Scheme of connection of the condensing boiler. Gas condensing boiler - assembly, installation, chimney

It includes not only heating equipment, but also a set of certain measures for its installation and installation. Correct and high-quality installation, of course, will be reflected in the future on the operation of the boiler.

Exists whole line standards and regulations for the installation of gas condensing boilers. First of all, you need to know that the installation of a condensing boiler requires permission from the gas inspection. When connecting the boiler, observe the technical rules for connecting gas and the necessary safety measures.
This is a prerequisite to prevent damage to the boiler and possible injury to people.

And even better, if the installation and installation of the condensing boiler will be carried out by qualified specialists.

How to choose the location of the boiler

The best place to install is non-residential premises. If the house does not have such a separate room, then the boiler can be installed in the kitchen. Ideally, the walls of the room where the boiler will be installed should be tiled, but in no case with fire hazardous materials. The floor must be covered with a non-combustible coating, it is desirable that there is a sewer in the room. Heating condensing boilers provide for the presence of an exhaust hood in the room where they are installed.

The hinged condensing boiler is fixed to the wall with special hooks using dowels. It is correct if the condensing boiler is located in such a way that its Bottom part recedes from the wall more than the top.

If, on the contrary, this means that the boiler is not fixed correctly. The installation of the condensing boiler is done in such a way that there is no tilt, otherwise this may lead to a short circuit.

Therefore, when attaching the boiler to the hooks, it is necessary to check the verticality of the boiler very well so that it does not tilt forward or sideways.

Chimneys of condensing boilers

There are many options for connecting a chimney to a condensing boiler. The main requirement for condensing boilers is the tightness of the joints of the chimney elements.

In general, the design of the chimneys of condensing boilers does not differ much from the design of the chimneys of conventional gas boilers.

Features of chimneys for condensing boilers:

  • the material from which they are made. The chimney for the condensing boiler must be made of acid-resistant materials such as stainless steel or plastic. This is due to the fact that the condensate that passes through the chimney is a light acid, so the material of the chimney must be protected from corrosion.
  • The chimney for a condensing boiler must be angled so that the resulting condensate flows back into the boiler, but does not allow precipitation to enter. The ingress of atmospheric precipitation into the boiler can lead to short circuit or boiler failure.

Condensate drainage and main mistakes in the installation of condensing boilers

The condensing boiler provides for such a system of operation, in which condensate is formed from the water vapor contained in the combustion products.

Depending on the power and temperature conditions, up to 50 liters of low acidity condensate can form per day. This allows you to drain it into a household waste siphon and not harm the environment.

However, there are some errors with:

  1. Lack of condensate drainage or installation of an unsuitable container for this purpose. Such a mistake can also be made by specialists due to inexperience. They may either not install a condensate drain at all or install a certain container as a drain, for example, an ordinary bucket. This should not be allowed, because it is a gross mistake.
  2. The condensate drain is brought outside, which, of course, in sub-zero temperatures will lead to icing and freezing of the tube. This will block the boiler and may cause it to break.
  3. Installation of boilers on walls with a flammable coating.
  4. Application gas meter which does not correspond to the power of the boiler.
  5. No gas filters.
  6. non-compliance right angle boiler slope.

The condensing boiler provides for the mandatory presence of all the above items, and also provides for compliance with all technical rules and standards for installation and installation.

Often, private houses do not have access to centralized systems, so the owners have to decide on their own how to implement ...

  • Installation of floor gas boiler differs significantly from the installation of a wall-mounted boiler. The floor boiler is often much more powerful, its assembly scheme is more complicated, ...

  • Conventionally, the installation scheme (we consider the Victrix 50 boiler as an example) can be divided into several connection stages:

    • security kit;
    • storage boiler;
    • solar collector;
    • hydraulic separator.

    Let's take a closer look at each stage.

    Safety kit

    When connecting a boiler with a power of more than 35 kW, European legislation obliges to pay closer attention to safety issues. Therefore, a special safety kit is provided, which includes a safety thermostat, a maximum water pressure switch (4 bar), a pressure gauge and a system filling valve (sleeve for connecting a gas shut-off valve thermocylinder).

    Connection fittings are also provided. expansion tank and the sleeve of an immersion alcohol thermometer. The pressure switch and the overheating thermostat are manually unlocked and are connected in series to the boiler power circuit (Fig. 2). The limit of operation of safety devices is configurable and is 3 bar and 105 °C, respectively. This kit enables a compact, quick and reliable installation of safety devices and guarantees reliable protection from emergencies under any circumstances.

    storage boiler

    Since the boilers are single-circuit, it is proposed to use a boiler to meet the needs for hot water. accumulative type. Several standard sizes of boilers are offered, with a capacity from 80 to 200 liters. Boilers have a rectangular body white color. The material for the manufacture of the body and the coil of the boiler is food grade stainless steel High Quality. To reduce heat loss, the boiler is enclosed in high-performance polyurethane foam insulation.

    The boilers are equipped with spiral heat exchangers with a large heat exchange surface, which are connected according to the counterflow scheme (Fig. 3). This allows you to quickly heat the accumulated water supply. To ensure the preparation of a large volume of hot water, two 200 l boilers can be used, in which the heating medium and sanitary water circuits are connected in parallel. To connect the boiler to the boiler, you must use a special kit, which consists of adapters and a three-way valve. As in all other mounted boilers, operation in hot water mode is based on the principle of hard DHW priority.

    Connecting solar collectors

    A feature of 200-liter boilers is the possibility of their work with solar collectors. On fig. 4 shows an example of connecting solar collectors to a heat supply system based on a condensing boiler. High-quality solar collectors and a house heating system coordinated with them allow considering economic use solar energy already like necessary condition building an effective system.

    In our latitudes, the total radiation (reflected and direct) in optimal conditions(cloudless clear sky, middle of the day) is a maximum of 1000 W/m 2 . Solar collectors, depending on their type, allow the use of up to 75% of the total radiation. It remains only to note that from our point of view, the combination of a condensing boiler + a solar collector (heat pump) is the most promising direction further development autonomous heating systems.

    hydraulic separator

    Since the boiler is designed to carry a significant heat load, this implies the presence of separate heating circuits with zone control. Therefore, the issue of independent control of circuits becomes relevant. There is a possibility of a change in the amount of coolant circulating through the boiler, which adversely affects its hydraulic regime.

    The natural solution in this situation is the use of a hydraulic separator (hydraulic arrow). At the same time, a transition is made to pipes of a larger diameter, which makes it possible to connect the “hydraulic arrow” directly to the supply and return distribution manifolds. For one boiler it is proposed compact version solutions of this node, in the form of a pipe rectangular section(Fig. 5).

    This unit is located directly under the boiler, which can significantly reduce the installation dimensions. Since the collector is installed horizontally, in order to remove sludge from the heating system, it is obligatory to install a sediment filter on the return line, in front of the collector.

    Users of our portal have a unique opportunity to follow how, within the framework of the project with FORUMHOUSE, we, together with our partners, are building a comfortable and energy-efficient Vacation home. To do this, when building a cottage, the most modern materials and technology.

    The UWB was chosen as the foundation, and the heating system - a warm floor. In addition, a wall-mounted condensing gas boiler became the boiler room. About why this particular equipment was chosen for our project, and what are the advantages of its work, in the format of a master class, the technical specialist of the company will tell you.

    • The principle of operation of a condensing gas heat generator.
    • Benefits of using a condensing gas boiler.
    • In which heating system is it best to use this equipment.
    • What to pay attention to when operating a condensing gas boiler.

    The principle of operation of the condensing gas heat generator

    Before we talk about the nuances of condensing technology, we note that an energy-efficient, and therefore comfortable and economical country house is a balanced structure. This means that, in addition to a closed thermal insulation circuit, all elements of the cottage, including engineering system should be optimally matched to each other. That is why it is so important to choose a boiler that works well with a low-temperature underfloor heating system, and will also reduce energy costs in the long run.

    Sergey Bugaev Ariston Technician

    In Russia, unlike European countries, condensation gas boilers less common. In addition to environmental friendliness and greater comfort, this species equipment allows you to reduce heating costs, tk. such boilers work 15-20% more economically than conventional ones.

    If you look specifications condensing gas boilers, then you can pay attention to the efficiency of the equipment - 108-110%. This is contrary to the law of conservation of energy. While, indicating the efficiency of a conventional convection boiler, manufacturers write that it is 92-95%. Questions arise: where do these numbers come from, and why does a condensing gas boiler work more efficiently than a traditional one?

    The fact is that such a result is obtained thanks to the method of heat engineering calculation used for conventional gas boilers, which does not take into account one important point evaporation/condensation. As is known, during the combustion of fuel, for example, main gas (methane CH 4), thermal energy, and also formed carbon dioxide(CO 2), water (H 2 O) in the form of steam and a number of others chemical elements.

    In a conventional boiler, the temperature of the flue gases after passing through the heat exchanger can reach up to 175-200 °C.

    And water vapor in a convection (conventional) heat generator actually "flies into the pipe", taking with it part of the heat (generated energy) into the atmosphere. Moreover, the value of this "lost" energy can reach up to 11%.

    To increase the efficiency of the boiler, it is necessary to use this heat before it leaves, and transfer its energy through a special heat exchanger to the heat carrier. To do this, it is necessary to cool the flue gases to a temperature of the so-called. "dew point" (about 55 ° C), at which water vapor condenses with the release of useful heat. Those. - use the energy of the phase transition to maximize the use of the calorific value of the fuel.

    We return to the calculation method. Fuel has a lower and higher calorific value.

    • The gross calorific value of a fuel is the amount of heat released during its combustion, taking into account the energy of water vapor contained in flue gases.
    • The net calorific value of a fuel is the amount of heat released without taking into account the energy hidden in water vapor.

    The efficiency of the boiler is expressed in the amount of thermal energy obtained from the combustion of fuel and transferred to the coolant. Moreover, indicating the efficiency of the heat generator, manufacturers can by default calculate it according to the method using the net calorific value of the fuel. It turns out that real coefficient useful action convection heat generator is actually about 82-85% , a condensation(remember about 11% of the additional heat of combustion, which he can "pick up" from water vapor) - 93 - 97% .

    This is where the efficiency figures of a condensing boiler appear, exceeding 100%. Due to its high efficiency, such a heat generator consumes less gas than a conventional boiler.

    Sergey Bugaev

    Maximum efficiency condensing boilers provide if the temperature of the return line of the coolant is less than 55 ° C, and these are low-temperature heating systems "warm floor", " warm walls» or systems with an increased number of radiator sections. In conventional high temperature systems, the boiler will operate in condensing mode. Only in very coldy we will have to maintain a high temperature of the heat carrier, the rest of the time, with weather-dependent regulation, the temperature of the heat carrier will be lower, and due to this, we will save 5-7% per year.

    The maximum possible (theoretical) energy savings when using the heat of condensation is:

    • during combustion natural gas – 11%;
    • when burning liquefied gas (propane-butane) - 9%;
    • when burning diesel fuel (diesel fuel) - 6%.

    Benefits of using a condensing gas boiler

    So, we figured out the theoretical part. Now we will tell you how the design features of a condensing boiler affect its efficiency and durability. At first glance, it seems that it is possible to use the additional energy of water vapor hidden in the flue gases in a conventional boiler, specially “driving” it into a low-temperature mode of operation. For example, by connecting the boiler (this is wrong) directly to the underfloor heating system or by significantly lowering the temperature of the coolant circulating in the radiator heating system. But, we already wrote above that when the main gas is burned, a whole “bunch” of chemical elements is formed. Water vapor contains carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur impurities. During condensation and the transition of steam from gaseous to liquid state these impurities end up in water (condensate) and the output is a weak acidic solution.

    Sergey Bugaev

    The heat exchanger of a conventional boiler will not withstand long work in an aggressive chemical environment, over time it will rust and fail. The heat exchanger of the condensing boiler is made of materials that are corrosion and acid resistant. The most resistant material is stainless steel.

    In the manufacture of the condensing boiler, only durable and wear-resistant materials are used. This increases the service life and reliability of this equipment, and reduces maintenance costs.

    In addition, increased requirements are also imposed on other structural elements of the condensing heat generator, because. it is required to cool the flue gases to the required temperature. To do this, the boiler is equipped with a pressurized burner with a high degree modulation. Such a burner operates in a wide power range, which allows you to optimally regulate the heating of water. Also, condensing boilers are equipped with automation, which ensures accurate maintenance of the combustion mode, the temperature of the exhaust gases and water in the return line. Why are they set circulation pumps, smoothly changing the pressure force of the coolant flow, and not like simple 2 and 3-speed ones. With a conventional pump, the coolant flows through the boiler at a constant speed. This leads to an increase in the temperature in the "return", an increase in the temperature of the flue gases above the dew point, and, consequently, a decrease in the efficiency of the equipment. It is also possible to overheat the heating system (underfloor heating) and reduce thermal comfort.

    Important nuance: the burner of a conventional boiler cannot operate at a power lower than 1/3 of the maximum (nominal) power of the heat source. The burner of the condensing boiler can operate at a power of 1/10 (10%) of the maximum (nominal) power of the heat source.

    Sergey Bugaev

    Consider the following situation: heating season, outdoor temperature -15 °C. The power of a conventional boiler installed in the house is 25 kW. The minimum power (1/3 of the maximum) at which it can operate is 7.5 kW. Assume that the heat loss of the building is 15 kW. Those. the boiler, continuously working, compensates for these heat losses, plus there is a power reserve. A few days later there was a thaw, which, you see, often happens during the winter. Eventually outdoor temperature now around 0°C or a little lower. The heat losses of the building, due to the increase in temperature outside, have decreased and now amount to approximately 5 kW. What will happen in this case?

    An ordinary boiler cannot working in continuous mode, to give out 5 kW of power necessary to compensate for heat losses. As a result, it will go into the so-called cyclic mode of operation. Those. will constantly turn the burner on and off, or the heating system will overheat.

    This mode is unfavorable for the operation of the equipment and leads to its accelerated wear.

    A condensing boiler, with the same power and in a similar situation, will quietly give out 2.5 kW of power (10% of 25 kW) in continuous operation, which directly affects the service life of the heat generator and the level of comfort in a country house.

    The condensing boiler, supplemented with weather-dependent automatics, flexibly adjusts to changes in temperature during the entire heating season.

    Modern automation makes it possible to significantly simplify the process of controlling the boiler, including remotely, using a special mobile application for smartphones, which increases the usability of the equipment.

    We add that the heating season in Russia, depending on the region, averages 6-7 months, starting in the fall, when it is still not very cold outside, and lasts until spring.

    Approximately 60% of this time, the average daily temperature outside is around 0 °C.

    It turns out that the maximum power of the boiler may be required only in a relatively short period of time (December, January), when real frosts have set in.

    In other months, the boiler is not required to reach the maximum operating mode and increased heat transfer. Consequently, a condensing boiler, unlike a conventional one, will work effectively both with temperature differences and with a slight frost. At the same time, gas consumption will decrease, which, in tandem with low temperature system heating (underfloor heating) will reduce the cost of purchasing energy.

    Even when using a condensing boiler together with high-temperature radiator heating, this equipment works 5-7% more efficiently than the traditional one.

    Sergey Bugaev

    In addition to efficiency, an important advantage of condensing boilers is the ability to obtain high power with a compact size of equipment. A wall-mounted condensing gas boiler is especially relevant for small boiler rooms.

    In addition, the condensing boiler has a turbocharged burner, which allows you to abandon the standard expensive chimney and simply lead the coaxial chimney through a hole in the wall. This simplifies the installation of equipment or the installation of a new condensing boiler to replace the old one - conventional, in case of renovation existing system heating.

    Features of operation of a condensing gas boiler

    Frequent questions from consumers: what to do with the condensate obtained during the operation of the boiler, how harmful it is, and how to dispose of it.

    The amount of condensate can be calculated as follows: 0.14 kg per 1 kWh. Therefore, a condensing gas boiler with a power of 24 kW when operating at 12 kW of power (because most of the heating period the boiler works with modulation, and the average load on it, depending on the conditions, can be below 25%) on a fairly cold day generates 40 liters of condensate at low temperature.

    Condensate can be drained into the central sewer, provided that it is diluted in a ratio of 10 or better 25 to 1. If the house is equipped with a septic tank or a local treatment plant, condensate neutralization is required.

    Sergey Bugaev

    The neutralizer is a container filled with marble chips. Filler weight - from 5 to 40 kg. It must be changed manually on average once every 1-2 months. Condensate, usually passing through the neutralizer, by gravity enters the sewer.


    This is a modern equipment, characterized by reliability, economy and efficiency. Emissions are also reduced harmful substances into the atmosphere, which is especially important with the tightening of environmental standards. In addition, the installation of this type of heat generator, by reducing gas consumption, will reduce heating costs in the long term and increase the level of comfort in a country house.

    Decided to choose a classic gas boiler for heating, but heard about a new product - a condensing boiler? Yes, the information about him sounds very tempting: the efficiency is already above 100%, everything is beautiful and fabulous. What is the whole point? How was this achieved? Is everything true in his description or is there a drop of tar? We will answer these and other questions in our article. And now - a moment of attention!

    Condensing boiler device

    Internal organization condensing boiler

    In order to understand this issue, let's start from the very beginning, namely, with the design of a condensing boiler. Let's look inside and find out what it consists of.

    The most main feature this type of boilers - the presence of 2 heat exchangers. Otherwise, its design is similar to the design of a conventional gas device and includes:

    • Water inlet and outlet pipes- through them, cold liquid enters the equipment, heats up, and then through the outlet pipe it is fed to radiators and hot water supply.
    • Burner- responsible for supplying gas to the combustion chamber, as well as for uniform distribution fuel.
    • Fan- is installed in front of the burner, and during operation it mixes particles of gas and air so that the resulting mixture burns well.
    • Heat exchanger No. 1- heats the water flowing through it to a predetermined temperature.
    • Heat exchanger no. 2- serves to condense moisture and extract heat energy from it. But more on that later.
    • Pump- to maintain water circulation.

    Features of the condensing boiler

    In order to better understand the ongoing process, let's take a closer look at principle of combustion and condensation.

    What it is? It's simple: when hydrocarbon fuel burns, then as a result of the reaction, 2 substances are released: carbon dioxide CO 2 and water H 2 O. The resulting liquid, being in such a hot environment, almost immediately turns into steam. In the process of evaporation, thermal energy is consumed, which, however, can be returned and directed additionally to our needs. And you can return it only if the steam is converted back into water.

    The process of condensation and release of energy in this case has been known for a long time, but it could not be used in heating equipment. It's all about toxic condensate: during the combustion of gas, a lot of toxic caustic substances and formed carbon dioxide get into the combustion products. Such a vigorous composition very quickly caused corrosion of steel and cast iron heat exchangers.

    Condensing units only became popular when rust-resistant steel alloys were invented.

    That is why condensing boilers have special heat exchangers, which are made mainly of stainless steel or aluminum-silicon alloy (silumin).

    The principle of operation of the condensing boiler

    Condensing boiler: working principle

    It all starts traditionally:

    • Water enters the device, gas begins to flow into the combustion chamber. There it is ignited by the ignition system.
    • During the combustion of fuel, combustion products are formed with high temperature. They pass through the first heat exchanger and heat its walls. And the walls, in turn, give off heat to the water circulating through the heat exchanger.
    • Further, these gases with a temperature above the dew point exit the heat exchanger No. 1 and enter the heat exchanger No. 2.
    • In heat exchanger No. 2, gases are cooled by means of water circulating through it from the heating system.
    • When their temperature equals the dew point temperature (at which condensate occurs), the released water vapor energy is transferred to the liquid that enters the heating equipment. And it was released during condensation.

    Operating modes

    The heat exchanger of condensing boilers has been specially designed to extract energy from the steam as efficiently as possible. The principle of operation of such a heat exchanger is also special: as we have already said, a heating return pipe is connected to it, through which water flows.

    The lower the temperature of the water in this return, the more intense the condensation of moisture.. At the same time, the water temperature in this pipe should not be more than 50 ° C - otherwise the condensation process will not be possible, and the boiler will work like a conventional gas boiler, but still with less gas consumption - the benefit will be about 5%.

    Therefore, we present the dependence of the efficiency on the water temperature in this reverse system.

    1. If a liquid with a temperature of 40˚С flows in the direct water supply system, and 30˚С in the return one, then efficiency = 108%.
    2. If the temperatures are 70˚С and 60˚С, then the efficiency will already be lower - 104%.
    3. And at values ​​of 90˚С and 75˚С, it will fall to 98%.

    Features of condensate

    As we have already said, the condensate that forms during operation has a very aggressive chemical environment. To collect it, the boiler design has a special container that needs to be emptied periodically.

    How to be in that case? Of course, in foreign countries, such as Great Britain, Germany, special standards have been established, according to which such condensate is disposed of.

    In Russia, there are no clear prohibitions and rules: condensate can be drained into the sewer without any negative consequences.

    For example: for 1 day of operation of the boiler with a capacity of 25-30 kW, 25-28 liters of condensate are formed.

    If this option disgusts you, then there is an alternative, some models are equipped with special condensate collectors. These containers are filled with magnesium or calcium granules. They absorb liquid, pass it through themselves, thus neutralizing its chemically active environment.

    Gas outlet

    All condensing models are equipment with closed combustion chamber. There is no other option: an open chamber simply cannot support the combustion process. Due to the presence of the 2nd heat exchanger, which significantly complicates the process of movement of combustion products, and also due to the low temperature of the gases themselves (therefore, they will move very slowly), the air intake rate naturally will be small.

    That's why for the removal of gases, a system of supply and discharge channel is used: it is logical to direct it through the wall / roof of the room, you can build smoke exhaust systems with your own hands.

    Pros and cons of a condensing boiler

    The list of advantages of this type of equipment is impressive and makes you think about purchasing it very seriously.

    • Compact dimensions and weight- they can be used even in houses and apartments with a small free area. In addition, you will significantly save on its transportation and installation.
    • Economy- a completely logical plus, because the boiler design was created in such a way that less fuel was consumed to achieve the result. And so it is! Costs are less than traditional ones by 30-35%!
    • Precise modulation - in fact, this means a very careful choice of boiler power depending on external parameters (heat demand, air temperature in the room and outside the window, etc.). This also makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption if the boiler is partially loaded.
    • Low level noise- it is also very pleasant, since the equipment can be placed next to living quarters, without fear that it will disturb the sleep of children, and indeed life in general.
    • Cascade function- an important aspect, especially if you need to heat the house large area, or you will insure yourself in advance against a possible breakdown of the boiler. In this case, it can easily be replaced by another boiler from the cascade.
    • Reduce selection toxic substances in atmosphere– a condensing boiler is about 70% more environmentally friendly than its traditional counterparts.
    • Low flue gas temperature- this is also a significant plus, since the low temperature of the combustion products allows you to mount plastic chimneys. And their purchase and installation cost is much lower than similar work with classic steel chimneys.

    Minuses. Of course, with such a rosy picture, you don’t want to spoil the impression, but still you have to talk about the essential. The point is their price - it is almost 2 times more than conventional heating models.

    Of course, the boiler can pay off, but this is influenced by such factors as the intensity of use, temperature conditions etc.

    Condensing boiler efficiency

    Condensing boiler in the house

    In order not to break the brain in vain, we will give an example of how they reached such a figure.

    So, as we have already found out, a condensing boiler heats water from 2 types of heat: gas combustion and steam condensation.

    Now let's turn to the very form of efficiency - what is it? Physics says: we will get the efficiency if we divide the value of the heat that was released by the heating batteries by the value of the heat that was released during the combustion of gas in the boiler chamber. Well, let's multiply everything by 100%.

    Now let's turn to the concept fuel combustion points. Any fuel has 2 points of combustion: higher and inferior.

    The high temperature is the sum of the low temperature + the condensing temperature.

    Efficiency is determined precisely by the highest temperature.

    Heat losses are present in absolutely any device: heat radiation into space during heating, heat loss through distant gases, etc. That is why the energy expended will never turn into heat. This is the reason why the efficiency will always be less than 100%.

    However, there is a slightly different calculation system: lower heat 100% is absorbed by heat exchanger No. 1, and heat from condensation 8-11% by heat exchanger No. 2. So it turns out that the efficiency of condensation models according to this scheme is 108-110%.

    Operation of the condensing boiler: video

    If you have not yet fully figured out how this notorious condensing boiler still works, then we advise you to watch this video. It will bring some clarity:

    It should be your desire when installing a condensing gas heating boiler to follow the latest developments in design thought. The fact is that conventional gas boilers, without which no serious system is inconceivable autonomous heating country house, do not fully use the full potential of such an energy source as gas. That is why even best models gas heating boilers have an efficiency of no higher than 80%. Part of the energy has to be brought out and simply thrown out through the collector.

    Devices outside the school postulates of physics

    But, there is an opportunity to squeeze additional dividends out of gas in the form of kilocalories of energy.

    The essence of the process

    The idea is the following postulates:

    • gas is a heterogeneous heat source, in its composition it also has water vapor;
    • turns out, when burning gas, we throw out not only combustion products, but also this very steam;
    • and an idea arises - why not condense this steam and the resulting hot water also not to be used for heating the coolant in the heating system.

    And so it was done - the newest gas heating boilers condensation type. Boilers that are gaining popularity so widely that, according to statistics, more than 30% of all gas boilers in Germany are compensation boilers.

    Born at a time when high demands were placed on the products created in the world in terms of design, condensing boilers are developed with an emphasis on this characteristic - they all look terribly attractive.

    Well, what is hidden inside, thanks to such a “double cleaning” of the gas, makes it possible to achieve a real calculated efficiency from 105 to 110%. In other words, condensing boilers, in fact, are double-circuit boilers.

    Useful advice! Unfortunately, we cannot say about the same prevalence of the presented boilers in our country as in Germany. Therefore, if you decide to install such a boiler in your home, first of all choose decent model, and most importantly, a worthy supplier and adjuster of the purchased boiler. Frankly, the vast majority of companies have neither experience with such boilers, nor the appropriate personnel for its further maintenance.

    Benefits of condensing boilers

    Among the benefits are:

    • they have maximum efficiency of all possible devices of a similar purpose - and, therefore, you have the opportunity to reduce gas consumption with the same calories of generated energy; according to statistics, gas consumption of condensing boilers is 15-20% less than that of conventional ones;
    • a much larger range for adjusting the temperature of the coolant - such an adjustment is possible on all boilers, but those working with gas and “associated” steam have a maximum range of 30 to 85 degrees (by the way, such a maximum, as a rule, does not need to be supplied to the system, the usual temperature of the coolant in heating systems does not exceed 40 degrees);
    • less release of harmful substances into the atmosphere - the gas mixture burns in a much larger volume;
    • innovative technology spurs both designers and technologists - all condensing boilers are manufactured according to the most advanced technologies, which provides them with a much longer service life under the same loads.

    Of the shortcomings

    But we must be aware that such boilers also have some disadvantages, more than an everyday plan:

    • most importantly, they cost at least twice as much as conventional gas boilers; and this is today the main brake on their mass use;
    • secondly, such units are very picky about the material from which the chimney is made - it is necessary to use only high-quality plastic and ceramics;
    • thirdly, it requires a special calculation of the heating system for lower internal temperatures (not higher than 70 degrees) - this requirement already puts forward the need for condensation of steam inside;
    • fourthly, a special conduit is required to bring it outside, as a rule, into the sewerage system that has accumulated inside the water (usually no more than 30 liters per day with the boiler constantly operating); here it should be noted that in the same Germany there are restrictions on the withdrawal of such water into the general sewer system;
    • fifth, it requires experienced personnel to install and maintain them.

    Despite the fact that these boilers were originally developed as double-circuit boilers, there are also single-circuit models. But most importantly, several modifications of condensing boilers have been developed, depending on the place of their installation.

    There are modifications:

    • floor- the most powerful and widespread; the power of such boilers can be 100-120 kW;
    • - very elegant looking devices with a power of 30-40 kW, which is often more than enough.

    Useful advice! If you decide to purchase a gas condensing boiler for industrial use, most likely you will need to choose a model of direct, or they say, “wet” impact on the heat carrier flow. The efficiency of such boilers is even higher, but their use is still limited to a small supply market. At home, boilers of indirect, or “dry”, impact on the coolant are used without contact with it.

    On the crest of a wave

    With your own hands, you are unlikely to succeed. This is too responsible technique, serving for too responsible tasks. Even despite the fact that you will have installation and operation instructions at your disposal, even despite the fact that you view all the photo and video materials on our website, you still have to seek detailed advice from professionals.

    But to understand the algorithm of operation of condensing boilers and choose the one you need, according to the power and appearance, this is for you. In any case, take the choice very responsibly, the price of a mistake is quite high and is expressed not only in the quality of heating your home, in considerable lost financial resources, but also in discrediting such an important thing as the introduction of the most advanced achievements of designers into our lives .