Pipe from condensing gas boilers. Installation of condensing boilers

In European countries, traditional (Convection) boilers have long been abandoned. What is the reason for this approach? Europeans are solid people and know how to calculate the benefits, but if they use condensing boilers, then there is a benefit here. In what way can it be expressed?

Pros and cons of condensing boilers

  1. The high efficiency of the boilers is ensured by the combustion gas, which emits a large amount of water vapor and has a very high temperature. The boiler equipment supplies this “additional heat” to the boiler heat exchanger, which provides additional heat removal.
  2. Unlike traditional boiler the condensing boiler has a modulation range of 6 kW, resulting in reduced consumption (20-30% depending on average temperature winters).
  3. Thanks to closed cell combustion is safer and more environmentally friendly.
  4. Small weight and dimensions of the boiler.
  5. Low noise and vibration levels.

From these indicators it is clear why practical Europeans opt for condensing boilers, although they are somewhat more expensive than usual. In Russia, according to the owners of such boilers, their payback due to gas savings comes to 2 – 4 year of operation.

Installation of condensing heating boilers

The use of a condensing boiler in the heating system must be included in the project. Since it differs significantly from the usual wiring, pipe diameter and chimney feature.

As a rule, for heating private houses they use wall boilers. Their power is enough to heat the house, and their compact size allows you to place it in any convenient location, construction of a separate boiler room is not required. For example, a boiler with dimensions of only 589x368x364 is able to heat a house up to 240 m².

Installation of condensing heating boilers is possible on any reliable base. For this, either the fasteners that come with the kit are used, or a mounting frame is made. The use of such a frame allows you to organically fit this boiler into any interior.

Having fixed the boiler on the wall, proceed to connect the communications in accordance with the relevant diagrams. The output of carbon monoxide is carried out through the chimney, the pipe must be insulated and there should not be flammable surfaces nearby.

It is wiser to use such a high-efficiency boiler with systems that also have high performance. For example, with Kermi radiators, which have the most high level heat transfer and heating system known as the Tichelmann loop.

Loop heating installation has a number of advantages:
System balance. No additional regulators required.
High efficiency due to equal water flow throughout the system.
Uniform heating of radiators.

These effects are achieved due to the fact that the return heating main starts from the first radiator, reaches the final one, and from there it is fed to the boiler. As a result, all radiators function as a single unit and, regardless of the distance from the boiler, they heat up the same way.

It's time to consider and deal with the features of condensing gas boilers ...

Condensing gas boilers: principle of operation, types and advantages

Thanks to their high-tech design, condensing boilers make the heating system much more convenient, comfortable, and economical. If in conventional devices combustion products give off only part of the thermal energy, in this case this is done to the maximum. The Luch Tepla company presents boilers of all types in a large assortment.


By their structure, condensing boilers are indistinguishable from typical heating appliances. Available in several versions:

  1. wall-mounted (more traditional, focused on individual heating systems of private residential buildings);
  2. floor (increased power, designed for use in office and industrial premises).

Their design includes a non-standard heat exchanger made on the basis of acid-resistant materials. Usually - from steel-stainless steel or silumin. It looks like a pipe with a complex section and spiral fins. All this increases the heat exchange area and makes the gas boiler more efficient.

Besides, condensation device equipped with a fan placed in front of the burner. It "sucks" the gas from the gas pipeline, mixes it with air and directs it directly to the burner. The boiler also has a pump with electronic control, which allows you to optimize the heating power, reduce noise from the coolant passing through the system and save on electricity.

Types of Condensing Gas Boilers :

Condensing boilers are of several types:

  1. single-circuit;
  2. double-circuit;
  3. heating;
  4. water heating.

At the same time, their power can vary from 20 kW to 100 kW, which is quite enough for domestic boilers. For office and industrial premises, they are produced with greater power and in the floor version.

Operating principle of condensing gas boilers :

In standard boilers, hot exhaust gases are simply thrown into the atmosphere through the chimney, losing a significant proportion of unused heat. It is discharged to the outside along with the waste products in the form of water vapor, which is formed at the time of fuel combustion. It is in the pair that the additional thermal energy, which condensing boilers store and then transfer to the heating system.

Cooling, the vapor condenses, that is, it becomes a liquid, and releases a certain amount of heat. This process takes place in a special heat exchanger with an expanded area. It is he who “takes away” heat for transfer to the heating system. This approach has been known before. But it began to be used relatively recently due to the emergence of corrosion-resistant alloys, which form the basis for the production of condensing boilers.

Features of operation of CONDENSING gas boilers:

The efficiency of such gas devices largely depends on the characteristics heating system. The lower the water temperature, the more complete the process of condensation of water vapor. Therefore, the higher the amount of latent heat that is returned to the system.

In this way, the condensation mode is maintained throughout the entire heating period. That's why essential condition for the functioning of the condensing boiler is the average temperature of the coolant. For example, at the entrance to the boiler, it should be less than 60 degrees (ideally, up to 57 degrees). This will give better condensation and increase the efficiency of the heating device.

But even if you combine a condensing boiler with an old system, it will still bring tangible savings, as it will be more efficient than the previous equipment. This is due to the fact that in our climatic zone the most frosty days in total occupy a little more than 10 percent of the duration of the entire heating period. On other days optimal condensation is possible.


Among the basic advantages of this type of boilers is high efficiency. In this case, it is equal to 108-109 percent, when compared with other boilers. Another advantage is their increased economy. It is approximately 15-20 percent more than standard heating appliances.

Conventionally, the installation scheme (we consider the Victrix 50 boiler as an example) can be divided into several connection stages:

  • security kit;
  • storage boiler;
  • solar collector;
  • hydraulic separator.

Let's take a closer look at each stage.

Safety kit

When connecting a boiler with a power of more than 35 kW, European legislation obliges to pay closer attention to safety issues. Therefore, a special safety kit is provided, which includes a safety thermostat, a maximum water pressure switch (4 bar), a pressure gauge and a system filling valve (sleeve for connecting a gas shut-off valve thermocylinder).

Connection fittings are also provided. expansion tank and the sleeve of an immersion alcohol thermometer. The pressure switch and the overheating thermostat are manually unlocked and are connected in series to the boiler power circuit (Fig. 2). The limit of operation of safety devices is configurable and is 3 bar and 105 °C, respectively. This kit enables a compact, quick and reliable installation of safety devices and guarantees reliable protection from emergencies under any circumstances.

storage boiler

Since the boilers are single-circuit, it is proposed to use a storage type boiler to meet the needs for hot water. Several standard sizes of boilers are offered, with a capacity from 80 to 200 liters. Boilers have a rectangular body white color. The material for the manufacture of the body and the coil of the boiler is food grade stainless steel High Quality. To reduce heat loss, the boiler is enclosed in high-performance polyurethane foam insulation.

The boilers are equipped with spiral heat exchangers with a large heat exchange surface, which are connected according to the counterflow scheme (Fig. 3). This allows you to quickly heat the accumulated water supply. To ensure high volume cooking hot water, it is possible to use two boilers with a volume of 200 l, in which the heating medium and sanitary water circuits are connected in parallel. To connect the boiler to the boiler, you must use a special kit, which consists of adapters and a three-way valve. As in all other mounted boilers, operation in hot water mode is based on the principle of hard DHW priority.

Connecting solar collectors

A feature of 200-liter boilers is the possibility of their work with solar collectors. On fig. 4 shows an example of connecting solar collectors to a heat supply system based on a condensing boiler. High-quality solar collectors and a house heating system coordinated with them allow considering economic use solar energy already like necessary condition building an effective system.

In our latitudes, the total radiation (reflected and direct) in optimal conditions(cloudless clear sky, middle of the day) is a maximum of 1000 W/m 2 . Solar collectors, depending on their type, allow the use of up to 75% of the total radiation. It remains only to note that from our point of view, the combination of a condensing boiler + solar collector(heat pump) - most promising direction further development autonomous heating systems.

hydraulic separator

Since the boiler is designed to carry out a significant heat load, this implies the presence of separate heating circuits with zone control. Therefore, the issue of independent control of circuits becomes relevant. There is a possibility of a change in the amount of coolant circulating through the boiler, which adversely affects its hydraulic regime.

The natural solution in this situation is the use of a hydraulic separator (hydraulic arrow). At the same time, a transition is made to pipes of a larger diameter, which makes it possible to connect the “hydraulic arrow” directly to the supply and return distribution manifolds. For one boiler it is offered compact version solutions of this node, in the form of a pipe rectangular section(Fig. 5).

This unit is located directly under the boiler, which can significantly reduce the installation dimensions. Since the collector is installed horizontally, in order to remove sludge from the heating system, it is obligatory to install a sediment filter on the return line, in front of the collector.