How to properly install a gas wall-mounted boiler. Installation of a gas boiler: what you need to know? Installation of a hinged gas boiler

Despite numerous warnings that the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler must be carried out by licensed specialists, often the installation is carried out independently. In order not to face unpleasant consequences in the form of gas supply shutdowns and penalties during preparatory and installation work, you will need to comply with the standards described in SNiP.

Norms and rules for installing a mounted boiler on gas

Building codes and rules for the installation of mounted gas boilers are described in (SNiP 31-02-2001) and. In these regulatory documents, general provisions related to the location, fire and operational safety requirements are described.

Additional instructions regarding installation work can be found in the installation manual supplied by the manufacturer of the unit.

Before proceeding with the installation of a wall-mounted heating boiler with your own hands, you will need to fulfill several prerequisites:

  • Obtain specifications for installation. In the gas service, they must check the possibility of connecting the heating unit to the central line.
  • Prepare a project. The need for a project for the installation exists in every case, except for situations when the heat generator is changed to one identical in power and model.
  • To make an agreement - after the preparation of the project and the receipt of technical specifications, the documents are submitted for approval to the Gaznadzor authorities. If everything is in order, permission to install is issued.

After receiving the results of the coordination, you can proceed with the installation of a wall-mounted gas heating boiler with your own hands. In order for the work to be carried out with the least violations, several current requirements are taken into account, related to:

  1. With installation height.
  2. fire safety requirements.
  3. Instructions regarding the interior decoration of the boiler room.

At what height to hang a gas boiler on the wall

When installing a wall-mounted boiler, the distances specified in SP 42-101-2003 must be taken into account. In particular, the standards state that from the base of the floor to the burner device, there must be at least 0.9 m and not more than 1.2 m. In fairness, it is worth noting that the requirements apply to instantaneous gas water heaters, but gas workers use These standards also apply to boilers.

According to the instructions, the minimum distance to the floor from the bottom of the body should not be less than 80 cm. When determining the location of the boiler, one more parameter is taken into account. The minimum installation height is determined by the distance from the chimney duct. The requirements stipulate that the boiler must be lowered down by at least two chimney diameters. As a rule, the heat generator is installed in the range from 0.8 to 1.8 from the floor level.

Fire safety when installing a mounted boiler

When installing a wall-mounted gas boiler, fire safety requirements are imposed. Minimum fire breaks are provided:
  • At least 10 cm from the surface of the wall on which the unit is mounted.
  • From the opposite wall, at least 40 cm.
Fire safety regulations indicate the need to install a thermal insulation shield, on the wall, under the gas boiler. When connecting the chimney and passing the pipe through the roof, and interfloor floor slabs, fire breaks are provided.

Between the room used for the boiler room and living rooms, a partition made of non-combustible materials with a high degree of fire resistance is installed. When connected to the pipeline, a corrugated metal pipe is used. All-rubber hoses or those protected by a metal braid are prohibited.

How and how to finish the walls behind a gas boiler

According to the joint venture, it is possible to sheathe the wall in the boiler room under the boiler with an asbestos plate covered with stainless or galvanized steel. The protective screen should protrude along the perimeter of the boiler by 10 cm. Facing a brick or concrete wall, ceramic tiles or plaster is allowed.

Separately, the requirements for finishing materials are specified when installing a wall-mounted boiler used for the ceiling. According to existing standards, it is forbidden to use plastic when facing, to paste over the ceiling with wallpaper. Installation of gypsum-fiber or gypsum boards is allowed, followed by leveling with plaster mixtures and putty, and painting with water-based paints.

In the case of installing a gas heat generator in a wooden house, safety requirements are tightened. When installing mounted boilers, the wall is covered with basalt insulation, at least 5 cm thick. From above, it is covered with sheet steel.

The heat-insulating material for installing the boiler on a wooden wall must be chosen among non-combustible materials, with heat resistance and the ability to withstand temperatures above 1000 ° C. For work, basalt (not mineral) wool is optimally suited.

Wall materials when attaching a gas mounted boiler

The most common errors during installation are associated with insufficient fixation of the heat generator to the wall of the house. Existing standards indicate the need for rigid installation of boiler equipment. The boiler must be firmly fixed on the wall, with strict observance of the vertical and horizontal level.

The requirements for fasteners when installing a wall-mounted gas boiler largely depend on the material of the walls. Separately, installation standards for wooden, plasterboard, reinforced concrete, brick, and also hollow walls are stipulated.

How to hang a boiler on a wooden wall

According to the "Apartment heating of residential buildings with gas-fired heat generators", it is possible to hang the boiler on a wooden wall, subject to the following conditions:
  • Material with a high degree of flammability, at the place of installation of the boiler, is treated with flame retardants.
  • The wall is lined with plaster mixtures with a minimum thickness of 15 mm, or with roofing steel on asbestos sheet.
An alternative to the above, facing a section of the wall with gypsum fiber board, with further facing with ceramic tiles.

Correctly hang the gas boiler on a wooden wall, with the installation of an additional reinforcing beam placed under the facing material (lining) to ensure reliable fixation of the heat generator.

How to install a boiler on a plasterboard wall

A plasterboard wall is made by attaching sheets to a metal structure and implies the presence of voids. It is problematic, but possible, to firmly fix the heat generator on drywall. At the stage of manufacturing the metal frame, a place is provided for the installation of the boiler. The mounting point is strengthened with a wooden beam and a metal profile.

There are special fasteners for gas boilers to a plasterboard wall, which are plastic plugs screwed directly into the facing material itself. Mounting anchors are screwed directly into the cork. As practice shows, ready-made fasteners loosen over time and lose their strength of fixation to the wall.

How to fix on a reinforced concrete wall

Reinforced concrete is the optimal wall material for installing a gas heating boiler. Reinforced concrete structures, are durable, belong to the group of NG (non-combustible) materials. To install the boiler, no additional conditions are required.

The work is carried out with the help of metal anchors, through which, strictly according to the level, the mounting plate is fixed. The boiler is hung on a prepared site. A reinforced concrete wall is suitable for installing any type of heaters: high power, with a built-in storage boiler, etc.

How to hang on a brick wall

In the norms, the conditions for installing the boiler on a brick wall are separately stipulated. Brick refers to non-combustible materials, therefore, the heat generator can be installed directly on the wall. But, sometimes, when putting the boiler into operation, installed in this way, certain difficulties arise.

To satisfy all the wishes of gas workers, installation is carried out as follows. The walls are plastered. During the plastering of surfaces, a bar for mounting the boiler is installed. After plastering, a seat (two bolts) remains sticking out of the wall, on which the boiler is installed.

Fixing the boiler to a wall made of foam concrete, gas silicate, aerated concrete

To hang a wall-mounted gas boiler on a wall made of blocks of foamed porous material, several methods are used:
  • Mounting fasteners are installed during the laying of blocks. The installation of the boiler is carried out strictly after the complete hardening of the mortar masonry mixture.
  • Special "screws" for foam concrete are used. In their structure, they resemble similar plugs for drywall. They have a deep carving with a large step, hollow inside. After screwing into foam concrete, gas silicate or aerated concrete, any anchor can be screwed into the screws.
  • The use of studs - in this case, two studs are installed from each other at the required distance. On each side of the wall, a plank fixed with bolts is installed.
  • Use of chemical, liquid anchors. Another option that provides the most durable fixation, but requires certain financial investments.

How to fix a chimney for a wall-mounted boiler

The rules for installing a chimney depend on which boiler design they plan to install. Atmospheric heat generators use natural draft. Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are connected to a coaxial chimney, and the removal of combustion products and air intake are carried out by force.

Features of work are reflected in the connection requirements:

To fix the chimneys, ready-made fasteners are used with the ability to change the distance to the surface.

What you need to install a wall-mounted boiler

Self-installation of a gas boiler is possible only if the necessary construction tools, consumables and certain technical skills are available. All work is carried out in strict accordance with the step-by-step plan and boiler installation diagram given by the manufacturer in the instruction manual.

To complete the work you will need:

  • construction tool- you will need: a puncher with a set of drills, a building level, a tape measure, a pencil, an adjustable wrench. When connected to the mains: voltage indicator, insulated screwdrivers, pliers. For the substrate: asbestos sheet, roofing steel, basalt insulation.
  • Fasteners and consumables– a mounting plate, metal or chemical anchors, studs are required. To connect to the central gas line, you will need a corrugated hose.

To meet the requirements of gas workers, the connection must fully comply with the requirements specified in the relevant SNiP, SP and PPB. Some of the nuances associated with installation depend on the region, therefore, before installation, it is worth consulting with the local gas inspector.

You have purchased a new gas boiler for a private house and it's time to take its place in the furnace. To do this, you can hire a specialized company or contact the appropriate service. But the installation cost in this case will significantly hit the wallet, while it is possible to reduce the cost of the process. Yes, only licensed organizations have the right to perform some operations, but this is only half the work, you can handle the rest on your own. Here we will talk about how a gas boiler is installed in a private house from start to finish.

Where to begin?

Since the installation of new gas-using equipment requires compliance with certain rules, it is worth ordering all work that requires a license from the gas service:

  • Issuance of specifications.
  • Development of project documentation.
  • Production of works on connection to the natural gas pipeline.

You can do the rest of the steps yourself. First you need to get technical conditions for the installation of gas equipment in the gas service. Familiarize yourself with them or make a copy and immediately order project documentation from them. When it is ready, it will need to be coordinated with the gas service. As you might guess, this procedure is a pure formality, after its completion a team will come to your home and install the gas boiler in terms of its connection to the fuel line, about which an appropriate act will be drawn up.

All that remains for you to do is to complete the piping and connection to the heating system, laying electrical networks. Here it will be possible to save money, either by doing everything with your own hands, or with the help of familiar plumbers. The last stage is the finalization of documents.

This is just a brief description of one of the possible algorithms for solving the problem, but in fact, not everything is so simple, because gas boilers must be installed in compliance with regulatory requirements, it will not hurt to familiarize yourself with them at the stage of choosing a heat generator.

Boiler Installation Requirements

First of all, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements for the room where the heat source is supposed to be placed. The options are:

  • kitchen;
  • a room inside the house, adjacent to one of the outer walls and having windows;
  • a room in the basement or basement;
  • in an outdoor building.

In the kitchen, installation standards allow you to place a floor or wall-mounted unit with a heating capacity of up to 60 kW. Equipment with indicators from 60 to 150 kW can be installed in a separate room on any floor, and from 150 to 350 kW - only on the first or basement floor, in the basement or extension. At the same time, it is important to observe the dimensions of a separate room or an attached part; they cannot be smaller than prescribed in the regulations. The minimum standard height of such a room is 2.5 m for any power within the specified limits.

Note. The values ​​of thermal power prescribed in the regulations and affecting the installation conditions of the boiler are the total power of all units in the boiler room, including those working for the needs of hot water supply.

For heat generators with a capacity of up to 150 kW, in accordance with the standards, the smallest volume of the room for installing a gas boiler is 15 m3, in addition, 0.2 m3 is added to this volume for each kW of water heating equipment. If the total indicator of all units exceeds 150 kW, then the dimensions of the room are not standardized. But there are rules for the installation and safe operation of boilers, according to which it is necessary to withstand the technological gaps between the units and the walls of the room, they are accepted for reasons of ease of maintenance and access to all systems in the boiler room. The dimensions of the passages in accordance with the rules are observed as follows:

  • From the protruding part of the gas burner to the wall on the front side of the heat generator - at least 1 m.
  • If the operating instructions for the unit say that you need to service it from the side or from the back, then you will have to maintain a passage width of 1.5 m, but when there is no such entry, but you need to provide access to other equipment or fittings, then it is enough to make a clearance of 700 mm. In other cases, installation requirements are put forward in the documents for the product from the manufacturer.
  • If it is planned to put 2 heat sources in the furnace, then you should not place them opposite each other, since you will have to provide a clearance between the protruding parts of the burners of at least 2 m.
  • Nothing should be laid through the passages at a height lower than 2 m.

For a kitchen where it is allowed to place not too powerful heating equipment (up to 60 kW), not the most stringent requirements for the installation of gas boilers are imposed. It is only necessary to comply with the volume standard given above, and also ensure air exchange in the amount of 3 times in 1 hour. Additionally, it is required to supply fresh air for fuel combustion, its consumption for each unit is indicated in the technical specifications. This standard applies to all types of boilers.

Note. For heat generators with a closed chamber, the installation standards for gas boilers do not force the air mixture to be supplied to combustion, since they take air directly from the street through a coaxial chimney, which will be discussed below.

The regulatory documents propose to organize ventilation for the boiler in the kitchen using an exhaust shaft and an inlet grate built into the front door. The cross section of this grid is also normalized; its area cannot be less than 0.025 m2. In the same way, it is possible to arrange air exchange in separate furnaces. Difficulties with the supply of fresh air may arise in the basement or basement, it is possible that a special supply fan will be required to meet the specifications.

In boiler rooms located on the first, ground floor or in an annex, window openings with a glazing area of ​​at least 0.03 m2 per each cubic meter of room volume are needed. Requirements for the fire resistance of walls, a separate foundation and entrance doors are also put forward for the attached premises. In addition, the extension cannot be built on the front facade of the building, and during the construction it is necessary to step back from the nearest window or door 1 m horizontally.

It should be noted that the requirements for a gas boiler located in a wooden house are identical to the standards for buildings made of other materials, that is, the rules for constructing boiler rooms are the same for all buildings.

Boiler installation works

When a suitable room has been selected and project documentation has been completed for it, you can proceed with the installation of the heat generator in place with your own hands. To do this, you need a connection diagram for a gas boiler in a private house, which must be present in the project. It shows the installation site, the distance to all enclosing structures and the technical requirements for the work.

Often, the installation of floor gas boilers requires a foundation. In many cases, it is not needed, for example, when a high-quality screed is installed in the room, and the weight of the unit does not exceed 50 kg. If the mass of the equipment is greater than this value, then you will have to prepare the foundation. To do this, it is necessary to destroy the existing screed, pour a pillow of crushed stone and carefully compact it. Then tie a mesh of reinforcement of a periodic profile with a diameter of 8 to 12 mm, lay it on a finished base and pour concrete.

In order to withstand the technology of installing gas boilers, the dimensions of the foundation in terms of plan should exceed the dimensions of the equipment by 50 mm, and in height it should be made protruding 50-100 mm above the level of the screed. Complete curing of the concrete slab will take you at least 2 weeks, this must be taken into account when planning work.

Further, a fireproof gasket made of asbestos or metal is placed on top of the foundation and a heat generator is placed on it, adjusting the legs of the unit in such a way as to maintain a clear horizontal. After that, using the installation scheme of the gas boiler, it is connected to all engineering networks, except for the fuel line. This connection, as mentioned above, is carried out by a licensed organization.

To install a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house, you do not need a foundation, but a solid foundation in the form of an outer wall, which is able to withstand the weight of the unit. First of all, markings are made on it, showing where the heat generator itself will be suspended and where the chimney will come out. Then, using a perforator, a through hole is drilled in this place, into which a metal sleeve is inserted.

There are no particular difficulties in hanging a wall-mounted gas boiler. If the action takes place in the kitchen in an apartment or house, it is necessary to take measures to protect the furniture from debris and then proceed to the fastening process. Difficulties can arise when installing heavy units, whose power reaches 120 kW, here you can not do without an assistant.

Note. When the wall-mounted boiler is attached to a wall consisting of combustible material, a special bracket must be made to allow a clearance of 45 mm between the wall surface and the rear panel of the heater. Also, a sheet of non-combustible material should be attached to the wall, which plays the role of a protective screen.

The last step is the piping of the gas boiler and the chimney. Here it is necessary to compactly place taps and other fittings under the body of the heat generator so that everything looks neat and at the same time it is possible to disassemble or change any element. Therefore, when the heating circuit in the house is made of polypropylene pipes, it is better to use bronze taps and a sump, and connect plastic pipes through threaded adapters. In this regard, the installation of a double-circuit gas boiler is somewhat more difficult, where it will be necessary to lay pipes for hot water supply and correctly connect them to the corresponding pipes.

Chimney Requirements

In essence, the requirements for chimneys of floor and wall-mounted gas boilers are identical, the difference may be in the design of the flue itself. It depends on the device of the heat source:

  • Heat generators with an open combustion chamber take air from the room and emit combustion products through a traditional chimney with natural draft.
  • Units equipped with a closed chamber draw air from the street forcibly, with the help of a fan through a double-walled pipe, which simultaneously serves as a flue (coaxial chimney).

A traditional chimney for a gas boiler is arranged in the thickness of the wall or suspended from the outside of the building. The cross section of the outlet pipe from the unit determines the diameter of the entire chimney, it must be the same size, or better, 20-50 mm larger. The horizontal section connecting the boiler to the chimney is ideally 1 m long, the maximum allowable length is 2 m.

Below the tie-in, a door is required for cleaning and internal inspection, and the blind end of the vertical pipe is equipped with a condensate drain system. When installing the chimney of a gas boiler, it must be remembered that it is not allowed to cover the outlet of the pipe with umbrellas, deflectors, weathercocks, and so on. In accordance with the regulations, only a constriction nozzle can be supplied.

Unlike traditional exhaust ducts for combustion products, it is much easier to install a double-walled chimney for heat generators with a closed chamber. Having made a hole of the required diameter in the outer wall and built a metal sleeve into it, a coaxial chimney is installed, which is a horizontal double-walled pipe of a certain length. The only condition that must be observed is a slight slope towards the exit of smoke. It is done so that the condensate that forms in the air path does not flow into the boiler.


So, doing the installation and piping of the boiler with your own hands is a difficult task, but quite feasible. It will take a lot of time and patience to complete all the documentation, but the installation work itself will take a maximum of 3-4 days, or even less. It is important to prepare well and purchase in advance all the missing elements of the strapping scheme, as well as fasteners.

An autonomous heating system is the dream of many homeowners. Most of them choose gas heating, a significant disadvantage of which is the mandatory installation of equipment by certified specialists. However, control over the actions of invited employees is still needed, right?

Here you will learn how, according to building regulations, the installation of a floor-standing gas boiler should be carried out. We will tell you how to prepare a room for installing a heat generator, how to correctly organize the removal of combustion products. Our tips will help you build a safe and efficient system.

The information provided for review is based on regulatory documents. To optimize the perception of a difficult topic, the text is supplemented with useful illustrations and video instructions.

Those who are sure that the installation begins with its purchase are greatly mistaken.

We will start with the collection of permits. Simultaneously with obtaining the necessary papers, one should take up the selection and preparation of a place for installing the heating unit, while taking into account the following regulatory requirements:

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The premises in which the gas boiler will operate are specified in SNiP 31-02-2001, DBN V.2.5-20-2001, SNiP II-35-76, SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 41-104-2000 - these documents exclude or minimize any emergency situations. Premises for placing gas boilers fall under the classification of fire and explosion hazards, therefore, when designing, planning, installing and configuring equipment for gas heating, all requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler must be strictly observed.

General requirements for the installation of gas appliances

In the room intended for the installation of a gas boiler, according to the above standards, there should be good natural lighting: 1 m 3 should account for at least 0.03 m 2 of the window opening area (but not windows - partitions, frames and imposts are not taken into account). Be sure to equip the room with a supply and exhaust ventilation system according to the following rules: the total volume of direct and reverse air flows per hour, multiplied by 3, is equal to the volume of the entire exhaust device. In addition to the window equipped with a window, a door with access to the street is installed in the room. The table shows the requirements for the volume of the room:


For gas-fired units with a power of more than 6000 W, 0.2 m3 should be added for each extra unit of power.

Supervisory requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler stipulate that it is allowed to operate any devices for heating an apartment on each floor of a multi-storey building and in any room of the apartment. Kitchens in multi-storey buildings are also suitable for these requirements, as they are already equipped with the appropriate communications. The only condition is that the total thermal power of all devices for heating water and heating an apartment (boilers, boilers, heating elements, heating radiators, batteries or registers) should not exceed 150 kW in total.

The height of the ceilings in the room is 2 meters or more. The room in which the gas boiler will be installed and operated must be separated from neighboring rooms by solid refractory walls. Material for walls or partitions must have a temporary fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours (45 minutes). The room for the boiler must be planned so that in the event of a fire in operation there is no possibility for the fire to spread throughout the apartment.


Gas boilers of the TLO brand, operating on the principle of natural circulation of the coolant, can be installed and should only be operated in the basement of the house or in the basement.

Installation of a gas wall-mounted boiler - kitchen requirements

  1. Ceiling - 2 meters and above.
  2. The total volume of the kitchen is more than 7.5 m 3 , ventilation is installed, a window is installed and there is a door leading to the balcony.
  3. For air exchange, it is necessary to equip a grate at the bottom of the wall or door that opens into the next room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe grill is at least 0.02 m 2.

To install a gas boiler in the kitchen, you may need permission from the gas service.

If the kitchen in the apartment does not meet the requirements of SNiP, then gas heating equipment can be installed and operated only with the permission of the gas supervision.

The existing rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house largely repeat the requirements for boilers that operate in apartments in multi-storey buildings. The differences are caused only by the fact that often in a private house a separate room or building is allocated for heating equipment, which is subject to additional requirements listed below.

Rules for installing a floor-standing gas boiler

  1. In a house under construction, it is necessary to plan a separate room for installing a gas-fired boiler. The room should be with natural air flow through the grate in the door or through a hole in the wall.
  2. Be sure to make a separate hole for supply and exhaust ventilation - it must be under the ceiling.
  3. A hole in the wall for a chimney, a hole below the chimney for a soot duster (for cleaning the chimney), which is made 20-30 cm below the main chimney.
  4. The chimney is made airtight so that smoke and carbon dioxide do not get back into the room. For tightness, a smaller diameter pipe is installed inside the large chimney pipe, through which the products of gas combustion are removed.
  5. The room intended for the installation and operation of the gas boiler must be spacious and provide free access and operation, maintenance and repair of the boiler. The floor in the furnace must be made of non-combustible materials - concrete screed, natural stone, paving stones. The furnace must be connected to the water supply for the operation of the water heater, and equipped with a sewer.
  6. The area of ​​​​the room for the boiler is 4 m 2, the height of the ceilings in the room is at least 2.5 m 2.
  7. The outer door should be 80 cm wide.
  8. The top of the chimney must be above the roof. The cross section of the chimney pipe must be larger than the diameter of the boiler outlet.
  9. To supply power to the boiler room, an electrical panel with grounding must be equipped.
  10. The gas line is brought into the room in advance. A separate valve must be installed for each gas appliance.
  11. The walls of the boiler room are plastered - it is strictly forbidden to finish the walls with combustible materials (MDF, fiberboard, plastic).

It is forbidden to store flammable liquids and objects near the furnace and in the room itself. The foundation under (gas heating unit or gas water heating unit) should not freeze in winter, so its depth should be below the freezing level of the soil in this region. The air from the vent must be clean, that is, the chimney must be located far from the vent. The room or building in which the gas boiler is installed cannot be equipped for other purposes.

Rules for installing wall-mounted gas boilers in an apartment

Usually, in an apartment, a gas boiler is installed in the kitchen, since a gas main is already connected to it, there is water supply and sewerage. That is, a priori, all the requirements for the installation of gas equipment have already been met - it remains only to connect the boiler. This state of affairs automatically reduces the cost of laying utilities and energy. It is forbidden to install a gas boiler in rooms with high humidity - in the bathroom, laundry room, etc.

There are several additional requirements for wall-mounted boilers:

  1. The wall or partition for hanging the boiler must be able to withstand it - do not hang the equipment on a drywall or other light partition.
  2. If the wall is decorated with combustible materials (wallpaper, vinyl, plastic, MDF, fiberboard), then a 3 mm thick non-combustible material gasket is installed between the wall and the wall. In this case, the boiler must be fastened with special hardware, which provide a distance from the boiler body to the wall of at least 4-5 cm.
  3. The minimum distance from the boiler to the ceiling and walls of the room is 0.5 meters. The distance from the boiler to the floor is 0.8 meters.

Before installation and start-up of gas equipment, all relevant documents must be obtained. The main condition for installing a boiler in a private house that runs on gas is that an agreement is first concluded on connecting a gas main, and a project for the installation of gas equipment and gasification of the house is drawn up. These documents are developed and approved by the gas supplier in the region.

Choosing to live in a private house, the owners solve several problems at once and free themselves from the need to put up with the difficulties that plague the inhabitants of city apartments. In order to achieve a high level of autonomy and provide the house with an independent source of heating, homeowners install a gas boiler in a private house in accordance with the requirements of the heating scheme. The device creates comfortable temperature conditions in the house and allows residents to enjoy a cozy atmosphere even in the coldest winters.

A correctly installed floor-mounted gas boiler or wall-mounted equivalent provides users with the following benefits:

Direct installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house is a responsible and time-consuming process. It requires knowledge in the field of heat engineering, and also involves the use of special equipment and a whole list of auxiliary fittings. Since the device burns natural gas during the heating of water in heat exchangers, certain rules must be observed during installation that will reduce the risk of accidents and provide an opportunity to use a safe and reliable source of heating for a long time.

Before proceeding to the active phase of work, it is necessary to study the standards for installing a gas boiler in a private house, as well as coordinate actions with representatives of the relevant utility companies.

The property owner must have the following papers:

The basic rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house are of a general nature. They involve a number of preparatory actions on the part of the user. He will need to optimize the system and prepare it for installation.

To do this, you need to do the following:

Choosing a place to install the device in the house

Unlike residents of apartments, who face some problems when installing a heater, owners of private houses have much more freedom of action. For example, the installation of a gas boiler in a private house, the requirements of which prohibit the installation of the device in living rooms and bathrooms, can be carried out in a furnace (boiler room). If a special room is not provided for by the project of a private house, then the owner can independently determine the place for drilling the brackets and fixing the wall-mounted boiler.

The current standards for installing a gas boiler in a private house, adopted at the state level, allow the installation of a heater in the following rooms, which can be converted into a furnace:

Requirements for the area of ​​the premises and its layout may change, so each project is developed individually.

If the heating gas wall-mounted boiler has a sealed combustion chamber of a closed type, then it can be placed in a room of any size.

If the technical conditions for installing a gas boiler in a private house stipulate the location of the device in a room of a certain area and require windows, then the owner will have to re-equip the house in accordance with the requirements of the project.

The distance from the wall to the boiler can be from 3 mm to 4.5 cm. The choice of the exact location depends on the model of the boiler and the structural features of the wall. Thus, the choice of location has many nuances, so the owner will not only have to find out how much it costs to install a gas boiler in the house, but also provide for all the features of its placement in the furnace.

Mounting the device

As you can see, before installing a gas boiler in a private house, the property owner has to do quite a lot of work. In the course of its implementation, an approved scheme for installing a gas boiler in a private house will be required, which regulates all further actions on the part of the installers.

The main distinguishing feature of wall heaters is their compact dimensions.

If a conventional floor boiler needs to be installed on a special pillow and at the same time take care of allocating enough free space around the device, then a wall-mounted analogue can be installed above other household appliances.

The main thing is to comply with some requirements. One of them stipulates the features of hanging the device - it is important that there is at least 200 mm of free space from the outer walls of the boiler body to other appliances and interior items. At the same time, flammable objects, doorways and windows should not be nearby. You should also prepare a power source in advance - the socket should be located near the heater, otherwise the owner will have to use a carrier.

When the installation site of the boiler is approved, the owner must check the completeness of the appliance. In the standard version, it is represented by the following elements:

Before the installation of gas boilers in a private house, the price of which is approximately from 5 to 15 thousand rubles, the owner will have to flush all the pipes and hoses that are clogged during the assembly and transportation of the boiler.

When starting in a private house, the price of which depends on many factors, it is important to choose the right height for drilling the brackets. It is recommended to raise the boiler from the floor to a height of 80 to 160 cm. When the planks are installed on the wall, the boiler is hung on them. The skew of the device is not allowed, therefore it is necessary to take a building level or a laser pointer and make sure that the boiler is hung evenly.

This is followed by the connection of pipelines to the corresponding nozzles of the boiler. It is advisable to install a filter equipped with shutoff valves for the water supply. You should also connect a pipeline to the boiler. Be sure to use a paronite gasket for this.

Direct start-up of the boiler is carried out by representatives of special services, who will verify the correct installation of the device and give the go-ahead for its full use.

Installation cost

Homeowners who plan to implement an autonomous heating system are often interested in the cost of installing a gas boiler in a private house, made by employees of certified companies. Their services are resorted to by customers who do not have the time or skills to independently connect the boiler.

It should be noted that the cost of services depends on various factors:

On average, installing a double-circuit gas boiler in a private house will cost real estate owners about 5,000-6,000 rubles. Specialists can install a single-circuit boiler for a slightly smaller amount.

Additional funds may be charged for project preparation, individual manufacture of brackets and strobes, laying pipes, tying the comb (collector), etc. The presence of non-standard walls in the house will increase the cost of installation, the thickness of which does not allow using conventional equipment for drilling holes and requires a powerful technology.

Choosing a good powerful boiler for your home is a difficult task for a homeowner. But competent installation of the device is of great importance, and is no less responsible. Following the rules for installing heaters in private homes, the owner implements a reliable and efficient heating system that will work properly throughout the entire period of operation.