatic life. It also destroys vegetation on land. Scientists believe that although the mechanism has not yet been fully understood to this day, a complex mixture of pollutants, including acid precipitation, ozone, and heavy metals, together lead to forest degradation.

Ozone layer. Depletion of the Earth's ozone layer is a potential threat to human, animal, plant and microbial health. Observations since 1973 show that the thickness of the ozone layer over Kazakhstan has decreased by 5-7%. Measures to control the use of substances that deplete the ozone layer, adopted in accordance with the Montreal Protocol, have contributed to a decrease in the world by 10 times compared with 1986 levels. Currently, work is underway in Kazakhstan to reduce the use of ozone-depleting substances and withdraw them from circulation, introduce new technologies using substances that do not destroy the ozone layer.

The main identified substances that deplete the ozone layer are:

  • - chlorofluorocarbons (HFO or CFC);
  • - partially halogenated chlorofluorocarbons (HHFO or HCFC);
  • - partially halogenated bromofluorocarbons (HBFO);
  • - 1,1,1 - trichloroethane (methyl chloroform);
  • - bromochloromethane (BHM);
  • - methyl bromide (MB);
  • - carbon tetrachloride;
  • - halons.

The main purposes of using substances that deplete the ozone layer are:

  • - cooling units;
  • - air conditioning devices;
  • - warm air supply devices;
  • - aerosols;
  • - fire fighting systems and portable fire extinguishers;
  • - insulating boards.

"Ozone Hole" - caused by the destruction of the ozone layer, especially low concentrations of ozone at the South Pole during the Arctic winter and spring. The area of ​​the "ozone hole" in last years was approximately 24,000,000 km 2 , and in satellite photographs it looks like big hole. The thickness of the ozone layer in the region of the "ozone hole" is 100-150 DU (the normal thickness of the ozone layer is 300 DU).

consequences of destruction. As a result of the destruction of the ozone layer, an increased amount of UV-B solar radiation reaches the Earth, which has a negative impact on both living beings (humans, animals, vegetation) and objects.

Consequences of too “thin” ozone layer:

the endurance of various materials (for example, rubber) decreases and, at the same time, the duration of use of these materials;

aquatic organisms living in the upper layers of water (benthos) die;

agricultural yields and fish catches are declining;

the immunity of the population against various diseases decreases;

increases the possibility of skin cancer and eye cataracts (both in humans and animals), diseases of the lungs and upper respiratory tract.

Ways to solve environmental problems:

  • 1. Development and implementation of an agreed international environmental protection program, including such activities as:
    • a) the creation of an international environmental fund for the organization and implementation of environmental measures of global importance (to stop the deforestation of tropical forests, improve the quality drinking water etc.);
    • b) establishment of international environmental standards and control over the state of the natural environment (with the right to inspect any country);
    • c) introduction of international quotas (norms) for harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
    • d) the declaration of the natural environment as the property of all mankind and the introduction of the “polluter pays” principle into international practice (for example, the introduction of an international “green tax” on harmful emissions).
  • 2. Constant, complete and truthful informing people about the state of their environment and the formation of an ecological outlook in society.
  • 3. Creation of reasonable environmental legislation, which should provide for high responsibility for its violation and effective incentives to encourage environmental protection (for example, the introduction of special “environmental taxes” on the use of the most “dirty” technologies and, conversely, tax incentives for environmentally friendly industries).
  • 4. Transition to a new, environmentally friendly technological culture (rational approaches to the use of natural resources, the use of the most “clean” and least rare of them, concern for the reproduction of renewable resources, the introduction of waste-free (or low-waste), resource- and nature-saving technologies, environmental protection systems and etc.).

08/16/2017 article

The expression "global environmental problems" is familiar to everyone, but we do not always realize how serious the semantic load it carries.

Global means worldwide, total, embracing the entire planet. That is, the problems in question are directly related to each of us, and it is difficult to imagine their consequences.

Planetary climate change

Such a problem of mankind as global warming is closely connected with the strengthening of the greenhouse effect - these two concepts are practically inseparable. The optical properties of the atmosphere are in many ways similar to the properties of glass: by letting in sunlight, it allows the surface of the Earth to heat up, but its opacity to infrared radiation serves as an obstacle to the escape of rays emitted by the heated surface into space. The accumulated heat leads to an increase in the temperature in the lower layers of the atmosphere, called global warming. The consequences are very sad - unable to withstand high temperature, Arctic ice begins to melt, raising ocean levels. In addition to the melting of ice, warming entails a number of other changes that are detrimental to our planet:

  • more frequent floods;
  • increase in populations of harmful insects - carriers of deadly dangerous diseases― and their spread to countries with a previously cool climate;
  • hurricanes - the consequences of an increase in the temperature of ocean waters;
  • drying up of rivers and lakes, reduction of drinking water reserves in lands with an arid climate;
  • intensification of volcanic activity associated with the melting of mountain glaciers and the subsequent erosion of rocks;
  • an increase in the amount of plankton in the ocean, leading to an increase in the release carbon dioxide in atmosphere;
  • reduction in the diversity of biological species on Earth: according to scientists, the number of plant and animal species as a result of droughts threatens to decrease by about 30%;
  • numerous forest fires caused by global warming.

There are several causes of global warming, and not all of them are anthropogenic. For example, in the case of volcanic activity, we are dealing with a vicious circle: a volcanic eruption leads to the release of carbon dioxide and a violation of the protective ozone layer, which in turn causes new eruptions. There is a theory according to which it was precisely this circular dependence that led the planet to alternating glacial and interglacial periods, each of which lasts approximately a hundred thousand years.

The second most popular theory related to the climate future of the planet is the theory of "global cooling" Ecocosm

The very fact of an increase in average temperatures over the past 100 years is not denied by anyone, but the reasons for these changes and forecasts may be different. The theory of global warming has weak sides. This is also a short period of time on the basis of which conclusions are drawn about climate change. After all, the history of our planet has about 4.5 billion years, during which time the climate of the planet has changed a huge number of times without human intervention. It also completely ignores other greenhouse gases such as methane or even water vapor. And the most important statement of the theory of global warming - carbon dioxide of anthropogenic origin causes an increase in temperature on the entire planet, can be questioned. After all, an increase in global temperatures caused by a non-anthropogenic factor can lead to an increase in biomass in the ocean, which, in the process of photosynthesis, begins to produce more carbon dioxide.

AT modern science There is another way to look at global warming. The second most popular theory related to the planet's climate future is the cyclical or "global cooling" theory. She says that there is nothing extraordinary in the current processes of climate change. These are just climatic cycles. And we really need to wait not for warming, but for a new ice age.

This theory is confirmed by the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences based on an analysis of the Earth's climate over the past 250 thousand years. The data obtained during the drilling of ice over Lake Vostok in Antarctica indicate that the Earth's climate is changing regularly, cyclically. The main reasons for these cycles are cosmic (changes in the angle of the earth's axis, changes in the plane of the ecliptic, etc.) And now we are living in the interglacial period, which has been going on for about 10,000 years. But it's too early to rejoice, because it must certainly be replaced by a new ice age. During the last one, which ended only 8000-10000 BP, the ice sheet over Moscow was several hundred meters. This theory suggests that a new glacier should be expected in a few thousand years.

But we should not relax, whichever of these climate change theories turns out to be correct, in the near future we can see an increase in average temperature caused by anthropogenic activity. Even if the theory of cyclicity turns out to be correct, i.e., in a few thousand years we will face global cooling, the greenhouse effect caused by industrial carbon dioxide emissions will have an impact on the climate in the next 100 years. And until temperatures begin to drop dramatically as a result of cyclicality, we will experience all the negative consequences of global warming that scientists scare us with. Therefore, the thought of a distant global cooling cannot compensate for those catastrophic events which we are already beginning to observe.

The relationship of this problem with a number of others indicates its serious scale.

Destruction of the ozone layer

The height of the ozone layer in different latitudes can vary from 15 - 20 km (in polar regions) to 25 - 30 (in tropical regions). This part of the stratosphere contains the largest amount of ozone, a gas formed by the interaction of solar ultraviolet radiation and oxygen atoms. The layer serves as a kind of filter that blocks ultraviolet radiation that causes skin cancer. Is it necessary to say how important the integrity of the precious layer is for the Earth and its inhabitants?

However, the evidence of experts regarding the state of the ozone layer is disappointing: in certain areas there is a significant decrease in the concentration of ozone in the stratosphere, leading to the formation of ozone holes. One of the largest holes was discovered in 1985 over Antarctica. Even earlier, in the early 80s, the same site, although smaller in area, was seen in the Arctic region.

Causes and consequences of the appearance of ozone holes

Until recently, it was believed that the ozone layer is significantly affected during the flights of aircraft and spacecraft. However, to date, in the course of numerous studies, it has been proven that the work of transport has only a minor impact on the state of the ozone layer in comparison with other causes:

  • natural processes that do not depend on human activity (for example, a lack of ultraviolet radiation in winter);
  • human activity leading to the reaction of ozone molecules with substances that destroy them (bromine, chlorine, etc.), which, however, does not currently have sufficient practical evidence

Ozone can have not only the form of a blue gas, but also be in a liquid or solid state - respectively, acquiring a shade of indigo or blue-black.

If the entire ozone layer of the Earth took the form of a solid, its thickness would be no more than 2-3 mm Ecocosm

It is easy to imagine how fragile and vulnerable this shell that protects the planet from sizzling ultraviolet radiation.

Reducing the thickness of the ozone layer can cause irreparable harm to all life on Earth. Ultraviolet rays can not only cause skin cancer in humans, but also cause the death of marine plankton - an important link in the food chain of any marine ecosystem, the violation of which is ultimately fraught with starvation for the human race. The impoverishment of food sources for many peoples can turn into bloody wars for fertile territories, as has happened more than once throughout the history of mankind.

Depletion of fresh water sources and their pollution

Despite the fact that more than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water, only 2.5% of it is fresh, and only 30% of the Earth's population is fully provided with water suitable for consumption. However, surface water- the main renewable source - is gradually depleted over time.

Bad water and the diseases it carries kill 25 million people every year Ecocosm

If in the 70s of the 20th century the available annual amount of water per person was 11 thousand cubic meters, then by the end of the century this number had decreased to 6.5 thousand. However, these are average figures. There are nations on earth whose water supply is 1-2 thousand cubic meters of water per capita per year ( South Africa), while in other regions this amount is equal to 100 thousand cubic meters.

Why is this happening?

Along with an acute shortage of fresh water, existing resources are far from always suitable for using them without jeopardizing the health of Ecocosm

The primary reason that the water in the rivers turned into a poisonous slurry is, of course, human activity. Of the three sources of pollution - industrial, agricultural and domestic - the first occupies a leading position in terms of volumes. harmful emissions into rivers and lakes. Water polluted by industrial enterprises is very difficult to treat.

Fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture tend to accumulate in the soil, inevitably polluting surface water. A significant contribution to the increase in the concentration of harmful substances in water is made by wastewater urban areas, garbage and exhaust fumes.

Soil pollution and depletion, desertification

The irrational use of natural resources, in particular soil, often leads to their depletion. Overgrazing, over-plowing and fertilization, and deforestation are short and sure paths to soil degradation and desertification. Forest fires also cause great harm, most often the result of the irresponsible behavior of lovers of romance. In the dry summer period, it is not even necessary to leave the fire unattended for a fire to break out - just one spark, picked up by the wind, is enough to get into the thick of dry needles on an old pine.

The scorched territories for a long time turn into bare wastelands, unsuitable for the small number of animals that were lucky enough to survive in the flames of the fire. exposed to erosion by strong winds and rainstorms, these lands become lifeless and useless.

Clay, silt and sand are the three main constituents of soil. Deprived of vegetation, the surface of the earth ceases to be protected and reliably fortified by roots. Rains quickly wash away the silt, leaving instead only sand and clay, which have minimal relation to soil fertility - and the desertification mechanism is launched.

Incorrect human agricultural activities, as well as industrial enterprises that pollute the soil with wastewater containing compounds hazardous to health, cause no less harm to land resources.

Atmospheric pollution

Emissions of chemical compounds into the atmosphere as a result of the activities of industrial enterprises contribute to the concentration of uncharacteristic substances in it - sulfur, nitrogen and others. chemical elements. As a result, there are qualitative changes not only the air itself: the decrease in the pH value in precipitation, which occurs due to the presence of these substances in the atmosphere, leads to the formation of acid rain.

Acid precipitation can cause great harm not only to living organisms, but also to objects made of durable materials - cars, buildings and world heritage sites often become their victims. Rains with a low pH level contribute to the ingress of toxic compounds into underground springs by poisoning the water.

Household waste

Domestic waste, simply called garbage, is a danger to humanity no less than all other environmental problems. Volumes of old packages and used plastic bottles are so great that, if we do not get rid of them, in the next couple of years, humanity will drown in a continuous stream of its own garbage.

Most landfills make room for new waste by burning the old. At the same time, plastic emits toxic smoke into the atmosphere, which returns to the earth as part of acid rain. Burials of plastic are no less harmful: decomposing over millennia, this material will slowly but surely poison the soil with toxic emissions.

In addition to plastic containers, humanity "thanks" nature for its gifts and such things as mountains of discarded plastic bags, batteries, broken glass and rubber items.

Reduction of the gene pool of the biosphere

It would be strange to assume that all of the above problems will in no way affect the abundance and diversity of living organisms on Earth. The strong interconnection between ecosystems contributes to serious disturbances within each of them, provided that at least one link falls out of the food chain.

The average lifespan of each species is 1.5 - 2 million years - after its extinction, new ones appear. Ecocosm

The average lifespan of each species is 1.5 - 2 million years - after its disappearance, new ones appear. So it was before modern civilization made its own adjustments to this process. Today, the species diversity of the planet is reduced by 150-200 species every year, which leads to an inevitable ecological catastrophe.

The reduction in the habitat area of ​​many animals contributes to the impoverishment of species diversity to a special extent. Only the areas of tropical forests have decreased by 50% over the past 200 years - growing cities are gradually crowding out their inhabitants from the planet, depriving them of shelter and food sources.

What we can do?

It's time for each of us to ask this question, since nature's resources are not unlimited.

An ordinary person cannot stop the work of an industrial enterprise that pours wastewater into the river. We cannot refuse to use transport. However, everyone can train themselves to do a few simple and useful things that do not require much time, but give tangible results.

Waste sorting

This step is not at all a call to dig in the trash can, sorting through the waste. Easy enough to fold plastic bottles and paper separately from the rest of the garbage, so that they can then be lowered into specially designed containers. Glass, on the other hand, would be most reasonable to hand over to a glass container collection point - it will be used as a recyclable material.

Proper disposal of household items

Many items, such as thermometers, batteries, energy-saving lamps, or computer monitors, should not be thrown away with the rest of the trash, as they are sources toxic substances, poisoning the soil when it enters it. Such things should be handed over to special collection points, where they are disposed of, observing all safety rules.

For everyone who does not yet know where the nearest collection point for obsolete thermometers or batteries is located, enthusiasts have created special maps on which all points in every city in Russia or any other country are marked. Only a small thing is left for you - to find the right point and hand over dangerous trash to specialists, saving the life of more than one living creature.

Refusal of plastic bags and containers

Giving up plastic bags is not only beneficial, but also very stylish solution. In recent years, the popularity of plastic bags has significantly decreased in European countries, giving way to original bags made from environmentally friendly materials. Such a thing will help protect not only nature, but also the owner’s budget - if it gets dirty, you don’t need to throw it away to buy a new one: linen bags can be washed many times.

Humanity has a power on this planet that can cause great damage to it. Ecocosm

The same goes for plastic containers for water: it's time to ditch the countless bottles, bottles and bottles. Today, residents of almost any city have the opportunity to order home delivery of water in 20-liter reusable containers, which the company's employees are ready to replace at the first call of the client.

Humanity has a power on this planet that can cause great damage to it. But are we able to turn our power and knowledge for good, and not for harm?

Perhaps, this is worth thinking about for everyone who claims to be a representative of a reasonable race.

Political, economic and social problems that concern the interests of all countries and peoples, of all mankind, are called global. Global problems arose at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when, as a result of colonial conquests, all the inhabited territories of the world were divided between the leading countries and attracted to world economy. At this time, the first global political crisis was born, which resulted in the First World War.

All global problems can be divided into political, economic, demographic, social and environmental. The most dangerous political problems for humanity are: a) war and peace and arms races on a global scale; b) economic and political confrontation between East and West, North and South; c) resolution of regional religious and military-political conflicts in Europe, Asia and Africa. Ecological problems took second place: the destruction of natural resources, environmental pollution, and the impoverishment of the gene pool of the biosphere.

The demographic problems in different regions peace. For third world countries, a characteristic "population explosion", and in developed countries population is aging and depopulating. Numerous social problems (health care, education, science and culture, social security) require a large amount of funds and training of qualified specialists to solve them. Humanity has achieved the greatest success in recent decades in solving global economic problems - raw materials and energy. However, in many regions of the world, these problems, as well as another one - the food problem - are very acute. Such intersectoral problems as the development of the oceans and outer space are becoming increasingly important.

With the beginning of the XXI century. persistent and well-known trends are shaping the future of civilization, namely: population growth, rising temperatures, falling groundwater levels, reduction in per capita crop area, deforestation, loss of plant and animal species, energy crisis, etc. The estimated population growth in over the next half century may have more impact on the economy than any other trend, deepening almost all other environmental and social problems.

In general, the problem is theoretical or practical question requiring research and solution, and problem situation- a set of circumstances requiring research. It becomes ecological when it is based on the use of an ecological approach, which involves the study of the environment due to the living conditions of living organisms, including humans. In this case, the environment is considered as a set of factors of existence of the population. And an environmental problem is an unsolved problem, not a process. It cannot be negative or positive as a situation, environment, state.

So, the ecological problem is understood as an unexplored or poorly developed aspect of the interaction between man and the environment, which requires further research and solution. At the same time, it is necessary to consider two social functions of the natural environment - the life support of mankind as part of wildlife and the provision of production with the necessary natural resources. Environmental problems are contradictions that arise in the system of material, energy, information links societies with the natural environment, their influence on a person and the conditions of his life.

Another concept is "environmental crisis". By definition, N.F. Reimers (1990), an ecological crisis is a tense state of relations between humanity and nature, characterized by a discrepancy between the development of productive forces and production relations in human society and the resource and ecological capabilities of the biosphere. The ecological crisis is characterized not only and not so much by the increased influence of man on nature, but also by a sharp increase in the influence of nature changed by people on community development. The current ecological crisis is global in nature and covers the entire biosphere. It is a consequence of the totality of the economic activity of our civilization and is manifested in a change in the characteristics of the natural environment on a planetary scale.

The population of the planet since the beginning of the XX century. increased by more than three times, and the area occupied by vegetation - a source of oxygen production - decreased by a third during this time. Erosion destroys 26 billion hectares worldwide every year fertile soils. Over the past 100 years, the carbon content in the atmosphere has increased 10 times. And this is not surprising, because over the past 30 years, 50% of the tropical forests of Asia and Latin America, which absorbed carbon, have been destroyed. Due to air pollution, more than half of the trees in Germany and other Western European countries have been damaged. As a result of human activity, a real threat of the greenhouse climate effect has appeared.

Due to the rapid growth of the world's population, many other problems arise. It is especially acute demographic problem in developing countries, and hundreds of millions of people are still doomed to hunger and poverty; 40% of the population is illiterate; about 800 million people are permanently malnourished; the annual income of half of the population does not exceed $120 per person. Developing countries still remain the global center of tense situations and military conflicts.

Despite this, it is possible to define global problems as global, relating to the interests of all nations and states, all classes, social groups, political parties, public organizations and each person in particular. Like any social phenomenon, global problems require systematization and classification. It is proposed to divide them into two large groups. The first group combines the problems operating in the "man - nature" system, the second - problems in the "man - man" system. The first group includes:

Problems of the Earth's population and its life support (food, energy, raw materials, as well as demographic problems);

Problems of environmental protection (they are called environmental)

The problem of space exploration and the World Ocean;

The problem of preventing natural disasters and dealing with their consequences.

The second group includes:

The problem of eliminating backwardness (economic, cultural, etc.) of developing countries;

Ensuring the security of development and enhancement of spiritual culture;

The problem of improving education, informatics;

The problem of combating crime, drug addiction and other negative social phenomena in particular with international terrorism;

The problem of the fight against dangerous diseases, especially those that are associated with social problems (AIDS, etc.);

One of the most acute is the problem of maintaining peace throughout the world.

There is another division of global problems - by nature. First, these are predominantly socio-political problems (preventing nuclear war, ending the arms race; peaceful solution of regional, interstate and interethnic armed conflicts, strengthening of the general security system). Secondly, these are socio-economic problems (overcoming economic and related cultural backwardness and poverty, finding ways to solve the energy, raw material and food crisis; optimizing the demographic situation, especially in developing countries; developing the near-Earth space and the World Ocean for peaceful purposes) .

The third group includes social and environmental problems caused by environmental pollution, the need rational use natural resource potential planets. And finally, the fourth group covers human problems (ensuring social, economic, individual rights and freedoms, fighting hunger, epidemic diseases, cultural backwardness; overcoming human alienation from nature, society, the state, other people and the results of one's own life).

Each section of problems makes it possible to trace the relationships both within each of the groups and between groups, because each problem is intertwined and interacts with another. So, any efforts aimed at protecting the environment lose their meaning if humanity is in a state of thermonuclear war; the solution of the environmental problem largely depends on the solution of the problems of poverty and underdevelopment, because the continuous destruction of many species of animals and plants will continue until the debt of developing countries decreases. The Modern Move of Global Issues to the Center political life contributes to the development of constructive solution programs at the international level.

With the development of civilization and scientific and technological progress, the rapid growth of the population on Earth, the volume of production and its waste, the problems of relations between nature and society are becoming more acute. Hunger, poisoned rivers and seas, stuffy, harmful air in large industrial centers, lost forests, hundreds of missing species of animals and plants, the threat of climatic anomalies, erosion and the almost complete depletion of soils in agricultural areas have become a terrible reality. The primary source and primary cause of the rapid development of the global environmental crisis is, according to international experts, a population explosion, which is inevitably accompanied by an increase in the rate and volume of reduction of natural resources, the accumulation of a huge amount of production and household waste, environmental pollution, global climate change, diseases, hunger, and in in the end - extinction.

With the development of energy, chemistry, metallurgy and mechanical engineering of the world, the accumulation of waste from synthetic washing powders, petroleum products, heavy metals, nitrates, radionuclides, pesticides and other harmful substances began to threaten; they are not absorbed by microorganisms, do not decompose, but accumulate thousands of tons in soils, water bodies, underground waters. The consequences of this are complications in obtaining the necessary substances, energy and information from the natural environment; pollution of the environment by production waste; violation of information links in nature, depletion of biological diversity; deterioration in the health of the population, the state of the economy, and social stability.

The problem of exhaustion and depletion of natural resources. There are natural resources in the world, which cannot be controlled and stored by the efforts of individual states alone. They are either located in international space (high seas, outer space), or mixed between different countries and continents. These are the atmospheric air, the resources of the World Ocean and fresh water, the natural resources of Antarctica, animals, migrate. It is possible to use and protect them only under the condition of international cooperation.

There is a real danger of exhaustion or depletion of the Earth's known and available resources: iron ore, copper, nickel, manganese, chromium, aluminum, not to mention oil and gas. The solution to this problem requires the integrated use of raw materials, the introduction of resource-saving technologies, and the regeneration of secondary resources. Since development is inherently linked to the exploitation of natural resources, economic and technical decisions must take into account environmental aspects. Particularly acute in this case is the problem of rational development of energy.

global energy problem. In the modern structure of the energy balance of the world energy industry, traditional energy carriers - oil and gas, coal, and uranium - predominate. The main types of fuel on the planet are extremely uneven. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the main problems of this economic system are the need to restructure the world energy sector, change its structure, introduce energy saving technologies, use of alternative energy sources. In addition, the development of the energy sector must certainly slow down the pace of development, since thermal pollution is already noticeable today - an increase in temperature.

The problem of rational use of land resources and food production. The development of the agricultural production sector is associated with an increase in the anthropogenic impact on natural environment and stimulated by the aggravation of the demographic situation on the planet. In certain regions, for example, in eastern and central Africa, southern and southeastern Asia; in South America- in the mountainous regions of the Andes and the Amazon, a tense situation has developed with the provision of food to the population, the cause of which is inequality in the socio-economic development of countries and, in some places, natural disasters.

But the problem of providing the world with food is not that the world lacks agricultural products (the planet produces enough grain, meat, sugar, vegetables, etc. per capita), but that the distribution of their production does not coincide with geography of food demand. North America and Western Europe have a surplus of agricultural products. At the same time, in developing countries, agricultural productivity is still too low. So, the way to solve the problem is to look for opportunities to increase agricultural productivity, especially in developing countries.

An important problem is the use of the resources of the World Ocean - biological, mineral, energy. The ocean is also the “lungs” of the planet, which provides the bulk of oxygen regeneration (forests play such a role on land) and is a kind of temperature regulator on the globe. Economic activity in the World Ocean intensified especially in the second half of the 20th century. Increased production of mineral resources (oil, gas, deposits of manganese nodules, magnesium, etc.), which is accompanied by increased pollution of the oceans. The catch of fish and other seafood is approaching the maximum allowable indicators. Such areas of the World Ocean as the Caribbean, the North and Baltic, the Mediterranean and Black Seas, the Persian Gulf, and waters off the southern coast of the Japanese Islands are heavily polluted.

Unfortunately, this list of global environmental problems of mankind can be continued for a long time. A special place among them is occupied by the energy problem, which has been associated with the concept of "energy crisis" for several decades.