We do with your own hands rack for the searchlight. Telescopic rack for lighting equipment Homemade tripod for searchlight

This version of the tripod is based on the same elements as the previous presented in the publication earlier on the site pages. "Samodelkin".

It is not so universal, but somewhat brought and is great for use in rooms with a flat floor and as a telescopic rack for lighting equipment, and as a photocopatory, especially if you need a somewhat height - you can quickly change the top tube of the central telescopic part with a searchlight, to such The same pipe with the phone or cameras already attached to it.

A similar rack can also be used for the manufacture of the rostrum, applying for its manufacture of the tube of the little diameters.

Material and components for the manufacture of a telescopic rack:

Attention!Choosing pipes, you should check them for compatibility, they must freely enter each other.

Pipe 32 "hot" (PN20 polypropylene) - 1 m.

Tube 20 "hot" (PN20 polypropylene) - 2.5 m.

Plug (polypropylene) 32 - 1 pc.

Plug (polypropylene) 20 - 6 pcs.

Coupling (polypropylene) 50 - 1 pc.

Trimming pipe (polypropylene PN 20) 32 × 40 mm. - 3 pcs.

Plug 32 (PND) - 2 pcs.

Square (steel) 10 × 450 mm. - 3 pcs.

Bolt M8 × 130 mm. - 3 pcs.

Loop Welsh PVV 1 - 9 pcs.

Nut coupling M8 - 6 pcs.

Nut through M8 - 9 pcs.

Bolt M6 × 25 mm. - 9 pcs.

Nut through M6 - 9 pcs.

M6 washer - 9 pcs.


Making a rack should be started with cutting blanks from PP 20 - one pipe, a length of 1 m., For the manufacture of a central telescopic rod, and three, 500 mm., For "legs" of the future rack.

Plus already cooked pipe PP 32 for the central telescopic rod.

In the end of three polypropylene plugs of PP 20, in the center, place and make holes Ø 8 mm., And with the help of threaded "fork" parts of the roaring loop, put the nuts M8.

With the help of the welding machine, set them on one of the ends of the polypropylene pipes of PP 20, prepared for the manufacture of "foot" of the tripod.
Attention!When welding the threaded "fork" parts of the roofing hinges are used as guides and weld so that the M8 nut is clipped (welded) between the end of the pipe and the inner part of the plug.

Install the trimming of PP 32 pipes on PP 20 pipes, in the middle part of them.

In the middle, place and drill non-cuts (not on the entire diameter of the pipe) hole Ø 6.7 mm .. and then chop the M8 thread in the cooked holes.
Attention!In the future, in all threaded holes for a more dense impact of the threaded part of the roof, the thread should be cut into incomplete, only its beginning.

Drill holes in cylindrical details very convenient on the simplest device, the manufacture of which can be found on my profile page on the site "Samodelkin", as well as watch the video on my channel "House ideas" In the video hosting "YouTube".

Inside of these pipes, put cooked steel squares.
In this design, they are simply necessary that the finished design is more rigid and stable.

Using the welding machine, install PP 20 plugs.

"The sleeve" part of all nine threaded loops to shorten.

For convenience, cutting along the same size, you can pre-wind two cross-cutting nuts M8.

Muffle though three of them in the prepared "polish" holes in the middle parts of the pipes for "legs".

In the center of one of the PND 32 plugs, place and using the first drill to make a hole Ø 32 mm., Which will then be used for the manufacture of a threaded (collet) retainer of the central telescopic rod.

At the final stage of the manufacture of the hole, the perovy drill should be taken from the inside of the plug.

On one side of the polypropylene tube (PP 32), at a distance of 30 mm. From its edge, lay and drill through hole (on the entire diameter of the pipe) Ø 3 mm.

After placing, it was cut to depth to a drilled hole.

On the edge of the pipe, from the propyl side, to establish a collet retainer, previously made from PND 32 plug.

The end of the second PND 32 plug is completely cut, remove the rubber ring, and the inner diameter of the white conical ring slightly to block the neck of medium grain.
All this must be done to make the finished item can easily slide along the central rod.

From the edge of the PP 50 coupling, cut off the ring of 18 mm width.

Using the welding machine, set the ring to the edge of the part made from the PND 32 plug.

In the ring, drill three holes Ø 6.7 mm., At an equal distance from each other, cut the M8 thread and screw the three, previously prepared, "sleeve" pieces of loops.

Often, for any works on the street or even for good lighting video filming, high-quality lighting is required, which you do not need to keep in your hands and which will shine on top, and well, from somewhere on the side. In order to get the necessary result, a special rack is needed.

If you need a similar rack, but you do not know how it can be done - watch the video. It shows an example of creating a tripod.

To create a wooden tripod, we will use:
- wooden bars;
- glue;
- nails;
- brackets;
- self-tapping screw;
- telescopic handles;
- Saw;
- sandpaper.

You can use telescopic handles for painting rollers as standard of tripods, the length of which is equal to the meter. They unfold up to two meters in height. However, the question arose how to install them.

One of the very first solutions was to make a cross, in which these handles would be installed. And fixed there with two clamps. But this option was not very comfortable, the crusades flew and wanted to have a more stable design. That is why we preferred a tripod option.

The whole design is assembled on glue and nails.

To create a tripod, you need to take a wooden bar, which is cut into three equal parts. Each of them will be a separate foot tripod. We process every leg, removing all irregularities and roughness. For greater stability at the end of each, we grab like a small "heel". And on the other hand, each leg make a small slice of about 30 °.

Now we collect the design, folding three legs in such a way that the proposed circle is divided into three equal parts. I fix glue and nails with each other, you can brackets. It is very important to score the bracket into the design in such a way that later when working in it did not get sores. After the design is fixed additionally tightening it with self-draws.

We wait until the glue dry and then we clean the connection.

Good lighting for video filming is the key to success, but even if there is a good source of lighting, for example, the searchlight, it is not always possible, and the main thing is to correctly direct the light, as there is no for this fixture. Therefore, in this article I will tell you how the author did a tripod for the searchlight, which will also save your money. To create you, you will not need a lot of money, the option we still have a budget, so all the details can be purchased for a purely symbolic amount.

In order to make the homemade tripod for the searchlight, you will need:
* Polypropylene pipes
* Glue, well-known all known "second"
* Clips
* Tees for pipes
* Corners
* Metal Hands
* Floodlight itself for checking homemade

That's all you need for further manufacture, so you can collect a useful thing from the smallest detail.

Step one.
First of all, it is necessary to determine the size of the future tripod, namely the height and width of the legs, which in turn directly affects the stability of the structure and varies depending on the mass of the camera being used or the video camera.

Step second.
After the dimensions were determined, you can go to directly manufacturing. At this stage, how no war is a metal hacksaw. Why exactly the metal, you ask, and everything is simple, since the canvas of the hacksaw has small teeth, then it will be better to leave the scum will be better in comparison with a hacksaw with a large tooth. Hisp sawing the pipes of the required length, after that it is better to sand the place of sleep, excluding irregularities and pieces of plastic.

Step Three.
Now you need to make the details together, first we use the tees and connect the pipes so that the base of the tripod works, and so that the pipes do not disconnect for the reliability of the "second" adhesive, in all subsequent assembly stages, we sample compounds. In fact, it should look like this.

Then it is kpripim three corners that will perform the role of legs.

The legs are ready, it is time to fix the main pipe on which the searchlight will hold on, the length also choose, depending on your needs, a pipe within 1-1.5 meters is suitable for filming on remote distances.

Step fourth.
Let's go to the perpetrator of the celebration, namely the searchlight. Its attaching it on this pipe will be most convenient with the clips, in which just already have a hole. We connect the bolt to the fermentation of the searchlight with the clip.

Check how the whole design is kept on the pipe. For the searchlight of such a clip of the clip, it keeps well enough, if you decide to hang something bigger, then the fasteners can be strengthened by another clip.

On this tripod for the searchlight is fully ready, all stages of the assembly do not require great efforts, as well as time for production.