Tire capacity. The discovery that has been successfully fading the country's gardens for many years - a decorative pond from the auto strokes with their own hands

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Gradually, the reservoir in the country becomes an integral part of a comfortable stay. In order to be sophhed easier to be easier, you can build a reservoir from the materials under hand - the pool of the tire with your own hands, for example.

In the country area, the pool and the pond create unique beauty. In addition, the reservoirs of dachensons and plants help to carry the heat. In his waters, it is nice to cool in the summer heat and in the evening when work is over.

The unique microclimate is able to create even tiny water from the car tire.

If you can make hands, an excellent alternative, expensive and not very durable inflatable pools will be a coating pool with their own hands. Its creation is not associated with material costs, and the products are durable and reliable.

To make a swimming pool on the site, you will need:

  • big tire;
  • sand, cement and gravel;
  • lobzik electric and knife with sharp large blade.

The scheme of the pool looks like the same way as shown in the figure.

Procedure for a reservoir

It all starts with the preparation of the tire. It is necessary on one side to cut, leaving only the side. Lobzik will help cut the cord. Bulgarket is less preferable in this matter, since rubber is scattered from it and becomes sticky and get rid of it will not be easy.

In order for the design to stood motionless, prepare the site: on the square corresponding to the tire diameter is removed on the shovel shovels Derne. Make a small thickness of a sand pillow. If it is planned to fit the concrete path to the pool, then the size of the site will be required to increase.

The next step is concreting. To carry it out, it is necessary to knead the solution for the fill of the prepared circle. The height of the layer is at least 20 cm so that concrete in the process of operation cracks. While it does not frozen, install the tire.

Cement is equalized (the rim of the tire must be under the cement layer, i.e. be invisible if you look inside the tire). Otherwise, cement needs to be added to ensure the tightness of the pool.

In order for the future water to under the severity of water, it is recommended to pour the bottom of the molten tar for which a special (or polyethylene) film is placed. In extreme cases, the bus from the inside is painted.

After the work is finished, the designs are allowed to dry well. Then filled with water and covers with a polyethylene film that protects against sunlight, weather and contamination.

Since, in the sunny section, the water will evaporate, settled on the inner surface of the film, it is periodically recommended to air.

After a complete drying of the bottom, proceed to decorating and designing the reservoir.

And here, the expanse for fantasy is unreasonable - you can paint the side surface of the tire with multi-colored paints, make a brick wall, tighten the grid, twist and lay out the mosaic.

  1. If under the base of the tire cut the circle from plywood, screwing into it to the place where the rim will be, two bolts that serve to fix the cement plugs, you can get a portable plaster pool with your own hands. The workpiece with the tire installed on it is then poured with cement. It is ready for use, as soon as the materials will dry well.
  2. In order for in the cement base of the stationary basin, cracks appeared, it is placed in a dry place or lay a gravel layer under the sand pillow.
  3. Painting of the coating pool is carried out with their own hands before filling with water. There are no borders of fantasy - they can be painted, lay out mosaic, stone or brick.

The question of its replacement is solved before the pouring of concrete: perhaps it will be a crane, fixed with a lock nut and a pair of washers. The device will not flow due to the compression of rubber. Water in unpainted tires is heated faster, since the black color is better attracting heat.

Video: Tire swimming pool with their own hands

Pool of tires decorative

You can create a decorative pool of a tire on your own hands, performing the functions of a small pond. It is impossible to swim in it, but this reservoir will become an excellent decoration. It can be chopped by a stone, arrange with flowers.

Filling it with water and algae, you can run fish there. The borders of the fantasy do not exist here: you can lay out a mosaic, just paint, etc. The tire will need a large for it.

And they will be needed:

  • polyethylene or bitumen film;
  • concrete cement solution;
  • crushed stone;
  • vegetable soil.

It begins to create with digging pit. Its diameter must be centimeters 20-30 more than the boss size. The depth of the pit is 2/3 from the width. The bottom of the pit is thoroughly align.

Crushed stone poured on it, it is tamped and concreted. Then create waterproofing, for which the bottom is poured with a melted bitumen to the height of the tire.

You can replace the bitumen with polyethylene film: it is lined up the bottom, bending the edges outward.

But, it will have to change it every year, therefore it is more correct to prepare the underfloor material instead of polyethylene, which is used for waterproofing the pools.

The space formed between the tire and the walls of the pit is covered with soil and tamper.

Wheeling until cement (about a week), it is possible to start water procedures. We must not forget that even in a small reservoir you need to care - change the water, clean the bottom.

Video: exclusive tire ponds

It is indisputable that today it is not a problem to buy an inflatable pool, which is simple in the installation, and the place does not occupy a lot, and it is easily cleaned for the winter. But, such pools have one weighty minus - the price.

With the device of the pool from tires, it is practically no material investment, and it's just a pleasant to refresh yourself in a reservoir, whose construction is directly involved. You can feel all the advantages of such a pool, plunging into its cool water. Try!

Friends! I am glad to once again present you the work of the hopes of Beshech from the Tula region. Nadia has already sent us wonderful works that our readers have already managed to evaluate. Her advice, software or on Fazenda is popular. And today the participant of the competition will tell what can be made of old tires. To his work, Nadia has attached advice, how to trim the wheel with an ordinary sickle.

What can be made of automotive tires.

Now the decoration of garden sites has entered the fashion with the help of old wheels that served their age. Of these, many different garden crafts, sculptures, make flower beds. But cut the tire, not a simple occupation, requiring tremendous physical forces, often male. Woman itself, well, not quite under power. I suggest you take an ordinary sickle, he (here is surprise!) Sold back in all garden stores. Five minutes - and the huge wheel turns ...

Yes, do not forget the base of the wheel to cement

And if you still paint the bus - so minibassain is ready, and watering plants is provided, and the barrels do not need to buy.

How to trim the tire

Important!!! It is necessary to comply with the safety technique: it is necessary to cut off the sharp end of the sickle and round up.

Then, outlined on the wheel the necessary marker boundaries. The wheel is pushing a big knife. Take a sickle in the hands, insert it into the hole and calmly drink the necessary segments.

Hope uses an old tire, as a water tank, which can be used for watering. But if you pour the fertile soil inside the automotive tire and plant the flowers, you will get a wonderful flower bed. And what do you think?

I remind you that the contest "Himself a dacket" continues. Each of you have a wonderful chance to boast of our successes in crop production and get a wonderful prize from our sponsor. Read the details and conditions of participation.

With you were a participant in the competition Nadezhda Leschuk and the author of Blog Zhurubenko Olga

The desire to add urban comfort to summer life encourages many summer residents, and the owners of the country real estate, engage in the arrangement of the water pipeline on their own plot. But the full operation of the water supply is impossible without sewage, isn't it?

It turns out that it is possible to make autonomous sewage sewer from the girlfriend. One of the popular homemade structures is a drain pit of a tires used for collection and filtering of wastewater. The device and installation of the structure are very simple, but the efficiency and safety of the system operation is achieved only with strict observance of technological standards.

In this material, we will tell about how to choose a place under a cesspool, and what needs to be taken into account. Also, here you will find step-by-step instructions for the construction of a cesspool from automotive tires. The material is accompanied by schemes for arrangement and videos with the advice of experts on the construction of drain pits.

The cesspool is the simplest option of arrangement. With the advent of highly efficient septic and local cleaning systems, the use of drain collections in private households and cottage settlements has decreased. However, among the summer residents, this method of wastewater is demanded in demand.

The most budget and easy-to-implement system of local sewage is based on the use of old auto strokes. In this case, the walls of the drain collection are strengthened with rubber tires, the bottom of the reservoir is missing.

Perhaps two options for the organization of the drain pit: 1 - absorbing well without a bottom, intended for the processing and disposal of gray drains and clarified water, which has been processed in septic, 2 - a sealed cumulative tank, suitable for collecting mixed or brown waste mass. Both ways are simple and available in implementation.

The base of the absorbing, or otherwise filtering option is a drainage layer of rubble and sand. The stability of the structure is achieved due to the weight of the auto strokes themselves, land sprinkles and accumulated wastewater.

In the upper part of the "tower" from the auto strokes there is an input of the sewer pipeline. All construction is covered with a lid, which prevents the spread of unpleasant odor and clogging

Principle of operation of the absorbing pit:

  1. The waste liquid on the pipe enters the container.
  2. Heavy, solid suspensions are settled on the surface of the "pillows" from rubble.
  3. The semidic water seeps through the drain layer and goes deep into the soil.
  4. The accumulated IH is periodically pumped out of the reservoir.

To improve the quality of filtration and accelerate drainage of wastewater inside the tank from the auto strokes, the hollow perforated tube is installed.

Stage # 4. Land work

As a pattern, one of the tires is used under the markup of the boundaries. You need to put the tire to the selected place and the circumference of the circumference is set. So that in the future the tires are free to fit into the pit, the diameter of the ring must be expanded by 20-40 cm.

Initially, the land is convenient to dig a bayonet shovel. Fertile soil layer (first 50 cm) can be evenly distributed over the garden, deeper earthy layers can be used for backfilling.

Continue the digging of a deeply pitcher is easier to a shovel with a long handle - the compacted ground bursts "excavation", then assembled with a symptoms and loaded into the bucket. For descent to the ditch and lifting filled tanks on the surface, the staircase is lowered.

Working together, the process of coppes can be accelerated and to build a primitive lifting mechanism - to tie the rope to the buckets.

Drive additionally deepened on the thickness of the drain pillow (20-30 cm). Walls of the pits are exempt from the roots of trees to as they did not damage or did not move tires

On the safety of land, land work at the depth must be carried out with a partner. One person is engaged in a copy, and the second helps on the surface and insures the wall collapse of the pit. This requirement is particularly relevant in the arrangement of the pit in unstable soils.

Stage # 5. Preparation of automotive tires

Regarding the technology of preparation of tires under the device of a cesspool, the views of the performers were divided. The first group believes that no manipulations with the tires do not need to do, since the complete or partial removal of the tread will negatively affect the stability of the segments and the tightness of the structure as a whole.

However, the preservation of tire sides impairs the work of the absorbing pit - the useful amount of the tank is significantly reduced, and in the "pockets", waste is very quickly accumulated. At the same time, it is practically impossible to clean well with relief walls to clean with embossed walls - the tank is quickly overwhelmed with uncleanness, and the sewage system fails.

The optimal solution is a partial cut of the rim. On wheels it is necessary to leave side ends 5-7 cm for fixation with adjacent segments

In one auto stroke, it is necessary to cut a hole for summing up the sewer pipe.

Stage # 6. Formation of drainage well

At a depth, very often the soil is heavy, clay, poorly absorbing and melting moisture. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bsuction of waste fluid and improving the efficiency of the absorbing trench, one or more drainage channels is set.

Progress of work:

  1. Garden brown drill the most deep well - the channel must pass through dense rocks, slowing out the outflow of filtered water. The depth of the trench from the bottom of the pit is up to 3-5 m.
  2. Prepare a pipe corresponding to the length and diameter of the drainage canal. So that the filtration tube does not be drunk, its upper edge should be higher than the base of the drain pit per 1 m.
  3. The side walls of the pipe, starting on top and not reaching 50 cm to the bottom, drill. The top of the channel is closed with a fine polypropylene grid.

After chipping drainage well, i.e. Installations in the selected trunk of the perforated tube, the bottom of the rods are poured onto the bottom of the crushed stone and gravel - the thickness of the filtering cushion is about 20-30 cm.

A sewer plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm can be used as an output channel with a diameter of 110 mm. More affordable alternative - asbestos-cement pipe

Stage # 7. Staying of tires and sealing walls

On the bottom of a kind of mine is placed the first tire, passing through it. The second tire is lowered in a similar way, and the side of the neighboring wheels is connected in a convenient way.

Comparing and aligning both tires, it is necessary to make through holes in the treads. Throw through them metal wire or plastic clamp, and twist tight.

In the course of the construction of the tower, the sealing of external joints is performed - the places of tire compounds are treated with concrete solution or bitumen mastic. After setting the mixture, you can proceed to the backfill of the pit.

Locking and strengthening the walls of the tank of tires in the ground is performed in different ways: the belling of the sandy-earth mixture, the fill with concrete or filling the space by the remaining auto strokes. Vertically laid tires immobilize design

The end of the last tire must rise a bit above the ground. Upon completion of the laying of all tires, the walls of the capacity from the inside are coated with water-insulating material. The most affordable version of the hydroberier is a suitable sealant.

Gallery of images

The idea to build an artificial reservoir in the country comes to the head of many land owners. Undoubtedly, such a source of coolness and positive emotions will delight not only the host itself, but also its guests, becoming a real highlight of the landscape. One view of the water stroit helps a person relax, tightened to the lyrical paw, causes the stuff of inspiration. But, critically evaluating just six hundred and sowing site, some refuse their dreams. And in vain! We will tell you about how to make it in life by making a mini-pond from the tires in your own hands, and at the same time to dispose of the old rubber unnecessary in the farm.

Decorative mini-pond must please and attract all attention. Therefore, the place where it should be located should be chosen especially carefully. There are several rules that we recommend following the choice to be successful:

  • The reservoir should not constantly be in the sun. Halfing is the best place for him. Otherwise, plants will be too hot, and they will begin to wither, and the water will quickly bloom.
  • Open and blown places is also not the best option.
  • If you build a pond under the crowns of trees, the water will constantly be clogged by leaves and small garbage. The cleaning process will be regular for you and will tire.

Well, if the bars will be clearly visible from different points of review. Let it reflect beautiful objects: Running clouds, house or trees. Know that small reservoirs look best when you look at the top. Therefore, they are often placed in natural landscape depressions.

In such a place, the mini-pond will be clearly visible from different points of review. In addition, it will not be under the constant impact of direct sunlight

If you doubt your own choice, arrange yourself check. Take a piece of polyethylene, which will depict a mini-pond, and put it on your chosen place. Come on the site and look at how well it is seen from the main species points.

Where to find a suitable tire?

Before looking for a tire, let's decide what exactly we want to find. If there is not enough space on the site, then for the embodiment of your dream, we will just find a tire from any passenger car.

To implement a large-scale project and the size of the wheel must be impressive. After all, there are wheels, the diameter of which exceeds human growth. Using them as a basis, you can build a whole lake!

Auto strokes are of different sizes. There is not so easy to find such a guivier among them, and it is unlikely necessary if the size of the site does not exceed the standard six acres

For large objects you need to have:

  • square from Kamaz;
  • rear wheel from the tractor "Belarus";
  • rubber from mighty "BelAZ".

If your own unnecessary tire did not fall in your garage, then the appropriate instance can be found in the tire workshop. There often accumulates unnecessary rubber to be disposed of, so it will go free.

Exhaust tires can be found on automobile enterprises. It is possible that there will have to pay and pay, but purely symbolically. Ordinary car owners can also suggest that you are looking for. So browse and their ads.

What will be your reservoir?

In the tiny reservoir, it is hardly possible to start fish. Although goldfish from the aquarium can feel nice and in a small artificial pond. However, this construction can be decorated in other ways. For example, the Siberian Iris can land on its shores.

Beautiful satellites of any pond will be

  • pitchers;
  • turcha Bolotnaya;
  • floating RESET.

In the end, you can use artificial jewelry that imitate the same lilies, but do not require attention. On its surface, small imitation of claropes can look good, and on the shores - turtles.

Plants planted around artificial reservoir are able to completely transform it, turning into a favorite holiday destination for all family members

The rubber base should be reliably close decorative tailom so that no one else comes to the head, how the mini-pond has formed in your site. Often, small alpine slides are becoming satellites of water facilities, which, by the way, solve the problem of creating the shadows.

To ensure additional effect, it is possible to highlight the design with the help of garden lamps operating on solar panels. All the energy that they will accumulate a sunny day, at night they spend in the form of a soft mysterious glow.

Pond decorations have their own root side - they attract the attention of kids who love to play in such a fabulous place

Whatever your mini-pond should remember that for small children left unattended, it can become a source of danger.

Step-by-step instructing

Any work is preceded by a preparatory stage. It is necessary to collect together all the necessary tools and the material so that as little as possible is distracted during the work process.

Stage # 1 - Cooking tools and materials

Tools we need not much:

  • two types of shovel: bayonet and soviet;
  • building level;
  • electric jigsaw or plain handbreaker for metal.

In addition to the auto stroke, with the diameter of which we have already decided, we will need:

  • pVC film or special curable material for swimming pools, which is sold in specialized stores;
  • sand;
  • rubbank;
  • large stones for the shores of the pond;
  • plants for decorating reservoir and framing.

If everything you need prepared, you can proceed to work.

Stage # 2 - Prepare the tire to work

Despite the fact that we are going to bury the tire, at the first stage of work it must be cleaned of dirt. But her preparation will not end. We need to cut her upper part.

It is unlikely for this purpose a regular knife is suitable. We recommend using an electric bike running on small revolutions. You can use both the metal with a metal, but then this operation will have to spend more forces and time.

Stage # 3 - digging recess for reservoir

Before making a deepening, it is necessary to align the platform. Now you need to decide how much we want to bulk the rubber basis of the future structures.

She may be:

  • immersed in the soil on the entire width of its tread;
  • bowl of one third;
  • stay on the surface of the prepared area.

Based on the decision taken, the hole is couch. Its form must correspond to the outer diameter of the auto stroke, but with a small allowance throughout its circumference. It is not necessary to completely deepen the rubber basis in the pit: if you leave the rubber edge on the surface, the rainwater will not pour the tank.

Before installing the tire in the resulting depression, it is necessary to align the bottom and fall asleep with sand about 15 cm. The sand should be soft and without pebbles. In this case, he will be able to protect the gasket placed on the bottom of the reservoir, and water leaks will be avoided.

When forming a deepening under the auto stroke, it is necessary to tackle the sand at the place of the future bottom of the mini-pond and check the quality of the work performed

Level Check the quality of the work performed. Do not forget to take the bottom of the bottom and only after that put the rubber foundation on it. After that, it should take advantage of the level to check the horizontal position of the auto stroke.

Stage # 4 - Waterproofing Device

For the arrangement of waterproofing, it is better to use a tight covering material, which is specifically designed to protect the bottom of the pools. You can buy it in specialized stores for pools. Sometimes it can be found among the goods for the garden. Material must be taken with such a calculation so that he opposed the tire walls by approximately half the meter.

Yes, we prefer the special waterproofing material, and not by conventional polyethylene. Someone may argue that because of this, our construction becomes less like a homemade, for the creation of which is used, as a rule, infirred materials. But it is better to make a design that will serve you more than one year without replacing the bottom. After all, even very thick polyethylene will not be able to withstand the load and will definitely give to flow.

However, each owner himself decides which material it is better to use. Choosing ordinary polyethylene, keep in replacement when you will strengthen the walls of the future pond. Perhaps the construction will have to disassemble.

Even fasten the polyethylene film twice, it will give to flow. To replace it, the mini-pond will have to disassemble, so the top of the facility will have to be collapsible

So, the underfloor material is freely distributed along the bottom of the pit, and its edges output half the meter beyond the edges of the tire placed in the deepening.

The membrane from the material should be rationally allotted inside the auto stroke. For this purpose, the future cottage mini-pond is poured with water, which will put pressure on the bottom and wall structures. Under its pressure, the reservoir will take its form.

Do not take time for high-quality work and you will get a great result that can be proud of for several years.

Now the passing material must be carefully strained. To fix the coating in the desired position, you can press it with round boulders laid on the bottom from the opposite sides.

Stage # 5 - form the walls and decorate the pond

Smoothing the edges of the material and sprinkle with sand and rubble. This will finally fix the membrane. Now she does not slip. Sand will serve as the basis for further decoration of the pond.

Further strengthening and decoration of the reservoir completely depends on the imagination of its author. At the initial stage, you can simply put the pond stones.

If you manage to find a big tire, you can make a mini-pond not only for kids, but also for adult family members

Embodiments of stones depend on the degree of functionality of the structure:

  • For swimming. If the auto stroke was big, then such a structure can be used even for bathing. The shores of such a pond should not overload stones. With their help, it is enough to form a platform around the walls. A large number of stones can lead to wounds of bathers.
  • For decorative purposes. If the water is needed only in order to create a beautiful image, you can move with the location of the stones to emphasize their beauty as advantage. In this case, it is not necessary to be afraid to show their sharp edges. They look spectacular.

Stones can be laid in several rows, placing round and large boulders at the bottom, and the pebbles are smaller from above. Even the bottom of the mini-pond can be decorated with a pretty small pebble of oval shape, taken from the river or brought from the sea. But the sand with gravel to decorate the bottom is better not to use, because water from them can become muddy.

Do not overload the mini-pond with decorative elements. He is so beautiful. Even in the style of minimalism, he remains a great place attracting glances.

In any garden, regardless of the will of its owners, many small animals live. It may be, for example, moles, hedgehogs or mouse. If you do not want one morning, find the corpse of the unfortunate hedgehog in the water, put picturesque snag in a pond. It will not only make the appearance of the facility natural, but also help the animal to avoid death.

To visually imagine the whole work process, watch the video:

Other ideas on the device of such a pond

If you think that a pond from a single tire is all that was able to give rise to the fantasy of domestic craftsmen, the gardeners, then you are deeply mistaken. The use of autoresins for the creation of water bodies a great set. And we will tell you the most popular of them now.

If you take not alone, but two tires equal or even different size, you can not be made alone, but two reservoirs that will touch with each other treads. The most interesting in this construction will be his decorative design. For example, at the place of the joint of the two rubber foundations, you can build a beam bridge made of birch logs. It can be both decorative and continuation of the garden path.

By changing the degree of blowing of the tires, you can create ponds with overflow. To do this, one auto stroke is fixed on the surface of the site, and the other is plugged. With the help of such a overflow, by the way, you can organize the removal of rainwater flowing from the roof.

On the basis of ponds with overflow, a homemade waterfall can be made. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a hose to the upper tank, from which water is submitted under a weak pressure. It can be carefully applied to the stones located on the shores. Water, interpretation of the upper part of the structure, will effectively run into its lower half, imitating the waterfall.

If the landscape of your site allows, why not to build such a magnificent waterfall, the basis of which make up all the same auto strokes

The pool in the summer is that not a single child can leave indifferent. A large tire will make it easy and easy to make it. The kids will be, in what to splash under the supervision of adults. Children's splashing pool It is best to surround the coastal zone from the tile so that it was possible to come off with bare feet. To secure the child, water in such a pool needs to filter. For this purpose, you can use the pump. And you can just change the water more often.

A good idea to revive the pond can be the use of a fountain in it. To do this, you can accommodate a turbine with a nozzle for aquarium or a small pump. To the fountain earned, it needs to provide power. Do not forget to protect yourself: the electrical wiring is to isolate with the help of corrugation and shop.

See how the conservation of the fountain of the tire looks like:

Even if there is no meta for a reservoir in the garden, using a tire, it can be made on the balcony, on the terrace or in the loggia. Artificial stones can help the design of the attractive view, which can be glued with a water-based composition to the side surface of the auto strokes.

Of course, this list of ideas cannot be exhausted, because human fantasy does not know borders. Look at this video - we do not deceive you:

There may be such a situation when there is not enough water tanks on the plot. But for the Maeter-self-delaying is not a problem. For example, on the basis of homemade barrels from automotive tires, you can create a whole system for watering.

Barrels are manufactured as follows. From the steel sheet you need to cut a round bottom in the size of the available tires (it is better to use tires from trucks) and in its edge with an interval of 80-100 mm drill the openings of 06 mm under the bolts. Cutting off the inner edges with thickening, connect the tires with each other (best of all bolts with nuts), and the bottom - with the bottom. Connection places Lick hot tar. The headings of the bolts and under the nuts are placed washers, preferably the oblong shape (for example, from a thin metal strip with a hole) to provide a sufficient area of \u200b\u200bfitting (Fig. 50, a).

To drain the water, you can simply embed a conventional tap and fix it from the inside with a nut through the puck. Perhaps in the place of the attachment you will need to cut the protector gently. Instead of a crane, you can use a Sgon from a pipe 0% in the same way, using nuts with washers on both sides. With their help, several barrels mounted on a metal corner stand can be combined with each other. The stand height should allow freely to substitute a bucket under the tap.

Out of tires, especially heavy wheeled tractors, can also be used. This is excellent, in fact, a free and almost eternal tank for warm water. Even the bottom is not necessary for him. First, take a cushion from sand or fine (up to 5 mm) rubble at the location of the tire. Close it with a polyethylene film for seaming seaming and press the top with the top. In the latter, it is predeforeced to cut up the top edge to the Cord, and the bottom - before the start of the bend of the tires inside (Fig. 50, b). After that, the center of the laid tire will fill with concrete so that it grabbed the cropped lower edge, and in a few days the water container is fully ready for operation. It will serve for a long time, not afraid of rust, not only in its direct appointment, but also as a decoration of the gardening area. For this, the tire will simply be easy to color. Install such a product can be installed under the roof drainage.

Fig. 50. Water collectors: A - Tire barrels; b - a mini-pond from a tire (/ - Tire; 2 - water; 3 - concrete fill; 4 - Pillow of sand or rubble; 5 - plastic film); B - rainwater collector (/ - poles or pipes; 2 - storage capacity; 3 - chute; 4 - coating of film or oilcloth; 5 - nails;

6 - gasket from tin, linoleum; 7 - bearing frame bars;

8 - slat strips; 9 - wire twists); g - fanwater collector