Composition Rasputin B. Rasputin fire problems What problems work Rasputin fire

Moral issues are a range of issues. associated with personality changes under the influence of external circumstances. Where, in a situation of choice, is the only criterion that helps to distinguish the moral from the immoral? And there is only one criterion - conscience. The eternal human law, which people have always followed, were afraid to break it, they were afraid of sin.

And if a person decides that it is better to suffer forever than to act against his conscience, then such a person is worthy of respect.

The main character of Valentin Rasputin's story "Fire" Ivan Petrovich Egorov lives by this moral law. Egorov from the village of Egorovka. .. The coincidence of the name and the toponym is not accidental. The village has been flooded for 20 years as a result of the construction of a dam and a power plant on the Angara River. But the heart of the former front-line soldier remained there, in his native village, where people lived in harmony, worked on the land, sacredly kept moral laws, and always acted according to their conscience. The driver of the timber industry enterprise is an honest and conscientious person.

It is always difficult to live by conscience, especially when you see that you are alone in the struggle for the truth, that no one cares about anything, that you are powerless to resist the destructive elements of evil.

In the village of Sosnovka, uncomfortable and unkempt, not urban and not rural, and bivouac type, the "Arkharovtsy" - the brigade of the organizational set, aliens, former criminals, shabashniks, lovers of easy money and long rubles are in charge. All Egorov's attempts to resist their atrocities end in failure for him. The foreboding of the brutal revenge of the "Arkharovtsy", the offensiveness of the forced communication with them, the pain for the desecrated land prompted Ivan Petrovich to look for a new place of residence. For a long time already in the soul of the hero there has been a discord with himself, for a long time the soul has been dreary and intoxicated, he feels an insurmountable moral fatigue. The soul burns with injustice and pain. Disorders reign in the timber industry: registration, rushwork, eyewash, slovenliness, drunkenness, theft, predatory attitude towards nature and the earth.

Conscience does not allow Yegorov to be silent, he cannot follow the advice of Afoni Bronnikov: "What are you, Ivan Petrovich, are you fuming? To whom will you prove? Our business is to live correctly, set an example of life, and not drive a stick into our flock." Yegorov cannot be silent, but he is tired of fighting alone. So he leaves ...

And then there was a fire. The timber industry warehouses caught fire. Ivan Petrovich rushed to save the people's property. The fire highlighted a lot. First of all, on which side of good and evil people are, what moral choice they made in their lives. Some selflessly fight fire, not thinking about themselves. These are Egorov and his wife Alyona, Afonya Bronnikov, Semyon Koltsov, Teplyakov, Misha Hampo. Others try to grab more for themselves, take away the goods taken out of the fire, throw bottles of vodka over the fence like grenades, immediately drink a hot potion, fill their pockets with some kind of boxes, most likely with jewelry. These are Arkharovtsy, headed by Brigadier Sashka Devyaty, a criminal without a name nicknamed Sonya, storekeeper Klavka Strigunova, one-armed Savely.

And it all ends with a terrible tragedy - murder. Seventy-year-old Misha Hampo, an honest and unselfish watchman, is trying to prevent the archarovets Sonia, who throws a bundle of colored rags - Japanese blouses over the fence. An elderly man catches up with a thief and crushes him under him. Someone beats both the watchman and the robber, without disassembling it, with a mallet over the head, until he beats him to death. I just want to shout at the top of my voice: "People! Come to your senses! What are you doing? Where is your conscience?"

Will Yegorov leave the village of Sosnovka? The writer does not give a direct answer. At the end of the story, the hero sees himself as if from the outside: "... a small lost man is walking along the spring land, desperate to find his home, and now he will go behind the forest and hide forever."

Think. that Ivan Petrovich will remain in the village, because now he feels the reliable support of the overwhelming majority of workers, many of whom, before the fire, had already come to terms with the ugliness that reigns around.

Updated: 2017-10-01

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Rasputin's work "Fire" was published in 1985. In this story, the writer, as it were, continues his analysis of the life of people who moved to another village after the flooding of the island from the story "Farewell to Matera". They were relocated to the urban-type settlement of Sosnovka. The main character, Ivan Petrovich Yegorov, feels himself morally and physically exhausted: "like in a grave."

It is difficult to find a work in the history of literature in which the problems of spirit and morality would not be recognized, moral and ethical values ​​would not be defended.

The work of our contemporary Valentin Rasputin is no exception in this regard. I love all the books of this writer, but I was especially shocked by the story "Fire", published during perestroika.

The fire situation in the story allows the author to explore the present and the past. Warehouses are burning, goods that people have not seen on the shelves: sausages, Japanese rags, red fish, Ural motorcycle, sugar, flour. Some of the people, taking advantage of the confusion, take away what they can. In the story, the fire is a symbol of disaster for the social atmosphere in Sosnovka. Rasputin tries to explain this in retrospective analysis. In Sosnovka, they do not engage in agricultural work, they harvest the forest, and, moreover, do not ensure its reproduction. The forest won't last long. Therefore, the village is not monitored. He is "uncomfortable and unkempt", the dirt was mixed with the technique "to black-sour cream foam." The story reveals the degeneration of the psychology of the farmer, the grain grower into the psychology of a dependent who destroys nature.

The event basis of the story is simple: warehouses caught fire in the village of Sosnovka. Who saves people's goods from the fire, and who pulls what is possible for themselves. The way people behave in an extreme situation serves as an impetus to the painful thoughts of the protagonist of the story of the driver Ivan Petrovich Yegorov, in which Rasputin embodied the folk character of a truth-lover who suffers at the sight of the destruction of the age-old moral basis of life.

Ivan Petrovich is looking for answers to the questions that the surrounding reality throws at him. Why "everything turned upside down? .. It was not supposed, not accepted, it became necessary and accepted, it was impossible - it became possible, it was considered a shame, a mortal sin - revered for dexterity and valor." How modern these words sound! Indeed, even today, so many years after the publication of a work, oblivion of elementary moral principles is not a shame, but "the ability to live."

Ivan Petrovich made the rule "to live according to conscience" as the law of his life, it hurts him that in a fire the one-armed Savely drags sacks of flour into his bathhouse, and the "friendly guys - Arkharovtsy" first of all grab the boxes of vodka.

But the hero not only suffers, he tries to find the cause of this moral impoverishment. At the same time, the main thing is the destruction of the age-old traditions of the Russian people: they have forgotten how to plow and sow, they are used to only taking, cutting down, destroying.

In all the works of V. Rasputin, a special role is played by the image of the House (with a capital letter): the house of old Anna, where her children gather, the Guskovs' hut, which does not accept a deserter, the house of Daria, which goes under the water. The residents of Sosnovka do not have this, and the village itself is like a temporary refuge: "Uncomfortable and unkempt ... a bivouac ... as if they were wandering from place to place, stopped to wait out the bad weather, and so they got stuck ...". The absence of a Home deprives people of their vital basis, kindness, warmth. The reader feels acute uneasiness at the picture of the ruthless conquest of nature. A large volume of work requires a large number of hands, often just any one. The writer describes a layer of "superfluous" people, indifferent to everything, from whom there is discord in life.

To them were added the "Arkharovtsy" (the brigade of the organizational set), who impudently pressed on everyone. And the locals were confused in front of this evil force. The author explains the situation through Ivan Petrovich's reflections: "... people scattered all by themselves even earlier ..." Social strata in Sosnovka were mixed. The disintegration of "common and harmonious existence" takes place. Over twenty years of life in the new village, morality has changed. In Sosnovka, houses don't even have front gardens, because all the same they are temporary housing. Ivan Petrovich remained faithful to the old principles, norms of good and evil. He works honestly, worries about the decline in morals. And he finds himself in the position of a foreign body. Ivan Petrovich's attempts to prevent the Ninth's gang from exercising power end in the gang's revenge. Either they puncture the tires of his car, then they pour sand into the carburetor, then they chop up the brake hoses to the trailer, or they knock the rack out from under the beam, which will almost kill Ivan Petrovich.

Ivan Petrovich has to get ready with his wife Alena to leave for the Far East to one of his sons. Afonya Bronnikov reproachfully asks him: "You will leave, I will leave - who will stay? .. Eh! Really, we’ll leave it ?! We will clean it up to the thread and leave it! And here you go - take it, whoever is not lazy!" Ivan Petrovich will never be able to leave.

There are many positive characters in the story: Ivan Petrovich's wife Alena, old uncle Misha Hampo, Afonya Bronnikov, head of the timber industry section Boris Timofeevich Vodnikov. Descriptions of nature are symbolic. At the beginning of the story (March), she is sluggish, numb. At the end - a moment of calm, before the heyday. Walking on the spring land, Ivan Petrovich "seemed to be finally brought to the right path."

The remarkable Russian writer Valentin Rasputin, with civil openness in his works, raised the most pressing and topical issues of the time, touched on its most painful points. Even the title of the story "Fire" conquers the character of a metaphor, breathing the idea of ​​moral ill-being. Rasputin proved that the moral inferiority of an individual person inevitably leads to the destruction of the foundations of the life of the people. This is for me the ruthless truth of the story of Valentin Rasputin.

The plot of the story is built around a fire that occurred in a warehouse in the village of Sosnovka. An emergency reveals the character of each local resident, makes him show who and what is capable of in an extreme situation.

The protagonist of the story is Ivan Petrovich Egorov. His surname comes from the name of the village Egorovka, in which he was born. During the war years, Ivan Petrovich was a tanker and dreamed of returning home. However, even after the war, he was expected to part with his native village. The settlement was subject to flooding.

Egorov was forced to move to the new village of Sosnovka, which became the scene of the story. Despite the fact that Ivan Petrovich does not like the new place, he does not intend to move to the city. This was done by his brother Goshka, who later drank himself to death. It is life in the city that Yegorov blames for his brother's moral failure.

The protagonist notices that the world around him has changed significantly. Once Sosnovka was quite a habitable settlement. Local residents helped each other. People did not work for their own gain, but for the collective good. However, with the advent of "light" villagers, Arkharovtsy, everything changed. The new residents did not need a farm. They only made money for food and alcohol. In Sosnovka, crime is growing, provoked by drunken brawlers.

The current situation upsets Ivan Petrovich. The main character continues to live in the world of socialist values. He is used to the fact that the authority of these values ​​is indisputable. There can be no other ideals. However, there are people who prove that invincible life principles can also be crushed. Ivan Petrovich will have to live out in a completely different world, where no one believes in the triumph of universal happiness. The main character watches with horror that during a fire, every villager tries to steal things from a burning warehouse. Everyone is trying to take advantage of the tragedy. The greatest diligence is shown when saving vodka, which is immediately drunk.

Ivan Petrovich despises destruction in any form. He has a negative attitude towards deforestation, considering such work soulless. Egorov perceives any destruction as an attempt on the only system of values ​​that is correct for him.

Other characters

Alena is the wife of the protagonist. The author idealizes the relationship of the spouses. The Egorovs have been happily married for over thirty years. Over the years, they have raised three children who have long been living separately from their parents. Alena becomes a part of Ivan Petrovich himself. She fully shares his ideals and dreams.

Afonya Bronnikov is a fellow countryman of the protagonist, who also once moved to Sosnovka from Yegorovka. Afonya is also an adherent of old ideals. However, Bronnikov is worried about the "decomposition" of society much less than Yegorov. Afonya believes that everyone is responsible for themselves. He himself lives honestly, works and does not deceive anyone. This is enough to make you feel happy. It is impossible to demand from others respect for your values, you should not "drive with a stick into your flock." The only way to influence the behavior of others is by example. The author does not agree with his hero. Through Yegorov's mouth, he says that it is too late to set an example.

Uncle Misha Hampo is one of the keepers of the old customs in the story. Everyone loves and respects this resident of Sosnovka. Hampo has been paralyzed since childhood. However, despite serious speech impairments and an inoperative hand, Uncle Misha was married and worked hard. The author put a symbolic meaning into the work of Hampo: the hero worked as a watchman for a modest fee, thereby being the keeper of traditions. Hampo is forced to adjust to the new reality. He does not fight with it, does not try to remake it, does not impose the outgoing ideals on anyone. Uncle Misha's incapacity indicates that the old values ​​have already lost their strength. Hampo's death was accidental and unheroic. He did not die saving someone or something in a fire. He was simply killed by drunken Arkharovites.

main idea

Despite the fact that people like Yegorov believe in the existence of absolute ideals that are common to all mankind, values ​​common to all do not exist. Values ​​can only be inherent in a certain group of people for a limited period of time. Both the characters and the author of the story have to be convinced of this.

Analysis of the work

In 1985, Valentin Rasputin wrote his story. "Fire" (the summary of the story only summarizes the general idea of ​​the work, without fully revealing its essence), "Farewell to the Mother" and some other stories of the writer are devoted to the struggle between two worlds - the new and the outgoing. “Farewell to Matera” is a confrontation between the small universe of the older, pre-revolutionary generation, filled with traditions and legends, and the new atheistic reality of the younger generation. In the story "Fire", two value systems are opposed to each other.

The settlements described in the work and the fire itself bear a symbolic meaning, becoming a miniature of the whole country and the events taking place in it. Egorovka is the world in which some inhabitants of Sosnovka were born and were raised. Ivan Petrovich and Afonya grew up here - honest workers, accustomed to working on "naked enthusiasm", who do not want anything for themselves. These people are used to sharing the latter. Selfishness and greed are alien to them. As in some of his other works, the author contrasts life in the village with life in the city. Ivan Petrovich is sure that only in the village is a person able to preserve moral purity and spiritual values ​​instilled in childhood. The city spoils even very good people. In a huge settlement, where people do not know each other, one can feel freedom and forget those rules and traditions, the non-observance of which is so noticeable in the village.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a summary of the story, which depicts the story of the forced resettlement from a village that should be flooded due to the construction of a dam.

The story shows the attitude of old people to death as a natural and expected event, the final stage of the earthly path and the transition to eternity.

Yegorovka was destroyed. The residents left. Ivan Petrovich and some of his fellow countrymen moved to Sosnovka, which for some time resembles a flooded settlement. However, very soon, after the arrival of the bearers of a different system of values, which Ivan Petrovich considers to be anti-values, the village begins to degenerate. The Arkharovites establish their own rules. Their example becomes more infectious than that of Yegorov. Working for a better life for future generations is too abstract happiness. Residents of Sosnovka are quickly switching to a new system of ideals.

The fire symbolizes the final transition to a new stage of development. Rasputin attributes anthropomorphic qualities to him: fire eagerly pounces on things, insatiably devouring them one after another. An emergency seems to be pushing people to criminal activity. Fire agrees to write off the theft. The few fighters for socialist values ​​continue to resist the new. Neither the author nor his heroes suspect that in just a few years an even greater fire will break out in the country. He will force you to make the final choice: to recognize the new ideals and live on, or to defend the old principles and perish.

Topic: The theme of the human soul in V. Rasputin's story "Fire"

Lesson type: lesson in artistic perception.

Lesson form: lesson-conversation.

Teaching methods:

verbal (heuristic conversation),

visual (presentation),



Multimedia projector

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (S. I. Ozhegov) - 2 copies, cards with the interpretation of the concepts Spiritless and Heartless.

Lesson objectives:

On the example of literary material, highlight universal values.

To distinguish between the concepts of soulless and soulless.

Analysis of individual episodes of the story "Fire".

Practice of working with dictionary entries.


1. Organizational moment (positive attitudes, attitude to the lesson).

2. Updating a new topic.

Teacher's word:

Having read to the end the story of V.G. Rasputin's "Fire", I closed the last page and thought about the power of the word. Thanks to the book, we learned the thoughts of the master. His anxiety and pain for the fate of man and the land on which we live, passed on to me, the reader. And I thought about how fortunate it was that there were such talented, conscientious, caring people like Valentin Rasputin. It is a pity that on March 15, 2015 he was gone. What a joy to read his books - deep, wise, making us think, making us smarter, kinder, cleaner. The writer's books are not entertainment, they are shock, shock. The writer's books are a mirror that reflects our life and we, as we are.

Presentation of students about the life and work of V. Rasputin.

Teacher's word:

Valentin Rasputin loved his homeland. He could not imagine life without Siberia, without bitter frosts, without the blinding eye of the sun, without his beloved Angara, without its beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Throughout his adult life, Rasputin fought to preserve the unique beauty of Lake Baikal.

Slide: "The village is burning, the native is burning ..."

The writer took these words from a folk song as an epigraph to his work. Fires have long been a common thing in Russia. The houses were wooden, sometimes half the village was burnt out, or even the whole village. And now fires are frequent. But Rasputin's fire is a reason for thinking about painful things.

Have you ever seen a house on fire? God forbid to see this terrible sight, especially when nothing can be done. Fire consumes everything. That for years and decades was close, dear, memorable.

Students' messages about the history of the creation of the work, about the hero of the story.

The story "Fire" came from the story "Farewell to Matera". There would not have been an impulse to remake nature, which entailed the destruction of the island - there would not have been a merciless deforestation, which turned the banks of the Angara into a huge dump of rotting trees. One entails another.

However, this is how Valentin Rasputin himself said in one interview.

How was the story created? How did you find your hero - Ivan Petrovich?

“Here, first of all, we must remember the story“ Farewell to Matera ”. I myself am one of the drowned, as we on the Angara were called those whose villages were submerged from the construction of giant dams. This fate did not escape and my Atalanka, like Matera, had to move and look for another occupation with the flooding of the arable land. And the classes were - to cut wood. Life itself made me write a sequel to Matera. Having said "a", one should have said "b".

How did you find the hero of the story? It was not necessary to look for him, this is my neighbor in the village Ivan Yegorovich Slobodchikov ... And the case with the fire was not invented. He was also, only not in my village, but in the neighboring timber industry enterprise "

Teacher - What is the plot of the work?

The plot is simple. In the village of Sosnovka on the banks of the Angara, food and manufactured goods warehouses burned to the ground in one night. This story and how they died in the fire, were taken away, or even simply trampled into the mud, many and many values ​​that the inhabitants of the village did not know about before the fire - and it was for them, to meet their needs, that these Orsov warehouses, the local authorities justified their existence in Sosnovka by taking care of the loggers, stubbornly resisting the transfer of the base to the regional center. And about how they died - not in the fire, near the fire - two completely different people: a voluntary steward of the people's good, an old man who was paralyzed from childhood, Uncle Misha Hampo, and an "easy man" with the female name Sonya, a marauder not only in a fire, but inner conviction - it seems that death itself united them in a terrible embrace ...

The question about the meaning of life, about the role and place of a person among people sounds throughout the story, and he stood before its main character, Ivan Petrovich Egorov, long before that night.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the story "Fire" by Valentin Rasputin. In the course of work, we will try to understand the ideological meaning of the work, to understand the author's position and to form our own attitude to the problem posed by the author.

As an epigraph for our lesson today, I chose the words of the author of the story "Fire" Valentin Rasputin.

(the epigraph appears on slide 1)

An unspiritual person is able to go through life without knowing about his misfortune, but how much poorer, wretched, prowling, and not more searching, will be his existence. A soulless person, he is completely dangerous to those around him. (V. Rasputin)

Rewrite the epigraph in your notebook, leaving room for the topic of the lesson, and answer the next question.

Do you think the terms Soulless and Soulless are synonymous?

(Answers may vary.)

Teacher's word:

To answer this question, it is necessary to give an interpretation of the concepts.

Where can I find the definition of these words?

(In the explanatory dictionary.)

Let's turn for an explanation to the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by S. I. Ozhegov.

Assignment for 2 students:

Look up the definitions of Soulless and Soulless in the dictionary.

Assignment to the class:

Take cards with a printout of vocabulary entries, find the concepts you are looking for.

So, let's see what interpretation the Ozhegov Explanatory Dictionary gives.

Spiritless - devoid of intellectual, spiritual content.

Soulless -

1. Without a sympathetic, lively attitude to anything, indifferent to people, heartless.

2. Deprived of a lively feeling, brightness, sharpness.

Why do you think soullessness is more dangerous for Rasputin than soullessness?

(The soulless one harms himself, and the soulless one harms others.)

What happened in the world? Why do people lose their soul?

We will try to answer this question with you by analyzing V. Rasputin's story "Fire". (slide 1)

This question will be the problematic question of our lesson.

The question opens on the board.

Write down the topic of the lesson

The theme of the human soul in the story "Fire" by V. Rasputin.

3. The main part.

I. Contemporary literature.

Teacher's word:

Valentin Rasputin's story "Fire" was written in 1985. At this time, Soviet authors were most interested in the spiritual crisis of modern Russia. Writers already at that time felt the tragic atmosphere of spirituality in society. They faced eternal Russian questions:

What's going on with us? (Shukshin put it.)

What to do?

Who is guilty?

If the writers tried to give answers to the first and second questions, then there is no serious answer to the third.

Answering the first question, the authors showed negative examples from life, the state of the contemporary Soviet society for them. Reflections on this issue, that is, direct reflections of the author or his hero about the pressing problems of life, give the works a journalistic coloring. Often the author spoke directly with the reader.

Also, in modern literature, images-pictures and direct reflections often coexist, which is not very good. The disturbing, sometimes tragic atmosphere, the tonality of hopelessness, in which the heroes live and feel, is noticeable.

All this can be traced in the story "Fire".

II. Work with text.

Let's pay attention to the title of the story.

What is fire?

(Destruction, turning to ash.)

Yes, indeed, the plot of the story is tied to the fire, which destroyed, turned into ashes the Orsov warehouses of the village of Sosnovka.

Let's read this episode. (Either text or cards with text).

“Apparently, it caught fire from the corner or somewhere near the corner, from which the warehouses diverged to the sides: food - in the long end and industrial - in the short. Both sides stood under one bond of their own. And the construction was so, and it was engaged in such a place that, having caught fire, it would burn out without a trace. As for the construction, before thinking about the possibility of fire from the very beginning - the Russian man was always smart in hindsight, and he always arranged himself so that it was convenient to live and use, and not how to be able and easier to protect himself and be saved. And here. When the village was set up hastily, and all the more, they did not think much: fleeing from the water, who thinks about fire? But as for the corner where it caught fire, there is someone here, or, indeed, an evil case, if not someone, clever was far from behind. "

What caused the fire?

(Irresponsibility, mismanagement.)

But not only warehouses are burning in the fire, human souls are burning.

People are losing their human appearance, and most importantly, these people are villagers, people of the earth.

Let's pay attention to the main character of the story. Who is he? What have you learned about him?

1 student. The main character, Ivan Petrovich Egorov, was from the village of Egorovka. From there he went to the front, got married there and raised three children. Their village was flooded, and the inhabitants were relocated to Sosnovka

“Uncomfortable and unkempt, and not urban or rural, but bivouac type was this village, as if wandered from place to place, stopped to wait out the bad weather and rest, and so they got stuck. But we were stuck in anticipation - when the command to move on would follow, and therefore - without putting deep roots, without preening and settling with an eye to children and grandchildren, but if only to fly over the summer, and then overwinter the winter. Children, meanwhile, were born, grew up, and by that time they themselves had children, next to the residential encampment, another grew, into which they migrated forever, and this is all like a stop, all like a temporary shelter, from where it is not today tomorrow to shoot. And, hearing at night the work of the power plant, the machine tapping around the clock, it seemed to Ivan Petrovich that this is a village, without turning off the engine, keeping itself in constant readiness. "

Why did the hero feel uncomfortable in the new village? Find your keywords.

(Uncomfortable, unpleasant, nomads, temporality, waiting, etc.)

2 student. Now the hero had no home, no place on earth, but only temporary housing. Residents of Sosnovka feel like guests, they have a suitcase mood. Psychology has also changed: the land is not courted, not protected. There was alienation between people.

The village was devastated, the streets were broken, the taiga was disfigured: the undergrowth was destroyed by technology (there is no future). People destroy themselves and themselves:

“… Recently the school director Yuri Andreevich… undertook to calculate how many people in the six villages that merged into Sosnovka died during the war and how many of them perished not by their own death in the last four years. Not by their own death - it means drunken shooting, stabbing, drowned and frozen, crushed at logging sites in their own way, or by someone else's oversight. And the difference came out small. Ivan Petrovich gasped when he heard: these are peacetime! "

What is the state of mind of the central character of the story, Ivan Petrovich, on the eve of the tragedy? (Chapter 1).

I was running out of strength, "the edge and nothing else", they do not bear the legs, work is a burden, fatigue, desire for peace, endless night, I didn’t want anything, as in the grave. soul ”, which seemed as if the screams were coming from him.

Why did life become difficult for Ivan Petrovich? (Slide 6.7)

Due to the conflict with the Arkharovtsy, seasonal workers of the timber industry.

Teacher. Arkharovtsy also live in the village. Let's see what interpretation of this word is given by the Ozhegov Explanatory Dictionary.

Read by students working with the dictionary:

1 account In the explanatory dictionary we read: " Arkharovets- a brawler, a mischievous person, a dissolute person ”.

Teacher After the publication of "Fire" this word came into use - as a synonym for evil, aggressive indifference, spit: if only it was good for me, for this "good" I will do anything with everyone. Let us turn to the text of the book.

They "appeared at once as an organized force with their own laws and precedence."

Why do you think the Arkharovites took root in Sosnovka, why did they have such power?

1 account (People have long since dispersed, each on their own. Nobody wants to see and understand what is happening around.)

Do people become soulless or spiritless?


Teacher. In a fire, people do not so much save everything as steal. There are only a few people left with conscientious heroes such as Yegorov. The author makes it clear that only they can save lives.

Rasputin deduces his own formula for life.

Presentation. Slide 2.

(Human life is built on home and family, work, people, land.)

And if even one of these logs collapses, all life will fall apart.

Why do Yegorov's fellow villagers (that is, Russia of the 70s, life in Sosnovka is a metaphor) lose their souls?

5 account No sense of home, homelessness; torn off the ground.

But in modern human life, good and evil are mixed. "Good in its pure form has turned into weakness, evil - into strength." In the new world, a good person is not a spiritual person, that is, one who “is able to feel, like his own, someone else’s suffering,” but one who “does not do evil ... and does not interfere with anything.

The main character decides to leave. Why do you think?

(Can't come to terms with heartlessness.)

1 account The ending of the story is open. The fire was extinguished. Egorov wants to leave forever. I talked to a friend, and he asks: "To whom will you leave all this?" and the hero replies that maybe he will stay.

But he leaves Sosnovka along a forest road. There is a man who has lost his home. Everything is mixed: good and evil. It seems that he will now turn and disappear forever.

And it is not known whether he will return to the village.

Most likely no.

What idea do you think the author wanted to convey to the reader?

6 account. A person cannot live in a world where lack of spirituality and soullessness reign.

4. Conclusions.

Let's get back to our problematic question.

What happened in the world? Why do people lose their soul?

(People lose their home, their land, therefore, they lose human life, and with it their soul)

Today in the lesson we touched on one of the most important and most difficult topics of modern literature - the topic of the human soul. Valentin Rasputin gives us his recipe for heartlessness.

More than thirty years have passed since the creation of the story, is the topic of soullessness relevant today?

(Various answers.)

5. Homework.

Write a short essay on “Soullessness Today: Relevance”.

Topic: V.P. Rasputin. "Fire"

1) Introduce students to the spiritual and moral world of the heroes of the story.

2) To form in students a civic position, a sense of responsibility.

3) Introduce students to the creative manner of the original artist.

Find out those moral laws that determine the relationship between a person and the world in which he lives.


The work of V.P. Rasputin, portrait of the artist.

During the classes.

1.The teacher's word about V.P. Rasputin.

2. Presentation (presentation) of books by V.P. Rasputin. Students prepared in advance for 3-5 minutes present Rasputin's book ("Live and Remember", "Farewell to Mother", "Into the Same Land", etc.), give brief information:

a.possibly a short story.

b. or a retelling of the most interesting episode.

c. or simply about the issues raised in this work.

The class is divided into 5 groups, each has its own task (It is possible and better to give tasks in advance)

1. What is the meaning of the title of the story? Why did all the inhabitants of the village rush to the fire, but people were powerless in the face of the elements (expressive reading about the behavior of people from chapters 8, 15, 18). Rate their actions.

2. Why does “Petrovich” (Ivan Petrovich) remember his native Yegorovka every day, although he has been living in Sosnovka for 20 years? How is Egorovka close to him? And what attracts him to his son in Syrniki? (chapters 6,13,15)

3. How is life in Sosnovka different from life in Yegorovka? How did Yegorov's "discord" begin with the Sosnovites and the newcomers? How does he relate to work, to people and how do people relate to their responsibilities?

Two positions: Egorova and Boronnikova. Who is right? (chapter 4,9,13) (reading or paraphrasing)

4. Why does Ivan Petrovich come into conflict with himself? What he sees as a "disorder within himself" and what brings him to a crisis. (chapter 11,13)

5. Has Ivan Petrovich found a way out of the impasse? His native Sosnovka survived: Uncle Hampo was killed. What is it? A triumph of evil? How does the author answer this question? Compare the beginning and ending of the story. What has changed in the mood of Ivan Petrovich and the Sosnovites? What is the philosophical meaning of the landscape?

Before starting work in the group, I pose the main question of the story:

“Why are we, Ivan, such and such? - Anna Yegorovna asks her husband at the fire, - Why are we so morally disunited? "

This question from the story is the beginning of the search for a solution to the central problem. So, we comprehend more specific questions:

Why did people turn out to be helpless in front of the fire, after all, the whole village fled?

(we read and analyze the text: firstly, because the village was built in a hurry, all means of extinguishing the fire are useless, and secondly, the fire is in someone's hands, ... but the main thing is that the fire finally revealed who is who and highlighted their civic position: there are very few people on the fire who save others, good (these are: elderly Vodnikov BT, “desperate soul” Afonya, “reliable man” Semyon, Hampo, Ivan Petrovich).

Teacher: Those who came to the fire to warm their hands are also shown here. At first glance, the "Arkharovtsy" work with passion, but they work where they can profit (after all, the warehouse, shop is on fire) and until they have reached the "casual goods". And then they themselves perish and kill others "because of colored rags." Therefore, “the fire is a kind of result of general ill-being - the souls of honest workers are burning, the souls of drunkards and idlers are burning.

How did the moral discord begin in Sosnovka? Why does Ivan Petrovich remember Egorovka? (Yegorovites lived according to their unwritten laws of morality, and there were no thieves or drunkards. Uncle Hampo is the personification of the moral spirit, for whom one law is “do not touch someone else's.” All Yegorovites have a noble habit of work.)

And how does life in Sosnovka differ from life in Yegorovka? (The disorder in Sosnovka begins with the fact that theft is the norm here, people live without roots, temporarily, acquiring life through deception ...) easy life.

Teacher: The author warns us that such a life can lead us to terrible losses that affect future generations. There was a reassessment of moral values: the Sosnovites look askance at those who insist on "conscience", others (like the Arkharovites) press, oppress those who go against, establish their own rules!

How did it happen that they took possession of the village? (- And people scattered all in their own way, one by one ...). Disunity, fighting alone does not give results. Good and evil are mixed. Good turned into weakness, evil into strength.

Thoughts about why and how this happened do not give Ivan Petrovich peace: an internal discord has set in. The author sees a way out of the impasse in the moral principle, which has found its concrete embodiment in the story in reasoning about the four orders of life:

Feeling at home with my family

In a sense of communication with people

In a sense of work

In a sense of the fatherland, land, home

And if all this is there, the person is happy.

Sosnovka survived its best representative Ivan Petrovich, Khamno was killed. What is it? A triumph of evil? No. Diagnosed. Sosnovka is sick / people /. Fire through, like an X-ray, now it's up to treatment and healing. And it will be. Everyone was convinced of this during the fire.

How does nature help to understand the idea of ​​a story? The landscape is full of deep meaning: at first the earth is in a daze, does not believe in rebirth, then at the end "... and the earth was waking up."

What are the artistic features in the story (I would like to emphasize the journalistic intensity of the narrative, the fusion of the author's perception with the assessment of the heroes: the author's inner monologues are inseparable from the voices of the heroes - all this allows us to talk about the image of the author - our contemporary, a citizen).

In the name of what was the story written? (Read the ending: "Fire, relatively speaking ..."). This story made us think about how we live, how a MAN should live. Salvation can be found in the love of life and people, in passing on spiritual and moral traditions from generation to generation, in shaping the position of a citizen.


The story "Fire" was published in 1985. In this story, the author, as it were, continues his consideration of the life of people who moved after the flooding of the island from the story "Farewell to Matera". People were relocated to an urban-type settlement (Sosnovka). The protagonist of the story, Ivan Petrovich Yegorov, feels morally and physically exhausted: "like in a grave."

The fire situation in the story allows the author to explore the present and the past. Warehouses are burning, goods that people have not seen on the shelves (sausages, Japanese rags, red fish, Ural motorcycle, sugar, flour). Some of the people, taking advantage of the confusion, take away what they can. In the story, the fire is a symbol of disaster for the social atmosphere in Sosnovka. Rasputin tries to explain this in retrospective analysis. In Sosnovka, they do not engage in agricultural work, they harvest the forest, and do not ensure its reproduction. The forest won't last long. Therefore, the village is not monitored. He is "uncomfortable and unkempt", the dirt was mixed with the technique "until black and sour cream foam." The story reveals the degeneration of the psychology of the farmer, the grain grower into the psychology of a dependent who destroys nature.

“It would be better if we started a different plan - not for cubic meters alone, but for souls! So that it is taken into account how many souls are lost, to the devil, passed to the devil, and how many are left! " - Ivan Petrovich gets excited in the dispute.

The reader feels a keen uneasiness at the picture of the ruthless. loy conquest of nature. A large volume of work requires a large number of hands, often just any one. The writer describes a layer of "superfluous", indifferent to everything people, from whom there is discord in life.

To them were added the "Arkharovtsy" (the brigade of the organizational set), who impudently pressed on everyone. And the locals were confused in front of this evil force. The author explains the situation through Ivan Petrovich's reflections: "... people scattered all by themselves even earlier ..."

Social strata in Sosnovka are mixed. The disintegration of "common and harmonious existence" takes place. Over twenty years of life in the new village, morality has changed. What “was not supposed, not accepted, it became necessary and accepted.

In Sosnovka, houses don't even have front gardens, because all the same they are temporary housing. Ivan Petrovich remained faithful to the old principles, norms of good and evil. He works honestly, worries about the decline in morals. And he finds himself in the position of a foreign body. Ivan Petrovich's attempts to prevent the Ninth's gang from exercising power end in the gang's revenge. Either they puncture the tires of his car, then they pour sand into the carburetor, then they chop up the brake hoses to the trailer, or they knock the rack out from under the beam, which will almost kill Ivan Petrovich.

Ivan Petrovich has to get ready with his wife Alena to leave for the Far East to one of his sons. Afonya Bronnikov reproachfully asks him: “You will leave, I will leave - who will stay? .. Eh! Are we really going to quit ?! Let's clean it up to the thread and throw it! And here you go - take it, who is not lazy! " Ivan Petrovich will never be able to leave.

There are many positive characters in the story: Ivan Petrovich's wife Alena, old uncle Misha Hampo, Afonya Bronnikov, head of the timber industry section Boris Timofeevich Vodnikov. Descriptions of nature are symbolic. At the beginning of the story (March), she is sluggish, numb. At the end - a moment of calm, before the heyday. Walking on the spring land, Ivan Petrovich "seemed to be finally taken out on the right path."

In the story, everything that happens is illuminated from the point of view of the protagonist Ivan Petrovich Egorov. The symbolic meaning is devoted to the fire that happened in the timber industry economy: the fire completes and highlights the deplorable state of the village. The story is marked by the mutual penetration of various principles. The tragic pages of the life of the village are described: warehouses burned down. Those who saved the village from the fire are bloodied and wounded.

"Bitterness, pain, frenzy" - in every detail of the picture left after a terrible night. But in the morning the sun rises, bringing with it a bright saving light: “Spring found this land too - and the earth woke up ... The sun will warm up - and again, like every spring, she will carry her entire household in greenery and blossom, present it for persuasive work. And he will not remember that the person does not keep that agreement. No land is homeless. "

How much bitterness there is in these words, how much the author's love for nature and his native land can be traced in them!

Love and resentment for her, suffering from human predatory recklessness, and for people who do not understand that, destroying nature, they are destroying themselves, destroying both spiritually and physically. “Spring gathers the surviving and the undead into one vein,” and people do not care about preserving this wealth. The author's way out to environmental problems is obvious, but they are not the main ones in the story.

The hero of the story is a modest villager who does not possess outstanding abilities. He does not find magical means of influencing others. But the wisdom of his “both long and painful meditations,” the integrity and sincerity of his feelings create a clear idea of ​​a true meaningful life.

From his own experience, Egorov understands that four forces help a person: "a home with a family, work, people with whom to rule holidays and weekdays together, and the land on which your house stands."

One of the terrible results of this story is the writer's bitter meditation on the fact that low and vile people are organized easier, faster and more reliably than real people. Thanks to this organization, low people begin to dictate living conditions to decent people.

To a certain extent, Rasputin's final work was the story "Farewell to Matera." In it, the author turned to the tragic theme of the ruin by people of their own land, homeland, under the pretext of a great transformation. Rasputin by no means protests against the construction of great hydroelectric power stations, but when the transformations of nature are carried out to the detriment and expense of the spiritual wealth of the people, a conflict inevitably arises. Rasputin's position suggests the need to create new national wealth with the obligatory preservation of what has already been accumulated. A nation should acquire, not replace proven values ​​with something new, because it is not known whether this new will be better than the old. Great construction projects at the cost of great destruction cannot be considered wealthy.

Matera can be compared with the legendary Atlantis, which has sunk to the bottom of the sea, only this sea is man-made. Together with Matera, the sanctity of patriarchal relations and national traditions is sinking under the water. Peace on the island is harmonious, people are part of it, they are not isolated from nature and land. The island is like a holy place among the aggressive surrounding world. The royal larch remained on it, where the righteous old women live.

At night, the island is bypassed by the "owner" - the good spirit of the forest. This fictional creature is going through anxious moments together with Matera, he already knows what will happen, but he cannot change anything.

All the heroes of the story, especially Daria, live in anticipation of the end. This is a time of troubles, a time of farewell, the inscribing of prophetic covenants. The author reveals the depth of the characters' feelings, their sincere love for the place where they grew up. This is especially pronounced among people of the older generation. Young people are glad to move to the "mainland". This also testifies to the destruction of moral foundations, to the distance of man not only from the place where he was born and raised, but also from nature as a whole. And at this time the old people go to say goodbye to their land and cannot hold back the burning tears. They are afraid to move to a new place, where the land is different, the laws are different, the life is different.

And Materaya, with her harmony, kindness and love, with her dissimilarity to everything around her, forever hides under the river waters, never to return. An island of "promised" life is hidden under the waves. Likewise, human purity of soul perishes in the hands of an inept "master".