Are there real live mermaids in real life: eyewitness stories, photos and video about mermaids, all the proof of the world. Mermaids: who they are

Where can I meet the mermaid
Mysterious mythical mermaids: who are they, and in what places live? Where they live, the rusline of legends live on mermaids and many literary works are written. FROM long ago These are a mystery of these creatures that attract the attention of people.

Each individual people in all local mermaids are all different. Some of them are creatures of good, singing delicious songs with pleasant and tempting voices. Others, on the contrary, consider mermaids with vengeal and evil creatures. What do these mysterious creatures really are, and where do mermaids live? Not only water is a place of dwelling mermaids. Going out of the Troitsyn, they scatter in various directions - who is in the field who are in the transfer or grove. The place of residence for them is birch or IVA, prone to water. When the moon appears in the sky, the mermaids are starting walking with games and songs, and echoes each other, swinging on the branches. And in those places where the mermaids live, bread is abundant, and the grass grows greener and thicker.

What are they in reality, with what appearance, and where do mermaids live? Where the mermaid people live mermaids are associated with charming women with luxurious loose hair, and their feature is that only the top of the body they look like a person, and the feet replaces the fishe tail. Ancient beliefs and legends of mermaids are presented in the image, which is very close to the description of a person. As a places where the mermaids live, there are small reservoirs and lakes, as well as trees. Ancient Slavs distinguished several types of mermaids: - River - wood - field - sea mermaids. The place where wood mermaids are found, may be ordinary trees. For example: apple trees, willow, oaks. These mermaids are possible to meet in groves and forests, away from the places where people live. Wood mermaids in the nature of harmless, they do not attack people. Just sit on branches, and comb your beautiful long hair. There are legends that they often provided assistance to people who were worn around. But it also happened that intentionally people were sent to the depths of the forest, trying to play with them. River mermaids represent those that live on a river day. As a rule, young girls who are amazing green eyes and a flawless figure are in the form of mermaids. They dissolve their hair and a scales covered, which serves instead of legs. Possessing a charming voice, they could get out of any person, and drag it under the water. The "river mermaids" also belongs to those who live in wells, lakes and shady rates. Distinctive feature Mermaids from an ordinary person is a pale skin color, cold, like ice, hands, and a greenish shade of hair. Field mermaids look completely different - they are ordinary, identical to the human image, and with legs. The robe for them is a white long shirt. Often they meet and completely naked. And their hair is necessarily dissolved. Where are these mysterious mermaids live? Judging by the title it is easy to guess that the field serves as a refuge. When the moon appears in the sky, they will lead dance. Songs are their elements, and more mermaids love to weave wreaths from plants and colors. Field mermaids are usually held by groups. Field mermaids are afraid of people, so trying to leave the road in advance to avoid the meeting. When to hide behind the leaves of bushes, it is possible to even watch the dances of the mermaids. Although mermaids do not see a person, but they feel it with their little. As soon as any danger is, they immediately dissolve in the air. Even in Western mythology, sea mermaids were quite common. In his own way, they are very similar to river. They differ in that they are not drowning, but the daughters of Triton - the underwater king. They are beautiful enough and passionate about all sorts of decorations - precious stones, Necklaces and others. Many legends are known that the captains of the ships simply fought mermaids. As a result, the ship was on the reefs, and the sailors went to the bottom. But the scientific knowledge of the world at the present current time such legends and events of the past compares with non-fatal and myths. If you think about such events, it seems that mermaids, even if they are considered fabulous creatures, have the right to exist. If this is true, then where do mermaids live? The best option For them, it will probably be that people have not learned about it. But next to this, a person remains hope that proofs and facts will once be obtained that the existence of mermaids will be confirmed. And now it remains only to wait for information about the new facts ...

Mysterious mythical mermaids: who are they, and in what places live? Where they live, the rusline of legends live on mermaids and many literary works are written. For a long time, they are a mystery of these creatures that attract the attention of people. Each individual people in all local mermaids are all different. Some of them are creatures of good, singing delicious songs with pleasant and tempting voices. Others, on the contrary, consider mermaids with vengeal and evil creatures. What do these mysterious creatures really are, and where do mermaids live? Not only water is a place of dwelling mermaids. Going out of the Troitsyn, they scatter in various directions - who is in the field who are in the transfer or grove. The place of residence for them is birch or IVA, prone to water. When the moon appears in the sky, the mermaids are starting walking with games and songs, and echoes each other, swinging on the branches. And in those places where the mermaids live, bread is abundant, and the grass grows greener and thicker. What are they in reality, with what appearance, and where do mermaids live? Where the mermaid people live mermaids are associated with charming women with luxurious loose hair, and their feature is that only the top of the body they look like a person, and the feet replaces the fishe tail. Ancient beliefs and legends of mermaids are presented in the image, which is very close to the description of a person. As a places where the mermaids live, there are small reservoirs and lakes, as well as trees. Ancient Slavs distinguished several types of mermaids: - River - wood - field - sea mermaids. The place where wood mermaids are found, may be ordinary trees. For example: apple trees, willow, oaks. These mermaids are possible to meet in groves and forests, away from the places where people live. Wood mermaids in the nature of harmless, they do not attack people. Just sit on branches, and comb your beautiful long hair. There are legends that they often provided assistance to people who were worn around. But it also happened that intentionally people were sent to the depths of the forest, trying to play with them. River mermaids represent those that live on a river day. As a rule, young girls who are amazing green eyes and a flawless figure are in the form of mermaids. They dissolve their hair and a scales covered, which serves instead of legs. Possessing a charming voice, they could get out of any person, and drag it under the water. The "river mermaids" also belongs to those who live in wells, lakes and shady rates. A distinctive feature of mermaids from an ordinary person is a pale skin color, cold, like ice, hands, and greenish hair shade. Field mermaids look completely different - they are ordinary, identical to the human image, and with legs. The robe for them is a white long shirt. Often they meet and completely naked. And their hair is necessarily dissolved. Where are these mysterious mermaids live? Judging by the title it is easy to guess that the field serves as a refuge. When the moon appears in the sky, they will lead dance. Songs are their elements, and more mermaids love to weave wreaths from plants and colors. Field mermaids are usually held by groups. Field mermaids are afraid of people, so trying to leave the road in advance to avoid the meeting. When to hide behind the leaves of bushes, it is possible to even watch the dances of the mermaids. Although mermaids do not see a person, but they feel it with their little. As soon as any danger is, they immediately dissolve in the air. Even in Western mythology, sea mermaids were quite common. In his own way, they are very similar to river. They differ in that they are not drowning, but the daughters of Triton - the underwater king. They are beautiful enough and passionate about all sorts of decorations - precious stones, necklaces and others. Many legends are known that the captains of the ships simply fought mermaids. As a result, the ship was on the reefs, and the sailors went to the bottom. But the scientific knowledge of the world at the present current time such legends and events of the past compares with non-fatal and myths. If you think about such events, it seems that mermaids, even if they are considered fabulous creatures, have the right to exist. If this is true, then where do mermaids live? The best option for them will probably be that people really did not know about it. But next to this, a person remains hope that proofs and facts will once be obtained that the existence of mermaids will be confirmed. And now it remains only to wait for information about the new facts ...

Believe the existence of mermaids or refute myths? The readers of this article can make their choice: either to take numerous stories of mothers travelers, seas and conscientious farmers to faith, or make sure that there is no scientific evidence of the possibility of mixing a person and fish. However, sources containing descriptions of travel are filled with narrations about mermaids. Is this evidence of an overly developed eyewitness imagination?

Having seen mermaids with their own eyes

One of the sources of information about mermaids was the authoritative geographer Henry Hudson. The famous conqueror of the seas and the discoverer of the territories, the name of which the bay from the coast of Canada, as well as the River and the Strait, being off the coast of the New Earth, has made an entry in a Wachtin magazine: "Date: June 15, 1608. Today's sailor at the board noticed something, Looking like a mermaid. He called those who were on the deck, another sailor joined the observations. Mermaid meanwhile approached the ship and began to watch them with interest. After a while, the recovered wave overturned it. Above the belt, her body and head were similar to female, and snow-white skin shaded black long hair, dropped on the back. The bottom of her body resembled a dolphin tail or a guinea pig, and glittered like a macrollie. Witnesses called Robert Rainar and Thomas Hills. "

Records about the observed mermaids also come across in the memoirs of Columbus and some of his companions.

Also, the descriptions of the wonderful creatures can be found in the chronicle of Iceland of the XII century "Speculum Regale": "In the coastal waters of Greenland, residents face a monster, which is called" Margigr ". The head and body of creating above the belt seems to be human. People were able to consider hair, hands and breasts, similar to female. Below the abdomen it is as if fish is a scaly tail and fins. "

Some of them are much less people. Small mermaids.

The event that occurred in 1830 on one of the hebrid Islands once again indicates that the mermaids actually exist, and not only in myths and fairy tales. The inhabitants of the island of benb bebell as usually collected algae left after the tide. The weather was windless, and the sea was completely calm. Therefore, a sudden sudden surge forced one of the women to turn around. What was her surprise when she saw a strange creature nearby, appearance Reminder a miniature woman. What ended the story? Read about it.

What do real mermaids look like? Beautiful brunettes with a fish tail.

In the newspaper "Shipping GEZET" dated June 4, 1857, it was discussed on the truthful story of the Scottish seafarers who have swore on the Bible that they all clearly saw the creature of the female small growth, black-haired with a magnificent breast, which splashed at the shore, cutting off her sector to his fish tail.

Lake and river mermaids actually exist.

Photo: Rushers River and Water.

In places remote from the sea, mermaids knew in two types: in traditional, with a fish tail, and without a tail - with legs. In the second case, the mermaid was different from the ordinary woman just what lived in the river. .

I saw a mermaid - kill

Somewhere deep in the subconscious of each person there is a hunting instinct. In some, it is reliably hidden, and others often break out. Perhaps a boy who threw a stone in the mermaid, did not pursue her goals to kill her. Like many in such cases, he obeyed the hunting instinct just like the kitten tries to catch a moving object and run claws into it.

Without thinking about the consequences, people rushed into a chase for the mermaids and often killed them in the silence's heat simply, obeying the same hunting instinct.

Triton - a man with a tail instead of legs.

Such a case occurred off the coast of the United States near Portland in Casco Bay. Somehow one of the fishermen on her boat came into the sea to go fishing. Suddenly, a strange creature emerged from the water and climbed his hands overboard. The fisherman decided that it was "Triton", and, without hesitation, for what the goal of the maritime deity swam to the boat, snatched the ax and cut off his hand of Poseidon. The vague creature immediately went to the bottom, and on the surface of the water, a bloody trail remained for a long time. When the sailor looked around, I saw the sea monster's hand at the bottom of the boat, which was exactly like a man's hand.

In captivity, they do not live. Did you find a mermaid? Release her back to the sea!

The murder of mermaid thus thought much fewer people than her catching. Implement the latter managed in the entire history not once.

Photo: Mermaid caught on the net

In some period, special interest from the professional point of view to the mermaids was Catholic missionaries.

They used to come to us more often

Meetings of mermaids with people in most cases had adverse consequences for these amazing creatures and often ended with their death. Therefore, the mermaids began to be avoided people. And if in former times they could see them quite often, now such meetings have become more rare.

Mermaid get married? Love mermaids and people.

For a long time to go to the sea without women, and meeting there beautiful mermaids, sailors fell in love with them, as evidenced by literary works, legends and ballads. It is possible that all these creations have a completely defined soil. There were cases when the love of mermaid and man was so passionate and strong that both no longer thought of his life without a friend and romantic relationship They found their continuation in marriage. In many cases, love was unrequited, and someone had to suffer from an unrequited feeling.

It is worth noting that not all evidence and stories about meetings with mermaids were reflected in the press. Someone from those heard the stories of eyewitnesses, believed them, somehow, on the contrary, considered those silent. But the fact remains a fact. Similar stories different people From perfect different seats It is evidence that mermaids actually exist.

Mermaids really exist even now, these days.

Despite the stories about the marriages of a person with a mermaid and their prosperous life togetherIn most cases, people treated these creatures as game and always sought to pursue them to catch or kill.

If people had a similar attitude, it would hardly have watched them to appear where they would be met in this way.

Video: Mermaid on the cliffs - Amazing Mermaid on the Rock "Sirena" (Animal Planet, Special Analysis 100% True)

No one can say with confidence, what is the true world where mermaids live. Where and why they from time to time appear among people. Perhaps in that habitual world, something has changed for the worse and they are forced at least for some time to leave him and come to us, people.

Mermaids often saw from Scotland offshores. In 1890 alone, they were greeted about three times near the Orcane Islands. Hundreds of witnesses could watch the mermaid in one of the many bays off the shores of Scotland, which was cut into the sea without feet, resting several times on pitfalls. Many eyewitnesses were told about how the mermaid looked, and reliably described its appearance and growth equal to the growth of an adult. All pointed to black hair, white skin and noted that the hands of the mermaid were exactly like people. Some observers even noted that the mermaid was moving with his hands as a person. For some reason, the Orkney Islands are most attracting mermaids.

So, near the island of Hoy, the second largest in the group of these islands, Mermaids were repeatedly appeared in Liman Portland in 1913.

One of the researchers of such unexplored phenomena met in Scotland with eyewitnesses of mermaids, among which were quite distinguished people.

One of them told the researcher about his meeting with this creature in 1900. Somehow this landowner had to go with his dog to the far ravine to pull the sheep caotted into him. Moving along the ravine in search of a sheep, he noticed the unnatural concern of the dog, which also became frightened to swell. Looking at the ravine, the landwoman saw a mermaid with reddish curly hair and eyes sea wave. The mermaid was tall with a person, very beautiful, but with such a fierce expression of the face that a man in horror rushed away from her. Running, he realized that the mermaid fell into the ravine because of his mist and was forced to wait for the tide in the same place to float into the sea. However, he did not want to return to the ravine.

On the coast of Scotland, the mermaids were often met in Hebrid Islands. In 1947, not so long ago, one of the fishermen managed to see the mermaid floating on the crab box. Feeling a gaze, the mermaid turned sharply and immediately went under the water. After this incident, many tried to convince the fisherman in the fact that it was meant all this, but he firmly stood on his own and stood, which was clearly seen a mermaid.

A rather curious case occurred in 1926 in the United States. Mermaid chose one of the streams, flowing into Mississippi and often began to appear there. She was so tired of one of the inhabitants of the local places, under the windows of which, and flowed this stream, that he even complained about the publishing house of the local newspaper to a restless person, which annoyed his appearance not only to him, but also passing along the shore on the highway drivers.

One of the famous navigaters Eric de Bishop decided to swim on a homemade raft from the coast of Polynesia to Chile along Pacific Ocean After Tour Heyerdal committed trip around the world On the legendary "Con-Tika" in 1947. After his trip, Eric de Bishop left a detailed report on the harms and dangers of met on the way. Among the description there is an episode completely fantastic. However, de Bishop indicates exact time and the case of what happened. After midnight, on January 3, 1957, he decided to go to the deck to check the Watched sailor, which was not in place. After some time, the sailor appeared. He was in an unbearable state, but quite sober. A picking sailor told the captain that hearing unusual slaps on the nose of the fleet, decided to check what happened there. He expected to see there big fish or Dolphin. But in front of him, leaning on the tail, the mermaid was in full growth, in the hair of which algae was confused. I do not remember yourself from shock, the sailor decided that the creature was meant, and extended his hand to make sure of his right and touched the creature. The angry mermaid jumped back to the sea, while he had time to knock down from the feet of the arrogue sailor, who dared to touch her. Listening to the confused story of a frightened sailor, de Bishop was ready to not believe him, if he had not seen on the sleeve and on the hand of a sailor of fish scales.

In 1977, a mermaid was found in the suburb of the capital of Zambia, a mermaid was discovered in the suburb of Zambia Lusaka in the collector for collecting water, which was first seen by local children. They told adults about a strange white woman floating in the collector. Almost all residents of the suburbs gathered to the mermaid. Obviously, the mermaid fell into a water pool due to heavy rains that caused the flood in rivers and lakes, which is observed in this area constantly from December to March.

About this incident reported in the South African newspaper "Pretoria Newz" in the same year. True, it was not specified where the mermaid from the collector was moved. Whether she was able to get out independently, or local aborigines caught her and eaten, but the fact remains: Manywn has seen many locals.

In the Australian newspaper Melbourne San dated July 15, 1978, a note appeared about the Philippine fisherman, to which the mermaid helped pull the network from the water with a catch. According to 41-year-old fisherman, the blue-eyed mermaid was pretty good. After what happened above this fisher, all his acquaintances began to make fun and let ridicule in his address. Therefore, it was reported in the newspaper, it is unlikely that anyone will want to talk about such an adventure, even if it happens.

In not so far, 1991, one of the Australian Straces of Coast Guard in his report on the incidents in his duty reported that during the tide of the shore, where he was carrying a watch, a mermaid appeared.

In Russia, the certificates of mermaids appear in remote northern edges in Siberia. As a rule, rustic residents are witnesses. It is quite clear to the desire of these creatures to hide away from human eye. So they are closed in the deaf forests, swampy lakes and remote rivers.

Numerous records of ethnographers and folklinists, who have to meet and talk with the inhabitants of remote villages, is evidenced about meetings with mermaids. One of the inhabitants of the Chita Region, Druzhinin talked about a meeting with the mermaid that happened to him in 1977. Somehow I had to go at night near Omut. Looking towards the reservoir, he saw a creature on a stone, similar to a woman, combing his golden hair. The man coughed, but the mermaid continued to sit on the stone and comb. Then he decided to approach her, but as soon as the Druzhinin headed towards the mermaid, she immediately disappeared into the pool.

In 1980, in the same Chita region, it was chance to meet the mermaid of one of the village women. In the evening, when the hostess managed around the house, she decided to go to the river feet to wash. She looked at the water, and from there mermaid floats. The woman was frightened and quickly ran home. Her grandmother met her on the threshold and began to ask why she was so frightened. But the woman did not tell about the mermaid at night looking, and he told about what he saw the next morning. Grandma, having heard the story, was not surprised at all, but he remembered that many had seen a mermaid on that river. Since then, the woman she stopped walking on the river in the evening.

The recording of one of the ethnographs of 1977, made in the same Chita region, suggests that the mermaids chose these edges. Memories of one of the village inhabitants about their childhood are closely intertwined with the memories of mermaids. Somehow the children were sitting in the evening on the babe of rivers and saw a girl on the opposite shore, which approached the water and sang. Then she dived into the river and swam to the nearest stone. I sat on it and became my long hair combing. Like the confined children looked at the mermaid, and when they ran to her, she dived into the water, leaving the comb on the stone. One girl Shura Popova This comb and picked up. And at home, her mother bombed her and told the comb in place back to attribute that Mermaid would not appear to him into the house. Children and treated the crest to that stone. And through the day, the ridge did not. I came back apparently behind him mermaid. And Shura Popov for a long time near this stone was afraid.

One of the eyewitnesses of the mermaid in the village of Ushakovo Novgorod region also described a meeting with her, which occurred not so long ago - in 1989. Somehow approaching the lake, he saw on the shores of a mermaid that sat there with the lessed long hair. When a man came closer, the mermaid immediately rushed into the water. He could not even see her completely. I saw her only from the back.

So there were no more mermaids in Russia or all over the world and today. Perhaps someone from readers will also come to meet them. Luck it is called or differently, who knows?

Video: Real Mermaid on the cliffs - Amazing Mermaid on the Rock "Sirena" (Animal Planet, Special Analysis 100% True)

Video: Dead Mermaid is found - Dead Mermaid Found!

Video: Live mermaid sailed to people - Live Mermaid Melissa Sighting & Pool Party Events

Video: How the girl turned into mermaid - Jenna Is a mermaid!

Mermaids - True or fiction - Mermaids - Real or Fake?

More evidence of the existence of mermaids can be found by passing by software.

Are there real mermaids in our reality or not? We will leave this question to solve the multi-member scholars and enthusiasts unknown. And in general, we will proceed from the postulate "until the opposite is proven, we will assume that they exist."

On the this moment We can only collect all the existing real facts and the folk folklore together and try to figure out who they are, "Water Virgin". By the way, depending on the "residence" is called mysterious residents of water bodies in different ways. In Russia, their name was the mermaids, from the word "blonde" - light, clean, and they were the child keepers of Rusov - Rusopoliy Bleboliy Beregini. TO unclean power They were counted with the arrival of Christianity.

How real mermaids look in life

Evidence in favor of the existence of first-Russian enthusiasts began to find in the rocky painting of the people of the Stone Age. The scenes of the underwater hunt of people with fish tails are difficult to attribute to the launched fantasy of Neanderthal. Moreover, the geography of such finds is quite extensive. Mention of semi-binding semi-bombards are found among the peoples of Eurasia, Africa and America, covering both coastal regions and the field of inland reservoirs.

Assyrians, Phoenicians, Cananei and Philistines worshiped the goddess with a fish tail Atargatis. The semi-poles are mentioned in "Ramayan" and other Ancient Indian sources. The oldest mummies of mermaids (more than 1400 years) are stored in several Japanese temples.

The fact of the existence of these creatures testified Christopher Columbus. They were observed at the end of the XIX and the middle of the XX century off the coast of Canada. The beginning of the XXI century has brought another number of evidence: Washington Coast (2004), Kiryat-Yam, Israel (2009), Queen Charlot Islands, Canada (2013). There will be too involuntarily. It's one thing when the dragon swims in the only Loch Nesky Lake, and is completely different - when confirmations are found in almost all regions of the planet.

Unfortunately, not a single test certificate of the presence of water devices and husbands of unearthly beauty has not yet been received. On the contrary, all the mermaids (or artifacts), who found scientists, resemble the frames of horror systems.

Photo of real beautiful mermaids in Russia

So far, scientists are looking for evidence, the general public remains content with the results of the flight creative fantasy Artists and photos of young chairs that dream of becoming real mermaids. It must be said that the Russian artistic tradition of the image of Siren-"Pharaohnok" on carved boards among the peoples of the North of Russia VIII-XX centuries. And the subsequent works of the Great Masters - K. Vasilyeva, I. Repin, I. Kramsky, I. Maikova - were the picturesque examples of the very charming ladies-mermaids. Mermaids in Russia were rarely depicted with fish tails. In addition, not all of them lived in water. There were field and forest mermaids.

According to the popular reference to wintering water devies go to rivers and lakes, and only in spring on green shints is allowed to go ashore and stay in the forests and fields all summer. Especially cautious it was necessary to be travelers in the "Russian week". It was believed that the mermaids could also carry out the retaining, kidnap and drown any person met. Before the spirit of the day, the people avoided bathing in any reservoirs and tried alone through the forests and the fields did not go. In Rusalychin's Great Day (Thursday of Trinity), the girls were whipped wreaths and hung them on the branches along with the yarn in order to draw mermaids. By the first day of Petrov, the post made the mermaids. Special activity was also distinguished by the night of Ivan Khapov.

I. Kram's "May Night"

I. Mikes "Mermaid"

I. Repin "Sadko"

Photo of real live mermaids in the sea and in the ocean

Numerous pictures with mermaids, flooded the Internet, can intrigue not only children, but also adults. Magic Disney Mermaid Miracle as good! Show me at least one child who doubts her positivity.

By the way, in the XIX century, mermaids and marine maids clearly distinguished. The first did not have any tails in stock and were considered unaffected by the shoes of the girls-drowns (brides, talenny or unrequited lovers). Marine maidens (sirens, niada) are the creatures of divine origin from different echelons of creatures, often differed in a complete absence of a soul and an irrepressive desire to take it from a person.
Later, the images were practically merged due to the romantic literature and the ubiquitous cinema.

You watched a selection of photos of real mermaids. Big photo can be seen in the section

In Poland, photographs of the real mermaid were made, which the military hide from prying eyes ...

Mermaids - creatures, legends on which can be found in the mythology of peoples living in all ends of the world. Wherever there are some reservoirs - lakes, seas or oceans, local mythology keeps history about mysterious residents of depths. Call them with fabulous characters with one hundred percent confidence can not even atheists and religious figures, because at least once in the decade there are shocking evidence of the existence of mermaids.

Where do the mermaids come from and what do you look?

Siren, Undina, Naiada, Zavka - a lot of names of the same creation, which in slavic history called "mermaid". The phonod of this term was the word "channel", denoting the path laid by a river stream. It was believed that it was there that the lost souls of unbreakable girls, who died on the Trinity, girls, drowned or committed suicide, and who had decided to become keepers of waters on their own waters were inhabited.

To this day, in some villages of the Old Belovers are alive of the legend that if a representative of the weaker sex is not sweet on earth because of loneliness, poverty or death of parents, she can ask for forests to pick her up onto a swamp or in the lake Choise eternal peace.

Folk beliefs Attribute to mermaids the ability to reincarnate in animals - birds, frogs, protein, hares, cows or rats. But the appearance of a young girl or woman is more accustomed to them, which, instead of the legs, you can see a long tail resembling fish. In Malorus and Galicia, people believed that the mermaid could turn it into his feet if he wanted. By the way, the Greeks had a similar presentation: they were portrayed solely as excellent devs, no different from ordinary girls. To understand that in front of him is a siren, and not a young charming, a sailor could, only to face the face to face with his own death: the sirens lured the men with seductive singing and mercilessly killed.

According to all the nations, mermaids are hairstyle exclusively from loose hair. This feature in the old days allowed to distinguish live girls from paranormal beings. The fact is that Christians always covered their heads with a handkerchief, so the proliferation is a sign that the mermaid is worth in front of a person. In the church books of Ukraine, a record of a girl who left the house was preserved on the eve of the wedding and the mermaid. Her father understood everything when she saw her at night near the house with curls, scattered on his shoulders and "hurt" her with a pillar, so that her soul was no longer disturbed.

Real stories of eyewitnesses about mermaids

It is known that the object of its hunting water nymphs choose exclusively men. In Scotland and Ireland, so far some of them always wear a needle with them to prick a mermaid, afraid of calene iron like fire, when attacking, in order to save their lives. Meeting with her is dangerous for life, because this creature will try to lure the sacrifice to the depth and drown or staging to death. But stories are known for the tracks of the lucky ones, miraculously survived after communication with the mermaid.

The first documented mention of it belongs to the XII century. The Icelandic Chronicles of Speculum Regale report a woman with a fish tail, which the inhabitants of the coastal village were caught in the cage. It is not known whether she knew how she was able to talk and survived after meeting with superstitious peasants, but eyewitnesses said that she had time to give name Margigr.

In 1403, in the Holland, the author of the book "Wonders of Nature, or a meeting of unusual and notes of decent phenomena and adventures in the whole world of bodies, a terrific order located" and the collector of the rareless Sigo de la Fond is found with a girl who people found on the shore when she requested Aid. She had a fin, who also threw it during the storm, so she was given the name of Neret. The mermaid was brought to the city, taught you to prepare food, erase and care for your cattle. It is known that Nerea spent more than 15 years with people - and every day tried to return home, to the marine punching. Once she all sailed, never learned to speak and understand the human language.

On June 16, 1608, the navigator Henry Hudson, the name later was called the strait, went on a journey with a group of sailors. On the very first day in the open sea, away from civilization, they saw a girl swinging on the waves, singing a charming voice.

"Young beauty with bare breasts, black hair and a mackerel tail, to which we never decided to approach."

So later they recorded sailors in the logbook. Having learned about this case, Peter I asked the Council from the clergy from Denmark, can I believe in these stories. Episcon Francois Valentine replied to him that the other day she personally saw the mermaid and witnesses to this - fifty people.

In 1737, the English newspaper for men Gentleman's Magazine released a note about how in the past weekend fishermen together with a strange creature raised on the network. Of course, they heard of mermaids, but fell in the catch ... a man with a fish tail! A strange creature scared the poor so that they scored prey to death. The corpse of the monster was redeemed and for several centuries was shown in the Museum of Extra.

Eyewitnesses reported:

"This creature struck imagination and published human moans. When we came to ourselves, they saw that it was a man with a white tail and a webbed fin, covered with scales. The appearance of the creature was repulsed and surprisingly similar to human simultaneously. "

1890 in Scotland was marked by the appearance near the Orkney Islands of the whole family of mermaids. Three girls bathed in the water, laughed and caught fish, but never sailed close to people. It is impossible to say that they feared the man - rather avoided. In the absence of fishermen, nymphs rested on coastal stones. It is known that mermaids lived in these parts for more than 10 years. In 1900, one Scottish farmer managed to find one of the marine virgins by surprise:

"Somehow I had to go with my dog \u200b\u200bto a distant ravine to pull the sheep at him. Moving along the ravine in search of a sheep, I got the unnatural concern of the dog, which began to frighten the sweep. Looking at the ravine, I saw a mermaid with red curly hair and the eyes of the sea wave. Mermaid was tall with a person, very beautiful, but with such a fierce expression of the face that I rushed in horror away from her. Running, I realized that the mermaid fell into the ravine because of the popular and was forced to wait there to wait for the tide to float back to the sea. But I did not want to help her. "

During the XX century, mermaids were seen in Chile, the United States of America, Polynesia and Zambia. In 1982, the nymphs were first discovered in the USSR, where they previously did not believe in history about otherworldly beings living in reservoirs. During training, combat swimmers on Baikal faced water from the Fish Fish with a female body. After the float, they told about what he saw and received an order to establish contact with the strange inhabitants of Baikal. It was worth them to swim to the mermaids, as you threw them onto the shore as a blast wave, because of which the scuba died in a few days one by one, and the survivors were disabled.

The latest mention in the press of mermaid was the articles written by journalists of many countries after photographs on the Internet from a military landfill in Poland in 2015. Pictures clearly seen that people in protective suits carry something with a person with a person, but possessing a fish tail. Weighs their wear quite a lot, because the stretchers simultaneously carried six people.

The Government of Poland left photos without comment. And can the conservative science be able to find an explanation of the existence of mermaids?