How to reduce temperature differences in a room. Cooling a house (apartment) in the heat without air conditioning

Air conditioners are not only expensive, but also harmful to health (they dry out the air and collect a lot of dust and bacteria). In addition, air conditioners consume a lot of energy, which has a negative impact on the environment as a whole. It turns out that you can live without air conditioners (our parents and grandparents lived without them). 40 tips on how to escape the heat at home, at work and in the car.

How to escape the heat at home?

    Hang curtains or blinds on the windows. If light enters a room, it raises the temperature of the home by 3-10 degrees, which also creates a greenhouse effect.

    Windows can be covered with reflective film and removed in the fall. This film is inexpensive, but produces an effect. As an option, you can sew the film to the curtains from the window side.

    Buy a fan (it is several times cheaper than an air conditioner). Place several frozen water bottles or a plate of ice under or in front of the fan. This will create an air conditioning effect (cold air will blow). The disadvantage of the fan is that it consumes a lot of electricity.

    Close the windows of the premises during the day, and early in the morning or in the evenings, create a draft. This cools the room. At night, sleep with the balcony open or the windows wide open.

    Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs. They emit 80% less heat than incandescent lamps.

    The easiest way to cool down is to drink drinks with ice (you can use water from the refrigerator). Drink in small portions, this will help you avoid not only hypothermia, but also excess sweating.

    If possible, take cool or warm showers regularly. A cool shower will lower your body temperature, while a warm shower will give you the illusion that the temperature in the room is lower than it actually is. In addition, a shower will moisturize the skin, which is very important in the heat.

    During the hottest part of the day, wrap a wet towel around your head or neck.

    Avoid using the stove and oven. In the heat, as a rule, you don’t feel like eating; this is a natural reaction. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits or snack on cold snacks.

    Take the example of pets, they are inactive in the heat. Try to reduce your activity during hot times of the day, get up earlier or do things in the evening.

    If the heat makes it difficult to sleep, a couple of hours before bedtime, fold the bed linen in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Over time, of course, the bed will warm up, but falling asleep will be much more pleasant. In addition, bed linen and pillows should be made of light and natural fabrics.

    Keep a bottle of cold water near your bed so you can wet your throat and wipe your face at night without getting out of bed.

How to escape the heat at work?

    Dress wisely - in summer it is easiest to cope with the heat in loose, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics, ideally cotton.

    If you have a long commute to work, stock up on cold water by placing a bottle of water in the freezer overnight. The water will slowly freeze, and you will be able to drink cold and then cool water for a long time, albeit just a sip at a time.

    It’s a good idea to carry a fan and a handkerchief with you when it’s hot. You can moisten a handkerchief with water and wipe your face and hands in stuffy transport. Well, the breeze from the fan will please both yourself and your neighbor.

    In summer, try to avoid makeup, creams and antiperspirants. It's already hard for your skin to breathe.

    Place a small aquarium on your desktop, not necessarily with fish. The water will evaporate and cool the air slightly.

    Keep a small spray bottle near you and periodically spray your face, hands and surrounding area.

    Drink green tea, it regulates heat exchange well.

    It is good to have plants with large leaves (begonia or ficus) in the office; by sprinkling them with water, you will enjoy the moisture around you for a long time.

    During your lunch break, try to eat less heavy food (meat, cakes), limit yourself to salad or fruit.

    Try to do all important things in the first half of the day, while the sun is not so hot.

    As an option, you can put a small fan under the table, it will blow your feet, thereby cooling the whole body, and there is almost no noise from it.

How to escape the heat in a car?

    Hang sunshades with suction cups on all car windows. They will help reduce the temperature in the cabin by 5-7 degrees.

    Buy a refrigerator for your car and keep ice cubes and water in it at all times. You can easily wipe your face and neck with the cube, and take cold water with you to the office.

    Install the “mirror” screen on the windshield (press the edges with the doors). If you install the screen inside (as many do), then the heat and sunlight reflected by it remain in the cabin.

    The cleaner your car is, the better it reflects sunlight. Wash and polish your car often.

    Place a bag with plastic bottles of frozen water or rubber heating pads with ice in the back seat of the car; the air in the car will be cooler.

    Use pine essential oil in the car interior. When inhaled it gives a refreshing effect.

    Walk barefoot on the ground, grass and houses.

    Replace water with vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (cucumbers, tomatoes, watermelon). They will not only quench your thirst, but also saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

    Persimmons or bananas, as well as green and white fruits and vegetables, have a cooling effect.

    Try to spend more time near the water. But remember, at high temperatures it is not recommended to dive into the water, because... Due to temperature changes, there may be a spasm of the heart vessels.

    In the heat, give up alcohol, including beer (it dehydrates) and coffee - this is an extra load on the blood vessels. Lemonade is highly undesirable, because... it contains a lot of sugar and increases blood pressure, which is undesirable in the heat.

    In hot weather, it is better to drink water with lemon, mineral water, fresh juices, and compotes.

    If possible, go outside before 11 a.m. or after 5 p.m.

    In summer there is always a high level of ultraviolet radiation. Wear a hat, such as a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, and sunscreen on exposed areas of your body.

    When taking a shower, try not to use detergents, they dry out the skin. A shower will perfectly wash away sweat and cleanse your skin.

    Try not to turn on your computer or other energy-consuming devices during the day. This will help keep your room cooler.

    Any heat is easier to bear outside the city. If possible, go to the village to relax, eat natural vegetables and fruits.

    Adapt. After all, people lived without air conditioning for hundreds of years, and many still continue to do so. Lead a healthy lifestyle, stay in good physical shape, and you will feel comfortable in any weather.

In summer, temperatures in houses and apartments can reach 30 degrees Celsius or more. If there is an air conditioner in the room, it will reduce the air temperature to a predetermined level in a few minutes. However, not everyone has such a technique. Therefore, today we will look at the question of how to cool a room without air conditioning in various ways.

Ventilate the house in a timely manner

Most in summer it is observed from 4 to 7 am. At this time, you should “saturate” the room with fresh and cold air as much as possible. But if you don’t want to get up so early, open the windows in the evening, around 10:00-10:30 p.m.

Ventilating an apartment is one of the most effective ways to reduce indoor temperature. But it remains effective as long as the above action schedule is followed. Opening the windows at 12 noon only makes the situation worse by introducing hotter air into the room.

Regular air humidification

How can you cool a room? Of course, the easiest way is the skillful use of water. In order to reduce the room temperature by 2-5 degrees, you should regularly humidify the air. This is done using a regular spray. You can buy special humidifiers in stores, but this is a much more expensive option. The simplest method is to fill an empty container with running water. It should be sprayed every hour throughout the room. You can also spray this water on yourself. As the liquid evaporates, your skin will feel noticeably cooler.


How to cool a room in the heat using foil? Oddly enough, this material can also cope well with high room temperatures. Reflective foil can be purchased at any hardware store. It is better that it is in a roll of 5 or more meters. This foil should be applied to the inside or outside of windows and walls. For a better effect, the entire area of ​​glass and wallpaper is covered.

Pay special attention to rooms whose windows face south and southwest. This is where the highest sun intensity is observed. Therefore, such rooms should definitely be covered with foil. In this case, the material will reflect heat, and the room will remain cool for a long time. This cooling method is very effective, since sunlight does not penetrate carpets, furniture and other interior elements, which subsequently heat the air. Studies have shown that any room is heated not directly from hot air, but from objects that are hit by the sun's rays. The latter, in turn, creates heat exchange with the air, which causes suffocation in the apartment. True, walls covered with foil will not add beauty to the interior, so this method does not have many fans.


How to cool a room in the summer without foil? If you don't want to buy foil and cover your windows with it, you can simply install blinds instead of curtains. How can you cool a room this way? The operating principle of blinds is very simple. During the day, keep them closed, so that 90% of the sunlight will be retained on the thin metal plates of the device.

Thanks to blinds, you will not only cool the room, but also modernize the interior design of your home. But like curtains, they need regular care - at least a couple of times a year they need to be wiped with a means to remove dust and dirt.

Hiding extra things

Items such as textiles, etc. are recommended to be hidden in a closet. The air temperature drops especially when the carpet is removed from the room. It is the main heat reflector that prevents cold from penetrating from the floor to the rest of the room. You can also remove wall hangings. By the way, if the room is too humid, mold or mildew can form underneath. Therefore, before re-hanging the carpet on the wall, treat the surface with a special antifungal agent.

How to cool a room in the heat with ice?

Using ice, similar to sprinkling water, can reduce the room temperature by several degrees Celsius.

To do this, just freeze a few ice cubes in the refrigerator and then throw them into a plate. Gradually they will melt and cool the air temperature.

Kitchen usage schedule

During the day, try to use the gas stove and oven as little as possible. This significantly increases the air temperature, after which it is simply impossible to stay in the kitchen. Gradually, all the hot air spreads around the entire perimeter of the house, which is extremely undesirable for those who prefer coolness.

How to cool a room without air conditioning? About wet cleaning

Wet cleaning is also one of the ways to cool a room in the heat. Thanks to this, the air temperature will gradually decrease, in addition, the room will be sufficiently saturated with moisture, which is sorely lacking on summer days.

Electronic devices

It is not recommended to use electrical appliances during the day that significantly heat the apartment. These are vacuum cleaners, irons, personal computers, printers and televisions. Pay special attention to the last element. If you're not watching TV, turn it off because, in addition to rising temperatures, your electricity bills will also rise. If you have an electric heated towel rail, cover it with foil or only use it as a last resort. Such equipment always heats the air in any room.

Wet sheet

There is another interesting tip on how to cool a room in the heat without air conditioning. It consists of using several bowls (basins) with water and a sheet. How to cool a room in hot weather using these elements? Everything is very simple. The basin should be placed near the door, and the sheet should be hung so that its ends come into contact with the water.

The fabric gradually absorbs water, thereby cooling the entire room. It is important that the area of ​​the sheet lying is as large as possible. Remember, the wider and longer it is, the faster evaporation and heat exchange occurs.

Proper nutrition

In hot weather, try to drink as much fluid as possible. Oddly enough, it is hot tea that best helps the body endure the heat, since the body temperature increases slightly, plus there is the effect of sweating. Ice water creates a deceptive effect - in fact, it makes a person even more thirsty.

Drink fluids and eat cold foods. Among the latter are okroshka, milk, vegetables and fruits, as well as salads. In addition, your body will be saturated with enough vitamins, which will allow you to effectively fight viruses and infections in winter.

Making an air conditioner out of a fan

How to use a fan to cool a room? Make it real. To do this we need one fan and several liters of running water. Naturally, all liquid must be filled into a specific container (containers such as plastic bottles and bowls). Fill a container with water and place it in the freezer for several hours. After the liquid has turned into ice, take the container back out, then place it in front of the fan. Remember that the air flow from the blades should go exactly to this container. How can you quickly cool a room using these simple elements? As practice shows, the first result is expected after 10-15 minutes of fan operation. But to prevent the air from heating up again, as the ice melts, you should change the containers to cooler ones.

Do not use the fan when you are not in the room. If you think that this device, based on the principle of an air conditioner, reduces the air temperature after a few minutes, you are deeply mistaken. The fan only moves air from one side to the other, while its electric motor heats up significantly. You will only get a feeling of coolness if the air flow is directed towards you, and best of all - from cooled containers, as described earlier.

Alternative way

Another method for cooling a room is with a fan. But here we will use an unusual device. It's called a ceiling fan. We often see such devices in Venezuelan and Mexican films. However, this does not mean that it is impossible to purchase it in Russia. It costs about 3-4 thousand rubles. Such a device is absolutely silent, does not create drafts during operation and does not heat the room at all with its motor. Using such a device, it is very difficult to catch a cold. The operation of the ceiling fan does not interfere with watching TV or working on a PC. At the same time, you will quickly feel that it has become easier to breathe in the room.

So, we found out how to cool a room in the heat without using expensive air conditioners. As you can see, it is not necessary to use expensive equipment for this - all of the above methods are very simple and effective. And you can check their operation right now, without using specialized devices.

Summer often comes suddenly. It would seem like just yesterday we were wrapping ourselves in jackets, but today the air temperature has exceeded thirty. The season of heat, sweat and suffering has begun. Why suffer? Our tips will help make it easier to stay in a room where for some reason there is no air conditioning. ICE
If you have a fan, you can quickly get rid of the heat by placing two plastic bottles of frozen water in front of it. Point the blades at them - and after 5-10 minutes the room will become much cooler. In the absence of a fan, place several open containers with ice around the room. This will help reduce the air temperature by several degrees - although not as quickly as in the first case.
This method has a short-term effect, but can provide a sense of relief when summer temperatures begin to soar. Fill a spray bottle with very cold water and spray it periodically in the room you want to cool.
Warning: Don't over-hydrate so you won't have to deal with mold later!
A similar effect can be achieved by using an automatic humidifier or nebulizer that produces cold steam.

Thick curtains that do not allow light to pass through will help protect the room from direct sunlight and prevent the room from overheating. And if you also wet them with cold water, they will give a feeling of freshness and coolness in a stuffy room.
If you're literally melting from the heat, here's a little trick that will make you feel better. Lightly stroke the skin on your hands with your fingertips, causing goosebumps. Do you feel a wave of cold running through you?
What better way to cool the air than cold-producing technology? Of course, you can’t keep the refrigerator open for a long time, but it will help you escape in a hot kitchen (especially if you decide to cook something). TEXTILE
Freeze sheets or bath towels in the refrigerator and hang them around your apartment. You can keep your apartment cool all day long by exchanging “warm” textiles for cool ones.

During the hot season, carry out wet cleaning as often as possible. Wipe the floors, window sills, shelves, doors - you will see that it will become much easier to breathe.
Try tricking your body with essential oils that give you a feeling of coolness and freshness. Place containers of water around the room with 2-3 drops of peppermint, lavender, jasmine or orange blossom oil.
You have no idea how much working equipment heats up the air in the room! During the hot summer months, try to disconnect unnecessary equipment from the network - the temperature in the apartment will become much more comfortable.

Replace regular light bulbs with energy-saving ones. Incandescent lamps get very hot, giving off 95% of their heat, which means that in an hour of operation, a 100-watt light bulb can raise the air temperature in a small room by more than 1 degree.
Disperse the stagnant hot air in the apartment with a draft by opening as many windows as possible. And if you install two fans in a room, pointing them at each other, the air temperature in the room will drop by several degrees in a matter of seconds.

Those who want to create a good microclimate in their home should take care of this even when the heat is just setting in, and begin the necessary transformations from the windows. The penetration of direct sunlight through their glass can already make the temperature in the room 3-10°C higher. Therefore, it is important that there is some obstacle in the way of such a heat source.

An excellent option in this regard would be blinds. Now there are a lot of their varieties - including those that are installed on each window sash separately, without preventing them from opening for ventilation. Blinds should be kept closed at all times while the sun is shining through the window. For rooms facing east, this will be the first half of the day, and for rooms facing west, it will be the second half.

If it is difficult to find funds for blinds, you should at least purchase a special reflective film and stick it directly on the glass. This is usually done with a spray bottle and plain water. The purchase of such a film will not be noticeable for the budget, but in terms of cooling, the effect of it will be felt immediately. To enhance it, it is also necessary to close the curtains in the morning, before the sun has time to heat the room. It won't be very light, but it will be cool.

Down with hidden heaters!

Since Soviet times, some Russians have had a certain reverence for carpets, which were then considered a sign of a certain wealth in the family. However, in the summer, it is better to roll up such woolen products and hide them away. They are real enemies of coolness because they accumulate heat on the floor or walls. This is great in the cold of winter, but not in the heat.

It is also not a sin to turn off electrical appliances that are not currently in use, since they are also capable of heating the air around them. If you unplug the cord from a TV or computer that is running in the background and has been left unattended by the owners for half an hour or an hour, the room will become a little cooler, and electricity will be saved.

“Correct” ventilation

To create a comfortable temperature in the room, ventilation is also important. However, in order for it to really have the desired effect, it is important to arrange it in a timely manner.

Cool air enters the apartment only at night. During the day, when the sun is hot, only air masses saturated with heat come from the street. Therefore, it is necessary to close the windows and balcony doors almost immediately after sunrise and open them again closer to sunset.

It is not a sin to use a fan to move air. Moreover, floor-standing models are preferable, since they are more powerful than their desktop counterparts. In order for this device to cool the room at least a little, you should place bottles of water pre-cooled in the freezer directly in front of it, under its stream, and periodically replace them with others.

water the floors.
Windows to the east and south should be curtained and closed. to the north and west - open, but curtain with wet sheets.

I shared my experience in the next topic - you can hang wet sheets on open windows (balcony door), but monitor their humidity
open windows, for example, in the evening, because in the morning the smog is especially thick and there is almost no wind
so, it’s better not to leave the windows open until the morning - the fabric will dry out and the effect will approach zero
and during the day, obviously, keep everything closed

I can't imagine any other methods

Well, vopschem splashing all the time is also not enough time. a basin in front of the fan will give anything?

Freeze water in plastic bottles and then place it in the corners of the room. Only pour water into an incomplete bottle.
if there is a fan, then place the frozen bottle so that the fan blows on it - that’s an air conditioner for you.

Only a refrigerator for freezing this water, take the galleries out onto the balcony... in general, remove this powerful heating device from the room... and yes, bring bottles of water and ice into the room and under the fan.
(Malinkina - I think this will be even easier for you to do.)

Windows can be covered with translucent mirror film.
Significantly reduces heating from thermal radiation from the street and from direct sunlight.

You can also spray the apartment with a spray bottle to refresh and moisturize
and he also pumps up his arms like an expander))
I can't imagine any other methods

Add a little natural lavender oil to the water poured into the spray bottle. It makes breathing easier.

yes, the ideas with the radiator are interesting ....
and now the radiators are empty? put plugs and put cold water through the hoses. Will the condensation bother you? or ZhKO?

Well, vopschem splashing all the time is also not enough time. a basin in front of the fan will give anything?

won't feel anything
the humidity can only increase, but not the temperature will decrease, because. from the tap the water is now about 25-28 degrees according to sensations (from nerl)

I stupidly run tap water in my radiator, in a clogged room with a fan it stays at about 29-30 degrees
in the evening, before going to bed, I put ice

DIY air conditioner:
Refrigerator - 1 pc.
Fan - 2 pcs.
Full cloth (or cardboard) - about 1 sq. m.

Need to do:
1) Remove the balcony door
2) Stuff the refrigerator so that the back wall is on the balcony
3) Place the fan on the rear wall (preferably blow from bottom to top)
4) Install a second fan to blow out of the freezer
5) Shade the back wall if the sun may fall on it
6) Use a thick cloth (cardboard) to plug the gaps between the door opening and the refrigerator

When working, make sure that parts of the system (fans and compressor) do not overheat.

PS You must understand that the power of the refrigerator is very small, so it will not be possible to achieve any very serious results. You can expect the temperature in the room to drop a couple of degrees.

Accordingly, placing bottled ice around the room, previously frozen in the refrigerator, is generally pointless.

Spraying a room slightly reduces the air temperature, but it is not clear what to do with this air. High humidity will prevent sweat from evaporating from the body.

One of the really working recipes is regularly moistening YOUR skin with water. The water should preferably not be very cold - 20-25 degrees is quite normal. Very cold water can have negative effects on your health. When we wet the skin, we achieve the effect of normal sweating, only with less strain on the internal organs, and the odors of a healthy human body are not released :).

We fix the shower at a certain height above the bathtub, turn on cold water (there is no other water now) and pleasant coolness gradually spreads throughout the apartment. The method is suitable for those who have not yet acquired a water meter. Yes, make sure that it doesn’t pour past the bathtub, otherwise the pleasant coolness will spread to the neighbors below.

even painfully small 24 cm. somehow suspicious. and a little expensive.

The operating principle is as follows:
The idea behind the Venta air washer is as simple as all brilliant ideas: using water as a filter to purify the air. The plate drum rotates in the water. The purified air is sucked inside and passed through water, which retains even very small particles ranging in size from 10 microns (10/1000 mm) such as dust, pollen, allergens, tobacco smoke aldehydes. At the same time, pure water evaporates. The air is automatically humidified to the required level using the principle of cold evaporation. Venta devices always maintain an optimal level of humidity depending on the air temperature in the room.

The entire household group of VENTA devices is designed for a certain room volume. Experimentally, for each model, the area of ​​the drums from which the air absorbs moisture, as well as the surface of the water “mirror,” was calculated. The VENTA air washer takes dry air from the room, passes it through plate drums moistened with water, on the surface of which the air picks up the humidity it needs, and returns it back to the room through cold evaporation (i.e., imperceptibly). Over-humidification and the release of lime into the room air are excluded, so a hygrostat and digital display are not needed. (description and).

A really cool thing, worth the money, and a 10-year guarantee! When we bought it, I thought, how scary is she! But it’s okay, I’m used to it, it works great! :)

I took out an ultrasonic humidifier from my supplies. Fog fountain. There is a fan in front of him. A couple of drops of aromatic oil.
It became noticeable in the room cooler and there is no smoke smell.

I agree about the smoke. Why is it cooler?! where is the wizard guy
Has the system lost its heat?! ;)