"In the trenches of Stalingrad": a description of the story, a brief analysis. "In the trenches of Stalingrad": a description of the story, a brief analysis of Nekrasov in the trenches of Stalingrad a brief summary

In this article we will describe a brief summary of Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad" - a story written in 1946. The action begins in 1942, in July, with the retreat of the Russians near Oskol. Let us describe sequentially, in chronological order, V. Nekrasov).

German troops came close to Voronezh, and the regiment was withdrawing from the newly dug fortifications without firing a single shot. However, the first battalion remains to cover, under the command of battalion commander Shiryaev. Lieutenant Kerzhentsev, the protagonist of the story, also decided to stay to help him.

Combining battalion with troops

A summary of Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad" continues with an episode of the battalion's connection with other units. It happens as follows. The first battalion is removed, having laid down for two days, laid down by order. Suddenly he meets Igor Svidersky, a friend of Kerzhentsev, a liaison headquarters. He notifies that the regiment is defeated, so you should change the route and go to connect with it. Enemy troops are only 10 kilometers away.

People walk another day until they finally settle in dilapidated barns. The Germans find them right here. The battalion defends itself with many casualties. Shiryaev leaves with 14 fighters, and Kerzhentsev remains with Valega, an orderly, Lazarenko (headquarters liaison), Sedykh and Igor in order to cover them. They kill Lazarenko, and the rest of the soldiers leave the barn safely and unite with their own. This is not difficult to do, since the retreating parts drag along the road in disarray. They are trying to find their own: an army, a division, a regiment, but this is impossible. Crossing the Don. The battalion reaches Stalingrad.

Life in Stalingrad with Marya Kuzminichna

Here the fighters are located at Marya Kuzminichna, who is the sister of the former company commander Igor, and begin to live a peaceful, long-forgotten life. Communicating with the hostess and Nikolai Nikolaevich, her husband, as well as walking with Lyusya, who reminds Yuri Kerzhentsev of his beloved, who is also called Lyusya, tea with jam, a library, swimming in the Volga - a calm life. Together with Kerzhentsev, Igor falls into the reserve, posing as a sapper. He now belongs to a special-purpose group whose task is to prepare industrial facilities for an explosion. However, peaceful life was unexpectedly interrupted by a two-hour bombing and an air raid - the Germans began to attack the city. This is how the summary "In the trenches of Stalingrad" (V. Nekrasov) continues.

Kerzhentsev's conversation with Georgy Akimovich

After that, sappers are sent to a tractor plant located near Stalingrad. Here is a painstaking, long preparation for the explosion. The chain has to be repaired several times a day, since it was torn during the next shelling. Igor, in the intervals between shifts, argues with the electrical engineer of the CHPP Georgy Akimovich. He is outraged by the inability to fight his compatriots. Georgy Akimovich believes that only a miracle can save the Russians. The main character recalls a recent conversation between soldiers about their land, "like butter" greasy, about the breads that cover you with your head. He doesn't know what to call it. Perhaps, "the latent warmth of patriotism," as Tolstoy said. Perhaps this is the miracle that Georgy Akimovich awaits, stronger than the tanks and organization of the Germans.

Kerzhentsev with a battalion is ferried to the other side

The city has been bombed for 10 days. There is probably nothing left of him.

However, the order for the explosion is not received. Without waiting for him, the sappers set off on a new assignment - to the engineering department, to the front headquarters, on the other side of the Volga. This is where they are assigned. Igor breaks up with Kerzhentsev. The main character is sent to the 184th division. With his first battalion, he crosses to the other side, which is all engulfed in fire.

Kerzhentsev - battalion commander

The battalion immediately engages in battle. The battalion commander dies, Kerzhentsev becomes the battalion commander. These events continue the summary of the book "In the trenches of Stalingrad". The 4th and 5th companies, as well as a platoon of foot scouts commanded by Chumak, are at the disposal of Kerzhentsev. Plant "Metiz" - its positions. Fighters stay here for a long time. The day begins with the morning cannonade. Then attack or "sabantui". So the month of September passes, the next begins.

Preparing to attack

The battalion is sent to positions between the ravine on Mamayev and "Metiz", which are more vulnerable to fire. Major Borodkin, the regiment commander, attracts the main character for the construction of a dugout and sapper work together with Lieutenant Lisagor, a sapper.

There are only 36 people in the battalion instead of the 400 required, and the small area for the full complement is a serious problem for them. Soldiers begin to dig trenches, sappers set mines. But it immediately becomes clear that it is necessary to change positions: the colonel, division commander, comes to the command post and orders to go to the hill, on which there are enemy machine guns. The scouts will be provided to help, and Chuikov also promised "corn workers". Time drags on before the attack. The protagonist exposes the political officers who came with a check from the command post and, unexpectedly for himself, goes to the attack.


They took the hill, which turned out to be not so difficult: 12 out of 14 soldiers survived. They sit with Karnaukhov, Komrots and Chumak, the scout commander (a recent enemy of the protagonist) in a German dugout and discuss the battle. Suddenly it turns out that the fighters are cut off from the rest of the battalion. They are on the defensive. We will not describe in detail this episode of the work "In the trenches of Stalingrad" by Nekrasov in a brief summary. In the dugout, Valega, an orderly of Kerzhentsev, unexpectedly appears, who remained at the command post, because he injured his leg 3 days before the attack. He brings the canned meat to the fighters, as well as a note from Kharlamov, the senior adjutant, that there should be an attack at 4 o'clock.

Kerzhentsev surrenders the battalion, the conversation of the protagonist with Farber

However, the offensive is not successful, as he writes about in the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad" by V.P. Nekrasov. More and more people are dying - from direct hits and wounds. There is no hope of surviving, nevertheless, theirs still break through to them. Shiryaev swoops in on Kerzhentsev. He received the appointment of a battalion commander instead of the main character. He surrenders the battalion, after which he moves to Lisagor. They sit back at first, go to visit Karnaukhov, Shiryaev, Chumak.

For the first time in 1.5 months of acquaintance, Kerzhentsev talks about life with Farber, the commanders of his former battalion. This man is an intellectual in the war, not very good at commanding the company entrusted to him, which is noted in the work "In the trenches of Stalingrad" Nekrasov. However, he feels responsible for everything that he never learned to do on time.

New attack on the orders of Abrosimov

Kerzhentsev has a name day on November 19. On this occasion, a holiday is planned, but it breaks down due to the fact that the front must advance. This is how Nekrasov's work "In the trenches of Stalingrad" continues. In a brief summary, we will describe further events as follows. Kerzhentsev, having prepared the command post for Borodin, the major, releases the sappers ashore with Lisagor, and he himself goes to his former battalion on orders.

Shiryaev came up with the idea of ​​how to get the message moves, and the major agrees with this military trick - it will save people. However, Captain Abrosimov, chief of staff, insists on a head-on attack. He goes after Kerzhentsev to Shiryaev's command post and orders the battalion to attack, not listening to any arguments.

The main character attacks along with the rest. Immediately, the fighters lay in the craters, hitting the bullets. After 9 hours spent in the funnel, Kerzhentsev finally manages to connect with his own. 26 people lost a battalion, almost half of all soldiers. Karnaukhov died. Shiryaev, wounded, ends up in the medical battalion. Farber takes command of the battalion. This is the only commander who did not take part in the attack. Abrosimov decided to keep him with him.

Abrosimov's trial

"In the trenches of Stalingrad" by Nekrasov, in a summary, continues with the trial of Abrosimov. It took place the next day. On it, Major Borodin says that he trusted the chief of staff, but he exceeded his power, deceived the regiment commander. People died. Then a few more people take the floor. The accused believes that he was right, since the tanks could only be taken by a massive attack. Then Farber stands up. He does not know how to speak, but he knows that those who died in this attack were not afraid. He says the order was to "take possession" and not "attack." The trick invented by Shiryaev would have saved people who are no longer there.

New battles

The accused was demoted to the penal battalion. He leaves without saying goodbye to anyone. Kerzhentsev is now calm about Farber. Long-awaited tanks arrive at night. The main character is trying to make up for the missed name days, but Nekrasov describes a new offensive in the work "In the trenches of Stalingrad". Shiryaev comes running, escaping from the medical battalion. He is now the chief of staff. The fight begins. Kerzhentsev is wounded in him, who is placed in a medical battalion. From there, he returns "home", near Stalingrad, meets Sedykh, and also learns that Igor is still alive, is going to see him in the evening and again does not have time: with the Northern group they are transferred for a new battle. There is an offensive.

Thus ends the summary of Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad" - a work dedicated to the war. For this story, the writer received the Stalin Prize. A summary of Nekrasov "In the trenches of Stalingrad" tells only about the main events of the work. You can also familiarize yourself with them based on the film "Soldiers", based on the story. In it he played one of his first big roles. "In the trenches of Stalingrad" by Nekrasov in a summary, as well as the film, of course, will not tell all the details of the plot. Therefore, it is best to familiarize yourself with the original story. We tried to describe as succinctly and succinctly as possible the summary of "In the trenches of Stalingrad".

The action begins in July 1942 with a retreat near Oskol. The Germans approached Voronezh, and the regiment departs from the newly dug fortifications without a single shot, and the first battalion, led by battalion commander Shiryaev, remains for cover. The main character of the story, Lieutenant Kerzhentsev, remains to help the battalion commander. After laying the set for two days, the first battalion is also removed. On the way, they unexpectedly meet the liaison headquarters and chemist Kerzhentsev's friend Igor Svidersky with the news that the regiment is defeated, they need to change the route and go to join it, and the Germans are only ten kilometers away. They go on for another day, until they settle in dilapidated sheds. There the Germans find them. The battalion is on the defensive. Lots of losses. Shiryaev with fourteen fighters leaves, and Kerzhentsev with Valera, an orderly, Igor, Sedykh and the liaison of Lazarenko's headquarters remain to cover them. Lazarenko is killed, and the rest safely leave the barn and catch up with their own. This is not difficult, since the parts retreating in disarray stretch along the road. They are trying to look for their own: regiment, division, army, but this is impossible. Retreat. Crossing the Don. So they get to Stalingrad.

In Stalingrad, they stay with Marya Kuzminichna, the sister of the former Igor's company commander in the reserve regiment, and begin to live a long-forgotten peaceful life. Conversations with the hostess and her husband

Nikolai Nikolaevich, tea with jam, walks with a neighbor's girl Lyusya, who reminds Yuri Kerzhentsev of his beloved, also Lyusa, swimming in the Volga, a library - all this is a real peaceful life. Igor pretends to be a sapper and, together with Kerzhentsev, ends up in the reserve, in a special purpose group. Their job is to prepare the industrial facilities of the city for the explosion. But peaceful life was unexpectedly interrupted by an air raid and a two-hour bombing - the German launched an offensive on.

Sappers are sent to a tractor plant near Stalingrad. There is a long, painstaking preparation of the plant for the explosion. Several times a day we have to repair the chain, which was torn during the next shelling. In the intervals between shifts, Igor is arguing with Georgy Akimovich, an electrical engineer at the CHP plant. Georgy Akimovich is outraged by the Russians' inability to fight: "The Germans have traveled from Berlin to Stalingrad in cars, but we are in jackets and overalls in the trenches with a three-line model of the 91st year." Georgy Akimovich believes that only a miracle can save the Russians. Kerzhentsev recalls a recent conversation between soldiers about their land, "fat as butter, about breads that cover you with their heads." He doesn't know what to call it. he called it "the latent warmth of patriotism." "Perhaps this is the miracle that Georgy Akimovich is waiting for, a miracle stronger than German organization and tanks with black crosses."

The city has been bombed for ten days, probably nothing is left of it, and there is still no order to blast. Without waiting for the order to blast, the sappers of the reserve are sent to a new assignment - to the front headquarters, to the engineering department, on the other side of the Volga. At the headquarters, they receive appointments, and Kerzhentsev has to part with Igor. He was sent to the 184th division. He meets his first battalion and crosses with him to the other side. The entire shore is engulfed in flames.

The battalion immediately engages in battle. The battalion commander dies, and Kerzhentsev takes command of the battalion. At his disposal are the fourth and fifth companies and a platoon of foot scouts under the command of foreman Chumak. Its position is the plant

"Hardware". Here they stay for a long time. The day begins with a morning cannonade. Then "sabantui" or attack. September passes, October begins.

The battalion is being transferred to more open positions between the "Metiz" and the end of the ravine on Mamaev. The regiment commander, Major Borodin, enlists Kerzhentsev for sapper work and the construction of a dugout to help his sapper Lieutenant Lisagor. There are only thirty-six men in the battalion instead of the expected four hundred, and the area, small for a normal battalion, presents a serious problem. Soldiers begin to dig trenches, sappers set mines. But then it turns out that the positions need to be changed: a colonel, division commander comes to the command post, and orders to occupy the hill, where the enemy machine guns are located. Scouts will be given to help, and Chuikov promised "corn workers". The time before the attack drags on slowly. Kerzhentsev exposes political dealers who have come with a check from the command post and, unexpectedly for himself, goes into the attack.

They took the hill, and it turned out to be not very difficult: twelve of the fourteen fighters survived. They sit in a German dugout with the commander Karnaukhov and the scout commander Chumak, Kerzhentsev's recent adversary, and discuss the battle. But then it turns out that they are cut off from the battalion. They take up a perimeter defense. Suddenly, an orderly Kerzhentsev Valera, who remained at the command post, appears in the dugout, since he twisted his leg three days before the attack. He brings the stew and a note from the senior adjutant Kharlamov: the attack should be at 4.00.

The attack fails. More and more people are dying - from wounds and direct hits. There is no hope of surviving, but theirs still break through to them. Shiryaev swoops in on Kerzhentsev, who was appointed battalion commander instead of Kerzhentsev. Kerzhentsev surrenders the battalion and moves to Lisagor. At first, they sit back, go to visit Chumak, Shiryaev, Karnaukhov. For the first time in a month and a half of meeting, Kerzhentsev talks about life with the commander of his former battalion Farber. This is the type of intellectual in war, an intellectual who is not very good at commanding a company entrusted to him, but feels responsible for everything that he did not learn to do in time.

The nineteenth of November at Kerzhentsev's name day. A holiday is planned, but is thwarted by the general offensive along the entire front. Having prepared the command post for Major Borodin, Kerzhentsev releases the sappers with Lisagor ashore, and he himself, on the orders of the major, goes to his former battalion. Shiryaev figured out how to take the message moves, and the major agrees with the military cunning that will save people. But the chief of staff, Captain Abrosimov, insists on a head-on attack. He appears at Shiryaev's command post after Kerzhentsev and sends the battalion into the attack, not listening to arguments.

Kerzhentsev goes on the attack with the soldiers. They immediately fall under the bullets and lie in the craters. After nine hours spent in the funnel, Kerzhentsev manages to get to his own. Battalion lost

twenty-six people, almost half. Karnaukhov died. Wounded, he ends up in the medical battalion Shiryaev. Farber takes command of the battalion. He was the only one of the commanders who did not take part in the attack. Abrosimov kept it with him.

The next day, the trial of Abrosimov took place. Major Borodin says at the trial that he trusted his chief of staff, but he deceived the regiment commander, "he exceeded his power, and people died." Then a few more people speak. Abrosimov believes that he was right, only a massive attack could take the tanks. “Kombats take care of people, so they don't like attacks. Bucky could only be taken by attack. And he is not to blame for the fact that people treated this dishonestly, they were cowardly. " And then Farber rises. He can't speak, but he knows he doesn't

those who died in this attack were scared. “Courage is not in going with a bare chest on a machine gun” ... The order was “not to attack, but to take over”. The technique invented by Shiryaev would have saved people, but now they are not ...

Abrosimov was demoted to the penal battalion, and he leaves without saying goodbye to anyone. And Kerzhentsev is now calm about Farber. Long-awaited tanks arrive at night. Kerzhentsev is trying to make up for the missed name days, but again the offensive. Shiryaev, now the chief of staff, who escaped from the medical battalion, comes running, and the battle begins. In this battle, Kerzhentsev is wounded, and he ends up in a medical battalion. From the medical battalion, he returns to Stalingrad, "home", meets Sedykh, learns that Igor is alive, is going to see him in the evening and again does not have time: they are transferred for battles with the Northern group. There is an offensive.

E. S. Ostrovskaya Little sad story (1984)

The beginning of the 80s. Three inseparable friends live in Leningrad: Kunitsyn, Roman and Ashot Nikoghosyan. All three - up to thirty. All three are "actors". Sashka is a ballet dancer at the Kirov Theater, Roman is an actor at Lenfilm, Ashot sings, plays, deftly imitates Marcel Marceau.

They are both different and very similar at the same time. From childhood Sashka conquered the girls with his "okayness, grace, ability to be charming." Enemies consider him arrogant, but at the same time he

ready to "give up the last shirt." Ashot is not distinguished by beauty, but innate artistry and plasticity make him beautiful. He speaks perfectly, he is the founder of all plans. The novel is caustic and sharp on the tongue. On the screen, he is funny, often tragic. There is something Chaplin in him.

In their free time, they are always together. They are brought together by "a certain search for their own path." They revile the Soviet system no more than others, but “the damn question of how to resist dogmas, stupidity, one linearity pressing on you from all sides,” requires some kind of answer. In addition, one must achieve success - none of the friends suffers from a lack of ambition. This is how they live. From morning to evening - rehearsals, performances, filming, and then they meet and lighten the soul, arguing about art, talent, literature, painting and much more.

Sashka and Ashot live with their mothers, Roman is alone. Friends always help each other, including money. They are called the "Three Musketeers". There are women in their life, but they are kept somewhat apart. Ashot has love - Frenchwoman Anriette, who "is an intern at Leningrad University." Ashot is going to marry her.

Sashka and Ashot rush about with the idea of ​​staging Gogol's "Overcoat", in which Sashka is to play Akaki Akakievich. In the midst of this work, foreign tours "descend" on Sasha. He flies to Canada. There Sashka has great success and decides to ask for asylum. Roman and Ashot are completely at a loss, they cannot come to terms with the idea that their friend did not say a word about his plans. Ashot often visits Sashka's mother, Vera Pavlovna. She is still waiting for a letter from her son, but Sasha does not write and only once gives her a parcel with a bright knitted sweater, some little things and a large - "miracle of printing" - album - "Aiexaxime Kshkup". Soon Ashot marries Henriette. After a while, they and Ashot's mother, Ranush Akopovna, are given permission to leave: it is very difficult for Anriette to live in Russia, despite her love for everything Russian. Despite the fact that Roman remains alone, he approves of Ashot's deed. The last picture of Roman fell on the shelf, and he believes that it is impossible to live in this country. Ashot, on the other hand, does not want to part with his beloved city.

In Paris, Ashot gets a job as a sound engineer for television. Soon Sashka performs in Paris. Ashot comes to the concert. Sashka is great, the audience gives him a standing ovation. Ashot manages to make his way backstage. Sasha is very happy with him, but there are a lot of people around, and friends agree that Ashot will call Sasha at the hotel the next morning. But Ashot cannot get through: the phone does not answer. Sasha himself does not call. When Ashot arrives at the hotel after work, the porter informs him that Monsieur Kunitsyn has left. Ashot cannot understand Sasha.

Gradually, Ashot gets used to French life. He lives a rather secluded life - work, home, books, TV. He greedily reads Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Bulgakov, Platonov, who can easily be bought in a store, watches the classics of Western cinema. Although Ashot becomes, as it were, a Frenchman, “all their elections and discussions in parliament” do not touch him. One fine day, Romka Krylov appears on the threshold of Ashot. He managed to come to the Cannes Film Festival as a consultant for his own money, and he did it because he really wanted to see Ashot. For three days, friends walk around Paris, remember the past. Roman says that he managed to get the Soviet minister of culture through and "push through" an essentially "anti-Soviet" film. Roman leaves.

Soon Sashka appears and flies to Ceylon, but there is a delay in the flight in Paris. In front of Ashot there is still the same Sashka, who is "executed" because of what he did. Ashot realizes that he cannot be angry with him. But there is so much rational in what Sashka says about art now. Ashot recalls "The Overcoat", while Sashka claims that the rich American "ballet-lovers" do not need the "Overcoat". Ashot is offended that Sashka never once asks about his “material well-being”.

Friends never meet again. Roman's film is not without success passes through the country. The novel is jealous of Ashot because there is no "Soviet mura" in his life. Ashotik envies Roman because in his life there is "struggle, acuteness, victories." Henriette is expecting a baby. Sasha lives in New York in a six-room apartment, tours, he constantly has to make important decisions.

From the publisher. While the text of the story was being typed in the printing house, Ashot received a telegram from Sashka with a request to fly out to him immediately. "The expenses are paid," the telegram said.

"In the trenches of Stalingrad" - a story of 1946, for which the author was awarded the highest state award at that time - the Stalin Prize. After Viktor Nekrasov was deprived of Soviet citizenship, the book was withdrawn from libraries. The article contains a summary of "In the trenches of Stalingrad".

Battle of stalingrad

What is Nekrasov's story about? The book "In the trenches of Stalingrad", a summary of which is presented below, reflects the events of the most important period in the war. Nekrasov's tale tells about the battle that took place almost eighty years ago on the territory of the Rostov, Voronezh and Volgograd regions. Soviet soldiers spent six months in the trenches of Stalingrad. A summary of the decisive stage of the Second World War is set out below.

The German offensive began in July 1942. In the plans of the invader there was a large bend of the Don, then the Volgodonsk isthmus and, finally, Stalingrad. If the goal were achieved, a bridgehead would be created for further offensive and seizure of oil fields. The Germans had excellent aviation, they knew what a correct military strategy was. Nevertheless, they lost this battle. It was possible to force the invaders to surrender to the Red Army thanks to Operation Uranus. Or, perhaps, a miracle, about which one of the heroes of the story speaks in "In the trenches of Stalingrad".

The flawless truth

What is the success of the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad"? The summary will not answer this question. Only a reading of the story in the original. The front-line soldiers argued that Nekrasov's book shows the war as it is. Without embellishment and excessive pathos. Varlam Shalamov, who had never been to the front, called the story "a timid attempt to show something as it is." Andrey Platonov also highly appreciated this book. And, finally, before presenting a summary of the chapters "In the trenches of Stalingrad", it is worth citing the words of Daniil Granin: "Nekrasov's story is an impeccable truth."


So, what did Nekrasov talk about in his work? Summary "In the trenches of Stalingrad" should begin with a description of the retreat of Soviet troops, which took place in July 1942 near Oskol. The main character is Lieutenant Kerzhentsev. The Germans are approaching Voronezh. The regiment from the newly dug fortifications leaves without a single shot. The battalion, led by Kombat Shiryaev, remains without cover. The main character of the story remains to help him. Two days later they set off, on the way they learn that the regiment is defeated.

Kerzhentsev was accompanied by orderly Valega for several months. Other heroes of the story are Igor, Sedykh. The battalion goes in search of its own, but on the way it meets the Germans, many die. Kerzhentsev, Valega, Igor and Sedykh set off for Stalingrad.

Peaceful city

The main character recalls his pre-war life. He has been at the front for a long time, everything that was before, in his native Kiev, it seems, never existed. What is described in the subsequent chapters of V. Nekrasov's work? The content of "In the Trenches of Stalingrad", at least of the first chapters, boils down to reflections, reminiscences of Lieutenant Kerzhentsev. He is so accustomed to frontline life that he is surprised by the city, which will soon turn into ruins. Here they still read newspapers, argue about literature, visit the library, just live ...

Kerzhentsev and his comrades stay at the house of Maria Kuzminichna. A woman treats them to tea with cherry jam. A forgotten peaceful life is relaxing. The heroes go swimming on the Volga, then read. In the evening of this day, German troops begin an offensive against Stalingrad.

Kerzhentsev is a sapper. Lieutenant and sent to the local tractor plant. Here he met the electrical engineer Georgy Akimovich, a man convinced that only a miracle would help the Soviet troops to win this war. There is a painstaking, long preparation for the explosion. Ten days pass. The Germans are mercilessly bombing the city. There is still no order for the explosion, and Kerzhentsev is sent to the engineering department located on the other side of the Volga.

Battalion command

The lieutenant is sent to the 184th division. Soon the battalion commander dies, and Kerzhentsev has to take over command of the battalion. The lieutenant has two companies at his disposal, which occupy positions at one of the local factories. Here the main character lingers for a long time. Every day starts with a cannonade. This is how September passes, and then October.


Soon a message comes in that positions need to be changed. It was ordered to occupy the hill, on which the enemy machine guns are located. Time passes unbearably slowly before the attack. Unexpectedly, workers from the political department appear, whom Kerzhentsev does not meet with joy. The lieutenant sends out inspectors from the command post, and when the attack begins, he unexpectedly takes part in it. Manages to take the hill, and without great losses.

Does Viktor Nekrasov divide his heroes into positive and negative? In the summary "In the trenches of Stalingrad", it is worth paying attention to such a hero as the chief of staff Abrosimov. The captain is convinced of the need for a head-on attack. He does not listen to the arguments of either Kerzhentsev or the battalion commander Shiryaev. The protagonist of the story goes on the attack again. In this battle, 26 people are killed. Abrosimov is tried for abuse of power and sent to the penal battalion.

Outlining the summary of Nekrasov's story "In the trenches of Stalingrad", it is worth saying that in this work the author did not create either negative or positive images. He does not impose his opinion on the reader. The depiction of the attack, which took place on the orders of Abrosimov, is one of the many officers' mistakes that may be inevitable in a war.


The day after the trial of Abramov, tanks arrive, which they have been waiting for over the past months. Soon Kerzhentsev's birthday. A small celebration is being prepared, which, of course, will not take place, because the battle will begin unexpectedly. The lieutenant will be wounded, will be in the hospital, and after treatment will return to Stalingrad, which in his thoughts he will call "home".

Supplement to the summary

The work "In the trenches of Stalingrad" is conducted in the first person. There are no unexpected plot twists in the story. But the simplicity with which the narrator tells the story is impressive.

In the first chapters, where we are talking about the misadventures of the heroes even before their arrival at Stalingrad, the lieutenant mentally reflects on the war. What's the worst thing at the front? Shells? Bombs? The worst thing in war uncertainty, inactivity, lack of immediate purpose - all that consisted of the existence of the retreating soldiers. It cannot be said that the heroes of Nekrasov are not afraid of bullets, but reading the story, one gets the impression that in Stalingrad they experienced less fear than near Voronezh when they were retreating.

The author of this work touches upon the topic of friendship in passing. Nevertheless, it is, perhaps, the main one. At the front, Kerzhentsev understands what real friendship is. Hardly any of his Kiev friends could have pulled him, wounded, from the battlefield. It is unlikely that Kerzhentsev would have gone into reconnaissance with anyone because of them. And the orderly Valega would have pulled it out. The lieutenant would have gone to reconnaissance with him. The author compares the war to a litmus test. Only at the front can you really get to know people.


A tale in the trenches of Stalingrad Nekrasov Viktor Platonovich brought all-Union glory. This work was published in the magazine "Banner". At first, the official critics did not accept the story. Moreover, Nekrasov's book would never have been published if one person did not intervene ...

Meeting with Stalin

In Stalin's times, many poets and prose writers suffered. Some were convicted and sent to camps. Others are deprived of the right to publish their works, which for a real writer is perhaps worse than imprisonment. But this does not mean that Stalin understood nothing in literature. He got rid of uncomfortable people who did not want to reflect the official ideology in their work.

The story of Viktor Nekrasov is the first work that tells about the war with utmost truthfulness. This is one of the first books written by front-line soldiers. The story was published thanks to the personal intervention of Stalin.

The writer and statesman Fadeev crossed out "In the trenches of Stalingrad" from the list of works that were supposed to appear on the pages of the "Banner" magazine. Stalin brought in. The story was published. And after a while for Nekrasov state security officers came and took him to the "leader". In one of the essays, the writer later spoke about his meeting with Stalin. According to Nekrasov, he created an unexpected impression, was a kind of "cozy old man", a pleasant companion, in addition, he respected the work of Platonov, Bulgakov, Babel - writers who suffered from the Soviet regime.

A few words about the author

In 1959, Nekrasov opposed the construction of a stadium in Babi Yar, at the site of mass shootings carried out by the Nazis during the war. Since then, the relationship between the writer and the government has deteriorated sharply. He took an active part in rallies, wrote controversial articles. Finally, Nekrasov was accused of "servility to the West," and his books were banned from publishing. In 1974 the writer emigrated to Switzerland. He spent his last years in Paris.

The work describes the very height of the Second World War. The summer of 1942 is going on and the enemy army has already managed to reach Voronezh, leaving only death and devastation on its way. War changes destinies and makes sometimes difficult decisions of the commanders of combat platoons. The protagonist of the entire book wakes up a young lieutenant Yura by the name of Kerzhentsev.

The story begins with the retreat of the Soviet army, the enemy got too close and the soldiers are forced to approach the outskirts of Stalingrad. After a series of enemy attacks, many of Kerzhentsev's battalion

They die, he manages to escape in the company of Igor Svidersky, orderly Valega and Sedym. All of them safely get to a peaceful city, where everyone has the opportunity to relax and gain strength.

The young children are hospitably received by Igor's relatives, giving them the opportunity to enjoy a quiet life. Daily walks in the park, swimming in the river and sweet jam with tea, ends with the onset of an air raid. The Germans, having gathered all the might of their army, launched an offensive on the majestic Stalingrad.

Yura, together with Igor, enter the service in a special assignment group. Their first

The task is to mine a large tractor plant, which, in the event of the capture of a nearby territory by the enemy, must be blown up.

Engineer Georgy Akimov is sent to help them, who loves to have philosophical conversations about the poor training of the Russian military, in comparison with the Germans. But few people pay attention to his words, the work is difficult and painstaking, and in their group there are only patriots who are ready to stand up for their homeland to the end.

For the tenth day the city has been living under bullets. A special purpose soldier is sent on a new combat mission after canceling the order to blow up the tractor plant. Yuri says goodbye to his comrades and goes to a new service in his old detachment of the 184th division. The other side of the wide-water Volga awaits him, from where combat explosions are heard and tongues of flame can be seen.

Without wasting a minute of precious time upon arrival, all the soldiers rush into battle with a battle cry. At one point, the battalion commander dies and, since Yuri Kerzhentsev is the senior in rank, two companies of scouts are at his disposal at once. The battles are long and fierce opponents from both sides do not allow each other to relax, taking positions on the territory of the "Metiz" plant for battalions under the command of the protagonist, the first months of autumn pass here.

Attacking the enemy over and over again, Russian soldiers are forced to work for three, as there are sorely lack of fighters. Moving from one position to another, installing, mini and digging trenches, the team of Yuri Kerzhentsev miraculously manages to work in full combat strength.

Everyone manages to rest a little only after capturing the enemy's hill, where machine guns are installed. Everyone goes on the attack indiscriminately, and after a couple of very simple hours, the guys sit in the Nazis' dugout eating stew and cheerfully tell jokes. At this moment, the boundaries between commanders and subordinates are erased, grievances are forgotten and rivals become allies. But this is just a moment of silence, the new attack will be a couple of hours before dawn.

The next military offensive of the Russian soldiers failed, many were wounded and killed. The leadership decides that Kerzhenets is to blame for everything and order him to transfer his command to Shiryaev. The company commander Chumakov takes Yuri to his place, taking advantage of the lull at the front, they have sincere conversations about life without war. The protagonist understands how much the comrades are worried about the life of each of their soldiers, it is hard for him to be an intelligent person to bear such a burden of responsibility.

November comes and on the birthday of Yuri Kerzhentsev on the 19th, a major offensive is planned on important positions of the German invaders. This attack became the main dispute between the battalion commanders and the headquarters, wanting to save as many people as possible Abrosimov, goes against the order of the leadership and loses many people in battle.

He takes part in the battle and Yuri miraculously escapes after spending several days in a ravine under bullets. He meets with the surviving comrades of his battalion already at the medical headquarters. A couple of days later, Abrosimov was tried for disobeying orders, many were defending him, but nothing could be done and the former commander was demoted to a penal battalion.

But the war continues until the long-awaited victory for many more difficult years and difficult decisions. The new battle begins with good news that in support of the arrived tanks, captured by the reliable all participants in past events, rushed to the attack. This time Yuri Kerzhentsev was wounded and was taken to the hospital on a stretcher.

After turning into oneself and lying down for a couple of days, the tired soldier is sent home near Stalingrad. Here he will not stay long, having managed to find out that his comrades Igor and Sedoy are alive, Yuri goes on a new offensive as part of the northern group.

In Russian literature about the war, the so-called "lieutenant prose" is distinguished. She is distinguished by truthfulness and impartiality when portraying military operations. The founder of this trend is often considered V. Nekrasov, who published in 1946 the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad". The summary of each chapter helps to understand how terrible this time was in the history of the country.

The beginning of the retreat

The protagonist of the story is a military engineer, lieutenant Yuri Kerzhentsev. Through his eyes the reader sees a picture of the retreat from Oskol to Stalingrad itself and a description of the fierce battles on the Volga.

In July 1942, the chief of staff unexpectedly gathers battalions and officers. His news is disappointing: at night the regiment begins to retreat, which is entrusted to cover Shiryaev's battalion (the main character is in its composition). This is how Nekrasov begins his work "In the trenches of Stalingrad". The summary of the first three chapters is as follows. The regiment has been fighting for only a month and a half, but during this time there are almost no weapons or people left. At first, the soldiers, who had not yet been shelled, were not accustomed to exploding bombs, were thrown into the defenses near Kharkov. Then there were many other movements. And now they dug in near Oskol, received the order to retreat. The soldiers were afraid of one thing: had the German really climbed so far?

The regiment leaves at the appointed time. The remaining soldiers with five machine guns create the appearance that everything is the same. On the night of the second day, sappers mine the coast, and the battalion also retreats. Now their main task is to catch up with their own.

From Oskol to Stalingrad

They pass through the villages. Residents silently watch the soldiers, someone is giving food. Their silent questions make the fighters feel awkward. Shiryaev and Kerzhentsev, hearing that troops were passing through here recently, decide: it was their regiment. However, the meeting of the hero with his acquaintance Igor, the headquarters liaison, shows that things are very bad. Continues the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad" a summary of his story. By the time the messenger left, there were about a hundred people left in the regiment. The enemy with tanks, motorized infantry and machine gunners attacked unexpectedly. The major and the commissar are killed. There are no guns either. Maksimov, as having taken over the leadership, ordered to find Shiryaev with his fighters. But Igor did not know where to go and where the front was now, he only said that the Germans were ten kilometers away.

The story "In the trenches of Stalingrad", the summary of which you are reading, continues with a description of the battle that unfolded near the sheds, where the battalion stopped to rest. Only fifteen fighters, led by Shiryaev, emerge from it alive. Five more, Kerzhentsev and his orderly Valega, Igor, Sedykh and Lazarenko (he will die from a mine explosion) remain at the sheds to cover the retreat of their comrades. Having got out of hiding, they join the stream of retreating troops by night. It soon becomes clear: it is not so easy to find your regiment, or rather, what is left of it. One major reports that battles are taking place somewhere, and advises to get to Stalingrad. A new army is being formed there. Local residents ask why our troops are retreating, which makes Kerzhentsev feel a strong sense of shame. All that remains is the hope that they will leave for a short time - after all, there was Moscow, from which the enemy was thrown back.

In Stalingrad

Finally they get to Here peace and tranquility still reign. Igor leads his comrades to the sister of his commander. The soldiers seem to be returning to their former - pre-war - life, which is not at all similar to what will soon happen in the trenches of Stalingrad. The summary of chapters 10-13 should be supplemented by the fact that Kerzhentsev and his comrades get work: to prepare important objects of the city for destruction. This is how August passes.

Although air raids are constantly announced on the radio, peaceful life collapsed unexpectedly. On Sunday evening, German planes first appeared over the city. They bombed continuously for about two hours, after which Stalingrad was engulfed in flames.

At the tractor plant

In the morning, Kerzhentsev and his comrades are sent out of town. There is an urgent need to mine the tractor. The work is complicated by constant shelling, violating the integrity of the wires. In addition, all the necessary instruments are not available. People work without rest, but twelve days pass, and the plant is still standing. The city is almost continuously bombed and almost destroyed. The battles are taking place on the side of the river where the trenches of Stalingrad are located. Nekrasov - a summary of the conversation is given below - shows how in these difficult months and years for the country, true patriotism of people is formed. So, Georgy Akimovich, an electrical engineer at the thermal power station, in a dispute with Kerzhentsev, proves that the Russian troops do not know how to fight, and only a miracle can affect the outcome of the war. At this moment, Yuri recalls the words of one of the soldiers who met on the way to Stalingrad. He spoke about the oily earth, which gives life to the seeds, and about the impossibility of giving it to the enemy. The hero also remembered the most terrible death: the man who spoke a minute ago was lying in front of him with outstretched arms, and a cigarette butt burned out on his lip. From such details, in the author's opinion, that lofty feeling is formed, which L. Tolstoy gave the name "the latent warmth of patriotism."

To the front

Kerzhentsev, Igor and Sedykh received an order to cross over to the engineering department on the other side of the Volga, to the Mamayev Kurgan, where the front line was deployed. There they are assigned to different divisions. The 184th, where the main character falls, immediately goes to the defense of the Metiz plant. Kerzhentsev is appointed commander of the 4th and 5th companies, which are constantly attacked by the enemy. The place for a fight is inconvenient: it is impossible to dig in and hide. The Germans first began shelling, but soon tanks and planes appeared. The shelling does not stop almost all day, but the soldiers manage to hold the defense. Many were injured and killed. At night it becomes known that the battalion commander was killed in the battle. The chief of staff of the regiment transfers the leadership of the battalion to Kerzhentsev.

"In the trenches of Stalingrad": a summary of the chapters of the second part

For more than a week, the Nazis continuously attacked the troops defending the Metiz. Then they spread over to Krasny Oktyabr, giving a little respite.

October has come. The Germans entered Stalingrad. There were not very many of our troops around the city, and the battles were fierce. The battalion of Kerzhentsev is being transferred to the most difficult, practically level section between the "Metiz" and the ravine near Mamaev. The main task is to keep the defense for several months. Thirty-six fighters will be redeployed at night to an area of ​​six hundred meters. The place is really inconvenient: here the troops are in full view of the Germans, and defensive fortifications cannot be built during the day. The next night we manage to bring the mines. Soldiers begin to dig trenches, sappers - to set explosive devices. Unexpectedly, Kerzhentsev was summoned to the Colonel sets a new task for the battalion commander: to take the hill fortified by the Germans. Help - just a few scouts and a "maize". This is how the action develops in the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad". The summary (the author's essay truthfully describes the most terrible moments of the battle for the city) of the 2nd part shows the fortitude and courage of the fighters who never forgot their responsibility for what was happening.

Fights for the hill

We managed to take the height relatively easily. At the appointed time, four scouts determined the position of the enemy, and the "maize" distracted the enemy. Fourteen fighters, led by the battalion commander, drove the Nazis from the hill in pitch darkness and began to fortify themselves. Kerzhentsev understood that the Germans would try to regain the height. The shelling does not really stop, and by the end of the second day, eleven men and four machine guns remain in the battalion. The water is running out. The night artillery attack was unsuccessful. And in the morning again exhausting fire from the Germans. The soldiers were exhausted, but continued to shoot back. Kerzhentsev felt severe weakness and fatigue: a slight wound to the head affected. At some point it seemed to him that he was dreaming: Shiryaev stood in front. Recovering himself, the hero realized that he had managed to connect with the detachment on the hill. Kerzhentsev surrenders the battalion to Shiryaev and sets off to dig dugouts.

Before the offensive

Three days later, mines are brought in, and Yuri is working on a scheme to strengthen the front line. This is how the description of the next episode in the life of the protagonist of the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad" begins. The summary, its analysis shows how often the life of soldiers depended on inept leadership and abuse of authority.

November has begun. It was still necessary to mine and build fortifications at night, but it became noticeable that the situation at Stalingrad was changing. Eighty-two bombed continuously, and suddenly there was a lull.

On the nineteenth, on his birthday, Kerzhentsev received an order from the major to clear the fields of the enemy and his own. Time for everything - ten hours, after which the offensive will begin. The division must take possession of Buck. Sappers cope with the task, after which Kerzhentsev is sent to Shiryaev. Everything in the battalion is ready to carry out the order, but Chief of Staff Abrosimov intervenes. He insists on an immediate attack on Bakov at any cost. The result - almost half of the battalion was killed, Shiryaev himself was seriously wounded.

After the fight, a trial took place over Abrosimov, who insisted that his decision was correct, and that someone was simply cowardly and did not want to fight. The major defended the battalion, noting that Shiryaev would have done a great job. As a result, people died in vain. The chief of staff was demoted and sent to the penalty area - the author of the story "In the trenches of Stalingrad" notes.

Tanks come in the morning. Shiryaev, who escaped from the hospital, was appointed the new division chief. A new attack is being prepared, in which Kerzhentsev was wounded. After the hospital, he goes to his battalion. On the way he meets Sedykh, then gets to his own. He finds out that Igor is nearby. But it is impossible to visit a friend. Inspired by victories, the warriors are gathering again to attack ...