Do-it-yourself free electricity - types, instructions and diagrams. Alternative energy for the home: choosing a source Do-it-yourself alternative types of electricity

Examples of using alternative energy in the form of ready-made solutions and do-it-yourself devices

The hydrocarbon reserves on our planet will run out sooner or later. Even taking into account the introduction of various technologies to save them, the depletion of coal, oil and gas reserves is not far off. The cost of energy resources is growing and people understand that only they themselves can take care of the safety of their budget. Therefore, they pay attention to alternative energy sources. In addition, interest in alternative energy is also caused by the banal absence in some places of the “benefits of civilization” in the form of gas and electricity. It often happens that the supply of electricity or gas to some settlements is not economically justified, and residents cannot do this at their own expense. Therefore, the owners of private houses do it themselves or purchase various installations for generating heat and electricity. After all, energy is contained in sunlight, wind, bowels of the Earth, ebbs and flows. In addition, they use the temperature difference, the energy of falling water and other sources of alternative energy. In this article we will talk about various interesting do-it-yourself installations in the field of alternative energy.

As you know, the surrounding nature is full of energy. Surely, everyone has heard that it is possible to use sunlight, wind, tides, ebb and other renewable energy sources quite efficiently. Moreover, this energy can be used on a national scale, or it can only be used to provide energy to a private house or cottage.

Below are some examples of plants that convert alternative energy into light and heat:

  • The solar panel;
  • Plant for biogas production;
  • Wind generator.

If you have available funds, you can purchase such installations and pay for installation. Due to the presence of a stable demand for such installations, manufacturers abroad and in Russia have launched the production of such products. But if you are limited in funds, then you can try to make such installations with your own hands.

Let's look at some examples.

The principle of operation of all types of heat pumps is based on Carnot cycles. The installation is a refrigerator. In the process of work, it takes away low-potential energy when it is cooled. And then it converts it into thermal energy with high potential. The environment can be air, earth, water. These substances contain a certain amount of heat at any moment. The composition of the heat pump includes the following main components:

  • The external circuit in which the natural coolant is located;
  • Internal circuit filled with water;
  • Compressor;
  • Evaporator;
  • Capacitor.

Freon is used in such systems as in a domestic refrigerator. The outer circuit, as a rule, is immersed in a well with water or simply in a reservoir on the surface. There are options when the outer circuit is buried in the ground. But this is expensive and not always possible.

There are ready-made solutions for heat pumps, and there are those models that are made by hand. How to make this device for using alternative energy with your own hands? First you need to find a compressor. If you have an old air conditioner or refrigerator, you can remove them. The power required for heating is up to 10 kW.

The heat pump manifold can be installed both horizontally and vertically. The second option is used if there is not enough space. Then several wells are drilled, into which the contour is lowered. If the location is horizontal, then the collector is buried in the ground by about 1.5 meters. A heat exchanger in the water is made when the heated housing is located near the shore of a natural reservoir. The condenser will require a capacity of 120-140 liters. A copper coil is placed in it, where freon circulates.

The evaporator can be made of a plastic container of the same volume as the condenser. A copper coil is inserted into it, which is combined through the compressor with what is in the condenser.

When making a do-it-yourself system, the evaporator pipe is usually made from a piece of sewer pipe. With the help of a pipe, the flow of water is regulated. The evaporator is lowered into the reservoir. When it flows around, water starts the process of evaporation of freon. That, in turn, rises up into the condenser. There he gives off thermal energy to the water in which the coil is located. This water heats the house by circulating in the heating system.

It is worth noting that the temperature of the water in the reservoir is not so important. The main thing is that she was always there. If the pump is designed and installed correctly, it can heat the house in winter. Even if the water temperature in the reservoir is very low. In summer, the heat pump can act as an air conditioner to cool the room.

Solar panels

This is perhaps the most common use of alternative energy. In this case, the source of alternative energy is sunlight, and it is converted into electric current. can be viewed at the link.

Solar panels are offered as part of ready-made solutions and you can make them yourself. If these are factory-made installations, then, as a rule, the kit comes with a controller, an inverter, sometimes batteries, the necessary wires and fasteners. Although you can find a lot of offers when solar panels are sold separately.

As for the manufacture of solar panels with their own hands, for many this activity has become a real hobby. Sometimes there are even exhibitions on the use of alternative energy. On them, enthusiasts show solar panels that they made with their own hands.

For self-manufacturing of solar panels, you need to buy photocells (on single or polycrystals) and solder them into a serial circuit. The number of cells is determined by the required voltage and output power of the battery. It is impossible to make photocells with your own hands. The technology is complex and can be implemented only in factory conditions.

So what needs to be done step by step:

  • Solder the photocells in a series circuit;
  • Fix them on a stele, polycarbonate or other material that transmits sunlight. Execution varies. Photocells are located between the panes, and the joints are insulated. Sometimes the elements are simply fixed on the glass with a protective automotive film;
  • Make a battery case from aluminum corners;
  • Install the panel with photocells into the housing;
  • Connect the panel to other elements of the solar system.

Biogas is a clean type of fuel produced without harming the environment. The technology of its production is based on the activity of anaerobic bacteria. Food waste is used as a raw material for biogas synthesis.

Waste, both liquid and solid, is placed in a container. It should be a sealed container that is equipped with a screw. It is used to mix this mass. In addition, there should be:

  • Entrance for loading waste;
  • Output for waste residues that have not been recycled;
  • Pipe for gas outlet.

The tightness of the installation must be carried out especially carefully. If gas is planned to be taken from the tank periodically, then a special valve must be provided. With it, you can relieve excess pressure if necessary. During the decomposition of biological waste in this plant, hydrogen sulfide and methane are released, which contain carbon dioxide.

In general, creating a do-it-yourself biogas synthesis plant is not an easy task. Usually, ready-made solutions are used in practice, but some craftsmen independently make such installations to obtain alternative energy. To do this, several tasks should be solved, as follows:

  • It is necessary to arrange a place for the container. Its volume is selected based on how much waste will be processed at the same time. To ensure efficient operation of the installation, you need to fill it 2/3. The container itself can be made of metal or concrete. In terms of productivity, 100 m3 of gas is obtained from 1 ton of food waste;
  • Arrange heating. To speed up the process, the waste container must be heated. There may be several options here. For example, a coil around the tank or a heating element under the tank. Anaerobic bacteria become active when heated to a certain temperature. Therefore, heating is necessary;
  • Automation. The heating should turn on when a new batch of waste is loaded and turn off when a certain temperature is reached;
  • Need a gas power generator to convert the resulting biogas;
  • Organize the collection of waste raw materials. This waste can be used for fertilizing garden beds.

Such biogas plants are used in the USA and China in various private households and farms. Here the main problem is to organize the continuous production of biogas. And this will require a constant stream of food waste or manure.

the opportunity to forget forever about the need to pay large bills for electricity, gas or heat supply. With the right approach to resolving the issue, you can provide the farm with everything you need and even sell the "surplus" to a neighbor, while receiving a stable income. Against this background, many questions arise:

  • What can be used as an energy source?
  • How efficient are solar panels?
  • What are the types of solar collectors, and what are their features?
  • What are the subtleties of wind turbines and heat pumps?
  • Can biogas plants be used at home and how do they work?

There are plenty of alternative energy sources today. It remains to determine the appropriate option.

General provisions

Almost everything around us is a source of energy to some extent. A person can use the bright rays of the sun, the power of the wind, the energy of the earth or water. The main difficulty is extracting the existing potential of nature in our own interests. With a competent approach to the implementation of the project with the help of alternative energy sources, it is possible to “get” everything necessary for a private house - heat, electricity, gas and warm water.

Alternative energy is available to everyone. It does not require much experience or special talents. With the knowledge of a certain algorithm, all manipulations can be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.

The options are:

  1. Converting wind power into electrical energy. This is easy to implement with a wind generator.
  2. The use of the sun's rays to generate electricity or heat water. In the second case, it is possible to create a low-temperature heating system.
  3. Use of biogas devices. With their help, it is possible to obtain gas from the manure of poultry or animals.
  4. Connection of heat pumps that provide a comfortable temperature in the house. Heating in this case is produced by the heat of the main natural elements - earth, water and air.

Alternative energy sources open up new perspectives in solving any issues related to the arrangement of a comfortable life. The difficulty is that to provide the house with everything you need, you will need large investments. The best option is to use the possibilities of alternative energy without disconnecting from the general network of gas, water or electricity. With this approach, it is possible to save the family budget, recoup the costs of introducing new technology into life and provide backup in case of force majeure.

Solar energy: general provisions

Energy surrounds us everywhere, and one of its main sources is the sun and its radiation. To get the most out of your fire disc, you can use one of the following devices:

  • . With the help of such devices it is possible to obtain an electric current.
  • . These devices are designed to heat water, which is subsequently supplied to the house with the help of pumps.

There is a misconception that the use of solar energy is possible only in regions with a southern climate, where warm weather prevails. In fact, bright rays are enough to produce electricity, and the season does not matter. Practice shows that solar batteries do their job well in winter. The only difference is the amount of energy produced (it is slightly higher in summer).

How to determine that the use of the sun as an alternative energy source will be relevant? Here it is worth focusing on the number of sunny days per year. The more of them, the better.

Installing such a device allows you to once and for all solve the issue of electricity for the home, forgetting about unplanned outages, irregular voltage levels, as well as the need to pay large sums for the kilowatts used. The device is based on photoelectric converters, which are produced using special minerals. The latter are activated by the rays of the sun and generate electricity.

If the main task is to supply power to a private house, silicon-type photoconverters are enough. Structurally, they are of two types:

  1. Monocrystalline. In this case, one crystal is used. The advantages of such a converter include a decent efficiency (13-25%), as well as an increased resource. The downside is that the cost of such products is quite high.
  2. Polycrystalline- more affordable converters, which are based on a large number of crystals. Among the shortcomings, it is worth highlighting a lower efficiency (at the level of 9-15%), as well as frequent breakdowns.

How to make a solar battery yourself?

Self-assembly of an alternative energy source will require several silicon photovoltaic cells, which can be ordered in China at an affordable price. The total number of purchased elements depends on the required power (average 5-7 kW).

  1. Use metal corners or planks of wood to assemble the frame. Then mount the substrate, which can be of two types:
  • Transparent (here it is worth using organic or ordinary glass). This option is suitable for cases where the battery is installed on the window.
  • Opaque - a cover, which can be used as a sheet of plywood, painted white on top. This method is relevant for mounting an alternative source on the roof of the house.
  1. Combine all the elements into one circuit using a soldering iron. The connection scheme is in parallel. If the conductors are already soldered to the plates, this is only a plus, but the cost of purchasing such products will be higher. Otherwise, do the work yourself.
  2. Ensure the tightness of the finished solar battery. To solve this problem, epoxy resin or a special EVA film is suitable. When performing work, make sure that there are no layers of air on the surface. Otherwise, battery performance will be reduced in these areas. If such bubbles were found during the inspection, expel them immediately.

If the solar panel is installed on the roof, and plywood is used as a substrate, painting the surface white is mandatory. This is necessary to protect the silicon cells from overheating. Everything is simple here. The temperature range of working devices is from -40 to +50 degrees Celsius. Going beyond these limits leads to a quick breakdown of expensive parts. In extreme heat, the surface can reach temperatures above +50 degrees Celsius, which poses a risk to the silicon wafer. White color protects from sunlight and prevents overheating of the surface.

Alternative energy sources do a great job of heating air or water for a home. Solar collectors are useful here, in which warm liquid can be sent to a heating unit or a tap. For a central heating system, this option is not suitable, but just right for creating warm floors. This recommendation is due to the low outlet water temperature.

The main task in the arrangement of the system is the possibility of redundancy - the transition to another heat source (boiler or boiler). Such foresight will avoid problems when the weather conditions worsen.

Solar collectors are available in three types. Let's consider each of them in more detail:

  1. Plastic(flat) - collectors, which consist of two panels (transparent and black), combined in one housing. A copper pipeline is installed between them, bending in the form of a “snake” to cover the maximum area. The lower (black) panel is heated by sunlight, after which the heat is transferred to the copper tubes.
    1. The only advantage of the design is the ease of execution, but its efficiency is low. An alternative heat source is suitable for heating water in a shower or pool. In the latter case, the liquid is driven through a closed cycle using a pump.
    2. The disadvantage of the design is low productivity, because it takes time and several devices to heat a large volume of water.
  2. Air- the most scarce collectors in Russia. The device is simple and efficient. The downside is that it takes up a lot of space to install and configure. Structurally, the air type of the device is similar to a flat collector, because there are also transparent and black panels. The difference is that they do not heat water, but air, which is sent into the house with the help of a fan. At first glance, this design seems ineffective, but with its help it is possible to warm up a small room during the year. For this, one alternative source of energy is enough - the sun. The device can be used to heat animal sheds, a country house or a garage.
  3. Tubular- collectors, which consist of a group of tubes (coaxial or vacuum). Water flows through them, which warms up and is fed into the house. A mandatory component of the design is a storage container, where the water is heated.
    1. One of the elements of the system is a pump that circulates the fluid. It can also be powered by solar panels. The disadvantage of the system is the need to purchase a one-piece structure, because it will not work to do it yourself. Buying a device is also not always possible due to the too high price. Of the advantages, it is worth highlighting the efficiency and the ability to heat the entire house.

The sun is an alternative source of energy that, when used correctly, is capable of miracles. With its help, it is possible to obtain electricity and heat. It remains only to select the equipment and implement the plan.

Another renewable source is wind, which is almost always present. There are periods of complete calm, but very rarely. It is interesting that the power of the wind was used by our ancestors - for example, in the same mills for making flour. At the present stage, this alternative energy source can be used to generate electricity. To cover the needs of the house, you will need:

  • A generator with blades attached to it.
  • A tower that is mounted in a special place (where windy weather prevails to a greater extent).
  • Accumulative battery, as well as an electrical energy transmission system.

How to make a wind generator yourself?

First, a tower is built, for which any material (wood, metal, brick, etc.) can be used. The next step is to purchase a battery, and then proceed to prepare the generator. The latter can also be purchased, but if you have an old engine on hand, it is easy to make it yourself. "Source material" for alteration can be taken from a washing machine, drill or other devices. You will also need epoxy resin, magnets (preferably neodymium type), as well as a lathe.

  1. Make markings on the rotor for the subsequent installation of magnets, which must be equidistant.
  2. Turn the rotor of the selected engine, creating special recesses in this way. Make sure that the bottom of the recess is slightly tilted.
  3. In prepared places, install magnets with liquid nails, and then fill them with epoxy.
  4. Use sandpaper to bring the surface to the ideal.
  5. Fasten the collector brushes, then assemble and test the operation of the wind generator.

The advantage of such installations lies in increased efficiency. The disadvantage is that the final power depends on many nuances:

  • The correct assembly of the generator.
  • Wind speeds.
  • The efficiency of removing the potential difference with the help of brushes.
  • Reliability of contacts and other factors.

Heating with heat pumps

Unlike the devices discussed above, heat pumps use the full range of alternative sources, namely water, air and earth (except for the sun). The necessary heat can be obtained even in cold weather (albeit in a smaller amount). In practice, this is enough to heat the house.

The main advantage of heat pumps is efficiency. The most advanced devices, taking only 1 kW of energy, give off up to 5-6 kW of heat.

The pumps are equipped with the following elements - three circuits (internal and two external), condenser, compressor and evaporator. The principle of operation is as follows:

  1. Water passes through the primary circuit and takes away heat (from air, earth or water). At this stage, it is possible to reach a temperature of 5-6 degrees Celsius.
  2. In the second (internal circuit) there is another coolant that has a lower boiling point (0 degrees Celsius). After heating, the liquid evaporates, and the resulting vapor is sent to the compressor. There it is subjected to compression to the maximum pressure. At this moment, a large amount of heat is released, which ensures that the working fluid is heated up to 35-65 degrees Celsius.
  3. The resulting heat is transferred to the liquid in the third circuit, which performs the function of heating.
  4. The remaining vapors, the temperature of which gradually decreases, are condensed and then sent to the evaporator. After that, the cycle repeats.

The possibilities of the heating circuit are best used to create underfloor heating, which is due to the optimal temperature regime for solving such a problem. If you use radiators, you will need a large number of sections, which is very disadvantageous.

The subtleties of the use of thermal energy

If we consider alternative sources in relation to heat production, the greatest difficulty is the arrangement of the primary circuit. It is he who takes on the task of assembling thermal energy. Large areas may be required for best results.

There are four types of circuits in total:

  1. Thermal fields. Their peculiarity lies in burying pipes to a great depth to which the earth does not freeze through. This design is efficient, but for its implementation it is necessary to carry out a large complex of earthworks.
  2. Heat from the air. This mechanism is known thanks to a conventional air conditioner, the principle of which is very similar. Interestingly, even in the cold, such devices are able to "extract" heat. The main thing is that the temperature outside is not lower than 15 degrees below zero.
  3. Pipes in the water. The design feature lies in the annular form of execution and the presence of a coolant inside. The type of reservoir doesn't matter. It could be a lake or a river. The main thing is the presence of sufficient depth to exclude complete freezing. To increase efficiency, it is allowed to use pumps that will pump heat out of the reservoir. To implement such a plan, it will be necessary to assemble a system of pipes, tie a load to it and flood it. The only downside is the risk of accidental damage.
  4. Application of geothermal temperatures. The principle of operation is simple. First, several wells are drilled to a certain depth, after which a circuit with a working fluid is lowered into it. This option is good because it does not need a lot of space. But there is also a drawback. Drilling is carried out to a great depth, and today such services are far from free.

Heat pumps have one common disadvantage - the high cost and complexity of the assembly of the structure. In order to save some work, you can do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists, but the total costs are still high. The advantage is in the durability of the finished system.

Application of biogas plants

Many focus on the use of natural alternative sources. But energy can also be obtained artificially, for example, using biogas plants. These devices will make it possible to "extract" gas for the house from manure - the waste products of chickens, pigs and other domestic animals. With the help of a special apparatus, it is possible to obtain a certain volume of gas, which is purified and can be used for its intended purpose (for cooking, feeding the boiler and other needs). The remaining elements after processing are used as fertilizer.

How it works? After collecting the feces and putting them in a certain place, the fermentation process starts. Poultry or livestock waste will do to get the gas you need, but the latter option is the most efficient.

To speed up the fermentation process, a special environment is created that does not imply oxygen access. This means that the waste is in a completely sealed container. Also, to activate the process, the composition is mixed, for which agitators with electric drives are mounted. In the simplest devices, control can be manual.

Gas is formed due to two types of bacteria:

  • Mesophilic (active at 30-40 degrees Celsius).
  • Thermophilic - are connected to the process when it reaches 42-53 degrees Celsius.

The second variant of bacteria is more productive. From one liter of the area of ​​the source material, up to 4-4.5 liters of gas are obtained. The downside is that you have to maintain a high temperature in the installation, and this is costly.

Structurally, a biogas apparatus is a container with a stirrer. The simplest option is a barrel with a lid and a stirrer. From above, a conclusion is made for connecting a hose. It is through it that the gas is sent to a separate container. With this embodiment, a lot of gas will not be obtained, but it will be enough for cooking.

Prospects will be greater if a special bunker is equipped. There are two types:

  1. Underground.
  2. Elevated.

The underground bunker is made using reinforced concrete. The tank is divided into a number of compartments, and the walls are separated from the ground with the help of thermal insulation. The processing process takes 12-30 days. Manure is supplied through a special loading hopper, and on the other hand, a hatch is made for unloading the processed component. The fifth part of the cavity remains free - it is here that gas is collected, which is then discharged through a special tube. Before being supplied to the consumer, natural fuel is cleaned by passing through a water seal with water.

The use of alternative energy sources is a great way to provide everything you need for a comfortable stay in your home. The main difficulty lies in finding money for the initial investment and the desire to realize the idea.

Until recently, the main sources of energy were: oil, coal, water and. However, natural resources are rapidly depleted, their prices are rising, and emissions from their processing have a negative impact on the environment. For these reasons, many countries are leaning towards energy adoption and development that will replace conventional fuels. In this article, we will consider what alternative energy sources are, their types, efficiency and prospects for application.

Read in the article

Alternative energy sources - what is it

An alternative energy source (AES) is an environmentally friendly renewable resource that, when transformed, makes it possible to obtain heat or electricity used for daily human needs. Such resources include all existing types of natural reservoirs, the sun, wind, heat from the bowels of the earth, as well as recycled materials. Alternative energy sources, unlike traditional types, can be renewed an unlimited number of times, they are more efficient, cheaper and environmentally friendly.

Types of alternative energy sources

Depending on the renewable resource, modern energy sources are divided into several types, which determine the ways of its transformation and the types of installations intended for this. Consider briefly alternative energy sources and their characteristics.

Use of alternative energy sources - sun and wind

The conversion of solar energy with the help of special devices allows you to get heat and electricity for further use. Electrical energy is generated due to the physical processes that occur in silicon semiconductors of solar panels under the influence of sunlight, and thermal energy is generated due to the properties of gases and liquids.

The use of wind as an alternative energy source is based on the conversion of air currents into electricity using special generator sets. Wind generators have a different design and dimensions, and also differ in location. The wind drives the blades, which in turn spin a generator that generates electricity.

Water and heat of the Earth in the service of man

People have learned to use the power of water to generate electricity for a long time. Previously, hydroelectric power stations were built for this, which blocked the rivers, these were both small and grandiose structures. With the development of technology, the design of hydroelectric power stations has changed, and now it is possible to receive electricity not only due to the strength of the river flow, but also due to the tides of the seas and oceans (tidal stations). The water falls on the blades of the turbines that rotate the generator, which generates electricity for the consumer.

Huge reserves of heat are hidden in the depths of our Earth, which allow us to replace more expensive and "dirty" energy sources. This direction is called geothermal energy, which uses four main types of heat resources:

  • surface heat of the earth;
  • the energy of steam and hot water located near the surface of the earth;
  • heat concentrated deep in the bowels of the planet;
  • the energy of magma and heat accumulated under volcanoes.

The inner body of the earth is used to heat houses and generate electricity. Its reserves are 35 billion times greater than the annual energy demand worldwide. The first geothermal power plant with a capacity of 7.5 MW was introduced in Italy in 1916. At the moment, the cost of electricity generated by TeoTPP is almost equal to that produced by coal-fired TPP.

Biofuels - an alternative to gasoline

Biofuel is an alternative source of energy, which is obtained from the processing of organic raw materials or waste. This type of fuel can be in a solid, liquid or gaseous state. Wood, briquettes and pellets from its wood waste or agricultural products (sunflower and buckwheat husks, nut shells, etc.) are used as solid biofuels. This fuel is used to generate heat and electricity at thermal power plants.

Liquid biofuels are obtained by processing the plant mass of certain crops and their waste (straw) and are used mainly as fuel for cars. These types of fuels include:

  • bioethanol;
  • biomethanol;
  • biobutanol;
  • biodiesel;
  • dimethyl ether.

There are three types of gaseous ecofuels: biogas, biohydrogen and methane. It is obtained through the fermentation of biological mass. The raw material is exposed to special bacteria that decompose the biomass, and as a result, gas is produced.

Development of alternative energy sources

According to the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the share of use of alternative energy sources in Russia is only 1%. It is planned to increase this figure to 4.5% by 2020, by attracting not only funds from the government of the Russian Federation, but also private entrepreneurs. The development of alternative energy has great potential:

  • due to the small population of the sea and ocean coasts of Kamchatka, Chukotka, Sakhalin and other territories, the development of wind and tidal energy is possible;
  • The development of solar energy is relevant, especially in the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories, in the North Caucasus, the Far East, etc.

Unfortunately, alternative energy is not a priority for Russian industry. The main problem is the financing of such projects. Sometimes mining coal and oil is cheaper than building wind and solar power plants.

Alternative energy sources for a private house

Owners of private houses, thanks to the use of alternative energy sources, can significantly reduce the cost of or completely abandon the services of gas, electricity and heat suppliers. It is also possible not only to make your economy energy-independent, but also to sell the surplus. The state strongly encourages the development and use of installations of alternative energy sources by ordinary citizens. To obtain heat and electricity using non-traditional energy sources, you can use factory equipment or do it yourself. So, alternative energy allows:

  • convert solar energy into electricity or heat for hot water and low-temperature heating;
  • with the help of special generators to receive electricity using the power of the wind;
  • using special pumps to take heat from the earth, water and air and heat houses and generate electricity through heat generators;
  • obtaining gas from agricultural waste, biological materials and waste products of domestic animals and birds.

The greatest efficiency is achieved by using several types of alternative energy sources.

Solar energy as an alternative energy source

The use of solar energy makes it possible to obtain electricity and hot water for heating and hot water using solar semiconductor panels and collectors. Under the influence of light on silicon elements, a directed movement of electrons (electric current) occurs. By connecting enough panels, you can get enough electricity to meet the needs of one house. So, for example, a solar battery with an area of ​​1.4 m2, with good illumination, produces 24 V at a power of about 270 watts. Since the sun does not shine all the time and with different strengths, it is impossible to connect household appliances directly to the converting panels. In order to use electricity from solar panels, you need a whole system, including:

  • battery(battery) for the accumulation of excess electricity (used in the dark and inclement weather);
  • controller(optional, but recommended) is designed to monitor the battery charge level in order to prevent complete discharge or overcharging, as well as to optimize the operation of solar panels;
  • inverter, which converts direct current to alternating current and allows you to get a voltage of 220-230 V.

In order to make a house or cottage completely independent of the centralized power supply, it is necessary to install a large number of batteries and several batteries. This, of course, is not cheap, but in the end it pays off in a relatively short time. A set of panels for generating 1500 W per day, which is enough to provide a summer house or some electrical appliances in the house, costs about $ 1,000, for the production of 4 kW - about $ 2,200, and 9 kW - $ 6,200. You can buy a small installation and subsequently supplement it with new solar panels, having achieved the required power.

Alternative sources of electricity for a private house - solar panels

So, we have already considered that solar energy can be used to generate electricity (semiconductor panels) and heat for heating and hot water supply (collectors). Let's take a look at what solar panels are. consists of a certain number of silicon photocells (household models). Such panels have an efficiency of 20–24% and a relatively low cost. The photocells are connected to each other, and their contacts are brought out to the terminals located on the closed case of each battery. The case is made of anodized aluminum, and the front panel is made of high quality durable glass and coated with an anti-reflective compound.

Related article:

What is it, the principles of operation and types of solar panels for a private house, the cost of the kit, reviews, specifications, recommendations of experts - read in the publication.

Solar collectors - a worthy replacement for traditional water heaters

Solar heat collectors allow you to accumulate 600-800 W / h per square meter and provide the house with enough energy for heating and hot water. Structurally, collectors are divided into the following main groups:

  • vacuum. Flat or multi-pipe structures with natural or forced circulation of the coolant in the system. Basically, these are stationary collectors intended for seasonal use;
  • air solar systems which are the easiest and simplest. The heat from the heated surface of the collector is removed by the air flow;
  • in the third option, heat from solar collectors can be used to transform it into electricity.

The latter option is not particularly popular among ordinary consumers due to the complexity of maintenance and the high cost of equipment.

Heat pumps for heating systems of private houses

Currently, for and providing them with hot water supply, various types of boilers are mainly used -, diesel, and. Relatively recently, another method of heating a liquid with the help has appeared, but so far it has not yet received a fairly wide application. , moving along an overpass laid in the ground at a certain depth, it heats up by several degrees and enters the evaporator. Further, the heated liquid gives off heat to the refrigerant, which at low temperatures turns into vapor and enters the compressor. In the compressor, it is compressed, which leads to an increase in pressure and, accordingly, an increase in temperature.

The compressed heated refrigerant moves to the condenser, where it gives off heat to another coolant (air, water or). As a result of this process, the refrigerant is cooled and returned to a liquid state. After that, the liquid enters the evaporator, and the whole cycle is repeated.


Modern society cannot imagine itself without certain achievements of science, among which electricity occupies a special place. This wonderful and valuable energy is present in almost all areas of our lives. But not many people know how it is mined. And even more so - is it possible to get free electricity with your own hands. Video, which abounds in the vastness of the worldwide web, examples of craftsmen and scientific data say that this is quite real.

Everyone, no, no, yes, thinks not only about saving, but also about something free. People generally like to get something for free. But the main question for today can i get free electricity. After all, if you think globally, how much humanity has to sacrifice to get an extra kilowatt of electricity. But nature does not tolerate such cruel treatment of itself and constantly reminds us that we should be more careful in order to stay alive to the human species.

In pursuit of profit, a person does not really think about the benefits for the environment and completely forgets about alternative energy sources. And there are enough of them to change the current state of things for the better. After all, using free energy, which can be easily converted into electricity, the latter can become free for a person. Well, almost free.

And considering how to get electricity at home, the simplest and most affordable methods immediately pop up in your memory. Although some funds will be required to implement them, as a result, the electricity itself will not cost the user a dime. Moreover, there are not one or two such methods, which allows you to choose the most appropriate method for extracting free electricity in specific conditions.

It just so happens that if you know at least a little the structure of the soil and the basics of electrics, you can understand how to get electricity from the mother earth itself. And the thing is that the soil in its structure combines solid, liquid and gaseous media. And this is exactly what is necessary for the successful extraction of electricity, since it allows you to find the potential difference, which as a result leads to a successful result.

Thus, the soil is a kind of power plant in which electricity is constantly located. And if we take into account the fact that through the grounding the current flows into the ground and is concentrated there, then it is simply blasphemous to bypass such a possibility.

Using such knowledge, craftsmen, as a rule, prefer to get electricity from the ground in three ways:

  • Zinc and copper electrode.
  • Potential between roof and ground.
  • It is worth considering each of the methods in more detail in order to better understand what it is about.

    : implies the use of a third conductor that connects the grounded conductor and the neutral contact, which allows you to get a current of 10-20 volts. And this is quite enough to connect several light bulbs. Although if you experiment a little, you can get much more voltage.

    Zinc and copper electrodes are used to extract electricity from the ground in an isolated space. Nothing will grow in such soil, as it is oversaturated with salts. A zinc or iron rod is taken and inserted into the ground. They also take a similar copper rod and also insert it into the soil at a short distance.

    As a result, the soil will act as an electrolyte, and the rods will form a potential difference. As a result, the zinc rod will be the negative electrode, and the copper rod will be the positive one. And such a system will produce only about 3 volts. But then again, if you conjure a little with the circuit, then it is quite possible to increase the resulting voltage quite well.

    The potential between the roof and the ground at the same 3 volts can be "caught" if the roof is iron, and ferrite plates are installed in the ground. If you increase the size of the plates or the distance between them and the roof, then the stress value can be increased.

    Strangely enough, for some reason there are no factory devices for generating electricity from the earth. But you can do any of the methods yourself even without any special costs. This, of course, is good.

    But it should be borne in mind that electricity is quite dangerous, so any work is best done together with a specialist. Or summon one at system startup.

    This is the dream of many to get free electricity with their own hands from the air. But as it turns out, not everything is so simple. Although there are many ways to get electricity from the environment, doing so is not always easy. AND a few things to know:

    Wind generators are successfully used in many countries. There are entire fields filled with such fans. Such systems are able to provide electricity even to a factory. But there is a rather significant minus - due to the unpredictability of the wind, it is impossible to say exactly how much electricity will be generated and how much electricity will be accumulated, which causes certain difficulties.

    Lightning batteries are so named because they are able to accumulate potential from electrical discharges, but simply from lightning. Despite their apparent effectiveness, such systems are difficult to predict, just like lightning itself. And to create such a design on your own is more dangerous than difficult. After all, they attract lightning up to 2000 volts, which is deadly.

    S. Mark's toroidal generator, a device that is quite possible to assemble at home, it is able to power a lot of home equipment. It consists of three coils that form resonant frequencies and magnetic vortices, which allows the formation of an electric current.

    The Kapanadze generator was invented by a Georgian inventor based on the Tesla transformer. This is a great example of the latest technology, when you only need to connect the battery to start, after which the received impulse makes the generator work and produce electricity in the literal sense of the air. Unfortunately, this invention is not disclosed, so there are no schemes.

    How can you ignore such a powerful energy source as the sun. And, of course, many have heard about the possibility of obtaining electricity from solar panels. Moreover, someone even used calculators and other small solar-powered electronics. But the question is whether it is possible to provide electricity to the house in this way.

    If you look at the experience of European lovers of freebies, then such an idea is quite feasible. True, the solar panels themselves will have to spend a lot of money. But the resulting savings will fully pay off all the costs in excess.

    In addition, it is environmentally friendly and safe for both humans and the environment. Solar panels allow you to calculate the amount of energy that can be obtained, and this is quite enough to provide electricity to everything, even a large one, at home.

    Although there are still some downsides. The operation of such batteries depends on the Sun, which is not always present in the right amount. So, in winter or during the rainy season, problems may arise in operation.

    Otherwise, it is a simple and effective source of inexhaustible energy.

    Alternative and questionable methods

    Many people know the story about an unpretentious summer resident who allegedly managed to get free electricity from the pyramids. This man claims that the pyramids he built from foil and the battery as a drive help to illuminate the entire plot. Although it looks unlikely.

    It's another matter when research is carried out by scientists. There is already something to think about here. So, experiments are being carried out to obtain electricity from the waste products of plants that fall into the soil. Similar experiments can be carried out at home. Moreover, the resulting current is not life-threatening.

    In some foreign countries, where there are volcanoes, their energy is successfully used to produce electricity. Entire plants operate thanks to special installations. After all, the energy received is measured in megawatts. But it is especially interesting that ordinary citizens can also get electricity with their own hands in a similar way. For example, some use the heat energy of a volcano, which is not difficult to transform into electricity.

    Many scientists are struggling to find alternative methods of energy production. Starting from the use of photosynthesis processes and ending with the energies of the Earth and solar winds. Indeed, in an age when electricity is especially in demand, this is most welcome. And with interest and some knowledge, everyone can contribute to the study of obtaining free energy.

    Electricity is an integral part of our life. Electric energy has firmly entered everyday life, and even when going on a trip or purchasing a house, a plot, in the most remote corner of our vast country, a person sets one of the first tasks that needs to be solved - providing himself with electricity.

    For home

    The owner of a country house, even in the case of a traditional power supply system, sometimes has a desire to reduce the cost of paying bills for consumed electrical energy.
    Some developers create a completely autonomous system and become independent from electricity suppliers. Such a power supply system is especially relevant for remote places where there are no stationary power supply networks.
    At present, thanks to the development of engineering and technology, installations that use alternative energy sources in their work, such as solar, wind, water and biofuel, have become widespread.
    In the production of your electricity used to power your home, all of the above energy sources can be used.

    Energy of sun

    When choosing installations, the source of electrical energy, in which solar energy is, it is necessary to know the features of the location, which determine the number of sunny days per year.
    Devices that convert solar energy into electrical energy are solar panels (batteries), which, depending on the required power, are combined into groups.
    The panels consist of photocells placed in a common housing. The principle of operation is based on the properties of photocells to create a potential difference between their layers, when exposed to sunlight.

    Solar panels are the main element of solar power plants, which, in addition to them, include the following elements:

    1. Rechargeable battery (battery pack) - which is the storage of electrical energy.
    2. The controller is an electronic device responsible for the process of charging and discharging the battery.
    3. An inverter is also an electronic device that converts the direct electric current accumulated in the battery into an alternating current with a voltage of 220 V.
    4. Protective devices and automation devices, as well as connecting wires.

    As additional equipment, to increase the efficiency of solar power plants, solar trackers are used - devices that allow you to determine the position of panels in space, in accordance with the location of the sun.

    Wind energy

    When choosing an alternative energy source, which will be the wind, it is also necessary to know what kind of winds and what strength are blowing at the place where the equipment is installed.
    Wind generators are devices that convert wind energy into electrical energy. These technical devices differ in power, performance, installation conditions and design, on which all the previously listed indicators depend.

    Wind generators are:

    1. With a horizontal axis of rotation - the axis of the rotor and the leading axis are parallel to the ground surface.
      There are single-blade, two-blade, three-blade and many-blade, with up to 50 blades.
    2. With a vertical axis of rotation - the axis of rotation is located vertically with respect to the surface of the earth. These devices differ in technical design: Savounis rotor, Darrieus rotor, helicoid rotor, multi-blade rotor and orthogonal rotor.
    3. Wind generator - sail.

    All listed devices have their advantages and disadvantages, so the choice is always up to the user, which can be made based on selection criteria and individual needs.

    water energy

    Living outside the city and having a small river, stream or other body of water nearby, you can use the energy of water in order to get your electricity.
    In this case, it is necessary to build an individual micro hydroelectric power station.
    Equipment for such installations is available in various capacities, and even a small stream is able to provide the needs of the house for electrical energy.

    Micro-HPPs are spilled on:

    1. Type: dam, diversion, dam-derivation and free-flow.
    2. Operating principle: waterwheel principle, daisy-chain design, using the Darrieus rotor and using the propeller principle.
    3. Capacities of installations and conditions of installation of equipment.

    Each type of micro-hydro power plant and the principle of its operation have their pros and cons, which
    determine the choice of equipment and the possibility of using it in a particular
    specific case.


    Living side by side with wildlife, it is always possible to build a biofuel plant. Biofuels can be: solid, liquid and gaseous.

    Solid fuel (ordinary firewood) and liquid fuel, which requires special equipment for production, should not be considered as sources of electrical energy, but gaseous fuel can.

    Gaseous biofuel is a biogas obtained from the fermentation of substances of plant or animal origin, which are always available in the household.
    The fermentation process takes place under the influence of bacteria in a hermetically sealed container. The gas obtained in this way is sent for combustion. When gas is burned, enough steam is generated in the steam generator to rotate a steam turbine connected to an electric generator that generates electricity.

    earth energy

    On the territory of our country, there are places where activity continues in the deep layers of our planet (on the surface of the earth). In such regions, as an alternative source of electrical energy, you can use the energy of the earth.

    Depending on the source that gives off its heat, such energy is divided into:

    1. Petrothermal - the source of energy is the layers of the earth, which have a high temperature;
    2. Hydrothermal - the source of energy is groundwater.

    The energy of the earth, in the form of steam, is supplied to a steam turbine, which is connected to an electric generator that produces electricity.

    In the case of individual use, only the direct action method is possible, when the steam comes directly from the surface of the earth.

    Other options, not direct and mixed methods, can only be used for industrial methods of energy processing.

    All the options discussed above for using alternative energy sources for the production of their own electricity are available to users when the necessary conditions for their operation are created.

    To create independent power supply systems, it is better to use several alternative energy sources at the same time in order to compensate for the possible difficulties of each method of generating electricity separately.

    Quite widely, with autonomous power supply to houses, a wind generator + solar power plant is used.

    For an apartment

    In the event of a desire to create an independent power supply system for a single apartment, in an apartment building, it is impossible to use such sources as: biofuel, earth energy, water energy, and wind energy, it is also difficult to use.

    The only source of energy that you can use to get your own electricity, in a separate apartment, without creating inconvenience for neighbors, is the use of solar energy.

    The industry produces sets of solar power plants of low power, which can be placed in an apartment. Solar panels, in this case, are placed on the roof of an apartment building or the outer facade, if placed on the south side of the house.

    A set of solar power plants, not of high power, consists of the same elements as in the power supply of the house, the difference is only in the number of solar panels and batteries.

    Options for giving

    If it is necessary to create an independent power supply for the dacha, the option of using a solar power plant is also the most acceptable. In this case, with the seasonal nature of the use of equipment, it is possible to mothball the devices or take them out of operation, for a period when there is no need for operation.

    The option of building a wind generator is also quite affordable and justified. Because after incurring some one-time financial expenses, in the future, depending on the need, you can receive your own electricity.

    The option of using the “wind generator + solar power plant” scheme, in this case, is also relevant, and allows you to create a completely autonomous and reliable power supply scheme.

    How to DIY

    The sets of equipment that were written about above are quite expensive, so creative people with engineering ingenuity sometimes have thoughts about how to make this or that device with their own hands.

    In order to make a unit capable of producing electrical energy using alternative energy sources, it is necessary:

    1. Have basic knowledge in electrical engineering and electrical networks;
    2. Possess skills in working with manual mechanical and electric tools;
    3. Be able to work with a soldering iron;
    4. To have free time and, most importantly, the desire to create your own device that can generate electricity.

    If, as a source of energy, you choose the sun's rays, then you need to make a receiving panel - a solar battery. To do this, you can go in several ways, these are:

    1. Purchase photocells and connect them in a certain way (performed by soldering). Make a panel case, in accordance with the dimensions of the assembled receiver, in which to place the photocells.
      With this manufacturing option, it is possible to manufacture a fairly efficient device that can provide electrical energy to a small cottage that is not used for a long time.
    2. With a low load power, when you need to charge a cell phone or other electronic device, you can make a solar panel from used diodes or transistors.

    Wind generator from a room fan

    The simplest wind generator can be made from a conventional household fan.
    This will require a small generator from automotive equipment or an engine-generator, which must be mounted on a room fan rack. To do this, you can use any plastic container, inside which the converting device is placed. On top of this, a diode bridge is placed in the container, to which wires are connected, which are brought out to the outer surface of the container.

    Fan blades are put on the generator (motor-generator) shaft, and a shank is attached to the plastic container, which can be made from improvised materials (plastic, plywood, plexiglass, etc.).

    The entire assembled structure is placed on the fan rack, for this you can use a piece of plastic or other light pipe, with a diameter slightly smaller than the hole in the rack. This will allow the structure to rotate around its axis, depending on the direction of the wind.

    The fastening of parts and assemblies is checked, if necessary, they are strengthened. The load is connected to the output wires. The device is ready to work.

    Own electricity and own water

    Living outside the city, and having a small river or stream near your house or cottage, you can always provide yourself not only with water, but also with your own electricity.
    Of course, you can purchase a set of micro-hydroelectric power stations, which are quite widely represented on the domestic market, but you can make a similar device with your own hands.
    The design can be simple or complex, it all depends on the need for electrical energy, as well as on the type of reservoir, i.e. the ability of water to create pressure in a given direction.

    To make the simplest design, you will need a car generator, a bicycle or other wheel, a pair of pulleys of different diameters or sprockets, as well as a metal profile (corner), which is available.

    A metal profile is used to make the wheel and generator mounting structure. The wheel can be placed parallel or perpendicular to the plane of the water, it depends on the type of reservoir. Blades made of metal, plastic, plywood or other material are attached to the wheel. A pulley (asterisk) of a larger diameter is attached to the wheel axle.

    The generator is mounted, a pulley (asterisk) of a smaller diameter is attached to its shaft. The pulleys are connected by a belt drive, sprockets - by a chain. Wires are connected to the terminals of the generator. The wheel is placed in water. The installation is ready to go.

    Features of installation and operation of autonomous sources

    In order to install an alternative source of electrical energy on your suburban area, cottage or apartment, you do not need to obtain any permits and approvals. This is the right of each user to determine for himself how to provide himself and his loved ones with electricity.

    However, when building devices with high power, it is necessary to take into account factors affecting the environment and neighboring neighbors.

    So when using:

    1. Solar energy - when placing a large number of solar panels, significant areas will be required, and therefore, it may be necessary to draw up documents for additional land plots.
    2. Wind energy - it must be borne in mind that wind generators, during operation, make noise, which can negatively affect others.
    3. Water energy - in the case of a dam, a certain amount of land is decommissioned, which must be taken into account during construction.
    4. Biofuels - in the production of the gaseous form of this energy source, smell, is a constant component of the production process. This must be taken into account when creating this method of generating electrical energy.

    In addition to the fact that there are no prohibitions on the installation of equipment that produces electrical energy using alternative sources, there is also a law according to which every citizen who has installed equipment with a capacity of up to 30.0 kW and receives excess electrical energy that he himself does not can use - has the right to sell it to third-party consumers. This right is called the "Green Tariff".