Landscape design in a flower pot. DIY potted garden

Miniature garden arrangements have instantly won the hearts of gardeners, someone is fond of building compact "old" castles or fairy houses, while others are passionate about creating incredibly cute and attractive potted gardens. Such a mini garden in a pot captivates with its visual fragility and compactness, while immersing its creator in memories of childhood, toys, sandboxes, etc. But how are such miniature gardens created, how to choose suitable plants, as well as decorative elements, all of which will be discussed in this review. At the end of the article, there will be two videos on creating two different types of tiny potted gardens, we recommend that you watch.

We decide on the style of the design of the pot.

Before compiling a miniature composition, it is necessary to decide on its future style direction. And we are talking not only about the choice of plants, but also about the selection suitable elements and their future location. Therefore, we take a sheet of paper, and with a pencil we draw a plan for the placement of all elements (plants, stairs, benches, houses, garden paths, a pond, etc.). To make it easier for you to navigate, we will briefly go through the most popular full-fledged garden styles, and tell you what you need to implement them in miniature.

To create such a garden, you need to prepare a small dark-colored wooden bench, varnished, a garden arch (you can make wires), lacquer tiles, sawn into small tiles, from polymer clay sculpt a fountain (looks like a bowl on a leg).

To implement this idea, you can use bamboo mats, create a miniature bridge from skewers, fashion garden lights from polymer clay, create a gazebo with a roof from wooden planks and cones, let a “stream” from neatly laid out under the bridge river stones. You can complement the garden with blooming Sakura from beads or polymer clay.

Simply put, this is an ordinary rural style that attracts with its simplicity and use. natural materials. Tiny wells made of skewers or small twigs, clay pots, rough-looking benches, stairs and woodpile will be appropriate here.

In miniature, this style looks even more cute and attractive. White benches of the forging type (made of metal wire), garden arches, as well as a table with mugs and a polymer clay teapot are suitable here.

This style is characterized by the visual aging of objects, with deliberately created scuffs. Small wooden benches (painted in White color and lightly sanded with sandpaper), a table and chairs, a house with a ladder.

Tiny ones fit in here. wooden houses, figurines of horses, cowboys, a tumbleweed ball made of twigs, as well as many cacti

suitable plants.

A mini garden in a pot should be complemented by exceptionally compact plants, and ideally also slow-growing ones. Suitable here:

  • Cyclamen;

  • Haworthy

  • stone rose

  • Sedum

  • Saintpaulia

  • Soleirolia

  • rejuvenated

  • cacti

  • Crassula

  • Tillandsia jellyfish

What can serve as a decor.

In fact, absolutely any miniature items made of wire, matches, skewers, clay, plasticine, stones, shells, bottle caps, cut out of plastic bottles, and all kinds of toys are suitable for the decorative part. The most visually attractive, and therefore the most popular for pot decor are:

  • Round, oval, square or rectangular tables; Ladders and ladders
  • Wheelbarrows and carts;
  • Teapots, mugs, plates;

  • Vases and pots;
  • Toy household appliances;
  • Tiny campfire with a bowler hat;
  • Brazier or outdoor fireplace;
  • Street lights;
  • Candles;

  • Small bulbs buried in the ground;
  • Beds and bedside tables;
  • figurines;
  • Ponds and fountains without water (water is imitated with blue pebbles);
  • Sun loungers and surfboards;
  • Boots, slates and slippers;

  • Skis and sleds;
  • Bird nests with chicks or eggs;
  • Pergolas and garden arches;
  • Animals, birds, insects;

  • Straw baskets and hats;
  • Fence made of wire or wood;
  • Shovels, rakes, buckets, watering cans;
  • Houses and other "buildings".

Of course, everything will depend on your imagination, but today the four main ideas for creating a mini garden are considered the most relevant, the first of which implies the location of all elements directly on a single plane of a large flowerpot, the second is a split small pot with the elements arranged not only horizontally, but also vertically (we will discuss this in more detail below), the third is a multi-tiered flowerpot, the quadruple is a pot filled with water.

  • The first way is a flowerpot.

It is necessary to pour small pebbles or expanded clay into the flowerpot (stones will play the role of drainage). Then pour in the earth, and add vermiculite (will provide additional friability of the soil). We plant branched plants that imitate trees. Plants should be taken out of pots carefully so as not to damage them. root system. We dig holes in the flowerpot with a garden shovel with a pointed end and plant plants in them. We take blue glass balls (decorative soil) and lay out an impromptu pond with them. Then we install a ladder of skewers, as well as a tiny swing made of twigs and a chain. We lay out the path with light crushed stones. With the same stones, we carefully fill in the gaps of the flowerpot, wherever the soil is visible. The result is an interesting flowerpot with wonderful tiny elements.

  • The second way is a broken pot.

Gently hit the side of the clay pot with a hammer, beat off another small piece from the broken part, which we crush into small tiles. Initially, we dig the chipped wall into the soil of the pot, and lay out the steps from the crushed tiles. We plant a stone rose, moss and other small plants.

  • The third way is a multi-tiered flowerpot.

To create such a composition, you will need four clay pots of different sizes. Pour stones for drainage into the largest pot, as well as prepared soil and vermouth, take the next largest pot and hammer one of the walls from it with a hammer, dig the resulting pot into the ground, also beat off part of the wall from the next pot, and dig it into the previous pot , and already in it we add one of the broken walls, as well as the smallest clay container. We crush the remaining wall into small tiles, from which we lay out the steps. It remains only to plant suitable plants, and admire the magnificent result.

  • The fourth way is a small pond.

We take a border for the lawn, install it in a curved form in the prepared flowerpot, pour in the soil, not forgetting to pour the soil on the bottom of the flowerpot. We pour water into a large section, plant small moisture-loving plants into a small section, it remains only to wait until the water settles and acquires its original transparency.

Such a mini garden in a pot can be placed on a pedestal near the gazebo so that guests can view its tiny details, you can also install a flowerpot near the threshold or create two similar gardens and place flowerpots on the sides of the entrance to the house. Be that as it may, there is definitely a place for such beauty!

What kind of tricks tireless summer residents do not go to, trying to bring new and original elements, which will be an unusual addition that can transform the territory. A picturesque landscape in miniature or a garden in a pot can become a spectacular decoration not only for a balcony or terrace, but for any corner in the garden.

The creation of any composition, whether the design of a flower garden, elements of vertical gardening or a mini-garden in a pot, begins with an idea. It can be a miniature rock garden, created from small stones and tiny plants, a magical garden with dwarf trees, or an oasis in the desert.

The thematic composition can even resemble a sweet corner in the garden, complemented by a small pond.

As a basis, you can take both plants of small sizes that are already growing on the site or a container, or harmoniously combined with existing buildings and small architectural forms.

You can use decorative miniature gardens in different ways. They can act as a centerpiece landscape design, taking pride of place in the front area of ​​the site, or an unobtrusive addition to the green compositions in the garden. Due to its small size, such a decorative element can be placed almost anywhere in the garden: on the porch of the house, along the path and near.

Thinking over the design of the decorative composition, it is advisable to decide in advance where the mini-garden will be placed, from which side it can be viewed, and whether it will be open to the public at all. When choosing a place to place the composition, you should take into account the conditions for growing the main elements of landscaping with which you plan to fill your miniature garden.

The best placement option is a place protected from drafts and winds, but open to the sun's rays. It is better if it is the east or west side of the site

The main advantage of such a mini-garden in a pot is its mobility: if it becomes familiar in one place, it can always be moved to a new one without much hassle. AT winter period it is enough to transfer a pot with planted plants to a calm place and cover it with a layer of snow or non-woven material.

Choosing a container for a mini-garden

Any wide container about 15 cm high can serve as a basis for creating a composition. A large horizontal space makes it possible to develop a more interesting "landscape".

The basis can be an enameled basin, pallet, flowerpot or any other container. Even an old sink is suitable for arrangement - the choice is limited only by the author's imagination

Pots for a mini-garden can have both traditional round or square shapes, as well as original options, thanks to which you can get very unusual multi-level compositions. The only condition is that the pots must have drainage holes (several small holes in the bottom of the container) necessary for excess water to drain. To prevent the holes from clogging over time, the bottom of the container is covered with a layer of rubble or pebbles, which will also provide additional drainage.

In order to make the container more attractive, its outer walls can be lined. To do this, you must first coat its walls with a mixture of crushed peat, sifted sand and cement, taken in equal proportions and diluted with water to a pasty consistency. Without waiting for the solution to harden, the outer surface of the container must be decorated with decorative elements: small pebbles, colored tiles, shells and glass.

Flowers and decorative elements

It is possible to place plants directly in the stone. For this, a stone with a porous structure that can absorb enough moisture, such as tuff, shell rock or limestone, is perfect. The soft rock of these stones is convenient for processing: if necessary, you can always drill holes in them and make small “pockets” for plants. To retain moisture in the composition, you can add several "islands" of sphagnum moss.

The choice of plants for the composition depends on the theme of the mini-garden. For example: to create a rocky corner or an alpine slide, a composition of cacti is perfect

When creating a miniature rock garden, it is better to use cacti and other succulents: stone rose, diamond, sedum, haworthia

When choosing landscaping elements, it should be borne in mind that plants tend to grow. Therefore, for the design of miniature compositions, it is better to give preference to slow-growing varieties.

Among the stones, gelksina, saxifrage, pachyphytum and gasteria also feel comfortable. The roots of these plants in search of moisture are able to penetrate into any cracks in the stones.

When planning to arrange a mini-garden in the style of a park landscape, it is better to use Money Tree, dwarf ficuses and myrtle. These plants are attractive. decorative form crown, to maintain which it is necessary to regularly pinch and trim. In mini-gardens equipped in open areas, they look amazing dwarf varieties conifers: junipers, spruces, cypresses.

Among the small-leaved slow-growing plants, fittonia, peperomia and stonecrop can also be distinguished. Ivy can be an excellent addition to the garden, the flexible graceful stems of which will frame the composition and braid the pot.

Can bring bright colors to the composition flowering plants: synpoly, cyclamens, miniature roses and streptocarpus. As they fade, they can always be replaced with new varieties that are just entering the flowering time.

Animal figurines are perfect as decorative elements, seashells and ceramic vessels. Decorative elements of a mini-garden in the style of a park landscape can be pieces of furniture or utensils from children's toy sets: lanterns, deck chairs and garden benches, miniature park sculptures.

The main stages of arranging such a garden

Creating a fertile foundation

At the bottom of the pot we pour drainage with a layer of about 3-4 cm, which can be expanded clay or pebbles.

The pot is filled with fertile soil, consisting of coarse sand, soddy soil and peat, taken in a ratio of 2: 1: 1

To make the soil looser, vermiculite can be added to its composition. When planning to combine several types of plants, it is advisable to provide for the presence of "pockets" that are filled with soil that is most suitable for a particular sample. You can delimit the "pockets" with the help of "paths" of stones or other decorative elements.

Advice. Some gardeners between the drainage layer and the soil make a layer of dry leaves and branches, which, as it rots, will provide additional nutrition to the plants.

Having filled the container with soil, without adding 1.5-2 cm to the edge, the earth is slightly tamped and watered.


According to a pre-thought-out plan, we begin the "development of the territory." There are two options for planting plants: when they are planted in one container, or they are placed in separate pots dug into the ground. With the first method of arrangement, the composition looks more holistic. The second option is good because it allows you to solve the problem of compatibility of plants in one soil, and also makes it easy to replace or remove the plant at any time.

When planting plants without pots, they should be taken out of their "native" containers as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system.

When planting plants, it is necessary to maintain the distance between the shoots, taking into account the growth prospects. The foreground of the composition is filled with low-growing varieties, the back - with taller plants.

When compiling a composition and choosing a successful neighborhood, the agrotechnical characteristics of plants should also be taken into account: some of them are sun-loving, others - the first love an abundance of moisture, the second - prefer watering as the earth dries up.

Decoration with decorative elements

After the plants have been planted, it remains to cover the empty places of the composition with fine gravel or lay out pebbles. In addition to the decorative function, such a coating will retain moisture after watering and will prevent the emergence of weeds.

To create the illusion of water, glass pebbles with a blue tint will help, which are placed in a small depression between the plants of the garden.

An original addition to the composition will be a miniature swing and a ladder, which can be easily made from wooden blocks and skewers.

To complement the garden with a miniature pond, it is enough to choose a low vessel that is appropriate in size. It must be buried in the soil, and then the bottom of the "reservoir" is covered with small pebbles. The banks of the pond can be decorated decorative tiles, plant with dwarf trees or ground cover plants, such as: saline or nertera.

One of the last fashion trends decoration of plant compositions - arrangement of miniature gardens in split and broken pots, with the help of which craftsmen make original multi-level compositions

Caring for a mini-garden consists only in maintaining the necessary humidity regime and removing obsolete shoots and weeds.

Plants have always served and serve as one of the best ways to decorate the interior and enliven the atmosphere in the house and garden. For decor, you can not only use individual flowers, but also make a whole composition out of them, creating your own mini-garden.

Potted Mini Garden: Distinctive Features and Uses in Garden and Home Decor

Before you start creating such a garden, you need to be inspired by some initial idea. Perhaps the garden will be arranged in tiers and lined with beautiful pebbles. Perhaps, in addition to plants, interior items (a model of a house or a castle) will participate in the decoration. Or decor with multi-colored stones will highlight small trees. Here you need to use the most daring fantasies - even broken pots will be an excellent tool for developing a design.

We can highlight the following features:
  • compared to plants on the window in the garden, there must be a flower and plant composition based on a certain plot, as well as improvised means, decorative figurines, special materials;
  • also, the garden looks much more diverse and interesting than single-standing plants; it can be transformed, the scenery changed, and even individual plants can be transplanted;
  • Compared to an ordinary garden plot, a mini-kindergarten is mobile and can stand at home all year round and please the eye.

How to make a mini garden in a pot with your own hands

This work is created mainly at the expense of improvised means, and making it is not as difficult as it seems. Important have a good mood, thanks to which the imagination will quickly tell you how to turn unnecessary things into real things at first glance home masterpiece.

We decide on the general idea and style of the composition

As already mentioned, before creating a garden, you need to decide what concept the future composition will have. You need to proceed from the available means and characteristics of plants. It is better to decide in advance exactly where the miniature garden will be located. Then it is easier to choose which flowers will be included in the composition - shade-loving or vice versa, in need of light, high or low, etc. When it comes to home use future work, you need to take into account the interior of the room - what tones prevail, what kind of illumination, features of the space of the room, furniture, etc.

Do-it-yourself mini-garden in a pot (video)

The number of ideas is endless, and here are just a few of them:
  • an island in the tropics;
  • mini-zoo (if there are animal figurines);
  • thematic garden dedicated to some kind of celebration (birthday, wedding anniversary, etc.);
  • alpine slides;
  • Japanese garden;
  • Amazonian jungle;
  • sketch by known history, song, fairy tale (it will be especially interesting for children);
  • miniature of your own country garden;
  • Chinese garden;
  • medieval castle with fields around;
  • a garden with tiers (like the Hanging Gardens of Babylon);
  • seasonal theme (spring, summer garden);
  • country-style garden and many others.

The easiest way to get inspired is to see the garden live at exhibitions, in the store or at a party. Photographs of finished compositions are no less effective. You can take all the best examples as a basis and create your own masterpiece. Also good source inspiration and ideas - a master class of professional florists. Of course, you can come up with your own unique version - this way it will be even more interesting to work.

Choosing a planting capacity for a mini-garden

To get started, it is important to choose the basis of the garden - the container in which it will be placed. For these purposes, almost any pot, bathtub, old sink and many other improvised means are suitable. Important, so that the vessel is high enough - preferably from 20-30 cm and as wide as needed. Usually gardens are made on a wide horizontal surface, so the width of the container is of great importance.

The shape of the container can be any - round, oval, square, curved, etc. Ceramic products of warm colors will organically fit into the design (as well as the usual flower pots). However the choice of color and material is more a matter of taste. The only main requirement is the presence of holes to drain excess water.

The bottom of the tank is best decorated with pebbles and small gravel or other stones to provide drainage. Outside, the container can be beautifully decorated with colored stones, shells - here fantasy comes into force again. First, a solution is made from equal proportions of sand and cement, to which water is added until a pasty mass is obtained. The freshly prepared mixture is carefully spread on the edges of the container, then the decoration elements are stuck on and left to dry.

An interesting option is when a porous stone is used as a container., capable of passing moisture - for example, limestone, tuff, shell rock. They are usually used for summer cottages. Flower compositions in stones look more natural and interesting.

And perhaps the most original version- a garden in a bowl (small capacity). This variety will appeal to lovers of minimalism. You can plant the smallest plants, and make up decorative elements from small parts(for example, a small house with a birdhouse).

Design options for a mini-garden in a pot (video)

Plants and mini flowers for a miniature garden

Perhaps the main criterion in the selection of plants for the future composition is not too rapid growth of flowers. The fact is that it is better not to transplant plants, cut off excess greens too often, otherwise it harms and appearance garden and its inhabitants. It is also worth considering that if you decorate the composition with stones, then the roots of the plants must be unpretentious and strong enough to break through them.

Of course, an important factor is the decorative value of the plant, that is, how beautiful it will look in a pot. Here are some good tricks to know:

  • gelksina grows very well and gives a lot of greenery that will decorate the garden;
  • miniature roses, saintpaulias, streptocarpus will help make the garden bright and original - as if we have a miniature flower bed in front of us;
  • fittonia has small flowers of different shades - white, red, pink, green: this will give a beautiful color scheme in the garden;
  • dwarf spruce serves as an excellent prototype of a tree - it is better to plant it in a central place;
  • thick pachyphytum leaves emphasize exotic themes;
  • ivy will give the composition an original cover and graceful forms;
  • different types cacti, due to their diversity, will perfectly fit into almost any flower arrangement - in the form of a mini-palm tree, a tree or a cactus itself, if the garden, for example, has Mexican motifs.

Rules for composing, placing and planting plants

Compilation rules flower arrangement associated with the design features of the garden. The main goal is to combine flowers favorably and emphasize the merits of each of them. Florists recommend proceeding from such general principles:

  • if the main view of the garden is on one side, then it is better to plant large plants in the background, and smaller ones in the first;
  • if it is assumed that access to the container will be from all sides. then curly trees need to be identified in the center, and small flowers - along the edges;
  • to create dynamics, it is better to plant plants not one after another, but in cascades and not in a straight line, but in zigzags; perhaps you should come up with your own patterns;
  • very right decision will arrange a beautiful background and backlight for the garden to make it look as attractive as possible.

Making a mini-garden with decorative elements

Decorative elements of the garden can be very diverse. They should not only harmoniously fit into the composition, but also favorably emphasize the dignity of plants, as well as create a pleasant mood for contemplators. A variety of means can be used:

  • decoration materials (sand, colored stones, shells, pebbles);
  • figurines of animals, people;
  • models of houses, castles, fences, arches;
  • details for creating natural landscapes (for example, rocky terrain, prairie, waterfall and more);
  • items home comfort(benches, chairs);
  • thematic figures (heroes of fairy tales, cartoons).

There can be a lot of ideas. When you have chosen the necessary decorations, it is important to correctly fit them into the design, and in the case of figurines, to strengthen them into the ground. You can simply dig in, or you can pre-attach them to a platform (for example, a house), which is strengthened in the ground.

Placement of a mini-garden and subsequent care

It is better to place the composition in the most big room in home. As for the garden plot, it is more correct to place a mini-garden on the main place - often it is located on the main road on the way to the house. If there are several garden pots, they can be placed right around the perimeter, or put in a row so that everyone is clearly visible from the main road. It is also important to consider which plants will grow - light or shade-loving.

Garden care requires more attention than a regular potted plant. If mostly planted undemanding plants(cacti, succulents), care special recommendations no. If there are more demanding decorative roses), then you need to carefully monitor the irrigation regime. When they fade, you need to remove the fallen petals, dig up wilted plants and see if neighboring bushes interfere with each other. It might be better to plant some of them.

How to build a mini garden in a pot (video)

It is very important to monitor the capacity - it can get wet due to watering, and be subject to wear. It is better to replace it in time when it becomes necessary.

Growing plants in mini-gardens has become one of the most massive trends in home floristry. This is not only a great option for creating designs in the house and garden, but also a great hobby that cheers you up and allows you to enjoy your own creativity.

A mini garden in a pot or in another container will become an outlet for those who miss their dacha. Such compositions are made from improvised and past materials, so you don’t have to spend money.

Mini garden - what you need for its arrangement

It will become a real outlet for people who like to create compositions from plants, to admire such creations. To make a mini garden, you do not need to spend a lot of money, because everything you need is often at hand.

Do you have small cacti or some succulents have given birth to babies, but is it a pity to throw away these shoots? Then such plants will decorate the composition. Often the central part of the garden on the windowsill are various houses, they can be made from improvised materials. If there is bark or a plastic bottle, these materials will serve as the basis of the buildings.

The table, chair of the doll will also fit perfectly into the picturesque picture. Make a small pond from the bottom plastic bottle or from a small bowl. You can buy a miniature openwork arch or make it from flexible wire. Then the product is covered with paint, and when it dries, it is installed in a mini garden.

You can line the path with stones, if there are no decorative ones at home, then go for a walk outside, and you will certainly find the right specimens.

Place all these improvised and past materials in a basin, in a bowl or in a broken pot. You will do an amazing job.

Check out some ideas for such a miniature garden. It could be a garden
  • mirrors;
  • tropical island;
  • alpine slide;
  • mini zoo with figurines of animals;
  • Christmas;
  • recreating a scene from a fairy tale or from another magical story;
  • strawberry;
  • medieval;
  • peasant;
  • Chinese;
  • bonsai;
  • Amazonian jungle;
  • cascade multilevel;
  • reflecting a real place, for example, your dacha, domestic or foreign park, the Eiffel Tower;
  • cats;
  • using figurines from Kinder surprises;
  • using candy wrappers;
  • Japanese stones;
  • deserts;
  • in Provence style.
You can recreate other directions to which you have a soul.

Check out plants for a mini garden. You will see that some of them you have at home or in the country. The main thing is to take copies that differ in their small size.

  1. If you have a money tree at home, the plant has sprouted, use it for your composition.
  2. If you decide to do alpine slide, more precisely, its reduced copy or recreate the Mexican desert, rocky garden, Caucasian meadow, then stock up on stones, succulents and cacti.
  3. For blooming garden sedum is perfect, the landscape will be decorated pink flowers this plant. Also a good option would be a rocky rose. Use saxifrage. These hardy plants require minimal maintenance.
  4. Haworthia has a striped pattern, great for mini desert compositions. An alpine meadow will become more picturesque if you place a diamond picker on it.
  5. If you have small containers, then place juveniles and gasteria here. These two plants coexist well with each other.
  6. If you want the entire container to be filled with green leaves, then plant gelksina. The composition will look exotic if you place a pachyphytum here. This plant is very successful in the Mediterranean composition.
  7. Fittonia comes in several colors. Its leaves can have pink, green with white, green with light and red shades. Choose the colors that will be most appropriate in your miniature composition. Of course, do not forget about stonecrops, they will revive your creation.
  8. Plant a chamedorea, a Kadie saw in the mini-garden, which will add elegance to the three-dimensional picture. Miniature varieties of ivy are now on sale, use them as well.
  9. You can plant streptocactus, miniature roses in a miniature garden. But these plants need proper care.
  10. If you are creating a Japanese garden, then use bonsai dwarf trees. It is also a good landscaping option.
  11. Small conifers will also be a wonderful decoration of the garden. But you need to keep in mind that they do not really like the dry air that the winter battery creates. Therefore, you need to keep such compositions either on an insulated loggia, or in winter garden or it is necessary to periodically humidify the air and properly care for the conifers.

Do not forget after the plants have faded, remove wilted buds. Also, remove drying leaves in time. Larger forms need to be pruned periodically so that the plant is right size.

So, here are some plants you can plant in a mini garden:
  • Money Tree;
  • miniature roses;
  • saintpaulia;
  • streptocactus;
  • cacti;
  • ivy;
  • chamedorea;
  • I drink Kadia;
  • stonecrop;
  • fittonia;
  • miniature conifers, including dwarf juniper, dwarf cypress and dwarf spruce;
  • gelksin;
  • pachyphytum;
  • young;
  • gasteria;
  • saxifrage.
As you can see, the plants for the mini-garden are diverse and many flower growers have suitable specimens on the windowsill. It will only be necessary to take shoots from them and plant them in a newly created composition.

The next master class will tell you in detail how to make such miniature gardens. Many items for them are easy to make with your own hands, find the rest on the street or in the house so that you do not have to spend much money, and the result will be excellent!

How to make a mini-garden with your own hands?

To do this, you can use various containers. If you have a rounded glass one, take it. Plants will be comfortable here, as the conditions are similar to tropical ones. You can take succulents that rarely need to be watered. They are drought tolerant.

Here's what you need for such a composition:

  • round transparent container;
  • small pebbles;
  • colored sand or carpet covering with low pile;
  • shells in the form of a starfish;
  • wire or toy furniture;
  • the soil.

Use light earth. To keep it in one place, it is better to limit it by pouring it into the cut part of a plastic bottle or by making a side.

Plant your chosen succulents or other miniature plants. On the other side of the clear aquarium, place the sand or carpet, cutting it out with scissors to give it the desired shape.

Mark the boundaries between soil and sand or pavement with stones. Put the shells in. If there is ready-made furniture for dolls, put a table and a couple of chairs in the mini-garden. If it is not available, then weave it from wire.

You can make decorative chairs by taking:

  • binding cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • jute twine;
  • floral wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • awl;
  • glue "Moment" and superglue.

From cardboard, cut out a rectangle of the desired size, which will become the base of the seat. Make holes with an awl at the same distance on three sides, insert the wire here. Make it longer at the corners so that the lower segments turn into chair legs. They should also be large at the back so that the back rises.

Now you need to braid the back and armrests with a cord. When you create armrests desired height, weave only one back.

When it is done, proceed to the design of the legs. Lubricate them with glue, wrap each with a rope, the turns should fit snugly against each other.

From the same twine, you need to weave a pigtail, close it like this decorative element edges of the product so that they look neat. Secure these parts with clothespins, Leave the product to dry completely.

Knit or crochet a twine rectangle to then glue it on the seat of the chair. This is how beautiful it will turn out.

In the same way, make a table or weave it from floral wire, making various decorative coils out of it. These flexible rods are very fertile material. You can weave decorative furniture not from floral, but from copper wire. Create from it and a frame for a canopy.

Use it when creating the next mini-garden, taking:

  • unpretentious miniature plants;
  • wire basket;
  • small tiles;
  • light soil;
  • decorative artificial flowers;
  • Dollhouse.

  1. Position low growing vegetation at the bottom of the container. Lay a small tile in the form of a garden path. Right and left will be planted a little more tall plants.
  2. Put the house in the background, decorate it with miniature pots of artificial flowers. These plants are easy to make yourself. To do this, you need to take the braid, wind a few turns around your finger, then fasten it in the center.
  3. Protect taller plants from low ones on one side by laying beautiful pebbles here.
The following work shows that a mini-garden can be done in almost any capacity. If you have an unused metal tank, use it. This will include quite a lot of soil, so the plants will feel comfortable.

Do not forget to provide drainage for any such exposure, it will not allow the roots to rot, accumulate excess moisture.

If you are a city dweller, you dream of having a house in the country, starting a household, but until you succeed, bring your ideas to life in miniature form. Then you can make adjustments, and when there is such an opportunity to acquire a piece of land and arrange everything on it the way you intended, do it.

For this sample you will need:
  • priming;
  • straw;
  • scissors;
  • small plants;
  • small branches of trees;
  • artificial pumpkins and peas;
  • toy roosters and hens;
  • house for birds in miniature.
Step by step creation:
  1. If you have children who have a miniature chicken coop, you can use it. If they have grown up, and such toys are no longer needed, the ideas presented will give them a second life.
  2. If you do not have such a design, you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to cut out the details of the chicken coop from plywood, put them together with small carnations, and then paint the structure.
  3. A chicken run area is also easy to make. Knock small bars together, pull on them plastic mesh, and if there is none, then ordinary gauze or bandage will do. Attach any of these malleable materials to a wooden base, placing the building at the center of your composition.
  4. Along the edge are green plants, and in the center you need to pour a little soil and put straw cut with scissors or dried grass stalks on it. A few pumpkins and pea pods laid here will confirm that you wanted to recreate the composition of the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
  5. This garden area will be separated from the decorative garden by a wooden fence. It is done very easily. Cut with scissors or saw off parts of the branch with a small hacksaw, knock them down with small carnations perpendicularly.
Various looks very nice decorative arches. They can be bought, such decoration elements are inexpensive. If you have wire, then you can weave the arch with your own hands.

Decorative stones well delimit the two zones, they create beautiful garden paths, grottoes and other small architectural forms.

If there are animal figurines in the house, make a mini zoo to please your children. Small plants will create a corner of pristine nature.

Saw wooden logs, put them in the form of steps to the house. The structure is also made of wood.

You can create a garden on the window in a minimalist style.

To make such a composition, take:
  • suitable container;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • priming;
  • sand;
  • plants;
  • branches;
  • paint;
  • brushes;
  • pebbles;
  • small saw.
Creation instructions:
  1. Pour into the container in the ground. Plant flowers around the edge of the pot. Saw off several pieces from the branch, glue them together to make a bench and a stool. Pour sand on the surface, lay out the stones beautifully.
  2. Details for a bucket and a watering can are cut out of cardboard and glued together. Then finished goods can be dyed.
For a mini garden, you can use a variety of containers. Even a garden cart will do. Many plants will fit here, and in the center of the composition is beautiful house and a fence.

Mini garden in a pot

Often such containers break, but you don’t need to throw them away, because you can make an interesting composition. Arrange the shards as shown in the photo. Fill in the soil and plant the plants. Decorate your creation with toys and miniature houses.

You can plant a small bonsai tree here, arrange a rock garden, then you will have a corner of Japan in a pot.

The pond looks beautiful too. If it is even, then put a round deep saucer or other small bowl in the pot, pour water. You can also use the bottom of a plastic bottle.

If you want a curved pond, use a different base or make one out of polymer clay and then fill it with water.

To make a mini pond or pool look beautiful, cover its bottom and walls with blue paint.

If you have some cement and sand, mix them in a ratio of 1:4, add water, pour into rectangular molds. You will get steps. Put them in a pot, let them lead to a medieval castle. It can also be made from cement.

Even a broken flowerpot can be transformed. And nothing that the capacity turned out to be small. If all the roots do not fit in it, lower them, let them hang down and give the composition an extraordinary look.

And here is an example of how you can make a mini potted garden using sand, cement and small gravel. These materials are mixed, added to water, poured into rectangular molds. When the parts dry, they are interconnected, glued together with the same cement mortar. If you still have it, then create unusual flower or fairy tree.

A mini garden in a pot can contain not one, but several buildings. Check out how easy it is to stack broken shards for an antique effect.

If you don't have suitable material for a house, you can even make it from bark. Fasten its sides, lay the tile in the form of a doorway, gluing it to the bark. Make a wooden door.

If you have a small figurine, it is also great for creating an aged composition. For this, you need a minimum of soil, the surface is decorated with stones and several succulents.

The broken wall of the pot can be laid in the same way as in the photo, and steps can be made from small fragments. You get a wonderful composition.

Here's how to make a mini garden in a pot and other containers. If you are interested in this idea, we suggest you look at the material on this topic so that you want to engage in an interesting creative process.

And the following video will introduce you to samples of such creations.

great idea for decorating a personal plot or interior country house. Do original composition can be in a concrete or plastic pot or planter. In this article, we will talk about how to arrange a mini-garden and create a fabulous corner in the exterior or interior.

- flower pot;
- cardboard;
- branches;
- Earth;
- sand;
- stones;
- cement;
- plants;
- glue;
- lacquer for wooden coatings.

Master class mini - DIY garden

Mix the earth with sand in the ratio most suitable for future plants. After that, pour the mixture into a pot, in which there must be a hole. Rocks can be placed in the bottom of the pot to improve drainage.

In order for a miniature house to appear in your garden, make a paper blank. After that, break thin branches and fold them over the blanks.

To make it, you will need three sticks of the same length for the seat, small features for the legs, three for the back support and one for the back.

Glue all elements together.

From toothpicks or thin twigs, make miniature fences. From cardboard, you can cut blanks for garden tools.

To decorate a mini-garden, it is good to make a few crafts from a dry cement mixture.

It is not necessary to make a whole composition, because the mini will look beautiful, even if you plant just a variety of plants in it.

Succulents are popular for this decor, which are small in size and unpretentious in care.

Miniature garden - interesting ideas!

Now you yourself can effortlessly create a living corner at home or in your garden.